Rss online aggregator. An overview of the best RSS readers for reading news feeds

Hello internet! Today I would like to talk about RSS news feeds and RSS readers (RSS reader, RSS reader) for these feeds. I will tell you what RSS feeds are for and what they are. I will also do a short review of RSS readers. In the review, I will include only those RSS readers that are really easy to use. I will not clutter up the post with various services, programs that I found on the Internet ... No, only those programs and online services that deserve my close attention. In conclusion of the post, I will mention some sites, programs that were not included in the review. Also at the end will be given a link to download programs.

In order to understand what an RSS reader is, you need to know about the essence of RSS. BUT RSS- this is a news feed of something, in particular, of a site. At the sight of the word "RSS", many associate it with the news of the site or blog. In particular, this is true, but you can create your own RSS feed and publish what you want there.

RSS reader(s) are programs or online services that read the RSS feeds you specify and produce a list. It is them that I will consider in this post, and you, without closing this page, choose the most suitable RSS reader for yourself. Well, or you will find something else on the Internet or from the list at the end of this post. But I warn you, you won't find better.

In general, RSS is a useful thing. Some simply underestimate her, but in vain guys, in vain. A very useful thing. You can collect all the news in one heap and be aware of everything that happens. No need to open sites in the hope of new articles. By the way, I know a couple of interesting tricks on this topic, so in subsequent posts I will gradually reveal them. But on one condition that RSS will be at least some place related to the topic of the post.

RSS readers can be divided into 3 types:

  • Online services.
  • RSS readers built into the browser.
  • Separate programs requiring installation on your computer.

The most convenient, I think, is the latest RSS readers that are installed on the computer. They have one remarkable feature, which I will talk about in due time. In the meantime, I will say that each type of RSS reader is good in its own way.

How to subscribe to RSS feed

Although it will be more specific not “How to subscribe”, but “How to find a subscription link”. This section is for those who hear about RSS for the first time. And those who are not the first day on the Internet came here rather for a review, which will be discussed a little later.

I will be brief, because there is nothing complicated here. The screenshot below shows the RSS links that you have probably come across.

If the site you are interested in does not have such links, then enter the word "RSS" in the search form and look, perhaps you will find information about this.

RSS readers / readers built into the browser

The advantage of such readers is ease of use. In a couple of clicks, you can subscribe to updates of the open site. In addition, browsers have synchronization with the creators' server. Thus, sitting down at another computer, opening a browser and logging into your account, the browser may offer to download these bookmarks. As with RSS, I don’t know, I haven’t tried it. I just know that there is synchronization in Opera and Google Chome, as in Firefox I don’t know. For chrome, you need to install an extension, which, fortunately, is full in the online store from google and they are all free. Only here the list of RSS feeds cannot be saved to the server if this is an unofficial extension, which, as far as I know, does not exist.

The disadvantages include too little functionality, but as you already understood, there are browser extensions that can expand it.


In order to add an RSS feed to the Firefox browser, you will need to open an RSS link (below in the screenshot you can see what such a button looks like. It is on all blogs.) then go to the "Bookmarks" menu, select "Subscribe to news feeds" , if the browser did not offer to subscribe immediately. If suggested, then below in the screenshot you can see how it looks.

Internet Explorer


It's a little different here. Go to a website or blog, click on the RSS link and subscribe. How to subscribe screenshot below.

Online services for reading RSS feeds


Here's a link . In the Yandex.News service, news is divided into categories. You can select the categories you want to see in the "My News" tab, as well as add your RSS feeds of your favorite blogs or sites there. Are you interested in this service? Then follow the link I gave you above.

If you have not used this service yet, then after clicking on the link you will have something like the following picture:

Just check the categories you are interested in. I choose: auto, internet, science, vkontakte. Looking through below you can see the field for entering RSS links. Feel free to add your favorite blogs there.

In order to make changes in the future, you will need to go to the "My News" tab. On the right you will see the "Edit" button. By clicking, you can make the necessary changes.

The Old Reader

Another service for reading RSS feeds. I won’t tell you how and where to click, I think you can figure it out yourself. I can not say that using online services is convenient. That's not mine. I recognize only the Yandex.News service, and even then I don’t use it. I just liked The Old Reader better than all the others, so I included it here. Whether it's worth using is up to you. Here's a link .

RSS readers installed on a computer

I consider these readers to be the most effective. Why? Because they have one great advantage, namely the desktop notifications feature. Therefore, it will not be necessary to keep the browser open all the time.

Such readers are needed for those who want to be the first to receive the latest news. For example, an interesting contest appears on the blog you are reading. You will be the first to know about it, even when the author of the blog did not have time to make an e-mail newsletter. Consequently, the chance of success to become the winner of the competition increases. Especially if the competition is related to the speed of completing the task among the participants or is limited in time. In general, very convenient, I will say.

Now I will give you a brief overview of the RSS readers that are installed on your computer. These are the readers that I am delighted with. I recently stumbled upon an English site that had a list of all RSS readers. I filtered everything and decided to write a post. Found 2 programs that are worthy of attention.

QuiteRSS - as the most convenient and high-quality RSS reader

I discovered this program for myself relatively recently from the list of an English-language site. If I had not started writing this post, I would have sat on feedreader, about it a little later.

The program turned out to be the most convenient of all. Website favicons are very pleasing. In all other readers, you have to carefully read, look for the right RSS feed. Here, this matter is simplified by looking at the site logo. It is possible to sort by tags. Also very fine settings, when compared with other RSS readers. And here is what the notification window for new posts on sites looks like:

This window can be edited in the settings. Width, number of entries to display, enabling and disabling elements.

I think this is enough. Perhaps in the future I will do a detailed analysis of each program, although this is boring. We'll see. The next program is FeedReader.

FeedReader - as one of the most convenient RSS readers

As you can see, before QuiteRSS, I used FeedReader. In principle, the program is good-looking, but still, in my opinion, it loses to QuiteRSS. There are fewer settings and images are not loaded from RSS feeds.

Although there is one advantage that I do not need, but still it is. This is synchronization with the FTP server.

Address, port, username, password - a standard requirement for connecting to a server via FTP protocol. Where can I get such a server? You can find hosting on the Internet and register on it. I recommend BeGet. If you decide to choose another, then before registering, look at what hosting provides. Among other things, there should be something like "Access the server via FTP". If so, feel free to register. After registering in the control panel, create a user with access to the server via FTP. Then copy the data and enter it into the program, so the RSS feeds will be saved on the server. If you sit at another computer, then you can always load these news feeds into this program. To do this, you need to specify the server data in the same way.

When new entries appear on sites, the tray icon changes from gray to orange. The program has a notification function in the form of a pop-up window, as in the previous program. But it either does not pop up, or does it very late.

Feed Notifier - like a compact RSS reader

The most compact of all that I have met. It is possible to use a proxy server, in the last post I mentioned a proxy, you can go read it. The notification window works correctly. Here's what it looks like:

Everything you need for those who like not to miss blog contests.


The program is colorful, convenient, but the functionality is clearly not enough. Although it copes with the main function like a pretty one. The program is paid. I now use and will continue to use QuiteRSS for good reason. Why did I mention this program then? Firstly, just express your opinion, and secondly, insert this referral link here, in the hope that something will fall to me. But after previous programs, no one will buy RSS FAST. If you want more details, I have already given the link. There is a video and a description. Everything that's needed.


In conclusion, I decided to mention a few more programs and services. Many of the programs listed do not have a pop-up window feature. You can learn about the news only directly in the program. But still, you might find something for yourself.

Programs: FeedDemon, RSS Bandit, Abilon, GreatNews, RSSOwl, SE-ReadRSS.
Online Services: feedly, newsblur, commafeed,, netvibes.

That's all. Subscribe, comment. Join the VKontakte group. Bye!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. In previous articles in this tutorial series, we learned how to add and configure . Yes, we also found out here (counter, email subscription, etc.)

Today I will tell you how and why to add your news feed to RSS directories and aggregators, I will give a list of them, and we will also look at ways to subscribe to the Yandex Feed news feed and Google Reader (alas, already deceased).

Run through RSS directories and aggregators

We have created a feed for our project, added it to Feedburner and now it's time to start adding it to various aggregators and directories. Why is it needed and what does it give? Several things at once: it helps to speed up the indexing of the pages of your resource, as well as which can be of great help in promoting the site ().

Consider the first positive moment - speed up indexing by adding your feed address to aggregators. After you add a new post on your resource, aggregators will immediately know about it, because. when registering, you will tell them the address of your feed (be sure to add it to Feedburner, otherwise unnecessary problems may arise).

They, in turn, inform the search engines directly that new material has appeared on your resource. Search engines will send their bots to you, which will index the new article, after which it immediately gets into the search results of Yandex and Google (i.e. becomes available for search).

This improves the visibility of your project.

There is an option when you can even make money on the RSS feed of your site. I'm talking about a Yandex service called Zen. All that is required is to create and add it to this service. The materials of your site will be announced to an audience of millions, and you will receive free traffic, and with luck, additional money from Yandex.

There is, of course, a downside. The likelihood that you your article will be stolen will rise significantly. Therefore, for the purpose of primitive protection against content theft through such directories, you can not give full posts to the feed, but only article announcements with a link to the full version located on your resource.

Before you start adding your feed to directories, go to your feed settings on Feedburner. Open the "Analyze" tab and select from the left menu of the window that opens "TotalStats". Check if the "Item link clickss" box is checked. In its absence, all aggregators will show direct links to your site, and this is very important for the search engine promotion of your resource, because. they will be considered by search engines.

When registering, you may need to enter the following information about your resource:

  1. address (URL) of your resource
  2. the address (URL) of your feed (as I mentioned earlier - it is better if it is added to Feedburner, then the feed will be accepted by almost all aggregators and directories)
  3. the name of your resource (multiple options are possible)
  4. think over the categories in which you will register
  5. keywords that characterize your site so that users of these directories can easily find it

You can write this information to a separate text file or hang it on hotkeys, at least using Punto Switcher () and its quick insert list. Below is a list of resources where you can add your news feed for free. I do not guarantee 100% performance of all of them, tk. I myself have been registering on this list for quite a long time.

Automatic run (adding) of the site based on RSS ratings in RssAdder

By the way, there is a rather convenient way to add your resource to such services - this is a program for semi-automatic RssAdder run. You can download this program from the author's page.

The RssAdder program does not require installation. It will be enough for you to unpack the archive and run the RSSAdder.exe file. In the window that opens, you will need to fill in all the fields in the "Information" area and click on the "Save data" button located just below. Now it will be possible to start running on the ratings available in the RssAdder database.

To do this, double-click on the address of the first directory in the left column, under the "Update INI" button (you may need this button if you download a new rating database in INI format from the author's resource and copy it to the directory with the RssAdder program). As a result, the add to catalog page will open in the central part of the utility window, on which most of the data will be automatically filled in from the fields located at the top of the window.

You will only have to fill in all the remaining required fields and, if necessary, enter the captcha code. By the way, I could not pass all captchas from the program window, I had to copy the directory address into a regular browser and register there. In general, the software does not work perfectly, but nevertheless it can greatly facilitate routine operations.

Subscribe to RSS via Yandex Feed and Google Reader

You probably often met buttons for subscribing through Google and Yandex feeds on various sites. Subscribe buttons look like this:

They are usually placed next to the main RSS icon in some prominent place, because Google Reader and Yandex feed are among the most popular ways to view news.

The button to add your feed to Google Homepage and Google Reader can be found on your feed settings page in Feedburner. To do this, go to your account on the Feedburner service.

Then open the "Publish" tab and select the item from the left menu of the window that opens. "Chicklet Chooser". On this settings page, you can check the box next to the button you need to subscribe to your feed, scroll the page and copy its ready-made code in the field located at the very bottom.

It will already contain the address of your news feed. In my case, the code looks like this:


But maybe you will like this version of the subscribe button through Google Reader:

In this case, the RSS feed will immediately open in Google Reader. Naturally, in order for this code to work, you need to replace with your address.

To create a subscription button through Yandex Lenta, insert the following code in the right place on your website template:

You will only need to replace . If you do not want the Yandex Feed page to open in a new window, then remove the target="_blank" button from its code.

To prohibit the indexing of external links by Yandex and Google, . And to prohibit the indexing of this link by the Yandex search engine, you need to enclose the button code in the opening and closing NOINDEX tags.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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What is RSS, where to download icons and what is the best reader
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Better Feed for WordPress - how not to send full texts of posts to RSS and protect yourself from content theft through a news feed

Hello, friends! In one of the previous blog articles, I already managed to briefly talk about the RSS news feed. Today you will find an overview of the best RSS readers. Thanks to this article, everyone will be able to choose a reader to their liking!

is a program or online service required to read the RSS feeds of websites and blogs you have subscribed to. In other words, this is a program that collects updates from sites that interest you. Why is this needed? It's convenient, simple and saves a lot of time.

Just imagine, you do not have to go to dozens of your favorite sites to see if new articles have appeared on them or not - new articles will come to you by themselves! The beauty!

I would single out RSS readers of the following types:

  • built into browsers;
  • online versions located on some site on the Internet;
  • individual programs that require installation;

RSS reader built into browsers

To date, readers are built into almost all popular browsers:

  • Firefox;
  • Opera;

Their main advantage is simplicity. Subscribing to news is like adding a site to your favorites. The disadvantages are the small functionality and the fact that on another computer you will have to re-configure everything.


Adding an RSS feed to firefox is outrageously simple, just go to the site whose updates you want to receive, and in the FireFox menu bar, click "Bookmarks" - "Subscribe to news feed".

You will be redirected to the page with the announcements of this site, click on "Subscribe", choose where to bookmark the subscription and click "Subscribe" again.

You can now follow updates to this site from the firefox bookmarks bar.

RSS reader in Opera

Click on the "Opera" icon in the upper left corner - select "Feeds" - if we want to add a new feed, then select "Manage news feeds ...", if you already read what you have already subscribed to, then "Read news feeds".

Selecting "Manage Feeds..." will open the Feed Subscriptions window, where you should click "Add" and specify the properties.

There are only three properties:

  • Name - you can set it yourself or just check the box "Get a name from the tape", then it will be set automatically;
  • Address - the address of the RSS feed. How to recognize him? Each blog has an orange icon similar to the one I have in the right column. It may look different, it is often disguised as some kind of objects, but it will not be difficult for you to find it. By clicking on it, you will be taken to the page - we need its URL.
  • Refresh - sets the intervals at which the RSS reader will request updates from the sites you have subscribed to.

Having set all the parameters, it remains only to click on "OK". Read news in the section "Opera" - "Feeds" - "Read news feeds". We figured out opera, IE is next in line.

Things are a little more complicated with Internet Explorer, but nothing, and they didn’t cope with this. Consider the example of Internet Explorer 9 version.

On the page of the site that we want to see in our news feed, in the menu bar we go to "Service" - select "Web Feed Detection" - select the RSS 2.0 subscription, it can be called differently on different sites.

Note: if you don't have the menu bar enabled, press Alt.

You will be redirected to the subscription page, where you click on "Subscribe to this feed". In the window that appears, specify the name of the new RSS feed, and in which folder it will be saved.

To view updates from the added sites, click on the star in the upper right corner and select the web feeds tab.

Online RSS readers

Advantages of such readers:

  • mail, reader, maps, search engine, calendar and a bunch of useful widgets are in one place;
  • no need to configure for each computer;
  • The RSS reader exists independently of your operating system and computer in general. If your OS crashed, your computer burned out, or you simply formatted your hard drive, no data will be lost.
  • You can access your reader from your phone, friends' computer or from an Internet cafe, all you need is a browser and the Internet, and you don't need to configure anything else.

What could be the disadvantages? The desire to have something with more functionality.

The most popular are Google Reader and Yandex Tape. They have a very simple and intuitive interface. I already wrote about where to find them and how to add new announcements to them, so I will not repeat myself.

I would like to highlight one more service - Netvibes. I dedicated a whole article to him -. In addition to the RSS reader, it has a lot of other interesting things.

RSS readers

The main advantage of such readers is a large set of functionalities. The disadvantage is that they are located on the computer, that is, if you have several computers (at work / at home), then you will have to install it on each of them. Fortunately, you won’t have to set everything up again, because. it is possible to export/import news feeds. It is not possible to view your news feed from someone else's computer.

  • OS: Windows.
  • Interface language: Russian.

Free, multifunctional RSS reader with Russian interface. It is possible to export/import customized news feeds, supported file formats: OPML, OCS or XML. In order to view the pages of the site, it is not necessary to open an additional browser, they can be opened in the program itself, which is very convenient.

Subscriptions can be added in the following ways:

  1. Adding an RSS feed of a specific site - just specify the address of this site, and RSS Bandit will automatically detect the news feeds available on it.
  2. Subscribe to a newsgroup. To do this, you must specify an NNTP news server.
  3. Search news feeds for a given word. Search engines are available by default: Syndic8 service and Yahoo! news.

Added feeds can be grouped into folders for convenience.

To add a feed, select "New..." - "News subscription" from the menu and follow the instructions of the assistant to add a new signature.

  • OS: Windows.
  • Interface language: Russian.

Simple, free and with a Russian interface. Provides the following functionality:

  • customizing the interface type - there are three templates to choose from;
  • news grouping by date, tag or source;
  • distribution of RSS feeds into folders;
  • flexible sorting of news feeds;
  • detailed information on each separate news: status, date, tag, source and author;
  • the built-in browser allows you to open site pages in the FeedReader3 program itself;
  • export/import of news feeds to an OPML file;
  • fine-tuning the behavior of the program;
  • and much more.

To add new announcements, go to "File" - "Add" - "News feed", specify the address of the new RSS feed and click "apply".

This concludes my review of the RSS reader! Thanks for attention. See you soon!

Yes, RSS is not dead and is doing great.

Back in 2013, after the closure of the most popular RSS feed aggregator, analysts predicted oblivion of this news distribution format. Google Reader closed, but in its place came dozens of services with improved ergonomics, nice design and a wide range of features.

RSS (English Rich Site Summary) - a family of XML formats designed to describe news feeds, article announcements, blog changes, etc. Information from various sources presented in RSS format can be collected, processed and presented to the user in a form convenient for him with special programs - aggregators or online services. – Wikipedia

Developers and owners of most sites have not abandoned RSS feeds, they are easy and convenient to use. This version of news reading can become an alternative to social networks and twitter. Yes, imagine that the “tweeting” service has worthy competitors.

Why do I need RSS?

The benefits of RSS are in the power of feed reader applications. Unlike twitter, you can organize the viewing of various sites in the same type with the formatting set. If you subscribe to 20 resources, each article will look standard, with the specified font, line spacing, and background.

This way you can save time and traffic, and you can also save articles for reading when there is no network. And no one limits the main message to a certain number of characters. Sometimes it is simply impossible to understand what kind of news has arrived on twitter. You can even and always see the necessary news on the computer screen with an RSS feed.

Someone will say that RSS is the last century. Perhaps, but at this stage, it is foolish not to consider time-tested technology for quickly obtaining the necessary information. It is interesting to know your attitude to RSS, which clients you use and whether you see the future of this format.

How it works?

We find the application we like and add the sites, blogs or information portals of interest to us in it. Most RSS aggregators independently find all available feeds for a specified site. Sometimes developers divide feeds by topic, you can subscribe only to selected areas.

Immediately after the news is published, data will appear in the feed, the application will download it and inform you about it. Depending on the program and settings, we will see a picture of the news, a title and the first few lines from the post.

We read or save the materials we like for later viewing, and mark the rest as read. If you are thinking about giving it a try, it remains to decide on an RSS client.

One of the oldest RSS readers (an app in the App Store since April 2011) has proven itself well, and spent every ruble spent on it during its use. A developer with a strange name managed to create an almost perfect client for collecting and reading news.

The program has a lot of settings, you can customize the main screen of the program, choose a theme, flexibly configure the reading mode and reassign gestures. In such programs, attention is often paid to the ability to quickly mark as read several received news. If you do not look into the application for a day or two, a whole mountain of sorted materials will accumulate, you can quickly view the titles and mark your favorites, the rest will automatically be marked as viewed.

The disadvantages of the program include the price (there are good analogues with a more pleasant price tag) and the lack of a version for the iPhone. The author has repeatedly ignored requests from fans of the application to create a phone adaptation of Mr. reader.

What will interest Mr. reader:

  • the application is time-tested;
  • a large set of features and appearance settings;
  • customizable gesture controls.

Another "old-timer" of the App Store, which since 2013 has acquired the third full version. The developers have relied on a strict minimalist design, but have not forgotten about the necessary and useful features.

As always, we can customize the appearance of articles in Reading View and set additional sorting options for the entire list. Special mention deserves working with newsgroups and the ability to set up multiple accounts. If several people use the application, you can conveniently distinguish between materials for each of them.

It is worth noting that in the arsenal of developers there is, of course, thoughtful synchronization is present. Start reading on your way to work on your iPhone or iPad and continue on your Mac when you're in the office. You have to pay for a quality app.

What will interest Reeder 3:

  • there are versions for iPhone, iPad and Mac with convenient synchronization;
  • very nice and stylish look.

A relatively new application that appeared already in the "post-Google Reader era". The developers completely abandoned various interface elements, the program has only text on a white background, diluted with pictures from the news. On the one hand, this allows you to concentrate on reading as much as possible, and on the other hand, it is not always clear which menu you are currently in, what the hierarchy of folders and sections in the program looks like.

Moving between sections is carried out with gestures, which made it possible to further simplify the interface and increase the text area on the screen. Unfortunately, ergonomics have been sacrificed. There is a necessary minimum of settings, some options are purchased separately.

You can find fault with not the most visual list of displaying articles, however, looking at the price tag of the program, you can forgive such trifles.

What will interest Unread: RSS News Reader:

  • the lightest and most minimalistic design;
  • new ambitious developer;
  • free.

Initially, this service was conceived as, in your account, you could add many channels and synchronize the news you read between different devices. By the way, all the described applications support the Feedly account, if you have one, just enter it in the settings and immediately receive materials from all your favorite sites.

After the closure of Google Reader, Feedly developers have released their own mobile application and are trying to keep up with the times. All useful iOS features are reflected in this client, there is support for split view and an application for Apple Watch.

Over the past couple of years, Feedly has acquired a solid set of features and settings. If you tried to get used to this client a few years ago, but could not because of the lack of one or another feature, be sure to try the applications now.

What will interest Feedly:

  • in recent years, the application has acquired a large number of features;
  • several original options for displaying the list of news;
  • free.

The most unusual application in today's selection. Flipboard organizes all the news from the feed into a glossy magazine. Articles will be arranged in chronological order, reminiscent of printed layout. The application will pay more attention to some publications, group others into a column, and display others as headings. Looks very cool and stylish.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time I try to start using Flipboard, but it is its motley design that always confuses. Frequent page-turning animations and chaotically scattered materials turn into a problem from a highlight. When viewing a large amount of news, it is difficult to concentrate, a lot of time is spent on focusing attention.

If you need an unusual client to view a small amount of news, feel free to choose Flipboard, the program will not only show articles from the specified site, but also recommend thematic resources in selected areas, and you can also connect twitter and Google+ here to track the feed in the application format.

What will interest Flipboard:

  • stylish and unusual design;
  • selection of news by topics;
  • viewing social networks;
  • free.

My choice

One of my first iPad apps I purchased was Mr. reader. A few years ago, this aggregator reigned supreme in the niche of RSS readers and gave a good head start to competitors. Already at that time, the developer managed to come up with and implement most of the features that are now the norm for such programs.

Then I was bribed by the appearance of the program and ease of use. This is achieved through fully customizable gestures. For example, you can move between articles with a vertical swipe, jump to the beginning or end by simply clicking on the right or left, etc.

When you get used to using such an application, you simply do not want to switch to another. Unfortunately, the author did not want to release a version of the client for the iPhone and had to be content with other analogues on a smartphone.

One of the most useful features of Mr. Reader, I consider a quick switch between page display formats. The buttons for this are located at the top in the reading mode. The same news may look different in RSS format, web-version or one of the popular applications for off-line reading. You can visually compare all the options, choose the right one and remember it for a readable site.