Fix all errors in windows 7. Fixing the system registry

The appearance of errors in Windows 7 for inexperienced users becomes an insurmountable problem. However, absolutely all software errors can be easily corrected by yourself, without seeking help from specialists. Let's take a closer look at how to fix errors on a Windows 7 computer.

BSoD is the most common and serious error that occurs in Windows. The session is suddenly interrupted and it becomes impossible to recover the lost data. The only way to get out of the screen of death is to restart your computer.

In 90% of cases, a blue screen on a computer is not a one-time occurrence. Users may encounter an error at any time, even if there is no load on the RAM. Causes of BSODs:

    Bugs in NT architecture. Because of them, the computer cannot cope with multitasking and, as a result of simultaneous work with several programs, a blue screen appears;

    Incorrect program execution. In some cases, the compiler stops interacting with encrypted or malicious code, resulting in an error;

    Insufficient amount of PC resources: little free hard disk space, not enough RAM, lack of drivers for motherboard components.

How to fix errors on a Windows 7 computer? To fix BSoD yourself, you need to take a set of actions to optimize your PC. First, clean your computer of unused programs through the "Control Panel". After this action, it is advisable to restart the computer so that all temporary application files are automatically deleted.

The next step is to clean up the hard drive. Regular occurrences of a blue screen are directly related to the lack of space on the system disk. Clear it of temporary data and other garbage through the "Properties" window.

After removing programs, and especially games, “empty entries” remain in the computer’s system registry or erroneous settings are stored, which in the future can cause errors during the operation of other applications. The only option that will help you avoid errors related to the registry is to regularly clean its contents.

Recall that users who have not previously worked with the registry should first familiarize themselves with its functionality. In no case should you delete entries that you are not sure of the “uselessness” of. The Regedit system utility is a hierarchical database of all OS settings and parameters. Incorrect configuration of these data can cause a huge number of additional errors.

To work with the registry, it is better to use proven utilities. This is much faster than the manual cleaning method, and also much more efficient.

Sudden shutdown of programs

Another category of errors in Windows 7 is the spontaneous shutdown of programs. This event can be affected by the registry, system libraries, or driver software. Performing the following steps regularly will help resolve the issue:

    Recovery and registration of DLL libraries;

    Installing and updating drivers for all computer components;

    Scanning a PC with an antivirus or firewall.

Computer accelerator - automatic diagnostics and error correction

Do not know how to fix errors on a Windows 7 computer yourself? In this case, you need to use third-party utilities that allow you to eliminate all categories of operating system errors.

Computer Accelerator is one of the most popular programs for diagnosing all kinds of problems that can only be found in Windows 7. Using this software, you will not need to clear memory, set up startup or work with the registry yourself. Accelerator functions.

Almost every computer user may eventually encounter such a problem as PC PERFORMANCE. Naturally, sooner or later the computer will start to "slow down" if you do NOT engage in its regular periodic maintenance (here we will not touch on the modernization due to the purchase of "iron", the popular "overclocking" ..., but let's touch on the software).
Most of the reasons that slow down the computer are eliminated due to the timely use of the functionality of similar programs.
» PC optimization » software updates » drivers, etc..
Windows has its own means to carry out the same "optimization", however.... Let's say in "Tweakers" (other programs) there are additional settings that the system itself can NOT provide. Plus, the need to have on the computer and use the software for its complete analysis, testing, "diagnostics - it's superfluous to say, besides, there are enough good utilities with free versions (for those who are not familiar, read the descriptions of the necessary functionality of such programs).

Windows Check, Windows Errors, Automatic
diagnostics and elimination of problems, malfunctions, failures.

In situations where the computer has ALREADY started to "freeze", not work stably and "demonstrate" other problems, give errors, then before searching the Internet and installing various programs on the computer .... Here, the most logical, perhaps, is to start with what the developer offers for HIS product, i.e. Microsoft for Windows.
See the screenshot below, get acquainted on the official website with free "support".

