Your PC has a problem all the time. There is a problem on your PC

During the download of Windows 10 (or its installation), we may encounter a blue screen of death, accompanied by the message "Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted." As is often the case, rebooting the system does nothing, and the next time the system is started, the error occurs again. Below we will analyze the essence of the problem and the options for solving it.

The error in question usually occurs when downloading or installing the Windows OS. The user suddenly receives a BSoD, on the screen of which the message mentioned above is contained, the technical name of the error, and a QR code for a link to it on the network. For some time, the system collects technical data about the error, and if there is an Internet connection, sends the specified data to Microsoft for further analysis.

According to Microsoft statistics in WIN 10, about 70% of all cases of this and similar problems are caused by incorrectly working drivers. Another 10% is due to hardware problems (memory, hard disk, overheating), the remaining 20% ​​is caused by various alternative factors.

What are the causes of the dysfunction that informs us that a problem has occurred and prompts us to restart the PC? There may be several of them:

  • Incorrectly working drivers (especially in the situation of their recent installation);
  • Damaged system files;
  • The system registry is damaged (registry files were accidentally or intentionally deleted from the System32 folder);
  • Overheating of the system (in particular, due to its intentional overclocking);
  • Various problems with PC memory (failure of memory sticks, errors in their operation, etc.);
  • Malignant activity of viral malware;
  • Errors (bad sectors) on the hard drive (in particular, due to incorrect PC shutdown).

After the error “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted”, we can still boot into the system in the usual way or use “Safe mode”. In the most sad cases, the system enters a cyclic reboot mode (BSoD - Reboot - BsoD). As a result, access to the system functionality becomes impossible.

How to fix "Your PC ran into a problem" dysfunction

The solution to this problem is divided into two main stages, depending on whether you can boot the system in safe mode or not.

  1. To enter safe mode, restart your PC, and at the login screen, hold Shift.
  2. And then select "Shutdown" - "Restart".
  3. After restarting the PC, on the option selection screen, select "Diagnostics".
  4. Then "Advanced Options".
  5. Then "Startup Options" and "Restart".

After restarting the PC, in the list of options, press 4 to choose to boot into Safe Mode or 5 to choose to boot into Safe Mode with Network Driver Support. By the way, by booting into the latter, and then restarting your PC in the standard way, you can sometimes fix the error "Your PC has a problem."

Choose 4 or 5 download option

So, depending on whether you booted up in safe mode or not, you need to build a further algorithm for our actions.

Update your drivers

First of all, update the drivers for the main components of your PC (graphics drivers, display drivers, Ethernet drivers, and wireless adapter). By downloading their latest versions from the component developer's website (you will need a safe mode with support for network drivers). Tools such as DriverPack Solution can help you update drivers by installing the latest drivers in a semi-automatic mode. Installing the latest drivers will often fix the error that your computer has a problem and needs to restart WIN 10.

Uninstall recently installed programs

The error in question can also be caused by recently installed applications causing device conflicts and BSoDs. Uninstall recently installed programs and applications in the standard Windows way, restart your PC and see if the blue screen appears.

If, when trying to uninstall the program in safe mode, you encounter a message about the unavailability of the Windows installation service, then run the command line as an administrator, and there type:

REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\MSIServer" /VE /T REG_SZ /F /D "Service"

And hit enter. Then type:

press enter and try to uninstall the desired program again.

Modify memory dump settings

  1. In safe mode press Win+R.
  2. Enter sysdm.cpl there and hit enter.
  3. In the system properties window that opens, select the "Advanced" tab, and to the right of the "Startup and Recovery" option, click on "Settings".
  4. Uncheck the "Perform automatic reboot" option, and in the "Write debugging information" box, select the "Complete memory dump" option.
  5. Click on “OK” at the bottom and reboot the system, this can help get rid of the “Your PC ran into a problem” error.

Check the integrity of system files

Launch a command prompt as administrator and type:

and press Enter. Wait for the check to complete.

Check your PC for malware

This will help you such proven utilities as DoctorWeb Curate and other effective alternatives that remove various types of malware from your PC.

Disable PC hardware overclocking tools

If you use various overclocking tools for the processor or graphics card of your PC, we recommend that you disable (delete) them.

Install all required Windows 10 updates

Right-click on the Start button in Windows 10, select Settings, then Update and Security, and Check for Updates. Install updates and restart your PC.

Unable to boot in safe mode

If it is not possible to boot into safe mode, then the ways to get rid of the error “Your PC has a problem” WIN 10 will be the following alternatives:

Use a recovery tool

To implement this method, we need a bootable Windows 10 flash drive, from which it will be necessary to boot into the system. Select the "System Restore" option instead of installing.

Then go to "Diagnostics", then to "Advanced options", and then "System Restore".

Select your account (if necessary, enter a password), decide on a stable restore point, and roll back the system to its previous stable state.

