How to find the phone which. How to find a lost phone if lost and it is turned off

Consider how to find a phone through a Google account in a few minutes.

For such cases, the company created the Find My Phone service, with which you can quickly find out about the location of the smartphone.

Let's take a closer look at what you need to work with the site and how.


Today, the theft or even a short-term loss of a gadget has serious consequences. Many store all their personal data, phone numbers, passwords, important correspondence and photos in it.

In addition, an outsider who has Android in his hands will be able to quickly reset the lock password.

Using the resource, users can track all smartphones linked to their account, view their position on the map, and even influence their work.

What is required for successful tracking?

Before proceeding to the search procedure, you should pay attention to what conditions must be met.

First of all, in order to remotely detect a smartphone, a number of functions must be activated on it:

  • Connecting to the Device Manager service;
  • GPS module;
  • Internet connection (2G, 3G or Wi-Fi networks).

There is no need to install third-party applications, but it is necessary to check the correctness.

Follow the instructions to connect Device Manager:

  • Go to the main menu;
  • Now click on the "Google Settings" item - do not confuse with the usual settings. The application is standard and installed on all Androids;
  • In the window that opens, select the "Services" tab, and then click on Android Device Manager. This way you can allow the remote resource to access information for blocking or deletion;
  • Activate the "Remotely Locate Device" slider. Also, enable remote memory wipe.

For the site to work, you will also need to activate localization services. You can do this in the following way:

  • Go to settings;
  • Opens a tab "Location" and in the window that opens, check the box next to the card operation item;
  • Open a tab "Location Access" and turn on the function of regularly receiving information about the location of the device. To do this, simply activate the corresponding slider.

You only need to follow the above steps once to use Find My Device anywhere in the world without problems.

Note that the ability to find a device is available only for gadgets with firmware version 2.2 and higher. Gadgets with older Android devices will show up in your account, but you won't be able to connect to them.


Your efforts will be successful if all the above requirements and settings are met. To search for a smartphone go to link and do the following:

  • Log in using your original account;
  • View the list of available devices (upper left of the window) and click on the desired name;
  • Wait for the transition to the Find page of the gadget and click on the arrow to update the information;
  • The service will automatically determine and indicate the point on the map.

You can call the smartphone - the gadget will start beeping for 5 minutes. During this time, you will be able to determine his location if the map indicates that he is somewhere nearby.

Allows you to restrict access to its content. This will keep your data safe from potential intruders.

Function "Erase data" allows you to get rid of all content. Use it if you can't find your phone but don't want your files to fall into the hands of strangers.

How to find Samsung

If you are a user of the line, in addition to the standard Google search service, you can also use the third-party Find My Mobile service.

This resource is also linked to account information, thus creating an account in the Samsung system. This action is performed automatically at the stage of linking the page.

In fact, it works in exactly the same way as its counterpart from Google, only it is a more advanced version of the online assistant. Location data is first read from Google.

Also, users can block it.

With this feature, you can increase the chances of returning the gadget, because the person who found it will not be able to unlock it, and by calling him from a trusted phone, you can agree on the return of the item.

To do this, follow the instructions:

  • Go to the site and log in with your Google username and password. If you changed your login on the network at the stage of linking your account, enter other inputs;
  • After successful authorization, a window for tracking all devices will appear. To select a gadget, click on it at the top left of the web page;
  • Now in the main menu, click on the item "Locate My Phone";
  • Wait for the map to load and above it click on "Locate mobile" and on "Start Tracking";
  • After a few seconds, a mark about the estimated location of the device will appear on the map.

Other service features:

  • Sending a message or a call;
  • Locating by sound. If you lost your phone at home, click on the button "Ring My Phone"so that the gadget starts beeping;
  • Data cleansing- using this function, you can quickly clear your smartphone of all user information. No one will be able to use your correspondence, photos, records and other information;
  • blocking– installation of an access key to a smartphone at a remote distance.

A feature of the extended service from Samsung is not only working with all data, but also the ability to track the movement of the gadget in real time (information is automatically updated every 15 minutes).

