How to make an experience potion in minecraft. How to get an experience bottle in Minecraft? What is the ID of the experience bubble?

A good experience scale allows a Minecraft player to achieve new heights, easily passing level after level - passing through maps, various kinds of rewards on the server.

In the standard way, experience is gained by working in mines and caves (ore mining), or defeating mobs. True, there is another good way to gain precious experience - get a bottle of experience. It is available to the player only in creative mode; you will not be able to make it yourself. Because an experience bottle is a container with experience that can be purchased for emeralds from villagers.

If you do not want to buy anything, use the special command - /give @p experience_bottle, after opening the console.

Application in practice

So, after the user already has the experience bubble (look for the highlighted sphere in the inventory), it can be used in several ways. The first one is easy to throw, the second one is to be released from the dispenser. After which, upon collision, the experience bubble will break on one of the solid blocks. What is the result? A broken potion drops approximately 2-3 experience spheres. They are equal to from 3 to 11 experience points. Thus, the player receives the required amount of experience without using server commands.

Experience in games is a useful thing. This also applies to the famous Minecraft project. Without experience, you will not be able to advance in this game. And going as a weak character into the habitat of terrible monsters is not safe.

The game has special potions that allow you to increase your level. There are different ways to obtain them. Today you will learn how to get an experience bottle in Minecraft.

Why do you need experience at all?

If you have little experience, then your capabilities in the game will be very limited. It is its accumulation that allows you to level up, gain access to the enchantment table and wear fashionable things.

You can gain experience in different ways: fighting mobs, destroying buildings, trying to catch fish... You can also break a bottle with a special potion. The experience looks like a sphere shimmering with different colors. If you absorb it, the level indicator will increase.

How to get the potion?

If a player dies, part of his experience will be lost. And you often have to die in this game - usually due to negligence. Therefore, everyone wants to get a potion that allows them to increase the amount of experience. Special bubbles allow you to get from 3 to 11 spheres. Throw the resulting bottle onto something hard - it will break and balls will appear in front of you.

There are several mining options:

  • command line;
  • purchase;
  • modifications;
  • search in treasures.

The easiest way is to issue the special command /give 384 1. It will be dishonest, but this is the easiest way to get the coveted bottle. As for searching in Minecraft dungeons, this method is more profitable - the probability of bottles falling out is very small, but you can get some rare items.

The next extraction method is to visit the residents in a local village. Find a man there dressed in lilac clothes. This is the priest who is usually in the church. He has a lot of useful things, so you can buy everything. Sometimes bubbles do not appear on sale right away - you must first purchase several other items from him.

Sometimes the administration holds various events for players, and among the prizes you can see those same bottles. As for the crafting method, this cannot be done in the original version of the game. Special modifications will come to the rescue, allowing you to do what was initially prohibited by the developers. If you install one of the appropriate mods, you will be able to make experience bubbles with your own hands. To do this you will need a stove and certain ingredients.

For production you need three units of ordinary glass, which is created by burning sand in a furnace. The latter can be found in the desert, on the beach and other places.

We have described the main ways to obtain rare and valuable experience bubbles in the game Minecraft. You can choose any of the proposed methods - it depends on which one you consider most suitable.

Ordinary life is not very friendly to those who have little experience. They hire you with difficulty, if at all the employer is at all interested in you. It's not easy to do something without the skills. And in general, if you do something for a more or less long time without success, a loser consciousness is formed. It's the same in Minecraft. For a beginning, inexperienced crafter, everything is interesting, but not everything is within his control. And if for a Minecraft player this is already permanent residence, but the experience hasn’t increased much, the sensations are still the same. It is necessary to clarify here, since not everyone can know what experience in Minecraft is. These are the conditional achievements of crafters, expressed in numerical form. After performing certain actions, the player receives so-called experience points. Experience (also known as expa in slang), in addition to serving as an indicator of the crafter’s level, has another important meaning - it can be spent on enchanting necessary things.

The player collects exp in the form of spheres into his “bank” from the mobs he has killed, mining, for example, ore, etc. The “bank” in Minecraft is a strip divided into squares at the bottom of the screen, directly below the hunger and health bars. This, so to speak, is a natural way to gain experience in Minecraft. But there is another way, added later. It's more mysterious, magical, or something. It consists of obtaining a potion of experience. It is a flask filled with this drug that adds points.

Although its name and appearance are very similar to a regular potion, it acts differently. Its properties are rather similar to the properties of exploding potions in Minecraft. To shake out precious exp from the flask, you need to either throw it on an object (in most cases, hard) or “shoot” it from the dispenser. In place of a broken flask in Minecraft, from one to three experience spheres appear, which in total can give from three to eleven points. The exp sphere is a beautiful iridescent yellow-green entity. The main purpose of this potion is to encourage crafters playing on the Minecraft server. It is also used when passing maps. But, of course, players have long been taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity in any circumstances.

