Firefighter's cell phone number. How to call the gas service? Methods, numbers and recommendations

The effectiveness of providing emergency care to the population directly depends on timely received reliable information about the event. Each person is interested in dialing the required number quickly and without errors and transmitting a message to the dispatcher of the state emergency service according to the profile of her work. To do this, you need to know the emergency numbers or have a list of the most requested numbers on hand at all times.

Calling emergency services from a landline phone

Until quite recently, in order to get through to government agencies providing prompt assistance to the population, it was enough to dial the following numbers on the home phone:

  • 01 - fire assistance;
  • 02 - police, and later the police;
  • 03 - medical emergency;
  • 04 - call gas workers in extreme situations;
  • 05 - a service that solved problems of a communal emergency nature.

After 2008, a single number was introduced, which made it possible to call people called to provide assistance in case of emergency situations. Number 112 was taken as the basis.

R this time it was widely used in the European Union. In order to inform the authorities concerned about the occurrence of an unusual and dangerous situation, in Europe there is no need to think about which number to dial and in what situations. The dispatcher who received the call is obliged to assess the situation and send specialists to the destination. A single telephone has expanded the list of numbers that can be called in case of emergencies of a different nature.

Due to the widespread use of mobile communications, it was necessary to make a decision to replace two-digit numbers with three-digit ones. It was assumed that from 2017 it would be possible to call only three-digit numbers from a wired telephone. However, this did not happen - now you can still get through to the structures providing assistance at the above two-digit numbers.

Who to call in an emergency?

The need to call for help can arise in a variety of situations. It is far from always possible to determine the number of the service that can and should help in this case.

Now there is a single rescue service that will help in any situation. So you only need to remember 3 digits - 112, and this may be enough to start the notification mechanism. After that, the system of providing assistance to the population will begin to work. An urgent call can be made to 112.

However, in unequivocal cases, it is not worth overloading emergency dispatchers. It is better to call specialists immediately.

How to call the firemen?

Firefighters are called to numbers - 01, 101 and 112. If the situation is unambiguous, there are all signs of a fire and the formation of an uncontrolled spread of flame, then you should not disturb the universal rescue service. Calling the fire brigade directly will save time. In addition, when talking with specialists, you can immediately describe the nuances of the situation.

The operator will ask leading questions and give advice on the correct behavior in this situation. Such a preliminary consultation will help to avoid many unpleasant situations associated with panic and lack of knowledge about the algorithm of behavior in a fire.

Even a person who has been trained, for example, at lectures on life safety, in an unusual environment, will not always be able to remember where to run in case of fire and how best to help others. So you need to call firefighters directly, bypassing the operator answering the universal number.

How to call the police?

Emergency law enforcement services should be called only in a situation that has clear signs of wrongdoing. These include:

  • infliction of bodily harm;
  • theft;
  • robbery;
  • assault with intent to beat or rape;
  • a fight on the street or indoors;
  • violation of the rules of residence in apartment buildings;
  • hooligan behavior;
  • vandalism, etc.

In this area, there are also ambiguous situations when a person cannot figure out for himself what kind of service to call him. In this case, you need to call the universal phone. There, experts themselves will determine the category of emergency.

If criminal acts have caused damage to health, then you should also call the ambulance service. In the presence of bodily injuries of a clearly criminal nature, medical workers themselves will call law enforcement agencies.

How to call rescuers?

The universal telephone number of the rescue service is 112. Each region has its own numbers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is better to call 01 on your home phone. Fire departments are part of the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, so the dispatcher can connect with rescuers.

The structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations provide services on a paid and free basis. In emergency situations that pose a danger to the life and health of people and domestic animals, rescuers leave on a signal from victims or eyewitnesses. However, if it is required to open the door to an apartment tenant who has lost the key, then such a service will be paid.

A call to rescuers may be dictated by the need for psychological or environmental counseling. In this case, you need to explain the situation to the dispatcher and ask the right question.

For example, an emergency call may not be required if a mercury thermometer has been broken or a corrosive liquid has been spilled. Sometimes, to eliminate a small-scale emergency, only specialist advice is needed.

How to call an ambulance?

Emergency medical assistance can be called from a wired telephone at numbers 03 or 103. If a person calls the universal number of rescuers, he will not be denied assistance, but such an action will not be rational.

However, at the same time, you should contact rescuers and doctors if a person needs both medical care and rescue actions.

How to call the gas service?

The use of natural gas can create an emergency situation, so the gas service is an emergency. When it is called by number 04 or 104, the dispatcher immediately gives advice on the algorithm of actions. Specialists are required to arrive at the scene in a short time. In this case, the person who called the representatives of this service is obliged to provide access to the equipment in the apartment, entrance or house.

Calling emergency services from a mobile phone

Emergency numbers called from a mobile phone are distinguished by the fact that zero is preceded by one.

Making a call to these numbers is allowed even in a situation where there is no money on the phone.

Single emergency call number 112

In Russia, you can use this number to report any cases of an emergency, including:

  • fires in settlements and in nature;
  • criminal events;
  • health problems;
  • accidents in the gas supply system;
  • communal emergency situations;
  • events that have signs of terror.

Thus, through a universal number, you can connect with special services, rescuers, ambulances, police, gas workers, firefighters.

You can call this number not only in the absence of money, but even if the card is blocked or not at all.

Rescue phone number for mobile phone

When schools require emergency phones for a diary, the number 112 comes first, because it is universal. Then follow the numbers 101, 102, 103 and 104. All other telephone numbers are regional in nature, so the numbers for psychological assistance, helplines and protection of children from violence must be specified for this locality.

You can use this number in any country in Europe. In addition, when calling on the unofficial phone number 911 in Russia, the call will be forwarded to the control room of the region's rescuers. This is how the rescue services of Russia, the EU and the USA are connected into a single network.

How to call an ambulance?

With the help of a mobile phone, this can be done through the hotline of the unified rescue service and by calling 103.

How to call the police from a mobile?

If you need to call the law enforcement agencies of quick response from a mobile phone, then you need to call 102 - the police will receive the call and arrive at the place of the call. It is also possible to call the police through a universal number.

How to call the fire department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

In order to understand how to call the fire department, it is enough to know that it is part of the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This means that you can call the unified rescue service. However, if the emergency is associated with all signs of the spread of fire, then it is better to immediately call 101.

How to call the emergency gas service?

From a mobile phone, you need to call 104. You can also use the number 112, but it is undesirable to do this, as this will increase the response time of this emergency service.

Why can't I dial 01, 02, 03, 04 from my mobile?

Mobile communication is designed in such a way that 2 digits do not close the signal transfer circuit. This made it necessary to switch to a new calling system through phones with an added unit. However, different operators have their own ways of creating three-digit numbers. For example, in Megafon, MTS and Tele 2, a zero is put after the standard two-digit number. In Beeline, zero must be put in front of the number.

What information must the caller provide?

Each person calling firefighters, ambulance, rescuers or police must report:

  • the nature of the emergency (fire, attack, etc.);
  • object (place of fire, age of a sick person);
  • address of the object (if the event occurred on the street, then the address of the nearest house);
  • data of the person sending the message (full name, residential address).

Depending on the situation, the operator can ask additional questions and give advice on further actions before the arrival of specialists.

What awaits people for false calls?

This category includes calls with information that does not correspond to reality. The main identification features of a false call are the emergency object and the nature of the event. If a person incorrectly names the data about his personality, then such information is considered more erroneous than false.

There are 2 types of false calls - deliberate and erroneous. In the first case, a person deliberately misleads emergency response services. In the second case, the person is mistaken in terms of the transmitted information. People from excitement confuse addresses, give out one phenomenon for another, inadequately assess the state of the object.

In such cases, an investigation is carried out and a legal assessment of the situation is given. If the call was deliberately false, then the culprit is expected:

  • fines - depending on the severity of the fault, in the amount of 1,000 to 100,000 rubles;
  • criminal liability with imprisonment for up to 5 years.

Criminal liability comes for false “mining” of objects. However, calling the police for other groundless reasons can also result in imprisonment for the perpetrator.

Emergency phone numbers should know everything in order for help to come to people as soon as possible. In this case, it will be possible with the greatest efficiency to minimize the material and moral damage caused to people who find themselves in a difficult situation. The efficiency of operational services depends not only on employees, but also on those who ask for help. This must be done competently, that is, without prejudice to all participants, including rescuers, doctors and policemen.

All of us, as children, were forced to memorize emergency numbers so that in the event of an emergency we could immediately call an ambulance, fire, police or gas service. But times are changing, and today people use landline phones less and less, they have been replaced by the so-called mobile phones. And until now, most subscribers of mobile operators (MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2) do not know how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone.

In this overview, you will find emergency phone numbers for cell phones that are relevant for 2019 in Russia. Here is their list:

  • 101 - Ministry of Emergency Situations or fire service;
  • 102 - police (former police);
  • 103 - ambulance;
  • 104 - emergency gas service.

These numbers are valid for both landline and mobile phones.

And in order to respond in time to certain situations, quickly find the necessary information and learn how to manage your number directly from the phone, we have prepared special reviews for subscribers of different operators. Here you will find an article in which are collected, for MTS subscribers there is a separate review with. A separate review highlights .

The GSM standard supports a single emergency telephone number, by calling which you can report your problem. You can call here for any issue related to an emergency situation: to call an ambulance, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations. This number is available not only in Russia, but also in European countries.

112 - rescue service phone, analogue of the 911 phone - operates in all regions of Russia.

By calling this number, you will be taken to the nearest branch of the Unified Duty Dispatch Service. That is, if you are in Moscow, then by dialing the number 112, you will get exactly to the Moscow branch, in Tyumen - to the Tyumen branch.

The EDDS operator will take your call and, having determined the nature of the problem, will send a request to the appropriate service. Emergency call 112 is the same for all mobile network operators, and a call to it is free of charge for you. You can make a call even if you have no money on your balance, your SIM card is blocked or it is not in your phone at all.

But do not forget that you should not call this number just like that, because people on the other end of the line solve the real problems of other citizens.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

Often we do not remember how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone. And therefore, it is better to take care of obtaining this information in advance than to look for these treasured figures on the Internet at a critical moment. It is best to write down the ambulance number in the phone book so that it is always at your fingertips. Each operator provides its own short phone number for an emergency call to an ambulance and it is free for you. Therefore, we will give phone numbers for each of the operators:

  • Megafon - 103
  • MTS - 103
  • Beeline - 103
  • Tele2 - 103

As you can see, the numbers are based on the "03" number that we all know well. One is added to it, thanks to which numbers are easily dialed on any mobile phones (many handsets recognize two-digit numbers as commands, preventing dialing).

How to call the police from a mobile phone

If you find yourself in a situation in which you need immediate police assistance, then you can use the unified rescue service phone or call the short number that you see below in front of your operator. Calls to these numbers are free for you.

  • Megafon - 102
  • MTS - 102
  • Beeline - 102
  • Tele2 - 102

All numbers are based on the standard '02' landline number, so they are easy to remember.

How to call firefighters (MES) from a mobile phone

If, God forbid, you have a fire and you don’t know how to call firefighters from your mobile, then it’s best to use the single number 112. You can also call the number that is located below in front of your mobile operator. The call will be free.

  • Megafon - 101
  • MTS - 101
  • Beeline - 101
  • Tele2 - 101

To remember, add one to the standard number 01 - you get the number of firefighters for a cell phone.

How to call the emergency gas service from your mobile

If you find a gas leak in the apartment or elsewhere, then immediately call 112 and inform the dispatcher about it. Alternatively, you can call the gas service directly at the number below in front of your mobile network operator.

  • Megafon - 104
  • MTS - 104
  • Beeline - 104
  • Tele2 - 104

Just like all other emergency numbers, this one is based on the generally accepted number "04" to which the number "1" is substituted.

Why can't I dial 01, 02, 03, 04 from my mobile

The answer to this question is quite simple: it's because cell phones don't support calling two-digit numbers. You can only call at least three-digit numbers. Previously, an asterisk symbol was added to the numbers - for example, "*03". Today in Russia there is a single numbering, available from both fixed and mobile phones.

Calls to emergency numbers are free, they are available even with a zero and negative balance.

In an emergency situation that happens outside the home, many people are usually lost - who to call? How to describe the place and landmarks? And what to say to doctors, firefighters, policemen? And if the situation is really dangerous to health, then you need to act immediately and without hesitation.

Let's start with common mistakes. For example, most mobile phones do not pass binary numbers when calling, and it is impossible to use the number familiar from childhood. What to do in this case and how to call firefighters by mobile phone?

For starters, don't panic. There are many other options to do this, and from strong excitement, you can not only forget all the known emergency numbers, but simply not hit the right buttons. In general, in this case, you can simply press the asterisk (*) sign after two digits.

So, a call to any emergency number is free - the lack of money on the balance sheet is not an obstacle to calling firefighters, doctors or the police on a mobile phone. In addition, each operator has its own priority emergency number. Namely:

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MTS emergency numbers

  • 020 - Call the police;
  • 030 - Call an ambulance;
  • 040 - Call the emergency gas service.

Emergency numbers Megafon

  • 010 - Call the fire brigade and rescuers;
  • 020 - Call the police;
  • 030 - Call an ambulance;
  • 040 - Call the emergency gas service.

Beeline emergency numbers

  • 001 - Call the fire department and rescuers;
  • 002 - Call the police;
  • 003 - Call for an ambulance;
  • 004 - Call for emergency gas service.

Single emergency number

In addition, you can call firefighters or the gas emergency service (as well as doctors and policemen) by mobile phone using a single number (and this is the most convenient way) 112.

By the way, you can call him in any situation - the dispatcher himself will send a call request to the desired service, and for such a call, neither the absence of a SIM card, nor a blocked SIM card, nor a minus on the account is an obstacle.

So, no need to get lost and nervous - now you know several effective ways to call firefighters, ambulance, gas service or police on your mobile phone, even if the situation is really critical.

A fire, a sharp deterioration in the health of oneself or another person, a crime, a gas leak - all this may require an urgent call to the appropriate authorities. If you do not have a landline phone at hand, then you can quickly call specialists for assistance by calling emergency numbers from your mobile. To do this, there are short and easy-to-remember combinations, which we still recommend adding to your reference book and saving just in case.

In the article:

Single emergency number

In the event of a man-made disaster, feeling unwell, a fire or a crime, you can contact the general for the police, rescue service, Ministry of Emergency Situations and ambulance number 112 . It is active throughout Russia and works even beyond its borders. After typing it, the system will automatically redirect you to the right department, depending on the region. Tell us about your problem, and the operator will determine which service can solve it and send her a request.

There is no fee for connecting by phone with the service from a mobile phone, the call is not billed. Phone 112 replaces the American number 911 in Europe. It is available even for calls without an active SIM card in a mobile phone and with a negative balance. Just enter 3 digits and press the call button. It can be used by subscribers of any mobile operators.

Note! Help Desk 112 accepts requests both in Russian and in English.

How to call an ambulance

This service is contacted in case of urgent need, when urgent medical care and hospitalization are required. The numbers here for different operators are slightly different:

  • Tele2 - 030 ;
  • Beeline - 003 ;
  • Megafon - 030 ;
  • MTS - 030 ;
  • Yota-103 or 030 ;
  • Rostelecom - 103 or 030 .

The general emergency phone number from a mobile phone in the absence of support for dialing two-digit and three-digit numbers is 03 *, the connection is made in just a few seconds.

Telephone numbers for calling the police

Police numbers are available throughout the day, the service is free throughout Russia, regardless of the region. A call can be made from a SIM card of any operator outside of roaming. You can call the law enforcement agencies at the following contacts:

  • Megafon - 020 ;
  • MTS - 020 ;
  • Beeline - 002 ;
  • Tele-2 - 020 ;
  • Yota-102 or 020 ;
  • Rostelecom - 102 or 020 .

If your phone does not support this format, try using the combination - 8 (long distance access) - your city code - emergency services code (99) - ambulance, police number, etc. If the area code includes 4 characters, then remove the last digit. At the end you need to add 000 or any other numbers. Then press call.

Number for contacting firefighters (Ministry of Emergency Situations)

This phone number should be contacted in the event of a fire in a room or in an open area, as well as in case of any man-made incidents. Here are the contact numbers, depending on the mobile operator:

  • MTS - 010 ;
  • Megafon - 010 ;
  • Beeline - 001 ;
  • Tele2 - 010
  • Yota-101 or 010 ;
  • Rostelecom - 101 or 010 .

Save these numbers in the phone book, and if possible, set up a quick call so as not to waste time dialing a combination. In case of unavailability of the specified numbers, the active combination is 01 * . Enter these numbers and press the call button.

Where to call for a gas service

This phone number is called from a mobile phone when there is a gas leak in a private household or public place. Here you can call specialists to check this fact and fix the problem. You can report this problem using the following contacts:

  • Megafon - 040 ;
  • Tele2 - 040 ;
  • MTS - 040 ;
  • Beeline - 004 ;
  • Yota-104 or 040 ;
  • Rostelecom - 104 or 040 .

If a number is not available or the phone does not support the specified format, try dialing 04 * and make a call. There is no charge for the call, it is free for subscribers of all mobile operators. The connection is made in a few seconds. Be aware that the conversation with the service representative may be recorded.

An emergency call from a mobile phone is accepted in the same order as from a landline. They are served by a single center, calls go directly to the operator. After connecting, it is necessary to quickly and clearly describe the problem in order to promptly make a decision to call a rescue team, ambulance, firefighters, gas workers or the police.

Sadly, most modern people, in any emergency when they need to call for help from a mobile phone, dial 01 or 03 in panic, after which they remain at a loss from an incorrectly dialed number. And even more people do not know how to call the gas service from a Tele2 mobile phone. In Soviet times, learning by heart all emergency numbers was the direct responsibility of every citizen, and now parents in the process of raising children, unfortunately, miss this moment. The article will tell you about when and how to call the gas service correctly.

Emergency number

The old set of gasmen 04, but dialing it on a cell phone, you will not get through anywhere, since this number was intended for landline phones. But how to call from a mobile phone if the gas service is already on another number? Just enter 104 and press the call button.

Combination 112 appeared relatively recently. The driving force behind the publication was Article No. 52 “On Communications” of the Russian law, which obliges absolutely all large and small operators to form a combination of 112 for mobile phones in order to urgently call for help from the public. At the same time, all cellular companies personally guarantee the constant and uninterrupted functionality of emergency technical assistance.

In this regard, the type of call may vary. In the 1st option, the person will hear an answering machine and will have to press the number that relates to his problem. And another view is the answer of the dispatcher-consultant (as in the case of Tele2), who, after listening to the question, will switch you to the required service.

Note! Combination 112 is valid in all European countries, it is not necessary to have, for example, an Italian operator to call for help in Italy. The first thing you hear is an offer to choose a language of communication that will be convenient for conversation, then you need to report the current situation and name your location.

Short number 112 works both in the absence of a SIM card in the phone, and in the case of a zero or negative balance.

When to call

If you have detected a gas leak in the house or in another room, then immediately dial 112 and notify the dispatcher about the situation. Or you can contact the gas workers directly by dialing 104 and the call button.

A gas leak in your own apartment or some other building can cause irreversible results. Therefore, even if there is even the slightest suspicion of a leak, you should immediately contact the appropriate service. To make a call, it is to the emergency gas station from Tele2 that you can dial the combination of numbers 040 (104). The caller must, at a minimum, tell the operator the exact address where the smell of gas is heard so that rescuers can respond quickly.


Never neglect teaching your children and those around you simple combinations of numbers that can help out of any emergency, especially since 95% of the population has a cellular connection, and, most importantly, that the phone is not discharged. Rescuers know what to do, arrive on time and resolve the dangerous situation.