How to change the protective glass on your phone. You can remove the protective glass from your smartphone yourself using simple methods.

Nowadays, many Iphone users install a protective glass on their phone. It is required to protect the touchscreen if the phone falls. After all, its cost is much less than the price of a phone screen. When a smartphone is dropped, it becomes covered with cracks and chips, so it must be replaced. You can change it yourself at home, knowing a few nuances.

How to remove protective glass from iPhone

The display has a smooth surface, so the glass fits tightly to it. In most cases, such protection is maintained not by glue, but by electrostatic forces. Therefore, separating such a product from the screen using improvised means is quite problematic, because the display itself can be damaged. Suction cups won't help either; you can damage the screen or tear off the cable.

Therefore, you should prepare the following tools:

  • A mediator or a thin plastic, flat product;
  • Silicone suction cup included;
  • A napkin, preferably without lint;
  • Alcohol-containing liquid (perfume, wolf);
  • Rubber gloves (if available).

How to remove glass from an iPhone: step-by-step instructions

  • First, you should wash your hands thoroughly to avoid leaving dust and fingerprints; you can also wear gloves.
  • Select the most complete corner of the screen and attach the suction cup there.
  • Using a plastic attachment, try to peel off the protective glass in the corner where the suction cup is attached. You can pull the suction cup slightly towards you.
  • The more the product peels off, the deeper you insert the plastic spatula, moving it on different sides.
  • If the protective glass has already peeled off enough, pull the suction cup to remove it completely.

How to stick new glass on an iPhone: instructions

It is advisable to carry out this replacement procedure in a room where there is not a lot of dust. Before gluing the protective product, you should moisten a napkin in an alcohol-containing liquid and wipe the phone screen. Also wash and dry your hands or wear gloves.

Next, take the new protective glass and remove the adhesive surface from it. Gently hold the product close to the display and center it so that the camera and buttons line up. Next, you need to lower it onto the screen, pressing down a little, thereby accelerating and removing air bubbles.

Wipe and smooth the glass with a cloth, removing any last air bubbles. Now remove the top film that came with the new protective product. If dust accidentally gets under the display, there is nothing to worry about. At this point you can peel off the protection and remove dirt.

Protective glass is a special coating made of high-strength chemical glass that is resistant to mechanical damage, scratches and chips. By installing additional protection on the screen of your IPhone, you will protect the display from possible impacts, thereby extending its service life.

Features of protective glass

Comparing protective glass and film, there are a huge number of advantages on the side of the glass coating.

  • with a thickness of only 0.25 mm, a high level of strength;
  • a special oleophobic coating eliminates the appearance of fingerprints and other greasy contaminants;
  • many types of glass have a nano-coating, thanks to which the smoothness of the glass prevails even over a conventional display;
  • the glass is attached to the screen using a silicone base - shifts and air bubbles are excluded;

Among the varieties of protective flexible glass, there are models with and without folded edges. In the first case, the edges of the protective coating are rounded, this makes the glass almost invisible, and the edges of the glass do not crumble upon impact.

How to remove the protective glass?

Despite the fact that the service life of protective glass is many times longer than the life of the film, there comes a time when the coating needs to be changed. The silicone-based glass is firmly in contact with the main display, so removing the protection will require some skill.

Tools you will need to remove the protective glass:

  1. Microfiber cloth (small).
  2. A strong floss or a special one for cleaning teeth.
  3. Needle.

The process of removing the film itself is not difficult, but you need to be as careful as possible, otherwise the flexible glass will constantly stick again.

Pry the thread under one of the edges that is more convenient for work. To do this, carefully move the edge of the glass with a sharp needle and immediately place a napkin so that the base does not stick again. For convenience, it is better to remove glass with a partner; you will be able to remove the old protective coating more quickly and efficiently.

It is worth noting that this number of tools is designed to remove intact glass. But if the surface is cracked, then more painstaking work and additional items are required. If you are afraid to remove damaged glass yourself or do not have experience, contact a professional. The company that repairs Apple equipment in Nizhny Novgorod, “MakeMeApple,” will help you with this. You can leave a request using the website or by calling.

The main function of protective glass is to protect the phone from shock, cracks and scratches. This element takes care of everything. Over time, it becomes unusable as it loses its attractive appearance. Because of this, the level of protection of the device is reduced. To replace it, you must first learn how to remove the protective glass from your iPhone. This procedure is simple. You just need to follow simple rules.

Why is replacement required?

Before you learn how to remove iPhone 6 and 5, you need to familiarize yourself with the reasons for the replacement:

  • The appearance of the phone is spoiled.
  • The protective functions of the device are lost.
  • If you want to change it to a new glass.

When the phone has a new protective glass, the device looks neat. There are special accessories for the iPhone that are ideal in size. But you can also use universal ones, which need to be glued correctly.

Precautionary rules

You need to take into account one important nuance before removing the protective glass from the iPhone 5 or 6. Since the surface of the screen is perfectly smooth, the glass is securely fixed to it. It is held not only by glue, but also by electrostatic forces. The two surfaces are firmly in contact, and therefore the glass will not be removed so easily. You have to pry it off with your fingernail. If you use another object, such as a knife, for these purposes, there is a possibility of damaging the display.

One won't help here either. If it sticks securely to the damaged surface, there will be no vacuum under it and it will bounce off with force. When the grip is good, the suction cup does not come off, but another difficulty will appear.

The sensor is attached to the body with double-sided tape or glue. Their strength is less compared to the touchscreen and protective glass. If you apply force, you can tear off the entire screen module, which will damage its cables. Therefore, actions must be deliberate. Only then can you use the instructions on how to remove the protective glass from an iPhone 5s or another type of device.


The work must be done carefully. Before removing the protective glass from your iPhone, you need to prepare everything for the procedure:

  • Mediator.
  • Silicone suction cup.
  • Lint-free cloth.
  • Wiper.
  • Medical gloves.

Some glass kits include everything needed to complete the procedure. If these parts are there, then the work is easy.

Features of dismantling

How to remove the protective glass from an iPhone so that everything turns out neatly. Before the procedure, you must wash your hands with soap and dry. You can use rubber gloves. This is necessary to protect against fingerprints and streaks. The screen will look neat.

On the damaged glass, you need to find a whole corner where there are no chips or other damage. You need to attach it with a suction cup, pressing it to the device. The corner with the suction cup must be pryed off using a mediator or spatula so that the glass peels off. To do this, you need to pull the suction cup in your direction.

The procedure must be performed carefully so that the screen is not torn off before a gap forms. If there is no suction cup, you can smoothly insert the pick into the gap that appears. When peeling, you need to deepen the mediator. With a large screen you need to use two tools. Finally, you need to lift the suction cup towards you to completely remove the glass.

New glass sticker

When the user knows how to remove the protective glass from the iPhone, you can safely carry out the procedure. Then you will probably need to glue a new element. To ensure a high-quality result, work should be done in a clean room. Before gluing, you need to apply a cleaner and treat the surface with it. This is necessary to completely eliminate dust and degrease the surface.

The glass must be grasped by the edges. Hands should be washed and dried. You can work with medical gloves. Then you need to pull the tab of the protective film that is on the adhesive surface and remove it. The glass should be kept close to the smartphone to prevent dust particles from sticking during operation.

The glass is placed away from the sensor; it must be centered and leveled. You need to make sure that all the holes match. The product must be lowered onto the display, pressing it slightly. Bubbles must be eliminated immediately by wiping the surface with a dry cloth. At the end, you need to remove the film, which served as protection for the product during transportation.

It is better to immediately eliminate dust particles that have fallen under the glass. It is necessary to carefully peel off the glass, removing any debris. To do this, you can use a napkin or tweezers. Then the glass is put in place. After this, the phone will again be protected from damage. The procedure for removing and gluing glass is the same for all iPhones. You just need to choose the right accessory.

The protective glass on Apple gadgets is designed to protect the devices from damage. Typically, a high-strength chemical composition is used to protect the display from chips and scratches. Some users neglect such protection, but in vain. Protective glass for iPhone 6 and other gadgets can significantly extend the life of your mobile device.

In this article we will look at how to remove the protective glass from iPhone 5 and devices of other versions. We will also pay attention to how to glue protective glass on an iPhone. In addition, we will try to identify the advantages of this method of protecting the display over conventional film.

How to change and how to glue the glass - read the detailed instructions below.

If we compare the 2 main methods of protecting the iPhone display screen - glass and film - most criteria will be in favor of the first.

The advantages of glass coating are:

  • Increased strength with a small thickness of only 0.25 mm.
  • The presence of an oleophobic coating that prevents fingerprints from appearing on the display.
  • Sometimes - the presence of a nanocoating, which gives increased smoothness to the surface.
  • Reliable fastening using silicone elements that prevent the coating from moving and prevent the formation of unevenness and bubbles.

Flexible glass to protect the display of mobile gadgets can also have folded edges. This means that the edges are rounded so the coating is almost invisible. In addition, if the device hits something, the coating will not fall off. So if you are wondering which is the best protective glass, opt for an element with rolled edges.

Removing glass: precautions

Before you get started, there are some rules to consider. First, remember that the glass adheres quite tightly to the display because it is very smooth. But the element is held in place not by glue, but by electrostatic forces. Thus, two perfectly flat surfaces are in close contact, and the glass cannot be removed simply by picking it up with your finger. But you also cannot use a household item, for example, a knife, for this purpose, since there is a risk of damaging the screen or case.

A silicone suction cup will not help in this situation either. If you glue this tool to a damaged coating, a void will form underneath it, and when pressed, it will slide off.

And if the fastening is good, the suction cup will not go anywhere, but another problem will arise. The fact is that the sensor is attached to the body of the gadget using either glue or adhesive tape. The strength of these substances in terms of rupture is much lower than that of glass or touchscreen. Therefore, strong pressure can lead to complete tearing of the display module and damage to its cables. You need to work here carefully and carefully.

How to remove protective glass from iPhone 5S, 4S

Even taking into account the fact that the service life of protective glass is longer than that of films, it also needs to be changed sometimes. The glass comes on a silicone substrate, so it adheres firmly to the display. Removing it will require some skill.

Before removing the protective element, you need to carefully prepare and purchase some tools and materials, namely:

  • A spatula (or a thin plastic card), a mediator.
  • Silicone suction cup.
  • Lint-free cloth.
  • A glass cleaner that must contain alcohol.
  • Gloves.

Sometimes it happens that all the tools and materials listed above are included with a new protective glass. But this happens quite rarely.

And the glass removal algorithm itself includes the following steps:

1 You need to wash your hands well with soap before starting work, and then dry them. You don't have to do this, but just wear gloves. This is necessary to prevent fingerprints or streaks from appearing on the display. 2 If the glass is damaged, you need to choose the area that is best preserved and has no chips. You need to attach the suction cup to this place, pressing it tightly. 3 You need to place a pick or a spatula in the corner to which the suction cup is attached and pry it off. The edge of the coating should peel off. To do this, you will need to pull the suction cup towards you a little, but not too much. To prevent the screen from falling off. This way we will achieve the goal of creating a small distance between the screen and the glass. But if you don’t have a suction cup, just insert the pick deeper. 4 As you peel off the glass, deepen the tool. And if the display is large, you can use 2 mediators or spatulas for the procedure, moving them in different directions. 5 And the last step is to pull the suction cup towards you so that the glass completely moves away from the screen. In this case, you can grab its edges with your fingers and do the same.

How to stick glass on iPhone 6 and other devices

For everything to go perfectly, you need to glue the glass in a clean room where there is no dust. Before sticking the glass, you need to take a lint-free napkin or a simple cloth and slightly wet the display with a cleaning agent or alcohol. This is necessary to clean the surface and remove fatty elements from it.

The gluing procedure is carried out as follows:

1 Pick up a new protective covering for the display. As with removal, keep your hands clean and dry. Or you need to wear gloves. 2 Remove the protective film covering the sticky surface. To do this, you need to grab it by the tongue and pull. 3 How to glue the element itself? The glass should be kept as close to the iPhone display as possible so that small particles of debris or dust do not get on it. After all, any surface tends to quickly accumulate dust. 4 Place the glass cover a few millimeters from the display, align and center it. When gluing, you need to act carefully and carefully ensure that all the holes for the keys, speaker and other elements match. 5 Next, the protective glass on the iPhone 5 is lowered closer to the screen. Lightly pressing and smoothing movements smooth out the surface. So easily we were able to glue the glass to the display. 6 The surface is wiped with a dry cloth. 7 Remove the glued element on top that protected the glass.

If at the end of the procedure you see small dust particles under the protective element, you can peel off part of the glass and blow them out with a vacuum cleaner or remove them with tweezers. Then you need to glue the element back again. You already know how to re-glue glass.

Now you know how to stick a protective glass on an iPhone. There is nothing complicated in this procedure; replacing glass on an iPhone 5S is as easy as shelling pears. Gluing the protective glass on the iPhone requires careful preparation. And the main thing here is to keep everything clean.

Which is better – glass or film?

The answer is obvious - of course, it is better to opt for glass protection. But the point is not only in impact-resistant properties, but also in durability. One has only to note that glass for iPhone 4 or another version of the gadget costs twice as much as regular film.

So the final choice is up to the user. Think for yourself - what is better - to pay more, but in the future avoid expensive device repairs, or save now, but then shell out a lot of money later. Screen replacement is one of the most expensive types of repair for Apple gadgets. But, on the other hand, film cannot be called a bad option either.

As a result, the summary will be as follows. The film is affordable. It protects the display from minor scratches, removes glare and covers the entire screen. Is a protective film for the iPhone screen necessary, given its characteristics? Absolutely yes. Moreover, its cost is low, and how to stick the film is an even simpler task than in the case of glass.

Glass is an expensive option. It gives glare, but transmits light to the maximum, and also reliably protects against strong falls and deep cracks. And if you have found a way to save money on an iPhone, you will not be satisfied with cheap protection options. In any case, knowing how to save up for an expensive device, you can find funds for good accessories for the iPhone 6S or other device.

To save the iPhone screen from damage, users use a special protective film or bulletproof glass. Of course, the latter is the best option, easily removed from the display. Let's look at how to remove the protective glass from an iPhone yourself and correctly, without turning to specialists. After all, a replacement costs money at a service center.

The phone screen is an important component of the entire package. The display is fragile, glossy, elegant. I would like it to stay like new longer and preferably intact.

Armored glass solves this problem, reliably protecting against scratches and chips. It protects the iPhone an order of magnitude better than film. Its main advantages:

  • due to the presence of an oleophobic film, it prevents the appearance of fingerprints on the screen, repels dirt and dust;
  • acquires special smoothness when nano-coating the surface of the protection;
  • high strength;
  • absence of irregularities, swellings;
  • holds securely and does not move.

Glass is usually secured with silicone elements, glue, and iPhone electrostatics. Therefore, the contact with the display is tight. To remove damaged glass, you may need some tools.

The glass has a silicone backing. Requires replacement periodically, its implementation helps to increase the operational capabilities of the iPhone.

But it happens that sometimes trouble “arrives” with the protective device itself; it is damaged due to the influencing forces and circumstances. Then the phone owner should know how to peel off the glass in case of damage.

Process of removing protection

Let us immediately note that on models such as the iPhone 5, 5s, SE, glass, as a rule, covers the entire surface of the screen, and, for example, for the iPhone 6 they produce glass that is slightly smaller in size. This is due to the fact that the latest iPhones have rounded bodies at the edges. Accordingly, with the iPhone SE, it will be a little more difficult to remove the protection, but still it will not be difficult.

Protection on iPhone SE Glass on iPhone 6

Considering the fact that the protective glass is located close to the display, you will have to work very carefully to replace it with a new one.

It is necessary to perform simple but careful steps:

  1. Having broken armored glass, collect its peeling pieces.
  2. Select a whole corner that is not cracked or damaged and try to pick up the glass. You can use any soft plastic item: a bank card, a pick, etc.
  3. Be careful at the top of the gadget, as well as in the area of ​​the Home button.
  4. Turn on the iPhone to test: see how the screen works.
  5. Make sure everything is in order, then remove any remaining adhesive on the display using an alcohol wipe. To do this, blot the cloth with liquid and carefully remove the remaining glue.

Of course, you can do without additional funds to carry out the “operation” to remove bulletproof glass. But if difficulties arise, you may also need to:

  • latex gloves;
  • napkins;
  • silicone suction cup;
  • alcohol cleaner.


So, as it turns out, removing old damaged bulletproof glass is not difficult. The main thing is not to rush and act carefully. You need to peel off the used protection correctly so as not to damage the expensive iPhone screen. The gadget will last much longer, remaining in perfect condition.