NTV plus: packages of channels and frequencies. NTV Plus: packages of channels and frequencies NTV Plus online all TV channels

It is difficult to find a house where there is not a single TV. But free channels are one thing, and quite another when it comes to satellite pay TV. The number of paid NTV Plus channels depends on the package that the user paid for. But to get them, you need a little setup, which you can do yourself or by contacting the service for help.

Then you will have the opportunity to watch your favorite films, sports programs, programs of domestic and foreign production, and much more. In addition, it is not difficult to find out which settings are correct for NTV Plus, since the official website has all the instructions, not only general, but also dependent on specific receiver models.

Setting up satellite equipment

A lot depends on how the equipment is configured, including the quality of the signal. Therefore, you need to understand some of the features of installing equipment, if the user decides to save money, and not to order the services of a master who will install and configure everything himself. So here are the instructions to follow:

  • Since NTV satellites are located above the equator, in order to catch a signal, you need to point the dish to the south side. In order not to guess where it is, take a compass or use the online compass by downloading this application on your smartphone. But as for the tilt angle of the satellite dish, depending on the location and manufacturer, it should be somewhere in the range of 17-38 degrees;
  • Carefully inspect the area to determine if there is interference. It is very simple to do this - if the view in the right direction is good, then everything is fine, and if not, then you need to find another place with a better view;
  • Try to fix the plate as firmly as possible so as not to knock down the settings. Every time you get tired of tuning channels, so it’s better to use a reliable bracket and enjoy satellite TV from NTV with pleasure;
  • And of course, for any TV channel to work normally, it is important to choose the right cable that will be resistant to weather conditions. Snow, rain and other precipitation will fall on it, so the equipment must be reliable;
  • The cable must be connected to the receiver, and the receiver to the TV;
  • Even if you don’t know the exact settings, you can catch them yourself by turning the plate in a horizontal and vertical plane until an image appears on the TV screen. When there is a picture, you need to look at the signal reception level - it should be above 50%;
  • Log in to the site and get access rights to various packages. The operator helps beginners to fully enjoy broadcasting. There is a small amount on the account of a newly registered user that pays for the broadcasting of a standard package - all that remains is to set up the channels.

When the “Registration of the contract” operation is completed, the access card will activate its work, and within a day a person will be able to see what the provider has prepared for new users.

Setting up NTV Plus channels

At the moment, there are several ways to set up channels from the NTV Plus provider. There are two most popular options.

  1. An automatic setting that looks like this:
  • Enter the menu using the remote control;
  • Find the subsection “Search for channels” there;
  • Click it and monitor the status of the search. When it ends, all channels will start showing.
  1. Setting up the TV manually has the following specifics:
  • First you need to reset the tinctures. This is done in this way: “Settings” → “Default setting” → “Channels” → “Antenna” → “Satellite settings”;
  • The device will require you to enter a password. Feel free to enter four zeros, but only if this option has not been changed;
  • After that, when manually searching for TV channels on NTV Plus, you need to uncheck the boxes next to satellites, which are allowed by selecting only the one that NTV Plus works with. In this case, it is EutelsatW4 36E. Sometimes it happens that the service in question is blocked by the tuner or TV itself, and in order to open access, you just need to remove the access card and insert it back;
  • Next, you need to configure the transponder. Here are the settings: 12130 R and Lnb levels (low = 0; high = 10750).

When the whole procedure is completed, you can proceed to the final step: Select the transponder and set the command "Search on the network". After that, you have to wait, because the setup takes a long time. But if all the changes were correct, then in half an hour all paid TV channels will work for you.

Setting up NTV Plus Vostok channels

The NTV Plus television company is one of the most popular in Russia, but in the eastern part of the country there were interruptions in broadcasting, which were resolved with the help of a new package and the Express-AT1 satellite. The change took place in 2014, so in 2017, users can enjoy the excellent broadcasting of popular channels and more in 2017 for several years.

If, for some reason, your equipment does not want to receive a signal that comes from this satellite, you can manually search for TV channels after entering the settings. This is not so difficult, since the reconfiguration can also be done manually. Soon television will start operating in standard mode, delighting viewers with a full package of TV channels.

So, in order to access the package, you need to check the satellite settings, and if they are not there, then first enter this satellite, and then fill in the broadcast parameters. Instructions on how to set up channels are simple:

  • Open the receiver settings through the remote control and the "MENU" button;
  • Turn on the search for NTV channels;
  • Go through "Settings" - "Installation" - "Password" - "Search Mode" - "Enable";
  • Enter transponder parameters: frequency - 12475; polarization - to the left; transfer rate - 27500; broadcasting - DVB-S2; modulation - 8PSK; FEC: 5/6;
  • Check the "Level" and "Quality" of the signal. Click on "Search" again;
  • Wait for the results and save them.

Russia assessed the possibility of intentionally introducing coronavirus into ChinaRussia has denied the intentional introduction of coronavirus in China. According to FEFU professor Mikhail Shchelkanov, the new type of coronavirus is naturally focal and can circulate on its own without human intervention (in the specific case, with the help of bats), which refutes the version of the leak from the Institute of Virology.

Russia immediately withdraws 18 warships from the main base in the PacificOn March 26, 18 warships were immediately withdrawn from the main base of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy in Vladivostok. Among the ships that left the base are the missile cruiser Varyag, the destroyer Bystry, the large anti-submarine ships Admiral Vinogradov and Admiral Tributs, as well as supply vessels.

WHO assesses Russia's readiness to fight coronavirusThe health system in Russia is ready to fight the new coronavirus, but you need to observe isolation and stay at home, the World Health Organization (WHO) said. The WHO representative in the Russian Federation, Melita Vujnovic, noted that the infection is very insidious, so it is necessary to follow the recommendations as responsibly as possible.

Able to complete the construction of Nord Stream 2, the Russian vessel headed for the AtlanticThe Russian pipe-laying vessel Akademik Chersky, capable of completing the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, changed course and headed for the Atlantic. According to the data of the global positioning system for sea vessels, the Akademik Chersky rounded the southernmost point of Africa - Cape Agulhas.

The Russians rushed to the dachasTraditionally, in March, the number of requests from residents of Russian megacities who want to rent a house outside the city for the summer increases. In 2020, the demand for seasonal rentals increased by 15 percent compared to the same period last year. Realtors attribute this to the coronavirus pandemic.

Named the regions of Russia with new cases of infection with coronavirusIn addition to Moscow and the Moscow region, new cases of coronavirus infection have been identified in 24 regions of Russia, St. Petersburg is the leader in the number of infected. So, in St. Petersburg, 11 people were infected with the new virus, eight in the Krasnodar Territory, six in Buryatia, and five in the Ivanovo Region.

Muscovites massively indulged in revelry on the last Friday before the non-working weekMuscovites took to the streets and restaurants in the center of the capital on the last Friday before next week, which was declared non-working in Russia due to the spread of the coronavirus. The corresponding video, filmed late in the evening on March 27 in the Patriarch's Ponds area, was published by Channel One correspondent Kristina Levieva.

Sberbank explained the rules of credit holidays for RussiansRussians affected by the coronavirus will be able to take credit holidays on consumer and mortgage loans. Deferral of payments can be granted for up to six months with an increase in the loan term up to 12 months. In this case, penalties for non-fulfillment of obligations under the loan will be canceled.

Ronaldo, who remained in quarantine, ordered a Bugatti for almost ten million eurosThe Portuguese striker of Juventus Cristiano Ronaldo, who is in quarantine on the island of Madeira, ordered a Bugatti model from a limited edition. The 34-year-old Portuguese will become the owner of one of ten Bugatti Centodieci cars. The acquisition cost Ronaldo 9.5 million euros.

More than 100 new cases of coronavirus infection detected in MoscowIn Moscow, 114 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected per day. Thus, the total number of infections in the capital has increased to 817. This is the largest number among all regions of Russia. A total of 1,264 cases have been recorded across the country, according to the operational headquarters for the situation with coronavirus.

Another 228 people infected with coronavirus in RussiaIn Russia, 228 new cases of coronavirus infection were registered per day. The total number of cases of infection detected in the country reached 1264. They were recorded in 62 regions. Earlier, the first case of death of a person infected with coronavirus outside of Moscow was registered.

The number of people infected with coronavirus worldwide exceeded 600 thousandThe number of people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus worldwide has exceeded 600,000. As of 11:50 Moscow time, 600,863 cases of infection have been recorded in the world. The United States has become the leader in the number of infected. Italy was in second place with 86.5 thousand infected. China is in third place.

