How to set up MMS on your device: a few steps. How to turn on the mms function

Apple is the bestseller, but even the devices it releases have problems. One of the most common is that MMS is not sent from iPhone. The reason here is both the lack of settings and a software failure.

What are the possibilities of the MMS function:

  • Send images, videos and text messages.
  • Transferring audio files.

There are several ways to send MMS from iPhone:

  • Through the gallery.
  • With a dedicated application.
  • Transfer directly from the camera.

To send MMC from an iPhone, the owners of this gadget usually use the gallery. This is the simplest and most convenient option, which requires only a few steps:

  1. We go into the folder, select the desired photo.
  2. Click on the icon located at the bottom left side, select "Message".
  3. Enter the recipient's number and confirm the operation.

An image or other file will be delivered within a few minutes: it all depends on the mobile operator and the recipient's phone model.

To send MMS from iPhone, the parameters set by the mobile operator are used. Having decided to reset the settings, you need to take into account that this operation is a last resort, and after it all photos, videos and other files important to the user will be deleted, so it is recommended to copy them to another device in advance.

How to reset:

  1. We go to the settings menu, then click on "Basic".
  2. We click on the reset button and wait a few minutes, after entering the security password.

After the manipulations described above, you must re-enter the data parameters in order to send MMS on iPhone:

Checking the activity of the "Cellular Data" slider

Sometimes MMS are not sent to iPhone due to the deactivation of the data transfer function. To check and fix this, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the settings, select the "Cellular network" section.
  2. Move the slider to the right.

Active data transfer is just as important as correct MMC settings, so you should pay attention to the state of the slider - it should always be highlighted in green.

Switching to 3G mode

To set up MMS and use faster Internet, you should activate the function of sending data in 3G mode. The method is available for users of iPhone 5S and above. How it's done:

  1. Go to iPhone settings.
  2. Select the appropriate data transfer mode and press the confirmation button.

Important! Sending MMS using LTE technology will not work, so you have to switch modes all the time.

We register your phone number in the "Settings" menu

Before contacting the operator's support service, you should check if the number for sending messages is indicated:

  1. We go into the settings, click on "Phone".
  2. Select "My number". Current contact details should be indicated here. If not, enter numbers.

Enable iMessage

The iMessage service with iPhone allows you to exchange instant messages, including graphic ones. The function is supported by smartphones ranging from model 4, 5, 5S, 6S and above.

How to enable iMessage:

  1. We start everything from the standard options menu, go to "Messages".
  2. At the top of the screen, find and turn on iMessage by moving the slider to the right.
  3. We exchange photos and audio files.

To check the activity, you need to go to the standard Messages application and click on send a photo.

We contact the operator's support service and clarify

If the device does not allow you to send graphic files, you need to contact the support service and clarify a few important details:

  • Have the MMS settings changed?
  • Is this option available according to the tariff plan?
  • Does the operator have limits on the volume of messages? Some companies limit the weight to 1MB.

We update, reboot, remove the SIM

When the above actions do not solve the problem, it is recommended to update to the latest version of iOS, remove the SIM card and insert it back, or perform a "hard reset".


Owners of the iPhone 6 and other models, regardless of the carrier, cannot use the option to send MMS for various reasons, but they can be easily fixed by yourself. Having solved the problem, it is enough to pick up a smartphone, take a picture, select the addressee and press the confirmation button to be content with comfortable communication and instant messaging.


Apple has tried to simplify the process of setting up its products as much as possible, therefore, to activate many settings on a smartphone and tablet, one click is enough.

First you need to try to enable the MMS function on your iPhone by going to the message settings. The MMS Messages option must be enabled. The same must be done with the "Cellular Data" option in the iPhone's cellular settings. The smartphone must have Internet access. To check this, just turn on Wi-Fi, find a suitable network and open any of the addresses in your browser.

The next step is to restart your smartphone. Turn off the gadget, remove and reinsert the SIM card, then turn on the device. Check if the MMS function works on iPhone. If sending a message did not work, then you should reset the network settings.

In order to restore the normal operation of the gadget, you need to go to the main settings of the smartphone and find the "Reset" option. Then you need to reset the network settings. And turn off the gadget again, remove and insert the SIM card into the phone and try to send MMS to the iPhone.

If messages are still not being sent, then you need to check with your service provider whether your MMS service is activated.

MMS messages are sent directly from messages. Just click on the camera icon, take or select the desired photo from existing pictures on your phone. At the same time, the problem of sending MMS to iPhone with proper settings of all parameters may be due to the large weight of the photo or inappropriate image format. To do this, you need to open the picture in full screen and take a screenshot of it, then the photo will appear in the album and will be fully available for sending.

