HR administration department. Fundamental approach: integrating company values ​​into HR processes What values ​​are violated in the situations under consideration

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Feedback. Questions and suggestions

If a company develops in accordance with its values, it means that its employees are guided by certain principles and guidelines - a kind of standard of behavior. Let's talk about how Severstal's corporate values ​​are supported by internal HR processes.

In 2009, the CEO of OAO Severstal set a task for top managers to actively implement the new vision, mission and values ​​of the company. This was due to the need to achieve the set strategic goal - to become one of the top five world leaders in the industry in terms of EBITDA by 2015 and to quickly transform the company in an unstable external market situation.

The corporate values ​​model was developed in 2008 based on the experience gained by divisions and enterprises, as well as an analysis of the values ​​shared by top 10 and top 50 managers of the company. Of course, the model took into account not only the vision of top management, but also the opinion of ordinary employees, since in previous years various internal sociological studies of the company's corporate culture were carried out, on the basis of which the value systems of divisions and individual large enterprises were formed. After the formation of a common value model, the head of the company personally met and discussed it with key managers of divisions and major enterprises, as a result of which some clarifications and additions were made to it.

Company information

Mining and metallurgical vertically integrated company "Severstal" was founded in 1993. At present, the structure of the OJSC consists of three divisions, manufacturing enterprises located in six countries of the world (Russia, USA, Ukraine, Latvia, Poland, Italy). The number of employees in 2012 was about 70 thousand people.

Among the wide range of traditional means of supporting and developing values, special attention was paid to HR tools and the “weaving” of the value model into all personnel management processes: recruitment and selection, adaptation, annual assessment, goal setting, training and development.

Attracting and selecting personnel in accordance with values

Even at the stage of acquaintance with potential employees - students of specialized universities - the company's specialists organize informational meetings in educational institutions, and within the framework of specialized exhibitions and conferences - seminars, during which it is not only about the industry and the structure of the company, but also about its values.

The task of the personnel recruitment and development department is to make sure that any recruitment agency cooperating with OAO Severstal is familiar with the company's value system and attracts suitable candidates.

Corporate recruitment tools are also built on the values ​​of the company, such as attention to clients, efficiency and efficiency, safety, teamwork, respect for people.

The methodology developed by HR specialists for assessing compliance with values ​​in an interview allows you to assess whether a candidate has certain behaviors. In addition to recruiting staff, line managers have been trained in the use of these techniques (training in basic recruitment tools is part of the mandatory management training program, in particular, the Achieve More Together program, designed for mid-level production managers).

Thanks to the widespread use of these tools at all levels, the desire to initially understand whether a particular candidate is right for the company has become a familiar and natural focus for internal recruiters in the selection of employees. For example, when selecting workers, testing is used; and when selecting all other categories - interviews on competencies.

Top managers of the company agree on the fact that in the selection of personnel, compliance with the company's values ​​is more important than the level of professional qualifications.

Acquaintance of new employees with the values ​​of the company at the adaptation stage

During the adaptation period of an employee in the company, his immediate supervisor and the HR manager responsible for this unit act in accordance with the algorithm of the adaptation process (Attachment 1).

On the first day of work, the employee is offered to take an introductory course about the company and the course "Our Values". To do this, he receives a link by e-mail or a disk from the immediate supervisor. The course "Our Values" is interactive, consists of appeals from top 10 managers, training tests and case studies offered for analysis (Appendix 2). After studying it, which takes about two to three hours, the employee gets a complete understanding of the corporate value model, illustrated with illustrative examples.

A story about the values ​​of the company is an obligatory part of the adaptation conversation that the immediate supervisor conducts with the employee. A sample conversation is included in the training video, which is used to develop adaptive skills for leaders. Upon completion of the probationary period, the manager evaluates the new employee in terms of achieving the goals set and matching his behavior to the company's values.

Periodic assessment of employee behavior

OAO Severstal uses three main personnel assessment tools:

  • the annual "Dialogue on Goals";
  • system of personnel committees;
  • 360 degree feedback.

These tools apply to all levels of leaders, and the Goal Dialogue and Simplified 360 Degree Assessment also apply to professionals. Each of these tools has a different purpose and methodology, but they are all based on the Five Values.

"Dialogue on Goals"

The Goals Dialogue tool is used for all categories of employees up to the “Top 4000” level in production units, as well as for specialists in non-production functions.

During such a dialogue, the manager and the employee evaluate the achievement of the goals of the past year and formulate goals for the future. An obligatory part of the process is a discussion of whether the behavior of the employee in the past period corresponded to the values ​​of the company and what he needs to pay attention to next year. To make it easier for both participants in the process to navigate the values ​​and their indicators, the dialog about goals provides a special hint in the form of a separate bookmark (like a page in an electronic system or an additional sheet in excel).

As a result, the employee’s individual development plan is supplemented with activities that will help him adjust or develop the necessary qualities, and the manager, based on the results of the dialogue about goals, forms a certain matrix in which performance and compliance with values ​​are equivalent criteria for classifying an employee as “problematic” or “on place" (Appendix 3).

An employee who does not demonstrate conformity to values, even if the results of his work exceed the expected ones, cannot claim a high assessment of his potential, moving and moving up the career ladder.

Personnel committees

Personnel committees are meetings of top-team managers of the company, division, function, division, which allow collectively, and therefore, to make a decision as objectively as possible on assessing the performance of employees and further work with them (including inclusion in the personnel reserve as applicants for specific positions), agree on special measures for the development of reservists.

The meeting of the personnel committee is held twice a year, its duration is from four to eight hours. The meetings consider all managers of the next (subordinate) level, as well as reservists of a lower level.

When discussing employees at a meeting of the personnel committee, first of all, the results of feedback (“360 degrees”) on values ​​and competencies are used, as well as a performance matrix (including an assessment on values) compiled by the immediate supervisor of the employee.

The personnel committee helps to avoid subjectivity in assessments, makes the “coordinate system” more transparent (since specific examples of employee behavior are discussed and analyzed at its meeting), allows you to plan high-quality measures for the development of an employee if he needs it. This approach guarantees the assessment of all personnel on a single scale and collegial decision-making instead of the subjective assessment of a single manager.


The company has a number of initiatives aimed at developing a culture of open dialogue between departments, colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Particular attention is paid to the competent use of feedback both in the form of a simple managerial tool - a one-on-one conversation between a manager and a subordinate, and with the help of a comprehensive 360-degree feedback method.

The introduction of a new culture of behavior and relationships based on values ​​requires the daily encouragement of the right patterns of behavior and the correction of deviations from colleagues, managers, clients / service providers, etc. Only in this case, values ​​acquire the character of behavioral norms and cease to be formal.

At Severstal, all managers of the Top 10, Top 50, Top 300, Top 1000 and Top 2000 levels (from the CEO to the head of the site) are annually assessed by the 360-degree method, as well as specialists and functional experts. The questionnaire is built as a list of behavioral competencies that describes compliance with values ​​or violation of them. Evaluators are invited not only to evaluate colleagues on a special scale, but also to note what, in their opinion, causes deviations (if the rating is not the maximum), and also to comment on specific examples of behavior.

Understanding by the employee that he and everyone around him will be evaluated by the same criteria that are important for the company creates a common focus and draws attention to any manifestations of behavior within or outside the values ​​on a daily basis.

The feedback on values ​​and competencies is used in the “Dialogue on Goals” (when evaluating the past period of activity) along with the assessment of the achievement of tasks. Employees and managers who receive low ratings for values ​​are not subject to management potential assessment, that is, they cannot be considered as reservists, and cases of receiving especially low ratings are discussed at meetings of personnel committees.

Staff training and development

Mandatory training in the company (for example, our Values ​​e-learning or face-to-face course, Goals Dialogue course, etc.) includes a thorough discussion of the topic of values. A special role in this is played by the program "Achieve More Together" - management training, which includes five modules with a total duration of 15 days, through which all managers of the "Top 300", "Top 1000", "Top 2000" levels pass (from general directors of enterprises to chiefs shops, sites). All modules are somehow devoted to the promotion, clarification of values, the use of tools for their communication.

The first module, dedicated to the company's strategy and values ​​itself, begins with a speech by the CEO, who arrives at the program site and talks about what he personally invests in the concept of "values", why Severstal adopts such values, etc. etc. Also within the framework of this module, storytelling is practiced (from the English. storytelling- storytelling) is the main tool for communicating values ​​and an algorithm of actions in case of violation of them; visual materials (cards, booklets, videos) are distributed, which participants can use daily in their work.

In the second module on employee management tools, special attention is paid to the value of “respect for people”. For example, the program develops a dialogue with an employee when setting goals, behavior at an interview with a new employee, and provides tools in the field of legal resolution of individual disputes with an employee. This is done so that the manager learns the principles of respectful behavior during the interview, resolving labor disputes, etc.

The third module, devoted mainly to management decision-making and learning the basics of finance, constantly refers participants to the topic "Efficiency and Efficiency", dedicated to one of the company's core values.

The theme of the fourth module "Techniques for improving the effectiveness of teamwork" is generally related to the value of "teamwork".

In addition, HR specialists try to actively involve program participants in the creative process of creating their own idea of ​​what this or that value means personally for each of them, as well as what else needs to be done in the organization in order for the acceptance of these values ​​by the staff to produce results. . For example, one of the presentations given by the participants within the framework of the program is called: “What needs to be done in order for the values ​​to work”.

Demonstration by example

No matter how values ​​are propagated from above, employees will not accept them as their beliefs if every day they observe in the workplace a violation of those by management, the imposition of certain values ​​instead of coordinating them with the staff and involving them in the formation of corporate culture. Realizing this, the company's management is trying to ensure that the role model of values ​​(that is, a pattern of behavior in accordance with accepted values) is always in front of employees. This is achieved not only through the content of HR tools, but also through the form of organization of work with personnel in the company.