Russia has a new test system for diagnosing coronavirusA new test system for diagnosing coronavirus was registered in Novosibirsk, the result can be obtained using it in 90 minutes. On March 22, Rospotrebnadzor informed that Russian diagnostic tools have the highest possible sensitivity and detect single copies of the virus.

In another Russian region found the first infected with coronavirusIn another Russian region, an infection with COVID-19 pneumonia caused by a new type of coronavirus occurred. A student infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus arrived from the UK in the Kostroma region. The teenager was placed in the infectious disease department of the hospital. The rest of the Kostroma residents who returned from the trip are being checked.

The authorities of Moscow revealed the punishment for violating the self-isolation of pensionersThe Moscow Department of Social Protection has revealed the punishment for pensioners who violated the self-isolation regime due to the coronavirus. According to RBC belonging to Grigory Berezkin, the guilty will be deprived of the second part of material assistance in the amount of two thousand rubles.

Hundreds of Russians returned home by special train from Ukraine due to coronavirusA special train organized due to the situation with the coronavirus arrived in Moscow from Kiev, which delivered more than 700 Russians to their homeland. Composition No. 906 to the Kievsky railway station in Moscow. The train passed without stops, passengers passed border and customs checks on the way.

The government thought about restricting movement in RussiaThe Russian government is considering restricting movement across the country and stopping air and rail passenger traffic. The journalists of the agency also contacted the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers, but they could neither confirm nor deny this information.

Digital Dictation 2020 will be held online from March 28 to April 11The All-Russian Digital Dictation 2020, organized by ROCIT, ONF and Microsoft, will be held from March 28 to April 11 in an online format with the support of the Coordination Center for RU and RF Domains. The action will be the largest test of information technology knowledge in Russia.

The United States took advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to supply Syrian militantsUS authorities have used the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to supply supplies to controlled militants in the Syrian Rukban camp. According to the document, the US government is trying to take advantage of the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection and is putting pressure on the UN leadership.

Russia expands list of rare diseasesThe authorities have expanded the list of rare diseases, for the treatment of which drugs will be purchased at the expense of the states. The resolution was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. The list is supplemented with aplastic anemia, unspecified, hereditary deficiency of factors II (fibrinogen), VII (labile) X (Stuart - Prower).

The best UFC fighter justified drunk driving with “madness” due to quarantineAmerican mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter Jon Jones, who was detained by Albuquerque police for drunk driving, explained his act. “I just wanted to ride. First time driving in two weeks. I saw the homeless, talked to them like people,” he said.

Another person with coronavirus dies in RussiaA man diagnosed with coronavirus died in Orenburg, the cause of death is being established. A resident of Buzuluk had chronic diseases. It is known that he was the first case in the region. The man traveled to European countries and returned to the city via Samara in his car.

From Russia tried to take out 11 tons of antisepticThe border guards of the Federal Security Service (FSB) prevented an attempt to export a large batch of antiseptics from Russia to Kazakhstan. The FSB noted that, according to the decree of the Russian government, the export of disinfectants, antiviral and other similar products. All products have been submitted for review.

The Russian Orthodox Church explained the refusal to close the temples and called the priests spiritual doctorsThe Russian Orthodox Church explained the refusal to close churches and called the priests spiritual doctors. The head of the synodal department for relations between the church, society and the media, Vladimir Leygoda, said that priests cannot self-isolate, no matter how much they want to. According to him, the church does not close because it is afraid of losing income.

Savchenko spoke about the "breath of air before death" for UkrainiansFormer member of the Verkhovna Rada Nadezhda Savchenko said that the money that Ukraine will receive from the IMF for the adoption of the law on the sale of land will give citizens "a breath of air before death." “Therefore, now we need to think when it is difficult: there is no one to borrow money from, there is nothing to give them back,” Savchenko said.

Infected with the virus, the most expensive player in Italy recognized the course of the disease as severeThe football player of Turin Juventus Paulo Dybala, who became infected with the coronavirus, spoke about the severe course of the disease. Dybala stated that the symptoms were very severe. “I was breathing with difficulty, I could not do anything after five minutes. Muscles hurt, ”the football player clarified, describing his condition.

Russian parents were given advice on protecting children from coronavirusRussian parents were given advice on protecting children from coronavirus. Rospotrebnadzor recommended that parents limit their children's contact with other people as much as possible and pay attention to the disinfection of housing, as well as items in it. The department reminded that the packaging of products brought into the house should also be disinfected.

A video of the work of Russian military doctors in Italy has been publishedThe Russian Ministry of Defense showed a video recording of the disinfection process carried out by Russian military specialists in the Italian region of Lombardy. In the footage, specialists in protective suits use a special solution in a boarding house for the elderly to disinfect furniture.

The effectiveness of a non-working week in the fight against coronavirus in Russia was assessedThe effectiveness of the non-working week in the fight against coronavirus in Russia has been assessed. Academician Viktor Maleev said that a week off should help to drastically reduce the number of infections in Russia. However, cases of infection are unlikely to disappear completely. “The chance of infection will remain, but the increase should be reduced,” he explained.

OneWeb filed for bankruptcyBritish startup OneWeb has filed for bankruptcy. The corresponding statement, sent to the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, was published on the company's website. Recently, OneWeb management has been negotiating to attract additional investment, but they failed.

Measures to combat coronavirus come into force in Russian regionsIn all regions of Russia, restrictive measures to counter the coronavirus came into force. On Saturday, March 28, all cafes, restaurants, theaters, museums and other cultural institutions, as well as shopping, entertainment and leisure centers closed in the country. In some regions, visits to religious institutions are prohibited.

The Foreign Ministry ridiculed a fake about the fight against coronavirus in RussiaForeign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova ridiculed fake information about lions and tigers, which were allegedly released to roam the country's streets as part of the fight against coronavirus. Zakharova noted that this message is really funny “simply because we traditionally let bears out on the street.”

Almost all the gold sold in the USAlmost all the gold has been sold in the USA. This is reported by The Wall Street Journal. American investors and bankers faced a shortage of gold bars and coins. It is reported that dealers have either sold out or temporarily closed. Canada was asked to increase gold production to ship to the US.

Russian special forces soldier told foreigners about his service in SyriaThe Russian commando responded to questions from Reddit users about his service in Syria and counter-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus. Former military man Daniil said that he served in the Russian special forces from 2014 to 2019. The thread quickly gained popularity, collecting 4.2 thousand comments in a few hours.

Ukrainian created anti-plague suit with smoking functionA Ukrainian has created an anti-plague suit with a smoking function. He spoke about his invention to the local TV channel, the video was published by the Telegram channel “News. As it is". The man showed that a special valve is built into the suit, into which a cigarette is inserted. However, the invention does not provide for smoke extraction.

US criticized for sanctions during the coronavirus pandemicThe US sanctions policy against the background of the coronavirus pandemic is unacceptable, Washington's attempts to impose its interests unilaterally for the sake of economic gain are irresponsible and take lives, RIA Novosti said

The author of the article about “useless” Russian aid explainedThe author of the article about the "useless" Russian aid, Jacopo Iacoboni, explained himself. He published his response to a letter from the Russian ambassador to Italy, Sergei Razov, in La Stampa. Jacoboni said that he did not express his point of view, but only quoted the words of certain sources.

A patrol driving people home in Chechnya was shown on videoA patrol driving people home in Chechnya was shown on video. “This video was filmed in Grozny. Patrol cars drive around the city, the police ask people to leave the street and go home, ”the publication reported. The footage shows more than ten police cars driving down the street with flashing lights and horns on.

Italy appreciated Russian assistance to the countryItalian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio appreciated Russian assistance to the country. The politician noted that Moscow sent medical masks, ventilators and people to disinfect buildings and cities. "They made a gesture of help and solidarity in their own way," Di Maio said.

Lukashenko called an alternative to buckwheat during the coronavirus epidemicPresident of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko called an alternative to buckwheat during the coronavirus epidemic. If there is no buckwheat, then it will be possible to eat millet porridge, the president is sure. He stated that he eats rice, buckwheat and millet in turn and added that even barley porridge is present in the diet once a week.

PFR transferred pensions and benefits for April ahead of scheduleThe Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) financed the payment of pensions and benefits for April ahead of schedule. The decision was made in connection with the announcement of a non-working week in the country. The Russians will be transferred state funds from March 30 to April 8. The volume of payments will amount to 113.2 billion rubles.