Remember! You can find your Samsung device using Google's standard method, so don't be discouraged if for some reason the service cannot detect your gadget.


Remember, the search should begin as early as possible.

This will increase the chance that no one has found the item yet and you can safely pick it up when you get to a certain location.

Also, you should remember about the error of maps on the territory of the CIS. If you come to the point indicated on the map and did not find anything, look around.

As a rule, in reality, the smartphone is often within 5-10 meters from the mark indicated in Google.

Thematic videos:

Like any other communication device, a cell phone has its own unique identifier - a fifteen-digit IMEI code set by the manufacturer. During a call, the cellular operator receives data from the mobile device in the form of an IMEI-SIM pair, which makes it possible to identify the source of the signal. Unfortunately, cellular operators can only share device geolocation data with law enforcement agencies by court order. Most often, if the phone is stolen or lost, this is not a significant reason for going to court. But do not despair, in this case you have every chance to successfully search for a device by IMEI, even if it is turned off and the SIM card has been removed.

Try calling your number

This point is quite obvious, but as it turned out not always. Often a person who has lost his phone, being in a state of shock, does not even try to call him. But do not forget that there are many people who will return the device for free or for a nominal fee.

Contact law enforcement

If the previous method did not work, immediately contact law enforcement agencies at the place of your registration. But do not forget that you will be required to indicate a fifteen-digit IMEI code and provide documents confirming that the device belongs to you. If the phone was bought “by hand” and there are no documents for it, this item can be safely skipped.

Use the built-in search function

Most modern smartphones are equipped with a factory search function. For Apple devices based on the iOS operating system, it is called Find iPhone. On Android devices, a similar feature is called Remote Management Android - Google. Learn more about the methods of searching for a smartphone by IMEI (we make a redirect to the bottom of this page)

Leave a request in the LoSToleN service

LoSToleN - a unified database of IMEI and serial numbers of stolen phones, smartphones, cameras and other devices. After you leave a request with an indication of the amount of remuneration for the return of the device, you will have a chance that it would be more expedient for the seller to return the device than to engage in an expensive change of the IMEI identifier.

In most cases, searching by IMEI helps.

Read in our material - how to track your device and prevent re-theft.

Modern technology, in particular, the middle and highest price categories, are of particular value to pickpockets.

They can steal your device and then resell it on the black market.

A logical question arises: how to track your phone in order to return it? In most cases, searching by IMEI helps.

This code is a unique 15-digit number assigned by the manufacturer to the device before it is sold.

It is almost impossible to change it, even if you remove the SIM card. To find out the IMEI of your terminal, just dial *#06#.

Or you can find it on the box with the device.

But how are things in practice, and will it be possible to find the device using the phone's IMEI? The procedure is feasible, but fraught with a number of difficulties.

Application to the police

Let's start with the fact that it is not possible to find the device on your own, because the operators who store the list of IMEI numbers in the database will not give out data to third parties without the permission of law enforcement agencies. They just don't have the right.

In this regard, the victim is forced to go to the police, leaving a corresponding statement, attaching to it all the accompanying documentation confirming the act of possession:

1) box;

2) purchase receipt;

3) warranty card.

It’s worth mentioning right away that the matter is very troublesome, but if you are an influential official, and the device stores a lot of important corporate and personal data, this will greatly speed up the search.

Official database check

According to the legislation of Russia and Ukraine, a law enforcement officer is obliged to apply to the court, convincing the judges to obtain permission to search for information about the current position of the mobile terminal.

If the go-ahead is received and the necessary document is signed, the representative of the authorities turns to the national operator with a request to provide information about the IMEI code of interest.

Important: the identifier must be "white", i.e. officially included in the legislative base of mobile devices. IfIMEI "gray", i.e. the device was illegally brought from abroad, you may be additionally fined and prosecuted for using smuggling.

Even if the operative received all the data, this does not mean the success of the search.

Based on the information received, investigative measures will be taken to track the current location. In other words, they will try to find the phone by satellite.