Solution Center "Microsoft Fix it": Troubleshoot software operation.
First, about the MAIN.
This is a free online service, so nothing needs to be downloaded (downloaded), installed on a computer and configured.
We add accessibility, simplicity and, as the authors write, "automatic problem solving" to free. In general, it’s just extremely useful and interesting to check the computer (Windows check) and find out the results of such an “online diagnostic”, even if it still seems that there are NO problems with the computer. And if suddenly there are useful "wishes" for the PC - Windows errors !!!
Below is a small screenshot from a Windows check.
At the very bottom of the figure, "Results 1-20 out of 279", that is, diagnosing and fixing problems for almost 300 possible system errors.

Select program: "Select the topic that the issue is related to (optional)",
- select scenario: "Your actions",
- view solutions: "View and run solutions".

    For clarity, checking Windows for errors, here is such a very short extract from the numerous results of the check.
  1. Automatic diagnosis and troubleshooting of folders and files in the Windows system.
  2. How to speed up Windows if the computer is running slowly.
  3. How to fix Windows search: not working, crashes, no results.
  4. Photo album: photos do not open, screen saver does not work.
  5. How to fix DVD and CD errors: CD (DVD) cannot read and write.
  6. How to calibrate a laptop battery and power circuit.
  7. Windows update not working, Windows Update error.
  8. How to fix device problems: not working, not found.
    Automatically diagnose and resolve device problems when Device Manager cannot detect hardware, sound devices, USB controllers, and other devices, or if they are disabled or not working.
  9. How to automatically fix audio and device problems.
  10. How to automatically fix problems if the sound does not work.
  11. Diagnose problems with Windows games and fix them automatically.
  12. How to Fix IE and Windows Problems: Video Not Working.
  13. How to fix Windows Media Player: Video and Library.
  14. How to fix browser: Internet Explorer is not working or freezes.
  15. Printer does not print, printer error and other printing problems.
  16. 279 results (diagnostics, problems, errors, fixes) for the Windows system.

Again. This is a free online Windows check, especially with support from the developer. It will be most useful to learn about the state of the computer system from the "point of view" of the author ... "to find AUTOMATIC solutions to your problems." Checking Windows 7, XP, Vista, diagnostics, finding and fixing errors - with ONE click. The most useful free "acquaintance" with "Windows" for novice users.

Windows boot errors are quite common. They may indicate a malfunction of the hard drive, RAM, processor, or operating system.

Let's see what the errors mean and how to get rid of them.

System boot

Read also: TOP-12 Programs for computer diagnostics: a description of proven software tools

Let's analyze the OS boot process. When the computer is turned on and booted successfully, the processor executes a series of instructions provided to it by the BIOS.

These instructions are stored in volatile CMOS memory. After starting, the processor accesses the addressable cell of the microcircuit. It depends on the embedded properties. It contains the BIOS code.

The initial set of instructions executed by the processor is called POST (Power-On Self Test).

With its help, the following actions are carried out:

  • An initial check of the hardware is performed, including the state of the processor and the size of the RAM. At the same time, the performance of the OP is checked.
  • The system configuration setting is being received from the CMOS memory.
  • The bus frequency is set in accordance with the supplied settings from CMOS.
  • It checks for the presence of a device from which the OS will be loaded (hard disk, floppy drive, etc.).
  • An audible signal indicates the end of the test.
  • Other devices are initializing.
  • At the end of the POST procedure, other adapters begin their internal check, such as a video card, sound card, hard disk controllers. When checking, all information is displayed on the monitor screen.

The BIOS stops booting when it finds the master boot record on the hard drive (or in the location of the OS record) and transfers control of further booting to it.

Now the programs recorded on the media enter into the download.

We list the main download problems:

You need to find out the cause of the failure and fix it. And so that problems do not arise again - do not repeat these mistakes.

This is very important for the further correct operation of the system, otherwise you will have to reinstall the software and OS again and again, which will wear out the hard drive.

The fact is that the error when loading Windows varies depending on the version of the OS.