Wife of coronavirus infected Leshchenko spoke about his conditionThe wife of Lev Leshchenko, who was infected with the coronavirus, Irina spoke about his condition. She sent an SMS message to the composer Igor Krutoy. “Leva was returned to my ward, discharged from intensive care, we are together,” wrote the wife of the People’s Artist of the RSFSR.

In Ukraine, announced the beginning of the evacuation of RussiansIn Kiev, the evacuation of Russians began, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported. A special train on the Kiev-Moscow route, organized to evacuate Russian citizens from Ukraine due to the situation with the coronavirus, left on Friday, March 27, at 21:00 Moscow time. More than 700 people went to Moscow.

More than 100,000 people infected with coronavirus in USMore than 100,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus in the United States. The number of infected in the United States as of March 28, 1:27 Moscow time, was 101,657. More than 1.5 thousand have died, 862 people have been cured. Thus, the United States ranks first in the world in terms of the number of infected people, ahead of Italy, China and Spain.

Negative oil prices in the US marketNegative oil prices appeared on the US market. In this regard, individual manufacturers have to pay extra for unloading storage. The price of Wyoming Asphalt Sour oil fell by 19 cents per barrel.

Lukashenka spoke about Russians visiting Belarus during the epidemicPresident of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko spoke about Russians visiting the country during the coronavirus epidemic. His words are quoted by ONT. During a conversation with employees of the Belgips enterprise, Lukashenka said that after the borders were closed, Russian citizens continue to travel to Belarus, only on a detour.

Search for Su-27 pilot in the Black Sea stoppedThe search for the pilot of the Su-27 aircraft that crashed in the Black Sea was stopped two days later. This is reported by a source in emergency services. “Everyone left the search area. The search is over. More on the surface will not be searched. Only there will be underwater searches - already by aircraft, ”the interlocutor noted.

The doctor explained the appearance of the figure skater Sotnikova “sexual” scarThe head of the Moscow Spinal Neurosurgical Center GKB 67, Dmitry Dzukaev, spoke about the appearance of a sexual scar on the neck of the former figure skater Adelina Sotnikova. “I told Adeline:“ The scar should be treated calmly. As an element that will now become part of your style, ”he emphasized.

Pope prays for end of coronavirus pandemicPope Francis prayed for an end to the coronavirus pandemic during a solemn address to the "City and Peace" ("Urbi et Orbi"). The pontiff spoke on the steps in front of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. “Darkness has thickened over our squares, streets and cities, it has taken possession of our lives,” said the Pope.

Named the countries with the largest number of stranded Russians after the closure of bordersThe Federal Air Transport Agency named the countries where the largest number of Russians are located, who are stuck abroad due to measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic. This was reported on the website of the department. For example, there are currently 4,000 Russians in Indonesia, and 17,000 in Thailand.

US coronavirus death toll approaches 1,500The death toll from the coronavirus in the United States has approached 1,500. This is evidenced by data from Johns Hopkins University. As of March 27, 23:34 Moscow time, 1,475 people have died in the United States.

Russia proposes UN measures to combat coronavirusRussia proposed to the UN General Assembly to adopt a declaration of solidarity in the fight against coronavirus. The document was published on the website of the Russian trade mission at the organization. The declaration calls for recognition of the leading role of WHO in the fight against the pandemic. The initiative also provides for an agreement on cooperation between states.

In the United States thanked Russia for Ovechkin's talentUS Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan thanked Russia for “sharing such talent” as Washington Capitals National Hockey League (NHL) forward Alexander Ovechkin: “The people of the United States are very grateful to Russia ... And when I think about common interests of Russia and the United States, my first thoughts are about hockey.

Opera singer Svetlana Kasyan tests positive for coronavirusRussian opera singer Svetlana Kasyan has contracted the coronavirus, said her husband, head of the World Union of Old Believers Leonid Sevastyanov. According to him, Kasyan has "bilateral pneumonia." Sevastyanov said that he received a letter of support from Pope Francis.

Rammstein lead singer tested negative for coronavirusRammstein soloist Till Lindemann tested negative for coronavirus. This is reported by Bild, citing a representative of the artist. It is noted that visits to Lindemann are still prohibited, he remains in the hospital. The publication claims that the artist has pneumonia, but there is no threat to his life.

Russia develops coronavirus vaccine prototypesThe Federal Medical Biological Agency (FMBA) has developed seven prototypes of a vaccine against coronavirus, said the head of the department, Veronika Skvortsova. A ready-to-use vaccine is expected to be received no earlier than in 11 months, she noted. Two FMBA centers are working on the development of the drug.

Turkey suspends flights to all countries due to coronavirusTurkey has suspended flights to all countries due to the coronavirus. This was stated by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “All international flights have been suspended. Movement between cities should be carried out with the permission of local authorities,” the Turkish leader said.

Named the likely date for the resumption of the nuclear submarineThe English Premier League (EPL) may resume on April 30. On March 27, talks were held between the Premier League, the English Football League (EFL) and the Professional Footballers' Association of England (PFA), during which they discussed the resumption of draws in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

Three people tested positive for coronavirus in ChechnyaIn Chechnya, three people were diagnosed with coronavirus, said the head of the Ministry of Health of the Republic, Elkhan Suleimanov. According to him, in eight more patients, the diagnosis was established previously. He noted that the condition of the patients is satisfactory. In Chechnya, more than 630 people are in quarantine under medical supervision.

The Russians called the condition for traveling in the summerThe Russians called the condition for traveling in the summer. The Rostourism urged to refuse to travel around the country at the present time, so that the summer holidays take place. Tourists who planned a trip to Russia were advised to postpone the travel dates, and tour operators were urged to facilitate them.

Moscow prosecutor's assistant went to work with coronavirusAn assistant to the Kuzminsky inter-district prosecutor of Moscow has contracted the coronavirus. This was reported by a source to Lente.ru. It became known that the assistant prosecutor was hospitalized by doctors in protective suits right from the workplace. At this time, the prosecutor's office worked in a regular mode, receiving citizens.

Named requiring mandatory disinfection thing on a trip during the coronavirusOne of the main items that require mandatory disinfection while traveling during the coronavirus pandemic is a passport. COVID-19 bacteria can survive on a variety of surfaces, especially non-porous ones. In this regard, the specialist advised to regularly process the passport while traveling.

Infected with a coronavirus football player showed training in a hospital wardThe Belgian midfielder of the Chinese Shandong Luneng and the 2018 World Cup medalist Marouane Fellaini, who contracted the coronavirus, showed a training session in a hospital ward. The video shows how the player performs exercises - squats and running in place, and also works out with dumbbells.

Sobyanin asked Muscovites to spend a non-working week at homeMoscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin asked citizens to stay at home from March 28 to April 5. His appeal was published on the official website of the mayor and the government of Moscow. Sobyanin urged Muscovites not to visit and not invite anyone to his place. He also asked the townspeople not to visit shops unless absolutely necessary.

The youngest thief in law cut a cellmate and unsuccessfully fled to EuropeThe Chernihiv District Court sentenced the youngest thief in law, 28-year-old Georgiy Kiladze, known in criminal circles as Gega Ozurgetsky, to seven years in prison, who, while in a temporary detention center for foreigners and stateless persons, cut his cellmate.

A passenger dressed up as a dinosaur and came to the airport despite the coronavirus pandemicA passenger dressed as a dinosaur at an airport sparked cheers online. The video was published in the @passengershaming Instagram account, the authors of which ridicule the strange antics of travelers. "Best travel suit," reads the video's caption. The video got over 300,000 views in two days.

Islands and capes in the Arctic proposed to be named after veterans of the Northern FleetThe Northern Fleet took the initiative to name several Arctic islands and capes in the Arkhangelsk region after veterans participating in the Northern Hydrographic Expedition. The proposal concerns ten previously unnamed capes and islands in the Primorsky region and Novaya Zemlya.

In the south of Russia found a shortage of doctorsIn the Southern Federal District, there is a serious shortage of medical workers - almost 50 thousand people. Many medical buildings are in disrepair, transport needs to be replaced. The most acute problem with ambulances is in the Astrakhan and Rostov regions, Sevastopol.

Medvedev urged to create favorable conditions for telecommunications manufacturersDeputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia Dmitry Medvedev said that the country's authorities should create the most favorable commercial conditions for domestic manufacturers of telecommunications equipment. According to Medvedev, this measure is of particular importance in the current situation due to the isolation of world markets.