In most cases, the device is still there.

Remember that modern smartphones are mini-computers with an OS on board.

Competent thieves can programmatically change the unique identifier, after which no one can find the phone.

This method is very complex and cost-effective only when very expensive or rare items are stolen, and only a few are taken for a shift.

The second point is the same judgment. Your application may not be satisfied, and then further actions will no longer be possible.

An independent search on the Internet will also not lead to anything good.

Let's start with the fact that only an operator can provide reliable information about IMEI, which under no circumstances will store its database on some dubious third-party resources.

If you are asked to send an SMS message of any content to receive data, this is an ordinary scam. At best, you will lose money in your account.

Alternative search methods

To protect yourself as much as possible from theft, or loss, follow the following points described below.

Fill out a business card in the device profile, indicating contact details, including an alternative phone number, email address and residential address.

If the device is found by a respectable citizen, he will be able to dock with you, returning the loss.

Install additional software that will automatically send SMS to the specified number if someone has changed the SIM card in the phone.

If you are the owner of an Apple product and other services. In addition, activate the Find My iPhone service.

This will help you calculate the current location of the gadget via the internet.

Due to the increasing cases of mobile phone theft, many are more and more interested in how to find a lost Android phone.

In general, if you lost your phone, then there are several ways to find it.

Of course, there are banal ways, such as posting an ad that implies a reward for the found phone.

This, too, should not be neglected, but it can be returned to only in the most extreme cases.

Before that, you should use one of the methods described below.

Via standard control

Important: To find the phone using software methods, you need to do certain manipulations on it even before it was lost. Otherwise, all you have to do is call the police.

And this means that almost anyone can use the standard tool for managing and searching for an Android phone.

But, again, to search for a device through Google on it, the following steps must be done before the loss:

  1. First you need to go to the settings of your phone and select the “Security” item there (in Figure No. 1.a it is shown with a red frame).
  2. Then go to "Device Administrators" (Figure 1.b).
  3. After that, check the box next to the “Android Remote Control” item as shown in Figure No. 1.c.

Such a sequence of actions will allow in the future to find out the location of a mobile phone via the Internet.

Actually, to search for a device, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the link for remote control of mobile phones -
  • Log in there, that is, enter your username and password, and then click on the "Login" button. By the way, if you are not a user of Google services, it is better to register.

  • Then everything will happen automatically. The user will see a window with approximately the same content as shown in Figure 3.

As you can see, here you can lock your phone directly through the computer by pressing the appropriate button in the field highlighted in blue in Figure 3.

There are also buttons "Ring" (the phone will receive a call from the robot) and "Clear" (remove all data from the device's memory).

You can also see that you can find out where the phone is now, that is, the location on the map, and when it was connected to the Internet (all this field is shown with a red frame).

Finally, the device model itself is written above (highlighted with a green frame).

Important: On the latest versions of Android, no settings need to be made, all this is created automatically. Therefore, even if you did not enable remote access on your phone as described above, but were authorized in Google services, it is quite possible that the phone will be found!

Through additional programs

In addition to the standard remote access tool, there are many other programs with similar functionality. Surely the best of them should be recognized as Lost Android.

You can install it just like any other program - go to Google Play, enter "Lost Android" there and click the "Install" button.

But the most interesting thing is that after installation, this program is displayed not as Lost Android, but as Personal Notes with a notebook icon.

This is done so that the thieves do not have any suspicions - very reasonable!

In general, Lost Android needs to be installed and run. After that, the program must be given administrator rights.

To do this, at the first start, you need to press the appropriate button (it is highlighted in Figure No. 4 with a red frame).

After that, you should go to the official website of this application - There you should log in again, and again through Google.

To do this, there is a corresponding button in the upper right corner, shown in Figure 5 in red.

After authorization, which occurs in exactly the same way as described above - entering a login, password and clicking on the "Login" button, you must allow the program to use this account by clicking the appropriate button (it is highlighted in Figure No. 6 with arrows).

After that, the user will see such a message, which is highlighted in red in Figure 7. It indicates that everything went well.

Now you can go to the "Management" menu (highlighted in green).

After going to the "Management" menu, the user will see the entire list of commands. In particular, to find out the location of the phone, you must click the "Send location" button.

Note: The two methods described above make it possible to find even a turned off phone due to the fact that the meansGooglefix the moment when the phone was last connected to the Internet and thus can find out where it was then.

Other features include turning on a siren, sending an SMS message, viewing files, and much more. In general, this is a much more functional program than the standard Google tool.

But this method is only suitable if the user has previously installed Lost Android.

What if there is no such program?

The last way

If the two methods described above are not relevant in your case, there is only one thing left - to contact the police with a statement about the theft.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find the device by phone number.

But you, as the victim, along with the application, can attach evidence that this is really your device. This evidence could be the following:

  • warranty card;
  • check from the store;
  • phone box;
  • IMEI code.

Everything is clear on the first three points, but questions may arise with the last.

In general, the IMEI code is actually the identification number of the mobile phone - it is unique for each device.

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to find a device by IMEI code.

But when providing such, law enforcement agencies will know exactly who is the owner of the device.

In addition, having an IMEI code, you can try to add the phone to the database of lost devices -

This will enable law enforcement officers of the area where the phone is located to find it and return it to the owner.

In addition, an ordinary person who could simply find the device can also find information about its loss on this site and return it for a fee.

The interface of this site is as follows.

Tip for those who have not yet lost their phone: Be sure to know yourIMEIcode and write it down somewhere. The easiest way to do this is by typing the key combination *#06# .

Good luck with your search and take care of your phones before they are stolen or lost!

The interface of another convenient program for finding a phone in case of its loss is shown in the video below.

How to find a lost phone - program for android

In this video, I'll show you how to find your phone on the map if you don't know where you left it. How are phones found?

Theft or loss of a phone is a problem familiar to many, albeit from the stories of friends. Just a couple of years ago, there was no way to track the location of the device, but modern technology makes it possible to find even a stolen smartphone. There is a certain procedure for finding a lost phone.

It is possible that suddenly you realize that your smartphone is not in your pocket, and then the state of shock and panic is replaced by a convulsive thought process aimed at finding a device. To begin with, it is recommended to find a way and call it. It happens that it is left in some other place, and the owner begins to panic, believing that there has been a theft. If the device really fell out somewhere, then it could be picked up. With the help of a call, it is quite realistic to count on a quick return.

You can send an SMS message with a request to return the smartphone for a fee. Naturally, no one wants to pay for their own gadget, but often this is the only option to return the valuable information that is in it. If the device is inexpensive, used mainly for calls, you can restore the SIM card, and then purchase a new one. There are others who are able to find a lost phone that are worth knowing about. Everything here is tied to the operating system used.

Lost iPhone iOS

Smartphones from Apple are very popular with cybercriminals, as they are very expensive, and even when they are sold for spare parts, the profit is quite significant. However, the company showed concern for its customers by creating a special service aimed at finding the device or blocking it so that an outsider could not do anything with it.

It will be possible only after activating the corresponding option in it. It is recommended to be puzzled by this in advance by enabling this function. Of course, you need to create an iCloud account and link your iPhone to it. This is done in the smartphone settings.

The device turns on Find My iPhone. If your iPhone is already linked to an iCloud account, then outsiders will not be able to do anything with it even after flashing, as they will need your email address and password. In this case, you can return the gadget if you send a message with the promise of a reward.

To remotely control your iPhone, go to and then go to the Find My iPhone app. It displays all the Apple devices associated with the account. An app with the same name also comes with a similar set of features.

If you entered the program, and in the interface you see that the gadget is online, then there are several options. You can see the current location of the device. If he is at home, then the site starts playing a melody in order to quickly find him. Otherwise, lost mode is activated, which restricts access to data for unauthorized persons, and all movements of the device will be displayed on the map.

Realizing that it is impossible to return the smartphone, you should use the "Erase iPhone (all data)" functions on it so that they do not end up in the hands of third parties.

