Tactical advice. Maps WOT World of tanks schematic tactics on maps

We welcome you, guests and guests of the portal website! Today we will tell you about another World Of Tanks map - Swamp. The map is very simple and predictable, which is probably why it did not deserve much love from the players. However, let's talk about it and maybe you will learn something new.

General information.

Picture 1.

Swamp refers to summer maps (summer camouflage is used), available for 4 - 11 battle levels, only in random battle mode. The standard size for our game is 1000*1000 meters. The wot Marsh map appeared in our game a long time ago, in patch 0.7.0. However, the game community and the developers themselves almost immediately recognized it as unplayable and already in patch 0.7.4. was withdrawn. For a long time it was gathering dust in the archives of the Minsk office of mapmakers until in update 0.8.8., having undergone some changes, it was not added to random again. True, even then the players did not like the map and the developers had to radically remake Wot Swamp in update 0.9.9. To this day, the map is available in the random battle mode, although it did not find much love among tankers even after major changes. Let's see what's wrong with this card.

The main components of the map:

Picture 2.

1. Top base.
2. Top Base Defense Positions
3. Convenient hill with bushes(used by tanks of the upper base to shoot through the swamp and enemy positions near the base).
4. Hill(a convenient direction for the team to quickly push through the lower base and enter the enemy base, but more often it is quickly cleared by the team of the upper base due to the fact that the positions of the upper base are located near the hill and the opponents who arrived here, having met resistance, simply find themselves constrained in their actions) .

5. Bottom base.
6. Positions for defending bottom base(there are some shelters from artillery).
7. Convenient hill with bushes(used by tanks of the lower base to shoot through the swamp and enemy positions near the base).
8. Urban development(a convenient position for heavily armored tanks to measure the thickness of the armor, however, similarly to the slide, it is most often simply cleared by tanks of the lower base with the support of allies from positions near their own base).
9. Central lowland(swampy place, mostly unplayable and used only by fireflies to illuminate and troll opponents on the hills; towards the end of the battle, when the situation on the battlefield becomes clear, it is used to quickly drive to the enemy hill and defend positions near the base).

How to play the Swamp map?

Friends, take a good look at the minimap. Doesn't this remind you of anything? Yes, yes, it is very similar to the map. There are also two parts separated by a swamp, and each of the parts is easier for one team to defend and push than for the other team. So, for example, a part of the map with a slide is easier for the top base team to capture, and a part of the map with urban areas is easier for the bottom base team to capture. However, on this map, unlike Erlenberg, it is still easier to push through the enemy part of the map, it just requires a little more tanks than they usually go there in a random house.

Tactics on the Swamp wot map for the top base team:

Picture 3.

Figure 3 shows the standard Swampy gameplay for the top base team. This tactic can be seen in every random battle on this map. Tank destroyers and other fans of shooting at other people's light occupy positions not far from their own base (zones displayed in blue): from these positions, good shots open up at the central swamp and enemy hills, and also provide comfortable conditions for protecting their own base in the event of an enemy breakthrough tanks. These positions are good if the enemy firefly has not pressed close to them in the swamp, which will inevitably highlight and troll you. Fast tanks break through the hill and, with the support of the allies, clean it up. Other tanks drive along the hill, firing at enemies moving up the hill, and then they, teaming up with fast tanks from the hill, break through and press in on enemy positions near the base, gradually swinging the defenses from different sides with the support of tank destroyers. You can often see tanks coming to the town from the upper base. This is not always the best solution, because you will be shot at the entrances to safe areas, and therefore do not be surprised that you will reach the city already “bitten”. From the upper base it makes sense to go to the city only if your allies support you (it doesn’t make sense to go there in three or four tanks, since there will probably be more opponents there and they will have support from tank destroyers positions). It is worth saying that even if you are supported in the attack on the town and you successfully capture it, then further advancement will be extremely difficult, since the exit from the urban area is in direct shooting from more comfortable tank destroyer positions. Artillery on the Swamp map from the top spawn should take up positions behind the allied forces and, as far as possible, move towards the hill.

Tactics on the Swamp wot map for the bottom base team:

Picture 4.

As you can see in picture 4, the tactics from the bottom base are practically the same. The only exception is that the team takes the city and moves from it to the enemy base, but it doesn’t always make sense to go up the hill because there are often more opponents there and they are under the cover of tank destroyers. Of course, for heavy and slow tanks on the Swamp it will be very convenient to play under the cover of city buildings and it is much more convenient to occupy the city from your respawn than to your opponents. However, after occupying the city (where it is not always possible to meet resistance), this position almost completely loses its relevance, because there are no shots at enemy positions from here, and shots at your own base are very limited by the position of your tank and are possible only as long as someone can give you illumination . For artillery, there is a convenient lowland leading to the town, along which you must take up positions and, in the event of an enemy breakthrough, you must hide in urban areas.

In addition to the above, I would like to note that on the Swamp wot map, both bases are located in an open, well-shootable area without shelters and trying to capture any of the bases only makes sense when you make sure that the enemy is far away.

Also, fast tanks (often light ones) on the swamp map can try to win back through the central swamp. From here you can constantly highlight and troll enemies. However, if opponents fall on you, then you will not have time to escape and you can only hope that your allies will shoot back at the descending enemies in time. In the swamp, however, there are several hills behind which you can take cover for a while.

In conclusion, I will say that Swamp is played much faster and more dynamically than the same Erlenberg, but the tactics here also do not differ in variety and, as a rule, the same situations are repeated from battle to battle. There are enough shelters on Topi from artillery "suitcases" and long-range shots, but being not careful you can easily get into an uncomfortable position, as they say, be in a half position when your opponent has a clear advantage.

Dear readers, that's all for today. See you on the new map!

17.3.2017 6466 Views

If there are no tactics in World of Tanks, tankers will not understand what to do during the battle. But World of Tanks is a simulator of tank battles during the Second World War. Naturally, during the war, tankers used combat tactics in order to achieve victory.

In World of Tanks, a similar situation has developed. Tactics on the maps of World of Tanks can differ significantly, because the maps have terrain features. Where it is good to go in that direction on one map for LT, on the other - a death sentence.

Game tactics in World of Tanks are not universal - they are built around a certain class of vehicles and maps. For example, the action plan for a well-armored TT is to push through the direction, to contain enemy attacks. LTs will definitely not cope with such a task - they have no armor, and therefore they can only shine on allies and sometimes shoot from a safe position.
Combat tactics in World of Tanks cannot be universal - the situations in battle are different. Sometimes, it is not always possible to predict the actions of allies and enemies, and therefore the player needs to modify his behavior and evolve.

Team fights – world of tanks tactics

Team battles in World of Tanks have taken a step further in terms of tactics and deserve a separate discussion. In CB, players with voice communication fight and most often play well with each other. Therefore, teamwork in KB is at its best, which cannot be said about “random confrontations”. In this mode, the players are led by a commander - an experienced player who knows every map and is able to predict the moves of the enemy.

Combat tactics in World of Tanks are often thought out by commanders in advance, after which each move is played out for hours, or even days in training rooms, so that one can understand the effectiveness of the actions taken.

Cards deserve special mention, because their knowledge provides an experienced player with an advantage over a beginner. Having learned all the cards, it is not difficult to understand in which positions a certain tank is better to operate.
The battle tactics on the maps of World of Tanks are built around the performance characteristics of the tank itself and the features of the terrain, the presence of buildings, bushes.
The simplest are tactics for a certain class - for heavy, light and medium tanks, as well as tank destroyers and self-propelled guns.

On urban maps, the style of play for heavy tanks is simple: we "tank" from buildings and exchange shots. If medium tanks get into the city, they should "pounce" on singles with several vehicles, and not try to trade with heavy tanks. It is better for light tanks not to engage in a direct collision.

On open maps, LTs, SPGs, and tank destroyers already rule, while STs are doing well, but TTs are not well. LT freely "run" on spacious maps and shine for allies, PT - shoot from afar.
Relief plays an important role. For example, a tank with good HPP can take a position behind a hill or a small hill, playing from an armored turret. However, such positions are prohibited for tanks with bad HP - all Chinese tanks and most Soviet ones.


Oddly enough, reviews or so-called guides can help you understand what tactics are best to use on a particular tank. Reviews are a "guide" for World of Tanks video tactics.

Famous tank players in such videos share their experience and tell why they do it in this or that combat situation. As a rule, after watching the guides, players feel more confident and their statistics grow up.

The tactics of playing World of Tanks tanks are developed by each player over time. Just starting to play tanks, most of them will seem incomprehensible until the mechanics cease to be a mystery. Having played at least 5000 battles, any player remembers all the cards and tanks with their pluses and minuses - from which the tactics of actions on the battlefield are already built.


Now you can understand how the strategy and tactics of World of Tanks affect the outcome of any battle. With no fundamentals in mind, players do weird things – eat where they shouldn’t go, go solo on a few enemies, don’t cover for those who need help, and only spoil the statistics for experienced players who are trying to win.