Hello! MMS for iPhone owners... not needed. After all, there are iMessage, WhatsApp, Viber and other instant messengers! That's what I thought exactly until the moment when I needed to send a multimedia message to a happy person who does not have all these "newfangled programs". Well, okay, the iPhone can send mms? Can! So there shouldn't be any problems. Let's send now!

I unlock my phone, open messages, add a photo there, and with a perfect movement press the send message button. And ... the result is negative - nothing was sent. I try a few more times - the effect is exactly the same as from any smartphone on the Android operating system. You can do it - it's useless.

Why did this happen? Let's figure it out now, let's go!

MMS does not "leave" - ​​or maybe the whole thing is not in the iPhone?

First of all, you need to "sweep" the common problems associated with sending multimedia SMS. Pay attention to:

How to exclude and check all these points at the same time? It is enough to perform one simple action - you need to put another SIM card in your iPhone and try to send a multimedia message. Did not work out? Let's go further.

Check iPhone settings - are MMS enabled there?

There is not much to check:

Opened and see empty lines? So you have to enter the data manually. In order not to look for a long time, here are the mms settings in the iPhone for different mobile operators.

Big three - MTS, Megafon, Beeline

MMS proxy192.168.192.192:8080
Max. size512000 512000 512000
URLMMS UProfWe do not fillMMS UProf

Yota and Tele2

UsernameWe do not fillWe do not fill
PasswordWe do not fillWe do not fill
MMS proxy10.10.10.10:8080
Max. sizeWe do not fillWe do not fill
URLWe do not fillWe do not fill

After making and saving all the parameters, do not forget to restart the iPhone.

"IMessage must be enabled to send MMS" error

This is exactly the problem I faced. When trying to send an MMS, a warning sign popped up:

Unable to send message. To send this message, iMessage must be enabled.

It would seem, what is easier?! Open "Settings - Messages" and turn it on.

Only here's the catch, I already had iMessage turned on. But the error message still popped up. What to do in this case?

  1. Check the mms settings (specified in the previous subheading).

Everything! After that, the message with the photo is finally gone - the problem is solved. What do you want :)

P.S. Do you want to solve all problems with mms-kami with one click? Like, click on the social network buttons (below the article) and immediately write your question in the comments. Although ... you can do it without “likes” :) Write - I will try to help everyone!

It is mistakenly considered that MMS for iPhone is an outdated function, because most people use instant messengers to send multimedia files: Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and others. However, it happens that your subscriber does not use all these programs, and then you have to resort to sending MMS.

What is MMS on iPhone

With multimedia messages, users can send each other photos, as well as video and audio files. When sending such messages from the iPhone, difficulties can arise: often you need to change the settings, and even at the first attempt to send a message, you can get confused, since Apple products do not have a separate button for sending MMS.

How to send MMS from iPhone

iPhone allows you to send a multimedia message in three ways:

Keep in mind that some operators set a file size limit for sending MMS - usually 1 MB.

Problems with sending MMS: setting up settings in iPhone

Alas, most often the first time you send MMS from the iPhone and receive it does not work - then it's all about the settings. First, check if you have multimedia messaging enabled. For this:

After changing the settings, restart your iPhone so that they definitely take effect. Sometimes you even need to do a so-called "hard reset" - hold down the shutdown and Home keys for a long time until a branded apple appears on the screen.

MMS settings for iPhone by carrier

If you still need settings for multimedia messages, first contact technical support. You will be sent all the parameters in the form of SMS - you just have to save them. When this option is not possible for some reason, all data is entered manually depending on the operator:

"MTS": username and password - mts, APN -, MMSC - http://mmsc, MMS proxy -, maximum size - 512000, URL - MMS UAProf.

"Megaphone": username and password - gdata, APN - mms, MMSC - http://mmsc:8002, MMS proxy -, maximum size - 512000, URL - leave empty.

Beeline: username and password - beeline, APN -, MMSC - http://mms, MMS proxy -, maximum size - 512000, URL - MMS UAProf.

"Tele2": username and password - leave blank, APN -, MMSC -, MMS proxy -, maximum size and URL - leave empty.

Yota: username and password - leave empty, APN - mms.yota, MMSC - http://mmsc:8002, MMS proxy -, maximum size and URL - leave empty.

After making the settings manually, be sure to restart your iPhone!

Video: settings for sending MMS from iPhone

For what other reasons can not send MMS from iPhone

So, all the settings have been adjusted, the methods of sending MMS have been tried, but the message does not go away. What else could be wrong?

  1. In tariff. It turns out that some tariffs of mobile operators do not allow you to send multimedia messages. Most often, such a ban is set on corporate tariffs. Check this point with the operator.
  2. In the way you connect to the Internet. MMS is not sent over a Wi-Fi connection - you need to turn it off and wait until the smartphone connects to the mobile Internet. It is desirable that the LTE or 3G icon appear - with the “E” symbol, MMS will be sent for a very long time.
  3. in the SIM card. Usually, the problem occurs with the owners of the so-called "cropped" SIM - if the card was cut off manually, then they could do it inaccurately and remove the part of the microcircuit, which is just "responsible" for sending MMS. In this case, you will have to change your SIM card, especially since now ready-made Micro- and Nano-SIMs are issued in communication stores.
  4. In the failure of the network settings. Usually this is indicated by the inscription "Carrier" instead of the name of the operator in the top line of the iPhone screen. This happens if the network settings for some reason were not loaded into the smartphone - an old SIM card, synchronization failure, etc. It is advisable to change the SIM card and contact the operator's technical support service to update the settings.

After the first successful attempt to send MMS from the iPhone, it turns out that it is not so difficult. Most often, problems with sending and receiving MMS are fixed after making the right settings. Do not forget about the "magic" reboot: usually the settings take effect after it.

It happens that from time to time iphone owners have to get out of the warm "apple" world and face the harsh reality. This only happens if there are some rare crashes or problems with iOS. One of these problems is the disabled mms function.

Multimedia messages may not be sent due to various circumstances. It usually happens that the network data is simply incorrectly configured on the iPhone or it is not configured at all. And how, in this case, enable the function of sending mms? The problem is solved very simply - follow reset options and enter the correct ones in the menu of your iphone.

Also, such questions may well arise due to lack of access to the Internet. One way to check access is to turn off the Wi-Fi network. After it is disabled, you should open any search engine and check internet access. Setting up mms can be a little tricky, especially given the incomprehensible interface. Iphone 6 does not have the usual "Create MMS" heading. But you can still enable this feature.

Here are some ways to set up mms:

After you have done all the above, the function of sending multimedia messages should work. But, if it still does not turn on, then you should check the correctness of the network data.

Checking the correct operation of the mms function

To check the correctness of the entered data, you should open the multimedia messaging service in iphone.

  1. From the interface, go to "Settings", then to the "Basic" and "Cellular data" sections;
  2. In the "Cellular data" section, select "Cellular data network";
  3. In this list you can find the inclusion of the mms function.

During the first registration, the device itself will define the operator(Beeline, MTS and others) and send the necessary data. If the device was not able to send data for registration on the network itself, then you should check the correctness of the specified data. It happens that even with correctly entered data, the function to send and receive mms does not work. But in any case, you need to fill in all the empty fields.

If, nevertheless, mms does not work, then the first thing you need to do is network settings query. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the operator and get the operator's service number. All settings can be received via SMS messages.

How to enable mms function on iphone with MTS operator?

Setting up sending multimedia messages for MTS is not very difficult. The first step is to specify in the "Cellular data network" section the parameters for the successful operation of mms:

  • proxy -;
  • username and password - mts;
  • APN -

To activate the mms function, send SMS to number 8890. iPhone settings for other mobile operators will be similar.

Setting up for a new iPhone

On a new device, the mms function is not always enabled. During registration, the user usually receives an SMS message with necessary settings to receive and send multimedia messages.

It happens that the device cannot apply the settings automatically, and then you have to figure it out yourself. All network data can be found on the official website of the mobile operator.

When all the many hours of work on connecting multimedia messages is finally done, the only thing left to do is to simply send an mms message. To do this, go to the "Messages" section and call up an empty field by clicking on the icon on the right side of the screen. In fact, this empty field allows you to send any kind of message, and in order to add a picture, you can simply click on the camera icon, which is located to the left of the text input field. In the menu that opens, you should select a photo from the gallery or take a photo with the camera.

Once you have selected an image, you only need to select a recipient. It's easy - you just need to click on the plus sign and select from the list of contacts. All that's left after that is just enter a subject and send a message. You can also send multimedia messages to a group of people.

iPhone allows you to enable mms and send a message directly from the camera menu. To do this, just click on the image of a new photo in the camera menu. It will immediately be displayed in full screen, and at the bottom you will see an icon with an arrow. By clicking on it, you will see a menu in which you can select a recipient and send an image.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult in setting up the multimedia messaging feature on the iPhone 6. You just need to be patient and know that if something doesn’t work out right away, it will definitely work out later.