Crowbar missing in new Half-Life explainedValve programmer Robin Walker explained the lack of a crowbar in Half-Life: Alyx. The developer noted that for many, the Half-Life series is associated with the protagonist Gordon Freeman and his basic weapons. Walker explained that Valve planned to add an iconic tool for fans to the new game.

The world is on the verge of a shortage of rubber glovesThe world is on the verge of a shortage of rubber gloves after the government of Malaysia, which produces most of these products, began to introduce tough measures against the spread of coronavirus. The problems of enterprises located in Malaysia began after the country's government severely restricted residents.

Disclosed the circumstances of the death of the fourth patient with coronavirus in RussiaA Russian woman who died in Moscow with coronavirus had only one lung, the second was removed due to cancer. The deceased was 56 years old. Upon admission to the hospital, she was diagnosed with left-sided pneumonia. She died due to increased respiratory and cardiovascular failure.

First U.S. flight attendant dies of coronavirusAn American Airlines flight attendant has died after testing positive for the coronavirus. According to the publication, 65-year-old Paul Frishkorn (Paul Frishkorn) became the first airline employee to die from coronavirus in the United States. He worked for American Airlines for over 23 years.

New York has been declared a hotbed of coronavirusUS Vice President Michael Pence said that the focus of the coronavirus is the city of New York. “More than half of the infections have occurred in this area. So we are deploying field hospitals,” Pence said. He also noted that now in some parts of the country it is necessary to introduce restrictions.

Malysheva announced the impossibility of hiding the truth about the coronavirus in RussiaTV presenter Elena Malysheva said that it is impossible to hide reliable information about the number of people infected with coronavirus in Russia. In an interview, she stressed that in the case of Russia, the deterioration of the situation would soon become known thanks to the Internet. According to her, China and Italy could not hide the problems.

The global economy plunged into recessionAmid the coronavirus pandemic, the global economy plunged into recession. This was announced during a briefing by the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva. According to her, the current recession will be no less than during the global economic crisis of 2009.

The future of Medvedeva after the change of citizenship is describedTwo-time Olympic champion Artur Dmitriev described the future of Russian figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva in the event of a change of citizenship to Canadian. “She will still know that there are stronger skaters, come to international tournaments and lose, take fifth place,” he stressed.

Banks asked to explain the tax on depositsRussian banks asked to clarify the measures proposed by the president to support citizens and businesses. Banks are also asking to expand the tools for providing liquidity in case of its possible outflow associated with the postponement of payments on loans due to holidays for those affected by the coronavirus.

The number of people infected with coronavirus in Turkey has doubled in one nightThe number of coronavirus cases in Turkey has more than doubled overnight. This was stated in the Ministry of Health of the country. There are now 5,698 coronavirus cases in Turkey, while 2,069 cases were reported yesterday. Russia has already restricted air communication with this country.

Tourist-athlete described unbearable pain after infection with coronavirusA tourist-athlete described unbearable pain after contracting a coronavirus. The 32-year-old British woman caught the virus while traveling to the ski resort of Verbier in Switzerland in early March. The house where she stayed was occupied by 12 people, and one of the guests was diagnosed with coronavirus.

Fourth coronavirus patient dies in MoscowIn Moscow, the fourth person died from the coronavirus, she was 57 years old. “Upon admission to the hospital, she was diagnosed with left-sided pneumonia. The patient died with increasing symptoms of multiple organ failure, including respiratory and cardiovascular,” the headquarters noted.

The fugitive defendant in the case of Shakro Molodoy sued Russia for 77 million rublesThe fugitive defendant in the case of Shakro Molodoy, businessman Dmitry Smychkovsky, sued Russia for 77 million rubles. The decision of the London Court on the refusal to extradite Smychkovsky came into force and the British authorities awarded this amount to compensate for the costs incurred by the merchant in the course of the trial.

Dogs will sniff out patients with coronavirus infectionIn the UK, dogs will be taught to identify coronavirus infection. In the past, dogs trained by the charity Medical Detection Dogs have learned to sniff out cancer, Parkinson's disease, malaria and certain bacterial infections. Experts noted the accuracy demonstrated by animals.

More than 20 doctors infected with coronavirus in Estonian hospital21 doctors at the Estonian hospital Kuressaare on Saaremaa have contracted the coronavirus. The hospital did not specify whether only doctors were infected or if the infection was also found in nurses and administrative staff. It is not known what form their disease takes. The hospital management says the situation is extremely difficult.

Little girl died on a walk in a Russian kindergartenA pupil of one of the kindergartens in St. Petersburg died during a walk. She was out of sight of adults, and at some point her head got stuck between the partitions of the play stairs. The child hung and hung like that for at least nine minutes. A blunt trauma to the neck with spinal cord injury was received.

The future of the Russian economy is predicted at current oil pricesDeputy Energy Minister Pavel Sorokin predicted the future of the Russian economy at current levels of oil prices. According to him, this situation will create big problems for the country. According to Sorokin, the price of oil at an average level of $25 per barrel may be acceptable for Russia for six months to a year.

Ukrainian singer Maruv complained about the persecution due to performances in RussiaUkrainian singer Maruv in her Instagram account complained about the persecution due to performances in Russia. The artist published comments in which users wished her not to return to her native country, called her garbage, wished for death, and also offered to “sit in Rashkostan and not rock the boat.”

The head of the Ministry of Health gave advice on the bath during the epidemicIt is possible and useful to visit a bathhouse during the coronavirus epidemic, but you must not overdo it so as not to get sick in the end. It is worth giving up jumping into cold water and dousing with cold water. Also, you should not go on picnics and visit, especially to the elderly, because the virus is transmitted through communication.

Nearly 1,000 people die from coronavirus in Italy in one dayNearly 1,000 people have died from the coronavirus in Italy in a day. It is specified that 969 people have died - this is the largest number of deaths in a day since the beginning of the epidemic. In total, 86.4 thousand cases of coronavirus were registered in the country, 9134 infected people died.

Athletes suspended for doping decided to allow the Olympics in 2021The head of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Witold Banka, said that athletes suspended for doping, whose suspension will end by the Olympic Games in 2021, will be allowed to compete. "Disqualifications are tied to a period of time, not to sporting events," he clarified.

The journalist had to run from a herd of buffalo during a reportMontana-based KTVM journalist Deion Broxton noticed an approaching bison herd while recording a report and decided to leave the location. He posted a video of the moment on social media, and it soon went viral. Many users were amused by the reaction of the man.

Coronavirus detected in another region of RussiaA resident of Kalmykia was diagnosed with coronavirus as a result of primary diagnosis. This was announced by the head of the republic, Batu Khasikov. Khasikov specified that the authorities were awaiting official test results. All persons who had contact with a resident of Kalmykia with suspected coronavirus are isolated in an observatory and are being tested.

Coronavirus pandemic drives up orange juice pricesOrange juice futures jumped 20 percent in March. This is happening against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time as demand is growing, supply is falling, as manufacturers have difficulties with transportation due to transport restrictions being introduced. Shipping costs may also increase in the future.

France decides to extend lockdown due to coronavirusFrance decided to extend the isolation due to the spread of coronavirus infection for another two weeks. This was announced by French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. The quarantine will last until April 15. The country has already introduced strict restrictions on the movement of people, closed cafes, cinemas and non-food stores.

Russian doctor asked not to spread fakes about coronavirus on his behalfStanislav Yashnikov, head of the surgical department at City Hospital No. 8 Sochi, recorded a video message in which he stated that fakes about the coronavirus were being spread on his behalf. According to the doctor, publications that talk about an overcrowded hospital have nothing to do with him and his hospital.

The head of the Ministry of Health assessed the impact of sunny weather on the spread of coronavirusThe current weather in Russia is not warm enough to affect the spread of coronavirus and reduce its activity. The head of the Ministry of Health noted that it should be at least 25 degrees outside for the result to appear. Now in Europe it is warmer than in Russia, but the epidemic does not subside there.

The Russians announced plans to leave in the summer away from peopleThe Russians spoke about their plans for the coming summer in connection with the aggravation of the situation with the spread of coronavirus. A third of the survey participants, 32 percent, in the current circumstances are going to spend their summer holidays in the country or in the countryside. 24 percent reported a desire to travel around Russia.

Coronavirus forced lovers to move in five days after the first dateA ballerina from New York moved in with a new acquaintance five days after the first date due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus. The woman was afraid to stay in the city, as she was taught from childhood to avoid germs. The lovers have different bedrooms and use different bathrooms.

Net profit in 2019 of VSK Insurance Group exceeded 7 billion rublesThe net profit of VSK Insurance Group for 2019 amounted to more than 7 billion rubles. These are the results of the activity of the house according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). VSK Insurance House fees remain at the level of 2018 and amount to 93.3 billion rubles. The highest fees were achieved at the expense of OSAGO.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip for 120 thousand failed in RussiaFolding smartphone Samsung Galaxy Z Flip failed in the Russian sale. The Korean company sold less than a thousand copies in Russia. In the second half of February, Samsung sold a little less than 900 devices on the Russian market. This information follows from the materials of the partner company Samsung.

MegaFon offered free access to its own educational coursesMegaFon has started producing its own content for the MegaFon Education marketplace. The course on 5G posted on the resource has become the first online course on this topic in Russian. In the current situation, when many are forced to stay at home, MegaFon has opened free access to all platform courses for a month.

Russia paid WADA a million dollarsRussia's annual contribution to the budget of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) amounted to more than one million dollars. The contribution amount is $1,015,977. At the same time, Russia is not the leader in terms of the amount of funds paid: the United States contributed $2,714,744, while Canada received $1,357,372.

Gazprom quarantined one of the largest fieldsA subsidiary of Gazprom, Gazprom dobycha Nadym, quarantined the Bovanenkovskoye gas field located in Yamal. The measure was taken in connection with the spread of the coronavirus in the country. As of March 27, more than 533 thousand cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded in the world.

Internet appeared in one of the northernmost Russian villagesIn one of the northernmost settlements of the world - the Russian village of Syndassko in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - the Internet was installed. There was one point of free Internet access. Thanks to satellite technology, local residents can use the network at speeds in excess of ten megabits per second.

Famous Russian actress deceived for three million rublesThe famous Russian actress Yulia Rutberg (“Don’t Be Born Beautiful”, “Toys”, “Moths”, “Private Pioneer”) was deceived by three million rubles. Yulia's former acquaintance, realtor Vitaly Podolsky, took the money from her against receipt, but subsequently refused to return it. He made promises, but he did not keep his words.

The Russian attacked the doctors because of the separation from his wife during the quarantineA Russian man who returned from Thailand attacked doctors after his wife was taken to the hospital with suspected coronavirus. The incident occurred in the Yubileiny camp in the village of Bereznyaki on Sakhalin, where about 240 tourists were brought to quarantine the day before. 34 of them were sent to the dispensary for observation.

The Russian region uses telemedicine in the treatment of patients with coronavirusMedical workers of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO), if necessary, use telemedicine to treat patients with coronavirus infection and those in a state of mild to moderate severity. In addition, the necessary stock of medicines for those infected with the virus has been created at the Nenets District Hospital.

Sobyanin eased restrictions in Moscow during the quarantineIn Moscow, communication salons and pet stores will be able to work on a weekend - from March 30 to April 5. The corresponding decree was signed by the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin. According to the document, these goods are included in the list of essentials. In addition, liquefied natural gas was added to it.

Named the amount of the donation of the youngest billionaire to fight coronavirusThe youngest billionaire in the world, the founder of the cosmetic brand Kylie Cosmetics, Kylie Jenner transferred a large amount of money to fight the spread of coronavirus. The entrepreneur donated one million dollars (78 million rubles) to the needs of employees of treatment centers.

The level of confidence of Russians in Putin has grownThe rate of approval of President Vladimir Putin's activities on the day of the address to the nation in connection with the coronavirus increased compared to last week and amounted to 63.5 percent. The level of trust also increased and amounted to 69 percent, follows from a study by the sociological service of VTsIOM.

Tarasova appreciated the words of the Finnish figure skater about the inhumanity of Tutberidze's methodsHonored coach of the USSR in figure skating Tatyana Tarasova appreciated the words of the Finnish figure skater Kiira Korpi about the inhumanity of the methods of the Russian specialist Eteri Tutberidze. “Kira did not even spend a week in training with Tutberidze to make such statements. How does she know the training system?” she protested.

Lukashenka praised TrumpBelarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has praised his North American counterpart Donald Trump for his stance on the coronavirus pandemic. He cited as an example his words that the consequences for the economy and people's lives as a result could be worse than from the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself.

Groom-pedophile received 16 years for seducing schoolgirlsIn Gorno-Altaisk, a 47-year-old groom-pedophile received 16 years for seducing two schoolgirls. The convict met a 9-year-old girl on the playground next to the stable. To ingratiate himself with the child, he rode her on a horse, gave her beads and a ring. Later, the man abused the schoolgirl.

Children's doctor returned from Austria to Russia and went to workThe head of the children's hospital in Yaroslavl traveled to Austria and, after returning to Russia, did not self-isolate. The pulmonology department where she worked had to be closed for a two-week quarantine. Her husband went to Europe with her, now he is in an infectious diseases hospital, his analysis for coronavirus was sent to Novosibirsk.

Russia launched a service on wages during the coronavirus periodRostrud has launched a special service to help employees and employers with labor issues during the spread of the coronavirus. The service was launched on the basis of the Internet resource Onlineinspektsiya.rf. Anyone who wants to go to the site will be able to ask questions and get advice.

80-year-old pensioner violated the quarantine because of the rush to her granddaughter with drugsPolice in Spain have detained a pensioner who ended up on the street in violation of the quarantine introduced in the country due to the coronavirus. The woman explained to law enforcement officers that she was carrying drugs to her granddaughter. During the search, the police found three small bags of drugs in her possession.

New measures to support Russians during the coronavirus epidemic have been introducedThe Russian Central Bank announced the introduction of additional measures to support the population and the economy during the spread of coronavirus in the country. Among other things, the regulator facilitated lending to several other industries, including the arts, education, sports and catering establishments.

Plane with coronavirus infected on board lands in MoscowA plane carrying passengers infected with the coronavirus has landed at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport, an informed source said. On board there are two infected and 21 passengers with suspected infection, whose diagnosis has not been confirmed by laboratory. They will be met by ambulances.

Ukrainian city decided to heal from coronavirus by prayerPriests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) decided to fly around Zaporozhye by helicopter. Zaporozhye Metropolitan Luke explained that this is being done in order to heal Zaporozhye from the coronavirus. The metropolitan also said that the priests decided to refrain from splashing holy water.

The director of the films "The Heir" and "Hotel Eden" diedThe Russian director and screenwriter Vladimir Lyubomudrov has died, the Union of Cinematographers of Russia reported on its website. The cause of death has not been specified. Lyubomudrov was 80 years old. Among his most famous directorial works are "The Heir", "Hotel Eden", White Crows, "Look for the Wind ..." and "The First Horse".

Elena Malysheva urged to triple the salaries of doctors in RussiaTV presenter and doctor of medical sciences Elena Malysheva called for a threefold increase in salaries for Russian doctors. In an interview with the “A Talk” program, she called the salaries of doctors in Russia criminally low and suggested using the experience of China, where doctors’ salaries were raised due to work during the epidemic.

UN warns of rise in domestic violence due to coronavirusQuarantine regimes aimed at combating the coronavirus epidemic may increase the risk of domestic violence. This was stated by the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women Dubravka Simonovic. According to her, for those women and children whose home is a place of abuse, the situation will worsen.

On the Internet, they began to trade in antiseptic for half a million rublesThe Ebay online store began selling Dettol antiseptic spray for half a million rubles. The British began to buy household chemicals due to the coronavirus pandemic, in connection with which the stores were faced with a shortage of disinfectants. The current situation has led to higher prices on the websites of online retailers.

Oil fell below the psychological markThe price of a barrel of Brent oil fell below $25. At press time, a futures contract for a barrel of Brent for May delivery was trading at $24.7. The decrease compared to the previous trading session was 6.3 percent. A barrel of American WTI oil at the time of publication cost $21.6.

The deadline for submission of accounting (financial) statements for 2019 has been postponedThe deadline for submission of accounting (financial) statements for 2019 is postponed from March 30 to April 6, 2019. This is due to the fact that March 30 coincides with a non-working day established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2020 No. 206.

The sharp increase in the flow of Russians to the Crimea and Sochi is explainedThe sharp increase in the flow of Russians to Crimea and Sochi, despite calls from local authorities not to come, was provoked by irresponsible citizens who perceived unscheduled long weekends not as emergency measures taken to avoid the spread of coronavirus, but as additional vacations.

Sobyanin opened the largest hospital in Moscow for those infected with coronavirusMoscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened the largest hospital in Moscow for those infected with coronavirus. The department was opened in the city clinical hospital No. 15 named after O.M. Filatov on Veshnyakovskaya street. It is noted that the hospital was redesigned to treat citizens with suspected coronavirus.

Thousands of Ukrainians stormed the border before its closureOn the border of Ukraine and Poland, many kilometers long queues of Ukrainians wishing to return home were formed before the complete cessation of international passenger traffic. Ukrainian border guards complain that migrant workers are taking the checkpoints by storm. “A continuous hell and a madhouse is going on at the border,” eyewitnesses report.

Russian governor urged summer residents to stay where they areActing Governor of the Kaluga Region Vladislav Shapsha urged summer residents who came from Moscow to stay where they are and not leave their plots. Shapsha turned to those Russians who live in the capital, but have real estate in the region. They should observe the regime of self-isolation during the coming week.

A car club will appear near the house of culture in the Rostov regionThe administration of the Dubovsky district of the Rostov region will acquire a car club for the local house of culture. Funds for the purchase of a car club will be allocated as part of the implementation of the national project "Culture". With the help of the automobile club, the employees of the House of Culture plan to hold events in remote villages.

Navka spoke about her health after visiting the event with LeshchenkoOlympic champion in figure skating Tatyana Navka spoke about her health after attending the birthday celebration of producer Igor Krutoy's sister, which was attended by singer Lev Leshchenko infected with the coronavirus. “It's been two weeks since then and everything is fine, thank God,” she said.

Second wave of coronavirus hit Chinese economyAmid the coronavirus epidemic in China, many factories closed, but now, when the situation began to recover, the second wave hit the economy. European and American firms began to cancel orders and delay payment. The PRC prepared for the fact that by the end of the year exports will fall by 10 percent.

In the United States called the main advantages of the MiG-35Military expert Caleb Larson praised the Russian MiG-35 fighter. The publication emphasized that the MiG-35, as a 4++ generation fighter, uses a more advanced aerodynamic design, lightweight composite materials, has an increased weapon range and more efficient fuel consumption.

Lukashenka promised to tell a lot of interesting things about coronavirusPresident of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko promised to tell a lot of interesting things about the coronavirus pandemic after the “psychosis” subsides. He suggested thinking about whether the coronavirus is a man-made infection or accidentally appeared out of thin air, as well as who needed it and who took advantage of it.

Regions needed additional tens of billions of rubles to protect forestsRussian regions in 2020 lack about 22.8 billion rubles for the protection, protection and reproduction of forests. It is noted that the funding gap is 41 percent, given that 32.9 billion rubles have already been allocated for forest conservation in 2020. The planned funds are not enough for the current directions.

In Russia, a doctor with coronavirus gave a lecture and infected studentsTwo students in Stavropol contracted the coronavirus after attending a lecture with the region's chief infectious disease specialist, Irina Sannikova. The doctor visited Spain in early March, and upon returning to Russia decided not to comply with the quarantine. She managed to read several lectures and participate in a scientific conference.

Russian woman complained about the impossibility of quarantine in ThailandThe Russian woman complained about the impossibility of quarantine in Thailand. A resident of St. Petersburg, Katerina Varfolomeeva, announced this on her Facebook page. Varfolomeeva said that she was on vacation with her eight-year-old daughter and their tourist visa would expire in early April.

Nearly 800 people have died from coronavirus in Spain in a dayIn Spain, 769 people died from coronavirus per day - this is the largest number of registered cases since the beginning of the epidemic in the country. The total death toll has reached 4,858. According to the country's Ministry of Health, more than 64,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus in Spain.

British health minister tests positive for coronavirusBritish Health Minister Matt Hancock has tested positive for the coronavirus. “My test came back positive. Fortunately, I have mild symptoms, I work from home in self-isolation, ”the politician wrote on Twitter. He urged subscribers to follow the instructions of the doctors.

Infected with coronavirus Akunin spoke about his conditionInfected with coronavirus writer Boris Akunin spoke about his condition. He explained that he fell ill with his wife. The writer said the coronavirus is like “a lousy lingering flu with a high fever.” Because of COVID-19, Akunin spent ten days at home, and on the 11th day, the doctor prescribed him antibiotics.

The schedule of public transport in the suburbs will change during the non-working weekPublic transport in the Moscow region in the upcoming non-working week, which was announced by the president, will work according to the Sunday schedule. Information about changes in the operation of buses, trolleybuses, as well as in case of further adjustments, will be posted at stops. The Russians will rest from March 28 to April 3.

Interrogations of Russians quarantined due to coronavirus stoppedThe Investigative Committee of Russia decided not to conduct interrogations of citizens quarantined due to the coronavirus. The representative of the department denied the information about the temporary cessation of work. Interrogations are carried out, except for persons in quarantine. Entrance to the TFR is prohibited for patients with symptoms of SARS.

Those who rented their homes in Europe to fight coronavirus will be paidOnline short-term rental platform Airbnb said it will pay in some European countries (France and Italy) those who rent their accommodation to doctors and social workers for free. Thus, the company intends to support the fight against coronavirus. Homeowners will receive 50 euros (4.3 thousand rubles).

"Chayf" will hold an online concert as part of the anniversary tourThe Chaif ​​group will hold an online concert from their native Yekaterinburg as part of the anniversary tour "War, Peace and ...", dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the group. A live broadcast of the anniversary performance from the Yekaterinburg TV Club will be organized on the MTS platform - vr.mts.ru and on the operator's social networks.

Fake FSB officer extorted a gift from businessmen to the leadership of the special servicesThe FSB of Russia, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, detained N. Polyansky red-handed while receiving funds in the amount of 1.8 million rubles. A criminal case was initiated against Polyansky under part three of Article 30 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and under part four of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The suspect presented himself as a high-ranking FSB officer.

Princess infected with coronavirus dies in ParisPrincess Maria Teresa of Bourbon-Parma has died at the age of 86 in Spain. The cause of death was a disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The princess was born in 1933 and was part of the Parma Bourbon dynasty, which in the past ruled the Duchy of Parma, and then became the ruling dynasty of Luxembourg.

The Ministry of Health warned of the deadly threat of coronavirus for pregnant womenCoronavirus increases the risk of death in pregnant women. This is stated in the updated recommendations of the Ministry of Health on the prevention and treatment of coronavirus. The risk of perinatal complications is associated with both the possible exposure to infection and the action of drugs.

21-year-old Russian judoka tried to commit suicide21-year-old Russian judoka Maryam Yeserkeyeva tried to commit suicide. As a result, she received numerous fractures, a head injury and fell into a coma. Later, Yeserkeyeva came to her senses and received the first group of disability. One of the reasons is harassment by the coach of the athlete.

Found a way to improve mood during isolation due to coronavirusAn expert in color therapy has named colors that enhance mood and stimulate creativity during self-isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic. So, for a sense of calm, you should wear things in blue, purple and light pink shades, since such colors slow down the heartbeat.

Named coronavirus drugs tested in RussiaThe drugs remdesivir, favipiravir and umifenovir are undergoing clinical testing during the treatment of patients with coronavirus in Russia. For the treatment of coronavirus infection, a combination of lopinavir, ritonavir, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and interferons is now recommended.

Russian man paid with his life for insulting his wifeIn Stavropol, a 38-year-old man paid with his life for insulting his wife. The Russian in front of his 40-year-old friend spoke rudely with his wife. The man made a remark and asked to stop insulting the woman. A quarrel broke out between friends, which turned into a fight.

Underground party dispersed in Kazakhstan during quarantineIn the capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, police broke up an underground party organized during the quarantine, which was announced due to the coronavirus pandemic. Law enforcement officers arrived at the scene and found 24 people aged 25 to 28 who learned about the event on social networks.

The worst-case scenario of the coronavirus epidemic is describedThe COVID-19 pandemic could have killed 40 million people by the end of 2020 if it were not for the implementation of preventive measures to prevent the spread of the disease, according to Imperial College London (UK). Ignoring all security measures would lead to the infection of seven billion.

