Where is my page. Find a person in Odnoklassniki without registration for free

Driven into Yandex or Google query " Odnoklassniki my page» and now you do not know which site to open? Or go to classmates, but you get to the wrong place? Take just a couple of minutes to read this note and you will always get to the real Odnoklassniki.ru!

So, without long introductions, let's start in the question-answer mode:

1. Where are the real Odnoklassniki?

If you are sitting on the phone, then do not bother and just drive in the new short address of this social network:
https://m.ok.ru/ is the mobile version of Odnoklassniki.

2. How can I determine in the search engine which site I will get to?

In Yandex, in addition to the page name and a brief description of it, the URL (address) is displayed, which you will go to if you click on the link. This address is at the bottom of the page description. (see screenshot)

In Google, the situation is similar, only the URL is displayed not under the description, but under the name of the page (or site)

3. If I follow a link from Google or Yandex, can I be sure that I'm on real Odnoklassniki?

In most cases, yes. However, if your computer is infected with a virus, then even by clicking on the Odnoklassniki link, you can get to an unwanted double site that will steal your password. To make sure that you are on the real Odnoklassniki site, and not on a fake, make sure that the address bar of your browser says https://ok.ru/(or at the old address http://odnoklassniki.ru/ see screenshot).

It is also worth paying attention to the green lock in front of the site address. This indicates the authenticity of the SLL certificate.

4. I follow the link https//ok.ru, but they get to another site that looks similar, what should I do?

Firstly, in no case do not enter your username and password on it. Better just close the page.

Secondly, download Dr.Web CureIt by following the link http://www.freedrweb.com/cureit, scan your computer with it and remove viruses. The utility does not require installing and disabling your main antivirus. I wrote about the benefits of this particular free healing utility in this article.

After the virus is killed, restart your computer and try to go to your page. In 99% of cases, you will get exactly where you need to go.

5. How to find registration in classmates?

Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to register in classmates. And the picture above shows where to press to register.


First of all, the social network classmates is used to communicate with friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Being with them in different parts of the world, you can always exchange messages, find out how things are going, see the latest photos. To do this, just open my page. This cannot be done without registration.

Music and video

In addition to correspondence, the user can always listen to music without leaving the site. Here you can easily pick up tracks of your favorite genre, create your own playlist. You can also upload your favorite songs to the social network from a personal computer. Melodies can be swapped, deleted, added. You just need to go to odnoklassniki and get access to your playlist from any gadget. The same goes for videos.

Groups and communities

As in any social network, there are a large number of communities in Odnoklassniki. The user can find a group of interest to him and join it, or he can create his own. The community of interest is a great way to make new friends on the Internet, chat about topics of interest, discuss movies, music, exhibitions, fashion trends and anything else.

Important! Communication should be correct and decent. Otherwise, the user may be blocked.


Photos are easily added to the site, entire albums are created (For example, "Vacation 2017", "Birthday", "New Year"). At the same time, friends will be able to see and appreciate the bright shots of your life. Evaluation is carried out on a five-point scale. If the user pays for an additional service, he will be able to rate "5+".

In addition to rating, users can click "Class!". After that, the photo they like will be displayed in their feed and will also be visible to their friends (that is, more and more network users will be able to see it).

games and applications

The Odnoklassniki social network offers a large number of games and applications for every taste. These can be games for children (for both boys and girls), puzzles, arcades, quests, shooters, strategies. Each user will be able to find the most suitable entertainment for themselves. Many games allow you to play together with friends (to help each other or, on the contrary, set traps).


OK.ru has a well-organized system of reminders for various events. Users have almost no chance to forget about birthdays, holidays, important dates. In addition, for any occasion, you can give a friend a virtual gift for a small fee.

"Visiting trips"

Views of other people's pages in classmates, unlike other social networks, do not go unnoticed. The user always sees who visited his page. And his "trace" will remain on the pages of other users. But if there is a desire to remain unnoticed, then you can purchase the "Invisible".

If necessary, the user can restrict access to his page. After that, only friends will come to visit. For everyone else, the information on the page will be unavailable.

How to enter Odnoklassniki from a computer

Important! It is impossible to enter classmates on your page without registering. How to enter Odnoklassniki from your phone

Sometimes it is necessary to enter classmates on your social network page from your phone or tablet. To do this is quite simple, you will need to perform the following steps.

First of all, you should make sure that your device has an Internet connection. If necessary, you can set it up with a mobile operator or connect to an available wi-fi wireless network.

To go to the site, you can use any mobile browser, most often they are installed on smartphones by default. In the address bar you need to write m.odnoklassniki.ru. The letter m at the beginning means that the mobile version should open, it is more convenient and compact for the phone. Login is carried out with a password and login. Then “My Page” will open on the Odnoklassniki social network.

For convenience, you can install a special official application of the Odnoklassniki social network on your smartphone. It can be downloaded for any operating system (it is not recommended to do this without registering on the market).

The application has a number of advantages:

  • Quick access to the page.
  • Event notifications (messages, guests on the page, holidays, invitations to friends or groups).

Overview of the interface and functionality

Top menu bar

This menu is considered the main one and contains the following items:

Menu in the personal data area

Under the line indicating the last name, first name, age of the user, there is another menu. It contains the following sections:

Not all subsections fit into a small menu bar. Many of them can be viewed by clicking on the "More" button.

Section "Payments"

Allows you to make money transfers to friends, as well as purchase paid services of the site, including:

  • score "5 + 0";
  • service "Invisible";
  • additional emoticons and stickers;
  • VIP status;
  • special page design;
  • package "All inclusive".

The black list is in some cases a very useful service. It allows you to restrict the access of certain users to the page.

The setup section is required to set your own parameters.

Odnoklassniki social network is a convenient and useful resource. It allows you to stay in touch with friends and acquaintances at any time. At the same time, users are provided with a large set of useful and entertaining additions.

My page on classmates (OK), where can it be?

First you need to try to go to the site itself using the link below, there may be several scenarios during the transition:

  • You got to your page, and at the moment you became a happy person;
  • Odnoklassniki page didn't load, white sheet or it says that access is closed - in this case, you can try to use - anomizer (follow the link);
  • A page has opened where you need to enter your login and password, which you most likely forgot (more on that later);
  • A window has opened for you, where it says that you must enter your phone number and then confirm the unlocking of your account (be careful here - these are most likely scammers!)

Instructions for recovering a password in ok.ru in pictures:

On the main page of "LLC" Odnoklassniki, we are looking for a link next to the login button - " Forgot your password?” and boldly click on it.

You should have the following page:

Recovery using "Personal data"

To do this, enter your First Name Last Name Age (numbers) City (the data must match your account). After you find yourself, click "This is me" and confirm password recovery via SMS. An example is in the picture below.

We will not consider recovery methods via phone, mail and login, since everything is simple there and you should not have any difficulties.

Restoring with "Profile Link"

If you do not remember your link to your profile, then you need to ask your friends to go to your profile in classmates and copy the link and send you SMS, WhatsApp, Viber in any convenient way for you. Next, enter or paste this link into the field that will appear when you click on the "Link to profile" recovery method and continue the recovery procedure.

How to enter Odnoklassniki without a password?

You can enter Odnoklassniki without a password, but only if you have already authorized them before, for this you just need to go to Odnoklassniki, if you see a login form, then you are not authorized. In this case, you need to log in with your username and password, or restore them, there is no other way.

You must understand that the login and password were created for your security, so take your data seriously and always write it down on a separate piece of paper so that such situations do not arise.

What to do if you are asked to send SMS?

It is advisable to start by trying to log in to classmates from another computer or from a mobile phone in order to check if your account is really blocked or is it still a virus on your computer?

If you are also asked to send SMS, then most likely you were hacked and SPAM was actually sent from your account. To unlock, you need to do as it says there, that is, enter your phone number and confirm it, but in no case send a response SMS, you just need to enter the code that will come to your phone.

If you successfully entered your page from another computer or mobile device, then we can say with confidence that this is a virus that can be cured.

We remove the virus with our own hands:


  1. Go to the folder with the installed operating system, usually this C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
  2. We open the hosts file with notepad, and if we find lines where the address odnoklassniki.ru or ok.ru is used, then we boldly delete these lines and save our file.
  3. Next, we simply restart the browser and, just in case, clear the cache, this is done by pressing the ctrl + shift + del keys in the new Opera and Google Chrome browser.

How not to lose your access to classmates?

There are a huge number of sites on the Internet that promise you access to classmates without a password, somewhere they ask you to send SMS and pay for this service, somewhere I promise to hack your account again for money.

It happens that the site is very similar to classmates, and you enter and do not suspect that your data will be stolen and used for other purposes, not excluding fraud and spamming to your friends and relatives. But in no case, do not see these tricks of scammers. Be vigilant and attentive, be sure to look at which site you are on, you can enter data only on the site of classmates ok.ru.

What to do if pictures, videos, records and messages are not displayed?

This is a very common problem, for this you can try:

  • To get started, restart your browser, to do this, just close it and start it again.
  • If it doesn’t help, download and open classmates through another browser - for example, Opera, Google Chrome, Amigo, if you don’t have such browsers, then look in Google or Yandex.

If you still didn’t manage to get on your classmates page, then write in the comments or ask questions using our button on top

After that, you will be logged into your profile from the main page of the resource. It will be enough just to enter your data - login and password.

Odnoklassniki login to my page - user profile

After switching to, a field will be displayed on the right where you need to enter your cell phone number, your email address that was registered during registration or the login specified during registration. Further, below, the password is entered and the "Login" button is pressed.

When entering " Odnoklassniki social network” from someone else’s computer, we recommend that you uncheck the box next to the “Remember me” button. This is done for your security, as the owner of the computer can easily access the network under your name, and subsequently change the password. You should be very careful and prudent when logging in from someone else's computer!

The content of the personal page in Odnoklassniki

When you first enter the site, not all menu items may be clear, so we will dwell on each of the menu items in more detail so that the social network interface is as clear as possible.

Let's start at the top of the page:
  • Main menu. This is the personal page, sometimes referred to as the "user profile". The main part of the menu is occupied by the activity feed. All changes on the pages of your friends are displayed here. By scrolling through it with the mouse wheel or the up and down arrows, you can see photos and posts of friends. This menu item is more or less clear.
  • Private messages. It is easy to guess that it is here that all correspondence with friends and other users of the social network is stored. By clicking on a specific section, you can read received messages from users or sent ones.
  • Discussions. Information that is actively discussed by your friends is displayed here. For example, the birthday of a mutual friend or other events.
  • Alerts. This section displays data about the invitation to friends, notifications from online games and other applications available on the social network are also stored here.
  • Guests. The section allows you to see everyone who accidentally or intentionally visited your page for a month. After thirty days, this information is automatically deleted.
  • Estimates. This section stores ratings for your photos, videos, music from different users.
  • Music. Here are the sound files. You can’t download them - you can only listen, but you can buy certain compositions you like. The cost of each song is approximately 20-25 OK.
  • Friends. This is where the list of your friends in Odnoklassniki is stored.
  • Photos. This section contains your photo albums or individual frames. You can edit, delete, add new ones at any time.
  • Groups. This is the section with the communities you have joined. For example, a certain school, kindergarten, city, etc.
  • Games. Here you can play your favorite games online.
  • Notes. Notes store old statuses or other notes from your page. When deleting statuses, they are first removed to this section, from where they can be deleted permanently.
  • Video. Here you can find many videos stored in the social network. The topics of the videos are very diverse.
  • The "Gifts" section stores gifts received from friends and other users.
  • Forum. Mini-chat that allows you to have a conversation with several friends at once. Here you can write whatever you want.
  • Help. Here you can ask all your questions regarding the work and capabilities of the social network. It will be needed not only for beginners, but also for experienced network users.
  • Russian keyboard. A convenient section for those who do not have Russian on the keyboard. For example, for users from other countries. A useful feature that allows you to change the text language to Russian with one click.

How to restore a page in classmates?

Restoring a lost page is an extremely difficult task for most users of a well-known social resource " classmates". They often ask: "It doesn't work to restore the page in classmates, I need help!" For the happy owners of a valid profile in this social network, we present the main factors that contribute to blocking an account or losing registration data.

Based on this information, you can avoid the need for complex page recovery in the future:

  1. The page may be hacked.
  2. The profile can be deleted by you personally (before doing this, weigh your decision).
  3. The user account can be blocked by the site administration.
Accordingly, there are also several recovery methods. So, how is it possible to restore a page in classmates

If the page has been hacked or stolen

First, don't panic. You have the opportunity to address the support service with a request for new data or receive the information necessary for recovery on your mobile phone. This is quite enough to personally control your own page on a social Internet resource again. Secondly, you will receive a new temporary password. It is very important to change it immediately, as well as change the password of the e-mail box.

Be carefull! Fraudsters are active on the World Wide Web, so do not send an SMS message to an unknown phone number. If you have the slightest suspicion, check the information with the server support service. Or, reactivate your account using the method described below. You will save both money and time.

The procedure for restoring a profile in classmates consists of the following steps:

Restoring a hacked page is not such a significant problem, it is easy to solve. We also present to your attention another case when the profile was deleted.

If the page in Odnoklassniki is blocked by the administration

The reason for blocking may be non-compliance with the rules of the social network, spam, etc. You have the opportunity to contact the administration with a question about an inaccessible account. The message should indicate the reason for the appeal, the page address, time and date. The request can be sent using this link at the very bottom. In addition, this page of the site provides comprehensive information about all kinds of problems when working with the site.

In conclusion, let's consider the case when you yourself deleted the profile in classmates, but changed your mind and decided to restore it.

If the page has been removed

Regardless of whether you deleted your page intentionally or accidentally, it will unfortunately be impossible to restore your profile. For those who are particularly persistent and still strive to restore a deleted account by any means, we recommend that you contact the administration. But, the provided answer to the request is unlikely to please you. As a rule, users receive a notification that the deleted page cannot be restored.

In this case, we can advise you to register again and not be upset because of minor troubles!

The social network Odnoklassniki is the second most popular in Russia after VKontakte. It is generally accepted that the main audience of this social network is by no means youth - housewives and people over 45. Yes, unlike Kontakt, there are even grannies over 70 here. But nevertheless, the bulk of the population of OK.RU are young people from 24 to 35, and men are no less than women.
It just so happened historically that the Odnoklassniki social network appeared in Runet in 2005, which is a year earlier than VK.COM, and even therefore it is, as it were, older. She is also older in terms of the behavior of her members on pages and in groups. Indeed, would a student be furious and swearing in public if one of the parents or relatives, close or distant, can read it. Therefore, the order here, although not by much, but it will be more.

Unfortunately, not everyone with a computer is on “You” yet and navigates the Internet like a “fish in water”. This is especially difficult for older people. Once registered on ok.ru, they subsequently fail to go to Odnoklassniki on their page.

The second striking example is when a system administrator, on the orders of management (or on his own initiative, which is less common), closes access to Odnoklassniki at work or at the institute. This restriction is made using the settings of a proxy server or a corporate Internet gateway. When users try to access ok.ru, they get the message "access denied". What to do in this case and how to get into your favorite social network?! We will talk about all this with you now.

Login to the Odnoklassniki website from a computer or laptop

This is the most common and easiest way, which is used by about 70% of the visitors of the social network. In order to access classmates from a computer on Windows, Linux or Mac OS X, you just need to launch a web browser (Edge, Chrome, Opera, Firefox) and enter the address in the address bar: ok.ru and press the Enter button. After that, you will see such a colorful page with a separate form for entering a login and password:

If you are visiting the Odnoklassniki website for the first time and do not have a login and password for authorization, then in order to enter OK.RU you will first have to.

However, you can also enter through the old address. Entering odnokassniki.ru in the address bar will automatically redirect you to the page:
where the authorization form is located, or it will be transferred to “My Page” if you are already authorized on the site and the login with the password is remembered by the browser.

OK.RU entrance to the site through the mobile version

Like any self-respecting Internet portal, Odnoklassniki also has a mobile version of the site. You get to it when you try to go to ok.ru from a tablet or phone. The web server will recognize this device and transfer you from the usual design theme to the one designed specifically for various gadgets. Her address is m.ok.ru and she looks like this:

Despite the fact that in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki everything is grouped as compactly as possible, taking into account small screens, nevertheless, all the functionality of the full version remains here. Enter your username and password and go ahead to communicate with friends and family, wherever you are!

Free Odnoklassniki app for tablets and phones

Given the ever-increasing number of mobile gadgets for its visitors, the management of the Mail.Ru Group concern, which owns the social network, decided to develop a special mobile application. First, in 2013, it was released for Windows Phone. Then, in 2014, a free application for Android (download) and iPhone & iPad (download) appeared, each of which is available in the regular application store for its operating system.

Signing in to “My Page” ok.ru from a mobile application is as easy as shelling pears. Installed, launched and working! The only possible difficulty is to remember your username and password:

After that, we will be greeted by the main program window with a feed of events. The possibilities here are the same as on the site. Just more convenient:

Personally, I like the program more than the mobile version. There is a convenient menu and a focus on finger control, sound control, the ability to save pictures, incl. and GIF format. Yes, many, many more. Put it on and judge for yourself!

Closed access to Odnoklassniki at work? No problem!

At many enterprises, firms and offices, the fashion has recently gone - the management likes to take and restrict access to Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte and gives the corresponding instruction to the system administrator. They say that social programs interfere with work, labor productivity falls, attention is scattered, it is more difficult for an employee to focus on a task, etc. And if you stick your head in - the leader himself went to his page and sits, enjoys life. He has access. Not in order! Why are we worse? To deceive the system manager and go to "My Page" on OK.RU when access is denied, we will be helped by a special online service called Anonymizer, which is essentially a simple web proxy. The meaning of its work is simple: you go to an anonymizer site and through it you get to your favorite social network. Pros: anonymity. The system administrator of your company, and hence the management, will never know that you went to Odnoklassniki on My Page. Cons - there is a risk that your password can be taken away. But they can also steal it from a home computer or laptop, so here you need to follow the basic requirements of computer security. As elsewhere, however. I will give 4 most convenient, in my opinion, free services.

I put this anonymizer at the top of the list for a reason. The fact is that it is very fast and convenient, moreover, without annoying ads. But that's not all of its benefits. Another significant plus is as many as THREE COMPATIBILITY MODES, which can be changed on the go, in the drop-down window:

Here you can also quickly change the country and IP-address through which you make an anonymous login to ok.ru Separately, I note that this is a relatively fresh service and system administrators practically do not know about it, which means they do not ban.

2. HideMe.com

A very popular web proxy in Russia and CIS countries. As you can see in the screenshot, it is already optimized for the social networks odnoklassniki.ru, vk.com and YouTube:

Here you can also choose what to focus on - on the speed of opening pages or on maximum compatibility. It is also possible to buy access to the advanced version, where you can block scripts on the sites you open, including prohibiting ad modules. There is only one minus, but significant - it is well known to networkers and often access to it can also be closed, as well as to ok.ru.

3. Dostyp.ru

A free service that provides access to blocked sites. Its main focus is social networks, so it suits us perfectly:

Works without showing ads. Moves very fast too. I haven't noticed any compatibility issues. Even the background image shows what not every web proxy can boast of. In addition, the developers assure a high degree of reliability and safety.

4. Proxyweb.net

This is a universal service, simple and neat, although without a specific focus on one or another entertainment service.

It allows you to remove Java, JavaScript, cookies and ActiveX from pages if necessary. The big plus is that it works using the https protocol, which means you can download pictures and music to your computer, and the system administrator will never see this in the logs.

P.S. I think that having mastered the article in full, you will not have problems logging into “My Page” on ok.ru and you can do it without any problems both from a home desktop computer, laptop or tablet, but at work or university, even when access to Classmates cunning system administrator. Good luck to all!