How to get an experience potion?

How to make an experience potion in Minecraft? And you can do it, or rather get it, in five ways. Let's take a look at them.

  • Buying from villagers. It is best to find a person wearing lilac clothes. Having found it, know that in front of you is a Minecraft priest. Logically, one should look for him where he happens most often - in church. But the priest will not necessarily sell you the experience potion right away. He should take a closer look at you and draw some conclusions about you. Therefore, to show him that you are a completely decent character, and also not with the emptiest pockets in Minecraft, buy at least something from him. Having gained trust, you will eventually receive the desired mixture.
  • Search. Where to look in Minecraft? In treasuries. The chances of finding the desired potion there are low, but, in general, you will not lose anything. Most likely, you will still find something there, some valuable item. So, even if you don’t get rich from the experience, you will become a little wealthier in the material sense.
  • The simplest way to make an experience potion is to working with the command line. By registering /give 384 1 in Minecraft, you can safely hope to receive a flask with the necessary liquid.
  • Sometimes, while conducting some events in Minecraft, the administration gives a potion some crafters. This, of course, is also an option, but it’s hardly worth counting on it seriously. But know that this method, despite the very low chances of becoming a little more experienced, also works.
  • You cannot craft an experience potion in Minecraft. But, as always, they come to our aid fashion. For example, if you melt ordinary flasks in a stove, with the Bottle o’ Enchanting mod installed, you will receive bubbles with exp.

Well, now that you are already able to make an experience potion, a couple of interesting notes.

  • A broken experience bottle leaves behind blue particles.
  • In Minecraft, if you break a flask with a potion on a mob, it will not provoke it to attack.

Experience in games is a useful thing. This also applies to the famous Minecraft project. Without experience, you will not be able to advance in this game. And going as a weak character into the habitat of terrible monsters is not safe.

The game has special potions that allow you to increase your level. There are different ways to obtain them. Today you will learn how to get an experience bottle in Minecraft.

If you have little experience, then your capabilities in the game will be very limited. It is its accumulation that allows you to level up, gain access to the enchantment table and wear fashionable things.

You can gain experience in different ways: fighting mobs, destroying buildings, trying to catch fish... You can also break a bottle with a special potion. The experience looks like a sphere shimmering with different colors. If you absorb it, the level indicator will increase.

If a player dies, part of his experience will be lost. And you often have to die in this game - usually due to negligence. Therefore, everyone wants to get a potion that allows them to increase the amount of experience. Special bubbles allow you to get from 3 to 11 spheres. Throw the resulting bottle onto something hard - it will break and balls will appear in front of you.

There are several mining options:

  • command line;
  • purchase;
  • modifications;
  • search in treasures.

The easiest way is to issue the special command /give 384 1. It will be dishonest, but this is the easiest way to get the coveted bottle. As for searching in Minecraft dungeons, this method is more profitable - the probability of bottles falling out is very small, but you can get some rare items.

The next extraction method is to visit the residents in a local village. Find a man there dressed in lilac clothes. This is the priest who is usually in the church. He has a lot of useful things, so you can buy everything. Sometimes bubbles do not appear on sale right away - you must first purchase several other items from him.

Sometimes the administration holds various events for players, and among the prizes you can see those same bottles. As for the crafting method, this cannot be done in the original version of the game. Special modifications will come to the rescue, allowing you to do what was initially prohibited by the developers. If you install one of the appropriate mods, you will be able to make experience bubbles with your own hands. To do this you will need a stove and certain ingredients.

For production you need three units of ordinary glass, which is created by burning sand in a furnace. The latter can be found in the desert, on the beach and other places.

We have described the main ways to obtain rare and valuable experience bubbles in the game Minecraft. You can choose any of the proposed methods - it depends on which one you consider most suitable.

Used by players to gain additional experience. The bubble is thrown onto a solid block and when broken, experience spheres (from 1 to 3 pieces) fall out of it, which give from 3 to 11 units. experience. In total, the vial can contain from 3 to 33 units. experience.

The experience bubble is present in Minecraft versions: 1.8.2, 1.8.1, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.7.5, 1.6.4, 1.5.2.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to craft it yourself. In order to get the coveted cone with experience you need:

  • or use creative mode;
  • or enter the command /give @p experience_bottle;
  • or buy from villagers.

Potions you can make yourself:

Experience in the game Minecraft is the same age limit as in real life. After all, until you are 18 years old, you are prohibited from purchasing alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Everything is the same in minecraft, with a small amount of experience you will not have access to the capabilities presented in the game. By accumulating experience during the game, your level will gradually increase. Actually, this is what most players strive for. The main advantage that experience gives is the ability to work with an enchantment table.

You can gain experience in the following ways: by killing a mob, destroying a building, by catching fish, or by breaking a bottle with experience. The experience is an iridescent yellow-green sphere. The amount of your experience is shown on the bottom indicator.

After death, the player loses part of the accumulated experience. And they turn into drops, and some simply disappear. Therefore, players immediately have a question: “How to make a minecraft experience bubble?” Using an experience bottle, you can get from 3 to 11 units of spheres. In order to use the potion, you need to throw it on a hard surface, and then collect spheres of experience. But in order to stock up on the required number of bubbles, you will have to use one of the following methods:

  • Use the command line
  • Search for a potion
  • Buying a potion
  • Administration
  • Use modification

The simplest of the above methods is to use the creative mode in minecraft. This can be done using the command /give 384 1.

The next method is to search in various treasuries in the vastness of Minecraft. It is quite good, despite the fact that the drop rate is not that great. Also, such a search can result in a very interesting find, in the form of rare things in the game.

The third method is also quite good! You need to go to the minecraft village, where you need to find a local resident in lilac clothes. This resident is a priest. Of course, it would be nice to go to church. But the bottle will not appear in your inventory right away. Therefore, you should upgrade it and purchase everything that it offers you. When the priest sells a certain amount and sees your purchasing initiative, then he will put the experience bottle up for sale. This method also works exclusively in creativity.

On various servers, during various events, players are given a potion with experience as a gift.

It is not possible to create a bubble in the game itself, but with the help of mods it is not so difficult to create bubbles. If you download and install the Bottle o’ Enchanting mod, then creating experience bubbles in Minecraft will not be a problem for you! First we need to melt ordinary bubbles in a furnace. After which, at the output we will receive flasks directly with the experiment. The flasks are made of glass and we will need to make three pieces.

In order to obtain glass, it is necessary to burn sand with coal in a furnace. Glass is the raw material for making flasks.

The main methods for making experience in Minecraft are described in detail. Therefore, you need to decide: to gain experience through battles and labor. Or don’t bother and install a modification that will make gaining experience easy. The potion itself is not provided for in the crafting of the original minecraft game, so it is classified as a rare and valuable thing.

Experience in the game Minecraft is the same age limit as in real life. After all, until you are 18 years old, you are prohibited from purchasing alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Everything is the same in minecraft, with a small amount of experience you will not have access to the capabilities presented in the game. By accumulating experience during the game, your level will gradually increase. Actually, this is what most players strive for. The main advantage that experience gives is the ability to work with an enchantment table.

You can gain experience in the following ways: by killing a mob, destroying a building, by catching fish, or by breaking a bottle with experience. The experience is an iridescent yellow-green sphere. The amount of your experience is shown on the bottom indicator.

Ways to get an experience bubble

After death, the player loses part of the accumulated experience. And they turn into drops, and some simply disappear. Therefore, players immediately have a question: “ How to make a minecraft experience bottle?". Using a bubble with experience, you can get from 3 to 11 units of spheres. In order to use the potion, you need to throw it on a hard surface, and then collect spheres of experience. But in order to stock up on the required number of bubbles, you will have to use one of the following methods:

  • Use the command line
  • Search for a potion
  • Buying a potion
  • Administration
  • Use modification

The simplest of the above methods is to use the creative mode in minecraft. This can be done using the command /give 384 1.

The next method is to search in various treasuries in the vastness of Minecraft. It is quite good, despite the fact that the drop rate is not that great. Also, such a search can result in a very interesting find, in the form of rare things in the game.

The third method is also quite good! You need to go to the minecraft village, where you need to find a local resident in lilac clothes. This resident is a priest. Of course, it would be nice to go to church. But the bottle will not appear in your inventory right away. Therefore, you should upgrade it and purchase everything that it offers you. When the priest sells a certain amount and sees your purchasing initiative, then he will put the experience bottle up for sale. This method also works exclusively in creativity.

On various servers, during various events, players are given a potion with experience as a gift.

It is not possible to create a bubble in the game itself, but with the help of mods it is not so difficult to create bubbles. If you download and install the Bottle o’ Enchanting mod, then creating experience bubbles in minecraft waking up is not a problem for you! First we need to melt ordinary bubbles in a furnace. After which, at the output we will receive flasks directly with the experiment. The flasks are made of glass and we will need to make three pieces.

In order to obtain glass, it is necessary to burn sand with coal in a furnace. Glass is the raw material for making flasks.


The main methods for making experience in Minecraft are described in detail. Therefore, you need to decide: to gain experience through battles and labor. Or don’t bother and install a modification that will make gaining experience easy. The potion itself is not provided for in the crafting of the original minecraft game, so it is classified as a rare and valuable thing.
