How to remove scratches from the iphone 6 case. How to remove scratches and restore shine to the steel frame of the iPhone X and iPhone XS

You can easily remove scratches from the iPhone case using an abrasive polish or fine sandpaper. Scratches remain relatively quickly on the back of the iPhone, which can also be repaired quickly and easily. Whether you use toothpaste or sandpaper to remove scratches from your iPhone, you must be extremely careful not to wear off the protective coating on the device's case.

A warning: Use the techniques below at your own risk. MacDigger is not responsible for your iPhone experiments.

Method 1: Remove Scratches from iPhone with Toothpaste

It sounds crazy, but toothpaste is a mild abrasive polish that helps get rid of minor scratches on your iPhone.

  • Squeeze a drop of toothpaste onto the iPhone case.
  • Using a soft cloth, rub the iPhone case in a circular motion.
  • Leave the toothpaste on for a minute or two and dry it out.
  • Wash the paste off the body with soap or a mild detergent.

For best results, take some time to rub the paste. With this method, you can easily remove minor scratches from the iPhone case. Many people use a similar technique to remove scratches from DVDs or CDs.

When using this technique, make sure that the toothpaste does not get into the connectors or access holes of the iPhone! Failure to use this method carefully may turn on the iPhone liquid indicator and void your warranty.

Method 2: Remove Scratches from iPhone with Sandpaper

You can also get rid of small scratches on the iPhone case with fine sandpaper. The effect will be the same as when using toothpaste, but you must choose the right paper grain. Judging by the various recommendations on the Web, a suitable sandpaper grit is from 1200. On the MacRumors forum, they wrote that it takes about half an hour or more to remove all small scratches on the case.

When rubbing the iPhone case, don't use too much force! Remember that you have to polish the scratches on the surface of the device. If you remove the case's protective coating, you will have to resort to a third, more intensive method.

Method 3: Removing Deep Scratches from iPhone

If you decide to completely clean iPhone cases of any scratches, including the deepest ones, you can use wet sanding and completely polish the device, restoring its original shine. This is not the fastest or easiest way, and I would advise you to resort to it only in case of emergency. After applying this method, you will have to say goodbye to the Apple logo and text on the back of the iPhone.

On the MacRumors forum you can find with iPhone (including disassembly of the device). This is the most intensive but reliable method, which involves completely removing the protective layer from the iPhone, which can be avoided by referring to the first two methods.

Smartphones of the Apple brand are stylish, in fact, fashion gadgets. Every scratch on the iPhone 6 is a scar on the heart of its owner. You can remove minor scratches on the iPhone 6 with a soft polish, but large and numerous defects can only be removed by replacing the case. The iPhone 6 is a complex device and replacing any of its parts requires specialized knowledge and skills.

iPhone 6 case scratched: what to do?

No matter how the materials for the manufacture of the iPhone 6 case are improved, scratches and even cracks invariably appear on it without a case. It is enough to keep the phone in a bag with keys for at least one hour, then to find deep marks on its back cover and glass. Therefore, in order not to think about replacing the iPhone 6 case, you should carefully and extremely carefully treat the phone during operation.

We strongly recommend that you carry your device in a case or use a screen protector. If our advice is no longer relevant, and there are scratches on the iPhone 6 case, the only way to restore a fresh appearance is to replace it. The case of the iPhone 6 is, in fact, the “face” of the owner, and it speaks better than any words about the responsibility and even the character of a person. That's why it's so important to keep your phone in perfect order.

The undeniable advantage of replacing the iPhone 6 case is the possibility of individualization by installing designer panels in bright colors. Decorated with patterns and rhinestones, as well as made of unusual materials, these iPhone 6 panels accurately reflect the unique taste of the phone owner. Therefore, if you like extraordinary solutions, use the need to repair the iPhone 6 case to your advantage.

If you scratched your phone and want to replace the iPhone 6 case, please contact our service center. The company's warehouse has both original Apple cases and author's products with a creative design. Service specialists will perform the work efficiently and promptly, if necessary - in your presence. The warranty for the repair and replacement of the iPhone 6 case proves the impeccable quality of the services offered.

Hello everybody!
It all started with the fact that I bought an iPhone 4, no, not for 14,000 rubles in 2011 :). I bought it in 2016 for 3700, the average price for Avito 5500. It had a couple of scratches on the screen, which, of course, annoyed me a little, and I decided to fulfill my dream and buy a polish for phones, which I had dreamed of since the days of Sony Ericson K790 :) whose screen was pretty scratched. My choice was conscious and I knew what I wanted, having reviewed the offers of offline sellers, I did not find an offer that would fit the price and switched to ebay and aliexpress. I was looking for the name that is sold offline, the choice fell on "Displex".

So, an order on Ebay:

Ordered on May 25, 2016. The mail was delivered on 06/09/2016. The seller is German, sends from Germany. Here it is a polishing paste, made in Germany:

polishing paste


Pasta description in the offline store

“When using cell phones without the use of special protective cases, scuffs or scratches inevitably appear on the surface of the case or display. This makes the phone not presentable. It is not always possible to replace the display of a cell phone or its case. And sometimes it comes at quite a cost. In this case, a convenient and rational solution to the problem is the use of a special paste DISPLEX.
DISPLEX offers a simple solution to a pressing problem. This is a completely new type of polishing paste that does not contain abrasive elements. End users can use the paste to remove scratches (including deep scratches) from cell phone displays. The procedure for removing scratches and abrasions is carried out quickly, and most importantly, cost-effectively. The user may well use the paste himself, without the involvement of a cell phone repair specialist.
It is only necessary to apply DISPLEX paste on the surface to be treated, and then rub it with a soft cloth with some effort. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times until deep scratches on the cell phone display are removed. The contents of the tube (5 grams) with proper use is enough for 8-10 polishes (depending on the area of ​​the treated surface).
The paste does not contain abrasive elements, and the removal of scratches occurs as their volume is “rubbed out” by the contents of the paste. After applying DISPLEX paste, the cell phone display will not become cloudy or glare.

So here's what I wanted to fix:

Scratches on phone screen

Scratches on phone camera

And here is the result.:

After 1 hour polishing:

When polishing the screen, the rag did not stain at all, while polishing the camera it turned black. Surely the camera could be polished, in 5 - 10 hours, tk. the color of the cloth indicates the removal of a layer of polished material. But apparently the scratches are quite deep and take much longer to remove.
We can say that the result = 0. Displex paste was not able to remove scratches on the screen of the phone, nor on the rear camera.

In order not to be at all upset by the result, I did the same experiment on a BluRay drive, which was pretty scratched and did not look presentable.

BluRay before polishing:

During polishing:

After 20 minutes of surface polishing:

The result is excellent, the surface shone like new. Of course, you could notice the remnants of scratches, but the look of BluRay has changed for the better. The surface after polishing restored its luster, roughness is not visible, if you do not peer, scratches are not visible.
P.S.: Displex paste is suitable for screens made of plastics and plastic glossy surfaces. All sorts of Gorilla Glass are unlikely to be polished, and hard glass too.

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I was cleaning an old Apple Watch the other day, and in the process, a sad thought struck me.

Sad because it's real. The proof lay right in front of my eyes, gleaming repulsively in the morning light.

Later one year iPhone X will look disgusting, just like my Apple Watch. And steel is to blame.

What other steel? The iPhone is made of aluminum

This is iPhone 6, aluminum case.

Almost all cases of previous iPhones are indeed made of aluminum. Even the shiny, almost mirror-like Jet Black iPhone 7 was actually aluminum.

AND this is good.

Main plus brushed aluminum, as on iPhones - such a coating hides micro-scratches and, in general, is weakly amenable to scuffs.

That is why the three-year-old iPhone can still look decent if the owner's hands grew out of his shoulders. With the exception of the Jet Black model, whose glamorous finish peels off with one sneeze, there is a single story.

So what has changed?

iPhone 8 has a back panel glass, everyone knows that. Side frames made of aluminum. It is too.

iPhone X has a back panel glass. But its side frames are not aluminum - but steel.

This is bad for several reasons. In addition to practical ones, there is one purely aesthetic one.

Steel in a smartphone is a magnet for shiny scratches

I've been using a steel Apple Watch for the third year in a row and I'm very pleased that it has sapphire crystal. During this time, there is NOT A SINGLE trace and scratch on it, nothing at all, like new.

It's funny that such a material that is not killed in domestic conditions was combined with one of the most scratchy types of metalpolished steel.

