If problems occur code 43 how to fix it. Unknown Device what is it and how to fix it

Code 43 is the most common error in Device Manager. This error can appear in all operating systems, including the latest modifications of Windows. The reason why error code 43 appears is because Device Manager is stopping the device due to an unspecified error related to Windows hardware (drivers).

Possible solutions

There are several options to correct such errors in operation.

  1. To restart a computer. Perhaps this action will be the most effective, since often such a problem is caused by a temporary problem with the equipment. Sometimes one reboot is not enough and the computer has to be completely disconnected from the network. In the case of a laptop, you need to turn it off, remove the battery and wait a couple of minutes. After this you can turn it on again.
  2. If you change any settings in the Task Manager, if they lead to error 43, you must cancel them and restart the computer. The same should be done when installing the device.
  3. Also, this error can be fixed by updating the driver. This may solve the problem if the drivers were previously installed incorrectly or damaged.
  4. Another way to resolve this error is to install a Windows update package. Thus, the update package may contain exactly those files that are necessary to resolve error 43.
  5. The solution to the problem may be given in the troubleshooting guide for the hardware device.
  6. The last resort solution is to replace the device itself, since this may be the problem. It simply may not be compatible with the operating system on your computer.

You should not count on serious reasons for the occurrence of 43 errors for bluetooth devices; most likely, the solution will be simple actions.

Other Possible Causes

There are other reasons why code 43 appears on the monitor screen. For example, it may be caused by the removal or modification of software that was associated with the operating system. In addition, Device Manager may show code 43 not only if the drivers are damaged, but also if they are out of date. They may also be damaged by a virus or malware. Another common cause of code 43 is a driver conflict that occurs after installing new hardware.

In addition, the equipment may simply be faulty. Often in Windows 7 this problem occurs after the system is put into Sleep Mode. In this case, you should follow instructions specially created by Windows developers. However, it should be remembered that the actions specified in the instructions must be performed only when this problem appears after exiting the “Sleep Mode” of Windows 7.

To get rid of this problem, you can also try the following steps:

  1. Recovering registry entries that were associated with a similar error
  2. Search and remove viruses and malware.
  3. Completely clean your computer of unnecessary and temporary files. For these purposes, you can use the numerous programs available for free on the Internet.
  4. Activate System File Checker
  5. Installing all kinds of updates
  6. Finding errors on your hard drive
  7. Finding errors in RAM

You can watch the video instructions in English on how to fix error 43:

What is Unknown Device and how to fix this error – this is what this article will discuss. So, Unknown Device is a typical error that occurs when identification of devices connected to the PC fails. The expression is translated as “Unknown device”, that is, Windows could not determine its type and type, so the drivers were not installed. Also, the error is often accompanied by code 43.

Drivers are responsible for the correct processing of any equipment and connection of the PC into a single whole. This allows the system to interact with connected devices, not only external, but also internal. In other words, it is responsible for establishing a common language so that the computer can influence the device and vice versa.

The Unknown Device driver is missing or broken, which is what causes this error. Any connected device that could not install or find drivers for itself is at risk.

Causes of the Unknown Device problem

In fact, there are quite a few possible sources of the Unknown Device problem; interruptions or conflicts occur at any level of interaction between the device and the PC. The main faults can be identified:

  1. Missing or broken driver;
  2. Crashes in Windows;
  3. Conflict in driver operation;
  4. Broken registry;
  5. Viral activity;
  6. Physically broken device;
  7. Problems with the USB cable or USB ports.

Unknown Device what is it and how to fix it? – It is obvious that it is necessary to eliminate possible causes of failures one by one and methodically determine the root of the problem.

Unknown Device is not working correctly, how can I fix it?

Method 1: Troubleshooting a physical problem

If you are faced with the question - Unknown Device is not working correctly, how to fix it, then it is likely that the device has physical malfunctions (damage or integrity of the device is in doubt). Sometimes you can determine the performance of a device externally by observing whether there are any failures, damage, or whether the gadget has fallen before. For further diagnostics, you should try to connect the device to another computer.

Another reason, also of a physical nature, is problems with the USB cable. Since the materials underlying the adapter are not of the highest quality and are gradually subject to wear and tear, attention should also be paid to this aspect. Usually it is enough to visually inspect the cable for abrasions or crushed areas. If possible, connect another device through this wire and make sure it works.

As part of mechanical damage, you need to check one more element, which also often suffers, namely the USB port, on both sides. Most often, the problem is on the device itself; there is probably a backlash and is accompanied by connection fluctuations. There are also problems on the PC side, try varying the connectors, you will probably find a solution.

A slightly different kind of malfunction is a lack of power. That is, the device requires a certain power to operate, but the computer does not provide it. Sometimes this is accompanied by a decrease in the speed of the device, and sometimes by the “Unknown device” error. It is best to purchase a powerful USB hub that will easily fix the problem.

Method 2: Unknown Device driver

Probably the most common errors lie in the drivers, since system failures occur constantly. After the initial diagnosis of device integrity, you need to move on to the Unknown Device driver problem. You should download and install the appropriate drivers; usually you just need to go to the website of the developer of the device that is not working now. For mice, keyboards, flash drives and everything else, the software is freely available.

So, how to install drivers:

  1. Click on Start and right-click on “My Computer”, where select “Properties”;
  2. Follow the link “Device Manager”;

  1. Find the Unknown Device section or go to the category corresponding to the device type and select the option with an exclamation mark on a yellow background;
  2. RMB by element and “Properties”;
  3. Go to the "Details" tab and select "Device ID";
  4. Copy the identifier and paste it into a search engine, which will direct you to the correct driver;
  5. Install the application by double clicking on it.

If it happens that the driver does not have an installation program, you will have to take a slightly different approach to installation, using the built-in method. It is also simple; you need to go to the device properties from the same tab in the manager. Next, go to the “Driver” tab and select the “Update” button. Manually specify the path to the file obtained from the previous method.

The likely cause of the "Unknown Device" problem is that the drivers have been updated but are not working correctly. For such situations, there is a “Roll Back” button in the “Driver” tab. Also, if the reason is driver incompatibility, you need to update them to the latest version and, most likely, the error will disappear.

You should also try reinstalling the driver. To do this, you need to remove it from the “Driver” tab, having first disconnected the device. Then connect the device again and wait for it to be detected by the system.

Method 3: Improve system and registry performance

Behind many system failures there is both a registry and a violation in the integrity of system files; they incorrectly process some of the functions they are based on and crashes occur. This is why it is so necessary to improve the operation of the system and registry. A simple method to diagnose the system is the sfc tool. It is installed in the system and launched via the console, for this you should:

  1. Press Win + R and paste cmd;
  2. Issue the command sfc /scannow.

Once the procedure is complete, a report will appear and you can try connecting the device again. Also check the system updates, it is likely that the failures are in it. Then just launch Update Center. If this does not help, then it is recommended to check the registry; it probably contains broken keys. The easiest way to perform the action is using the RegCleaner or CCleaner applications.

To fully protect yourself from further problems and get rid of the Unknown Device error, you need to scan your computer for viruses. Any application is suitable for this, for example Dr. Web, which is quite powerful and fast.

By methodically following the instructions, you will notice how the “Unknown Device” will be recognized by the system and begin to work correctly.

If you still have questions on the topic “Unknown Device - what is it and how to fix the error?”, you can ask them in the comments

Error code 43 indicates certain failures in the system that are associated with the video card. The problem lies in the incompatibility of any drivers, a conflict between the RAM and the video card. Users who have resolved the error note the possibility of a solution by restoring the registry; accordingly, the problem may be with incorrect system behavior.

Checking the video card

Error 43 The video card must be previously identified. To do this, you need to check whether the computer recognizes the device correctly.

You can perform diagnostics like this:

  • Click on Start and right-click on “Computer”, then select “Properties”;
  • Now in the left menu click on “Device Manager”;

  • You need to expand the “Video adapters” list;
  • Check that the video card is working normally. To do this, you need to pay attention to the icon; there should not be an exclamation mark next to it. The device may also be located in another “Unknown devices” section. When you press RMB and “Properties” you will see an error with code 43.

This error indicates that the device has encountered a problem or has experienced a malfunction and therefore the device has stopped. If an exclamation mark on an orange background is found nearby, then most likely the problem is in the system part. When there is no such sign, the malfunction is on the hardware side or lies in the RAM.

Code 43 video card error - initial steps

If error 43 appears on your nvidia video card, you need to first check the serviceability at the most primitive level. Despite the banality of their actions, they are able to restore operation quite often.

The first option is to simply restart the system. It is likely that the error was caused by a one-time failure and that after restarting Windows, the problem will be corrected by itself. This manipulation must be performed immediately after the problem appears.

  1. It is necessary to unscrew the cover from the system unit;
  2. Unscrew the fasteners on the video card, then remove the adapter itself;
  3. Next, clean the contacts from dust and debris with a brush;

  1. Reconnect the device and start the system;
  2. As work progresses, it is worth checking that the cooler is working properly.

Dust can cause various problems with your computer, so even error 43 can occur due to this.

Sometimes the problem is caused by a failure in the RAM, that is, a breakdown of some kind of strip. To do this, you need to open the system unit and remove all the brackets except one, the volume of which does not exceed 2 GB. If the error does not appear, you can add another bar and so on until the culprit of the problem is identified. The optimal amount of memory so that the error does not appear is 4 GB.

You can also check the system using the chkdsk /f command, which must be entered into the console (Win + R and cmd).

Resolving error code 43 using registry settings

There is no need to delve into how to fix error 43 manually, since there are special applications that will independently analyze the registry and correct the inconsistencies found. CCleaner is considered one of the best utilities in this direction, and it is quite widespread, so let’s take it as an example.

  1. Download the application https://ccleaner.org.ua/download/;
  2. Launch the program and in the main window go to the “Registry” tab;

  1. A list of the problems you are looking for will appear on the left; it is better to highlight all the items and click “Search for problems”;
  2. After finishing the analysis, you need to click on “Fix”.

The procedure can be repeated several times, since the program does not always immediately identify all problems or it was not able to eliminate the problem during the last cycle. To check if the method helped, you need to restart your computer.

Error code 43 - how to fix it by increasing the amount of memory

As Nvidia previously mentioned, error code 43 can be caused by a conflict between the RAM and the video card. There is a fairly effective way to normalize the operation of devices - increase the amount of allocated memory, this can be done like this:

  1. Click on Start and then “Control Panel”;
  2. Find the “System and Security” category and open it;
  3. Next, click on “Administration”;
  4. Among the list of administrative elements, you need to select “System Configuration”;

  • Now select the active operating system and click on the “Advanced options” button;
    1. Select the “Maximum memory” section by checking the box next to it and set the value, for example, 8 GB;

    1. Restart the system.

    Mostly these methods are sufficient to eliminate the problem with error 43, but there are several additional ways to deal with the malfunction.

    Other ways to resolve error 43

    It is likely that the driver has been subject to some undesirable influences; this may be caused by the fact that the driver is outdated or, on the contrary, due to a problem with the new version. In any case, installing software for the video card will help solve the problem. This requires:

    1. Go to the website of the video card manufacturer (NVidia or Radeon);
    2. Select “Support”, “Drivers” or similar;
    3. In the filter, specify the parameters of the video card installed in the computer;
    4. The search will reveal the appropriate driver version, and all you have to do is download it;

    1. Next, you need to delete the previous, broken version by going to “Device Manager” (as described earlier), find the video adapter, right-click and select “Delete”;

    1. Run the downloaded file with the new driver and wait for the installation to complete.

    It happens that the problem is not in the hardware at all, but simply the video card gets very hot. The reason may be a non-working cooler, broken cooler blades, or an outdated video card. It often happens that no one has been servicing the system unit for years, and this causes the device to overheat.

    To fix the problem, you need to remove the cooler or radiator and change the thermal paste. It also happens that the cooler periodically jams and it does not start, then overheating quickly occurs and the system shuts down.

    If you still have questions on the topic “How to fix error 43 on a video card?”, You can ask them in the comments

    Code 43 Unknown Device appears in Device Manager under controllers USB when the port fails, and this problem can be observed in any version Windows. The status may also indicate ". The handle request failed. Error code 43″

    Typically this problem occurs when connecting a flash drive or any other USB device in which stops USB port operation. Error code 43 also appears when working with PCI and PCI-E equipment such as video cards, network cards, sound cards. The main problem in all cases is most often related to driver. But there are other variants of this failure.

    Troubleshooting methods

    On the " Registry» select and press « Troubleshooting" and after completing the search, click " To correct" Sometimes this can help to fix such a crash.

    1. Another possible troubleshooting option from your account is Control Panel\All elements control panels\ Troubleshooting

    In the Hardware and Sound section, select Setting up devices, Further Detection problems. The system will begin searching and fixing problems after preliminary diagnostics.

    This type of malfunction does not occur as often as other problems. However, every user can encounter it, so you need to know how to remove error 43. You cannot insure against system failures and problems with hardware, and, unfortunately, they happen, and even at very inopportune moments.

    If, while working on your PC, you see a message that this device has been stopped because it reported a problem code 43, then there are two options. Either something happened to the equipment - the worst of evils, or there was a software failure, which is much easier and cheaper to fix. At first, this situation is undoubtedly frightening and perplexing, but there are no unsolvable questions. There is no need to be afraid of this, because there are enough ways to fix error 43 on a laptop and computer. Just what could such a problem mean?

    In almost all cases, the user's attention should be drawn to the GPU. Whether it's an Nvidia or AMD Radeon video card, the problem happens on any model. In some cases, the cause is even a USB device, but according to statistics, it is the code 43 video card error that becomes more common and makes itself felt when drivers fail. Don't worry - on Hide-Info you will learn what to do in this situation and how to fix such an unpleasant problem on Windows 7, 8, 10!

    Error code 43 – video card malfunction

    In our case, the drivers don’t just disappear from it – they can’t even be reinstalled. If installation is not possible, go to the “Device Manager” menu. As a rule, next to the graphics adapter icon there will be a yellow icon in the form of a notification that due to error 43, the device drivers have stopped functioning and the operation of the module itself has been interrupted. In different versions of Windows this may look with some differences, incl. and the text of the message changes, but the essence, of course, remains the same - a failure occurred.

    Error: code 43 - how to fix it?

    One solution to resolve the error may be to reinstall the OS and then update all drivers that are required for the operation of the equipment. There will also be software for the GPU. The procedure may well help, and this can be considered the optimal way out of an unclear situation, but this does not always happen, because error code 43 also occurs when the GPU chip is not working correctly. The reason may well be physical damage to the chip or soldering on the chip itself. The measures here will be completely different.

    A faulty chip can be returned to a working state by heating it with a soldering iron. An increase in temperature will resume the previous interaction of contacts that may have once become disconnected. Don't have a soldering iron? No problem. An extreme option is to bake the video card in the microwave. Not in the literal sense, of course! A few seconds will be enough, but this will be enough to restore functionality. Believe me, this method really exists, although it has its own risks.

    The Internet is full of evidence of this. Moreover, the author of the article personally knows a person who has done this successfully. A not very powerful PC, on which it was still possible to play Dota 2, became faulty precisely for this reason. So, one day, out of boredom, a gamer decided to take a risk by putting a faulty video card in the microwave. Surprisingly, device error 43 disappeared and you could even play. Naturally, there were also minor consequences - the graphics processor lost a little of its resource and sometimes it worked unstably. But it's better than nothing!

    Remember that taking the system unit to a service center will be the best option! Yes, the professionals will take the money, but you won't be putting the equipment at risk. If the user decides to “cook” his video card, he should know that “baking” can then fail and also have a reduced resource. If the video card breaks down again, most likely you will have to throw it away. Don't forget to look at the documents and read the dates on the warranty card! It will be a lot of fun, because a device “fixed” by hand will already lose this status.

    On Nvidia video cards, device error code 43 appears most often, as a rule, in series 8 and 9. But if the problem is found on some other model, you shouldn’t be too surprised, because this is also quite possible. To be sure that the failure is caused by the card itself, move it to another PC and test it. If everything is fine there, you should pay attention to drivers, related equipment, or the operating system.

    What should I do if my new video card shows error 43?

    It even happens! The user comes to the store, buys and tests a graphics adapter on site, and upon returning home discovers an interesting phenomenon. When you try to install a new device on your PC, information about a failure is displayed. The video card is detected correctly, but this is of little use, because it refuses to do everything else. There is more than one problem here.

    • Be sure to check all BIOS settings. All similar problems begin with this system. Incorrect settings and incompatibility of equipment can cause a variety of failures, so we disable components one by one, starting with unnecessary ones, and analyze what is happening. Consistent steps will most likely help identify the problem. If you have any doubts about any equipment, test it on another PC, or take it to a service center.
    • If you changed your video card to a new one, do not forget to uninstall the old drivers! They may interfere with the correct operation of the new software, which, in turn, will affect the device.
    • It happens that Memory Hole Remapping (this is such an option), when activated, conflicts with the drivers, so you should try to disable it so that it does not interfere with the operation of the graphics adapter.

    However, an outcome is also possible when the problem is not related specifically to this component of your computer. If you are sure that the new video card is absolutely working, read the information below.

    Windows stopped this device because it reported error code 43 after connecting

    Unknown Device is another reason when “error code 43” appears. An unidentified device can be anything, and, of course, you need to pay attention to the “Device Manager” - open it and see what’s going wrong. What devices when connected can cause this problem? Their range is quite extensive:

    • printers;
    • smartphones;
    • cameras;
    • video recording equipment;
    • webcams and much more.

    The connected USB device, of course, will not be recognized, as any Windows OS will immediately inform you about. In fact, what happens is that if the Device Manager detects any problems in the operation of the connected device, the software simply suspends operation, which the user can find out about from the system message. Although the error is often associated with incorrect performance of prescribed functions, it is not always appropriate to look for a problem in the Windows hardware. In some cases, it is enough to check again whether the driver definition path is set correctly, and if so, change the data.

    How to fix USB connection error 43?

    • The simplest and fastest solution is to simply unplug the cable and then reboot the operating system. The failure may be temporary and may disappear. Sometimes for USB, error code 43 can be corrected when the computer is completely disconnected from the power supply (for example, the battery is removed from laptops). You definitely shouldn’t ignore this method, because there is nothing complicated about it. You will spend a couple of minutes, but at the same time, you may be able to get rid of the problem by returning everything to its place.
    • An error in USB can occur after changing OS registry configurations. In this case, it is worth undoing the latest changes and restarting the PC. The user can also delete entered data that is responsible for the operating parameters of the connected device. Sometimes it helps to “roll back” the driver to an older version, or restore the OS from a previously created access point. In this case, the last changes made will be automatically canceled and many parameters will be set to “default”.
    • You can, of course, correct the consequences of the failure by installing the driver itself for the connected equipment. If the USB device reports an error, then you should delete some connections that appear in the Device Manager registry: storage device, USB Host Controller item, and USB Root Hub. We remind you that reinstalling absolutely any driver involves completely removing software components from the system and then performing the installation. If the new version of the software integrates perfectly with the old one, replacing all irrelevant files, then you can install it on top. In other cases, we first completely uninstall the application, especially if the driver was installed incorrectly or was damaged.