What are comments in html code and how to put them? Comments in HTML, CSS, PHP How can comments be added to html.

In this lesson, I'll show you how to make comments in HTML, CSS, PHP. Comments are text that is not visible on a web page. They are used for all kinds of explanations, reminders, descriptions for webmasters, which allows you to structure the document. Comments are indispensable when debugging code, they allow you to quickly navigate the markup of a web page and find the desired block. Comments are often used to debug HTML code. For example, you can temporarily comment out a specific block of code so that it is not executed, and if necessary, it is easy to restore it.

Comments in HTML

In HTML, comments are formed using characters:. Thus, any text between these characters is a comment. Consider an example:

Comments in CSS

Comments in CSS are created using the characters: /* and */. To create a comment, you just need to put the web page code between these characters:

/* Beginning of block with styles for Body*/ body ( background: #efeded; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; ) /* End of block with styles for Body*/

Comments in PHP

Comments in PHP can be single-line or multi-line:

1) Single-line comments in PHP are created using the characters: //. It is enough just to put this symbol before the line and it will be commented out. This option is used when the comment consists of only one line.

2) To implement multi-line comments, the following symbols are used: /* and */. This option is useful if the comment spans multiple lines.

Thus we have learned to

I will start this article with what comments are for. Suppose you are developing a module with a complex structure. Or you make a layout with a lot of attachments of elements. In such cases, it is best to mark some sections of the code somehow - this is what comments are for.

Now I will show in detail four types of comments, more precisely, all their types for four different codes.

Comments in HTML Markup

To add a comment to the HTML markup, use:

Everything that is in these tags is not visible on the screen, but is available for viewing in the source code.

Comments in CSS Styles

To add a comment to CSS styles, use:

Everything that is in these tags is not taken into account when generating styles, but is available for viewing in the style file itself.

Comments in JavaScript code

To add comments in JavaScript, there are their two types.

First type:

// Text, code, or whatever

Second type:

/* Text, code or other */

Everything in these tags is not taken into account when the script is executed, but is available for viewing in the JavaScript file itself.

Comments in PHP code

This programming language, unlike the previous ones, has 3 types of comments.

First type:

// Text, code, or whatever

Second type:

/* Text, code or other */

And the third type:

# Text, code or other

Everything in these tags is not taken into account when the script is executed and is visible only in the PHP file itself.


/* /* My code */ */

will give you an error.

Michael 2016-05-05 1 HTML and CSS 2

How to write comments in html code?

Today I will tell you how to make comments in the code in html. Comments are a very useful thing. They do not affect the execution of the code and the appearance of the pages in any way, and they are not visible in the source code of the page. In fact, comments can only be seen by opening the file in an editor. In my Notepad++ they are highlighted in green.

How to leave comments in html?

Very easy. The syntax for a comment in markup language is as follows:

Thus, you can comment out not only one line, but several. The main thing to remember is that- closing. Inside such a construction, you can use both simple explanatory text, and tags in angle brackets, the browser will not read them.

As I said, the comment has the following features:

  1. it is not visible on the page
  2. and not in the source code either, but only when editing the file
  3. all tags that are placed in it will not be processed by the browser in any way

What is it for

The main purpose of comments is to help other developers. When laying out, you can explicitly specify which part of the code forms the header and which part forms the main part. Of course, experienced coders would have figured it out without this, but reading and understanding of the code is still improving. Also, comments help people who do not understand html well to understand at least a little what is written. Here is an example of their use:

The second possible use of a comment is to make some piece of code inactive for a while, when you don’t want to delete it, but you need to somehow make its execution inactive. By the way, this can help to identify various layout errors.

In general, one of the good qualities of any web developer is the ability to write beautifully designed and understandable code. This means that you need to use indents to show the nesting of elements, also leave comments if necessary, separate main parts of the document with line breaks, etc. All this helps those who will edit the code in the future, as well as the author himself, who will not get lost in his own creation.

Good day to all, my dear friends. I am very glad to see you on the pages of my blog, and I hope you are also interested in being here. At least I try to keep it that way. And today I have for you a simple topic on site building, the use of which will not affect the site itself in any way, but it can make it easier for you and other users to “pick in the code”.

Today we will talk about html comments in the code. This thing is very cool. And although it is not mandatory, I still urge you to use these things. It's no secret to anyone that design I ordered the layout for my blog from separate people: Yulia and Andrey.

So, sometimes I want to correct something in the code, and in order not to once again pull the layout designer over trifles, I myself go to the editor and edit the code myself (if it is in my power). And the comments that Andrey left in the code make this process much easier. Also, comments help if you've done your job and left. Then the other person will be able to quickly understand your code.

Well, now let's see how to do them using a live example:

  1. Let's go to any html document where we have some content.
  2. Now before any entry put, otherwise the entire content of the page will become one big comment)).

In fact, it looks like this:

Well, now, if we save the document and open it in the browser, what will we see? And we won't see anything. Or rather, we will not see any changes, since everything that is insideautomatically becomes invisible to the browser.

And by the way, now I will tell you about the very relevant use of these tags using my own example. When the layout designer made a website for me, then in the right sidebar, according to the design conditions, there were two banners, or rather special places for them. I'm not going to put up any banners yet, so I decided to remove them for a while so that my eyes are not an eyesore.

Naturally, I was not going to remove them from the code, but how can I remove them then? Of course, you can copy this code or script into a separate document, and remove everything from the site. But there is a better way. I just put all these codes in a comment.

Thus, I did not delete anything, but simply hid it for a while. Just recently I made a banner for my contest on the blog. And so I went into the code, put a banner, registered the path in the code and removed the comment tags. As you can see, everything works great.

In general, you understand the essence, I hope. If something needs to be hidden without deleting it, it is best to enclose everything in a comment.

Well, that concludes my post today. How are you? Was the information helpful? If so, be sure to subscribe to updates of my blog articles. Also, for a complete study of website layout in HTML and CSS, I recommend that you look at great course on this topic. The course is just a bomb, and everything is told superbly, literally chewed.

Well, I say goodbye to you today. Be sure to check out my blog for more interesting information. Well, I wish you success in all your endeavors. See you in my other articles. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.