What letters can be used in applications. Guest requirements for the design of scientific papers

The quality of the design of applications in the diploma plays a huge role. Properly designed thesis appendices summarize your work, make it more understandable. The thesis application includes:

  • drawings,
  • tables,
  • graphic visual materials.

However, many students constantly have problems with how to arrange the application in the diploma correctly. Let's figure it out.

Diploma applications

Applications are the last and completely independent section of the thesis. They include not only drawings and graphic objects, but also texts, any important supplementary information that you consider necessary to place in the project. This information is a natural extension of the diploma.

Before you issue an application in a diploma, remember: the numbering among different applications will not be digital, but alphabetic. For numbering, capital letters of the Russian alphabet are used (A, B, C, etc.).

When designing applications, you should not use the letters ъ, ь, ё, й and the like.

According to GOST, each application of the thesis corresponds to a specific link within the text of the work. Each link must match the number of the corresponding application, that is, the numbering must be clear and consistent.

The commission or the teacher should not have questions about which application comes first, second, etc. In this case, the section of applications is always headed by the one to which the work refers in the first place.

Diploma Supplement Requirements

There are certain standards that must be observed when creating Diploma Supplements. Here are the main ones:

  1. Every new application starts with a clean page. The heading "APPENDIX" is written at the top in the center in the serial number assigned to it, corresponding to the reference in the text of the work. Below it is the title of a table, figure or other graphic object (starts with a capital letter from a separate line in the center).
  2. The numbering of applications can be in the form of letters of the Russian (except for o, ё, d, z, b, h, ъ, s) or Latin alphabet (except for the letters I, O). If the number of applications exceeds the number of letters in one of the alphabets, Arabic numerals can be used. If only one annex is attached to the diploma, it is indicated by a capital letter A.
  3. Application pagination should be continuous. Numbering starts with the first digit from the first page of the application.

Where and how to place the Diploma Supplement?

The student can place the appendices as an addition to the graduation project. Then this part of the work is placed at the very end of the work. But if the volume of the application is quite large, you can provide it separately from the thesis or put the diploma inside the applications.

If the application is provided separately, the numbering will be the usual - from the first page. In this case, the folder with applications should also have its own title page, which should be drawn up by analogy with the title page of the thesis (except for the title of the diploma topic).

Separate appendices must be accompanied by their own bibliographic list of references. The difference from the same part of the diploma is that the page is not indicated in the list of references in the appendix.

Applications for the thesis are required. It is thanks to them that the commission and the leader will understand that you took the research quite seriously. Well, if you really have no time to do this, contact us. Our staff will help you to correctly complete the applications in the diploma.


(based on GOST 2.105 - 95 General requirements for text documents)

Text documents are performed in one of the following ways:

- typewritten, while the requirements of GOST 13.1.002 should be met. The typewriter font must be clear, at least 2.5 mm high, the ribbon is only black (bold);

- handwritten - drawing font in accordance with GOST 2.304 with a height of letters and numbers of at least 2.5 mm. The text is written neatly in dark ink or ink (black, dark purple, dark blue) with a line spacing of 8-10 mm. All text must be written in ink (paste) of the same color and shade;

- with the use of printing and graphic output devices of computers (GOST 2.004-88);

– on magnetic data carriers (GOST 28388).

To enter into text documents made in a typewritten way, individual words, formulas, conventional signs in a handwritten way, as well as illustrations should be done in black ink, paste or ink.

The distance from the form frame to the text boundaries at the beginning and end of lines is at least 3 mm.

The distance from the top or bottom line of text to the top or bottom frame must be at least 10 mm.

Paragraphs in the text begin with an indent equal to five strokes of a typewriter (15-17mm).

When using a computer, the following fields are set:

top and right 2 cm; bottom and left 2.5 cm. The text of the manuscript should be typed on a computer in any text editor with the usual line spacing (up to 40 lines per page) on one side of A4 paper. Paragraph indent of at least 1.2 cm. Font size: for text -14, for formulas - 16,for tables - 10,12 or 14. Formulas must be entered in accordance with these recommendations. Drawings, qualitatively made on white paper in any way, are placed in the text. Drawings, graphs, drawings, diagrams can be (but not necessarily) made using a computer or a scanner.

Headings in the text are distinguished from above by two intervals, from below - by one. Headings of sections (chapters) are printed in capital (big) letters (CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION, GENERAL PART, etc.) and are placed in the center of the sheet.

Word hyphenation in headings and subheadings is not allowed.

Do not put a dot at the end of the heading (subheading) placed on a separate line. If the heading consists of two independent sentences, put a dot between them, and omit the dot at the end. If such a heading does not fit on one line, it is split so that the period falls inside the line, and does not end it. Headings and subheadings should not be underlined or highlighted in a different color. It is not allowed to leave the title (subtitle) at the bottom of the page, placing the text on the next one.

The distance between the heading and the text when executing a document in a typewritten way should be equal to 3 or 4 intervals, when executing in a handwritten way - 15 mm. The distance between the headings of the section and subsection - 2 intervals, when performed by handwriting - 8mm.

The text of the document is not allowed:

- apply turns of colloquial speech, technicalism, professionalism;

- apply synonyms for the same concept, as well as foreign words and terms if they are available in Russian;

- apply word abbreviations, except for those established by the rules of Russian spelling, in accordance with state standards;

- abbreviate the designations of units of physical quantities, if they are used without numbers, with the exception of units of physical quantities in the heads and sides of tables and in the decoding of letter designations included in formulas and figures.

In the text of the document, with the exception of formulas, tables and figures, it is not allowed:

– use the mathematical minus sign (–) before negative values ​​​​of quantities (the word “minus” should be written);

- use the sign "Æ" to indicate the diameter (the word "diameter" should be written);

- use mathematical signs without numerical values, as well as signs No. (number),% (percentage);

- apply indexes of standards and other documents without a registration number.

The names of commands, modes, signals, etc. in the text should be enclosed in quotation marks, for example, “Signal + 27 enabled”.

The list of allowed word abbreviations for main inscriptions, technical requirements, tables, drawings and specifications is established by GOST 2.316-68 (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 - List of allowed word abbreviations

Full name


Without drawing

Upper deviation

upper off





countersink, countersink










Norm control






In order






Assembly drawing


standard, standard



Technical requirements

Technical task


Notes: 1. Abbreviations marked with "*" are used only in the main inscription.

The abbreviation "table." used in the text only in those cases where the tables have numbers.

Conventional letters or signs must comply with accepted current legislation and state standards.

The document should use standardized units of physical quantities, their names and designations in accordance with GOST 8.417-81.

Along with the SI units, if necessary, the units of previously used systems allowed for use are indicated in brackets, if necessary. The use of different systems of designation of physical quantities in one document is not allowed.

In the text of the document, numerical values ​​of quantities with the designation of units of physical quantities and counting units should be written in numbers, and numbers without designation of units of physical quantities and counting units from one to nine - in words.

1. Current in the first branch 5 A.

2. Select 15 pipes for pressure testing.

If a range of numerical values ​​of a physical quantity is given in the text of the document, then the designation of the unit of the physical quantity is indicated after the last numerical value of the range.

1. From 10 to 20 kV.

2. From plus 350 to plus 600°C.

When citing the largest or smallest values ​​of quantities, the phrase “should be no more (no less)” should be used.

FORMULA entered into typewritten text by hand. In documents published in a non-typographical way, formulas can be made in typewritten or drawing font with a height of at least 2.5 mm.

In formulas, the symbols established by the relevant state standards should be used as symbols.

Explanations of the symbols and numerical coefficients included in the formula should be given directly below the formula. Explanations of each character should be given on a new line in the order in which the characters are given in the formula. The first line of the explanation must begin with the word "where" without a colon after it.

I= U/ R,

where U - voltage on the circuit section, V;

R - circuit section resistance, Ohm.

The use of typewritten and handwritten characters in the same formula is not allowed. Formulas that follow one after another and are not separated by text are separated by a comma.

Transferring formulas to the next line is allowed only with the help of signs of the operations performed, and the sign at the beginning of the next line is repeated. When transferring the formula on the multiplication sign, the sign "´" is used.

Formulas should be numbered with consecutive numbering in Arabic numerals, which are written at the level of the formula on the right in parentheses. One formula is denoted by (1). Numbering of formulas within sections is allowed, in this case the formula number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the formula, separated by a dot (3.1).

Formulas placed in annexes should be numbered separately in Arabic numerals within each annex, with the addition of an application designation before each digit, for example, formula (B.1).

The order of presentation of mathematical equations in documents is the same as for formulas.


The number of illustrations should be sufficient to explain the text being presented. Illustrations can be located both in the text of the document (possibly closer to the corresponding parts of the text), and at the end of it. Illustrations must be made in accordance with the requirements of ESKD standards. Illustrations, with the exception of illustrations of appendices, should be numbered in Arabic numerals through numbering. If there is only one figure, it is indicated "Picture 1".

The illustrations of each application are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation before the numbers. "Drawing A. Z"

It is allowed to number illustrations within the section. In this case, the illustration number consists of the section number and the serial number of the illustration, separated by a dot, - "Figure 1.1".

Illustrations, if necessary, may have titles and explanatory data (figure text). The word "Figure" and its name are placed after the explanatory data and arranged as follows:

Figure 1-Ammeter.

If the text of the document contains an illustration showing the component parts of the product, then this illustration should indicate the position numbers of these components, which are arranged in ascending order, with the exception of repeating positions. The indicated data in the illustrations are applied in accordance with GOST 2.109-73.

On the electrical diagrams given in the document, near each element, its reference designation (according to the standard) and, if necessary, the nominal value of the quantity are indicated.

Material that supplements the text of the document may be placed in annexes. Applications can be graphic material, large format tables, calculations, descriptions of equipment and instruments, descriptions of algorithms, etc. The application is drawn up as a continuation of this document on its subsequent sheets.

APPENDIX can be mandatory and informational. Informational appendices may be of a recommended or reference nature.

References should be given to all annexes in the text of the document. Applications are arranged in the order of references to them in the text of the document.

Each application should start on a new page with the words at the top in the middle of the page. « APPENDIX » and its designations, and under it in brackets for a mandatory application, the word “mandatory” is written, and for an informational one, “recommended” or “reference”.

The application must have a title that is written symmetrically with respect to the capitalized text on a separate line.

Applications are denoted by capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, 3, I, O, H, b, Y, b. The word "APPENDIX" is followed by a letter denoting its sequence.

It is allowed to designate applications with letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of letters I, ABOUT. In the case of full use of the letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, it is allowed to designate applications with Arabic numerals. If the document has one annex, it is designated "APPENDIX A".

Applications, as a rule, are performed on A4 sheets. It is allowed to draw up applications on sheets of A3, A4´Z, A4´4, A2, A1 format in accordance with GOST 2.301-68.

Illustrations (drawings, diagrams, graphs), tables, computer printouts located on separate sheets are included in the general pagination of the explanatory note. If their format is larger than A4, then it is taken into account in the same way as one page.

The numbering of sections, subsections, paragraphs and their headings in the content and in the text of the explanatory note must completely match.


tables used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators. The title of the table, if any, should reflect its content, be precise, and concise. The word "Table" should be placed in the upper left corner. The title should be placed above the table.

When transferring part of the table to the same or other pages, the title is placed only above the first part of the table.

Digital material, as a rule, is drawn up in the form of tables in accordance with Figure 3.1

tables, with the exception of annex tables, should be numbered with Arabic numerals through numbering.

The tables of each application are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation before the number.

It is allowed to number the tables within the section. In this case, the table number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the table, separated by a dot.

All tables of the document should be referenced in the text of the document, with the reference the word "table" should be written, indicating its number.

The headings of the columns and rows of the table should be written with a capital letter, and the subheadings of the columns should be written with a lowercase letter if they form one sentence with the heading, or with a capital letter if they have an independent meaning. Do not put dots at the end of headings and subheadings of tables. The headings and subheadings of the columns are indicated in the singular.

Tables on the left, right and bottom, as a rule, are limited by lines.

It is not allowed to separate the headings and subheadings of the sidebar and the graph with diagonal lines.

Horizontal and vertical lines delimiting the rows of the table may not be drawn if their absence does not impede the use of the table.

Column headings, as a rule, are written parallel to the rows of the table. If necessary, a perpendicular arrangement of column headings is allowed.

The head of the table should be separated by a line from the rest of the table.

The height of the table rows must be at least 8 mm.

The table, depending on its size, is placed under the text in which the link to it is first given, or on the next page, and, if necessary, in an annex to the document.

It is allowed to place the table along the long side of the document sheet.

If the rows or columns of the table go beyond the page format, it is divided into parts, placing one part under the other or next to it, while in each part of the table its head and side are repeated. When dividing a table into parts, it is allowed to replace its head or sidebar with column and line numbers, respectively. In this case, the columns and (or) rows of the first part of the table are numbered with Arabic numerals.

The word "Table" is indicated once to the left above the first part of the table, the words "Continuation of the table" are written above the other parts, indicating the number (designation) of the table.

If at the end of the page the table is interrupted and its continuation will be on the next page, the lower horizontal line limiting the table is not drawn in the first part of the table.

Tables with a small number of columns can be divided into parts and placed one part next to the other on the same page, while repeating the head of the table.

The column "Number in order" is not allowed to be included in the table. The numbering of the columns of the table with Arabic numerals is allowed in cases where there are references to them in the text of the document.

If it is necessary to number indicators, parameters or other data, serial numbers should be indicated in the first column (sidebar) of the table immediately before their name. Before the numerical values ​​​​of quantities and the designation of types, brands, etc., serial numbers are not affixed.

If all the indicators given in the columns of the table are expressed in the same unit of physical quantity, then its designation must be placed above the table on the right.

If most columns of the table contain indicators expressed in the same units of physical quantities (for example, in millimeters, volts), but there are columns with indicators expressed in other units of physical quantities, then the name of the prevailing indicator and its designation should be written above the table physical quantity, for example, “Dimensions in millimeters”, “Voltage in volts”, and in the subheadings of the remaining columns, give the name of the indicators and (or) designations of other units of physical quantities.

To reduce the text of headings and subheadings, the graph of individual concepts is replaced by letter symbols established by GOST 2.321-84, if they are explained in the text or shown in illustrations, for example, D - diameter, H - height, L - length.

Indicators with the same letter designation are grouped sequentially in ascending order of indices.

The restrictive words “more”, “no more”, “less”, “not less”, etc. must be placed in one line or column of the table with the name of the corresponding indicator after the designation of its unit of physical quantity, if they refer to the entire line or graph.

If the values ​​of the same physical quantity are placed in the column of the table, then the designation of the unit of the physical quantity is indicated in the heading (subheading) of this column.

If the numerical values ​​of the quantities in the columns of the table are expressed in different units of a physical quantity, their designations are indicated in the subheading of each column.

The designations given in the headings of the columns of the table should be explained in the text or graphic material of the document.


If it is necessary to clarify individual data given in the document, then these data should be indicated by superscript footnotes.

Footnotes in the text are placed with a paragraph indent at the end of the page on which they are indicated, and separated from the text by a short thin horizontal line on the left side.

The footnote sign is placed immediately after the word, number, symbol, sentence to which an explanation is given, and before the text of the explanation.

The footnote sign is performed in Arabic numerals with a bracket and placed at the level of the upper edge of the font.

Example: "...printing device". The numbering of footnotes is separate for each page.

It is allowed to carry out footnotes with asterisks instead of numbers: *. More than four stars are not recommended.


Source information should include:

The name of the place of publication must be given in full in the nominative case, the abbreviated name is allowed for two cities: Moscow (M.), St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg).

An example of recording the used literature:

Goss B. C., Ursul of Modern Science: Formation and Development. - M.: Thought, 1984. - 268s.

2 State standards and collections of documents Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and compilation rules: GOST 7.1-84-Vved. 01/01/86. -M, 1984.-75 p.

3 Newspaper or magazine article

Mintusov of a business person // Problems of theory and practice of management. - 1992. - No. 6. - S. 3-17.

4 Article from the encyclopedia and dictionary.

Biryukov // TSB. - 3rd ed. - M., 1974. - T. 16. - S. 393 -395.

5 Dissertation // Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 1985. - S. 396. An example of filling out the list of references - APPENDIX I.


The project submitted for regulatory control must be signed by the author of the project (student), project manager and consultants for individual sections of the project, if this is provided for by the design conditions.

In the process of normative control of explanatory notes, the following is checked:

- completeness of the explanatory note in accordance with the design assignment;

- the correctness of filling the title page, the presence of the necessary signatures;

- the presence and correctness of frames, main inscriptions on all pages, the selection of headings, sections and subsections, the presence of red lines;

- the correctness of the design of the content, the correspondence of the titles of sections and subsections in the content to the corresponding titles in the text of the note;

- correct numbering of pages, sections, subsections, illustrations, tables, applications, formulas (GOST 2.105-79, GOST 7.32-81);

- the correctness of the design of illustrations, drawings, diagrams, graphs (GOST 2.319-81);

- the correctness of the design of tables (GOST 2.105-95);

- the correctness of deciphering the symbols included in the formulas, the presence and correctness of the dimensions of physical quantities, their compliance with SI;

- no clutter of the note with the same type of calculations, grammatical errors;

- the presence and correctness of references to the used literature, the correctness of the design of the literature.

In the process of normative control of drawings, the following is checked:

– execution of drawings in accordance with the requirements of standards;

- compliance with the formats, the correctness of their design (GOST 2.301-68);

- the correctness of the outline and the use of lines (GOST 2.303-68);

- compliance with the scale, the correctness of their designations (GOST 2.302-68);

- sufficiency of images (views, sections, sections), correctness of their location and designation (GOST 2.305-68);

- the correct execution of the schemes.



General performance requirements

Scheme - a graphic document, which shows in the form of conventional images or symbols the component parts (elements) of the product and the links between them.

Depending on the elements that make up the product, the schemes are divided into the following types (they are coded with letters):

- hydraulic (G);

- pneumatic (P);

- electrical (E);

– thermal (T);

– optical (L);

- energy (P);

- combined (C).

Depending on the main purpose, the schemes are divided into the following types (they are encoded in numbers):

– structural (1);

– functional (2);

– fundamental (3);

- connections (mounting) (4);

– connections (5);

– general (6);

– location (7);

– combined (0).

For example, a kinematic circuit diagram - short circuit; general pneumatic scheme - P6.

Electrical circuits must be carried out in accordance with the rules established by GOST 2.701-84, GOST 2.702-75, GOST 2.708-81 ... GOST 2.710-81, GOST 2.721-74 ... GOST 2.756-76, etc.

Thermal schemes are carried out in accordance with GOST 21.206-93, GOST 21.403-80, etc.

Hydraulic and pneumatic circuits should be performed in accordance with GOST 2.701-84, GOST 2.704-76 and GOST 2.721-74, and their elements are depicted as conventional graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 2.780-68 - GOST 2.782-68 and GOST 2.784-70.

The product on the diagram should be depicted in the off state. The circuit diagram must display all the electrical elements necessary for the implementation and control of the specified electrical processes, showing the electrical connections between them.

If necessary, to the right of the scheme, a list of elements included in the scheme is placed, formatting it in the form of a table or (only for an explanatory note) caption text.


Formats, main inscriptions, scales.

Sheet formats are chosen in accordance with the requirements established by GOST 2.301-68 and GOST 2.001-93, with the main formats being preferred. The selected format should provide a compact implementation of the scheme, without violating its visibility and ease of use.

GOST 2.301-68 establishes drawing formats. The format of the drawing is determined by the dimensions of the outer frame, made with a thin line. Frame lines are applied at a distance of 5 mm from the edge of the format and are performed as a solid main line. For stitching drawings, a free margin of 20 mm wide is left at the left edge of the sheet.

The designation and sizes of the main formats are indicated in the table

Table Basic formats

Format designation

Dimensions, mm

Format designation

Dimensions, mm

To illustrate the report during the defense of the project, it is allowed to produce (on separate sheets of A1 and A2 format) posters displaying the necessary additional materials: graphs, sketches, diagrams, tables, etc.

The poster should have line types proportionally increased in thickness, digital, alphabetic designations and inscriptions. Indications of posters belonging to a specific graduation project should be placed in the lower right corner of their reverse side. The frame on the posters is not done. It is allowed to carry out digital and alphabetic designations and inscriptions using stencils.

On each format, in the lower right corner, the main inscription is made in accordance with GOST 2.104-68.

The form of the main inscription is called standard and is used for:

1) drawings of a special part of the drawing course (Figure 6.1);

2) the first sheet of a text document (Figure 6.2);

3) subsequent sheets (Figure 6.3).

In the columns of the main inscription and additional columns indicate:

- in column 1 - the name of the product in accordance with GOST 2.109-93, as well as the name of the document, if this document has been assigned a code;

- in column 2 - the designation of the document;

- in column 3 - the designation of the material of the part (the column is filled out only on the drawings of the parts);

- in column 4 - the letter assigned to this document in accordance with GOST 2.103-68;

- in column 5 - the mass of the product in accordance with GOST 2.109-73;

- in column 6 - the scale is affixed in accordance with GOST 2.302-68 and GOST 2.109-93;

- in column 7 - the serial number of the sheet (on documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled out);

- in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document (the column is filled out only on the first sheet);

- in column 9 - the name or distinctive index of the enterprise issuing the document;

- in column 10 - the nature of the work performed by the person signing the document;

- in column 11 - the names of the persons who signed the document;

- in column 12 - signatures of persons whose names are indicated in column 11. Signatures of the persons who developed this document and are responsible for normative control are mandatory. In the absence of a title page, it is allowed to place the signature of the person who approved the document on the free field of the first or title page of the document in the manner established for title pages in accordance with GOST 2.105-95;

- in column 13 - the date of signing the document;

- in columns - 14-18 - columns of the table of changes, which are filled in in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.503-90.

Schemes are performed without observing the scale, the actual spatial arrangement of the component parts of the product is not taken into account or taken into account approximately.

The image of the product in the drawing is carried out on a scale established by GOST 2.302-68

Table Scale

The graphic symbols of the elements and the communication lines connecting them should be placed on the diagram in such a way as to provide the best idea of ​​the structure of the product and the interaction of its components.

The distance (clearance) between two adjacent lines of the graphic designation must be at least 1.0 mm.

The distance between adjacent parallel communication lines must be at least 3.0 mm. The distance between individual graphic symbols must be at least 2.0 mm.

Devices that have an independent circuit diagram are made on the diagrams in the form of a figure with a solid line equal in thickness to the communication lines.

A functional group or a device that does not have an independent circuit diagram is performed on the diagrams in the form of a figure of contour dash-dotted lines equal in thickness to the communication lines.

Graphic symbols

When performing schemes, the following graphic symbols are used:

- conventional graphic symbols established in the standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation, as well as built on their basis;

- rectangles;

– simplified external outlines (including axonometric ones).

If necessary, non-standardized symbols are used.

When using non-standardized conventional graphic symbols and simplified external outlines, appropriate explanations are given in the diagram.

Conditional graphic symbols of elements are depicted in the sizes established in the standards for conventional graphic symbols.

Conditional graphic symbols of elements, the dimensions of which are not established in these standards, should be depicted on the diagram in the sizes in which they are made in the relevant standards for graphic symbols.

The dimensions of the conventional graphic symbols, as well as the thickness of their lines, must be the same on all diagrams for a given product (installation).

Graphic designations on the diagrams should be made with lines of the same thickness as the communication lines.

The conventional graphic designations of the elements are depicted on the diagrams in the position in which they are given in the relevant standards, or rotated through an angle that is a multiple of 90 °. It is allowed to rotate conditional graphic symbols by an angle multiple of 45 °, or depict them as mirror-rotated, if the meaning of the symbols is not violated during rotation or mirror image.


Communication lines are made with a thickness of 0.2 to 1 mm, depending on the formats of the circuit and the size of the graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 2.303-68.

Communication lines should consist of horizontal and vertical segments and have the least number of kinks and mutual intersections. It is allowed to use inclined segments of communication lines, the length of which should be limited if possible.

Communication lines passing from one sheet or one document to another should be cut off outside the diagram image without arrows.

Next to the break in the communication lines, the designation or name assigned to this line (for example, wire number, pipeline number, signal name or its abbreviated designation, etc.) and the diagram sheet number in parentheses should be indicated.

Communication lines should be shown, as a rule, in full. Communication lines within one sheet, if they make it difficult to read the diagram, are allowed to be cut off. Breaks in communication lines end with arrows. Near the arrows indicate the places for designating interrupted lines and the necessary characteristics of the circuits, for example, polarity, potential, pressure, fluid flow, etc.

Text Information

It is allowed to place various technical data on the diagrams. Such information is indicated either near the graphic symbols (on the right or above), or in the free field of the diagram.

The elements shown in the diagram must be labeled in accordance with the standards for the rules for the implementation of specific types of diagrams. Designations can be alphabetic, alphanumeric and digital in accordance with GOST 2.710-81.

Diagrams, tables and text instructions are placed on the free field of the scheme.

The general arrangement drawing at the design stage should contain:

- an image of products with their types, cuts, sections, as well as a text part and inscriptions necessary to understand the structural device of the product, the interaction of its main components and the principle of operation;

- names and designations;

- dimensions (overall, installation, connecting);

- a diagram, if it is required, but it is not advisable to draw it up as a separate document;

- technical characteristics of the product.

Images are made with the maximum simplifications provided for by the ESKD standards. Typical and other widely used products are depicted only in external outlines.


Drawings of course and diploma projects are brochured together with an explanatory note. In the graduation project, before its defense, the drawings are kept rolled into a tube, and after the defense they are stored in the archive (in folders). Thus, in course and graduation projects, there is a need to fold the drawings.

The principles of folding sheets of drawings are established by the CMEA 159-75 standard. Sheets of drawings of all formats should be folded first along lines perpendicular to the main inscription, and then along lines parallel to it, up to A4 size 210x297 mm.

The main inscription should be located on the front side along the short side of the folded sheet.

Examples of folding a horizontally and vertically arranged drawing sheet with a size of 594x841 mm for subsequent stacking in folders.

Holes for binding should be on the left side of the sheet.

Content design example

INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………. 3

1 GENERAL PART……………………………………………………..

1.1 Selection of generators…………………………………………………...

1.2 Selection of steam generators…………………………………………..


2 SPECIAL PART…………………………………………...

2.1 Station layout for option 1……………………………………

2.2 Station diagram for option 2…………………………………..


2.3 Calculation of reduced costs for option 1……………………..

2.4 Calculation of reduced costs for option 2……………………..


3 ECONOMIC PART………………………………………

3.1 Selecting a working TSN for a 63 MVA generator………………….

3.2 Selecting a backup TSN…………………………………………...



NATURE MANAGEMENT…………………………………………

5 CONCLUSION……………………………………………………..


LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS………………………………………….




one . The main directions of energy development in Russia. -

M.: Energoatomizdat, 1997. - 36 p.

2 and others. Electrical part of power stations and substations. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1984. - 607 p.

3 Neporozhnev directions of energy development. Technological progress of energy in Russia. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1986. - 250 p.

4, etc. Electrical equipment of stations and substations. -

M.: Energoatomizdat, 1987. - 648 p.

5, etc. Reference book of power engineering. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1984. - 336 p.

stations and heating networks. - M.: TsNTI Informenergo, 1990. - 139 p.

7 Rules for electrical installations. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1986. - 300 p.

Applications are an important part of scientific papers and graduation projects for many research organizations. They clearly show how well the studies are done, help to assess your preparedness. Therefore, it is important to search for information for the investment section carefully and carefully, because the result and evaluation of your efforts depend on it. But the data must not only be found, but also properly formatted. During graduation theses, it is worth asking for hints to GOST 7.32-2001 (relevant in 2018) and methodological recommendations of your university or department, because they may be slightly different due to the characteristics of the scientific organization.

What should be included in applications

This part should include such moments that reveal the nuances and clarify small sections of the thesis, explain the instructions or their own methods of research. However, all this should not be noted in the main part if you want a positive reaction (because it has a large size and an unusual format). Here is what is commonly used as attachments:

  • tables (volume - at least 2/3 of A4 page)
  • charts
  • calculations, theories
  • description of the test manipulations used
  • methods based on you
  • illustrations as explanations (images, maps)
  • reference information (examples of documents, financial reports, etc.)

Diploma Application Rules

  • The appendix is ​​usually a continuation of the thesis, but you can print it as a separate document.
  • After listing the links in the table of contents, you need to indicate that this section exists.
  • The attachment, together with the text of the diploma, has a connection, which is observed as links to the data of the first one. It is added as it is touched in the text. For example: "In the structure of the brain, its cortex is considered the most important part (see Appendix A)."
  • If this part is a continuation of the diploma, break up the main text and visual information. To do this, there you need to place a sheet where you want to write the word "Applications".
  • Attachments can have their own or continuous numbering throughout the work.
  • Any attachment is given a page, in the middle at the beginning of which is written "Appendix" and his number. Below it is a heading with a capital letter.
  • According to the requirements of GOST, capital letters of the Russian alphabet and Latin are used to determine attachments (except for the letters Ё, Z, I, O, Ch, b, Ы, Ъ; in Latin - I and O). You can also use simple numbers in case of a lack of letters.
  • The only application is marked as "Appendix A".
  • If the text of your attachment turned out to be too voluminous, then it is worth distributing it into small pieces: subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs. They need to be numbered, put the letter value in front of the numbers. For example: "Appendix B1.1."

If the attachment has more than one sheet, but several, then be sure to specify:

  • when there are 2 sheets, then on the second sheet write: "End of Appendix B";
  • when there are more than 2 sheets - on the second and the following note: "Continuation of appendix B", and on the last, as if the ending, write down: "End of Appendix B".

It is important to approach the design of the diploma application with all responsibility, so as not to waste a lot of time to correct your own mistakes.

common data

Applications are indicated by capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A (with the exception of the letters E, Z, Y, O, Ch, b, Y, b). If all the letters of the Russian alphabet are exhausted, the numbering continues using two-letter characters - AA, AB, AV, AG, ..., AE, AYU, AYA, BA, BB, BV ...

It is allowed to designate applications with letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of the letters I and O.

Applications are denoted by letters of either the Russian or Latin alphabets.

The word "application" is not abbreviated either in captions or in links to the application.

& Example − APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B etc.

... in accordance with Appendix M ...

If there is only one application in operation, it is not numbered.


In the thesis work, various illustrations can be used - diagrams, diagrams, drawings, maps, photographs, etc.

References should be given to all illustrations in the work.

Illustrations are designated by the word "Drawing" and may be numbered if there are several illustrations. rules illustration numbering see p. 43.

The word "drawing" is not abbreviated either in captions or in references to illustrations.

It is allowed to use illustrations in color.

& Examples... according to figure 1.4, ... shown in figure 5.

All illustrations are placed directly after the text where they are first mentioned, or on the next page, align to the center of the line without any paragraph indents.

Under the illustration write the word « Picture » , put it room(if present), space, dash, and after another space - Name illustrations.

Parameters caption illustration:

- font– bold size 12 pt;

- paragraph alignment- in the center of the line;

- interline interval - single without paragraph indents before and after the paragraph;

Without paragraph indent first line;

- word hyphenation do not make illustrations in the signature;

After the name do not put a dot.

& Example caption illustration

Figure 3.1 - Dynamics of labor costs

Actually the illustration itself and its designation separate from the previous and following text one blank line single line spacing font size 14 pt.

& Example drawing in text

"Scheme- this is an image that usually conveys with the help of symbols and without observing the scale the main idea of ​​​​a device, object, structure or process and shows the relationship of their main elements. The designation of schemes and the general requirements for their implementation are established by GOST 2.701-84. The rules for the execution of algorithm schemes, programs, data and systems are established by the GOST 19.701-90 standard.

Diagram- this is a graphical representation that clearly shows the functional dependence of several variables, a way of visual representation of information given in the form of tables of numbers. The basic rules for the implementation of diagrams are established in the recommendations R 50-77-88.

The choice of the type of diagram depends on the tasks for which the diagram is intended. It should be quite simple and visual. The best charting tool is the Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet. This program offers various standard types of diagrams, each of which has its own subtypes.

For most scientific disciplines, applications are an important component of research papers, especially theses and projects. They clearly demonstrate the quality of the research conducted and allow you to assess the level of your preparation on the research topic. Therefore, the selection of materials for the application section should be carried out carefully and scrupulously, since the assessment of your work depends on this. In addition, after selecting the necessary data and materials, they must be properly formatted. When preparing diploma supplements, one should rely on GOST 7.32-2001, as well as the methodological recommendations of the university or department, since they may differ due to the specifics of the scientific discipline.

Applications: what to include?

This section should contain information that details and clarifies the sections and subsections of the thesis, explains the algorithms or author's research methods. But this information cannot be included in the main text for various reasons (large volume, non-standard presentation format). Here is a list of materials that are commonly used as applications:
. Tables (more than 2/3 of an A4 page)
. Graphs and charts
. Calculations and formulas
. Description of experimental instruments and equipment
. Methods and instructions developed by the author
. Illustrative material of an auxiliary nature (drawings, diagrams, plans, maps, photographs)
. Reference materials (model business documentation, financial statements, etc.)

Basic design rules:

1) Applications are most often a continuation of the thesis, but can be issued as an independent document.

2) In the content of the work, it is necessary to indicate that the application section is available (after the list of sources).

3) There is a relationship between the application and the text of the diploma, which can be traced in the form of links to the application materials. Applications are placed as they are mentioned in the text.

Example: In the structure of the consolidated budget, the republican one occupies about half (see Appendix A).

4) If the applications are a continuation of the diploma, then it is necessary to separate the main text and graphic materials. To do this, a sheet of paper is placed in front of the applications section, where the word Applications is written (the position on the sheet may be different, as well as the spelling: Applications or APPLICATIONS).

5) Application numbering: they can have their own numbering, or continuous numbering that goes throughout the text of the work, including the applications section.

6) Each application corresponds to a separate page, on which the word Application is written in the middle at the top, as well as its number. Also, under the word Application, on a new line, indicate the title, written with a capital letter.

Annex A

The structure of budget revenues of the Simferopol region (2012)

Tip: carefully study the methodological recommendations of your department, as the design may vary. The position of the word Application on the page (in the upper right corner or in the middle), spelling - Application or APPLICATION, letter and number designations of applications.

7) According to GOST, capital letters of the Russian alphabet are used to designate applications, but there are exceptions: E, Z, I, O, Ch, b, Y, b. In addition, letters of the Latin alphabet can be used (exceptions are I and O). If you have exhausted the letter stock, then you can designate applications with Arabic numerals.

Tip: in the applications section, you should not be guided by the principle that the more the better. It is better to select the really relevant information that reveals the essence of your research. It is recommended to include 8-10 applications in the diploma.

8) One application in the text is referred to as Appendix A

9) If the text of the application is very voluminous, then it can be divided into more fractional parts (sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs). Within each application they are numbered. The letter designation is placed before the number.
Example: Appendix B 1.1

10) One application can consist of several sheets, then you need to specify:
A) if 2 sheets, then on the second sheet indicate the End of Appendix B;
B) if there are more than 2 sheets, then on the second and subsequent sheets it is necessary to indicate the Continuation of Appendix B, then on the last sheet do not forget to indicate the End of Appendix B.