The presenter kissed Buzova on the chest during an interviewLeading YouTube show "Alena, damn it!" Alena Zhigalova kissed the singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova on the chest during an interview with her. According to Buzova, ex-husband football player Dmitry Tarasov often told her about the need to enlarge her breasts, but in the end she refused to change her appearance.

In Ukraine, the body of the deceased from the coronavirus was thrown into the street in a bagIn the Ternopil region of Ukraine, doctors threw the body of a 68-year-old man who died from coronavirus out of the door in a bag. According to the daughter of the deceased, Anna Polishchuk, the doctors closed the doors of the hospital without any instructions, and the relatives, without means of protection, were forced to carry the man in a bag to the car and even drag him along the ground.

A video of a party with an infected Leshchenko and other stars has been publishedA video of a party with People's Artist of the RSFSR Lev Leshchenko and other Russian stars infected with the coronavirus has been published. In the video you can see Valery Leontiev, Ani Lorak, Alsou, Nikolai Baskov, Igor Nikolaev, Vladimir Vinokur, Irina Allegrova, as well as the birthday boy Igor Krutoy.

IKEA will close stores in Moscow due to coronavirusThe retailer IKEA has decided to temporarily close branded stores in Moscow and the Moscow region due to the spread of the coronavirus. The company will completely switch to online sales. Shops will be closed to visitors from March 28 to April 5 inclusive. Delivery will continue.

In Russia, updated recommendations for the treatment of coronavirusThe Ministry of Health of Russia has updated clinical guidelines for the treatment of coronavirus, in particular, the list of possible drugs for the treatment of adults has been increased from four to six. So, these include lopinavir + ritonavir, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, interferon preparations. These drugs are recommended to be used in combination.

DPR announced Ukraine's refusal to exchange prisonersUkraine refused to conduct a prisoner exchange with the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) according to the 10 to 8 formula, which was proposed during a videoconference of the Contact Group for the Peaceful Settlement of the Conflict in Donbass. This was stated by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the DPR Daria Morozova.

Pobeda will suspend all flightsLow-cost airline Pobeda will suspend all flights from April 1. As noted in the company, all flights will be stopped, including domestic flights. The measure is taken until May 31 in connection with the decree of the government of the Russian Federation. Customers of canceled flights with departure dates within the specified period were promised a refund in their personal account.

"Leaders of Russia" will help in the fight against coronavirusThe winners and finalists of the "Leaders of Russia" competition are launching social projects as part of the all-Russian mutual assistance campaign "We are together", most of the initiatives are related to the coronavirus. For example, last year's winner Alena Geidt from Moscow provides consultations on labor rights for women with children free of charge.

Russian military began the fight against coronavirus in ItalyThe Russian military has begun work in the Italian city of Bergamo to help the country fight the coronavirus. This was reported by the TV channel Russia Today. The Russians will work in boarding houses where the infected are. The head of one of the institutions noted that there are not enough medical staff and personal protective equipment.

Barracuda bites diver's genitalsIn the area of ​​the Mexican resort city of Cancun, a British tourist was attacked by a barracuda. A predatory fish swam up to him in front, bit into his swimming trunks and began to pull. The Briton claims that he swam to the shore as soon as possible, without feeling pain due to adrenaline, and got out on land.

In Russian cities, the work of transport will be limited during the week of the weekendIn Karelia, the operation of public transport, except for taxis, will be completely stopped from March 29 to April 5. Throughout the Krasnodar Territory, municipalities have been advised to limit the operation of buses, and the movement of electric trains and trains has already been reduced. In Ryazan, restrictions on the number of passengers will be introduced.

Ukrainian government proposes to stop funding patriotic cinemaThe government of Ukraine proposed to the Verkhovna Rada to stop financing patriotic cinema. The resolution of the Cabinet proposes to cut the Goskino fund from 776 million hryvnias to 23 million hryvnias and exclude from it funds aimed at supporting patriotic films.

Mexican governor names group of people with immunity to coronavirusThe governor of the Mexican state of Puebla, Miguel Barbosa, named a group of people who have immunity to the coronavirus. In his opinion, poor people are out of the risk zone, writes The Independent. “Most people are poor. If you are rich, you are at risk. If they are poor, then no, ”the publication quotes him as saying.

MMA fighter trains outside in lingerie and causes controversy among fansAmerican mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter Valerie Loreda shared a video of training during self-isolation caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Loreda showed exercises for working out blows. Some users called Loreda's workout "sexy and hot." Others criticized the fighter for failing to self-isolate.

The Perm Territory will be massively landscapedThe Perm Territory will be massively landscaped: in 2020, work will be carried out at more than 300 sites in the region as part of the Housing and Urban Environment national project. As noted, in total, more than 1.1 billion rubles will be allocated for the work. Funds will be allocated from the federal, regional and local budgets.

Lukashenka announced plans to go to the Victory parade in Russia covered by "psychosis"President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko was about to come to the Victory Parade in Moscow, but said that Russia was gripped by a “psychosis” due to the coronavirus pandemic. “But I don’t know, based on what is happening with them and this psychosis has seized them, whether they will hold these events,” he said.

The former chief jailer of Russia canceled early releaseThe Kaliningrad Regional Court has canceled the parole of the former director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Alexander Reimer from the colony, where he is serving a sentence for embezzlement of more than one billion rubles. The decision was made on the complaint of the prosecutor's office and the prison department. Convicted for 8 years will remain in the colony.

The Russians made a fuss because of the productsRussians in some regions began sweeping food off store shelves. In these subjects, the growth in demand for products reached 70 percent. Against the background of rush demand, the government has taken measures to increase the speed of deliveries of goods to stores. No shortage of food and goods is expected, the FAS assured.

Doctor Myasnikov explained the high mortality of the elderly due to coronavirusDoctor Alexander Myasnikov, known as Dr. Myasnikov from the program “On the most important thing” on the Russia 1 channel, said that older people are not dying from the coronavirus, but because of the complications it causes. The specialist noted that with the virus, a person develops pneumonia, which can lead to death.

The level of Ukraine's readiness for the crisis was assessedThe Ukrainian economy is better prepared for the crisis and its fall will be at the level of other countries, said Deputy Head of the National Bank of Ukraine Dmitry Sologub. According to him, in cooperation with the IMF, the country is not threatened with catastrophic scenarios, as was the case during the 2008 global financial crisis.

Russian regions caught refusing to impose restrictions on the background of coronavirusThe authorities of a number of Russian regions and individual cities refuse to promptly implement the government's decision to close cinemas, children's playrooms, nightclubs and other leisure facilities amid the spread of the coronavirus in the country. They were convicted of this by the Association of Cinema Owners.

The Kremlin called the goal of the upcoming weekendThe goal of the upcoming weekend is to minimize contacts in light of the situation with the spread of the new coronavirus, said the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. The Kremlin spokesman also noted that at this time, remote forms of work are welcome. The Russians will rest from March 28 to April 3.

SARS-CoV-2 host dangerous to humans namedA related SARS-CoV-2 virus was found in pangolins (pangolins) illegally imported into China from Malaysia. The corresponding study by Chinese scientists is published in Nature. Experts studied samples of 31 animals brought to China in 2017-2019. Six of them were found to have the virus.

In St. Petersburg, the fire was stopped with the help of a “bold tractor”In St. Petersburg, they managed to stop the fire with the help of a “bold tractor”, which dragged a burning change house to the side. The incident occurred at the construction site of the residential complex "Lights of the Bay" at the intersection of Geroev and Leninsky Avenue. Users noted that fires have happened there before.

Aggressive mental patient escaped from an ambulance in MoscowIn the west of Moscow, a mentally ill man escaped from an ambulance. Escaped born in 1984, medium build, with blond hair. He was wearing brown hospital pajamas. The source added that the man can be aggressive. He was reported to the police.

Boris Johnson has contracted the coronavirusBritish Prime Minister Boris Johnson has contracted the coronavirus. It is noted that the symptoms of the disease in the British leader are mild. After a positive test result, Johnson decided to self-isolate at the Prime Minister's residence in Downing Street.

In the Angara region, the streets named after the heroes of the war will be repairedIn three cities of the Irkutsk region, streets named after the heroes of the Great Patriotic War will be repaired in 2020. It is planned to replace the asphalt and side stone, apply road markings and install road signs. The Victory Street project is being implemented under the national project Safe and High-Quality Highways.

Rammstein lead singer Till Lindemann hospitalized with coronavirusTill Lindemann, founder and lead singer of the German band Rammstein, has been hospitalized in Berlin with the coronavirus. The 57-year-old musician is in the intensive care unit. Details have not yet been disclosed. Earlier in March, Lindemann performed in Moscow, after which he returned to Berlin. The musician also visited Ukraine.

Neighbors came up with a way to deliver beer during home quarantineNeighbors from the US city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, came up with a way to exchange beer during home quarantine. One of them attached a “trunk” to a radio-controlled car, put a bottle in it and sent it to his friend who lives across the street.

In Kazakhstan, the deadline for the creation of a vaccine against coronavirus was announcedThe Scientific Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems of Kazakhstan has announced the deadline for creating a vaccine against coronavirus. The director of the training and educational center at the research institute Khairulla Abeuov said that it could take a year to develop. The vaccine is planned to be tested first on animals and then on volunteers.

Russian digital economy predicted growth due to coronavirusThe head of the Rosnano management company, Anatoly Chubais, predicted the growth of the Russian digital economy against the backdrop of the spread of the coronavirus. According to Chubais, the growth of the digital economy will be facilitated by the transition of Russians to remote work, which will change the psychological attitudes of people.

Putin approved the "Power of Siberia-2"Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline to western China via Mongolia. Gazprom carried out a feasibility study, which confirmed the feasibility of the project. Now the company will move on to a new stage - the development of a feasibility study and the start of design and survey work.

Emily Ratajkowski posed naked behind a sheer curtainAmerican supermodel Emily Ratajkowski posed naked during self-isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic. In the posted picture, the 28-year-old celebrity posed in front of the window without underwear and clothes, while standing behind a transparent beige curtain.

Ukraine began to evacuate its citizens from RussiaUkraine begins to evacuate its citizens from Russia in the face of the cancellation of passenger traffic between countries due to the coronavirus pandemic. Today, the Ukrzaliznytsia company will send a special train to Moscow, on which Russian citizens who wish to evacuate from Ukraine will also arrive in the capital.

Hadn Dadn, AIGEL and RSAC will perform on the STAY online platformOnline concert platform STAY has announced the names of the first artists. The opening of the platform will take place on March 29 - on this day, viewers will be able to listen to the Hadn Dadn band. The organizers also spoke about other musicians, including AIGEL, RSAC, VELIAL SQUAD, Verhovski, OLIGARKH.

Russia approved a special training program for pre-retireesThe Russian government has approved a special training program for people of pre-retirement age over 50 years old. The corresponding order was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers on Friday, March 27. The program establishes three main mechanisms for organizing the educational process for pre-pensioners.

The wife of the hospitalized Igor Nikolaev commented on his conditionYulia Proskuryakova, wife of artist Igor Nikolaev hospitalized with suspected coronavirus, commented on his condition. She asked not to call Nikolaev and explained that he should not be nervous now. According to her, the composer needs to rest until the results of the test for COVID-19 come.

The scale of infection with coronavirus inside Russia has been calculatedMost of the Russians infected with the coronavirus came from abroad. Only 20 percent of patients became infected domestically through contact with other patients. In 18 percent of the total number of infected, the disease is asymptomatic, and one in ten is diagnosed with pneumonia.

Buckwheat sellers caught in collusionIn Russia, buckwheat sellers were caught in a cartel agreement. Its signs on the market were noticed by the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Buckwheat in recent weeks has become one of the most popular products on the shelves of Russian stores against the backdrop of the coronavirus. If the fact of collusion is confirmed, the cartel members face a prison sentence.

The Kremlin spoke about measures to protect Putin from coronavirusAll necessary measures are being taken to protect Russian President Vladimir Putin from contracting the coronavirus infection. This was stated by the press secretary of the leader of the country Dmitry Peskov. The Kremlin spokesman stressed that the head of state continues to work and "can't just stop" doing it.

Unified State Examination in Russia postponed due to coronavirusThe Ministry of Education has postponed the Unified State Examination (USE) due to the spread of the coronavirus. This is reported by RBC, owned by Grigory Berezkin, with reference to the press service of the department. The 2020 exam will start on June 8th. The exam for ninth graders is also postponed.

Rambler Group launches Hypernews serviceAs part of preparations for the launch of the new Hypernews service, Rambler Group has begun closed testing, which has already been accessed by the leaders of the Russian media market. "Hypernews" will allow you to follow the current information agenda of the Russian media on the main content platforms.

On the streets of New York appeared refrigerators for corpsesThe authorities of American New York are taking additional measures to combat the pandemic and are installing refrigerated trucks to take out the bodies of those who died from COVID-19 pneumonia caused by the coronavirus. The authorities fear that the situation will worsen and are building additional morgues. There are also trailers with refrigerators on the streets.

Peskov confirmed the presence at the festival with Leshchenko infected with the coronavirusPress Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov confirmed his presence at the celebration with the participation of People's Artist of the RSFSR Lev Leshchenko infected with the coronavirus. According to him, he arrived late for his birthday. “Yes, I went there, I didn’t see Leshchenko ... Then no one really shook hands,” he clarified.

The main conference for digital business will be held onlineLeading experts in online sales will speak on April 24 during the largest online retail conference IDRF’2020. Among the speakers are leaders of companies such as Yandex. Market, AliExpress, VkusVill, Mars, M.Video, TSUM, Hatch and others. The conference will be held online.

In Chukotka, a product was developed for businesses affected by coronavirusIn the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, a special preferential product “Anti-Crisis” has been launched, developed by the Microcredit Organization of Chukotka for entrepreneurs affected by measures to counter the spread of the new coronavirus. The microcredit company was created within the framework of the national project.

Finnish figure skater compared Tutberidze's school with a factoryFormer Finnish figure skater Kiira Korpi shared her opinion on modern women's figure skating. Korpi called the culture in figure skating authoritarian and destroying the psyche of young athletes. “[Eteri] Tutberidze’s factory is a sign of the inhuman culture that our sport is adopting,” the athlete considered.

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Good day to all, well, apparently NTV-Plus is already having a hard time, because. the bulk of customers smoothly refuse their services in favor of Tricolor TV.

The first impulse was the launch of an inexpensive NTV-Plus Light package, which, by the way, is not good for a selection of channels from Tricolor TV, the only picture quality is a little better, but if you don’t have an LCD TV, then you don’t have this difference see.

In short, the NTV-plus Light package failed because it is sold not much more often than a regular package.
The next attempt was the package "Starting", and translating into Russian - PACKAGE OF FREE CHANNELS FROM NTV-PLUS, this is generally surprising news for many, but this package is not completely free, because. when connecting, you will need to pay 600 rubles, though only once.

This is just true for those who have already switched to Tricolor TV, and threw the NTV receiver into the garage or into the pantry, because. he belongs there. Now you can install a dish in your garage and, without buying a new receiver, watch free channels from NTV-plus.

In addition to the first installment, for free NTV Plus, you will have to pay another 600 rubles when changing the encoding when replacing the card. True, they are not very keen on replacing cards, but over the past 5 years they have already changed them twice.

And here are the channels themselves:

  • First channel
  • Russia 1
  • Russia 2
  • Russia-K
  • Russia 24
  • Petersburg - channel 5
  • Carousel
  • NTV-PLUS Sport
  • The first entertainment STS
  • Law TV
  • Disney channel
  • Muz TV

Well, as always, the list of these channels may change over time, and of course without agreement with subscribers.

Broadcasting of channels included in the "Start" package is carried out in MPEG2 DVB-S format. Therefore, this package can be connected even to the oldest receiver.

In addition, it will be possible to expand this list of channels with additional packages, of course, for an additional fee.

  • "Our football" (1 channel for 199 rubles per month),
  • "Leader TV-RF" (1 channel for 50 rubles per month),
  • "Egoist TV" (1 channel for 150 rubles per month),
  • "Kinodrom" (99 rubles for watching 1 film)
  • "Sports events to order" (55 rubles for each broadcast),
  • as well as other services of the TV Company, if it is provided for by the relevant offers.

In short, as always, everything is grown-up.

Moreover, any user can order this package of free channels from NTV Plus. For example, if you pay for "Basic", but also connected a package of free channels, then if you do not pay for "Basic", you can always watch these channels. In short, it turned out to be “Tricolor”, only there are “not many” more channels for 600 rubles.

And of course, it was not without the kindness of the soul. If you have been watching any of the NTV-plus packages for the last 3 years, and the subscription fee has not bothered you, then you will not have to pay anything for activating free channels. This is really cool.