Korney Chukovsky - Phone (My phone rang): Verse. The poem "telephone" chukovsky roots ivanovich Riddles about a mobile phone

My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant.
- Where?
- From a camel.
- What do you need?
- Chocolate.
- For whom?
- For my son.
- How much to send?
- Yes that way five pounds
Or six:
He can't eat anymore,
I’m still small!

And then I called
And with tears he asked:
- My dear, good,
Send me galoshes
And me, and my wife, and Totoshe.

- Wait, don't you
Last week
I sent two pairs
Excellent galoshes?
- Ah, the ones that you sent
Last week,
We have eaten long ago
And we wait, we can't wait
When will you send again
For our dinner
A dozen
New and sweet galoshes!

And then the bunnies called:
- Could you send gloves?

And then the monkeys called:
- Please send the books!

And then the bear called
Yes, as he began, as he began to roar.

- Wait, bear, do not roar,
Explain what you want?

But he's only "moo" da "moo"
And why, why -
I don’t understand!

- Hang up, please!

And then the herons called:
- Please send drops:

We ate too many frogs today,
And our stomachs ached!

And then the pig called:
- Send the nightingale to me.
Today we are alone with a nightingale
We will sing a wonderful song.
- No no! Nightingale
Doesn't sing for pigs!
You better call a crow!

And again the bear:
- Oh, save the walrus!
Yesterday he swallowed a sea urchin!

And such rubbish
All day:
Now the seal will call, then the deer.

And recently, two gazelles
They called and sang:
- Really
All burned out

- Ah, are you in mind, gazelles?
The merry-go-rounds did not burn out,
And the swing survived!
You, gazelles, do not make noise,
And next week
Would gallop up and sit down
On the swing carousel!

But they didn't listen to the gazelles
And they still rattled:
- Really
All swing
Are you burnt out?
What a stupid gazelle!

And yesterday morning
- Isn't this an apartment
Moidodyr? -
I got angry, but like a scream:
- No! This is someone else's apartment !!!
- And where is Moidodyr?
- I can't tell you ...
Call the number
One hundred twenty five.

I haven't slept for three nights
I'm tired.
I would fall asleep
But as soon as I lay down -
- Who's talking?
- Rhinoceros.
- What?
- Trouble! Trouble!
Run here quickly!
- What's the matter?
- Save!
- Whom?
- Hippo!
Our hippopotamus fell into the swamp ...
- Failed into the swamp?
- Yes!
And neither here nor there!
Oh if you don't come -
He will drown, he will drown in a swamp
Will die, disappear

- Okay! I'm running! I'm running!
If I can, I will help!

Oh, this is not an easy job -
Drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!


Anatoly Grishin

It is always free on it
I can any friend
Call anywhere:
At least in Samara, at least in Kaluga.

You can call Canada,
To the Maldives and Miami.
Only I don't need to go there.
I'd better call my mom.

After all, everyone around you knows:
Mom is the best friend!

Oh this feeling!

Killer Whale Tata

When suddenly a little granddaughter comes to you,
With a toy phone fits -
Holds out the pipe with a chubby handle,
Filling the house with a funny stupid ringing
No matter how important you are in the world,
Do you understand with this childish request -
Whatever happens in this world,
But you must answer the call!

Mobile phone

Christa Strelnik

My cell phone is not bored
My mobile phone,
He is an alarm clock, a talker
And another tape recorder.

He calls my girlfriend:
- How's it going? Tra-la-la ...
The voice rushes around
The whole earth is telephoning!

Soon cat and dog
You will need a phone:
- Meow, Murzik!
- Wow, Lucky!
- Get some bacon!

My mobile phone does not get bored:
- Yes! Hey! Ale! What's up?
I call, then I answer
I answer ... I answer ...
There is even no time to be friends!

Mobile horror story

Christa Strelnik

In a dark, dark pocket lie
Just a cell phone, an iPhone and an iPad.
They were taken away forever - until the bell -
A terrible fate for a student!

How can you survive the whole lesson without them?
Even puzzles cannot be solved now!
Don't text anyone ...
Isn't this stressful for a student?

Neither play, nor surf the Internet ...
Horror! There is no pity in the teacher!
Hands stretch, fingers tremble:
"Let me press the button at least!"

It's cruel! Take back
Just a mobile phone, an iPhone and an iPad!

My mobile phone

Margarita Biryukova

On the poem by Anastasia Dolinskaya "Homework"

I carry in my arms from school
Your mobile phone.
How I love him funny
Melodic chime!

(I missed you a little -
At school, we cannot turn on
Phones in class
Distract and chat!)

He will ring - it means
Someone remembered me:
Maybe my beloved boy
Maybe - distant relatives ...

Well, maybe guys
Will call me again
To the sports ground
Play "bouncers"

Hide and seek or cat and mouse
Tennis or badminton ...
Let it ring without a break
My mobile phone!

I'm always in touch now
Good news!
I answer all at once,
Call me soon! ...

Mom will be worried -
Is everything okay with me ...
I'll send her an SMS:
"Everything is OK! I am going home!"


Mikhail Lyubavin

I love the phone!
He is very, very necessary!
On a walk, on the playground
And in the sandbox with a shovel!

Talk till you drop
I am very happy with my mom and dad.
I wouldn't eat or drink -
Just let me talk!

My beloved, my dear ...
The phone is always with me.
It does not require charging,
And the reception is always ok!

And the secret is all in the phone:
I say "in the palm of your hand"!

Igor Neverovich

Pee-pee-pee. The horn sang.
Granddaughter, singing to the phone,
He seems to be picking up the phone,
Leans his hand to ear -
Do not think that nonsense,
But he enters into the conversation.
The big person says:
“Hello, I'm on the phone.
Speak. Who is calling?
Ah, that's who's talking!
Dima, I’m at my grandfather’s.
We are at the table, at dinner.
Then bye!" Phone again
Emits a lingering ringing.
As if pressing a pipe
Masha to the cheek. Answers:
“Hello. Yes. Uncle Oleg?
Okay, say hello. "
So all day long he can
Phone call, disturb
The conversation is going on again.
And where does everything come from ?!
As a real actress ...
As if from behind the scenes
Someone gives replicas
And the answer is coming.
The third year is not typical ...
Everything in the world is prosaic:
And there is no need for long thoughts -
Everything will be absorbed by the child's mind.
Phone, call and receiver ...
A child's mind is a sponge.

Mobile phone riddle

Nika Rebrovskaya

Savelyeva Olga35

Have a million questions?
The phone will help us!
You just need to dial the number
And then "Hello!" to tell,

And an invisible thread
Will be able to connect everyone:
Mom and grandmother, with a sister,
Dad and his own daughter.

He can call a taxi
And he will invite a doctor to us.
He knows many functions,
Our assistant is a telephone.

Sergey Autumn Ivanov

The phone rings, the phone rings;
The ringing rings throughout the apartment
But what is he angry about,
The most harmful in the whole world?
“Do not scold me! -
Friends are calling you. "

to whom iPad?

Tamara Karjakina

To name days mom and dad
gave me an iPad -
ashamed, only I cried,
Apple is not happy with the new.

About another, shaggy friend
I have long dreamed in a dream,
no google sniffer
won't find a dog for me!

The dog would live next to me,
I would warm his paws,
would go out with him as with a brother,
for a run in the yard.

People! I'm glad to take turns;
me - a dog, you - an iPad!

Maksyusha and phone

Tanya Rudakova

Maksyushka is surprised:
What a strange toy ?!
Turns the phone this way and that.
In it, he hears the voice of his grandfather.
The granddaughter turns her head:
Well, where could he go?
Max presses the buttons:
Maybe hiding in a box?

A toy

Tatiana Ovchinnikova 4

My older brother gave me
Telephone set.
And what is there not in it!
There are games and the Internet.
I didn't bother my brother:
I studied the telephone.
Vaska the cat looked and suddenly
Tzap-scratching him out of his hands:
"I won't give you a toy -
Play with me, Tanya! "

Sotik. The worst story ever

Elena weaver

Hello dear sotik,
Smooth tummy
My very best friend
Spout with a pimp "ok",
Eyes and ears
Girlfriend buttons ...
Oh, how cute you are!
It's sad without you ...
What are you squeaking? Do you want to eat?
Provodochek - there is a hose!
Charge up baby
And get some sleep!
--- I am not a baby, I am great,
I have penetrated into everything that is -
Waves are secret rays
Right there, just plug it in
They rush inside everyone
Adult and kid!
I'm not just a phone
I am your restless dream!
If you don't suddenly know
A cell phone is not a friend to children!
Even adults I hit
Wherever I want, I go
I can break the plane
I'm signaling on the run!
That's how I am, sotik,
Smooth tummy
Do not look that small is daring!
Scared ???


Yuri Rekhter

I'm a knowledgeable child
I'll tell you straight
Grandfather's telephone
I'm holding it in my hands.
With this thing, it seems
I found a contact
Change melody
It's a trifle for me.
Buttons are wonderful
I press
Text messages
I am sending.
Here is a nice toy,
Miracle of miracles
I sent my grandmother
Forty SMS.
There is even a video there -
Showed her nose
Oh! ... Who offended? -
This is grandfather's boss!
I will call without delay
To Rome and Amsterdam
Very little grandpa
Pays bills.
Disassembled, took out
I am the battery
And washed under the tap
Phone, friends.
Clean and fresh,
Like a parade
And of course grandfather
I will be very glad.

I wonder if anyone thought: why can riddles about the phone be taken out in a separate topic, so many of them?

It seems to me personally that there is nothing surprising in this. Today, a telephone is not a luxury, but ... 🙂 Exactly. A means of transporting our words and thoughts to the interlocutor. And a very popular remedy. Well, after the popularity comes the mass character. Themselves phones and riddles about them.

Riddles about a landline phone

Through the field and woods

He came over the wire.

Heard here, they said - there.


There is a circle on the plate.

There are ten numbers on it.

And perched on the circle

A plump tube.

I'll take a tube in my hand,

I'll stick my finger in the number,

The nightingale will fill in response

A modest tube.

Can sing for an hour or two,

And where do the words come from?

I politely talk to her,

I will not offend the nightingale.

If trill bores her,

I then without further ado

I'll put it in its place -

I'm ready to listen to others.

Tell me, who knows

What kind of a tube is that?


Through the field and woods

He was running along the wires

He gave me the news.

And I don't know why

Turn the magic circle

And my friend will hear me.


Without language, but speaks

Without ears, but he will hear.


Bursting, not a grasshopper,

Not a waterfall - it makes noise.

Although he does not have a mouth,

But he speaks clearly.


Across the country

Stretched out the string.

Far - far away

My word runs.


Stretched the strings

To different countries.

I just whisper a word into the phone -

Will run through the country.


The tail is in place.

The nose runs in a circle.

Even though he is distant from the land -

You can talk to him.

But the question suddenly arises:

What is the nose and what is the tail?

(Telephone set.)

I sit, pick up the receiver from the hook.

I'm expecting a continuous beep

And calmly I begin to type:

I sit quietly and wait for something.

I can call to any city.

At least to the very end of the earth, but at least where.

That device is surprisingly arranged.

And it seems to me that this is a miracle - a dream.

So that I can believe in this miracle,

Call me soon, friends!

You, of course, guessed, my dear,

What kind of device we have.


At the edges of the box

Buttons were placed.

Well, next to it - in the corner -

Drawstring handle with tube.

I press the buttons quickly

I put the receiver to my ear,

And I don’t bother

I speak and listen.


It is outdated and no longer needed by anyone.

Everyone began to avoid him deliberately.

And even those with whom he was friends before,

Others prefer to hug.

Others are more graceful and daring,

They know how to do what he never dreamed of.

Beautiful, portable, skillful,

They will sing, record, give a signal.

And now he is resting more and more often,

Sadly, ten eyes look at the ceiling.

Alive, serviceable without work, dies,

And in a nightmare he could not see such a thing.

The merits of the past have long been forgotten

And rarely will anyone disturb the silence.

And he is alone, forsaken, forgotten

She cherishes her old spring.

(Landline phone.)

Mobile phone riddles

I feel bad - he takes pity on me.

I'm sad - he is sad with me.

He can't live without me at all.

One lies quietly on the table.

When I open my soul to him,

He, silently, quietly listens to me.

And I know perfectly well for a long time

That for me he is my whole family.

He is my home, he is my road.

He is my music, my poetry.

I have so much of it in me

That there was no room left for others.

And how many melodies life would not keep,

His melody is the dearest to me.

She gave me a second breath,

With his vigor and his tenderness.

And if one day I feel sad,

And black melancholy will suddenly flood

I will trust him, he will not deceive,

My little mobile loyal friend.

(Mobile phone.)

I have a pocket friend

Both beautiful and desirable.

With him, I honestly admit

I never part.

With him - trouble - it’s not a problem for me.

He will always help me.

And at any time of the year

With him - adversity - nonsense.

From him I learn everything

I will read everything you need.

There are no secrets from him

He will always give me advice.

If suddenly trouble comes,

Who needs to - will inform.

Suddenly it will become lonely for me

He will talk to me.

In life, he is not replaceable.

Who is this beloved friend?

(Mobile phone.)

This thing is not a trifle.

This is my best friend.

He will replace all friends.

It's more fun for me to live with him.

It's never boring with him.

It is more needed than water.

He replaces many for me.

What I need - he will know

He gives news to his loved ones

He will take a photo and sing.

Bright, fashionable, sexy,

Fancy and stylish

Only this way I need him -

My mobile phone.)

This miracle device -
For me, as an older brother:

In the morning he wakes me up

How the alarm goes off.

If I do not get up, I will not condemn,

And he won't accuse you of anything.

If I forget something -

He will remind me of him.

And always, everywhere and everywhere

Helps me in everything.

If I suddenly feel lonely -

In silence he will give.

Tell me, everyone who can,

What are we talking about now?

(About the mobile phone.)

I press the buttons - not a button accordion.

I say - not a walkie-talkie.

But flies overseas

Any information.


Not an alarm clock, but ringing.

Not radio, but speaks.


There is no language - but speaks.

They say far away, but you can hear it here.


I have a dark gray apparatus!

He will give his help to everyone.

My friend lives far away

I can talk to him easily.

In the middle of the night and at any time of the day

He will always hear me without difficulty.

I am very happy with such a device.

What is the name of my wonderful device?


And there are also a lot of other different wonderful riddles on our website. Take a look, and you will definitely find yourself a lot of interesting things. Good luck!

My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant.
- Where?
- From a camel.
- What do you need?
- Chocolate.
- For whom?
- For my son.
- How much to send?
- Yes that way five pounds
Or six:
He can't eat anymore,
I’m still small!

And then I called
And with tears he asked:
- My dear, good,
Send me galoshes
And me, and my wife, and Totoshe.

- Wait, don't you
Last week
I sent two pairs
Excellent galoshes?
- Ah, the ones that you sent
Last week,
We have eaten long ago
And we wait, we can't wait
When will you send again
For our dinner
A dozen
New and sweet galoshes!

And then the bunnies called:
- Could you send gloves?

And then the monkeys called:
- Please send the books!

And then the bear called
Yes, as he began, as he began to roar.

- Wait, bear, do not roar,
Explain what you want?

But he's only "moo" da "moo"
And why, why -
I don’t understand!

- Hang up, please!

And then the herons called:
- Please send drops:

We ate too many frogs today,
And our stomachs ached!

And such rubbish
All day:
Now the seal will call, then the deer.

And recently, two gazelles
They called and sang:
- Really
All burned out

- Ah, are you in mind, gazelles?
The merry-go-rounds did not burn out,
And the swing survived!
You, gazelles, do not make noise,
And next week
Would gallop up and sit down
On the swing carousel!

But they didn't listen to the gazelles
And they still rattled:
- Really
All swing
Are you burnt out?
What a stupid gazelle!

And yesterday morning
- Isn't this an apartment
Moidodyr? -
I got angry, but like a scream:
- No! This is someone else's apartment !!!
- And where is Moidodyr?
- I can't tell you ...
Call the number
One hundred twenty five.

I haven't slept for three nights
I'm tired.
I would fall asleep
But as soon as I lay down -
- Who's talking?
- Rhinoceros.
- What?
- Trouble! Trouble!
Run here quickly!
- What's the matter?
- Save!
- Whom?
- Hippo!
Our hippopotamus fell into the swamp ...
- Failed into the swamp?
- Yes!
And neither here nor there!
Oh if you don't come -
He will drown, he will drown in a swamp
Will die, disappear

- Okay! I'm running! I'm running!
If I can, I will help!

Oh, this is not an easy job -
Drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!

(4 votes, average: 2,25 out of 5)

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You are now reading the verse Telephone, the poet Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich