78 who are part of the project team. An example of forming a team for a project to implement a corporate data warehouse

A project team is a temporary group of specialists created for the duration of the project. The main task of this group is to ensure that the project's goals are achieved. It is created in a targeted manner for the period of the project. Also includes all external contractors and consultants.

Project Management Team - Members of the project team who are directly involved in managing the project, including representatives of some of the project participants and technical personnel. On smaller projects, this team may include almost all members of the project team.

The main task of the project management team is to carry out project management functions to effectively achieve project goals. Project teams can exist at different levels of the organization: board of directors, groups of managers involved in planning or reorganization, project teams.

In practice, there are three main models for forming a project team:

1. Involving managers or specialists in working on the project in conjunction with their main job. This model is chosen for time- and resource-constrained projects. The management of the enterprise appoints a project manager from among the full-time employees. At the same time, the project manager continues to perform the duties of his main position and part-time manages the project team. He is given rights to access the necessary information and to plan and coordinate the use of resources required for the implementation of the project. The problem with using such a model may be that the project manager can only have little influence on employees from other departments due to the priority of their reporting to line managers of departments. Increased workload due to project work and the main position can lead to negligence on project assignments.

2. “Enterprise within an enterprise” (classical model). This model is chosen for complex and voluminous tasks and the need for close integration of the project with the main activities of the enterprise. Working in a project team has a clear priority over subordination to the heads of traditional departments. The project is supervised directly by management, and the manager and individual project employees are completely or partially exempt from their normal activities.

3. Mixed forms. Most often, this model is used in medium-sized enterprises executing projects. In this case, as a rule, an experienced project manager is selected to manage the project (possibly from outside) and, depending on the project, qualified specialists from functional departments are involved in conjunction with the main work (for certain tasks, external specialists can also be brought in for the duration of a specific task). tasks). All responsibility rests with the project manager, who usually has support from the management of the enterprise.

Another option is to appoint one of the company's senior managers as the project coordinator. At the same time, for operational work on the project, he is usually assigned a young and promising employee, who in the future can head the direction related to the project.

The place and role of teams in a project is determined by the goals of the individuals and representatives of project participants, the degree of participation of the team in the project processes and its responsibility. The composition and functions of the project management team depend on the size, complexity and other characteristics of the project, but in all cases its composition must ensure a high professional level of all responsibilities assigned to it.

The culture of a project management team of various types generally includes national, corporate, organizational and professional. Based on the degree of involvement in the project, the team can be divided into three groups of participants:

    core group - specialists directly working on the implementation of the project in close contact with each other and knowing each member of the group;

    secondary group - larger than the main one, it unites specialists and organizations that provide assistance to members of the main group, but are not directly involved in the implementation of the project and the achievement of its goals;

    auxiliary (tertiary) group - people who influence the members of the main and secondary groups and the progress of work on the project, but do not enter into direct cooperation with them.

Main stages of the project team life cycle

Domestic experts identify five stages in the life cycle of a project team:

1. Formation. At this stage, team members get to know each other. The project manager is engaged in the formation of favorable relationships and effective interaction in the team, uniting participants based on the main goal of the project, the development of common norms and agreement on values ​​begins. In addition, the manager builds effective relationships with the environment and external project participants.

2. Stage of cooperation between participants. In the process of working together on a project, differences in the approaches and methods used by the participants appear, difficulties and conflict situations arise in the team’s work. The project manager pays special attention to the formation of constructive positions among project participants in solving emerging problems and the optimal distribution of roles in the team.

3. Normal functioning stage. By this stage, the participants have already formed a sense of team; they all, as a rule, understand what is required of them to achieve a common goal, and perform a part of the work determined for them within the project. This stage is the longest and most productive for the project. 4. Reorganization stage. At this stage, the manager, as a rule, makes changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of the team. This is due to various reasons, including changes in the volume and type of work, the need to replace some workers due to their unsuitability, the need to attract new specialists or temporary experts.

5. Team disbandment stage. Upon completion of the project, the team disbands. Two typical scenarios for the development of events at this stage are as follows.

In the first case, when the team achieves success in implementing the project, all its members receive satisfaction from working together and are ready for further cooperation. When opening a new project, the manager, as a rule, invites these same people to the team.

In the second case, when the project is unsuccessful, the team disbands and, most often, no longer gathers in this composition.

Experience in implementing various projects shows that the optimal period of work for a project team is 1.5–2 years. Then its effectiveness decreases. To solve this problem, experts recommend periodically returning project participants back to functional units and attracting new employees.

Most often, a team is understood as a group of people who complement each other and, if necessary, replace each other in achieving their goals and ensuring the implementation of a synergistic effect.

In project activities, a team means the organizational structure of a project created for the period of implementation of the entire project or one of the phases (stages) of its life cycle.