So, different versions will have different errors most common. That is why you need to look for a solution to the problem for your OS.

Read also: 3 ways to install Windows XP from a flash drive

At the present time, this version of Windows has practically ceased to exist.

However, some computers (often these are older models) still work on this OS.

And although people who have known XP for a long time are used to its mistakes, it is worthwhile to deal with the most common of them.

Loss of bootloader

This is the most common problem when booting Windows XP. It usually occurs when trying to reinstall the OS.

When this error occurs, the system issues one of two messages:

1 OS boot failure.

2 Corruption of partition tables.

Elimination of these errors is possible by performing these points:

  • start the recovery process from the disk on which the OS is recorded;
  • run the installation program;
  • after the inscription of the greeting, press the button "R";
  • the recovery console will be displayed, you must specify the installed version of the OS in it;
  • type "fixmbr" and press Enter.

The system will then restart and the error will be resolved.

Although there are other reasons for the loss of the bootloader, however, the above happens most often.

NTLDR is missing

This problem is also quite common. When it appears, often, users simply format the disk, which leads not only to the elimination of the error, but also to the loss of all memory.

However, this problem can be solved without such radical methods, it is enough to understand the reason for its origin. And it is not so difficult to eliminate and at the same time save data.

This error is a black screen with the inscription NTLDR is missing.

Sometimes, to fix the problem, it is enough to press the popular keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Delete (this is written in the error screen).

This combination should restart the system, but this does not always help.

The error means that the files responsible for loading the system are not available. There may be several reasons for it:

1 Hardware failure. This is the most annoying problem, since it means that the malfunction lies in the hardware, and is not the result of any failure in the system. Correction of this error will be the replacement / repair of a faulty component.

2 Connect an optional hard drive. It is also the cause of the error. The problem is fixed by the BIOS tool, after performing a series of simple steps.

3 Conflict between two installed OS. Some computers have two operating systems installed at once, which can lead to their unwillingness to work with each other. Troubleshooting occurs using the installation disk with Windows.


With this problem, during the OS boot, the user observes an inscription like “Cannot run HAL.dll” or “File not found or corrupted”.

When it appears, the first solution that comes to mind is reinstalling Windows. However, you can cope without such drastic measures.

The fact is that this file is responsible for the interaction of hardware (the computer itself) and its software components.

The problem arises for the reason that XP, as the oldest version, is prone to various errors most often.

As such, there can be many reasons for the error to occur. However, it can still be eliminated using a series of actions in the BIOS without reinstalling the operating system.

Nevertheless, it should be understood that sometimes only a radical method will help to cope.

Read also: TOP 6 Ways to clean Windows 7-10 from unnecessary garbage, just clear the memory cache, uninstall updates and clean the registry

Despite the new versions of Windows, the seven still remains the most popular. It's more of a matter of habit.

Many consider this version the most convenient and average between XP and the same eight (in principle, it is so)

It is precisely because the version is the most popular that the Windows 7 download error is a common problem.

Most often, when loading Windows 7, various error codes occur that indicate a particular problem. It is worth dealing with the most common problems that arise.

System bootloader

Like Windows XP, the seven has problems with the bootloader. The cause of the problem is the same as the previous version.

However, you can restore the seven bootloader both automatically and manually.

The first method is the most convenient and even the most inexperienced user can handle it, but it can not always help get rid of the problem.


This error occurs during OS installation. This happens due to the inexperience of many users who, when reinstalling, forget to format one of the hard disk partitions.

This error usually indicates that there is not enough space to install the system.

In order for the error not to occur, it is necessary to check the memory on the hard disk and, if necessary, format it.

A well-known error that occurs when the system starts. Usually occurs after installing the OS. Large red letters are highlighted on a white background.

To solve the problem, you must restart the computer with the installation disk inside and, when turned on, start the disk.

Go to the "System Restore" item, and then check the box next to "Use recovery tools ...", however, it is worth considering that you will have to select a system.

In the command line you need to enter "bootrec / fixboot". After that, the problem will be fixed.

Startup Repair Offline

Literally, this problem means “offline startup recovery”, sometimes it is fixed after a reboot.

However, often the system tries to restore itself without a network connection and it fails. So you have to help her.

This is usually solved in several ways:

  • Reset BIOS settings.
  • Connecting loops.
  • Launch recovery.
  • With the help of "Command line".

All these methods require certain knowledge and it is better for an inexperienced person to call a person who is well versed in this.


The most frightening error for users is the “blue screen of death”. Often this means that the system has “lay down” and only drastic measures will help it.

However, sometimes it also happens that after restarting the computer, the error disappears and no longer manifests itself, however, it should be understood that in this way the computer signaled a serious problem that needs to be fixed.

There can be several main reasons for the problem:

  • Hardware incompatibility.
  • Driver problems.
  • Problems with antivirus.
  • Problems in the registry.

First of all, it is necessary to diagnose the error in order to find out the cause of the problem, after which it is already taken to eliminate it, depending on the identified causes.

This program contains a whole set of tools to fix Windows 10 errors. Very easy to use, it will do everything automatically. The user only needs to click a couple of times. It can fix the registry, restart processes, remove temporary and unnecessary files. The application will check the system services as well as the network connection. Eliminate the causes, if problems are found.

Does not require installation, just download from the official site and run. You don't have to pay to download. Only English version available. Remember that before working with the registry, we always make a restore point.

Kaspersky Cleaner

The application will help clean your computer from malware and the consequences of their work. You can entrust Kaspersky Cleaner with complete, complex work on your operating system. Start process by pressing one key. Or select a specific task from the list.

Windows Repair Toolbox

The absence of the Russian version of the program will not complicate the work, and the search for the right tools. Produces high-quality diagnostics of the system. Same way fixes found issues. A color and digital indicator will notify you of danger if the processor temperature rises above normal.

Kerish Doctor

If your computer slows down, you can use this program. Even an inexperienced user will be able to maintain system performance with its help. Free up space from unnecessary garbage. Updated regularly, it happens on its own, in order to improve and simplify the work with Kerish Doctor as much as possible. It can also update other programs installed on the computer.

Microsoft Fix It

Eliminates all kinds of extraneous resources that affect the optimal operation of the system. So to speak, a tablet from errors in Windows. Controls all processes, as well as equipment. Of course, the possibilities of the program are not unlimited, but it can cope with most problems. There are no difficulties in the work, the utility fully automated. Available for operating systems Windows 7/8. You can download the Russian version for free.

File Extension Fixer and Ultra Virus Killer

Both programs were invented and developed by the same person. In the first, he kind of attracted people with its capabilities, as well as accessibility. She is completely free, but does not fulfill the capabilities of the second utility, of course you will have to pay for it. File Extension Fixer can fix windows files and registry, start system restore, and of course it has the function to download Ultra Virus Killer.

It contains more than 30 items with various system bug fixes.

Troubleshooting Windows

To fix problems in the Windows system, it is not necessary to use third-party programs to fix the registry and clean up junk. You can run a standard utility that will perform the same functions. To be such an assistant in control panels, select small icons and look for the item " Troubleshooting". Next, go to "All categories" and put a tick, choose what you need to test.

Anvisoft PC Plus

Often there is a problem with the launch of games? After installation, we click on the shortcut, and the result is zero, or will an error be displayed indicating a lack of a file? Anvisoft PC PLUS has the ability to missingdll files. And in most cases it will help with the launch of games. There are also a number of other possibilities. Fixes errors with shortcuts, registry problems.

Repair All In One

In the program, the developer focused all his attention on working with the Internet. With Repair All In One you can fix host file, which is often modified by malware, disable and reconnect network cards, as well as many other useful things.

AVZ antivirus utility

The program allows you to protect your computer from Trojans and other viruses. It will help you find and remove infected files. There is a function to fix problems with the Internet connection, it will create the correct file association. Corrects the work of the explorer. A very useful, free tool.