The requirement that the tasks in the dialogue about goals should not be passed down by the leader to the subordinate in the form of an order, but agreed upon, is a manifestation of the value of "respect for people". Training is structured in such a way that representatives of all divisions of Severstal are involved in joint activities in each group. This contributes to the development of the value of "teamwork". Constantly conducting function evaluations (annual automated collection of feedback results from key function customers), collecting feedback after each event (whether it be a conference, seminar, training program) serve as a manifestation of the "customer focus" value in the company. Observing daily examples of the effectiveness of the values ​​adopted in the company when organizing certain processes, managers and employees understand that a corporate culture based on these values ​​improves business performance, and accept them as a natural and integral part of their lives.

Attachment 1.

Adaptation of a new employee in the position of a specialist, manager (memo to the manager)

Appendix 2

Case studies (for value-based decision making)



Alexander: Nikolai Nikolaevich, good afternoon!

Nikolai Nikolaevich: Ah, come on in. Heard you're making progress in your new location. New challenges, new people...

Alexander: That's exactly what I wanted to talk about. There is one problem that seems rather difficult to me.

Nikolai Nikolaevich: Can you tell us more specifically?

Alexander: Actually, here's the thing. I have a subordinate - Maxim. He leads a small department of five people. All subordinates simply idolize him. He remembers their birthdays, the names and birthdays of their children, the names of the dogs. He communicates with staff...

Nikolai Nikolaevich: So his subordinates idolize him?

Alexander: Yes, he cares a lot about people. The doors of his office are always open, subordinates constantly come to him to consult on various issues, discuss the smallest details of any task. There are three phones in the office that are constantly ringing, sometimes Maxim manages to talk on two at the same time. His meetings with employees last for three to four hours, but there are always urgent documents on the desktop that require an urgent decision.

Nikolai Nikolaevich: In other words, is Maxim overwhelmed with operational problems, and he does not have enough time to resolve issues of his level?

Alexander: Yes. For example, last week Maxim was supposed to draw up a plan for promising projects for the next year. This is an important document, it should have been carefully thought out, but he has twice asked me to push the deadline for its submission.

Nikolai Nikolaevich: What do you think is Maxim's problem?

test yourself

What do you think is Maxim's problem?

  • Maxim tries to do everything himself, does not delegate the performance of certain tasks to subordinates, and does not know how to redistribute tasks between employees of his department.
  • Maxim was not created for a managerial position, he remains a performer at the specialist level.
  • Maxim is overly loyal to his subordinates. He cares too much about the people in his department.

The desire to do everything yourself reduces the efficiency of work

  • Maxim tries to do everything himself, does not delegate authority to his subordinates, does not know how to redistribute tasks between the employees of his department.
  • The desire to do everything on their own, the unwillingness or inability to delegate authority reduces the efficiency of the work of subordinates, which ultimately increases the costs of the company.

(Choose the correct answer and press the "Enter" button).

  • Attention to clients.
  • Teamwork.
  • Security.
  • Respect for people.

Increasing the efficiency of the company is the task of everyone

  • At Severstal, we strive to achieve the best result and constantly improve, innovate, make the right and timely decisions, achieve accurate decisions and make the best use of our resources.
  • This value concerns not only advanced technologies and material values, but also working hours.


Department head: Rules are important, of course, but everything must be common sense. Here, for example, one of my workers recently sprained his leg, this did not interfere much with his work. I advised him to bandage his leg and not tell anyone - why waste time?

Express your opinion about how a leader should behave in a similar situation.

(Choose the correct answer and press the "Enter" button).

  • It all depends on the situation - how badly the worker was injured, whether there were similar injuries before ...
  • All injuries and accidents at work, including the most minor ones, should be reported.
  • Indeed, it was not worth reporting. Why distract people, they already have enough things to do.

Any injuries, even minor ones, should be reported.

  • Any injury or accident at work should be reported to the Occupational Health and Safety Service.
  • A sprained leg may not interfere much with work, but when lifting a load, a worker may become unsteady, fall and be more seriously injured, or endanger other workers.

What value is violated in this situation?

(Choose the correct answer and press the "Enter" button).

  • Teamwork.
  • Efficiency and efficiency.
  • Respect for people.
  • Attention to clients.
  • Security

No purpose can justify a security breach

  • We proceed from the fact that no goal can justify the violation of production safety requirements or the neglect of people's life and health.
  • We create and maintain safe working conditions and care about the health of our employees.
  • We strive to prevent environmental pollution, economically and rationally use the consumed energy and natural resources.

Appendix 3

Evaluation of performance and managerial capacity

Ensuring the activities of the University in relation to the employees of the University in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation in the following areas:

  • reception, transfer, dismissal, registration of holidays, business trips, establishment and change of working hours;
  • formation and maintenance of personal files;
  • preparation of conclusions at the request of the heads of structural divisions of the University on issues related to the implementation of labor activities by employees of the University.
  • ensuring accounting, registration, maintenance and storage of work books of employees of the University and inserts to them.
  • preparation and issuance of copies of documents related to work at the University to employees of the University.
  • conducting work on certification of signatures of University employees.
  • participation in the development of local regulations of the University within the competence of the HR administration department.
  • participation in the preparation of statistical reports within the framework of the functional tasks of the Office.
  • preparation of information about the employees of the University according to personnel records and personnel records management at the request of authorized officials and structural divisions of the University for the preparation of the necessary reporting by them.