In iOS 7 and above, it is not possible to bypass Activation Lock. It is recommended that you update your device as soon as possible so that attackers cannot do anything with it except sell it for spare parts or return it to the owner for a fee.

If your Android phone is lost

The Android system for a long time lacked the ability to track the gadget at all. Now the OS itself is equipped with a convenient search option - this is the Android Device Manager, which makes it possible to control remotely when connected to a Google account. It was implemented with the help of a website.

This system makes it possible to search for a gadget on a map, block it or delete all data stored on it, even from a memory card. In addition, the user can make a call to him in the case of using a different SIM card. All this requires that the device has an Internet connection, and your account must be used in the system. The operation of the service is possible only when the desired function is activated in the settings. To do this, go to Settings - Security - Administrators and activate "Android Device Manager" (Android Remote Control). Without doing this, you will receive absolutely no help from the service.

Compared to iOS, Android is a less secure system. An attacker has the ability to reflash the device, after which Android Device Manager becomes useless. This option will be necessary if you realized that your phone was lost somewhere at home, or you dropped it in the city, but someone found it. There is not only a web version, but also an application of the same name that works exclusively on Android.

New flagship devices from leading companies come with a new data and device protection system, which allows you to block the device before the end of charging, that is, the phone becomes a brick and does not allow an attacker to turn off or reflash the smartphone

If your phone is lost on Windows Phone (Windows 10 Mobile)

Gadgets running Windows Phone also have their own system that allows you to find the device. Its functioning is possible only if you have been signed in to your Microsoft account. By default, the option is disabled to save battery power, so you need to enable it. It can be found in the system settings, for this the “Search for phone” item opens, and then both options available there are activated.

There are several points, each of which is responsible for certain actions.

The first provides faster connection to services. This is necessary so that the system communicates with the device not using SMS messages, but using push notifications.

The second option allows you to save the location with a certain frequency. In this case, you will be able to track the movement of the gadget, if it has been sold. In addition, if it is not in the access zone, or the battery runs out, it will be possible to find out the location of the gadget at the last moment of saving. It is possible that he is still there.

If you need to find a lost phone, you need to visit a special site, where, after choosing a device, a map with its approximate location is shown. Windows Phone also has remote control features that are identical to those on other systems. The device can be blocked, make a call to it, or erase all data.

What to do if you can't find your phone yourself

If you did not manage to find the lost phone using the indicated methods, then there is only one way - contacting the police. You should collect evidence that this is your smartphone. The box and documents from it will come in handy. When making a purchase with a card, you can restore documents proving ownership by contacting the seller. All the information that helps to identify the device will come in handy. You can save location data if you can get it. If you yourself could not find the device from friends, or in a cafe, then all this information will be very useful to law enforcement agencies.

The police file a complaint about the theft. You should get a paper indicating that the application has been accepted, and you should also keep copies of all documents submitted to the authorities.

You should block the SIM card, this is done at the operator's office. An active number is an opportunity for an attacker to call anywhere, and you will pay for such costs. The operator is also able to track the location of the smartphone, but only the investigation has the right to submit a request for this. A private person will be denied such a request.

Find lost phone by IMEI

IMEI is a unique identification number. It includes 15 digits, which do not change in any way when another phone number is connected. IMEI is entered into the device's memory, and it is not possible to change it. It is tied to the device itself, and in the cellular network it is used as one of the equipment identifiers. If the device has support for two SIM cards, then there will be two IMEI. It is designed to track the device and lock it remotely in case it is stolen or lost.

The process of searching for a smartphone by IMEI is implemented in several stages. After submitting a request to the police with the provision of a package of documents for a smartphone, they form a request to mobile operators, including IMEI. Representatives of the company look for it in their databases, and also find out the current owner of the SIM card that is currently used in it. All data is sent to law enforcement agencies, where the investigation takes place.

Police officers are looking for the owner of the currently used SIM card in order to find the user of the device at the current moment. The police use this method only in exceptional cases, when finding the phone is of great importance.