How to hide your Facebook friends list from others. Facebook privacy settings

In a series of correspondence with relatives and friends on social networks through various applications, instant messengers and comments on Facebook, many people often forget about their own vulnerability...

Every time you share some information about yourself on various social networks, this information becomes available to almost any eyes. As a result, people or organizations in the real world or outside of our social network friends list may use our information without permission or knowledge. Do users need to think about their own privacy on Facebook?

This property allows you to effectively configure and sort your friends into those who can see certain information from your Facebook page and those who will not have access. This concept involves dividing your friend list into separate categories, including family members, colleagues, friends, and so on.

In the left sidebar on the main panel there is a “Friends” block, go to this section.

Once you've sorted people into different categories, you can set privacy and access settings for each category. For example, you might want to prevent your office colleagues from seeing certain photo albums, but to make sure these photos are available to your friends and family. The same applies to contact information, timeline and news feed.

You now also have the option to automatically assign new friends to a specific category. It is worth noting that if you place a person in two categories at once - for example, Friends and Colleagues - then the privacy settings of the more closed category will be applied to this person.

When adding entries, you can specify the group to which it is intended:

2. Hide your profile from Facebook search

Don’t want all sorts of strange and unknown people to join you? Then you can prevent your account from appearing in Facebook search results. How to do this?

All you need to do is go to the privacy settings page and click on “Settings” on the right side of the “Privacy” box. Once you're there, simply switch the value. We can say that in this way your page becomes practically inaccessible to most Facebook users.

3. Hiding the page from search engines

In addition to the internal search system on Facebook, you should also be wary of being present in all search engines, be it Google or Yandex. Essentially, if you're hiding from Facebook searches, it makes sense to immediately hide your account from search engines, since people will still be able to find you by name.

If you want to prevent people from even catching a glimpse of your Facebook page, in the settings section, go to the "Privacy" page. After that, edit the “Who can find me?” item, and then you can see what your page will look like for prying eyes. In addition, here you can uncheck the “Allow access to search engines” checkbox.

You can determine what you want to display on the wall, be it some personal secret, a complaint about work, or even philosophical reflections. However, you cannot control whether or not your friends write on the wall.

Some friends will allow themselves to write things on your wall that you wouldn’t really want to take out “in public” and show everyone, be it a showdown in personal relationships, financial difficulties, and so on. If you have such people on your friends lists, then you might be interested to know that you can control who can see other users' wall posts and who can't.

Go to the privacy settings page again, and click on “Chronicles and Tags.” You have two ways to customize how your wall (chronicle) works. The first involves a complete ban on everyone posting on your wall. To do this, open the options for Who can post on the wall, select either (friends) or (no one). Next comes the point (who can see others' posts on your timeline), and here all the points are logically clear.

5. Instant personalization

Many of us already know that many companies collect information about us to create their own marketing strategies. And many of us really don't like it. Whether you know it or not, instant personalization only grants access to specific websites you visit. Often these sites need personal information in order to provide you with more relevant, personalized information.

You may not feel comfortable visiting sites and services that suck out your personal information, even though it may be with good intentions.

If this is the case, then you can easily disable this feature by going to the privacy settings page and simply uncheck the “Change personalization system on partner sites” option.

6. Availability of information through friends

Everyone has information that they don't really want to share with their Facebook friends. In addition, this information can sometimes be used in various applications, again, “purely for the sake of personalization.” If you want to keep this information secure, then simply indicate what information you want to disclose and what you do not want to disclose.

Once you go to the privacy settings page, you will then see a list of options related to the display of your information.

In conclusion

We hope these guidelines for Facebook privacy settings will help you keep your personal data and sensitive information safe. If you have any other tips on this, be sure to share them in the comments! Thank you in advance!

Facebook (“Facebook” is the largest social network, the purpose of its creation was virtual communication, like in many other social networks, you can add friends on Facebook, post various information files on your page, manage confidentiality and privacy settings.

How to hide your friends list on Facebook

Not every social media user will like the idea that someone can go to a page and view their list of friends. For many this is critical. And probably many are interested, how to hide friends on facebook(our service ), it turns out everything is quite simple:

    Second, you should find the “manage” button with a pencil, it is located next to the “+” button - add to the list of friends. After clicking on it, you must select the “Edit privacy settings” tab. In the window that opens, you can configure the privacy of your friends list.

    Third, next to the list of friends there is a menu where you can see the current privacy settings. This is where you can make the list of your friends visible only to the user of the page - you need to select the “Only Me” button, or you can select some users who can view the list of your friends.

There are times when a user does not want to read the posts of his friends. To block unwanted posts, there are also certain settings:

    First, before how to hidefriends on Facebook, you should choose a friend whose posts are not desirable for your attention.

    Second, you need to hover your mouse over one of this friend’s posts, a small downward arrow will appear, then you should click this arrow, thereby opening the menu.

    Third, in the menu that opens, you must click the “unsubscribe” button; this action will delete the message and the rest of the posts will also be blocked from entering your news feed. You can restore everything as it was by clicking on the “restore” button, or on this friend’s page, click the “subscribe” button.

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Hidden friends on Facebook

Each person has an environment, and it is divided into close friends and just acquaintances. Sometimes you don’t want just some acquaintance to know more than necessary. For this, there are certain settings that allow you to, hidden friends on facebook did not see information that is intended only for best friends. These settings ensure that only the right people see the files posted on your page. If you have an account on Periscope, we will help you become more popular on this network - to do this, you just need to go to the following address .

    You need to go to the friends tab.

    Then groups will become visible, into which you can sort your list of friends, and accordingly close/open access to a certain group.

This option assumes that hidden friends on facebook They will not see your photos/files that are intended for a narrow circle of friends. You can get followers, retweets or “favorites” on Twitter

Are you annoyed by particularly curious individuals who are always monitoring changes in your friends list, or are you communicating with friends who are in a quarrel and you don’t want to escalate the situation? In that case, this instruction is just for you. They can be “hidden”.

Hide all friends

Ask how to hide your friends list on Facebook? Very simple! Read how to hide friends on VKontakte.

Hide individual friends

Now let's figure out how to hide a person in your Facebook friends list. I have to disappoint you, you can’t hide one friend!

The network is built in such a way that all participants are categorized in some way. And the hiding mechanism also works with these categories. Therefore, if you want to hide one, hide a specific group, for example, “Friends”.

Tired of one of your friends' news

If you don’t want to see posts from a certain person in your news feed, but you also don’t intend to delete him from your friends, there is an easy way out. News from any user can be hidden:

Thus, you have learned to hide your friends list from prying eyes, as well as hide news from individual people from your feed. Also, you can learn how to download videos from Facebook by reading the article

Facebook may seem a little confusing and overwhelming for a newbie, one of these reasons is the security of user data. Everyone can independently control and customize almost every part of their profile. If you don’t want other users to see the list of your friends, hide them, how to do this, read on.

We recommend everyone to hide their friends. Unfortunately, on Facebbok you can send friend requests to almost everyone, who can then write various nasty things, call you, send spam, and so on. Since the user who sends the request can invite you to all sorts of events, add you to groups with strange links and chats, it’s easy to protect your friends from such individuals.

How to hide friends on Facebook?

  1. Login to your .
  2. As the news feed opens, go to the profile page.
  3. Click on friends.
  4. A page with a list of friends will open. Click on the edit button (in the form of a “pencil”) and select the item Edit privacy settings.
  5. Everyone can set privacy themselves; you can decide who will see the list of your friends. You can create specific lists of who can see friends, or for whom you can block access to your friends. There is an option “Only me”, by selecting which no one except you will see the list of your friends.
  6. You can also edit the visibility of your subscriptions: pages, profiles and lists.

After you close the settings window, you can look at your page as other users see it. You can select a specific person and see how he sees your page.

Hide friends on Facebook through the application

  1. Open the Facebook application on your device, click on the three bars at the top of the screen:
  2. Scroll down the screen and find<<Настройки аккаунта>> and go to point<<Конфиденциальность>> :
  3. Let's move on to point<<Кто может посмотреть список всех ваших друзей>>:
  4. We mark who has access to your list of friends, it can be: everyone, only you and separately created lists:
  5. In the privacy settings, you can also choose who can send you friend requests, who and how can hiccup you on the social network.

This cannot be done in the mobile application. Therefore, you will need a web version of the social network.

Open the VKontakte website on your computer or mobile device and go to the Settings → Privacy section. In the “My Page” block, select “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.” When the list of contacts opens, mark the people you want to hide from others and click “Save Changes.”

You can hide no more than 30 selected friends - this is the “ ” limit.

If you are using the mobile application, go to settings and select “Account Settings” → “Privacy”. Scroll down the page and click "Who can see all your friends?"

In the next menu, select "Only Me" if you want to hide the list from everyone. Or specify a group of people (“Friends”, “Best Friends”, etc.) to hide contacts from everyone except its members. You can create such groups and add people to them on a special page.

If you use the Facebook website, go to settings and select “Privacy” in the left panel. Then click “Edit” next to “Who can see your friends list?” and switch “Shared by everyone” to “Only me” so that no one else can see your contacts.

You can also click "User Settings" and create a custom list of people to hide your friends from only them.

Thus, it allows you to hide the entire contact list. You cannot hide only selected friends.

Don't forget, even if you hide your contacts, your connection with some of them can still be tracked in the lists of mutual friends and on the pages of users with whom you are friends.