The main goal of forming a team is to ensure self-management of the project implementation process and prompt overcoming of emerging problems. Teamwork takes a long time to develop, and often the team's effective functioning is hampered by the actions of management or the project manager.

By working together, critical team issues are identified, and interaction allows for the achievement of an equilibrium that establishes a higher level of personal involvement and a favorable team climate.

There are four approaches to forming project teams (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 Approaches to forming a project team

The stages of forming a project team are illustrated in Fig. 3.1.

In the active part of the team formation process, there are four main goals:

changing set of goals or priorities;

analysis and distribution of the way of working;

analysis of norms, decision-making methods, communications;

determining the relationships between people doing the work.

The project team must satisfy the requests of the customer and Other project participants not included in the team, expressed in the form of their declared or hidden (latent) goals.

R is. 3.1. Stages of forming a project team

It is customary to highlight the following goals in the project

Project participants included in the team;

Other project participants not included in the team;

Executing organization;



Team members.

The tasks initially assigned to the project team and arising during its implementation are completely determined by the set of those declared and hidden goals, the bearers of which are the project participants.

There are three types of project teams:

project team (CP) - the organizational structure of the project, which involves both all persons directly performing the project work and persons representing the interests of various project participants. The task of the project team management is to develop a project strategy focused on achieving the project goals;

project management team (PMT) - organizational structure of the project team, including those members of the CP who are involved in project management, including representatives of some project participants and administrative and management personnel. The task of the PMC is to perform all management functions and work in the project as it progresses;

project management team (PMT) - organizational structure of the project, headed by the manager (chief manager) of the project and created for the period of implementation of the project or one of the stages of its life cycle. Often, the KMP includes employees who perform managerial and other project management functions, as well as those directly involved in decision making. Among the main tasks of such a team are the implementation of strategic decisions and the implementation of tactical (situational) management. KMP is often called the management group, simply management or top management, management, etc.

The lifetime of a project team is always associated with its beginning and end.

In the process of formation and activity of the project team, five stages are distinguished:

1) education - team members unite with the desire for mutual cooperation;

2) intensive formation - after the start of joint work, it turns out that team members have different opinions regarding ways to achieve the goals of the project and approaches to its implementation, which can lead to disputes and even conflicts;

3) normalization of activities - team members come to mutual agreement as a result of negotiations and compromises and develop standards on the basis of which their further work will be based;

4) execution of plans for project implementation - after the motivation of team members and the efficiency of its work increase, the project implementation process stabilizes and the project team can work with high efficiency throughout the entire period of its implementation;

5) transformation of the team or its disbandment - the completion of the team’s work as work on the project is completed requires resolving the issue of the future work of team members. By the end of a project, performance can either increase (team members focus on completing the task with a fairly clear view of their future) or decrease (team members feel regret about ending their work together, especially if their future is uncertain).

In practice, different teams go through these stages differently. It often happens that teams fall apart without reaching not only the effective implementation of the project, but also the stage of normalizing activities. This depends on both internal (for example, on the general level of professional management culture in the company) and external reasons.

The task of the project team manager is to ensure a constructive transition of the project team from one stage of the project life cycle to another within the framework of project activities and bring the project to successful completion.

In this article, we will look at which people need to be united in a project team so that the project has every chance of successful completion.

Project implementation is a team activity. The project team brings together individuals interested in achieving the project result. They are actively involved in the project, and it affects their interests.

Let's take a closer look at the project team members.

Project customer(sometimes, but not always, he is the user) - this is the person who will benefit from the outcome of the project.

Sponsor– this is the person who provides the project with comprehensive support. This could be finance or any other resources. It can also be assistance in organization and administration.

Project office is a department that can simply provide support in project management or be directly responsible for the execution of projects.

Project Manager(well, this is understandable) - this is the person who is directly responsible for managing the project.

Project team is a group of people performing design work.

Suppliers– these are external organizations that supply resources and provide services necessary to achieve project results.

As previously discussed, it is necessary that the project is managed in accordance with the expectations and interests of the main participants. If they contradict each other, a compromise must be found.

It is also usually worth separating external and internal projects in terms of the characteristics of the project team, stakeholders and their roles.

External projects– this is when the customer of the project is not your organization.

Thus, the Project Owner determines the goals of the project and subsequently accepts the result. A sponsor is needed to resolve disputes that are beyond the scope of the project manager's competence. At the same time, it is important to understand that the customer, sponsor and project manager are different people, and not one person combining these roles.

Please note that customer and user are different roles. The customer sets goals and can accept the result. And the user will work with this result. If suddenly these roles find themselves combined, it is necessary to evaluate the result from the point of view of the customer and the user, without confusing them.

It is also undesirable for the customer to combine the role of a sponsor. This often happens when performing internal projects, when the project is carried out within the organization and for an internal Customer. But in any case, it will be better if the Customer and the Sponsor are different persons.

Often, the progress of a project in an organization depends on the organizational structure of the organization.
For example, in functional structure projects are usually implemented within a functional unit. And if you need to attract an employee from another department, then you need to negotiate with the head of the department to which the employee belongs.

In this case, there are significant disadvantages associated with the fact that the project manager may not have enough authority, and communication may be difficult. There may be problems with coordination between departments and control over project execution is limited.

But there are also positive aspects - for example, employees, working on different projects and in different teams, have the opportunity to improve their skills and gain new ones. Yet managing a project in an organization with a functional structure is difficult.

IN organizations with a project structure Each division is actually a project team created for a specific project. It includes various specialists, and they spend all their time on this project. Thus, the project structure is a feature of project-oriented companies and is appropriate for large and important projects.

However, it also has pros and cons. Main advantages: the best conditions for effective project management, the project manager has great powers, project executors are fully involved in the project.

The downside is that at the end of the project the team must be disbanded, and it is not very clear what the performers should do. It is also possible that the professional level of specialists may decrease due to the fact that, being assigned to perform certain work within the framework of this project, they do not receive new knowledge. In addition, there may be a problem of underutilization of resources during the project.

For most companies, the optimal compromise between the functional and project structure is matrix structure. In which the main drawback is that each performer has two bosses: the project manager and his line manager, which is why conflicts are possible when clarifying the order and priorities of the work performed by the employee, which is aggravated by the limited powers of the project manager.

The information below is for reference only. You can learn more about this material and its practical application by watching the video.

Types of Project Teams

1. Involving managers or specialists in working on the project in conjunction with their main job. Members of the project team are sitting at their workplaces. Interaction through communications, as well as at periodic meetings.
2. “Enterprise within an enterprise” (classical model). Members of the project team sit in the same room, interaction takes place constantly.
3. Mixed forms. Only key members of the project team sit together, the rest are at their jobs

Project team rules
is a temporary group of specialists created for the duration of the project.
The main task of this group- ensuring the achievement of project goals.
1. First law. All decisions are aimed at achieving the goals of the project.
2. Second law. You can only manage the remaining part of the project.

Conditions for effective work of the project team

1. Hierarchy in the company.
2. Communications.
3. Tasks that go beyond one department.
4. Professionalism and willingness to work as a team.
5. Attitude towards non-standard solutions and approaches.
6. Problems of the organization that do not require a team approach.

Project team structure and roles in the project

The project team consists of:
Key decision making groups:

2. Project manager.
3. Chief engineer of the project.
4. Project administrator.
Project Management Teams
1. Project portfolio manager.
2. Project manager.
3. Chief engineer of the project.
4. Project administrator.
5. Cost manager.
6. Supply Manager.
7. Human resources manager.
8. Quality Manager.
9. Risk manager.
Group by subject area
1. Chief engineer of the project.
2. Subject matter experts.

Project Portfolio Manager

1. Represents the project and project team at management meetings;
2. Forms goals, objectives, key milestones, project results and criteria for assessing their achievement in accordance with the business strategy of the enterprise;
3. Ensures that the goals and results of the project comply with the Company’s business strategy;

role instructions for the project portfolio manager.

Project Manager

1. Selects the Project Team;
2. Develops work plans for the Project Team;
3. Convenes project team meetings to resolve operational issues;
4. Determines the procedure for collecting information on the project, documents, reports;
5. Develops and controls the Project Management Plan;
6. Integrates all areas of project management;
7. Forms the Project Justification and Project Charter;
8. Responsible for the quality of project management;

The document regulating the work of this role in the project is the role instructions of the project manager.

Project Administrator

1. Organizes the exchange of information within the project;
2. Prepares meetings, keeps minutes;
3. Maintains the project information base;
4. Collects project reports and organizes responses to incoming questions from project participants;
5. Responsible for storing project documents, archiving;

The document regulating the work of this role in the project is the role instructions of the project administrator.

Chief Project Engineer

1. Develops requirements for project results;
2. Determines the subject area of ​​the project, develops a production WBS;
3. Manages the scope of the project in terms of production processes;
4. Develops technical specifications (TOR);
5. Bears responsibility for the quality of the main production results of the project;

The document regulating the work of this role in the project is the role instruction of the chief project engineer.

Subject Matter Experts

1. Performs work in the subject area of ​​the project;
2. Bears responsibility for the quality performance of assigned work;

Cost Manager

1. Draws up the project budget;
2. Calculates the efficiency of capital investments at each stage of the preliminary development of the project;
3. Controls the movement of funds;
4. Responsible for failure to fulfill the project budget;

The document regulating the work of this role in the project is Cost Manager Role Instructions .

Supply manager

1. Participates in the formation of the need for materials and equipment. Provides and controls the procedure for providing materials and equipment from the moment of application until the moment of receipt;
2. Provides and controls the procedure for concluding contracts with contractors for the provision of services;
3. Analyzes proposals from counterparties, participates in prequalification and selection of counterparties;
4. Draws up contracts with supply contractors;
5. Administers and controls contracts and payment for them;
6. Conducts closing of contracts;

The document regulating the work of this role in the project is the role instruction contracts manager .

Human Resources Manager

1. Plans labor resources based on WBS;
2. Creates a responsibility matrix;
3. Organizes the selection of workers for work on the project;
4. Organizes training and advanced training for employees participating in the project;

The document regulating the work of this role in the project is.

Quality manager

1. Develops quality criteria;
2. Draws up a quality plan;
3. Organizes quality assurance and quality control activities;

The document regulating the work of this role in the project is Role instruction for quality manager .

Risk Manager

1. Develops and monitors the implementation of the Risk Management Plan;
2. Compiles a list of risks;
3. Conducts a comprehensive risk analysis;
4. Develops a Risk Response Plan;
5. Monitors risks;
6. Bears responsibility for the quality of risk management;

The document regulating the work of this role in the project is

The term “modern team” has become very fashionable in Russia. The number of interpretations of this concept is close to the number of people who use it. Therefore, in this article I will try to give the understanding of “teams in a project” that is used in modern project management (project management, project management) within the framework of international standards, requirements and norms of professional activity of project managers and managers.

1. Project management

Currently, in Russia there is increasing interest in project management (PM) as the most effective organizational and activity paradigm and management culture for project implementation. However, due to its novelty, PM itself, as a professional field of activity, is often interpreted in the concepts and connections of system analysis, systems management, information technology, etc., or confused with such types of management activities as administration, leadership, and controlling.

PM has not yet become widespread in Russia due to the fact that it is a fundamentally new organizational and professional market culture for Russian leaders, managers and managers. In order for people to change their culture of professional activity - and this is a change in the system of values, mentality and way of action - significant time and focused efforts are required.

There are various definitions of project, project management, project management and other terms from the field of project management in sources that are normative in nature (knowledge bases, standards) in relation to the activities of professional project managers.

In particular, project management, as a type of professional activity, includes planning, organizing, monitoring and controlling all aspects of the project in the continuous achievement of its goals. And project management is:

  • on the one hand, the process (processes) of using project management knowledge, skills, methods, tools and technologies of project management when implementing a project in order to effectively achieve set goals with a given quality, on time and within the approved budget and in accordance with expectations participants;
  • on the other hand, a group of people (roles) managing the project, that is, providing management, communication and decision-making processes for the implementation of the project.

Project management in a broader sense is a professional activity focused on obtaining effective results through the successful implementation of projects as targeted changes.

One of the main concepts in PM is the concept of “team”, and in project management - project human resource management, which includes the processes of planning, formation and creation of a team (Team Building), its development and support of activities (Team Development), transformation or disbandment teams. (The question of the advisability of creating new terms and phrases in such a quantity, especially those that are a direct copy of English, is debatable. Here we only note that in this article the author distinguishes the management of staff and labor resources as formally measurable quantities from that which is formalized to a much lesser extent and what is often denoted by a combination of words that is not very pleasing to the ear: “human factor.” — Ed.)

2. Project management team

2.1. Teams in the project

In general, the formation and creation of a team is understood as the process of purposefully “building” a special way of interaction between people in a group (called a team), which allows them to effectively realize their professional, intellectual and creative potential in accordance with the strategic goals of this group (team). A team in this case is defined as a group of people who complement and replace each other in achieving their goals.

Conventionally, we can define four types of Teams (groups), classified according to the content of their work, which are most often formed explicitly or implicitly in the practical activities of enterprises.

1. Teams that create something new for the organization or do work that has not been done before.

Project Teams (project Teams) completely fall into this group. They are temporary in nature, which is determined by the essence of the project as a temporary specific organizational form of achieving goals and solving unique problems.

2. Teams (groups) that deal with problems, goals and objectives in the enterprise through analysis, control and recommendations.

Audit and controlling teams, quality assessment teams.

3. Teams (groups), which are not special, but form a permanent part of organizational development and carry out the process of production and execution of repetitive work.

Production teams (groups), sales teams and service teams (teams, groups).

4. Multi-executive management teams.

These teams are usually formed at the highest levels of enterprise management and take the form of executive committees, management teams or top management of the enterprise.

Examples of the most common commands (groups) are given in table. 1.

Table 1. Examples of Team classification

Types of Teams: CP - Project Team; Management Team - Management Team (group) (see paragraphs 2-4 above).
Team Assignment The content of the work Team type Form and time of existence
1 Reengineering Managing deep transformation processes (actual creation of a “new” company) KP Temporary
2 Product and process development Managing the development of new products and organizational development of the company UK Constant
3 Crisis management Bringing a company out of a crisis situation KP Temporary
4 Ensuring production activities Management and execution of production work UK Constant
5 Problem solving, assistance and assistance Assessing and resolving organizational and emerging problems KP Temporary
6 Benchmarketing Marketing the activities of similar enterprises and developing a strategy to achieve better results UK Constant
7 Implementation project management Design and commissioning of new equipment (technologies) KP Temporary
8 Quality group Introduction and implementation of total quality management (TQM - total quality management) UK Constant
9 Innovation Design, development and implementation of new ideas and initiatives in the organization KP Temporary
10 Audit and controlling Assessing the effectiveness of the organization and processes UK Constant
11 New business development Design, formation and development of a new risky business for the company KP Temporary
12 Management of current activities Making and implementing high-level management decisions UK Constant

In the organizational structure of large projects and in their management, at least three types of project teams can be distinguished.

1. Project team (PT)— an organizational structure created for the period of implementation of the entire project or one of the phases of its life cycle. The task of the project team management is to develop policies and approve the project strategy to achieve its goals. The team includes individuals representing the interests of various project participants.

2. Project management team (PMT)— an organizational structure that includes those members of the CP who are directly involved in project management, including representatives of individual project participants and technical personnel. In relatively small projects, the PSC may include almost all members of the CP. The task of the PMC is to perform all management functions and work in the project as it progresses.

3. Project management team (PMT)- an organizational structure headed by the project manager (chief manager) and created for the period of implementation of the entire project or its phase. The project management team includes individuals who directly perform managerial and other project management functions. The main tasks of the project management team are the implementation of project policies and strategies, the implementation of strategic decisions and the implementation of tactical (situational) management.

2.2. Relationship between different teams in a project

The question of when and why it is necessary to distinguish several types of teams in a project requires clarification, and whether it is worth not complicating the situation.

World practice shows that the division of teams is advisable in projects in which it is necessary to clearly record the positions of its various participants (rights, powers, responsibilities, share of participation and shares in profits, etc.). In particular, the allocation of several project teams is advisable for large, mixed, medium- and long-term projects, or when the number of project participants is quite large and their interests are contradictory.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of teams in a project is its success. If the main project manager believes that team differentiation reduces risks and contributes to the success of the project, then in this case it is he who takes full responsibility for the successful achievement of project goals. However, he must clearly stipulate the conditions for its implementation, provide a formal description, division and consolidation of the competencies of various types of project teams. In modern project management culture (both “Western” and “Eastern”), this fact is a conscious need for the successful implementation of any project.

Since Teams in a project differ in their goals, objectives, competencies and level of responsibility for the results of the project, their position, place and role in the project and in relation to the project are determined by the goals of the individuals included in them and representatives of project participants, the degree of participation of the team in the processes project and her responsibilities.

CP is organized, as a rule, for long-term projects with a large number of participants who, perhaps, are not directly involved in managing the project processes, but determine the policy and strategy of the project based on their own interests.

PMC is also organized for fairly large projects or when the project (“controlling interest”) is primarily owned by the implementing (or parent) organization. In this case, certain management functions or the implementation of certain project processes may be entrusted to technical personnel or functional departments of the organization (for example, part of the project cost management functions or communications related to the information infrastructure of the implementing organization).

A feature of the KMP is that it simultaneously occupies an external (the subject of management) and an internal (an element that changes during the course of the project) position in relation to the project (as an object of management) and to the processes of its implementation.

The point is also that the KMP is a set of management roles that can be performed by several people or by one professionally competent chief project manager. This set includes such roles as “manager”, “administrator”, “trainer”, “leader”, “project manager”, “project manager”. In each specific case, the distribution of role management functions between individuals participating in the project, their completeness and content are unique, depending on many factors (the culture of the performing organization, class, type and type of project, available resource capabilities, etc.).

The relationship between these types of teams depends on the project. For large projects, the presence of three types of teams is quite obvious. And in small projects, KP and PMC can “fit” into the KMP.

One of the criteria for identifying several teams in a project is the feasibility of dividing responsibilities between various participants and project personnel at decision-making levels (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Levels of decision making by various project teams.

The division of competencies in the field of decision-making - political, strategic and tactical, their execution and provision of operational management allows us to assess the feasibility of creating certain project teams within the framework of a specific project.

2.3. KMP goals in the project

The KMP must satisfy the interests of the Customer and other project participants who are not members of the team, which are expressed in the form of declared and/or latent (hidden, not explicitly stated. - Ed.) goals. For example, in a project one can highlight: the Customer’s goals; the goals of the project participants on the team; the goals of other project participants who are not members of the team; goals of the parent (executing) organization; project goals; team goals; team members' goals.

In practice, the goals of the ILC, the interests of the participants and the corresponding goals and objectives of the project (declared and latent) are often contradictory. The plurality of interests and goals of various project participants also determines the area of ​​their conflict (see Fig. 2). Therefore, qualifications, skill and art of project management play a decisive role in achieving that part of the project’s goals that is associated with meeting the expectations of its participants.

Rice. 2. Goals in the project environment and in the project, the bearers of which are various project participants.

The tasks initially set for the project management team and arising during its implementation are completely determined by the set of those declared and latent goals, the bearers of which are the project participants.

3. Creation and development of the KMP

3.1. The essence and characteristics of the ILC

The difficulty of creating and developing an effective KMP is due to the fact that it occupies a triple position in the implementation of the project.

  1. From the perspective of a systems approach: KMP is a subject of management in relation to processes and objects of management (subject - object relations) in a project with all its inherent tasks and functions.
  2. From the perspective of the psychological approach: the CMP is a self-governing and self-developing subject (subject - subject relations). Within the framework of PM, this position is defined through self-developing, self-oriented and self-motivating KMP.
  3. From the perspective of the project approach: KMP is an end-to-end developing element of the project implementation technology.

On the other hand, KMP is the basis of any project management technology and is an integrated set of heterogeneous elements. An incomplete list of characteristics, elements and components of the KMP (see Table 2), which must not only be taken into account, but also linked into the integrated project space, shows the complexity of the task of forming and creating one or another type of Team in a project.

Table 2. Characteristics, elements and components of the KMP:

  • Culture
  • Synergy
  • Communications
  • Leadership
  • Personnel qualifications
  • Organization
  • Promotion
  • Motivation
  • Positions
  • System of values
  • Mentality
  • Ethics
  • Conflicts
  • Informal communication
  • Styles
  • Solutions
  • Delegation
  • Functions
  • Competencies
  • and other

However, the main problem in creating a CMP is not so much in its three “essences” (hypostases), in the quantity and quality of elements, but in the fact that this entire set of elements must work in a coordinated and purposeful manner. Moreover, it is difficult to identify priorities from this set, since they can change for different purposes and at different phases of the project life cycle. Therefore, when creating and developing a CMP, technologies are required that would allow for the integration of CMP members into the workspace of a specific project during its implementation in a targeted manner for specific goals and objectives. This type of technology is called cross-cultural and cross-professional integration (In this case, we mean the intersection, crossing, mixing of cultures and professionalism of team members in the integrated project space in a targeted manner.) and are used both when creating a KMP and when integrating a KMP into project (flanges GOST 12821-80).

When forming a team, it should be especially taken into account that an effective KMP cannot be created “in general” for any project. For each specific project, it is necessary to create a CMP that is most adequate for it. Moreover, we are not talking about replacing personnel, but about the redistribution of managerial roles, relationships between members of the CMP, responsibility, etc. Otherwise, assigning the execution of a new project to the team of another project without its “technological adjustment” to perform other unique tasks (let me remind you: any project is unique by its definition) almost always leads to inadequacy and ineffectiveness of team actions in relation to the new project.

It should also be taken into account that the IMP changes as the project moves from one phase to another. The changes concern not so much the personal participants of the project, but the redistribution of roles, functions and responsibilities among the members of the Commission. This means that as the project develops, some people who have “weight” and significance in one phase of the project will lose their “weight” in it when moving to another phase. A conflict of interest is obvious, but such a conflict is resolved with great difficulty and often with great losses for the project. The art of project management lies in turning the conflict into a constructive direction.

3.2. Stages of existence of the ILC

The period of existence of the KMP is always associated with the beginning and end of the project. Therefore, there are five stages of the existence of the IMC.

  • Forming - team members unite with a desire to collaborate.
  • Intensive formation (storming) - after the start of joint work, it turns out that the opinions of team members regarding ways to achieve the goals of the project and approaches to its implementation are different, which can lead to disputes and even conflicts.
  • Normalizing activities - team members come to mutual agreement as a result of negotiations and compromises and develop norms on the basis of which their further work will be based.
  • Execution of project plans (performing) - after the motivation of team members and the effectiveness of its work increase, the process of project implementation stabilizes, and the project team can work with high efficiency throughout the entire period of its implementation.
  • Transformation of a team or its disbandment (transforming) - the termination of the team's work as the work on the project is completed requires a decision about the future work of its members. By the end of a project, performance can either increase (team members focus on completing the task with a fairly clear view of their future) or decrease (team members feel regret about the end of their work together, especially if their future is uncertain).

In practice, all these stages manifest themselves in different forms, and very often Teams “fall apart”, never reaching not only the effective execution of the project, but also the stage of normalizing activities. This depends on the general level of managerial professional culture both in the organization and around it. The art of the manager (manager, leader) of the Team is to ensure a constructive transition of the project team from one life phase (stage) of the project to another within the framework of project activities and bring the project to successful completion.

3.3. Project Human Resource Management and Project Human Resource Management

In general, a project’s human resources are a set of professional, business, and personal qualities of project participants and members of its team and their capabilities (influence, “weight,” connections, etc.) that can be used in the implementation of the project. Labor resources are part of human resources considered as a measurable resource in a project.

Personnel are specific individuals, part of which is their qualifications, performance of functional duties, etc., which is described within the project staffing schedule.

In a project there is always something that is controlled through the use of certain processes, and something that cannot be controlled in a process form. What can be “managed” in a project from a process management perspective? Labor resources and project staff, that is, those management objects that are “measurable” mainly in quantitative form. What can be “managed” in a project in conditions of lack of information and poor predictability of the behavior of the control object when making a particular management decision? In other words, from the perspective of “management” and “art”? Human resources and personnel, that is, those objects of management that are partially measured - and then mainly in a qualitative form. When we talk about modern management in relation to human resources and personnel, we mean the management of unmeasurable quantities. You can plan what can be measured. As part of the organizational planning of the project, the calculation of the labor resources required for its implementation is carried out.

In this case, the timing and duration of use (load, labor costs) of managers and specialists are planned. The cost of attracted labor resources is also determined based on their qualifications, needs and capabilities of the project, types of work (work packages), the corresponding market or standard cost of their work (services), etc. Personnel are also assigned to certain work (work packages) and/ or areas of work.

All specialized software products (PP) for project management use blocks for staff and labor management with good communication capabilities for the collaboration of project personnel.

Software programs that are quite common and supported on the Russian market include both “large” multi-project professional systems - PrimaVera Planner 3.0, Open Plan Professional, and more “modest” ones - Microsoft Project 2000, Sure Track Manager 2.0. Within the framework of the personnel management subsystems in these software projects, there are good opportunities for planning and using the specialists involved in the project (as its measurable resource). But this is not enough.

For a project, it is important to understand the limits of applicability of software products in the field of human resource management: where we are talking about “managing a person” as a measurable resource, there are enough specialized software products for project management.

In projects in which the human factor is of critical importance, focusing only on managing “labor resources” and “staff” without taking into account organizational and professional cultures, individual characteristics of team members and other poorly identified and measurable characteristics of teams often leads to conflicts, difficulties “on out of the blue" and the failure of the entire project.

3.4. Integrated KMP culture

The basic philosophy of the organization, its culture plays a more significant role in achieving project success than technological and economic resources, organizational structure and compliance with project deadlines.

The culture of Teams of various types in a project generally includes national, corporate, organizational and professional cultures.

The crop types are described by the following basic characteristics.

  • Corporate culture includes the value system, mentality and model of action of the parent (executing) organization, within the structure of which the project and team are located, as well as other main project participants.
  • Organizational culture includes the value system, mentality and action model of the IMC.
  • Professional culture includes a system of professional values, professional thinking and a model of professional activity of project participants both as individuals and as members of the CMP.

Overcoming differences in culture, professional orientation, and work stereotypes of ILC members is achieved through the use of special approaches and technologies.

To create an effective CMP, it is necessary to harmoniously combine different systems of values, mentalities and modes of action, the carriers of which are team members - individuals, in the integrated space of the project (see Fig. 3). Therefore, a fundamentally important difference between an established CMP and another type of team working in a different organizational and activity model is the organizational and professional culture of the PM.

Rice. 3. Creation of a KMP from individuals through the development of a team management culture

Basically, the cultural aspects of the activities of teams in the project are considered in the context of mixed or international teams. Indeed, issues of attitude to power, individual and collective, responsibility, family ties, time, life, etc. are related to national culture. However, practice and analysis of the components of the activities of mixed teams show that the influence of the organizational and professional culture of the members of the team on its activities overlaps the effects of national differences.

The organizational and professional culture of the PM can be considered the measure that distinguishes project teams from other types of teams and which can be taken as a basis for the creation and development of the KMP both in actual project work and in trainings.


4.1. Results of KMP activities

For each project and each customer, success criteria can be defined and described in measurable form. Three traditional types of criteria can be distinguished:

  • the traditional criterion for project management “on time, within budget, in accordance with the requirements for results and quality”;
  • criteria of the leading organization, customer, user;
  • criterion of benefit for project participants.

In each specific project, it is necessary to select both the criterion for its successful completion and the selection of characteristics and indicators (qualitative and quantitative) that allow assessing the effectiveness of the KMP activities. This is the key task of those project participants (customer, project owner, sponsor) who invest their resources (money, time, connections, etc.) in the ongoing project and expect to receive corresponding benefits (profit, increased status, expanded opportunities, etc.). ).

In general, the successful main results of the KMP activities are:

  • achieving the goals of the project or the goals of its life phase;
  • solving assigned tasks and obtaining project results within a given time frame and with given resource restrictions.

Other, more specific results of the KMP’s activities in the project are determined in relation to the performing organization, to the project, to the team as a participant in the project and in relation to team members.

It should be borne in mind that the results of the ILC activities should ideally be measurable. Therefore, at the project planning stage, a system of criteria for assessing the results of its work and corresponding quantitative and qualitative indicators is provided, on the basis of which it can be stated: the project has been implemented successfully or unsuccessfully.

4.2. What is an effective CMP?

How much are you willing to pay for effective and efficient work? How can one generally determine the effectiveness of a CMP?

There are many sets of performance characteristics of the CMP. For example, characteristics of an effective project team:

  • job satisfaction,
  • contribution to team culture,
  • <чувство гордости за Команду,/li>
  • involvement in activities,
  • loyalty towards Team members,
  • agreement and harmony,
  • result orientation.

Another set of characteristics of a highly efficient integrated MCU:

  • clear understanding of common goals,
  • openness,
  • confidence in each other
  • division of competencies,
  • effective internal procedures,
  • flexibility and adaptability,
  • improvement and growth of competence.

Another set of efficiency characteristics of the ILC:

  • well defined Project Mission and strategy,
  • no more than ten people in the KMP,
  • autonomy, or freedom and breadth of decision-making regarding the activities of the ILC in accordance with the content of the Mission of the parent (executing) organization,
  • resources for the implementation of the Project,
  • a reasonable main way to achieve the goals of the Project,
  • clear expectations from their activities under the Project,
  • Team members who understand the expectations of others from the execution of the Project,
  • patience and tolerance,
  • participation of everyone in the activities of the Project,
  • presence of a Leader.

The choice of one or another set of criteria and characteristics of the effectiveness of the KMP depends both on the expectations of the participants and the criteria for the success of the project determined at the start of the project, and on the real and timely resources allocated for the implementation of the project (financial, material and human) and the professionalism of the managers and specialists involved in the work .

However, in any case, the main criterion for the effectiveness of the KMP will be the final result of the implemented project of the required quality, on time and within resource restrictions.

4.3. The Project Management Team is a critical factor in the success of the project.

The main “tool” for achieving project results that meet the criteria for assessing its success is the KMP. Therefore, the KMP is one of the critical factors for the success of the project.

The KMP is one complex instrument. And every time it needs to be configured for a specific project, for a certain range of specific tasks.

At the same time, the following approach is often encountered: since a given group of people has successfully implemented one project, it means that this is already an effective team that successfully implements another project. A big misconception that often leads to disappointment.

Stereotypes of KMP work, naturally formed during the implementation of one project, can be a disservice when working on a new project. Therefore, when making a final decision on the implementation of a new project, it is necessary to take this fact into account when forming and creating a new project team.

5. Conclusion

Currently in Russia there is a change in management cultures in those areas of professional activity that are related to the socio-economic and political system of the state (economics, finance, management, management, social sphere, etc.).

Most of the problems of the Russian economy are of an organizational, managerial and personnel nature. Any changes - reengineering, crisis management, strategic planning and management, reorganization or organizational development, etc. - require the targeted selection of professionals, the formation of management and executive teams and conscious team actions. One of the most effective market management cultures and methodologies is project management, which is increasingly used in project management in Russia.

Summarizing the successful experience of teams in the project (unfortunately, mostly foreign), we can draw the following fundamental conclusions.

  1. The main factor determining the success of the project is the Project Management Team.
  2. The basis of a successful KMP, into which all other characteristics, elements and components of its activities are integrated, is the organizational and professional culture of project management.
  3. In technological terms, the organizational and professional culture of the KMP is determined through a system of values, mentality and the corresponding team and individual course of action.
  4. The creation and development of the KMP is carried out through specific integration technologies (including methods, tools and instruments from different fields of activity) both by the members of the KMP within itself, and by the development of the KMP in the integrated project space.
  5. The project itself and the decision to implement the project must reflect the issues of the IMP (competence, level of decision-making, powers and responsibilities, etc.), and also provide resources (financial, time, human) for its formation, creation and development. This is basic leadership skill.


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Vladimir Mikheev,
СPMP IPMA (Level “C”), Vice President of SOVNET

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