Despite the best efforts of software developers, existing operating systems are still prone to various kinds of errors. To eliminate them, many auxiliary applications have been written that allow you to automatically check the main Windows settings and make the necessary changes.

Variety available

Some are free, while others require payment. Moreover, this is not at all. The range of tasks to be solved also differs.

So, some are real software combines that can handle Windows 7 registry errors, dll errors, fonts, ActiveX controls, etc. Others are highly specialized and designed to solve only certain tasks. For example, they fix Windows 7 errors due to which the speed of working with drops or it is impossible to connect.

MS Fix It

The program created by Microsoft and called "Fix It", unfortunately, is not very popular yet, although its capabilities are quite enough to eliminate most of the most common errors. It can be called a program in the usual sense of the word only with certain reservations. Microsoft FixIt is more of a tool that allows you to isolate problems and get a tool to solve them. The user must select the “Subject” that is most closely related to the error, then clarify by going through the branch and download the appropriate utility from the Web using the link received (if one is issued). For example, if crashes occur while viewing multimedia files (video, audio, photos), then you need to select the “Windows” theme. The second step is to specify what exactly the error is related to. And finally, in the third paragraph, it remains to make a choice in favor of one or another proposed solution. In this case, these can be "Errors when reading CDs", "Slowdown in working with external media", "Decrease in computer performance", etc.

The advantage of this solution is that Windows 7 troubleshooting is free and quite effective. A flaw can also indicate the temporary impossibility of working with the new Win 8.

NetAdapter (Repair All In One)

This utility, as the name implies, performs the elimination of Windows 7 errors related to the network. It allows you to customize the work to reset Winsock, remove unnecessary entries from the hosts file, clean up routing and DNS paths, and much more. The user must select the desired items in the left column of the program by ticking them, and click the "Run All Selected" button. After that, it remains to restart the computer. The use of this software solution is free. It is recommended to have at least a general idea of ​​what is on the list and why.

PC Plus by Anvisoft

Those who like MS Fix It, but for some reason cannot work with it (for example, Win 8 is used), it is recommended to pay attention to an alternative solution. The Anvisoft PC Plus program is very similar to the mentioned Microsoft troubleshooting center, but it works even in new versions of operating systems. The usage algorithm is exactly the same.
To work, you need an active Internet connection to download the missing files. The application is able to resolve Windows 7 errors related to the absence of some DLL files, launch problems, etc. It is worth noting that the program does not install any additional modules (usually unwanted ones) on the computer. Of the shortcomings, one can only point out the absence of the Russian language in the interface and a relatively small number of tasks to be solved. However, the development of this application is still ongoing, new features are being added to it. Perhaps soon the developers will please users with a Russian interface.

Popular Cleaner

Perhaps the most famous Windows 7 error fixer is Ccleaner. It not only executes and removes temporary system files, but is also able to remove unnecessary things from popular browsers. Troubleshooting Windows 7 allows the system to work faster, freeing it from the burden of completely unnecessary files and records. Completely free, has a Russian-language interface. To enable it after the initial launch, you need to open Settings and change English to Russian.

In many cases, it is possible to solve problems with the operation of the operating system by revising entries in the registry. To do this, select the item with the appropriate name and click the "Search for problems" button. If errors are found, then to eliminate them, you need to use the "Fix" command. This will prompt you to save the current settings, which is a very good idea. But full cleaning must be activated selectively, not trusting "automatic", because otherwise, you can lose the addresses of visited pages in the browser, cache and some other data.


Although the stability of modern operating systems is several times higher than that of their predecessors, fatal failures sometimes occur, leading to the so-called "blue screen of death" - BSOD. Seeing the error codes that are displayed at the same time, we can conclude what the reason is. After that, it remains to choose the right solution - to make changes to the system manually or use specialized programs. Of course, you need to know what the error codes mean. However, if a BSOD occurs, then after reloading, you can try to check the operating system for errors using the above applications.