My Apple Watch looks weird. They seem to be perfect, but it’s worth taking a closer look – no, the whole case is covered with small scratches in several layers, behind which natural steel shines.

Scratches on the metal are visible at arm's length, especially closer. You will notice them whenever you wear them. This can be removed by re-polishing, but not for long. Plus, after this operation, the luster of the metal will change and become a little dimmer.

I didn't do anything wrong with those hours. Just wore. They didn’t really touch anything, unlike a smartphone, which just doesn’t lie anywhere.

And now all this pain will be familiar to the owners.

The main problem of polished steel: scratches appear from absolutely everything in the world and out of the blue.

1. Did you wipe down the case with microfiber? will remain stripes.

2. Just touched another metal? Catch scratch shining in the sun.

3. Wear a ring or even several? Get ready for tin.

4. Got dust under the bezel of the case? Keep zigzags and dots.

5. Fell on edge? Lots of scratches, but no dents. Or it will be less than on aluminum. This is the only plus. Only you will most likely break both glasses, and it will be cheaper to throw out the iPhone X or sell it for spare parts.

For 79+ thousand rubles (the price of a 64 GB iPhone X in Russia) you get probably the most easily soiled and impractical type of smartphone case.

And the steel frame looks so-so, especially on the white model! Judging by the photos, but it looks really cheap. Steel in the watch is fine, but not so much on the phone. Why did they do it then?

So get ready

The buyer of the iPhone X is waiting for the side panels, which in six months will be covered with scratches even in neat hands. There's no getting away from this, you just need to accept and forgive.

At the same time, I did not hold an iPhone X in my hands. So, I could be wrong.

What if Apple covered the frames with Jony Quince tears? And they suddenly changed physical properties, no longer scratching from the air, as polished steel should?

It's hard to believe it.

Worried about scratches on your iPhone 5? There are several ways to get rid of them.

The easiest of them is to install a new case on the iPhone 5. However, this method is for the lazy. You don't consider yourself lazy, do you?

Find out how else you can remove scratches from the iPhone 5 case from our article without buying a new case.

3 ways to get rid of scratches on iPhone 5

You can easily remove scratches on your iPhone 5 using items that are in every home. Remember that all actions must be performed with great care so as not to damage your gadget. We are not responsible for your actions.

The safest way to get rid of scratches on iPhone

Suitable if:

  • your iPhone is not scratched too badly
  • you are afraid to ruin your phone by more drastic methods

So, to get rid of scratches on the iPhone 5, arm yourself with toothpaste. It contains abrasive elements that can remove small damages on the paint of the phone case.

Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste onto the surface of the iPhone, then rub the problem areas on the body with a soft cloth. Then leave for a couple of minutes and safely remove the composition with soft wipes, for example, to clean monitors.

What's the catch?

Make sure that the paste does not get on the case connections or in the holes of the device connectors. It will be difficult to remove the remaining paste from there and you may need to disassemble the iPhone.

Less crazy, more dangerous way

If you do not believe in the magical properties of toothpaste, this method is for you.

Now we will tell you how to get rid of scratches on iPhone 5 using ordinary sandpaper. This method is similar to the previous one, you will also have to carefully treat the surface of the case by rubbing it. The difference is in the amount of time needed and the degree of danger to your device.

It will take about half an hour to completely remove scratches from an iPhone. It is very important to choose a fine-grained sandpaper so as not to scratch the phone even more. In the process of processing the phone, do not put pressure on the sandpaper, all actions must be very careful. Your job is to polish the paint, not remove it. If you still managed to erase the paint, you will have to proceed to the third method.

The most radical way to get rid of scratches on iPhone 5

With this method, you will remove all the paint from the phone case and the problem of scratches on it will disappear by itself. In addition, the famous image of an apple and all the inscriptions will disappear on your device.

This method is the most difficult and time-consuming, it should be used only in the most emergency cases, when the scratches are very deep or there is no paint at all in some places.

So, the essence of the cardinal method in wet grinding. In the end, you will have a shiny, beautiful iPhone that has no paint on the body, but looks very nice. It is almost impossible to carry out grinding on your own. So think again if you need such a deep cleaning, and then start looking for a master, or buy a new iPhone 5 case.