Copy the registry files to resolve the message about the problem and the need to restart

Go to the "Advanced Options" of the system recovery menu, and select "Command Prompt" from them. Use it to navigate to the directory:

Copy the "Default", "SAM", "Security", "Software" and "System" files to the previous directory "C"\Windows\System32\Config".

Leave the Config folder before copying these files. Reboot the system after copying is complete.

Use the SFC functionality

Also, in this mode, select the command line again, and type in it:

and press Enter. Wait for the procedure to complete and restart the PC, which will help resolve the error "the computer has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted."

A few more ways to fix the error in WIN 10

In addition to the described software methods, you can solve the error on the PC as follows:


The appearance on the PC screen of the error “Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted” usually indicates that there are various problems with the PC hardware components and the drivers that serve them. Follow the set of tips listed above, this will solve the error "There was a problem with your computer" on your PC.

In contact with

In the Windows operating system, users constantly have to deal with various errors. Well, if they occur at the program level, and much worse if at the system level. One of the errors that can unexpectedly appear at the system level and force you to restart your computer is CRITICAL PROCESS DIED. This error occurs on the screen along with the following message "Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart". Together with this error, all processes are closed, and then the computer restarts. If such a problem occurs constantly, it becomes almost impossible to work with the computer, given that it can restart at any time. Even worse, when the error makes it impossible even to boot the system. In this article, we will look at how to fix the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error.

Why does the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error occur

As is the case with many other critical Windows errors that lead to the Blue Screen of Death, the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED message appears most often due to driver failure. Drivers with errors can work for several reasons:

  • The drivers were installed automatically from the Update Center library, and for the correct operation of the device, the original software from the manufacturer's website is required;
  • Drivers were corrupted for one reason or another;
  • The drivers conflict with the current version of Windows.

But not only drivers are the cause of the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error. In addition, it can occur due to the action of viruses on the computer or if the files of the operating system are damaged.


If the “blue screen of death” in question occurs, the first thing to do is to check if there is a conflict when the drivers are running. This free app will help you blue screen view, which can read information from saved memory dumps, determining which drivers shut down before the error occurred and the blue screen of death appeared.

After installing the specified program, run it and see the latest errors and what caused them. At the bottom of the program window, it will be displayed in red, failures in which drivers led to the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error.

Having identified the problematic files (in the .sys extension), you need to turn to search engines to find which drivers contain these files. Then it's up to the small - you need to go to the official website of the manufacturer of the problematic driver and download the current version of the software, which will need to be installed instead of the current one.

Please note: There is another application that allows you to determine the cause of the "blue screen of death" and immediately find out the problematic driver. This application is called WhoCrashed, you can use it if necessary.

Important: There are situations when you cannot start Windows due to a CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error immediately after logging in. In this option, we recommend trying to start safe mode. If the safe mode does not work, instructions will be given below on what to do in this case.

If, after reinstalling the drivers, the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error and the blue screen of death continue to bother you, we recommend that you take the following steps:

If none of the above tips helped solve the problem, we recommend that you remember what actions were performed on the computer before the CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error began to appear. For example, it may occur after connecting a USB peripheral. In such a situation, you should try to disconnect the USB device and remove automatically (or manually) the installed drivers for it.

How to fix CRITICAL PROCESS DIED error if Windows won't start

It is much more difficult to fix the error in question if you cannot start the Windows operating system.

If you install a driver in Windows that for some reason (lack of compatibility with the version of the operating system, conflicts with other software, etc.) refuses to function properly, the system will usually end unexpectedly with a critical STOP error ( aka "blue screen of death" or just BSOD).

Today we will look at one of the ways to fix the error. DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, upon occurrence of which the following message appears on the display:

Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted.

If you wish, you can search the Internet for information on this error code: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (epfwwfp.sys).

The epfwwfp.sys value in the message indicates the name of the driver that caused this error. Knowing the name of the faulty driver, simply uninstalling it (and installing a newer version if there is one), and then the problem will be solved. Here's how to do it:

1. Boot into the Windows Recovery Environment. To do this, click Restart by pressing and holding the Shift key. If an error occurs at the stage of loading the operating system, then get into the recovery environment can using the installation disk or using .

2. Once in the recovery environment, click Diagnostics > Advanced Options > Command Prompt. This will start the preparation of the command line.

3. Select an administrator account and enter the account password.

The next step is to determine the letter of the partition on which the system is installed. This is important because the disk partition letters in the boot environment are different from those used in the running system.

4. So, in the command line window, type the command notepad and press Enter. Once Notepad opens, go to File -> Save As. Specify "This PC" as the save directory. In the "Explorer" you will see the drives and the letters assigned to them. Most likely, the letter C will mark the reserved area, and the letter D, which is usually assigned to the user partition, will mark the partition with the system. In our case, everything is exactly like this - the operating system is installed on a partition that was assigned the letter D in the boot environment.

5. Now return to the command prompt by closing File Explorer and Notepad. Type the following command and press Enter:

DEL /F /S /Q /A "D:\Windows\System32\drivers\ < TITLE DRIVER> "

Do not forget to replace D: with the letter of your system partition, and instead of<НАЗВАНИЕ ДРАЙВЕРА>enter the name of the failed driver (for example, epfwwfp.sys).

6. Close the command prompt and boot up the operating system.

Now that the problematic driver has been removed, the blue screen of death should no longer occur. Next, you need to install an updated version of the driver, but for this you will need to learn more about it.

7. Visit the online driver catalog created by users and Microsoft experts. On the catalog page, look for the name of the failed driver. In our case, the cause of the error was the epfwwfp.sys driver, which is required for the operation of ESET Personal Firewall.

You need to do the following: after finding out the name of the program / device whose driver caused the problem, go to the website of the corresponding manufacturer / developer and download and install a newer version of the driver / program, if any.

Have a great day!

Question Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted. given by the author European the best answer is Yegor you bought a laptop with a pre-installed system. I paid money.
My advice is to take it back to the store. There is no reason for you to bother with the installation, with hards. Obviously, it's inconvenient. They advise the system to another disk as if you have another hard drive and then for laptops. You can install a new system. Download from the torrent the original image or assembly. But it needs to be activated later. You don't have a key. And then you lose your warranty. Most likely hardware.
And by the way, when you started the laptop, did you already have Windows installed or did the installation go when you first turned on the laptop ????

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Your PC has a problem and needs to be restarted.

Answer from throw away[guru]
Well, this is hardly a hardware error, so I think reinstalling the system will help

Answer from switch[guru]
Try putting the system on a DIFFERENT hard drive. And save the warranty and find out where the legs grow from the malfunction. By the way, it looks like a failure in the RAM.

Answer from Vladimir Kochetov[guru]
You can try to boot any Linux Live CD / USB, if it boots normally, then everything is fine with the hardware, then pick the system.

Answer from philosophy[active]
Windows 8 - Lynch!
Take care of your files! You don't know which ones the new system from Microsoft will consider "unlicensed", unwanted, that is, not meeting Microsoft's requirements. All folders and files to which the new operating system has access, that is, it has the right to read at the system level, are checked both programmatically and by personnel. What data and programs are allowed to be used when working with the Windows 8 operating system, and which ones are not, Microsoft is silent about that, as well as about its “guerrilla” way of fighting for copyright and industrial rights. If your data in the form of files and folders does not comply with Microsoft requirements, such files and data will be destroyed, despite the fact that in relation to the Microsoft legal entity they are someone else's property. The operating system is rendered unusable, especially in the absence of access to delete unwanted, according to Microsoft censorship, user files. How does it manifest itself? When the computer is turned off by standard means, a blue window with the following content will appear on the screen. « 🙁 Your PC has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted again. We are just collecting some information about the error and then a reboot will be automatically performed (succeeded ...%)". I advise you not to wait until THIS is done, but immediately turn off the computer or unplug the USB connector if your data is on a USB drive. It is advisable to copy files and folders on disks and folders in the user's directories using a different operating system to another disk, otherwise you will lose them. Let me explain with an example, connecting your own data using a USB drive. This method of connecting devices with data on different physical media with a connecting cable separates the data into yours and those that belong to the operating system. The USB drive is definitely yours, and the data on it is definitely yours too! For representatives and employees of a Microsoft legal entity, this data is someone else's property, which they do not have the right to encroach on. So, instead of shutting down, after a warning issued by the system method (see text above), your computer, after a while, when it is “100% done”, will reboot, and at first glance, the system will work fine. BUT! Check your files and data. You will miss them. A number of folders may lose access rights, and files that the Microsoft program for censoring user data on his computer will evaluate as unwanted will simply disappear. For example, my retro music files, which obviously cannot have licenses and owners, and are freely available, have disappeared, access to a number of boot files on my disk has been closed, and the watch gadget has been terminated by the system - until research into Microsoft. That's not all. The operating system support center, "posts" a flag with a message that the file system on your USB drive is corrupted, and it should be checked using the operating system tools. If you agree, then access to your data will stop. If you do not agree and ignore the message of the support center, then subsequent shutdowns and reboots will lead to the same result, and in addition, access to downloaded programs will begin to stop, and subsequently, your new Windows 8 will die. The user begins to deal with malicious codes - viruses, contact specialists in Internet forums about the above-described "death" window that temporarily appeared on your computer, completely forgetting that all the troubles started from this window - Microsoft warnings. This way you will know that you not only bought the right to install and use the Windows 8 operating system from the owner, but also transferred your right to personal property electronically to another owner and copyright holder