Make a box for a subwoofer speaker 12 inches. Subwoofer box calculation

It's tilted at exactly that angle. It is best to take a closed box for the type of acoustic design. The sound results can be easily predicted. There are also more complex types of acoustic design. For example, a bass reflex and a bandpass. Their complexity lies in calculations and configuration. You can use an open design, but this type of everything is suitable for sedans.

You need to choose a subwoofer speaker very carefully. The main parameter for a subwoofer speaker used in a closed box is the quality factor Qt. It should be about 0.5 - 0.6. For bass reflex design, this parameter should be 0.3 - 0.5. For open design - Qt = 0.7 - 1.2. We decided to go with the DS250 model from Hertz.

Experts in the field of music in cars have made calculations according to which the Hertz DS250 speaker will require a closed box with a volume of 23-28 liters. The frequency response (amplitude-frequency response) of the subwoofer will be linear.

So, after you have calculated the volume, you can sit down to draw the subwoofer housing. We take 23 mm thick chipboard and make the front wall from it, and it is better to make the side walls from 20 mm chipboard. After making the walls of the subwoofer, you can begin assembling it. PVA glue is very suitable for gluing joints. Screw in the screws in increments of 5 cm. We secure the side walls, as well as the top and bottom walls. After this, you need to use a compass to mark a hole on one side for the acoustic terminal. We take a jigsaw in our hands and make a hole. The acoustic terminal tends to squelch when high pressure is applied to it, which is accompanied by overtones. To prevent this from happening, we shield it with a small box. Such a box must be coated with glue, and then screwed to the side wall with self-tapping screws. If, when assembling the box, the edges of the case protrude, then carefully cut them off with a plane. We take the front panel and make a hole in it for the acoustic speakers. Then we coat it with glue and screw it to the body with self-tapping screws.

Next, you need to protect the subwoofer housing from moisture and condensation. Chipboard is destroyed when exposed to moisture. We will need furniture nitro varnish for this purpose. It is better to carry out all actions on the street, because... furniture nitro varnish has a specific smell and, moreover, is very poisonous. It is also necessary to impregnate the inner end of the front panel.

Now we need to make the subwoofer housing more attractive. Appearance is also important. Carpet (carpet) is best suited for this purpose. We buy a meter and a half of car carpet from the store. Nitrovarnish is very suitable as an adhesive. You need to make a hole in the carpet for the speaker. A sharp stationery knife will help you. So, we can say that the body is ready.

The last step is to connect the subwoofer speaker and the speaker terminal and secure them into the housing. Connect the amplifier and enjoy your favorite music.

Video on the topic


  • How to make a subwoofer enclosure with your own hands
  • DIY subwoofer amplifier

Good clear sound is welcome not only when recording music, but also when listening to it at home, away, or even in the car. Recently, the audio market has been pampering us with an abundance of graces that can instill a love for high-quality sound of music. But quality, as you know, costs money. When choosing sound-producing equipment, it is necessary to focus on the optimal price-quality ratio. You can also try making a box yourself if you are going to buy several speakers, for example, for a car.

You will need

  • MDF board (22 mm), two speakers.


Before sawing MDF, calculate the amount of material you will need. This unit will depend on the size of your speakers. Use JBL Speakershop to calculate this value. To take into account all the dimensions of the future box, use the Volume Box Calculator program while working.

After marking the MDF sheet, perform sawing work using a circular saw or jigsaw. Place the 2 walls of the future box together to connect them: drill small holes, then screw in the screws. Repeat this procedure for all remaining walls of the box.

The design of our box in cross-section should resemble a square with a diagonal cut, so it is necessary to make a small bevel under the top board. Take a ruler and place it against the two side walls and draw bevel lines. Using an electric planer, create a bevel. As a last resort, you can use a regular plane.

After making the bevel, you need to turn the box over onto a sheet of MDF and outline the lines along which you will cut the top cover. Now do the same with the side walls of the box: put the box on its side, mark and cut it out. All that remains is to connect all parts of the structure, tying them with self-tapping screws and wood glue (for strength).

Mark the dimensions of the speakers on the box and cut out circular holes. You can immediately cover it with fabric and then insert the speakers into the box.

The speaker system gives the car a finished look. The main part of the acoustics is the subwoofer, but this is not a cheap pleasure. You can save on subwoofer if you make the housing yourself.


First, decide what shape your subwoofer will be. The easiest way is to make a sealed enclosure in the form of a truncated pyramid.

Download the JBL speaker shop program. It will be needed to calculate the dimensions of the case. To begin with, let’s enter the volume data specified by the manufacturer in the program, for example, 31 liters. For each car, according to the specified parameters, the program itself will determine the required geometric dimensions of the body.

Launch the Enclosure module. Select the BOX->Dimension tab at the top. In the dialog box that opens, in the upper right corner, select the geometric proportions of the box. Enter the parameters you would like for your trunk, and the program will show you the optimal data.

Take a pencil and mark the measurements you received in the JBL program. Using a jigsaw, carefully cut out the walls and mark them so as not to confuse them. If you mess something up, be sure to redo it, as every unevenness will affect the sound of the subwoofer in the future. Then use a jigsaw to make a seat for the speaker.

Without screwing the sides of the case, try it on to make sure everything is cut correctly. When screwing the box, be careful, as too many screws can damage the plywood.

Now coat the surface of each wall with sealant and let it dry. Assemble the box and fasten it with screws. Spread the remaining sealant along the seams with a spatula. Your case must be completely sealed and have no cracks.

Replace the speaker and screw it on.

Take the trim and measure. It is advisable that the pieces be large - this way there will be noticeably fewer joints. Gently coat the material with glue and cover the body.

Turn on the subwoofer and check if it works. You will not immediately see the desired sound. This requires configuration. Connect the subwoofer to the amplifier and set up.

A high-quality car sound system is an expensive pleasure. But some of its components can be made independently, for example, assembling a box for a subwoofer.

You will need

  • - multilayer plywood;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - self-tapping screws;
  • - sealant;
  • - carpet;
  • - electric jigsaw;


Once you've decided on the type, download the JBL SpeakerShop software. Open the Enclosure module. In the dialog box that appears, select the geometric shape of the subwoofer, for example, Prism slanted front, and enter the parameters. The program will automatically calculate the body dimensions of the future subwoofer.

Take a sheet of multi-layer plywood and mark the side walls of the body. Use an electric jigsaw to cut them out. Connect the walls of the case using PVA glue, and then fasten with self-tapping screws, in increments of 5 cm. Wait until the glue dries. Fill the resulting gaps between the walls with sealant. Remove any excess with a knife.

Fill the body of the future subwoofer with water and check for leaks. The subwoofer housing must be sealed to achieve high sound quality. Drain the water and re-seal the defects and cracks with sealant. Be sure to dry the case with a hairdryer.

Mark the location of the speaker and use an electric jigsaw to make a hole. Sand the edges of the hole to avoid damaging the speaker in the future. Also make a hole for the wires.

Cover the body with carpet and glue it with silicone glue. Overlap the edges. Once dry, trim off the top edge. You will get a neat and invisible seam.
The subwoofer box is ready.

The sound quality of a subwoofer is affected not only by the acoustics itself, but also by the body of the device itself. In addition to the material, it is important that the box has the appropriate volume and is made of suitable material. It is necessary to correctly calculate the architecture, since this is critical for the small volume of the car trunk.

You will need

  • - MDF leaves;
  • - liquid Nails;
  • - self-tapping screws;
  • - drill;
  • - jigsaw;
  • - carpet

To obtain the frequencies of the lower part of the audio range in a car audio system, such as those that a real subwoofer should create, it is not enough to limit yourself to choosing suitable speakers. The speaker must receive a certain acoustic design, being placed in a suitable volume, taking into account the geometric features of its location in the car. The acoustic design of the subwoofer allows you to build a given bass both in level and in timbre.

When designing a subwoofer enclosure, many parameters are taken into account. These are purely technical characteristics, such as: resonant frequency, equivalent acoustic volume and quality factor of the subwoofer speaker, the fundamental possibility of placing the subwoofer housing inside the car, and, finally, the musical genres preferred by the car owner.

Calculation of the geometry of the subwoofer enclosure in order to obtain the required sound is carried out on a computer, taking into account the technical parameters of specific speakers. Often, manufacturers of subwoofer speakers offer ready-made housing options, but it should be noted that in many cases they are far from optimal, which leads to incorrect operation of the subwoofer and the car audio system as a whole.

There are several generally accepted technical solutions for the manufacture of subwoofer enclosures that allow you to give the bass the necessary color.

Closed box

The subwoofer speaker is placed in a closed volume. Has the most uniform frequency response. Has good impulse characteristics. Most suitable for listening to classical music, as well as jazz and rock compositions.

Bass reflex

The use of a cabinet with a bass reflex as an acoustic design allows you to increase the efficiency of the speaker, and also by calculating the bass reflex and the volume of the cabinet to obtain bass enhancement. A case with a bass reflex, if properly designed and executed, can be implemented to reproduce almost any musical genre. The efficiency of such a subwoofer is higher than in a closed box.


In the stealth case version it is possible to implement the acoustic design of a closed box and a bass reflex. It is used when it is necessary to preserve the maximum volume of the luggage compartment and at the same time get a high-quality subwoofer in the car. To obtain the required volume, various niches and cavities of the car are used, usually hidden behind decorative cladding or upholstery. The body is made of fiberglass, which allows for relatively thin but rigid walls, as well as the necessary individual shape for placement inside the selected niche.


The speakers used for installation in free-air are designed to operate in an infinite volume. This can be considered the volume of the trunk. This solution is attractive because there is no separate housing. Plus - the useful volume of the trunk is not reduced and the implementation is relatively simple. Minus - this option is applicable only to sedan-type cars, and the quality and level of bass depends on how full the trunk is.


Band-pass, roughly speaking, is a closed volume separated by a partition into which the bass speaker cuts. There are more complex designs. In essence, this is a high-order acoustic filter tuned to a specific frequency. The recoil becomes even higher, but the band narrows. Band-pass is most often used for playing rap music, when the main requirements are low-frequency activity and higher sound pressure.

The decision to use one or another acoustic design for a subwoofer usually occurs at the very first stage, when the intended acoustic system exists only on paper in the form of a project.

At the last stage, the appropriate finish is selected for the manufactured subwoofer housing, allowing the subwoofer to organically fit into the interior of the car and become an integral part of it.

There are quite a lot of interesting ways to do it. And sometimes a homemade subwoofer even turns out much better than a purchased one, if, of course, you do everything right.

What can a subwoofer be made from?

Something like a subwoofer can be built from several pieces of plywood and old speakers. And in general, as for the subwoofer speaker, you can buy it, for example, on the radio market.

You can also enjoy clear audio in a car by using an inactive subwoofer. In addition, making it yourself will not be difficult. It will not require the installation of an amplifier, and the work will be reduced only to design and assembly. As for the installation of such a subwoofer, it is installed directly inside the box.

Video on how to draw a subwoofer enclosure:

We begin production

The first thing to do is arm yourself with the necessary materials and tools. To make a homemade subwoofer we will need:

  • speaker;
  • protective grille;
  • good glue, preferably epoxy;
  • socket through which the connection will be made;
  • fiberglass;
  • wire, 3 mm;
  • brush;
  • plywood;
  • Chipboard, 16 mm;
  • nuts and screws, always for wood;
  • bolts;
  • masking tape;
  • polyethylene;
  • universal putty.

And of course, the tools - where would we be without them:

  • jigsaw for wood;
  • screwdriver or drill.

Begin. First you need to choose a good speaker. Needless to say, the more powerful it is, the louder the sound will be. How to get it? It is worth noting that the speaker can get into your hands in different ways. The main thing is to have data on its technical indicators. After all, the design of the body will depend on them, and this is very important.

So. As for the indicators, you must first obtain data on the resonance frequency of the speaker you happen to have in open space. In addition, it is also necessary to find out the data on the equivalent volume. If there is no such data, then it is better to go and buy a speaker in a store, where they will provide it with special documents. You can choose the most modest or expensive speaker. Here everything will depend only on you.

Now the second stage, called designing the subwoofer box. You can use a special computer program WinlSD 0.44. This utility will really help. It is she who will require you to enter the speaker data and its parameters. And this type of computer program allows you to make four types of boxes. We will consider the box that has the highest efficiency. In other words, a level 6 bandpass.

The sixth level bandpass is a rectangular cubic object, inside of which there is one jumper. It is on this that our speaker will be fixed. In addition, such a bandpass has two holes that are intended for mounting bass reflex cameras. Instead of cameras, various tubes can be used. For example, these could be tubes made of polyethylene, metal or just paper. It is worth noting that the housing must be completely sealed and this can be done using felt, foam rubber or ordinary cotton wool.

As for the sealant layer, it should have two centimeters inside. And the roof of the subwoofer must be removable and have a high density at the junction. Therefore, it is also additionally reinforced with a layer of foam rubber.

The computer utility will help all sizes. She will calculate the optimal numbers for the case, of course, based on the capabilities of the speaker. In this case, the person’s task becomes only to clearly and competently translate everything into reality. And the sound, of course, will meet all expectations. It will turn out clean and loud.

It is believed that in general, assembling a subwoofer is a difficult task if you are not extremely attentive to various small details and nuances. A person assembling a homemade subwoofer must not only understand acoustics, but also have the ability to be a woodcarver, be able to screw in self-tapping screws and bolts, and also work with sealant. For the home craftsman, this is a unique challenge.

Subwoofer space

Now about where we will install our subwoofer. We choose a place for it. The best option would be to install it in the wing: right or left, we decide for ourselves. Although, it is worth noting that there will be more space in the right wing, due to the configuration of many cars.

If we chose a medium speaker, then it will need at least 28 liters of volume for normal operation. As for the configuration and volume of the box itself, you will have to experiment here. Usually the volume turns out to be large, but this is not scary.

We cover the trunk with plastic film, and then cover the trim with masking tape, always in two layers. We take fiberglass and cut it into pieces. In this case, they should turn out to be 200x200. Be sure to lubricate them with epoxy glue and overlap them with tape.

Now about how to dilute epoxy glue. The correct thing to do would be to mix a can of resin and a can of hardener. If you take more of these substances than normal, the glue will quickly thicken and you will not have time to use it. The ideal ratio is 1:1.

We cover the back wall of a homemade subwoofer, or subwoofer, with three or even four layers of fiberglass. Then we wait until everything dries. It's better to wait a day.

The next day you will need to remove the resulting shell. We are already increasing its thickness outside the trunk. We begin to glue the bottom of the subwoofer. We make its top in the shape of loops, and fasten the front wall with self-tapping screws. As for the joints, they will need to be coated with epoxy glue.

Fine work

After the body of the homemade subwoofer is ready, you need to prepare it for the acoustic terminal, that is, the speaker. To do this, you need to mark a hole on one of its side walls. This can be done with an ordinary school compass.

Powerful ones are obtained if it is shielded with a small box. This is no longer the basics of homemade subwoofer construction, but real art. Thus, we will be able to eliminate various overtones that arise due to the rather flimsy acoustic terminal.

The box may have a square shape. We treat it with PVA glue and screw it to the side panel where the hole was cut using self-tapping screws.

Now you need to take a plane and cut off all the protruding edges of the body with it. When it was said above about special skills, this was done for a reason. And here you need to have the skill of a carpenter to cope with the job with an A plus.

Go ahead. We take a jigsaw, preferably an electric one, to make it easier to work, and cut a hole in the front panel. It will be needed for the speaker, which is attached there with self-tapping screws and glue. If the reader remembers, there is a jumper inside our box, or sixth-level bandpass. This is where you will need to cut.

Protective measures

Everything seems to be ready, and the amateur will immediately rush to connect. But the master has no need to rush; every step in his work is an opportunity for him to touch sublime art. So, in this case, you should not forget about protecting your homemade creation from moisture and condensation. Even medieval people knew that moisture on wood, and in this case thin chipboard, has a destructive effect.

In order to secure and protect the case in advance, you need to impregnate it with a special furniture nitro varnish. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the fresh air to avoid varnish poisoning.

Don’t forget to saturate the inner end of the front panel as well.

Video demonstrating how to make a subwoofer yourself:

Well, that seems to be it. It's time to study the subwoofer circuits and connect them. Although for a more spectacular finish it is useful to cover our subwoofer with some material for beauty. If you have carpet, then it can become that very material.

How to assemble a subwoofer box

How to assemble a box for a subwoofer so that the speaker in it plays with all its power?
This question is of interest to many admirers of good sound who want to improve the audio system of their car. In our article we will learn how to assemble a box for a subwoofer, exactly the way it should be.
To begin with, before starting manufacturing, it is recommended to determine the type of speaker that reproduces low frequencies. As a rule, experts recommend choosing speakers with 10-12 inches. They are the ones that are popular today and are most often used as subwoofers.

Subwoofer boxes and their types

Today it is customary to distinguish between several types of subwoofer boxes (see). As you know, the quality of the sound obtained at the output directly depends on the type of box and its design.

  • The box is a closed type, the most common type in manufacturing and design. In such a box, the woofer will “feel” good. Its acoustic characteristics will improve significantly. In addition, such a box will be much easier to build yourself.
  • Bandpass box. It is also called a fourth-order box. This design implies the presence of divided chambers inside. Typically, these same cameras come in different sizes. In one chamber there is a speaker (see), and in the other there is a bass reflex or air vent.

Note. The advantage of this type of box is its special design, which is capable of limiting frequencies.

  • 6th order bandpass box. It is noticeably different from the one described above, in particular in that it has two more cameras inside.

Note. There are two types of level 6 bandpasses. Bandpass with one bass reflex and bandpass with two bass reflexes. The latter is the most difficult to design, but is capable of delivering excellent efficiency.

  • Bass reflex box. It has a special tube inside.
    It removes air, providing additional sound. As for the complexity of manufacturing such a structure, it is something between a bandpass and a closed box.

A music lover will immediately say that it is better to opt for a bandpass. But this design will be a little complicated for a person who has taken up homemade production for the first time.
There are many parts in a bandpass type box, the creation of which involves design and careful calculation. If you have time and desire, then you can choose them.

Note. Nowadays, computers can be trusted to calculate and design dimensions and designs. The special WinLSD program will help you find the right size, estimate the volume of the subwoofer, calculate the dimensions of parts, etc.

On the other hand, the program described above is certainly not for a knowledgeable person and will require highly specialized knowledge. And why so much pain if you can start making a simpler box of good quality. This is a bass reflex device capable of reproducing the lowest frequencies.

Making a bass reflex box

So, we’ve decided on the choice of box and it’s time to move on to the manufacturing process.


First of all, we will need materials. As a rule, this should be a component that is a durable material that perfectly insulates sound. Multilayer plywood is best suited for these purposes.

Note. As a last resort, if it is impossible to find plywood, chipboard will do.

Also, will prepare this:

  • Self-tapping screws in the amount of 100 pieces, preferably 50-55 mm.
  • Some kind of soundproofing material.
  • Liquid nails or silicone.
  • PVA glue.
  • Sealant.
  • A piece of carpet 3 meters long.


As for tools, the following accessories are suitable:

  • A screwdriver or drill as a last resort.
  • Terminal block.
  • An electric saw and preferably the same plane.

Process algorithm

So, we make a bass-reflex box for a 12-inch speaker. In this case, it is recommended to make the volume of the box equal to 40-50 liters.

Below is the calculation table:

Note. It is very important to pay careful attention to the length that runs from the cabinet wall to the speaker. This parameter is calculated, like the cavity of the entire box, based on the surfaces inside.


  • We make a hole for the speaker and for the bass reflex slot.

Note. To make all the holes, we use an electric jigsaw, which is very convenient to work with.

  • Assembling the bass reflex slot.
  • We attach it to the subwoofers (see) - to the front panel.
  • It is advisable to go over all joints with silicone, or better yet, with liquid nails. After this, tighten the screws.

Note. It is highly recommended to tighten the screws tightly so as not to leave any voids. Leaving them on may affect the sound quality. Resonant vibrations will occur, interfering with normal sound.

How to make a subwoofer in a car with your own hands? The matter is quite simple. if you understand its purpose and components. A subwoofer is an acoustic system that reproduces low frequencies in the sound range of 20-120Hz. It is necessary to create full surround sound, especially relevant for dance and rock music. The average acoustic system is not capable of reproducing this range, since it is not fully recognized by the human ear.

We hear bass, feel vibrations, in general - this is just right for a car, you can install it anywhere. However, we recommend using the luggage space, there will be plenty of space there and will not interfere with anyone. The dimensions of the future subwoofer are determined by the speakers you selected. As a rule, they have a fairly large diameter.

Making a homemade subwoofer for a car is not difficult: assemble a box and install a speaker in it, the main thing in this matter is to choose a speaker. We advise you to listen to this information. It will help you achieve sound quality and your efforts will not be in vain.

Making a subwoofer with your own hands includes the following steps:

  • definition with speaker;
  • calculation and design of a box for a subwoofer;
  • making such a box;
  • decorative design of the product;
  • installation in a car.

Speaker selection

Decide on the sizes. The following models are currently available on the market:

Important! Decide on the resistance, a load of 1-2 ohms will significantly spoil the sound, the optimal resistance for a subwoofer speaker is 2-4 ohms.

There has traditionally been a long-standing debate about the power of the speakers; it is difficult to state anything definitely. There is only one rule: the power of the speaker must exceed the power of the amplifier. Why? It's simple: no speaker will last long operating at maximum power, so it needs a “margin of safety” in the form of such a difference. If you already have both a speaker and an amplifier, we advise you to determine this difference and make a mark on the amplifier controls with the maximum allowable volume for the subwoofer. Not a single speaker will maintain sound quality at maximum volume; over time (sometimes immediately), the imbalance will terribly hurt the ear.

Subwoofer Box Layout

Now you don’t need to carry out complex calculations yourself; we recommend using the WinISD 0.44 program. It will create a virtual image of a subwoofer for a car, based on the following dynamics data (can be found on the label), called Thiel-Small parameters:

  • resistance (Z);
  • maximum noise power (Re);
  • mechanical quality factor (Qms);
  • electrical quality factor (Qes);
  • diffuser diameter (dia).

After entering the parameters, select the option ZY - closed box and you can independently adjust the frequencies of the phase inverters or use the standard parameters.

Based on all the entered parameters, you will receive a sketch of the box; if you stick to the design when making a subwoofer with your own hands, you will get the most optimal and possibly acceptable sound for your speaker.

About materials for self-assembly of a subwoofer

Important! Select materials that meet your objectives: sound insulation, density and strength.

Practice shows that the ideal material is MDF (medium-density particle board); in extreme cases, high-quality plywood will also do. Chipboard is also used, but in all three characteristics it loses significantly. How to make a subwoofer at home without spending money? Use available materials. In principle, with proper arrangement, the doors of old Soviet furniture, probably left in everyone’s closet, will also work.

A subwoofer for a car must be covered (except for the front panel - it is a matter of taste) with soundproofing material; ordinary office-type carpet works well.

Remember - plastic looks nice on subwoofers, but it will be a serious detriment to sound quality. You need to decide whether the subwoofer will become a fashionable interior component or a quality addition to the speaker system.

Manufacturing and installation of the box

So, we have prepared a virtual model, decided on the material and place in the car.

Box assembly:

Installation of a finished subwoofer

In order to independently install and connect a ready-made subwoofer to a car, you will need the following consumables: wiring, including tulips and wires for connecting to the amplifier, fuses, insulating tape and one capacitor.

Carefully install the finished subwoofer in the place prepared in advance. You can use a tie to secure it. That's all, all that remains is to connect it.

The subwoofer is connected to the amplifier, and it is connected to the car radio. It is the amplifier that distributes the radio signals to the high-frequency speakers and subwoofer. Be prepared to run the wires, hiding them under the seats, through the entire cabin from the trunk, where the amplifier and subwoofer are installed (usually), connecting the wires to the radio and battery.

Original “amplifier” for a subwoofer

It happens that the amplifier is simply missing from the car. and even a well-assembled subwoofer with your own hands will not give the desired effect without it. We offer an alternative to purchasing - a homemade subwoofer amplifier.

This is a circuit for assembling an amplifier for a car.

Required components:

  • one TDA 2030 A chip;
  • two electrical capacitors 2200 uF 25 V;
  • three 0.1 µF capacitors;
  • resistor e.g. 2.2 Ohm;
  • two 22 kohm resistors;
  • 680 Ohm resistor;
  • one electrical capacitor 22 microfarads at 25 V;
  • film capacitor 4.7 µF.

Also prepare the amplifier housing, operating switch, wires, tulip connectors and radiator.

Advice! After the board is ready and the circuit is complete, do not rush to assemble the amplifier, connect the contacts to the speaker and check its operation, starting with the minimum volume.

In order to do everything correctly and quickly, we recommend watching a video lesson on how to make a subwoofer for a car at home: