How to fix ssl connection error on android. SSL error in Opera: how to fix it

First, let's figure out what kind of connection it is. SSL is a cryptographic protocol that makes the connection between the browser and the resource you need more secure. Sites that use this protocol are signed as https://. You absolutely can stop worrying about information leaks if the certificate was made in the right form and its terms have not expired.

Method # 1 Checking the time and date settings

In the browser, you may get the message “ The server certificate is not yet valid.”, which means that the time for the certificate to work has not yet come. In this case, the problem is more likely to come from you than from the site.

All you need to do is check the date and time on your PC. These settings get lost most often due to a dead battery on your motherboard. Just set the right time and the SSL connection error will disappear.

Method #2 Checking Firewall and Antivirus Settings

Sometimes the resource you go to decides that your security tools are spyware and blocks them. In order to check for this issue, simply turn off the check. https:// in antivirus.

Let's look at the example of antivirus Avast how to do it follow this path: Settings -> Active Protection -> Web Shield Settings

Inside this tab are the option “ Enable HTTPS scanning” from which you need to uncheck.

Method number 3 Update the browser and system

We know that the advice to upgrade is a rather hackneyed topic, but it's still useful advice for the time being. Update your browser and the entire system. Maybe this will solve your connection problem. SLL.

Method #4 Malicious utilities and viruses

In the modern world, such things have an incredibly huge functionality. Let's look at some of the skills of these "pests":

  • Can bypass anti-virus protection.
  • Make your PC invisible on the network to other PCs.
  • Perform blocking of various sites.
  • They can show you just a whole bunch of ads.
  • They change your start page, and without your knowledge.
  • Performs blocking of the 80th port, etc.

Scan your PC with a special utility Anti-Malware Bytes. It will help to find various threats to it in the system. Even if you think you're keeping your PC clean, rest assured there's something to be found.

We are often asked the question: how reliable are POS terminals and what can go wrong? As with any equipment, absolutely anything can fail in the terminals, it all depends on how carefully you handle the equipment and whether you follow the operating rules. In general, terminals are designed for a long service life, but inaccurate users significantly reduce this period.

Mechanical damage is the most common breakdown

For example, very often employees simply fill the terminals with various liquids - tea, coffee or juice, which leads to equipment failure. You can also add various falls and throws (yes, yes, this happens) of terminals, as a result of which not only mechanical damage occurs, but also software-related problems. All of the above is not covered under warranty.

Now let's look at some of the most common errors that can be seen on the screen of Ingenico POS terminals:

  • LLT - the terminal is in configuration mode and is waiting for software to be downloaded;
  • SSL session error - usually occurs on POS-terminals with a GPRS module. This is a problem with cellular communications - to eliminate the error, you need to select a cellular operator with the most stable signal level in the place where the terminal is installed.

The following errors occur as a result of the anti-hacking protection and are "cured" only in the Ingenico SC:

  • sad smile - :-(;
  • messages "UNAUTHORIZED", "ALERT IRRUPTION", "ERROR ххххх" — the tamper protection most likely worked;
  • "BAD Signature" when loading LLT - the terminal is not signed or activated for another software vendor.

Among VeriFone POS terminals, you can find the following errors and malfunctions:

  • The backlight of the screen does not light up - to the service;
  • DOWNLOAD NEEDED — terminal in software download mode — hardware engineers in the bank are loading software and configuring for the client;
  • TAMPER, BAD RTC CHIP, SECURITY ALARM - if rebooting / flashing / replacing the battery did not help - to the service;
  • When printing a check, the terminal reboots - it is likely that replacing the power supply will help;
  • The magnetic / chip reader stopped working - if the reboot / flashing did not help - to the service.

That's all for now. I hope the information was useful to you. See you again. Success in your business!


From our video you will learn in detail how to connect an SSL certificate, check the site for errors and fix them.

You can connect an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt to a website absolutely free of charge. To do this, you need to go to your office,

and in the hosting management section click on the button "Add Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate".

Also, by default, there is a checkbox for connecting a security certificate at the time of connecting your domain to the site; if desired, this checkbox can be removed.

After the successful installation of the certificate, a green padlock will appear next to the domain name.

What is a security certificate for?

  1. When a secure HTTPS connection is established, a security certificate is used to encrypt data and identify the site.
  2. It will provide a secure connection between the server and the user's browser that reliably protects data from spoofing and interception.
  3. An SSL certificate increases the trust of visitors to the site and the company. Based on its research, GlobalSign claims that 84% of users would not shop on a site where there is no secure connection.
  4. Trusted by search engines. HTTPS is one of the official ranking factors.

Possible connection errors

When connecting an SSL certificate to sites running WordPress version 4.4 and below, errors are observed mixed content.

To resolve these errors, you need to change the paths to your site elements from http:// to https://. You can do it manually or use a special plugin, for example, Really Simple SSL. This plugin will fix problems with http requests on your site and redirect them to https.

Since WordPress 4.5, a bug has been fixed in the function of generating the "srcset" tag, which overrides the URL where the element is loaded. For example, it looks like this:

Most browsers currently prioritize the "srcset" tag, so mixed content errors only appear in specific situations. Problems with images in the theme and plugins are still possible. Some themes and plugins may prevent you from setting the srcset parameter properly, or not allowing it to be inserted at all.

Also, if you changed the source code of your theme and added loading of any elements, for example, images, you should take into account that such changes will need to be corrected manually.

Mixed Content Errors

They may appear in cases where a caching plugin is used and incorrectly configured (if the site is not configured to work with https). The reason for this is that the result of processing a request to the site via the HTTP protocol can be cached and given to the visitor who accessed the HTTPS protocol.

If you have a similar problem, try:

  1. Go to "Settings" - "General" and change in the fields "WordPress Address (URL)" and "Site Address (URL)" the address of your site so that it starts with https://.
  2. Delete the entire cache and recreate it again.
  3. Go to the site in incognito mode and check how everything works.

SSL- this is the name of the cryptographic protocol, with the help of which the security of the communication connection is ensured.

When you get an “SSL error” while browsing the Internet, it really can mean that someone is accidentally or deliberately trying to get the data you send to the Network. But it is far from always worth being afraid and immediately trying to fix an SSL error. Often, such an error can only mean incorrect browser settings, interception of connections by your own antivirus (the antivirus is mistaken for an intruder, and you shouldn’t be afraid of the data it receives), or you don’t have problems at all, but with the site you are trying to access.

If you still have the slightest doubt, it is better to reconnect to the Internet, go from a different browser and check if an SSL connection error appears in this case.

Consider possible options for fixing an SSL error in specific situations.

How to fix SSL error in Google Chrome and Yandex browser.

So, you can’t access a particular site - a problem with a security certificate “pops up”. As already mentioned, you should not worry - first, just reconnect and change the browser. If the error continues to appear, then:

  • Check if the Date and Time are set correctly on the computer;
  • Completely check your computer for viruses;
  • Check your antivirus settings carefully. It has already been said that it is the antivirus that a “frightened” browser can often take for an intruder, and rush to protect the owner. Usually it's about checking the https protocol, try to find it in your antivirus and disable it (if you don't know where - help and search the Internet for the name of your antivirus program to help). In general, disabling this check will have almost no effect on the functionality of anti-virus software. If the ssl error continues to appear, try briefly disabling the antivirus altogether (if that didn’t help, then the problem is definitely not in it, if it helped to cure it, maybe it’s worth changing the security program).
  • Try updating your operating system and browser to the latest versions;
  • Try to create a new user in your operating system and go to sites through it;
  • Try logging in from a different IP address or even a computer;
  • If you cannot fix the SSL error, try combining several of the above methods at once.

If all this did not solve the ssl error, you can disable the SSL check in the browser, but this may not be entirely safe. It is better to study all the information about the suspicious site before doing this.

Fixing an SSL error on a tablet is a much more pressing issue than on a computer.

The fact is that, starting with Android 2.3, encryption algorithms on tablets have become noticeably weaker and the likelihood of their decryption by intruders (i.e. gaining access to your data) is much higher. This leads to an unfavorable situation:

  • firstly, SSL errors can very easily occur where there is actually no danger;
  • secondly, on the contrary, really skilled hackers can force the protocol to trust certificates where the danger takes place.

The basic security and troubleshooting steps are listed above and many of them will work for tablets, but if you care about the security of this or that data, it is better to refrain from entering it on tablets unnecessarily on suspicious sites for now.

The ssl connection error is an achievement that the developers of the Internet Explorer Internet browser standard for the Windows operating system can be proud of. The thing is that those few users who use this particular browser in their lives will be spared from solving the problem with err ssl protocol error. But lovers of third-party products designed to visit Internet pages sometimes have to look for a way out of such an unpleasant situation.

An important nuance (which Internet Explorer users will again be happy with) is that the causes of the ssl err ssl protocol error connection error are difficult to determine. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach to treatment. Which we will try to talk about in today's material.

SSL connection error - what to do?

Still - what does an ssl connection error mean? Usually, a similar problem can occur when, when trying to access the Internet, a conflict arises against the background of incorrect settings of the operating system and the Internet browser used.

Let's start to consider the problem in turn, starting with the most widespread cases. The first option is how to fix the ssl connection error in Google Chrome? Usually, in this situation, the problem lies in the antivirus hardware. What is most interesting is that trouble can occur both when the antivirus program is installed, and when such software is simply not available. In the first case, you will need to go to the settings of the anti-virus program and check the parameters of blocked connections. It should be excluded from it those that the user uses to access the network.

In the second case, you should install an antivirus program and check the system for malicious elements. How to do this if Google Chrome is blocked by an error? Very simple:

  1. We launch the unloved Internet Explorer.
  2. Find and download the desired antivirus program.
  3. We scan the system.

The second most popular case: Opera, ssl connection error - how to fix it?

In this situation, the reason usually lies in the banal failure of the date and time set on the user's PC. The solution is also quite simple:

  1. Exit browser.
  2. In the lower right corner of the screen, click on the Windows clock.
  3. Change the settings to the correct ones - restart the Internet browser.

Often such a nuisance can be found by people who prefer to purchase games on thematic resources. For example, what to do - ssl connection error when trying to log in to an Origin resource? You will need to visit the settings of the installed antivirus program again:

  • Go to the program settings.
  • We find an item that allows you to filter https protocols.
  • We mark it, completely reboot the computer.

By the way, hardware troubles can also lead to a similar situation. Most often, this is a BIOS battery failure. How to fix ssl connection error in this case? You will need to purchase the desired component and replace the old one. Such a process will cost a maximum of 50-100 rubles.

The last option where such a nuisance can occur concerns the use of mobile devices to access the Internet or visit adsence pages. If an ssl connection error occurred on the phone or when visiting similar resources, then you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the settings of the Internet browser you are using.
  2. Select "Advanced options".
  3. In the "Personal data" menu, find information about Cookies.
  4. Check the box next to the inscription "Saving personal data of the user."
  5. Find and go to the "HTTPS/SSL" menu.
  6. Check the box "Check if the certificate from the server has been revoked".
  7. Reboot the system and repeat the procedure for entering the desired page.

Basically, everything. The problem called Ssl protocol is solved and you can continue to use the Internet for your pleasure.

One of the solutions to this problem can be seen in the video: