How to choose RAM - criteria and characteristics. How to find out what kind of RAM is on your computer? Is it possible to install RAM modules at a frequency higher than that supported by the motherboard?

Random Access Memory (RAM) is one of the main parts of a computer. This is a volatile component that stores machine code, incoming/outgoing and intermediate data while the computer is running. The process of choosing RAM seems clear at first glance, but it contains many nuances that need to be taken into account in order to purchase quality components.

The easiest way to choose a RAM stick is to use the list of recommended modules on the website of the manufacturer of the motherboard installed on the computer. Since these parts of the PC are inextricably linked with each other (including the processor), it makes sense to pay attention to the manufacturer’s advice. The recommended RAM modules listed on his website will definitely work on your PC.

Another tip to follow when purchasing RAM sticks is matching with other hardware. When buying an inexpensive motherboard and a budget processor, do not choose expensive RAM, because it will not reveal its potential during operation. But it is very important to pay attention to the technical characteristics of RAM.

Main settings

When purchasing new RAM, pay attention to the main parameters that will help you make the right choice.

First, determine what type of RAM is suitable for your motherboard. This parameter is indicated in its description. Today there are four types: SDRAM, DDR (DDR1), DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4.

The most common type of RAM today is DDR3. Unlike modules of the previous generation, it operates at a clock frequency of up to 2400 MHz and consumes 30-40% less power compared to its predecessor. In addition, it has a lower supply voltage, so it generates less heat.

All types of RAM are incompatible with each other in terms of electrical (supply voltage differs) and physical parameters (control holes are located in different places). The photo shows why a DDR3 RAM module cannot be installed in the DDR2 socket.

Healthy! Now the DDR4 standard is gaining popularity. It features lower power consumption and higher operating frequencies (prospect for growth up to 3200 MHz).

The form factor characterizes the size of the RAM sticks. There are two types:

  • DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module) – installed on desktop PCs;
  • SO-DIMM – for installation in laptops or monoblocks.

Bus frequency and bandwidth

The performance of RAM depends on these two parameters. The bus frequency characterizes the amount of information transmitted per unit of time. The higher it is, the more information will pass through the bus in the same time period. There is a directly proportional relationship between bus frequency and bandwidth: if the RAM frequency is 1800 MHz, theoretically it has a bandwidth of 14400 MB/sec.

Do not chase high RAM frequencies on the basis of “the more, the better.” For the average user, the difference between 1333 MHz or 1600 MHz is invisible. It is important only for professional users who are engaged in video rendering, or for overclockers trying to “overclock” the RAM.

When choosing a frequency, take into account the tasks you set for the computer and its configuration. It is desirable that the operating frequency of the RAM modules coincide with the frequency at which the motherboard operates. If you connect a DDR3-1800 stick to a motherboard that supports the DDR3-1333 standard, the RAM will run at 1333 MHz.

In this case, the more, the better - this is the optimal description of the parameter. Today, the minimum allowable amount of RAM that should be installed on a computer or laptop is 4 GB. Depending on the tasks performed on the device, the amount of RAM can be 8, 32 or even 128 GB. For an ordinary user, 8 GB will be enough; for a specialist working with video processing programs, or for a gamer, 16-64 GB of RAM will be needed.

RAM timings are characterized by delays in operation. They are calculated in nanoseconds, and in the description they are indicated by a sequential set of numbers: 9-9-9-27, where the first three parameters are: CAS Latency, RAS to CAS Delay, RAS Precharge Time and DRAM Cycle Time Tras/Trc. They characterize the performance in the “memory-processor” segment, which directly affects the efficiency of the computer. The lower these values, the lower the delay and the faster the PC will perform.

Some companies indicate only one number in the description of RAM modules - CL9. It characterizes CAS Latency. Basically it is equal to or lower than other parameters.

Good to know! The higher the RAM frequency, the higher the timings, so you need to choose the optimal ratio for yourself.

RAM sticks are sold with the designation “Low Latency”. This means that at high frequencies they have low timings. But their cost is higher than that of conventional models.


To increase computer performance, special operating modes of RAM strips are used: one-, two-, three-channel and Flex-Mode. In this case, the speed of the system theoretically increases two, three or more times.

Important! The motherboard must support these operating modes. The description for it indicates which slots you need to install the brackets in to enable the desired mode.

  • Single channel mode starts when one RAM module is used or all the sticks have different parameters. In this case, the system operates at bar speed with the lowest frequency.
  • Dual channel mode turns on when two RAM modules with the same characteristics (frequency, timings, volume) are installed in the connectors. The performance increase is 10-20% in games and 20-70% when working with graphics.
  • Three channel mode activated when three identical RAM sticks are connected. In reality, it does not always outperform dual-channel mode.
  • Flex-Mode (flexible)– increases PC performance when using two RAM sticks of the same frequency, but different in volume.

Important! It is advisable that the memory sticks be from the same delivery batch. There are kits on sale consisting of two to four modules that are completely compatible with each other in operation.

When buying digital equipment, pay attention to the manufacturer. Among the companies producing RAM modules, the most popular are: Corsair, Kingston, GoodRam, Hynix, Samsung and others.

It is interesting that the market for the production of memory chips for RAM modules is almost completely divided between three large companies: Samsung, Hynix, Micron. And large manufacturers use their chips to produce their own models.

Modern RAM sticks operate at low power consumption, so they generate little heat. In view of this, there is no need to buy models with installed radiators. But if you are a fan of overclocking hardware, then take care of purchasing RAM modules with heatsinks. They will prevent them from burning out during overclocking.

If necessary, the user can purchase a cooling system for RAM, consisting of radiators and fans. It is also intended for use by overclockers.

Selecting an existing plank

When purchasing a new RAM module to add to one already installed in your PC, remember that often such combinations do not work together. But if you decide to buy, make sure that the timings and bus frequencies are the same. In addition, choose RAM sticks from the same manufacturer.


If you don't fully understand how to choose RAM, watch this video.

Computer performance is a combination of several factors, or better yet, the technical characteristics of hardware devices, among which the main role is played by the processor, hard drives and, of course, RAM or RAM for short. On a computer, RAM serves as a kind of intermediate link between the processor that performs all the calculations and the storage device - the HDD or SSD. The processes of all programs and the Windows 7/10 operating system itself are loaded into it, but if the volume of application data exceeds the capacity of RAM, the data is cached, for example, in the page file. But in any case, a lack of RAM will cause the computer to run slowly and applications to become less responsive. And on the contrary, the more RAM there is on a PC, the faster data exchange occurs, the faster the system, the more powerful applications you can run.

What are the main characteristics of RAM and why know them?

So, the more RAM, the better, and that is why users often install an additional RAM module on their PC. However, you can’t just go to the store, buy any memory and connect it to the motherboard. If it is chosen incorrectly, the computer will not be able to work, or worse, it will lead to the fact that the RAM will simply fail. Therefore, it is so important to know its key characteristics. These include:

  • RAM type. Depending on performance and design features, DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4 modules are distinguished.
  • Memory. The parameter is characterized by the amount of data that can fit in memory cells.
  • RAM frequency. The parameter determines the speed of operations performed per unit of time. The bandwidth of the RAM module depends on the frequency.
  • Timing. These are time delays between sending a memory controller command and its execution. As the frequency increases, the timings increase, which is why overclocking the RAM can lead to a decrease in its performance.
  • Voltage. The voltage required for optimal operation of the memory stick.
  • Form factor. The physical size, shape of the RAM stick, as well as the number and location of pins on the board.

If you install additional memory, it must have the same size, type and frequency as the main one. If the RAM is completely replaced, attention should be paid to the support of the replaced RAM by the motherboard and processor with only one nuance. If the PC uses Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7 processors, matching the memory frequency and the motherboard is not necessary, because for all these processors the RAM controller is located in the processor itself, and not in the northbridge of the motherboard. The same goes for AMD processors.

How to determine the type and amount of RAM visually

Physically, RAM is an oblong board, most often green, with chips located on it. On this board, the manufacturer usually indicates the main memory characteristics, although there are exceptions. Thus, there are memory strips on which nothing is indicated except the name of the manufacturer. If there are markings, it is not difficult to find out what RAM is installed on the PC. After completely turning off the computer and removing the system unit cover, carefully remove the memory module from the slot (the latter may not be necessary) and carefully study the information on the white sticker.

A number with the GB prefix will indicate the memory capacity, a number with the MHz prefix will indicate the frequency, numbers in the format X-X-X-X will indicate timing, V will indicate voltage. But the type of RAM (RIMM, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, etc.) is not always indicated. In this case, you should pay attention to the throughput, usually designated as PC and check it according to the standards specification on the same Wikipedia page The number after PC usually indicates the DDR generation, for example, PC3-12800 indicates that the PC has DDR3 memory installed.

How to find out how much RAM you have using Windows tools

Above, we briefly discussed how to determine what RAM is on a computer by visually inspecting the module; now let’s find out how to find out its volume using the operating system. Windows 7/10 has a built-in utility for this. msinfo32.exe. By pressing the Win+R keys, bring up the “Run” dialog box, enter the command msinfo32 and press Enter.

In the main section of the system information window that opens, find the item “Installed random access memory (RAM)” and see its volume in GB.

Instead of the msinfo32.exe utility, you can use another built-in component to determine the amount of RAM - a diagnostic tool DirectX. It is launched with the command dxdiag, the amount of memory is displayed in megabytes on the first “System” tab.

Third-party programs for determining RAM parameters

The information provided by the standard Windows utility is sparse. It allows you to find out how much RAM is on your computer, but does not display its other important characteristics. If you need more data, it is better to use special programs. The most famous of them is, of course, AIDA64 Extreme Edition. Information about the memory in this program is contained in the menu Motherboard – SPD and include such characteristics as module name, volume and type, frequency, voltage, timing and serial number.

You can also view the RAM using the program Speccy from the developers of the popular cleaner CCleaner. General information about RAM in the program is available on the main “Summary” tab, and additional information is available on the “RAM” tab. This includes volume, type, timing, channel mode, frequency and some other, less important information. Unlike AIDA64, the Speccy application is free, but it shows less information.

To view the main memory characteristics we can also recommend the utility CPU-Z. The necessary information is located in the “Memory” tab. It includes the type, size, channel mode, ratio of the system bus frequency to the RAM frequency and other additional information. Like Speccy, CPU-Z is free, but it does not support the Russian language, which, however, is not so important.

And finally, we recommend one more program for viewing information about RAM. It's called HWiNFO64-32. Externally and functionally, it is somewhat reminiscent of AIDA64 and at the same time CPU-Z. On the “Memory” tab, the program shows the module type, capacity in megabytes, channel mode (one-, two- or three-channel), clock frequency, timing and other additional information. HWiNFO64-32 is free, the interface language is English, which, as in the case of CPU-Z, is not fundamentally important.

RAM is one of the most important components of any computer and certainly a guarantee of operating speed. In the modern world, even the frequency of the processor does not affect the overall perception of speed as much as RAM. But in order to replace or add this component, you need to thoroughly know all its characteristics - and RAM has a lot of them. So, how do you find out what RAM is in your computer? In this article.

How to find out what RAM is on your computer

RAM has several division branches:

  • the first is volume, a fairly obvious characteristic. The more the better, but look at the processor and motherboard - they support the increase up to a certain ceiling;
  • the second characteristic is type. An ancient SIMM, a slightly less ancient SDRAM... Well, this is unlikely, of course, although it is not excluded. And modern DDR standards - from first to fourth;
  • and finally the memory frequency. Here, as in the case of processor frequency, the higher the better. However, again make sure that your processor runs at this frequency. If it doesn't start, it will be quite a shame.

So, let's start studying these signs.

Simple inspection

The most obvious way to find out your computer's RAM type is without even turning it on. In many cases, it allows you to determine the required characteristics with absolute accuracy, but it also has a number of significant disadvantages. You will have to open the computer - for some this is a significant stopping factor. The sticker on the memory stick may not correspond to reality, be insufficiently informative, as with many not very well-known manufacturers, or be completely absent. However, this method can be used quite well.

Note. There is another labeling standard. Pay attention to the picture above. In brackets on the sticker you can see the inscription PC3 10600. These are nothing more than encoded characteristics, excluding volume. PC3 - DDR3, 10600 - frequency. To get the usual value in megahertz, you need to divide this number by 8. You get the familiar 1333.

You can also add that the type of memory can be determined by the location of the contacts and cutouts on the bottom edge, but this is a rather complicated and unnecessary method, so we will bypass it.

Diagnostics in BIOS

This is also quite a convenient method. There is no need to open the computer, but at the same time there is no need to clutter the system with all kinds of diagnostic programs. Simple and tasteful. On the downside, not all BIOSes can display complete information about memory, but this is a rare case these days.

How to decipher such an inscription - see the note to the first method.

Operating system tools

The simplest of all methods. However, it is also the most limited. If it is enough for you to know only how much RAM you have, this is for you, because on its own the system cannot determine either the frequency, much less the type of RAM. But this is only about Windows - macOS can do more.

In the case of macOS:

If you have Windows, then everything is not so smooth:

The processor and the system bit capacity are indicated there, but very little is written about memory - only the volume. So you won't have much fun.

Find out detailed information about the components of your PC in the article -

Third party diagnostic apps

Space for work. Many third-party diagnostic utilities that can thoroughly determine everything, including the exact model of your boards and their location in the slots of the motherboard. It’s not possible to cover them all, so let’s consider at least a couple.


A diagnostic utility that is popular among many. Distributed in both free and commercial versions.


The second most popular third-party application. It has the same intuitive interface, and in general duplicates the functions of the previous example, with the exception of a rather important detail - it has a portable version. You don't have to install it.

As in the previous case, in the program interface we look for the “Memory” and “SPD” items. In the drop-down list, we select information about which slot we want to view, and the program will immediately display all its characteristics. Everything, down to details like the serial number.

Ready! We hope these methods helped you find all the information you need. Good luck!

Video - How to find out what RAM is worth

This information is for those who want to increase the amount of RAM in their laptop or desktop computer, but at the same time doubt which model to buy, with what characteristics.

There are quite a lot of nuances in this issue; here we will consider the most basic points that will allow you to choose the optimal levels for the upgrade.

Let's start with the question: is it necessary in your case to increase the amount of RAM?

What does increasing RAM in a computer do?

The speed of your computer depends on the bottlenecks of your hardware. For example, if you have a very powerful processor, but a slow hard drive, the system will take quite a long time to boot, and programs, for example, even a regular web browser, will start with a noticeable delay of several seconds. In this case, the bottleneck is the hard drive - and it is useless to install an even more powerful processor/video card/additional RAM - all this will have virtually no effect on the speed of loading the system and launching applications until you change your slow hard drive to a fast one (for example, SSD).

In what cases may you need to increase RAM - when do you need to buy additional sticks to increase the amount of RAM?

A sign of low RAM is when your computer slows down when you open multiple programs that consume a lot of RAM. For example, if after opening a large number of web browser tabs or after launching Photoshop, your computer starts to run noticeably slower, then it is very likely that this is due to a lack of RAM.

Operating systems use a swap file (partition). The essence of this is that when the system runs out of RAM, it frees it up by writing some of the data to the hard drive. As a result, the system does not stop working and data is not lost - but performance drops, since any hard drive is slower than RAM and writing and reading data also requires additional time.

Another example when a lot of RAM is required is the use of virtual machines (in, for example) - especially when several virtual computers are running simultaneously:

How to find out which RAM is suitable for my computer

My own experience suggests that a computer can work normally with RAM sticks from different manufacturers and with different characteristics. But some users experience problems (the system stops booting) if there is incompatibility between modules from two manufacturers. Therefore, the ideal option is to look at what modules you already have installed and buy exactly the same ones. If this is not possible due to the fact that exactly these models have been discontinued, then it is recommended to select those that are as close as possible in terms of characteristics.

A program to determine the manufacturer and model of RAM installed in a laptop/computer

In a desktop computer, finding out the manufacturer and model of RAM is usually not difficult - just open the cover of the system unit and remove one of the modules.

In laptops, as a rule, it is more difficult - it’s good if the engineer designed the empty slots to be easily accessible, but, as a rule, you cannot get to the pre-installed RAM without disassembling the laptop.

In any case, for desktop computers or laptops, you can find out the installed memory model using the program. To do this, go to the tab Motherboard, then SPD and at the very top you will see the manufacturer and model of the RAM:

Next, check the number of free slots - there are motherboards with a total of two slots for RAM, but more often desktop computers and laptops have four slots, usually two of them are already occupied.

You can view the total number of slots and the number of free slots using standard Windows tools. To do this, open Task Manager, go to the tab Performance, then select Memory:

As you can see, there are four slots and all of them are already occupied.

RAM characteristics

There are different types of RAM, the most common now are:

It is clear that DDR4 is the newer and faster option, but not all motherboards, especially those released a few years ago, support DDR4.

Sometimes, a hint about the modules that suit you can be seen on the motherboard:

The inscription DDR3 ONLY indicates that in this case only DDR3 is suitable.

RAM form factor:


SO-DIMMs are smaller sticks for portable computers (laptops). DIMMs - strips for desktop computers.

Memory modules have their own frequency. The higher the frequency, the faster the memory. But if the system has modules with different frequencies, then the system will use them all at the frequency of the slowest module.

Supply voltage: the voltage of modules varies from 1.2 V to 1.65 V. It is better to take RAM with the same voltage as the ones already in the system, since otherwise one of the modules will start to heat up more.

Timings are numbers that characterize delays.

In principle, in addition to the obvious characteristic - memory volume, all the technical parameters that you need to pay attention to when upgrading the system are listed.

You should not chase a higher frequency than the module in your system; as already mentioned, they will all operate at the frequency of the slowest one.

To select modules with the same characteristics as those already installed in your computer, you need to know the characteristics of the installed ones. This information can be found online for your model. Or use specialized programs that show a variety of information about the installed RAM.

How to find out the characteristics of RAM modules in a computer

The AIDA64 program contains all the necessary information.

In the same window where we looked at the manufacturer, you can find information such as:

  • Module type
  • Memory type
  • Memory speed (frequency)
  • Voltage
  • Timings

The characteristics considered should be enough to ensure that you don’t have to replace the RAM immediately after purchase because it didn’t fit.

Purchasing with “Thank you from Sberbank” bonuses

The following information does not relate to the technical part. But I got my new RAM modules for half their store price, and since Sberbank cards are very common, I’m sure someone else will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

In principle, the life hack is very simple. Many owners of Sberbank cards accumulate bonuses, the so-called “Thank you”. There aren’t many stores where you can spend them, so I, like probably many others, simply watched how these “candy wrappers” accumulated (and also burned monthly). The store has a fairly large selection of computer components and they accept these “Thank you from Sberbank”. This is not an advertisement for the store or even a referral link - I just saved money there and liked it.

How to find out what RAM is in a computer or laptop?

The need to find out what kind of RAM they use arises among users who work or play on an unfamiliar PC or simply were not interested in this parameter before, but for some reason they needed it.

In principle, Windows tools are sufficient to determine only the amount of RAM.

But to obtain more detailed information (memory type and frequency), you will have to use additional programs, mostly free or shareware.

Why do you need to know the type of RAM?

You may need to find out the size of memory installed on a computer or laptop running Windows, for example, before launching a program that requires a certain amount of RAM to operate.

If it is not enough, you can solve the problem by installing a new or additional memory stick; You can also, if necessary, replace memory that has failed.

In each of these cases, the RAM must be supported by the motherboard and processor.

In addition, if the memory does not change completely, but is supplemented, it must comply with the already established level.

  • When the computer boots, press the function key to go to the BIOS (usually F2, F5, Del or Esc);
  • find the Memory Information menu (can be located on the Chipset tab).

The new type of BIOS, UEFI, provides complete information about memory (type, size, frequency).

Therefore, if there is such an interface, you will not need to use special programs.

The easiest way to view memory size data is:

  • in system properties (“Start” ⇒ “Computer” ⇒ “Properties”);

  • when running the msinfo32 utility (Run menu ⇒ entering the msinfo32 command).

The last two options allow you to find out the amount of working, not installed, memory.

So, if the computer has 32-bit Windows installed, and the RAM exceeds 3 GB, this amount will be determined and strictly used - 3 GB.

A larger volume, firstly, is not shown by the system, and secondly, it will not be used during operation.

To improve the efficiency of your computer, it is worth reinstalling the OS - replacing it with a 64-bit (64-bit) one, which will “see” your amount of memory.

Determining RAM using third-party programs

If you can’t get any details about memory using standard tools, you will have to download and run one of the applications that collects information about the system.

Specialized programs such as CPU-Z, AIDA64 and HWiNFO32-64 will determine the memory frequency, its size and type.

In addition, as a result of their use, you can find out the number of slots for memory sticks on your motherboard and what RAM is installed in each of them.


A convenient and useful utility called CPU-Z can be easily found on the Internet.

It is best to download it from the manufacturer’s official website, where not only working ones are located, but also the latest versions.

To find out memory data after launching the application, follow these steps:

  • go to the Memory tab;
  • Read information about the type and frequency of RAM.

On the tab General you'll find basic memory information, including type and total capacity.

And on the menu Timings– its timing and operating frequency parameters.

To find out exactly how many sticks are on the computer and in which slots they are located, you should go to the following SPD tab:

  • select the SPD tab;
  • open the list of memory slots in the window that appears;
  • Having selected a specific connector, look at the data about the module installed in it.

Using this information, you can easily select not only the appropriate type of RAM, but also ensure dual-channel mode, in which the computer runs faster.

Advice: the system will remain operational even if the memory sticks are different in size and their number is odd.

However, it is more convenient to arrange modules in pairs and of the same size - for example, 2 x 8 GB or 4 x 4 GB.


The AIDA64 application is an improved version of the older Everest program, but is designed for 64-bit systems.

The set of utilities is paid, but the user is given the opportunity to use its resources for free for 30 days.

To use the program, you need to download it (preferably from the official website of the Russian representative of the developer) and check the computer resources:

  • launch the application;
  • wait for the system application to scan;
  • find the “Motherboard” item on the left side of the menu that opens;
  • select the SPD sub-item.

The window that opens provides as much memory information as possible, including:

  • module volume;
  • memory type and speed;
  • model, manufacturer and release date;
  • bus width.

Here you can also find out other information that you will need if the task of determining memory parameters was to install a new module.

It is possible that the motherboard supports more powerful RAM (DDR4, not just DDR3, increased frequency), as a result of which, after replacement, you can increase the speed of the computer.


Another universal program for obtaining system data, including information about RAM, is HWiNFO32-64.

It has approximately the same capabilities as AIDA64, but differs from it in the ability to download the full version for free and the presence of a portable version, which you don’t even have to install on your computer.


After determining the volume, type, frequency and other parameters of memory, you can select the modules that are suitable for your computer.

As a result, the performance of the PC will either be restored (if the task included replacing a damaged stick) or improved (if RAM is added).

And, given the simplicity of all these methods and the relatively low cost of memory compared to other computer parts, you will spend a minimum of time and money on this.

Helpful video: