A fairy tale and its name about a robot. The tale of barry the robot - cruise

A little girl made a fairy tale about a green robot that can chop wood. And here's what came of it:

Once upon a time there was a green robot. He lived in the forest and chopped wood. But since he was green, he not only cut trees, but also planted. Cut down one - plant two. Cut down five - plant ten. And since robots are very hardworking and live a long time, there was a very beautiful and tall forest around his house. And birds, and animals, and people loved the green robot very much and often went to visit him.

Once a red robot settled in a nearby forest. He also cut trees, but did not plant new ones. And in the evenings, the red robot liked to light a big, very large fire and cook alcohol on it, and then sniff alcohol vapors.
And then one day the red robot sniffed alcohol, and fell asleep. And the fire burned, burned, burned, burned, and burned out to the very peat. And peat is such a special land underground. It can burn for a long time and in any direction, but it is not visible from above. And the fire ran underground. He set fire to the forest of the red robot, and the field between the two forests, and the forest of the green one. The birds and animals just managed to escape - and so everything burned down, and the houses of the robots too.

The green robot extinguished and extinguished as best it could, but nothing helped. Only the rain after a few hours put everything out. The green robot went around the ashes in the morning, saw that the red robot was lying near a burnt-out fire, it was sleeping, nothing had happened to it. He doesn't even care about rain.
Green got angry, stamped his feet, began to shout:
-Oh you fool! You lie, sleep, and your fire has destroyed two forests! Are you completely without brains?
The red robot woke up, looks at him bashfully:
-You're right. I have no brains. When assembling, they forgot to put it. I'm completely stupid.
The green robot sighed - what to take from the fool ?, took the red one and dragged it to the neighboring town to a good master. He put some good brains in him, and the red robot immediately began to cry, so much so that it almost rusted:
-What have I done? I burned two forests!
“We’ll fix it together,” the green robot assured him. - I still have seedlings in a special bunker.

And they returned to where the forest once was. Two robots worked tirelessly, day and night: dismantling burnt trees, planting young ones, watering, fertilizing, tying seedlings - whatever they did. And ten years later, on the site of two burned down forests, young thin trees appeared, and a hundred years later - a large dense forest.
And the green and red robots began to work together. And nobody is allowed to set fire to the forest.

And from the trees that they cut down, the craftsmen made toys. For example, to study numbers and counting. And one of these toys came to the little girl Sandra, and she really fell in love with her toy.
That's the end of the fairy tale.

Transforming robots- another passion of his son. We reading stories about them in comics, collecting figurines, watching cartoons. And here bedtime stories about robots transformers for kids could not be found on the Internet. I had to compose my own stories with the participation of my favorite characters. Now they can be read not only by us, but also by other young robotics 😉

Autobots vs. Thunderhoof

Strongarm and Bumblebee found Grimlock in the woods. Someone knocked him out.

“They must be the Discepticons,” thought the robots.

- Are my arms and legs safe? - Grim asked perplexedly.

It turned out everything is in order. Bumblebee and Strongarm asked him if he had time to get a good look at the attacker. But Grimlock only saw the horns approaching him, and then he was thrown to the ground with such a crash, as if on rocks.

Bumblebee suggested that Grimlock go to Fixit's so that he could have a good look and, if necessary, have it repaired. Meanwhile, Bumblebee, Strongarm and Sideswipe headed to the construction site of the Star Bridge, not far from the dam, in the forest. The construction was supervised by the insidious Decepticon Thunderhuf. It is notable for the fact that it has antlers like a deer. The bridge was built by people who were inspired by the villain Thunderhuf that he was a powerful mythical creature Cospigo.

Bumblebee told Thunderhoof that he was under arrest. It was categorically impossible to build this Star Bridge. He is unstable and very dangerous. But the villain did not want to give up. Bumblebee had to use force and join the battle. It is necessary by all means to put Thunderhuff in a capsule and send him back to Cybertron.

During the battle, the robots did not notice how they approached the Star Bridge. After prolonged resistance, Bumblebee managed to push Thunderhuff back, he flew into the Black Hole and fell through the portal.

Thunderhoof flew in an unknown direction. No one knew how the Star Bridge would work, and where the villain would be this time. And he ended up ... again on planet Earth, in the same forest. Thunderhuf managed to teleport nearby. As soon as he woke up after traveling across the Star Bridge, he heard a rustle. Stiljo came out of the thicket to meet him. This is another Disepticon villain, he looks like a wolf. Sly Stiljo offered to do evil deeds together. And what happened next, you can find out if you watch the cartoon.

There is safety in numbers

Robot Autobot Strongarm, who bore the rank of cadet, went on her first independent mission. She was driving along an empty abandoned road and dreamed of how she would catch the Decepticon herself and for this she would receive the rank of sergeant, then lieutenant, and then, perhaps, become president ... Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a motor. It turned out that Bumblebee was watching her. Strongarm became angry because she considered the surveillance to be a lack of confidence in her ability and training. But Bumblebee was just worried and worried about his partner, how she was alone ... After all, the Decepticons can be very dangerous.

Bumblebee promised that he would not interfere with Strongarm and would let her complete the task on her own. He will just watch. Well, what can you do, you have to listen to your elders.

Finally, Bumblebee and Strongarm tracked down the Decepticon. According to Fixit, it turned out to be the amphiboid Springload. People would describe his condition as "gone crazy." He is obsessed with the idea of ​​finding the legendary Cybertron city of Doradus, where the energon fountain is located, giving tremendous strength and energy.

The stubborn and self-confident Strongarm insisted that she dealt with the Decepticon alone and refused reinforcements.

Strongarm and Bumblebee continued to track down the Decepticon. Traces and fresh damage to the plants led them to a mysterious door. The Autobots entered it and found the Decepticon there. Bumblebee thought that they needed to devise a plan to capture Springload, but Strongarm decided to act! She came out of hiding and told the Decepticon to surrender. The villain had the ability to spray the enemy with acid - such he had a built-in defense mechanism.

Springload escaped through a hole in the wall. Strongarm ruined everything with her thoughtless actions. She realized this and asked Bumblebee to give her another chance. Now she promised not to be so stubborn, to act according to the rules and together.

Bumblebee and Strongarm caught up with Springloud, but he attacked them with his acid tongue. This time went to Lieutenant Bumblebee. When he regained consciousness, Strongarm finally asked him to leave the role of the observer and help her.

The robot Bumblebee suggested using huge stone boxes to capture the Decepticon. In the voice of the spirit of Doradus, whom Springloud worshiped, he said that he was not worthy of treasure. Springload was shocked by this and while he was at a loss, Bumblebee covered him with a stone box. The villain is trapped!

This is how, together, the Autobots managed to deal with the villain. Strongarm realized that together with a friend it is easier to cope with difficulties and sometimes it is still worth asking for help.

A fairy tale about a robot vacuum cleaner

One boy was very fond of eating not at the table, but at a small coffee table in the living room, near the TV. He would take a fresh roll, a cup of coffee, butter, jam, orange juice, an omelet, sit down at eight in the morning and start eating. Since he ate not at the table, but at the table, there were crumbs everywhere. And the girl of this boy constantly sawed him, they say, well, why are you all crumbling your loaf. Well, take the vacuum cleaner and put it away. And the vacuum cleaner was far away, on the balcony, two meters away - somewhere in infinity. They took him out once a week to put things in order. So the boy carefully threw the crumbs under the sofa with his foot and went home.

And the boy was very fond of his beard. He leveled her with a trimmer in the bathroom, cajoled her, courted her. As you can imagine, there was hair around the sink. A little. The boy carefully tried to clean everything with a special brush, but nothing came of it. And the vacuum cleaner, as you know, stood God knows where. On the balcony. Very far.

The girl loved the cat Masha. The cat was beautiful, with long hair. And in the apartment in the rooms it was possible to collect this wool and weave at least a sweater out of it. Because it was too much wool fell from Masha's cat. The cat was beloved and they did not get a vacuum cleaner for her sake. So, they tried to clean with a brush.

One fine day, the boy and the girl realized that somehow a lot is accumulating in the apartment of shallow cleaning and decided to try a robot vacuum cleaner. The boy wanted something inexpensive to try. The girl wanted inexpensive and advanced.

Found a vacuum cleaner with a funny logo. We chose a model, just like in the photo. We ordered and waited. In the evening they brought a box. The box contained a vacuum cleaner, a charging station, some brushes, a remote control, filters and something else. What surprised the boy and girl was the intelligence of the robot vacuum cleaner.

As soon as the docking station was plugged into the network and the robot was lowered to the floor, it immediately began to look for a charger, found it and stood up. That is, it began to charge by blinking the indicators. While charging, the boy and girl read interesting technical characteristics:

Case size: diameter 31 cm, height 7.7 cm
Voltage: AC 100-240V, 50 / 60Hz
Battery: 2200mAh
Charging time: 6 hours
Charging: Automatic return to base or manual recharge
Dust box capacity: 0.25L
Case weight: 1.8 kg
Cleaning time: up to 120 min
Noise level: below 60db
Obstacle crossing function: height up to 7 mm.
Features: A four-level filtration system reliably locks out dust from the inside and prevents particles from entering the air. The dust collector is easy to clean and washable, the antibacterial mesh retains granules up to 0.35 mm, the filter tube retains up to 99.97% of dust and micro-insects, the patented HEPA filter retains particles of 0.1-0.3 microns, including pollen. The collision avoidance sensor is triggered 2.5 cm from the object.

The vacuum cleaner looks like a robot vacuum cleaner should. Round, flat, the charging station does not take up much space, and neither does the vacuum cleaner. The battery allows you to clean up for more than an hour, after which the robot starts looking for a docking station for charging. The dust collector seems to be small, but the boy and the girl decided not to worry about this and see what would happen. The cat was also very interested. She sniffed the vacuum cleaner and even tried to climb on it - the robot squeaked, the cat Masha ran away.

After charging, the fun began. The guys decided to see what would happen, checked the dust collector, put two brushes down, carefully examined the remote control. With its help, you can control the robot in full, if there is a line of sight. For example, choose the cleaning time, control the movement, return to the charging station.

A useful thing. And advanced boys will be able to train the robot to obey the infrared port in a variety of smartphones. This is if there is a desire. There is a dust container under the opening lid, and there is a cleaning brush included. Next to it is the power button, do not forget to press. Well, let's start, the boy asked? The cat Masha and the girl said yes. The vacuum cleaner squeaked and drove off.

The noise from the robot is not to say that much, but, of course, there is noise. Another question is that if everyone has gone to work and the vacuum cleaner is rolling around in an empty apartment, then let it roll. The cat Masha will just be warming up, running away from the caring device. Do not forget that the docking station must be located in a relatively free place, so that there is about a meter of space on the left and right, and that the place is dark and calm. Better against the wall.

In general, they began to look. The robot greedily removed all the crumbs around the coffee table, even crawled under the sofa, fortunately, the thickness allows. Having rustled there, I got out, obviously with a displeased look. They say, owners, well, what are you, let's work with a mop now. He began to ride around the living room. I drove and drove, found the entrance to the corridor. He took the cat's hair there. Drove into the bathroom. It is better to remove the rugs in advance. Although, it can pass. In the bathroom, I sucked in all the hairs and cat fluff in the corners. I drove on to the kitchen. Fine! I drove under the bed in the bedroom.

There must have been dust, as the boy said to the girl, emptying the full dust collector. "Here's a vacuum cleaner for you!" - so answered the girl, glad that now she will not have to go to the distant balcony for a vacuum cleaner.

Well, the boy was glad that the battery in the vacuum cleaner, if necessary, can be replaced, the brushes are removable and easy to clean, the filters are removed and changed. And the size is small, in the summer you can throw it in the trunk, take it to the dacha - let it go there and collect the crumbs. Why not?

This is how the boy and the girl solved the problem with crumbs, cat hairs and other small debris that accumulate in our apartments every day. Modern, elegant and you don't need to do anything.

This tale will tell a 7-10 year old child about how important it is to develop and be interested in new knowledge. Even if others don't want to do it. You need to listen to your heart and intuition - then it will lead you to new discoveries and pleasant adventures.

A fairy tale for children 7-10 years old

"The Tale of Piu-Piu - an Intuitive Robot"

In a distant galaxy, robots lived on a small planet made of iron and aluminum. There were a lot of them on the planet. All of them were engaged in building spaceships. They only built - not one of the robots ever flew away from their planet. The robots simply weren't interested. They were completely immersed in carving parts for new spaceships. They even had their heads down, because they didn't need to look at the sky.

A new batch of younger robots has emerged among the workers. They were rumored to be able to lift a ton of weight and not even creak their parts. It was an improved version - stronger, more resilient, and more intuitive. Of course, no one knew what intuition was.

When a robot named Piu got to the factory, he was a little upset from the dullness around. Other robots were surprised by Piu's remark - how could it be otherwise? Then they decided that the newcomer should visit the mechanic and check the details. Maybe the battery is unusable?

The master who examined Piu did not notice any defects in the work of his mechanisms. He only thought that the robot's intuitive system was faulty. But this was a completely new technology and the craftsmen did not know what to do with it.

Time passed so quickly. The new robot was not at all interested in building ships. Out of boredom, he even began to draw stars on them. Other robots began to avoid him, everyone thought that Piu-piu had caught some kind of virus and was malfunctioning. They became afraid that they might get infected.

In the evenings, Piu looked up at the sky and dreamed of going to travel to new worlds. About planets where not everything is gray from iron and aluminum. Most of all, he dreamed of seeing new colors. But this seemed completely impossible to him.

Broken ship

One day, a defective ship was found at the factory - the one on which Piu painted stars. His robots rushed to dispose of it and threw it into a waste hangar. Then Piu wondered if he could try to fix it. Nobody needs it, which means you can take it for yourself. So the new intuitive robot did. Now he worked at the factory for days, and at night he tried to repair the unusable ship. As the months passed, the robot worked tirelessly. And then one day his labors were justified - the ship began to fly.

Then, after a working day, Piu boarded the ship and began to train in flight. He pressed all the necessary buttons and waited for takeoff. He was a little scared - suddenly the spacecraft was still out of order. But he tried to drive away bad thoughts from himself and closed his eyes tightly.

Three-two-one, take off! With a noise and a whistle, the robot pulled away from the gray planet and found itself in open space. Suddenly everything seemed so light, even Piu's heavy hands, which were made of absolute iron.

Piu could not take his eyes off the endless dark blue sky, completely covered with small stars. Suddenly the ship shook. All buttons lit up red and began to emit an unpleasant squeal. Piu was frightened, he had already decided that this was the end of his travels, before he could begin. Then the ship was sharply carried away in the direction of a huge blue-green ball. It got bigger and bigger with each passing second. The intuitive robot gripped the wheel and closed its eyes.

Cotton! The ship split into two parts and the capsule, which was Piu, slowly began to sink down onto some kind of green carpet. It turned out that the parachute opened. Piu was so happy - he remained intact! But where did he end up?

The world of green carpets

Everything around was so bright, so green. And overhead, everything was blue. Piu opened his mouth in amazement. He had no idea that other worlds could be so beautiful. Suddenly something fluffy ran up to the robot. Piu got scared and closed his eyes. Suddenly he felt that this "something terrible" was licking his hand.

- Peach, where are you? - rang out to the side. Piu took the fluffy in his arms and hid in the grass. Suddenly a boy came up to meet him and scream.

- A-ah! Who are you and why did you take my dog? The boy asked.

And the robot only claps its eyes, but does not let go of the dog. He liked the animal. Like everyone else around. Fear gradually began to leave him, curiosity began to replace it. Yesterday he assembled ships at a gray lifeless factory, and today he contacts unknown creatures, so soft and always licking their lips. I wish other robots could see him now. Although, would they be able to see? They never look up.

A robot lived in an old city park. Rather, he was standing next to the well-known attraction called "Ferris Wheel". The children of the robot loved and never passed by. And all because Iron Tim (that was his name) gave out delicious ice cream. Only one coin had to be thrown at it, and Tim squeezed ice cream into a waffle cup and gave it to the child.

On weekends and summer vacations, there was no rest from the children. Iron Tim was very tired and sometimes even overheated, because the children could eat ice cream endlessly. And when the robot was closed for a break so that it could rest, the queue of those wishing to eat ice cream became very long. True, such a demand was only on warm sunny days. The rest of the time, the robot Tim stood in the rain, snow and frost all alone. In winter, few people came to the park. Most often, only couples in love walked along the narrow streets of the park, who, unfortunately, did not want ice cream. For some reason, the parents did not bring their children to the winter park. And Tim could stand for a week, a month, or even a whole winter without work.

In the spring, when the snow melted, the Robot was taken away for repairs. In a huge manufacturing workshop where cars were repaired, it was cleaned of rust stains and repainted in a new color. Sometimes screws and screws were changed. Iron Tim did not like to be repaired. It seemed to him that it would be easier if a small canopy was made over him, which would protect him from rain and snow. But the park administration did not have free money to build the shed. And the Robot had no choice but to endure the whims of nature.

One frosty Sunday a little girl ran up to the robot.
- Tim, do you remember me?
The robot looked at her, and wanted to smile, but he couldn't. From rain and snow, its parts rusted.
- Tim, I bought ice cream from you in the summer. My name is Sophie, ”and she held out her hand to him.
The robot also tried to reach out, but again it failed. The hands were also rusted.
- My dad was appointed the new manager of this park. Now I will come to you every weekend. And my 2 brothers and 2 sisters will walk with me!
The girl couldn’t understand why Tim wasn’t smiling and holding out his hand. She took a coin from her pocket and threw it into a special pocket. The light blinked, but the robot Tim did not give ice cream either. She became sad and very upset. Sophie began to cry. And through tears she looked into the face of iron Tim. Tears also ran down rusty cheeks.
- Why are you crying? After all, it’s you who don’t give me ice cream!
And the robot uttered with great difficulty: "I za-zha-led."
- Rusted, - said the girl quietly and began to carefully examine Tim. - Exactly!
Iron Tim had rusty not only hands and head, but his whole body. The rust colored it brownish-red. But even at the beginning of autumn, the Robot was of a beautiful sky-blue color.
- And what to do? After all, my brothers and sisters are coming to you now. They want ice cream too.
And the girl quickly ran to look for her parents.

“What to do ... what to do,” the Robot muttered quietly. In anguish, he closed his rusted eyes. At some point, he thought that this was probably his last winter. Now, with a new manager in place, he will likely be taken to a landfill or disassembled for parts in that production workshop. Or they will simply be handed over for scrap. And he will never give joy to little kids again. But he loved their laughter and smiles so much ...

When Tim opened his eyes it was already night. But the night was not like itself. For some reason, people were running along the paths of the park. As if they were in a hurry somewhere. “I wonder where and where are they running from? What happened, ”the Robot muttered softly.
- How is it where they run ?! - exclaimed a squirrel living on a pine tree next to Tim. - they run home to their family. Today is the most important night of the year!
- What is it?
- New year's night! In half an hour the New Year will come. We need to get ready.
- How to prepare?
- Well, dress nicely, set the festive table and come up with your cherished desire. When the clock strikes 12 times, you need to make this wish. If you believe, it will definitely come true in the coming year.
- This is true?
- Of course it's true! This is how I make my wishes. Until now, they have come true ... Oh, I have no time to chat with you. It's New Year's Eve soon, I galloped.
And the squirrel jumped onto a branch and disappeared into the darkness. And Tim was left all alone again.
“Family, festive table, New Year tree”: he said sadly, “I wish I could see this at least once.” And the Robot closed his eyes and began to dream. He presented a huge hall with a beautiful Christmas tree in the center. And around her children walked in a round dance. They sang songs, danced, recited poetry. And Robot Tim gave them his delicious creamy ice cream as a gift.

Tim was dreaming so much that he even listened to the chiming of the street clock, which stood right in front of him. He didn’t hear them hit 12 times, and he didn’t notice how the New Year came. And only the roar of festive fireworks made Tim wake up from his dreams.
“Oh no!” He cried, “I forgot to make a wish!
He again closed his rusty eyes and cried bitterly ... Early in the morning his neighbor squirrel with little squirrels galloped up to him. They brought him a New Year's gift and wished him a Happy New Year. Leaving, the squirrel said: "Tim, on New Year's Eve, not only wishes come true, but also dreams." And they galloped into the hollow ...
Towards evening, Sophie came running. She ran for a long time and therefore breathed heavily. The girl took the Robot's hand and, catching her breath, said:

Tim, now you will have a different life, - she stopped and again began to breathe heavily, and then continued: I told my dad that the best robot in the world freezes in this park, and he promised to come up with something. Only this was not a simple promise. It was his New Year's gift. Sophie hugged the Robot and ran back.
The robot said nothing. He looked at a girl running away into the distance and imagined a sunny summer, small children and joyful laughter. Meanwhile, the January snow began to fall harder, and the small snowflakes turned into huge snowflakes. The park has become especially beautiful in winter.
The next day, a small truck arrived at the park. Two men emerged from the cockpit and headed straight for Robot Tim.
- Well, hello, buddy! Now we will take you to a small workshop, where they will put you in order. You can say that you will go to a beauty salon, - they laughed and together took Tim, put him in the back.
For several minutes Tim lay down and looked at the gray winter sky. Then, the car stopped and he was unloaded and brought into a small workshop. Everything was different here. It even seemed to Tim that it was in such workshops that robots should be repaired. And when they put him in a special machine for diagnostics, he saw many different robotic machines.
After 2 hours, Robot Tim was unrecognizable. There was not a single rusty speck on it, and his arms, legs and face moved without any difficulty. He was put into a special dryer, and after a few minutes, Tim turned into a real Silver Robot.
“Is it really me,” he exclaimed.
- Of course you, said the masters, - now you are ready for a new life!
Tim was loaded back into the truck and drove off in a completely different direction. "I wonder where they are taking me?" Thought Tim. But a minute later the car stopped again, and the Robot was carefully unloaded near a huge building, on which was written in large letters "Central City Club".

When the Robot was being carried along the corridor, a woman ran out to meet her and quickly said: “Faster, please, faster. Now the tree will begin. Children are waiting. " And Tim was brought into a huge assembly hall, in the center of which was a large Christmas tree. In surprise, Tim was unable to speak. He just remembered the words of his neighbor squirrel: "Tim, on New Year's Eve, not only wishes come true, but also dreams!"

Then everything was like in his New Year's dreams. Children danced around the beautiful Christmas tree, sang songs and danced. Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka told fairy tales and handed out gifts together with Robot Tim. And the Robot gave out sweet creamy ice cream to children for free.
At the end of the holiday, a beautiful butterfly with large silver wings ran up to Tim: “Tim, it's me, Sophie! Happy New year to you!" The robot hugged the girl and said, “Thank you, Sophie. You gave me a new life! " "No, Tim, it's just that all wishes come true in the new year!"

P.S. On warm sunny days, Robot Tim, as before, stood in the city park near the Ferris Wheel ride and handed out ice cream to the children. But when the heavy autumn rains began, Tim was transported to the central city club. There he sold ice cream to adults who came to the cinema. And on New Year's holidays, the Robot was the main character, however, after Santa Claus, at matinees, where he distributed his creamy treats to elegant kids for free.