Forced indexing of pages in Yandex. A quick way to check page indexing in Yandex and Google

What is site indexing? How does it happen? You can find answers to these and other questions in the article. in search engines) is the process of adding information about a site to a database by a search engine robot, which is subsequently used to search for information on web projects that have undergone such a procedure.

Data about web resources most often consists of keywords, articles, links, and documents. Audio, images, and so on can also be indexed. It is known that the algorithm for identifying keywords depends on the search device.

There are some restrictions on the types of information indexed (flash files, javascript).

Inclusion management

Indexing a website is a complex process. To manage it (for example, prohibit the inclusion of a particular page), you need to use the robots.txt file and regulations such as Allow, Disallow, Crawl-delay, User-agent and others.

Tags are also used for indexing and props , hiding the contents of the resource from Google and Yandex robots (Yahoo uses the tag ).

In the Goglle search engine, new sites are indexed from a couple of days to one week, and in Yandex - from one week to four.

Do you want your site to show up in search engine results? Then it must be processed by Rambler, Yandex, Google, Yahoo, and so on. You must inform search engines (spiders, systems) about the existence of your website, and then they will crawl it in whole or in part.

Many sites have not been indexed for years. The information contained on them is not seen by anyone except their owners.

Processing methods

Site indexing can be done in several ways:

  1. The first option is to add it manually. You need to enter your site data through special forms offered by search engines.
  2. In the second case, the search engine robot itself finds your website using links and indexes it. He can find your site using links from other resources that lead to your project. This method is the most effective. If a search engine finds a site this way, it considers it significant.


Site indexing is not very fast. The terms vary, from 1-2 weeks. Links from authoritative resources (with excellent PR and Tits) significantly speed up the placement of the site in the search engine database. Today Google is considered the slowest, although until 2012 it could do this job in a week. Unfortunately, everything is changing very quickly. It is known that has been working with websites in this area for about six months.

Not every specialist can index a website in search engines. The timing of adding new pages to the database of a site that has already been processed by search engines is affected by the frequency of updating its content. If fresh information constantly appears on a resource, the system considers it frequently updated and useful for people. In this case, its work is accelerated.

You can monitor the progress of website indexing in special sections for webmasters or on search engines.


So, we have already figured out how the site is indexed. It should be noted that search engine databases are frequently updated. Therefore, the number of pages of your project added to them may change (either decrease or increase) for the following reasons:

  • search engine sanctions against the website;
  • presence of errors on the site;
  • changes in search engine algorithms;
  • disgusting hosting (inaccessibility of the server on which the project is located) and so on.

Yandex answers to common questions

Yandex is a search engine used by many users. It ranks fifth among search systems in the world in terms of the number of research requests processed. If you added a site to it, it may take too long to add it to the database.

Adding a URL does not guarantee it will be indexed. This is just one of the methods by which the system informs the robot that a new resource has appeared. If your site has few or no links from other sites, adding it will help you discover it faster.

If indexing does not occur, you need to check whether there were any failures on the server at the time the request was created by the Yandex robot. If the server reports an error, the robot will terminate its work and try to complete it in a comprehensive crawl. Yandex employees cannot increase the speed of adding pages to the search engine database.

Indexing a site in Yandex is a rather difficult task. You don't know how to add a resource to a search engine? If there are links to it from other websites, then you do not need to add the site specifically - the robot will automatically find and index it. If you don't have such links, you can use the Add URL form to tell search engines that your site exists.

It is important to remember that adding a URL does not guarantee that your creation will be indexed (or how quickly it will be indexed).

Many people are interested in how long it takes to index a website in Yandex. Employees of this company do not make guarantees or predict deadlines. As a rule, since the robot has learned about the site, its pages appear in searches within two days, sometimes after a couple of weeks.

Processing process

Yandex is a search engine that requires accuracy and attention. Site indexing consists of three parts:

  1. The search robot crawls the resource pages.
  2. The content of the site is recorded in the database (index) of the search system.
  3. After 2-4 weeks, after updating the database, you can see the results. Your site will appear (or not appear) in search results.

Indexing check

How to check site indexing? There are three ways to do this:

  1. Enter the name of your business in the search bar (for example, “Yandex”) and check each link on the first and second page. If you find the URL of your brainchild there, it means the robot has completed its task.
  2. You can enter your site's URL in the search bar. You will be able to see how many Internet sheets are shown, that is, indexed.
  3. Register on the webmasters' pages in, Google, Yandex. After you pass the site verification, you will be able to see the results of indexing and other search engine services created to improve the performance of your resource.

Why does Yandex refuse?

Indexing a site in Google is carried out as follows: the robot enters all pages of the site into the database, low-quality and high-quality, without selecting. But only useful documents are included in the ranking. And Yandex immediately excludes all web junk. It can index any page, but the search engine eventually eliminates all garbage.

Both systems have an additional index. For both, low-quality pages affect the ranking of the website as a whole. There is a simple philosophy at work here. A particular user's favorite resources will rank higher in search results. But this same individual will have difficulty finding a site that he didn’t like last time.

That is why it is first necessary to protect copies of web documents from indexing, check for empty pages, and prevent low-quality content from being returned.

Speeding up Yandex

How can I speed up site indexing in Yandex? The following steps must be followed:

Intermediate actions

What needs to be done until the web page is indexed by Yandex? A domestic search engine should consider the site the primary source. That is why, even before publishing an article, it is imperative to add its content to the “Specific Texts” form. Otherwise, plagiarists will copy the entry to their resource and end up first in the database. In the end, they will be recognized as the authors.

Google Database


What is a site indexing ban? You can apply it either to the entire page or to a separate part of it (a link or a piece of text). In fact, there is both a global indexing ban and a local one. How is this implemented?

Let's consider prohibiting adding a website to the search engine database in Robots.txt. Using the robots.txt file, you can exclude indexing of one page or an entire resource category like this:

  1. User-agent: *
  2. Disallow: /kolobok.html
  3. Disallow: /foto/

The first point indicates that the instructions are defined for all subsystems, the second indicates that indexing of the kolobok.html file is prohibited, and the third does not allow adding the entire contents of the foto folder to the database. If you need to exclude several pages or folders, specify them all in Robots.

In order to prevent the indexing of an individual Internet sheet, you can use the robots meta tag. It differs from robots.txt in that it gives instructions to all subsystems at once. This meta tag follows the general principles of the html format. It should be placed in the page header between the Ban entry, for example, could be written like this: .


How does Yandex index Ajax sites? Today, Ajax technology is used by many web site developers. Of course, she has great opportunities. Using it, you can create fast and productive interactive web pages.

However, the system “sees” the web sheet differently than the user and the browser. For example, a person looks at a comfortable interface with movably loaded Internet sheets. For a search robot, the content of the same page may be empty or presented as other static HTML content, for the generation of which scripts are not used.

To create Ajax sites, you can use a URL with #, but the search engine robot does not use it. Usually the part of the URL after the # is separated. This needs to be taken into account. Therefore, instead of a URL like, he makes a request to the main page of the resource located at This means that the content of the Internet sheet may not be included in the database. As a result, it will not appear in search results.

To improve the indexing of Ajax sites, Yandex supported changes in the search robot and the rules for processing URLs of such websites. Today, webmasters can indicate to the Yandex search engine the need for indexing by creating an appropriate scheme in the resource structure. To do this you need:

  1. Replace the # symbol in the page URL with #!. Now the robot will understand that it can request an HTML version of the content for this Internet sheet.
  2. The HTML version of the content of such a page should be placed at a URL where #! replaced by?_escaped_fragment_=.

? If you have landed on this page, then you are probably not happy that search engines are so slow and reluctant to index your site, and you would like your articles to enter the index at such a speed that you can immediately see the result of your painstaking work. Still, it’s not very pleasant in your soul when you write a kilometer-long article, and then wait for weeks for Yandex to crawl in and add it to its search database, so that it can later be found in the search engine.

So, in this article you will learn 24 ways to get your website, article, page into the index, so that in the morning it will already be in both Yandex and Google. Although, I’m being petty here: if you use all 24 methods, then your site with all the pages will be in the index in an hour.

1 ) The first thing you need to do is register in both panels for Yandex webmasters and Google, and add your site there.

2 ) Ok, before we try to feed our site to search engines, we need to make for them a special map for search bots called . How to make a map immediately on your hosting in the root of the site, and set the rights to 777. Then you need to add the same file to both panels for Yandex and Google webmasters. Now you are probably thinking, what kind of card is this and why is it needed at all? Well, actually, this is a simple notepad that states which pages of your site can be indexed and which cannot. Without this file, Yandex will probably never know about the existence of your site, so you can’t go anywhere without it.

3 ) You need to make a sitemap Sitemap.xml and also upload it to yours and in the panel for webmasters. A sitemap, unlike a map for search engine bots, is simply a list of all your pages and articles on a website or blog. You can make this map here or use a plugin for the WordPress engine called .

4 ) To speed up the indexing of a site, its structure must be correct. What does this even mean? It's simple: each page has its own nesting level. See how many times you need to click on my website to get to this article. The first click will be on “all articles”, the second click on the title of the article. That is, as we see, we made 2 clicks, which means that my article has a 2nd level of attachment. So, an incorrect site structure is when you need to click more than 3 times to get to your article or page. Remember that articles should not be of the fourth, there is a fifth level of nesting, I hope everything is clear with this.

5 ) Adding a new site or article to adulka. This is done in the same webmaster panel for Yandex. Just insert the address of our article, fill out the captcha (letters, numbers for spam) and click “add”. In this way, you will inform Yandex that you have new content (articles), and after a while search robots will come to your site in order.

6 ) We always do. Cross-linking is simply a link from your article that you wrote to another. Correct linking looks like this: 1 link to the main page of the site and 3 links to internal articles of the site. As a result, each of our articles should have at least 4 links to other articles, but you don’t have to use this method at the initial stage, when you just have a new site and don’t have a bunch of articles on it yet.

7 ) Add new articles to the site as often as possible! I would like to point out that this is a very important point for slow Yandex, since if you write one article once a month, then everything from the above list will not help you speed up the indexing of the site. I recommend writing and publishing new articles at least every 2-3 days, but ideally 1 day. It is also advisable to publish new material not only on the same day, but also at the same time. This gives simply mega results; the article flies into the index in less than an hour.

By the way, if you stop updating your site regularly, soon search engines will rarely look at you, remember this! To speed up site indexing, I recommend writing articles of at least 2000 characters, since there is a rumor that Yandex is somehow not very sensitive to such sites where the article is less than 2000 characters. If you write less, for example 500, then it will also be indexed, but promoting such an article will be very problematic.

8 ) Write only unique articles with at least 90% uniqueness. What I mean is that you don’t need to copy other people’s already indexed articles onto your website. By doing such things, you will not only help your site, but, on the contrary, ruin it so much that you will then have to create a new one. When you create new material, always check it for uniqueness. I use this service very often; in my opinion, it is the best of all that exist for checking uniqueness.

9 ) Remove junk pages. These are pages on which there is essentially nothing, or there is a picture there, for example, and that’s all. Remember we talked to you about the robots.txt file. So, in order to remove all junk pages, such as the image gallery, the site entrance address, and other files that are not site pages, you need to prohibit them from being indexed in robots.txt.

How to speed up website indexing in Yandex using third-party services?

10 ) Post (short article review) announcements of new articles to social bookmarks. This is one of the best methods in terms of Google , but, alas, not in terms of Yandex. It’s simple, you just need to post (a short review of the article) on as many social bookmarks as possible, such as: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook. To do this, I use the paid program “Buglayer”, but you can use this service, which will also run the article through several bookmarks for free.

11 ) Make an RSS broadcast from the site. RSS is a modern technology that allows you to publish and broadcast almost any material from any site. This method also helps speed up site indexing. , as well as social bookmarking.

12 ) Post to blogs on platforms such as:, and others. Also note that you don’t have to go through the hassle of inserting a link from your website into your blogs every time; the WordPress LiveJournal Crossposter plugin can do all this for you. When articles are published, they will immediately be broadcast to several social blogs.

13 ) Use the question-answer services Mail and Google. Just go to the mail and look for a person who is looking for an answer to their question or information that you wrote about in your new article. Then you just need to briefly write to him in the comments with a link that you have already written all this in detail in your article.

14 ) Comment on sites in your area. Here I want to point out that it is not necessary to comment on 101 sites. It's simple - we're looking for a site that quickly updates articles. If a site, for example, publishes one article a day, then this is what you need. Now you need to go to any article, read it and leave a meaningful comment, and not something like this: thank you for the article, everything is mega-duper, great article, thank you, thank you very much for the article. Most of these comments are deleted rather than left.

15 ) Register on and start a diary. But this thing works very well for Yandex in speeding up indexing. If you leave an entry in your diary for an article, then Yashka will come much faster, this was noticed not only by me, but also by many other webmasters (alas, the site no longer works).