The right tactics in World of Tanks is the key not only to victories and good results, but also to the respect of other players. Make the most of your combat vehicle, play in convenient positions and attack at the right time, coordinate with your allies, then victory will not be long in coming.

Of course, sometimes the right actions cannot guarantee victory - situations are different and defeats cannot be avoided.

The main place of battles in World of Tanks is maps, each of which is remembered by players for a long time. All locations for battles are fictitious - they differ in the type of landscape, buildings, design style, musical accompaniment and thematic inserts.

What are the cards in World of Tanks?

Playing in, tankers can visit all corners of the globe - from beautiful Paris to burning Kharkov, from the freezing Arctic to the Sandy River with high dunes.

The average size of maps in the game is kilometer by kilometer, but there are also locations where the size is smaller: in such locations, the battle often goes more dynamically, faster and more vigorously.

Terrain on maps in WoT

To revive the battlefield, the mapmakers used a variety of tricks:

  • Alternating open areas with massive buildings.
  • Hiding not only from tank destroyers, but also from artillery fire.
  • The presence of hills, hillocks and depressions.

Terrain play is especially important in WOT, so each of the heights is monitored by the developers and balanced if necessary.

There are 29 cards in the game and they are divided into three types:

  1. Summer.
  2. Winter.
  3. Sandy.

In update 0.8.0, the developers have changed the physical model of the game by reworking all the maps using their own CORE engine. Now the battles in the World of Tanks have become even more exciting. Try it too!


The MMO World of Tanks offers an impressive variety of maps, several combat options, and a huge variety of vehicles. Therefore, there is no universal tactic in this game that will always and everywhere bring victory. Well, except perhaps sitting in the bushes in an ambush. Within the framework of this material, two classic maps from this game will be considered: one spacious and one “close”, with a bunch of communications and other objects. On these maps, it will be most clearly possible to outline the possibility of conducting combat on a wide variety of types of equipment.

So, without further delay, let's get started.

This map has the unofficial name "Tir". This is our most "spacious" card. There is also, for example, "Steppes", but there you need to move a lot, and on Malinovka you can stand in one place the whole battle, that's why Malinovka is unique. So, we will consider the battle mode "Normal". Everything is clear with the oncoming one: pull the rod up the mountain, to the mill, and the light and medium ones, who are faster, can make a circle around the field and try to drive to the rear. But we are talking about a standard fight. Let's define right away that the map has north and south, top and bottom. The top is a platform with stones and a shallow trench. Below is a platform with cowsheds and some small buildings. Let's start from the top. If you are on art, then drive back into the bushes. Everything is standard here. If you are on the initial art, which does not shoot anywhere, then your business is a pipe. Try to get through the swamps, near the river, but you are unlikely to succeed. If you are on a light tank, then try to shine in the center. Lighted up and back. The second time this maneuver is better not to repeat. Basically, you have two options: either go up the mountain to the mill and shine there, or carefully move along the river on the right side. The second option is only suitable if your firefly is a low-profile French Yolka type.

If you are on a medium tank, then try either to drive along the right edge, or drive up the mountain and take the height there. If the gun is good, and the fireflies are sensible, then try to arrange this very shooting gallery by shooting at the enemy from afar. But it's still better to take the top. How to do this will be described later.
If you are heavy, then you can neither drive through the swamp, nor sneak on the right side, nor, moreover, drive in the center. Your fate is either to hide behind the stones and aim enemies from there, or go up the mountain.
If you feel that the team is merging, the enemies are attacking, and you want to sell yourself at a higher price, then go down into a small ditch, just behind the stones. It will be more difficult to get you there, including artillery, you will not be visible from the other end of the field, so you will find yourself alone only with those tanks that drove up close.

Now uphill. The rules for the mountain are the same for both sides. Despite the fact that the goal is the top, you should not climb there at all. The top is perfectly shot through by everyone in the world. There are small fishing lines on both sides in front of the top with the windmill. That's where the fight needs to be. At the same time, the northern side will have an advantage in the face of a couple of sheds, and the southern side will have the form of a depression in which their side of the forest is located, so PTs can work great there.

Now on the south side. The overall task of the team is how to fortify the buildings. The left side is of particular importance. Enemies will definitely come from there, so we hide behind the walls, in the bushes and sit, wait. It's good if there is an intelligent firefly in the team. Artillery should also move back. At the same time, like the north side, you need to remember that they will work at random on the most noticeable bushes. Therefore, do not be surprised if they kill you without light. It makes no sense for light tanks to drive along the left edge near the cliff. In this case, all light tanks should leave for the mountain, but not rush there headlong, but wait until the artillery converges. To do this, you need to warn, they say, food to shine the mountain. Moreover, it is better to shine not the mountain itself, but the right edge of the river, there are several more houses in a row.

