All codes for Skyrim. Cheats codes for teleportation in Skyrim

player.moveto (without parentheses)- teleport to the specified object (character)

coc qasmoke- will move to the test location. Here you will find all the game items and tools for making any items.

coc riverwood- leave the test location and move to “Riverwood”. If you enter another name instead of “riverwood”, a teleport will occur to the specified location.

player.setpos [axis] [number] (without parentheses)- move your character to the specified coordinates. Instead of axis, you must specify x,y or z. And instead of a number - the offset along the selected axis.

Notes for player.setpos [axis] [number] (no parentheses)

To find out your current location, type player.getpos [axis] (without parentheses). This command must be executed 3 times and instead of axis, write x, y and z in turn. Then write down/remember all three numbers received.

If you know the exact coordinates to move, obtained previously using the player.getpos [axis] command (without parentheses), then use the player.setpos [axis] [number] command (without parentheses) to move to the specified coordinates.

Do not close the console until you have used the command player.setpos [axis] [number] (without parentheses) 3 times for each of the coordinates (x,y,z).

Moving occurs only after closing the console.

player.removeallitems- clear inventory. Removes ALL items in your inventory.

prid (without brackets) - select an object by its ID. I do something similar to the following: open the console - click on the object. After this command, the message “(object ID) should appear in the console. After which you can apply all the cheats written below without selecting the object. Using this cheat code, you can select a very distant object and apply the necessary action to it. For example, resurrect someone or view the contents of your inventory.

The console in TES5 serves as a debugging tool, but nothing prevents you from using it for good or selfish purposes. Often, when traveling around Skyrim, you come across great things that are very difficult to part with, especially in cases where the item contains rare enchantments. A dilemma arises: leave her or lose her. Everything would be simpler if the location of objects in the game were strictly tied to certain locations. The fact is that in TES5 everything happens automatically - it is very difficult to stumble upon the same item in the same location. Knowing the IDs of items, you can easily add them to your inventory, which will save a lot of time searching for them. If items cloned or added via the console are not related to tasks, the most they can affect is the balance, for example, the character will have a weapon that is too powerful, which should not be there at the moment. The console can also be useful for returning lost items from quests, for example, a priest of the Dragon Cult, which is often thrown away as unnecessary, although it is a link between the present and the past, the key to the reward. There is no need to be afraid to use the console; it is important to do it correctly, with a sense of proportion and not to forget about backup copies of your saves. With the right approach, nothing will happen.

The main way to find out the ID of an item in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

  • Open the console with the key [~] , enter the command player.showinventory, which will show all the items currently in the character’s inventory, click . If there are too many things, use the and keys to scroll through the list. The required ID is indicated in parentheses after the name of the item.

An additional way to find out the ID of an item in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

  • We put the thing whose ID you need to find out in an empty container - these can be chests, barrels, bags, etc. Open the console with the key [~] , click the mouse cursor on the container where the objects were previously placed, enter the command inv, which will show the contents, click . The larger the container, the easier it is to hit it with the cursor to enter a command, otherwise it will not work.

Adding and cloning items in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

  • Open the console with the key [~] , enter the command player.additem [number of items]. For example, you need to return the mask of the high priest Vokun: in the console we write - player.additem 00061CC9 1 (letter case is not important), press the key , after which the specified item will appear in the inventory. If you miss at least one of the parameters of the command, it will not work, a warning will appear about the impossibility of compiling the script, so it is necessary to indicate the number of things after the ID.

TheEldersScrolls:Skyrim is a big game with a wide range of possibilities. In the game, you can open the console and enter any code that will significantly simplify the gameplay or open up new options for the player. In addition, you can customize any setting according to your preferences.

How to enter codes correctly so that they work in the game:

  1. To activate the game console we must press the “~” (tilde) key.
  2. In the window that appears, we enter the required code (you can find all available and useful commands in our article).
  3. After pressing the Enter key, the code is activated in the game.
  4. The console closes after pressing "Esc".

Correct entry of cheat codes

When entering any code, the user must remember that all commands are absolutely case insensitive, so it does not matter whether the code is written in capital or small letters. You may notice the presence of square brackets in some commands. This means that instead of them the player needs to enter any necessary value. There is no need to write the staples themselves, just the number.

Basic codes:

  • tcl – you can pass through any obstacles, even walls.
  • tgm – complete immortality.
  • tmm 1 – all locations on the map become available for fast travel.
  • psb – the player receives all spells, dragon shouts and talents.
  • killall - kill all non-player characters around the hero.
  • qqq – exits the game to the desktop.
  • advlevel - gain a level, but only without additional abilities.
  • tfc – free camera mode.
  • tdetect – you can steal freely: NPCs will not react to the player.
  • tcai - disables the AI ​​of opponents and friendly creatures.
  • set timescale to 0 – time freezing. By setting your value, you can control time, speeding it up or slowing it down.
  • sexchange – change the character's gender.
  • showracemenu – opens the character customization menu, where the player can change the race, gender, name, and appearance of the hero.
  • setlevel X - change the character's level by setting your own value.
  • setav invisibility 1 – NPCs do not see the player.
  • setav invisibility 0 – NPCs see the player.
  • modav carryweight X - add a certain value to the carrying capacity.
  • setav speedmult X – adjusts the player’s movement speed.
  • setscale X - change the character's height, where X: 1 - 100%, 2 -200%, etc.
  • setgs fJumpHeightMin 100 – setting the jump height.
  • setav Health X - change the maximum number of lives.
  • setav Magicka X - change the maximum amount of magic.
  • setav Stamina X - change the maximum amount of stamina.
  • setav attackdamagemult X - change weapon damage.
  • setav leftweaponspeedmult X - change the attack speed of one-handed weapons.
  • setav weaponspeedmult X - change the attack speed of secondary and two-handed weapons.
  • setav LeftitemCharge X - charge the main weapon, the allowed value is no more than 3000.
  • setav RightitemCharge X - charge an additional or two-handed weapon, the allowed value is no more than 3000.
  • additem 0000000F X - add X gold coins.
  • additem 0000000A X - add X master keys.
  • placeatme 0010BF90 - Summon a spectral horse.
  • setcrimegold 0 - cancel the bounty on the character's head.
  • addspell 00092C48 — add the “Lycanthropy” skill to transform into a wolf/werewolf.
  • addspell 000B8780 — add the skill “Sanguinare Vampiris” to transform into a vampire.
  • moveto - move to an object or creature.
  • coc qasmoke - teleport to a location to test game mechanics.
  • coc riverwood - will move back from the test location to Riverwood (the location can be changed at will to any of the existing ones).
  • setpos [coordinates] [number] – moves the character to the coordinates specified by the player
  • getpos [coordinates] – the player can find out his coordinates (they will be displayed immediately after entering the code).
  • removeallitems – completely clears your inventory of items and useful loot.

Controlling other characters in the game

There is a list of commands that allows the user to gain full control over any creature, be it an enemy or a friendly character. For the codes to work, you must do everything in the sequence described below:

  1. Switch to third-person view ("F" key on the keyboard).
  2. Standing in front of the living creature we need, we open the console.
  3. We click on the character with the mouse (this is easy to do, since the console is translucent and we can clearly see the objects around us).
  4. Enter the code TFC.
  5. Code Player.TC – allows you to control the main character.
  6. TC Code - allows you to fully control a non-player character or creature.
  7. Enter the code TFC.
  8. Close the console.

After gaining the ability to control a non-player character, the user will be able to move, but will not be able to attack with it. If you press the attack button, the main character will perform the actions, and not the one you selected through the console. A way to attack while controlling an NPC has not yet been found and most likely it will not be possible to do this through the console.

Cheats for quests

Skyrim has a large number of additional quests and optional story missions. Some quest chains can take several days or even weeks to complete (depending on how much time the player spends in Skyrim). If you have already seen certain quests and you have no desire to complete them, or if the task is bugged and does not allow you to progress further in the plot, then you can use the codes and solve the problem.

  • SQT ShowQuestTargets – displays the ID code of the selected quest in the console, which allows further manipulation with it.
  • SQS - displays all stages of the quest.
  • GetStage – shows the number of the quest that the player is currently completing.
  • SetStage [stage] – starts the selected stage of the quest in accordance with the entered ID code.
  • MoveToQt – teleports to the quest mark (current task).

Moving to the quest goal:

  1. We save the game and do not overwrite this separate save again until all stages of the quest are completely completed.
  2. Use the J key to open the list of tasks. After we have selected the quest we need, press Enter
  3. Next, in the console window that opens, enter “ShowQuestTargets” and get the code for the required quest. They are placed in the console in exactly the same order as they are located in the task log.
  4. After receiving the quest, we enter MoveToQt and the player is instantly transported to the main goal of the selected quest.

Command “stop the fight with NPCs”

Before entering the command, you need to make sure that all the characters with whom the battle is currently taking place are in front of the screen. Next we proceed in the following sequence:

  1. Turn on the console and select each enemy character in turn. Then we enter the corresponding codes for them.
  2. SetCrimeGold 0 – disable the reward announced for our murder.
  3. StopCombat – disables aggression of enemy NPCs towards the player

IMPORTANT! After entering a code that disables the issuance of a reward for the death of our hero, you can close the console. If one of the attackers was not registered in the console (his ID code), then he will start attacking our character again. After a second, all the partners standing with him will also begin to attack. In order not to miss anyone, you should carefully look at the minimap.

All enemies are marked with red dots on it. This way we can call out all the enemies in front of you. Commands may not work for permanent enemies (those who are initially our enemies in the game), as well as some quest characters. They will always attack our GG.

Codes for manipulating objects

There are many items in Skyrim that in one way or another affect the character or are the goal of some task. Sometimes bugs occur that change the characteristics of an item or simply prevent you from receiving a reward for a quest.

  • prid — select an object by its own code (you can find it out through the console by simply pointing at it with the cursor).
  • stopcombat - stop fighting an enemy NPC.
  • kill - kill the selected creature or character.
  • resurrect 1 – resurrect the GG or NPC.
  • resetai - Clears all dialogue and interactions for the selected NPC as if you had not spoken to them.
  • openactorcontainer 1 - open the selected character's inventory.
  • removeallitems - Clears the specified creature's inventory.
  • equipitem - add the required item to the selected character.
  • inv — open the inventory of the selected object.
  • duplicateallitems player - Copies all items from the selected NPC's inventory into your backpack.
  • resetinventory - return inventory contents to standard content.
  • setownership - obtain ownership rights to a certain item (it will not be considered stolen).
  • unlock - open the lock.
  • disable – hide the required item.
  • enable - show an object hidden from the player.
  • markfordelete - delete the selected item or NPC.

Cheats for partners and NPCs

In Skyrim, any character can be made your partner. They often give the player an advantage and bonuses. This is help in battle, and an additional backpack for carrying cargo, and help in the battle with dragons. To make any NPC your partner, you should enter cheats in a certain sequence:

  1. The player must stand next to the selected character and open the console.
  2. Click on the character in the console and get the code.
  3. SetRelationshipRank Player 3 – the character is sent to a group of NPCs who can become the player’s partners.
  4. AddFac 0005C84D 1 – add a partner dialogue for the NPC.
  5. Close the console and continue the game.
  6. We start talking to the character and an option will be available in the dialogues that will make him our partner.

List of cheats for a partner:

  • SetRelationshipRank Player 3 – sends the character to a group of partners.
  • AddFac 0005C84D 1 – adds the “Follow me” dialog to the selected NPC.
  • Set PlayerFollowerCount to 0 – After activating this code, which adds the appropriate items to the dialogue for taking NPCs as partners, you need to get rid of old companions (if necessary). Even after entering the code and receiving a new companion, old partners continue to follow the player. If you don't have a satellite, this command won't work. The maximum number of partners in the game is 1. Entering another value instead of 0 makes no sense, the cheat code simply will not work.
  • Set PlayerFollowerCount to [#] – set it to zero and discard all companions who are currently following you.

Bottom line

If you know how to open the console and enter cheats, then this article will be very useful for you. Console commands open up new possibilities for the player, which he can use in any way he wants. Increase the size of your squad, skip uninteresting quests and work around any bugs found in the game.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the best game of 2011 according to numerous gaming publications, the one and only of its kind. Of course, it’s better to go through the game without using any cheats or codes, but if you’re stuck at a certain point or simply want to have a good time, Skyrim codes are just what Dovahkiin ordered.

Let's start with the main thing, namely, turning on the English language in the console. First you need to go to the "Documents" folder, find the "My Games" folder there, and "Skyrim" in it. In the "Skyrim" folder, find the Skyrim.ini file. Press Ctrl+F (search) or scroll down until you find the lines:


After these lines add (do not replace):


Close the file and save your changes. Congratulations, the console now appears in English. If, for some reason, the language remains Russian, set English as the default language in the operating system (Settings - Control Panel - Regional and Language Standards - Languages ​​- more details. Then select English as the default language in the menu).

Now, you can start entering Skyrim codes and cheats. To do this, go into the game and press the tilde ~ key on the keyboard (in the Russian keyboard layout E) - the game console will open.

The main and most powerful The Elder Scrolls V codes:

tgm- god mode (health, mana and stamina are not consumed, weight does not matter - carry as much as you want);
player.modav carryweight X- where X is the weight that the main character can carry;
tmm 1- after entering this code, all markers will appear on the map and you will be able to move freely between them;
tcl- now you can pass through walls and fly;
psb- adds all possible screams and talents;
tmm 1- with this Skyrim code you can open all possible locations;
tim- in our opinion, one of the most useful Skyrim cheats - health, mana, energy decrease, but when health decreases to zero, the main character does not die;
player.modav magicka X- where X is the number of magic points that you want to add to your hero;
player.modav health X- where X is the number of life points that you want to add to your hero);
player.modav stamina X- where X is the number of stamina points that you want to add to your hero;
player.setav weaponspeedmult X- where X is the weapon strike speed multiplier. For example, the code player.setav weaponspeedmult 3 increases the speed of damage by 3 times;
killall- with this code you can kill all the enemies around;

The Elder Scrolls V codes for improving skills and abilities (perks):

If you want to upgrade all your skills at once, you can enter first several times
advskill Destruction 999999
and then:
player.setav Destruction 0

Repeat the operation until you have the required number of ability points. If you don’t want to make your hero an invincible superman, but just upgrade some of his skills, then you should use the following Skyrim cheats:

advskill X Y- where X is the name of the skill, Y is the number of experience units (not ability points!) that you want to add. For example, advskill Marksman 200 - add 200 experience points to the Marksman ability (shooter);
player.setav X Y- where X is the name of the skill, Y is the level of the skill that you want to set. Example: player.setav Sneak 50 - set the Sneak skill (stealth) to level 50.
player.setlevel X- where X is the desired level of your hero. Example: player.setlevel 100 - set the character to level 100.

To use these Skyrim codes you need to know the name of all the skills:


Alchemy- speeds up the production of potions (Alchemy);
LightArmor-increases the effect of wearing armor (Light armor);
Lockpicking- opening locks using master keys (Hacking);
Pickpocket- effectiveness of stealing from other characters (Pickpocket);
Sneak- the main skill for a thief (Stealth);
Speechcraft- increases the chance to persuade/intimidate/bribe characters (Speech);


Alteration- necessary to improve auxiliary and defensive spells (Change);
Conjuration- it will be much easier to attract creatures to your side (Witchcraft);
Destruction- enhances magic and elemental weapons (Destruction);
Enchanting- strengthening things (clothing, weapons) using magic (Enchantment);
Illusion- you can better influence the minds of characters (Illusion);
Restoration- helps to heal wounds faster and kill undead more effectively (Recovery);


Block- increasing the quality of blocking damage using a shield or weapon (Blocking);
HeavyArmor- increased effect of heavy armor + increased bonus from collecting all set items (Heavy armor);
Marksman- increases the effect of using bows (Shooting);
Onehanded- improving mastery of weapons held in one hand + adding new techniques (One-handed weapons);
Smithing- crafting weapons and armor at the forge (Blacksmithing);
Two-handed- improving the mastery of weapons that are in both hands + adding new techniques (Two-handed weapons).

Skyrim codes to enhance skills

To increase weapon damage and armor effect use the following code:
player.setav X Y- where X is the skill you are improving, and Y is the percentage of increase. For example, the code player.setav OneHandedPowerMod 300 increases the base damage of one-handed weapons by 300%.

Here is a list of skills that you can improve with this Skyrim cheat:

AlchemyPowerMod- speeding up the preparation of potions (alchemy);
AlterationPowerMod- strengthening the “change” skill;
BlockPowerMod- improvement of shields;
ConjurationPowerMod- improvement of witchcraft skills;
DestructionPowerMod- improvement of destruction skills;
EnchantingPowerMod- increasing enchanting skills.
HeavyArmorPowerMod- increasing the effectiveness of heavy armor;
IllusionPowerMod- increases the influence on the minds of other characters (illusion);
LightArmorPowerMod- increasing the effectiveness of light armor;
LockpickingPowerMod- improving burglar skills;
MarksmanPowerMod- improving bow skills;
OneHandedPowerMod- improvement of mastery of weapons that are used in one hand;
PickPocketPowerMod- improving pickpocket skills;
RestorationPowerMod- faster recovery of health;
SmithingPowerMod- improvement of blacksmithing skill;
SneakPowerMod- increasing stealth and secrecy;
SpeechcraftPowerMod- increasing persuasion skills (eloquence);
TwoHandedPowerMod- improving skills in using weapons that are used with both hands at once.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim cheats for vampirism

An integral feature of all The Elder Scrolls games is vampirism. After being hit by the vampire Life Drain spell, you have a 10% chance that you will become a vampire within three days. In order not to wait until the vampire decides to bite you, you can use the code player.addspell 000B8780. After this, you need to wait three days in the hope of becoming a vampire (a sure sign that you have joined the vampire fraternity - in the “Magic”, “Active Effects” section you will see the inscription “Vulnerability to Fire”).

If you change your mind or want to get rid (within 72 hours) of the evil vampirism virus, then use the code player.removespell 000B8780. Please note that if you have already turned into a bloodsucker, this code will not work.

In this case, use the code setstage 000EAFD5 10- treatment for vampirism, but it can only be used once in the entire game. There are times when a player has become a vampire twice and the above The Elder Scrolls V code does not help, then try the following:

Make a new save of the current game;
- type the code in the console resetquest 000EAFD5, then make another new save and load it immediately;
- dial code setstage 000EAFD5 10.

If you do everything right, you will stop being a vampire.

The Elder Scrolls V codes for working with objects

Before writing the required code in the console, you need to select the object. To do this, open the console, come close to the desired object and left-click on it - the object id should appear in the console. Now you can enter the codes:

kill- kill (affects both characters and animals);
resurrect 1-resurrect (also affects corpses of animals and people);
resetai-reset dialogues to default (if, when communicating with an NPC, you chose the wrong answer or they simply refuse to communicate with you, then you can always “erase” the scoundrel’s memory and start dating “from scratch”);
Markfordelete-completely and permanently delete this character or object (you need to be extremely careful when using this code - you can easily delete an object such as an entire building).

The Elder Scrolls V codes for working with inventory:

setownership- receive the selected item as your property;
unlock- open/unlock the selected item;
inv-show the object's inventory;
openactorcontainer 1- open the inventory of a character or creature to exchange items;
removeallitems- - make the inventory of the selected creature empty;
equipitem X- where X is the id of the item - give the selected character a specific item;

With the following command you can add/summon the required number of items or creatures:
player.placeatme X Y- where X is the id of the item or character, Y is the number of items. For example, player.placeatme 000bad0c- calls the alchemical laboratory, player.placeatme000f811d- Summons an ancient dragon.

general information

Console commands are a powerful in-game tool and are only available on the PC version of the game. With their help, you can change many aspects of the game and get additional information about NPCs, creatures, items, etc.

The console is accessed by pressing the "~" key (on some keyboard models this may be another key).

Console commands are not case sensitive: you can enter TAI or tai or TaI - in any case the AI ​​will be switched.

Some commands can be entered in full or abbreviated. For example, tai or toggleai are considered the same command and entering either will disable the AI.

Many commands require you to specify the target to which they will be applied. You can use prefixes for this. For example, in the case of player. the command will be applied to the player. Or RefID. - the command will be applied to the object with the specified identifier. The target can also be specified by clicking on it with the mouse, and the object identifier should be displayed in the top line of the console. For most of the commands, lists of FormIDs of corresponding objects are provided. In addition, the command can help you find out the ID of the desired object help. For example, the command help elven sword 0 will show a list of all objects whose names contain the string elven sword. The command works for items, spells and perks.

Important: Use console commands with caution! You can easily ruin your current game if you change the wrong settings. Moreover, errors from incorrect use of the console may appear later, in the form of incomplete quests. If you are trying to fix a bug using the console, then use the least powerful commands available.

When a command requires an argument (for example, additem ) brackets<>mean that And should be replaced with item ID and quantity accordingly. The command must be entered without parentheses.

Team Description
Switchable commands
These commands enable or disable something.
animcamEnables the 3rd person camera, allowing you to zoom and rotate it around your character.
psbAdds all spells to the player, including shouts and racial abilities. However, the screams will still require dragon souls.
s1stThe command only works in 3rd person camera mode. It shows your hands, looking like they were in 1st person camera mode, behind the character model. Those. you see the entire character, but your hands follow your movements as in the 1st person camera.
sucsm Changes the movement speed of a free-flying camera. Example: The sucsm 50 command after entering the tfc command will cause the camera to move approximately five times faster than its default speed. The full name of the command is "SetUFOCamSpeedMult".
taiThe command enables or disables artificial intelligence (AI). If a target object is not selected when executing a command, AI will be enabled/disabled for all actors at once.
tcaiEnables or disables combat AI.
tdetectEnables or disables AI character detection. This means that if the command is turned off, NPCs will not "see" you, even if you are right in front of them or attacking them.
tcIf the command is applied to the selected NPC, then camera control will be transferred to him, and you will see your character from his side, while maintaining control over him, until the tc command is applied again.
tclEssentially, you will be able to fly. Select a point and move towards it through obstacles, buildings or landscape. If an actor is not selected when executing a command, it will be applied to the player, i.e. barriers will be disabled for him. But, for example, if you are stuck somewhere on a horse, then the command must be applied to both the player and the horse.
teofisDisables blur, contrast adjustment and a number of other effects. To the detriment of the beauty of the picture, it will give a slight increase in performance on “weak” video cards.
tfc<1> Enables "free" camera mode. If you add 1 to the command, the surrounding world will be frozen, but camera control will remain available.
tgmGod 'mode. You will not receive damage, magic and stamina will not be wasted, the carried weight will be unlimited, the arrows will be endless, and all spells will be available.
timImmortality mode. Everything will be as usual, except that when the character's health reaches 0, he will not die.
TLLSignificantly reduces the scene's render distance, which will improve performance but may cause graphical artifacts.
tmEnables or disables the display of all menus and interface elements. The command is useful for taking screenshots.
tmm (,,) Control the display of map markers. If the first digit is 1, then all markers will be shown, if 0, all markers will be hidden (including the main ones, which are visible to the player when starting the game). When adding markers, the second parameter determines whether the marker is available for fast travel (1) or not (0), and the third determines the type of marker - all (0) or hidden (0). For example, to open all unexplored markers, but without the ability to fast travel to them, you need to enter tmm 1,0,0
tfowEnables or disables the display of "fog of war" (unexplored areas) on the local map.
tscrEnables or disables scripts.
twfEnables or disables grid display.
tsEnables or disables the display of the sky.
tgEnables or disables the display of grass.
ttEnables or disables the display of trees.
twsEnables or disables the display of water (the view under water will not be changed).
Commands to target
These commands must be applied to some object. You can enter its identifier (RefID) manually, select the object with the cursor, specify the player prefix (in this case, the command will be applied to the player), or specify the object with the prid command.
additem <опциональный флаг> Adds an item to the player in quantity . The purpose of the second possible optional flag is unknown; perhaps it controls the ownership of items. Look for the item ID in the corresponding list: arrows, armor and clothing, notes and books, food and drink, ingredients, keys, potions and poisons, soul stones, weapons and other items.
addperk Adds a perk with the specified ID to the player. See this list for perk IDs.
addspell Adds a spell with the specified ID to the player. Works for spells, abilities, blessings and diseases, but not for shouts. Look for the spell ID in the corresponding list.
addtofaction <ранг> Adds an actor to the specified faction. Rank numbers vary across factions, but 0 always means the lowest rank, and -1 means removal from the faction.
addfacA shortened version of the previous command.
advlevelIncreases the player's current level by one point, but the level up screen will not appear and perk points will not be added.
AdvSkill Adds one experience point to the progress of the specified skill. The number means the number of experience points, and not an increase to the skill itself. That is, the command player.advskill destruction 1 will add one experience point to destruction, but the destruction skill itself will not increase by 1. For a complete list of skills and abilities, see this page.
DamageActorValue<атрибут> Deals N damage to the specified attribute. Example: player.damageactorvalue health 50 will cause you to lose 50 health as if you were damaged. Health will be restored as usual. Attribute values ​​may become negative. You can restore values ​​using the restoreactorvalue command. See the list of attributes.
disableDisables object rendering. The object becomes invisible, its collisions are disabled, and it will not be processed by the AI. But, at the same time, scripts associated with the object will continue to work (unlike Oblivion).
dispelallspellsDispels all temporary magical effects on the target.
dropAllows you to forcefully discard an item from your inventory (including quest items). Usage: player.Drop <кол-во>
duplicate allitems Creates a copy of all items in the target container and places them in the specified container. For example, the command a2c94.duplicateallitems 89c79 will create a copy of all the items in Lydia's inventory and place them in container 89c79.
enableEnables rendering of an object disabled by the disable command, its collisions, and AI operation.
equipitem Equips the selected NPC with an item with the specified ID. There is also a reverse command with the same syntax - unequipitem.
forceAV<атрибут> Changes the value of an attribute by permanently adding the specified value (positive or negative) to it. The displayed value of the modified attribute will be highlighted in colored text (red or green), depending on the added value (positive or negative). A complete list of attributes is available.
getAVinfo<атрибут> The command will provide brief information about the specified parameter (skill or attribute) of the selected actor. You can select the target actor with the mouse, or use his RefID. For example, the command player.getavinfo lightarmor will display basic information about the player's Light Armor skill.
getlevel<цель> Displays the level of the specified NPC or creature.
GetLocationCleared Displays whether the location has been cleared.
getrelationshiprank<цель> Displays the rank of relationships between NPCs. Possible values ​​range from -3 to +4.
getstage Displays the current stage number of the specified quest.
incPCS<название навыка> Increases the selected skill to the next level. For example, the incpcs lightarmor command will increase the value of the Light Armor skill. There is no need to indicate any numbers after the name of the skill.
killKills the selected actor. Some characters have essential status and cannot be killed. Instead, they fall to their knees, miming their death throes, but then rise again.
lock<уровень> Locks the selected container with a lock of the specified difficulty. 0-25: Apprentice, 26-50: Adept, 51-75: Expert, 76-100: Master, 101 and above: Key required.
MarkForDeleteMarks an object for deletion. The object will be deleted the next time the area is rebooted. The command can be useful, for example, for removing furniture in the house. Be careful because... deleted objects cannot be restored.
modAV<атрибут> Changes the value of an attribute using a permanent modifier (positive or negative). The displayed value of the changed attribute will be highlighted in colored text (red or green). A complete list of attributes is available.
moveto Moves the player to the specified actor.
movetoqt Moves the player to the target of the specified quest.
openactorcontainer 1Opens the specified actor's inventory, allowing items to be added and removed as if it were a regular container.
paycrimegold<0-1> <0-1> Paying a fine for the faction to which the target NPC belongs. The first parameter (0-1) determines whether you will go to prison (1) or not (0), the second parameter (0-1) determines whether you keep all stolen items (1) or not (0). The faction ID must be specified if you cannot identify the target NPC.
placeatme Places the specified actor or object at the player's position. For example: player.placeatme 000fea9b will place a dragon next to you. The command uses base IDs rather than reference IDs and creates a new instance of the object. It is not recommended to use this command on named quest NPCs. See list of creatures and NPCs.
pushactoraway <число> Pushes the actor in a random direction.
recycle actor<ссылка на пункт назначения (опционально)> Revives/resets target NPC. Can be used to reset the target NPC's state. If you have already examined the remains and taken things, then the NPC may be reborn decapitated (especially for Nords). Inventory status is not reset, with the exception of weapons. The priority enemy for the reset NPC will not be the player, but the actor of the opposing faction.
removeallitems Removes all items in the specified container or actor's inventory. You can also enter the RefID of the container into which all items will be moved.
removeitem <кол-во> Removes the specified number of items from the actor's inventory.
removeperk Removes the selected perk. See the full list of perks.
removespell Removes the selected spell from the character's spellbook. Works with spells, blessings, diseases, but not with shouts. See the full list of spells.
resetAIResets the AI ​​of the specified actor. Can be used to calm down peaceful NPCs that you accidentally attack. When cast on an enemy NPC, it will cause them to sheathe their weapon, after which they will draw it and attack again.
resethealthFully restores the health of the player or the specified actor.
resetinventoryRestores the actor's inventory state to its default value. Works for killed creatures/NPCs as well.
resurrect<1> Revives the specified actor. Before this command is used, the NPC is considered dead and does not appear in quests or dialogues. Adding the number 1 at the end (i.e. typing resurrect 1) will cause the actor to respawn in the same place and retain their inventory, rather than simply disappearing and reappearing in the game world (it has been confirmed that in the PC version of the game the command does not always work correctly ).
RestoreActorValue<атрибут> Restores a damaged attribute or skill by the specified N value.
setactoralpha<0-100> Changes the alpha/opacity of the selected actor. Can be used to fix graphical bugs with the display of the effects of some spells.
setAV<атрибут> Sets the attribute value to the specified value without adding experience or perk points. A list of attributes is available.
setessential<базовый ID> <1/0> Makes the specified actor mortal (0) or immortal (1). Using this command, you can make the selected NPC unkillable (if his health drops to 0, he will fall to his knees, after which he will rise again after a while). Keep in mind that the team must use the base actor ID, which you can find in the corresponding list.
setgs<параметр> <значение> Changes the specified game setting (GameSetting). When you reload the game, you will have to enter the command again, because... it is not saved in save files.
setlevel A B C DSets the actor's level to the given value. A – actor’s level compared to the player, 1000 = 100%, B – possible range of levels (the parameter is outdated, set to 0), C – minimum actor level, D – maximum actor level.
SetLocationCleared 1 Marks the location as cleared. Look for location ID in the corresponding list: interiors, exteriors.
setnpcweight<0-100>(snpcw)Sets the weight of the specified NPC and updates its model if necessary.
setownershipSets the player's ownership of the specified object.
setrace<раса> Changes the player's race.
setrelationshiprank<цель> <#> Changes the relationship between two actors. 0 = acquaintance, 1 = friend, 2 = confidant, 3 = ally, 4 = lover, -1 = rival, -2 = enemy, -3 = enemy, -4 = archenemy. All other entered values ​​will be treated as 0.
setscale<#> Changes the size of the player character, valid values ​​are from 0.1 to 10.
setstage <стадия #> Sets the stage of the quest. For a list of quests, see the corresponding page.
completequest Completes the specified quest.
setunconscious<целое число> The setunconscious 1 command will cause the NPC to ignore the player no matter what they do. You can steal something, or attack an NPC, and after entering the command setunconscious 1, he will act as if nothing happened.
showinventoryDisplays the base IDs of each item in the actor's inventory.
shp<параметр #1-параметр #9> Manage HDR settings.
sifh<#> Sets friendly fire (1) to be ignored for the selected actor.
sqs Displays the stages of the specified quest.
str<0-1.000000> Sets the light refraction value for the selected object.
teachword<слово> Adds a word with the specified code to the player. See list of power words.
unequipitem Forces the target NPC to remove an item with the specified ID.
unlockUnlocks a container or door.
Commands without specifying a goal
There is no need to specify a target for these commands.
batLaunches the specified text file with console commands.
caqsCompletes all quests in the game, even those you haven't started yet. The command will open some achievements, but it is still not recommended for use, because... may cause the game to crash.
coc<имя ячейки> Moves the character to the center of the specified area. For example, the command coc Riverwood will move the player to Riverwood. Look for the required location IDs in the corresponding lists: interiors, exteriors.
cow Moves the character to the x,y coordinates of the specified world area.
csbRemoves all blood effects from the screen.
fov<угол> Changes the camera's viewing angle (Field of View).
fw Changes the current weather. For a list of required IDs, see the corresponding page.
GetGlobalValue<переменная> Returns the value of the specified global variable. Also see the ShowGlobalVars command.
GetInCellParam Checks whether an object is in the specified cell.
GetPCMiscStat Command to display specified statistical information.
help<текст> <0> Returns all information about objects (ID, parameters, etc.) whose names contain the string specified in the second parameter.
killallactorsInstantly kills all non-immortal actors in the currently occupied area. The shortened version is killall.
ModPCMiscStat A command that modifies a player's specified statistic by adding a permanent modifier to it.
Prid Selecting an object by its identifier. The command has the same effect as selecting an object with the cursor; it is useful if the object is out of sight.
pcbClearing memory buffers for the current cell.
qqqQuick exit from the game.
resetinterior Resets the specified interior to its default state.
resetquest Reset the specified quest. Its stage will be set to 0.
save<название> Creates a save file with the specified name.
saqStarts all quests in the game and adds them to the character's journal.
set to Sets the value of a global variable to N.
set timescale to Changes the timescale parameter (default is 20), which is responsible for the speed of time in the game.
setplayerrace Changes the character's race. If a race code is not specified, a character generation window will appear with a choice of race. Race codes can be obtained with the help race 0 command. Unlike other commands, you must specify not the race ID, but the name, for example nordrace. Corrupts the current values ​​of all skills and attributes.
player.setrace Changes the character's race. Race codes can be obtained with the help race 0 command. Unlike other commands, you must specify not the race ID, but the name, for example nordrace. Does not spoil the current values ​​of all skills and attributes.
ShowGlobalVarsShows the values ​​of all global game variables that can be changed with the set command.
SexChangeChanges the character's gender to the opposite.
ShowMessage Shows a message with the specified ID.
showracemenuOpens the character creation menu. Using this command to change race will reset all skills and attributes. The command can be safely used to change a character's appearance as long as the race is not changed.
showracemenu<раса> The command changes the character's race without calling the menu, similar to the setplayerrace command. Example: showracemenu bretonrace
player.recycleactorResets the player's inventory, adding a set of essential items: a set of iron armor, a bow, a weapon, several potions, 10 master keys and 2 torches.
playerenchantoobject Creates an object with the specified enchantment parameters.
playercreatepotion Creates a potion with three specified effects.