Divorces from check u. "Check you" - a board of shame for girls from social networks (5 screenshots) Check you Twitter

I love myself too much to love anyone else

and her husband, who fell in love with the “goat,” seemed to have a really fucking easy and pleasant life when he saw this.

I can shed some light on what this project is all about. This site is a commercial project. The site (and all its mirrors) has an advertising section. Registered users are assigned referral links, from which they receive income from new visitors registering through this link. Access to archives is paid. After all of the above, does everyone who supports this project really believe in the purity of thoughts of the fighters for morality?! These scammers don’t care who they scam and whether the correspondence is real or not. Neither Roskomnadzor, nor the prosecutor's office, nor the Ministry of Internal Affairs are able to somehow protect the victims of these divorces.

Dozens of stories from single girls from this site who are in a difficult life situation, raising disabled children alone, looking for 3-4 part-time jobs and agreeing to a real job, not an escort! The only point in such work is intimacy with a gorgeous unmarried manager. And who will condemn a single woman for arranging her personal life with a wealthy and unmarried leader? When such relationships begin at work, it is not frowned upon. When a woman works in her husband's company and receives a salary, this is not condemned. And here it’s immediately immoral! And, believe me, these are not stupid youngsters who believe that they will be dressed, dressed, and given gifts for nothing. These are adult, serious women with higher education who find themselves in really difficult life situations.

How do you like this story? A woman over 40 years old with a child who has been disabled since birth. The husband left - he could not stand all these illnesses and operations of the child. All her life she had to navigate these problems herself; she never managed to arrange her personal life with such baggage. And then, during a crisis, the company she worked for closes. Everyone is simply thrown out onto the street. Her too. Getting a job while having a disabled child is still a problem. Lives on part-time jobs only, looking for a third job! On Avito I come across an ad. They offer a vacancy for a housekeeper with good pay. She sends her resume. They answer her. Note that she is hired to scrub an apartment and wash rags, and not as an escort. The only thing is that an unmarried man wants sex. What can hold her back with mutual sympathy? The employer sends her intimate photos of himself and asks for the same in return. She agrees and the employer begins to explain that he has some problems for the meeting, then others. The correspondence takes 3 months. Then he disappears completely (the standard scheme here is to drag out the correspondence for 3 to 6 months and eventually disappear, so that after half a year you can start blackmailing). After another half a year, an anonymous person writes to her in rude terms and threatens to post her photos and correspondence on the Check U website, as well as on many other sites and porn resources, send all this to friends, former colleagues, etc. on social networks. He is not interested in money, but new photos, or even better, videos, could solve this problem. It is clear that this proposal will not solve anything. All photos will only be added to the profile on these shitty sites.

This kind of story is not unique. Divorce schemes have become more complex. The audience of scammers has changed from stupid youngsters to those who value their reputation and are in very difficult life situations. God forbid you, my dears, to end up in the place of the victims of these scammers!

And there are many fake stories involving hacked pages. One girl’s husband left her because of this, and she didn’t even know that correspondence was being conducted on her behalf from a fake page. And for two years now she has had this whole story; photos of a girl similar to her are now being sent to friends of her ex-husband. They demand from her in rude terms new photos and videos of intimate content. Photos from her vacation in a swimsuit were taken from her VK page. And then it’s a matter of technology.

These scammers somehow track the appearance of new pages on social networks, changes in phone numbers and even last names. Would you like to be blackmailed for the rest of your life, to have your and not your photos and videos sent to friends, colleagues, and relatives? Any person registered on the project website can find you on social networks or write you an email, call you on the phone or send an obscene message or demanding that you send him your photos. You are ready to live your whole life with the stigma of a whore, without doing anything so reprehensible.

Think with your head when speaking out in support of such projects.

I am simply amazed by the audacity and scope of this project. There is not even a hint of any struggle for morality there! This is a COMMERCIAL PROJECT CREATED TO MAKE MONEY. Anyone who registers on the site and sends the link to your friends and relatives will receive their income from this! It’s not clear why, according to the law, they can’t cover it all up. And the scammers need to be jailed. And no one even tries to look for them. And the girls submit applications to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, and Roskomnadzor. As a result, the RKN refuses to close the site or even restrict access, the Ministry of Internal Affairs issues a complaint to the district inspector, and the district inspector has neither the technical ability nor the authority to handle this matter. Even the article on involving minors in prostitution does not work. Fraudsters write to underage girls, offer money for escorts, offer sex for money. This is simply a failure of our legal system.

So be vigilant and don’t get into difficult life situations. And don’t even think about posting your photos on social networks!))) You never know how many idiots there are on Earth!

Check you - check-you.com - review

Ambiguous site

So, the bottom line: The site team creates fake VKontakte pages, with a fictitious name, surname, photo - in general, everything is fake. They are added as friends to some young girl, who should preferably be married or in a relationship with a guy. This young man from the fake page introduces himself as some kind of businessman or influential employee who supposedly comes to her city for a couple of days on work. And he needs a girl to accompany him to a banquet on the occasion of some important and very profitable transaction (he explains the reason for mandatory accompaniment as follows: family people are often trusted in business). The girl is required to look beautiful and hug and kiss him, in general, act as if she were his only girlfriend. Naturally, not for free, but for a fairly large amount, usually in dollars. After this young man actively persuades her and gives her compliments, the girl agrees, and this is not the end of his proposals. Usually, then, with the help of money, compliments, with the help of his respectable person, he invites her to retire after this banquet in a luxurious hotel room; if she agrees to this, then she asks to send him her nude photographs, where her face would be visible (otherwise suddenly he will deceive you and send someone who is not his own). If the girl fulfills these conditions, then the divorce is considered completed. After that, the scammer reveals herself and sends correspondence to all her friends and acquaintances, her boyfriend and the website check-yu dot com. Thus, she becomes a whore for the whole country.

Actually, that's all. Questions arise: how moral/immoral is this on the part of the site’s editors? But won’t a girl who is disgraced not only throughout the country, but also in front of her parents, friends and acquaintances, commit suicide? By the way, many girls threatened this. In addition, many scammers begin to blackmail the girl by distributing this correspondence, and may demand anything from her.

On the one hand, for today’s younger generation all this is very interesting to read, because many “smart guys” really like to joke and even mock girls who fell for this trap. It seems that you don’t feel sorry for this girl: it’s her own fault, she personally agreed to sleep with a stranger for money, plus she also sent him her nude photos. BUT on the other hand, I feel sorry for some quite normal and adequate girls. I'm not trying to justify them, but some girls can be self-conscious and will agree to such a proposal only because no one else is paying attention to them. Another girl may be from a dysfunctional family and just needs money. But such girls did not make me feel sorry at all: those who are in a serious relationship or married, who have a child, who are immediately bought for iPhones and clothes, etc.

Later I read an article on this topic in the Russian Reporter magazine. There the journalist talked with the creator of this site (who hides his identity for obvious reasons))) Interesting questions were asked to this person:
“Aren’t you afraid that the girl might commit suicide after learning about her exposure?” - “No, we mainly breed beautiful girls who have very high self-esteem and who love themselves so much that they will not take their own lives.”

In my opinion, this is a group of idiots who are of little value in life, but on the Internet they sit under false names and “make destinies/break lives,” as they say.

Regarding girls: of course, anyone can make a mistake, but this project is unlikely to re-educate that part of the girls who are corrupt both in sex and in life.

Why check you are safe?

Reference to Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Force to engage in acts of a sexual nature is impossible, since there are no mandatory elements of a crime. In particular, there is no such sign of the objective side of the composition as the method of committing the crime. In the disposition of Art. 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, possible methods of committing this crime indicate the method of blackmail, threats of destruction, damage or confiscation of property, or using the financial or other dependence of the victim (victim). The so-called “girls” who give consent to acts of a sexual nature for a monetary reward give it voluntarily, and they are not subject to threats or blackmail, and especially not dependent financially or in any other way on the person who corresponds with them, so how he does not bear any material obligations to them.
For reference. The use of financial or other dependence is possible in the case when, for example, a boss threatens a subordinate with non-payment of wages if she does not communicate with him. The subordinate has a real financial dependence on the employer. What kind of dependence the “victims” have on the person conducting the correspondence, the victims’ assistants saw, is unclear.
The threat of property damage is also clearly absent, at least. I personally have never observed in the correspondence published by the project an offer to sleep, and in case of refusal to sleep, to find and break the victim’s iPhone or burn a cross on her carpet, thereby ruining her prized possession. Therefore, this method is discarded.
Blackmail is also not applicable. In cases where, at the end of the correspondence, the person “divorcing” the victim declares that, for example, he will disclose information from the correspondence to the close persons of the “victim” if she does not contact him, it should be taken into account that in this case there is no real threat of a need Once the “victim” enters into a relationship, the intent of the “divorcee” does not include committing acts of a sexual nature, and he can dispose of HIS correspondence as he wants, including forwarding it to the “victim’s” relatives, because his rights to this personal information are the same , like the victim, which means he disposes of them as he wants.
And in general, any threat, no matter what the threat is, is legally a threat only when there was a real possibility of its implementation. Just like that.
And the last method of coercion is not observed. The applicability of Article 133 to this situation is as questionable as the mental capacity of the “lawyer” who referred to it.

Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Violation of privacy
1. Illegal collection or dissemination of information about the private life of a person, constituting his personal or family secret, without his consent, or dissemination of this information in a public speech, publicly displayed work or the media -

The mention of this article is no less absurd. Starting from the beginning.
Illegal collection. What's illegal? The information was collected during correspondence, one of the participants of which was the so-called “breeder”. He collected the data quite legally, but a person has the right to read what is personally sent to him. Does this information constitute personal secrets about the victim's private life? No. Firstly, in the correspondence there is no mention of specific situations from the “rich and eventful” life of the victims, but only proposals and discussions in which they participated. What kind of personal life is this if the specified event, sexual intercourse, did not happen and was not planned in reality? Dissemination of information about personal life without consent? Even if this information constitutes a personal secret, then at least two people - two participants. The “divorcee” clearly has the consent, since he himself publishes the correspondence.

There can be no criminal case, this is ridiculous. The “wise” lawyer colleague also foresaw the possibility of initiating a criminal case, and therefore showed the height of insight and intelligence by offering to defend honor and dignity.
Unfortunately, honor and dignity are guaranteed to every citizen. Yes, yes, even “victims” within the meaning of the law have “honor and dignity.” Let's leave this legal conflict on the conscience of legislators and look into the substance. As I already wrote, honor and dignity and truth are protected by law; in the event of a violation of these rights, the victim can indeed file a lawsuit. BUT. Can everyone file this claim? What do the relevant authorities tell us? According to paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation “On judicial practice in cases of protecting the honor and dignity of citizens, as well as the business reputation of citizens and legal entities,” claims in cases of this category can be brought by citizens and legal entities who believe that false statements have been made about them defamatory information. Not true. The authors of the “divorces” do not invent anything and do not add their own words to the words “victims”. They generally do not advertise their opinion, but simply expose the FACT to the public. Can victims file a claim? No. For those especially gifted, of whom there are many among the opponents of “Checkyou”, the mentioned provision is revealed more widely in paragraph 7 of the same document, which indicates the necessary requirements for accepting a statement of claim and preparing the case for trial: the fact that the defendant disseminated information about the plaintiff, the defamatory nature of this information and inconsistency with their reality. In the absence of at least one of these circumstances, the claim cannot be satisfied by the court. Firstly, the information is not false, and secondly, it does not defame anyone, because from the point of view of the “victims” they do not do anything immoral, and often also say that they were joking and did not intend to do anything. What's wrong with a joke?
IMPORTANT. In the same paragraph 7. “Untrue information is statements about facts or events that did not take place in reality at the time to which the disputed information relates.” I think everything here is clearly written in Russian. All information disseminated by the public, namely consent to sexual intercourse for money, TOOK PLACE IN REALITY.

And finally, I would like to add that the “victims,” blaming law-abiding citizens for committing crimes and torts, forget that they themselves were ready to commit this type of administrative offense as ACTIVITY OF PROSTITUTION, and specifically sexual intercourse as a paid service. Unfortunately, Russian law does not know about preparations or attempts to engage in prostitution and cannot deal with potential offenders. However, this can be done by society, in particular, by the more than once mentioned favorite public.

The argumentation of the “victims” is [oops], this is confirmed by both the law and common sense.

The secret always becomes clear.

Check-you.com - these are epic screenshots of correspondence with girls who are ready to give themselves up for money. In addition to the divorce itself, victims send intimate photos.

Check you (check yu, we ruin lives/destroy destinies) - a project that exposes whores not by profession, but by vocation, through scamming them with promises of golden mountains and other jelly shores for secret coitus, as well as intimate photos that are posted on their website mixed with screenshots of correspondence. At one time, it gave rise to a lot of fuss about the ethics and legality of such actions, and even today it still bothers many.

[edit] How do they unmask sluts

The conversation is conducted, of course, from a fake account - the alter ego of such a handsome guy, a successful businessman and a true connoisseur of women part-time, usually under 30, or on behalf of his secret assistant, who promises to introduce the victim to her boss - a rich Pinocchio. Since the “victims” are most often deprived not only of modesty, but also of intelligence, they have no questions about why such an alpha male not only shows interest in a shabby herring that is not the first freshness, but promises her Yafon and a lot of money in addition for working for a couple of hours business meeting by escort, and later in a hotel by mouth, while there is a wide market of professional priestesses of love, much more skilled in all this for much less money. Moreover, often the scoundrel is in a “relationship”, or even married, which means she is regularly pursued by at least one dick - no alpha guy in his right mind and sober memory would agree to have sex with such a guy behind her husband/boyfriend’s back. What plays a more important role in baiting a fish on a hook, excuse me, a hook - is it the eternal secret hope of every female that she, so unique and inimitable, will finally be appreciated by a true romantic, a more cunning male than the current one, or the elementary universal greed that blinds the eyes and washing away the last remnants of reason is a mystery that only British scientists can solve.

In any case, phrases from the series “I am a serious person, I don’t deal with divorces”, “Everything will be at the highest level, my personal driver will pick you up and then take you home, there will be flowers, candles, champagne in the room - everything is as it should be!” dull the animal vigilance of females with a bang. Most of the scoundrels, after a session of ostentatious affectation, surrender their impregnable citadel, agreeing to have intercourse - naturally, under a burqa of the strictest secrecy - and then the insidious seducer puts the squeeze on, while the girl is lukewarm, with a request to send intimate photos (they say, if you please, the goods with your face, that is, your butt figure, young lady! ), usually for an additional fee. Otherwise, either (if it is clear that the slut is already flowing in every sense) threatens to cancel everything, or simply continues to persuade. Most often, the perseverance and work of the mouse and keyboard worker erase the last doubts about the (non)divorce of the lady inspired by the approaching rendezvous, he gets what he is looking for and, as soon as the coveted proofs with tits and assholes fall into his tenacious little hands, the bastard informs the poor bird about the divorce and gives link to the site.

[edit] What will happen next...

There was a case when one girl persuaded all her friends to say that she was dead, and even persuaded her mother. My friend talked to my mother on the phone, there were sobs and screams into the phone. Well, all her friends unanimously said that she was no more. At first they believed it, convinced by the screams of their mother. We decided to call the morgue, they said that everything was ok, and no one died today. Every day at least once they write to me that someone has died, and the next day the person who seems to have died writes to me: “you will be imprisoned if you don’t remove it.” They often threaten, they say that they will find out the number and address, they promise to come, but so far no one has come.

Whores: the standard reaction to the realization of an epic fail is annoying angry screams, vague threats, interspersed with pleas for mercy and forgiveness for the first time. Those who are more cunning try to make weak excuses like: “My boyfriend is sitting next to me and we read the correspondence together, ha ha, we had a great laugh, thanks for lifting the mood!” Naturally, no one falls for this. Some people try to push for pity, like, I need to feed my children somehow! The honest worker of the whore front Viska and her tolerant hubby look at such modest women with silent reproach in their eyes. Many offended people write statements to the police, where they demand that administrators be involved and scammed for disseminating information that constitutes a secret of private life.

Chekyushniks: sworn assurances that all proofs will be sent to friends, parents and the chosen one. In real life, all this is done by the hands of well-wishers. The site administrators receive calls from the victims themselves and their relatives, who are indignantly trying to convince them to remove all the proofs, or even allegedly heartbroken, saying that the little blood couldn’t stand the excitement and committed suicide.

Most victims, in anticipation of a golden shower, write down their bank card number and phone number, to the great delight of the trolls, who joyfully promise the whores to kill them, pour acid on them or rape them. Anyone can send material about the victim, but sometimes (for example, if it turns out that the person seeking a divorce is the lady’s personal enemy), the discussion of the details of the divorce goes to the customer’s beloved girlfriend, if there is one, or simply to random contacts. The failed trololo simultaneously experiences a rupture of the template and anus.

[edit] Seething

Cockerel haters even created a community and a website for the noble cause of fighting online scammers. On a number of forums, for example, on Antibabe, the topic provoked extensive controversy.

One of the episodes of the “Live Broadcast” program on the godless channel - “Board of Shame: Humiliated and Naked” - was dedicated to the activities of check-you. SUDDENLY it turned out that the main activists of the site are certain Elena Kondratyeva and Anastasia Ilyina (although there is an opinion that these are just figureheads), who are moralists with a right-wing bias. That is, the project essentially turned out to be a kind of female-moralizing variation of Occupy-Pedophilia with the publication of nudity to attract schoolchildren. The release did not include Tesak, the supposed mastermind of the site. Another story is on REN-TV, with the no less pathetic title “Body as Evidence” (borrowed from the erotic thriller of the same name with Madonna in the title role).

[edit] A fly in the ointment for objectivity's sake

... - And why does she need this, my brothers? Or does she want to eradicate theft? Another passenger, grinning, replied: “No, she just wants all the people around to steal.”

The goal is most likely not mockery, this is, of course, all fun, but we don’t want to laugh, but to show how not to do it. Girls whom we scammed - write to us. Our subscribers are the best. Subscribe to check-you.

Despite the sworn assurances of the administrators that the purpose of the events is not lulz, but a demonstration of how not to behave, and that they only check girls with sufficient financial support, there are also those who agreed to this simply due to difficult life circumstances. So, the hunters for the whore did not hesitate to scam a girl who was going to earn money for the operation of her mother, who had cancer, as well as a girl who was raising three children in poverty; among the fish that came across were two disabled women (one of them was missing a leg).

The creators of the site believe that their cause is definitely right: the gentleman has the right to know that his lady, sorry, is a slut. Chekushniks prefer to remain modestly silent about why similar gestures are extremely rarely performed with gentlemen.

Moreover, dozens of mothers have received complaints that their children aged 11-14 years old are being written by Chek-yu scammers with an offer to have sex for money. Parents dream of finding these guys in order to popularly explain in hardcore the emotions experienced by a parent when an 11-year-old girl comes up and asks to explain what a “blowjob” is, saying that her uncle from VK offered it to her.

The project administrator is Sergey Chernyshov, a former pickup artist (perhaps this name is not his real name). Why he suddenly became so zealously concerned with the topic of morality is a mystery shrouded in darkness. But it is possible that the matter is simply a matter of making money. Thus, admins were often caught extorting money for deleting profiles (the asking price was around 5k wooden pieces of silver).

Even in the absence of the above-mentioned flaws and inconsistencies, the actions of the breeders are suspiciously reminiscent of the recently implemented (and others in development) wonderful bills authored by one fat impotent hog and some aging menopausal cunt, who don’t feed them bread - let them climb into someone else’s bed and stir up their dirty laundry , giggling disgustingly. The difference is that in order to fall under the influence of these laws, it is enough to live in Mother Russia, but to fail with photos and correspondence, you need to be so stupid as to fall for a rather clumsy scam in general.

Proof that goodness is an ideology of hatred is the Check You community. As in the case of Cleaver, the justification for jackalism is purely ethical. “I want to make my contribution to the development of society. Influence people's minds. It’s not very pleasant to look at the younger generation: everyone only needs money, no more values,” says the former pickup artist and creator of Check You. The location is Russia. There is a lot of pie around, and the understanding that relationships are not only monogamous was stuck at customs back in the last century. The fact that one adult agreed with another adult for sex for money is no more remarkable than the signing of a contract between a clothing factory and a cardboard recycling plant. Ethics, and only ethics, brings the nerve here and makes humiliation possible. Since most people do not want to be known as vile sadists, the realization of their repressed cruelty requires an ethical excuse: by agreeing to sex for $1000, Satan's whores themselves incur the wrath of the sons of God. The fact that these sons use the obtained “compromising evidence” for blackmail and exchange their silence for money and sex with the victim does not matter when you are a valiant balalaika of morality.

Chek Yu: having agreed to have sex with a “businessman”, girls from VKontakte end up on a site that ruins destinies

At least four Belarusian women believed the unknown “businessman” who contacted them on VKontakte and sent their “intimate” photos, lured by a substantial amount of money. Naturally, they did not receive a penny, and the photographs, as well as the correspondence in which the girls agreed for a substantial amount of money not only to accompany the “business man”, but also to spend the night with him in a hotel, became public knowledge.

"Hi, friend. This site ruins lives and ruins destinies, be careful! :),” reads the inscription on the splash page of the Chek Yu website, a resource where screenshots of correspondence, photographs sent by girls (and sometimes boys), as well as their personal data are posted .

Inside are the “profiles” of about one and a half hundred VKontakte users who were seduced by the money offered to them and believed the deceivers. The geography is wide: from Vorkuta to Brest, from St. Petersburg to Sochi. There are no distances or boundaries for the social network; the authors and co-authors of the “project” do not focus on any region. Their territory is the entire VKontakte network.

The “divorce” is obvious - and it’s amazing how easily girls often agree to have sex with a stranger, how easily they send intimate photos. And how easy it is to convince them. “How can I make sure that this is not a scam and nothing will happen to me?” - asks one of the victims. “We are adults, what kind of divorce can there be!” - they answer her. And the victim believes. And he sends his photos.

Divorce technology

Usually it all starts with a compliment - a message from a stranger arrives in a private message: “Hello! You must be a model?” Having started a conversation in this way, he introduces himself as a businessman (entrepreneur, fashion designer, owner of an advertising agency), says that he will be in her city for a business meeting (reception, dinner), and offers a serious amount of money (from $2000) for the girl to accompany him .

This is a turning point. If the girl agrees, further processing begins. She is promised a new dress (to match her companion), a new iPhone, etc. The beauty literally melts - and then an offer appears to accompany the “businessman” after the event. That is, have sex in a hotel. Not free of charge, but, say, for $5000. The girls who ended up on Chek Yu had no objections. Moreover, in order to prove that they meet the “client’s” requirements, they send him their piquant photos. By the way, they also offer to pay for them - from $50 to $200 for each photo. A half-hour correspondence is enough to convince some, while others take several days to convince.

It all ends with sending racy photos. “You stupid sl...ha, you ended up at Chek Yu!” We will post all correspondence and photos on the website and in our group, and also send it to all your VKontakte friends! And don’t even think about leaving: I saved all your contacts!” — this is roughly the message the girl receives.

The reaction is different. Most are trying to save face. Almost everyone claims that the photos are someone else’s... Many claim that their account is fake and they are online under someone else’s name. Still others sprinkle ashes on their heads. Some people ask what the interlocutor wants for “compromising evidence.”

“What does it feel like? At first I want to hang myself, but after thinking with a cool head, I can even say thank you for stopping all this nonsense among girls! But this is my first and last time with such an experience, it’s good that it turned out that way, and it didn’t really happen. The main thing is that not a single girl does anything to herself...” writes Marina, who fell for a divorce, answering the mocking question of the deceiver, “What is it like to sell yourself?” The organizers claim that there were no tragic incidents. And we are sure that this will not happen.

Options for “divorce” may be different. Sometimes a girl comes in as a “representative of a businessman.” Sometimes guys are scammed - and they, without hesitation, are ready to accompany and please a 45-50-year-old businesswoman for money. And they send photos of their “advantages”.

Many come across. Not only students, but also real estate agents, teachers and even accompanists. Single and married girls, waiting for guys from the army and preparing to get married...

"Belarusian trace"

We found profiles of four Belarusian women: girls from Grodno, Gomel, Minsk and Brest. Gomel resident Yulia was caught by a “representative of a businessman,” whom she agreed to accompany for $800. And she even dropped piquant photos on her interlocutor, although at first she asked: “Where is the guarantee that they won’t end up on some website?” I was satisfied with the comprehensive answer: “We are serious people! We guarantee your confidentiality! We don’t need this!”

Minsk resident Natasha agreed to accompany a 23-year-old businessman “flying to Minsk to conclude a large contract” for $1000, a new iPhone and “mountains of gold” (in the form of a promise to take her with him to Munich). She was promised another $100 for each racy photo. Sent.

Kristina from Brest was promised $2000 for escorting her. Christina showed commendable distrust to the end, but soon agreed to a follow-up meeting and sent her topless photos.

Social project?

In some ways, you can understand them: the girls are offered, in fact, easy and large money by their standards. But why on earth did the authors of the project take on the role of judges, labelers, and moralizers? The creator of the project, a certain Sergey, is carefully encrypted (it’s clear why). However, there is an interview of his on the Internet, in which he calls “Chek Yu” his “social project” and claims that he “wants to cause condemnation of “saleful girls” so that this is not considered normal in society, but is condemned.”

There are plenty of condemners: 268 thousand people are subscribers to the Chek Yu group on VKontakte. Each profile posted is subject to comprehensive discussion, and the girl, naturally, is reprimanded. Three quarters of negative comments. It’s easy to be a moralist from the outside... Well, these girls paid a very high price for the cure for naivety - for themselves and thousands of other VKontakte users.

The Chek Yu project is only gaining momentum. More and more “volunteers” are joining it. For them it’s just an interesting, fun and exciting game. But it can really ruin the lives of their victims.

Is it possible to punish?

In fact, the organizers of Chek Yu are practically invulnerable. Including according to Belarusian laws. You just need to be vigilant, says Alexander Lastovsky, head of the press service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee, who raised the topic “Chek U” in his blog dedicated to warning parents about the dangers that await their children.

He notes that in terms of domestic legislation, the organizers of a “social project” can only be brought to administrative responsibility. And then - with great difficulty.

According to him, the actions of deceivers can be qualified as a violation of Article 9.2 “Slander” or 9.3 “Insult”. However, the article on libel provides for “dissemination of deliberately false fabrications that disgrace another person.” “The catch is that deliberately false information is statements about facts or events that did not take place in reality at the time to which the disputed information relates. A photograph of a naked girl cannot be classified as such actions. Therefore, this article is hardly applicable here,” notes A. Lastovsky.

As for the article “Insult”, it is quite applicable to this case. But, notes A. Lastovsky, “crimes and offenses against a person are difficult to prove and are akin to the well-known phrase “execution cannot be pardoned”: where you put a comma, that is the decision.”

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Recently, on VKontakte, a resource has been rapidly gaining popularity, using the rotten foundation of the patriarchal value vertical. I'm talking about " check you"and about girls who have fallen or will fall for the scam of Internet trolls.

Internet trolling has long become an integral part of virtual communication, everyone is trolling each other, the only question is how. Some do it almost professionally. Often, while mocking ordinary users, trolls simply enjoy the process, but the project Check you not like that. The trolls of Check-you.org are fighters for the improvement of public morality, as they themselves believe.

The word “trolling” is derived from the English trolling – fishing with a lure. The Check you project takes the metaphor literally.
Subject of divorce - sex. A Check you activist creates a fake account on a social network (often VKontakte). Then he chooses a victim - a married girl or in a relationship. Sometimes men are trolled, but this happens rarely. Having chosen an object, the troll comes into contact with him: he politely writes about a certain “business proposal”, for example, escort services are offered. A girl is usually simply required to spend a pleasant evening in the company of a young, handsome man, posing as his beloved, and receive good money for it (from three to ten thousand rubles per hour - the amount varies), expensive clothes, etc.

If the victim agrees to be escorted, the troll moves on to the next phase. Even more modestly and delicately, he offers to stay with him not only during the business meeting, but also after it - to have dinner and stay at the hotel. For this he is ready to pay much more (usually around a thousand dollars, but sometimes less).

At first it seems that all this is absolute nonsense, which no one will buy. How can you agree to sell yourself on the Internet, sign this kind of contract with your phone number and explicit photographs and not fully suspect that this is simply an outright scam? The website Check-you.org already contains 147 reports on such pranks, the archive of scams is constantly updated. Scenarios may vary : someone is invited to the modeling business, someone is called to accompany him, someone is invited to just take a walk and see the city, but it all ends with a banal agreement to sex for money and nude photos. In general, see for yourself: photo + video

(One of the real examples of divorce Check you).

Today I want to tell you about the newfangled hobby of visitors from social networks, which is called “Check you”. I advise you to read a fairly detailed description of such “divorces” in the continuation of the post. And, by the way, law enforcement agencies are still turning a blind eye to all this disgrace, explaining this attitude by the absence of crime or suicide.

“You buy your girlfriend an iPhone, and she takes naked pictures and sends them to our group”: one of the entries on the wall of the public “Check you”. This could easily be a motto. A new war has broken out on the Internet. This time for morality. And in According to tradition, all means are good?


Veronica (author's note - the data of the affected girls has been changed) is almost twenty. Lives in a small northern city. I was waiting for a guy from the army. On the page she wrote: “The saddest thing now is looking at the calendar.” I didn't wait.
“Good day, I have a lucrative offer for you,” came a message from an unknown Elizabeth.
"Hello. Which?" - Veronica immediately became interested.
“One of these days you will have a closed business meeting of representatives of the fashion industry in your city. Kyiv businessman Maxim will be there. Could you play the role of his companion? Of course, not for free."
“Hmm... His girls? Will there be cameras? Where? At what time? Why me?” asked questions from the naive Veronica.

Why she? Because she’s not a prostitute, but an ordinary provincial girl. Just the kind Maxim likes. Then the conversation turned not only to a cup of tea, smiles to colleagues and a glass of wine. Veronica agrees to sex. Maxim in the photo looks like Timati. Plus seven and a half thousand dollars are promised for the evening and night.
“There is a guy, but in the army. There will be no problems! - Veronica promises the stranger.
“Everything is confidential,” they assure her, promise to buy a fifth iPhone and ask her to send topless pictures so that businessman Maxim can appreciate it. Veronica sends. Waiting for a response:
“What did Max say? How tall is he? Why are you looking for a girl and not him?”
“Max condoles with your boyfriend,” writes Elizaveta, or, more precisely, the one who impersonates her. - All your correspondence and pictures are saved, we know the list of your friends. All this goes to the site.”
"Check you" - loosely translated means "You are checked." The project website is like a board of shame. It contains screenshots of correspondence and photographs of hundreds of naked girls. The comments are full of contemptuous diagnoses: “Whore! Prostitute!" There are girls from deep provinces on the site. There are ladies from prosperous cities with a population of over a million. The leaders in the number of those seduced by easy money are two capitals. Blondes, brunettes, dreamy, tired, lonely, married, with children... Each has its own price: from eight thousand rubles and above.
“We are fighting betrayal and corrupt love,” the site owner, St. Petersburg resident Sergei Chernyshev, explained the virtual board of shame. - Open relationships are becoming fashionable, where partners do not owe each other anything, and the media is directly promoting the culture of sex. Because of this, girls don’t want a family and a bunch of kids, but dream of life in the Maldives without any obligations.
- Are many ongoing? - KP correspondents asked.
- If you don’t spend a lot of time checking, then 45-50 percent of girls agree. If you take this very seriously and spend a lot of time, then 65-85% are not against sex for money.
- On what basis do you choose victims?
- Initially, we were looking for girls with a marital status. Now we rarely take from search. Basically, public subscribers ask to check their girls.

The fight against immorality has been launched. The public has thirteen thousand subscribers. These are mainly commentators and observers. Their main function is to despise, offer and distribute. There is a group where “ladiesmen” exchange virtual friends with each other. Several thousand users belong to groups where they discuss the psychological and legal aspects of divorce.
- Aren’t you afraid that some girl might harm herself due to her young age and mental development? - we ask the creator of the project a question and clarify. - We're talking about suicide.
- Of course, we are afraid. But, as a rule, suicide is committed by people who are unsure of themselves, and the contingent of those who end up on the site is slightly different. Such girls love themselves and often don’t even care that they got to check you.
Often, but not always.
“Once a girl persuaded all her friends and parents to say, if asked, that she committed suicide,” says Sergei Chernyshev. “We were scared, of course, but we didn’t fully believe it. Even after talking to her mom. As a result, they called the morgue and the institute, it turned out that everything was in order.
- Did they delete her profile?
- We talked to her mother and decided to remove it.
- Does your girlfriend know what you do?
- My girlfriend is sitting next to me (author’s note - we correspond on a social network). And it helps answer questions. She treats my activities well.
-Have you checked her?
- Of course not. I trust her completely. I'm sure she's decent.
“Not a single girl wrote first: “Sleep with me, give me money and an iPhone,” notes Leonid Ivanov, a fighter against “Check you” activists. “On the contrary, the scammer starts with a promise to pay five hundred to a thousand bucks for an innocent escort. And only then , when the victim has figured out how he will spend his unexpected happiness, he offers from two to seven thousand euros for sex. Yes, eighty percent of the girls in real life would agree to such an offer if there was a really handsome young man. And others would not even ask for money, they would simply give in out of love for the process. They scam mostly fools who, due to their stupidity, do not understand that not a single fool will pay ten times more for sex than a professional woman costs.

The most popular reaction to exposure is to delete the page on the social network and write that the account was hacked. But that doesn't help. Virtual womanizers copy the list of acquaintances of the “harlot” in advance. The most popular attempts to justify themselves: “Don’t you understand that they were just playing along with you?”, “Fuck it, it doesn’t matter to me”, “I wouldn’t sleep with you, it’s all talk”...
The virtual lovers of the victim girls are accused of substituting concepts. A prostitute is the one who sleeps for money, and not the one who agreed to sleep for money.
“I don’t have a boyfriend, so I haven’t cheated on anyone,” a girl from St. Petersburg who fell for a divorce told Komsomolskaya Pravda. She asked not to indicate her name.
- Why did you buy it?
- He told it too beautifully. I just fell for it.
The affected girls do not like to talk about what happened after the correspondence was shown to friends, or even hung up for everyone to see at the university.
“I’m still on sick leave,” says the victim from St. Petersburg. - I'm seating at home. Honestly, it’s a little scary to go to university now. But not at work. My colleagues are adults and don’t use such sites. There are only youngsters there. I received two hundred personal letters from people who care about my personal life more than their own. Normal people not only don’t know about it, but they won’t even find out. I think so.
- Have you contacted the police?
- Yes. I wrote a statement.
Roskomnadzor specialists have already checked the virtual board of shame. No violations were found. The site is not listed in the unified register of prohibited sites. Although there were appeals.
“They answered that everything was fine,” says “Check you” fighter Leonid Ivanov. “I wrote to them: “I regret that from your point of view, the publication of personal correspondence, blackmail and publication of erotic photographs of citizens without their consent is not a violation of rights.”
If desired, in the actions of “virtual womanizers” you can find signs of criminal articles “Violation of privacy”, “Violation of the secrecy of correspondence”. They also do not have a copyright law, which prohibits publishing photographs of a person without his consent. And you may not find anything like that.
“Our laws on this topic are written very mediocrely,” says lawyer Kirill Alexandrov.

The board of shame can also be closed for extortion or fraud. Anonymous guardians of morality offer victims to remove pictures from the site for money. Another charge for incitement to suicide, but that’s only if the worst happens. And also for publishing... child porn. Among the girls’ profiles, KP correspondents found correspondence with three schoolgirls. One of them even posed topless for a “metropolitan businessman.”
“Your breasts are kind of small,” the “entrepreneur” looked at her photo. “How old are you?”
“Sixteen,” the schoolgirl wrote to him. She didn’t ask for money for the night, but for a teddy bear and candy.
“The chest is too small even for sixteen,” the “entrepreneur” assessed.
“I’m trying to rock her,” the teenager assured.
Schoolgirls were also offered sex. Regardless of age. KP correspondents have already seen such virtual correspondence when social activists exposed pedophiles. But here the situation is exactly the opposite. Schoolgirls are being exposed!
“With such a large amount of material, it’s hard to figure out who is how old,” Sergei Chernyshev justified himself. - If someone comes across under eighteen, then it’s an accident. Is it possible not to write about seventeen-year-olds?
The schoolgirl whose topless pictures were on the site was offered all kinds of sex by a scammer in exchange for a fashion brand hat in exchange for the correspondence and photos not being included on the site. Sergei Chernyshev has nothing to offer us. We don't need his services.

Sexopathologist, rector of the Institute of Psychology and Sexology Lev SHCHEGLOV
I am deeply convinced that this is quite vile and completely immoral entertainment. Even if they were sincere, their struggle will in no way raise the level of morality, but will only cause more irritation and aggression, which our society is already filled with. This is all pseudo-life, which is mainly connected with the Internet.
This is similar to when the so-called Cossacks tried to tell literary critics and the now deceased Nabokov how to write, and the director of the Hermitage what to exhibit. The Cossacks, after all, also hid behind talking about morality, about the rise of spirituality. Who are they? Who gave them the right to decide this?!
There are moral authorities, significant figures. An assessment may come from them. And here sits some Petya or Kolya. He himself may turn out to be a scoundrel, stupid and ignorant, in particular. But in general, this is a reflection of what is happening in society. All guidelines and criteria are lost. The dropouts became pseudo-religious, although the Holy Scriptures were not opened beyond the first page. But they are ready to point out what is spiritual and what is not.
About the injured girls. If a person is thick-skinned, he will simply spit and that’s all. A person who is opinion-dependent, impressionable, for whom life on the Internet is very significant, can suffer mental trauma and neurosis. He may develop fearfulness and suspicion towards everyone.

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