16 ) We register in popular ratings, such as: Rambler TOP100, Rating@Mail, LiveInternet. Search robots, especially Rambler and Mail, simply live on these sites.

18 ) Buy from the main page of a popular site on your topic, which is constantly updated! If you buy such a link, the search bot will come to you more often, even if you don’t want to. Attention flows with Google, but with Yandex it’s rather weak.

19 ) Buy several. It's very cheap, one link from a good site will cost you only 3 rubles for a whole 30 days. When you buy, then run the purchased links through social bookmarks. This method is used in extreme cases when they don’t know what to do.

20 ) Post announcements and press releases. Everything is simple here - we are looking for sites where you can leave a press release (an article with a link) for free. There is only one minus - the article must be unique, but the big plus is that you can put up to 3 links in the article.

21 ) Register at and send your newsletter. In the mailing settings you can insert your link to the site. When you send a new letter, search robots will notice this, which in turn will help speed up the indexing of the site.

22 ) Check the response from the Yandex service. There are cases when an article just doesn’t want to get into Yashka’s index, then we go to the Yandex webmaster panel and go to check the service’s response. Add the address of the page, article and click “check”. Yandex will provide us with technical information on this page. We perform this operation 7 times, each time changing the Yandex robot to another. For example, from the main robot to the picture robot.

23 ) Accumulate the site's link mass. When you have 1000 links leading to your site, you no longer have to think about how to speed up the indexing of your site - it will always be fast.

24 ) Use . It will help you run hundreds of your links across many RSS feeds. This is very convenient, for example, when you manage several sites at once and you have no time to wait for them to be indexed. By the way, this same service can also be used to run through your donors, from whom the link was purchased, so that it gets into the index faster. (alas, the site has moved, so we are waiting for an update).

These are, in fact, all the methods, although I do not use all of them, but only 1-10,15,17,22,24 methods. Now let's talk about why this accelerated indexing is needed at all?

Why do you need to speed up site indexing?

Well, the first and most important and important point is to ensure that your articles are not stolen. Imagine, you wrote a huge article, spent the whole day on it, like I did on this one, and some not entirely kind and sane person decided to publish your article. So that’s the trouble, if he indexes your article faster, it will mean that Yandex and Google will consider him the primary source and author of this article, and you won’t prove anything here, it’s useless to write to the support service, there are already a thousand before you thousands of people applied.

But this can also happen completely by accident without any malicious intent on the part. Few people know what it is: search engine promotion, SEO, copy-paste (not unique text), etc. And imagine that a person just came from a search and he really liked your article, so he went ahead and published it in his LJ blog. It’s funny, of course, but how did they know that they couldn’t do that?

I even had a funny incident. I once ordered an article from a freelancer, then after a while I checked it for uniqueness, found a copy, wrote to the site owner with warm and tender words, in response I also received a bunch of tender words, only even more tender, in the end it turned out that that freelancer had sold him the article, which he wrote for me. Then the site owner removed the article because he saw that I had published it earlier, although you can generally set any date. Here's the short story.

The second reason is if you sell links from the site. This is very important if your indexing is weak, no one will buy links from you, even if you have an XI of 200 and you sell a link for 100 rubles, which is very cheap. Agree, who wants to throw money away when you can buy a link to your site with the same parameters only with 100% indexing. This is why indexing is so important.

On this, perhaps, I will finish my manual. I hope that after this article you will never have a question again. ,

Recently, in August-September 2015, many noticed that Yandex began to suffer greatly in terms of indexing pages. The reason for this was the crash of a large number of servers and thereby a decrease in the capacity of Yandex crawlers. Simply put, the Yandex robot now takes longer to reach you and takes longer to process the data received from your pages. How to quickly re-index your site after migration in the current realities? Many people ask themselves this question. But there is no specific guidance on how to do this.

Unfortunately, the situation with such a long indexing of your website pages is associated with previously encountered technical problems on our part. We are currently working on eliminating them, but unfortunately this will take time. (example template answer)

  • They have been repairing the technical part for 2 months now.

And so, in order to quickly reindex the site, we need:

  • Website;
  • Yandex Webmaster
  • Having direct hands!

What you need to do to reindex:

Step 1. Add pages to review

If there are not many pages, then add them all through the “Check URL” service in Yandex. Webmaster.

If there are too many pages, then add the main sections and that’s all for now. You can use both the Yandex Webmaster functionality and:

Step 2. Write in support of Yandex. (I honestly don’t like their support, by the time you get to it you can get mad!) - ask a question about the site.

Click: My site is poorly indexed => The site completely disappeared from the search => Recommendations did not help

We are writing the correct letter to Yandex.

Good afternoon, most of my pages that were previously successfully searched and occupied positions in the top have been removed from the search index. Please re-index my site. And tell me the reason why my site was removed from the index.

Attach a CSV download of pages from the section. "Site Indexing" => "Excluded Pages"
This interlation will have to be repeated 2-4 times until the entire site is re-indexed. This is the only way to speed up the indexing of site pages in Yandex after moving the site to a new hosting or domain.

Additional Information. Yandex began making updates to search results more often, on average 3 days compared to the previous 10 days. It is expected that by the end of 2017, the speed of indexing sites in RuNet will increase significantly.

How often should you submit site pages for reindexing?

Based on my practice, I recommend doing this after every even minor change to the page. Sending for reindexing speeds up the robot's crawling of the searched pages and, as a result, changes made to them are taken into account faster. If you have not changed the page for the most part, then you can do a forced crawl once every 2 weeks for the main sections.

By and large, if your resource is good, well-made, then there should be no problems with its indexing. If the site, although not 100%, meets the requirements of search engines - “for people”, then they will be happy to look at you and index everything new that will be added.

But be that as it may, the first step in promoting a site is to add it to the PS index. Until the resource is indexed, by and large there is nothing to promote, because search engines will not know about it at all. Therefore, in this article I will look at what site indexing is in Yandex and how to submit a resource for indexing. I’ll also tell you how to check whether a site or a separate page is included in the Yandex index and what to do to speed up indexing by Yandex.

Indexing a site in Yandex is the robots crawling the yandex search engine of your site and adding all open pages to the database. The Russian search engine spider adds data about the site to the database: its pages, pictures, videos, documents that are searchable. Also, the search bot is engaged in indexing links and other elements that are not hidden by special tags and files.

The main ways to index a resource:

    Forced - you must submit the site for indexing to Yandex through a special form.

    Natural - the search spider manages to independently find your site by moving from external resources that link to the website.

The time it takes to index a site in Yandex is different for everyone and can range from a couple of hours to several weeks.

This depends on many factors: what values ​​are in Sitemap.xml, how often the resource is filled, how often mentions of the site appear on other resources. The indexing process is cyclical, so the robot will come to you at (almost) equal intervals of time. But with what frequency depends on the factors mentioned above and the specific robot.

The spider can index the entire website (if it is small) or a separate section (this applies to online stores or media). On frequently updated resources, such as media and information portals, there live so-called fast robots for quick site indexing in Yandex.

Sometimes technical problems (or problems with the server) may arise on the project; in this case, Yandex indexing of the site will not take place, which is why the search engine may resort to the following scenario:

  • immediately throw out unindexed pages from the database;
  • re-index the resource after a certain time;
  • set pages that were not indexed to be excluded from the database, and if it does not find them during re-indexing, it will be thrown out of the index.

How to speed up site indexing in Yandex

How to speed up indexing in Yandex is a common question on various webmaster forums. In fact, the life of the entire site depends on indexing: the position of the resource in the PS, the number of clients from them, the popularity of the project, profit, in the end.

I have prepared 10 methods that I hope will be useful to you. The first five are standard for constant indexing of a resource, and the next five will help you speed up the indexing of your site in Yandex:

    bookmarking services;

    RSS feed – will ensure the broadcast of new materials from your resource to subscribers’ emails and RSS directories;

    link exchanges - will ensure a stable increase in dofollow links from quality donors, if they are selected correctly (how to select correctly);

    – if you have not yet registered your site in directories, then I advise you to do so. Many people say that directories have died a long time ago or that registering in them will kill a site - this is not true. More precisely, it’s not the complete truth, if you register in all the directories in a row, then indeed your resource will only suffer from this. But with the correct selection of trust and good catalogs, the effect will undoubtedly be.

Checking site indexing in Yandex

  • The site and url operators. If you want to check the indexing of a site in Yandex, you can use standard search engine operators (Naturally, instead of my domain, yours)

  • RDS bar. I consider it the best and fastest way to check the indexing of a page in Yandex. This plugin can be installed on all popular browsers and will immediately provide detailed information about the number of site pages in the index and the presence of specific material in it. With this extension, you will not waste time manually entering URLs in services or searches. In general, I recommend it, the RDS bar is extremely convenient:
  • Service Serphant. A multifunctional resource with which you can analyze a site: assessing the effectiveness and monitoring of sites, analyzing competitors’ pages, checking positions and site indexing. You can check page indexing for free using this link: Thanks to batch checking (up to 50 addresses) and high reliability of the results, this service is one of the three best in my opinion.

  • XSEO service. A set of tools for webmasters, in you can look at the site indexing in Yandex. Also get a lot of additional useful information about your resource:

  • PR-CY and CY-PR services. A couple more services that will provide you with information about the total number of indexed pages:

  • Sitereport service. An excellent service that will point out all your mistakes in working on the site. It also has a section “Indexation”, where information will be presented for each page of the site, indicating whether it is indexed or not in the search engines Yandex and Google. Therefore, I recommend using this resource to detect problems on the site and check Yandex mass indexing:

Hello! Today I will tell you very important things, if you miss them you can lose traffic. Often, as you work on websites, you need to determine which pages are indexed and which are not. Which pages require additional attention to be included in the index.

This is especially noticeable when working with online stores: when working with a huge number of products/sections, more and more new pages are constantly being added. Therefore, strict control over the indexing of newly added pages is needed so as not to lose search traffic.

In this short lesson I will tell you how I check site pages for indexing.

How to check pages for indexing

I have already described how I check the indexing of a specific page using the RDS bar.

Well, or you can simply enter this code into Yandex:

Or for Google:


Of course the URL website/about change it to yours.

But what to do if you need to check the indexing of tens/hundreds, or even more articles? I proceed as follows:

  1. We put a wonderful free YCCY program(you can download it from here).
  2. Let's launch it and go to Indexator:

  3. On the left side of the program we load the list of URLs that need to be checked for index:

  4. In the settings when working with Yandex, I set it to work via Yandex XML. and what they eat it with, I already told you:

  5. We select the search engine we are interested in, mark what interests us (in our case, “Indexing”) and click on the “Start checking” button:

  6. And voila, on the right you will see a separate list of indexed pages, as well as what is not yet in the index:

What to do with unindexed pages?

Services to speed up indexing

I usually run unindexed pages using different services; I prefer this Yes, of course, not 100% of pages get into the index using it, but still, on average, about 70-80% of the URLs crawled usually get in (it also depends heavily on the adequacy of the pages).

The service is, of course, paid, you need to pay for each URL. For those pages that are not included in the index, a refund will follow, which is very fair and tempting (depending on the tariff). And I re-send these pages that were not included in the index to the service. Again, with the next update, some of these pages are included in the index.

I think you can figure it out on your own, it’s not complicated. Register -> Create a project -> Launch the project. The only thing is that difficulties may arise when choosing a tariff. I prefer to work with the “Absolute Update” tariff (click on the image to enlarge):

By the way, please note that the service can also check pages for indexing. The issue price is around 10 kopecks per 1 URL. I prefer the free YCCY, which I wrote about above.

The Yandex Quickbot is sent to pages from the project, the indexing of the project pages in Yandex is periodically checked, and the Quickbot is sent again to pages not included in the index. After completing the task, for pages not included in the index, funds are automatically returned to the balance. We do not use social networks and spam methods to attract fast bots. To operate the service, we use our own network of news sites, which we own.

Speed ​​up indexing using Twitter or news sites

Well, if you don’t like running with the help of such services, then you can use Twitter. Search engines “eat” links on Twitter very well if the accounts are more or less adequate.

I have already written about this in relative detail in the lesson ““. There, in addition to Twitter, I looked at other ways of fast indexing.

Reindexing existing pages

Similarly, you can send a page for re-indexing. By checking the page cache in search engines, you can find out whether the page has been indexed or not. I talked about how to check the page cache in .

Working with an index using Comparser

YCCY may be an old program, but I really like it. I use it to check the indexing of pages I know.

If you need to find out which pages of the site have not yet been included in the index (I already wrote a whole lesson about it). Its principle is simple: it downloads all site URLs that you have allowed for indexing (this item can be changed in the settings) and checks each page for indexing. Or, with a simple request, it unloads the first 1000 pages from the index.