Medium tanks need to either drive up the mountain or stand by the buildings. Look out and wait for your chance. It should be repeated that this card is called "Tyr". It is reputed to be one of the most boring, but at the same time, it is this map that sometimes requires extraordinary tactical skills. It is always interesting to watch the fight in Malinovka between two serious teams in some championship. So, medium tanks cannot drive on the left side. The most desperate and bored can try to drive through the swamp. Wow, what will happen.

If you are on a heavy load, then either wait, hiding behind the house, or drive up the mountain. You can’t go into the swamps, because the clumsy and large-sized heavy will be excellent prey there, first of all, for artillery. Oh, by the way, when you lean out from behind the buildings, in any case, do not monitor the situation from the windows, which look so tempting and just ask to be shot from them. No need. These windows glow with the enemy and through them it is very easy and simple for your tank to be taken out. You can only do this if you are a PT with strong armor.

In general, Malinovka helps to develop an eye, since you have to shoot at long distances, it allows fast tanks to prove themselves properly, with good engines and, as a rule, with accurate guns. Well, and, of course, there is a huge scope for artillery. To get on the art to Malinovka is for happiness.

Now a tight map.

As a matter of fact, there are tighter maps in World of Tanks, but Live Oaks has everything: mountains and water, swamps and dense buildings and branded ambush points.

So let's also divide this map into north and south. North - a site near the lake. South is in the big city. Let's start from the north. Let's take a standard battle as a basis. So, if you are on art, then you have little scope for action. Stay at the base and try to get somewhere. It is better to converge on places where exactly there should be enemies. Light up and wait patiently instead of chasing tanks with a scope.

If you are on a light tank, then you do not need to go either to the city or along the railway track on the left side. Neither there nor there will be any sense from you. It is best to drive through the center, through the swamp, sneak and light it up to the maximum, and if possible, then break through to the base and make a rustle there. As a rule, the central part on this map is ignored. All fights develop along the flanks, so cars have a great chance to prove themselves.

Medium tanks. There are two options here: either drive to the left and try to take control of the bridge, or move into dense urban areas and help your heavy tanks there. If you decide to go towards the bridge, then keep in mind that the bridge is one of those sections that can be shot through by artillery. Try to hide under the bridge and fire from there.

The most interesting is waiting for heavy tanks. They have to immediately go to the right and there take on a city battle, which the enemy will surely impose, while they need to huddle to their northern side, because if you substitute the stern from the south, then something will definitely fly from there.

Now on the south side. Arta needs to hide in the lower left corner and not stick out from there, because there are no more chances. It is also better for light tanks to drive in the center, through swamps, but medium tanks can split up: some of them should go to storm the city, some should sit in the woods on the left, and some should hold or, if possible, storm the bridge. As for the woods on the hills, this is a great place for a PT. Artillery needs to know about this and, if it gets boring, fire at these same hillocks. Those medium tanks that drove towards the bridge should know that as soon as they are illuminated, from the other end of the map, from the northernmost side of the piece of iron, almost from the enemy base, the vehicles will begin to fire. At the same time, you will not have such an opportunity to answer, and the fact that you illuminate something will also be of little use. In general, northerners have more operational space on the bridge.

But the southerners have more space at the entrance to the urban development itself. Heavy tanks that go there (and all the heavy tanks in the team should go there) can start the battle on the very left side of the city, and break through along the central road, or even go around to the right with a claim to capture the base. In this case, for the attacker, and this side will be exactly as the attacker, because she also needs to squeeze into the urban development, she will need not to overdo it, and not get completely inside the street. Instead, you need to try to lure the enemy himself into the light, closer to the field of view of your anti-tank guns, which are hiding on the hillocks and artillery, which must necessarily come down to the city.

In general, Malinovka and Live Ox, of course, do not display all the possibilities of spacious and cramped maps, and each map will have its own characteristics, but in general, the tactics are simple: heavy ones go where it’s crowded, medium ones according to the situation, light ones break out into operational space. Arta is reduced wherever necessary, and the ATs are looking for reliable shelters and shoot from there. At the same time, the rules remain the same: heavy tanks are not allowed into swamps or uphill, light tanks are not allowed into the city, medium tanks cannot be forced to engage in such a battle where there will be a minimum of movement. These are the rules, which, however, do not always work, and there is an exception to any rule.