Samsung galaxy s7 edge explode. Smartphone grenades: why gadgets explode and how to avoid it

The problem was fixed in new batches, but many burned out.

While the world is discussing about the exploding iPhone 7 Plus, we decided to recall the cases of ignition of a truly dangerous device - the Samsung Galaxy Note7.

The South Korean company skipped the Note 6 model in its lineup, believing that the number and scale of changes in the new smartphone allows you to “jump over” one step. May be, was it not worth angering the gods of arithmetic and logic?

Samsung sold about 2.5 million Galaxy Note7s but launched a recall campaign a couple of weeks later. Naturally, it was not possible to do this promptly, and we hear news about affected Note7 owners almost daily.

It all started almost immediately after the official start of sales.

1. After the fire, the house almost burned down

Schoolteacher Park Soo-Jung was forced to leave her bed in a hurry when her brand new Galaxy Note7 suddenly burst into flames and filled her bedroom with smoke. The teacher escaped with fright and light bruising after falling out of bed.

2. A blogger demonstrates a burnt Galaxy Note7

On the your Youtube channel User Ariel Gonzalez posted a video showing a Samsung Galaxy Note7 burned out while charging. Gonzalez is currently negotiating with Samsung for damages.

3. Together with Note7, the garage completely burned down

Wesley Hartzog left his smartphone to charge in the garage, which ended up completely burned out. According to Wesley, he missed the news that Samsung is recalling its novelty due to a battery fire problem.

4. Note7 caused the jeep to catch fire

American Nathan Dornacher left his Galaxy Note7 charging in a Jeep Grand Cherokee. After some time, he heard the alarming barking of a dog, looked out into the street and found his jeep in flames.

5. The man was left without pants. Could be even worse

Florida resident Jonathan Strobel suffered second-degree burns when a Samsung Galaxy Note7 exploded in the front pocket of his trousers. Jonathan plans to sue the South Korean company for $15,000.

6. The child suffered from a fire Note7

A six-year-old boy from Brooklyn suffered minor burns to his hands after a Samsung Galaxy Note7 caught fire right in his hands. According to the child's grandmother, the incident occurred while the grandson was watching a video on a smartphone that was charging.

7. Samsung smartphone damaged MacBook Pro

Chinese man Hui Renjie suffered minor burns to two fingers and damage to his MacBook from which the ill-fated Galaxy Note7 was charged. Curiously, according to the Chinese user, the device was from a new "safe" batch.

7. Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge can be unsafe too

The other day there was another case of ignition of a Samsung smartphone. This time the cause of the fire was Galaxy S7 Edge. The smartphone caught fire while being charged. The mistress of the house Danielle Boutier (Danielle Boutilier) was forced to call the fire department. According to her, until the moment of ignition, the smartphone constantly overheated. Coincidence or all Galaxy S7 are unsafe is not yet clear.

Of course, there are dozens of cases of explosions and fires of the fiery flagship Samsung Galaxy Note7. We have collected those that were widely covered in the press.

The biggest failure in the mobile industry

On September 2, Samsung Mobile president Koh Dong Jin was forced to publicly apologize for the Galaxy Note7's self-igniting.

To date, many airlines have urged airline passengers to limit their use of the Samsung Galaxy Note7 smartphone. Capitalization of Samsung fell by $22 billion, while analysts note that the company's losses will be even greater. It's not just about recall costs, it's also about missed opportunities and company prestige.

Sales of the Galaxy Note7 have resumed worldwide since yesterday. Are you afraid to buy now or not?

Now the network and television are flooded with reviews of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 - why does a smartphone from this well-known company explode, and in general, is it true?

Indeed, the long-term rivalry between the Korean Samsung and the American iPhone this time ended in a practical defeat for the Koreans. The new flagship Galaxy Note 7 turned out to be a bomb in the literal sense of the word. And many fans of the famous brand now want to know: why is Samsung exploding and what to do?

What is the problem with Samsung Galaxy Note 7?

So, August 2016 was marked by the explosion of thirty-five Korean Galaxy Note 7 from Samsung right in the hands of users. And by the end of the month, the main part of pre-orders, in particular from Russia, was suspended. And a day later, information appeared about a complete stop in the production of defective models. This is such a difficult situation for Korean friends. What is the next…

And then - more. The first days of September were marked by the cessation of sales of the samsung galaxy note 7 in ten major consumer countries and the start of a large-scale campaign to withdraw prepaid orders and replace sold devices. In Russia alone, almost a thousand people managed to place an order for the new explosive flagship laptop 7.

Why are Samsung smartphones exploding? Maybe this is an action of terrorists or intrigues of competitors? By no means - everything is much more trivial. The problem lies in too capacious batteries with a defect.

The company, of course, having suspended sales, immediately began a thorough investigation into cases of spontaneous combustion and even battery explosions in Galaxy Note 7. Safety first! Yeah ... I wonder if the family of the Korean who died in 2007, from the explosion of the LG phone, will believe in this. His lungs ruptured and his spine was broken. Of course, Samsung has nothing to do with this, but trust falls in general for any smartphone.

Come on, if such an incident took place somewhere in a third world country, with a "left" manufacturer. But Samsung is the leader in the smartphone market. According to statistics, almost every fourth person in the world uses a smartphone of this brand. And even less - and the security is at the proper level. For now…

So, without deviating from the topic - why are the Samsung Galaxy exploding? At first, the company tried to put all the blame on non-original chargers. Rave! People have always charged their phones than they have to. And manufacturers are well aware of this. And what kind of original can we even talk about if Samsung does not produce charging blocks on its own, ordering them from other manufacturers. Moreover, many companies even have an agreement on the production of smartphones with the same charging connector.

Yes, and all chargers, in principle, do not have such serious differences - these are standard 5V and 2A. Yes, no doubt, there are devices for the accelerated filling of the battery. But even in them, only the voltage increases, but not the power.

Moreover, all modern smartphones are equipped with a special controller. If the model does not support fast charging, it will not happen. Additionally, they do not allow overcharging - which is extremely critical in this case.

It follows that a serviceable device will not allow harm when charging, no matter what device it is connected to. And here the first defects were revealed - the same controller could fail. And in the Samsung Note models from the first batch, they were not at all!

Due to overcharging, the electrolyte in the battery boiled, and a large amount of gas was released. Naturally, the pressure in the smartphone's case instantly soared to a critical level - and here it is a real micro-explosion, with fragments of the case flying in different directions. A real time bomb. Put on charging, sit down and wait until it “arrives”. This is some kind of sabotage! You can imagine - that's how I bought a smartphone for my 12-year-old daughter, and it exploded, dousing her with a hail of fragments ...

The iPhone, for example, often has a different problem - their .

And if it exploded only when charging. So, no - sometimes they scatter right in their hands. How to explain it? Why do Samsung phones explode after recharging? There is a completely true version. The fact is that the battery in the seventh Samsung does not withstand overheating at all and when the temperature of the processor in the smartphone rises, it explodes! This is probably why the series of explosions took place in the summer month. Fully believe in it.

Or maybe the situation is just escalating here and you should not take it seriously? Everyone will decide how to react. But let him know that lithium from a smartphone battery, when ignited, gains a temperature of 1339 ° C, and hot splashes fly in all directions, capable of burning through even quite solid surfaces, not to mention human skin. In addition, the likelihood of fires is now significantly increased. And shell fragments can damage the eardrum or even the carotid artery. It is easy to imagine the consequences of such damage.

How not to explode with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7?

Why the Samsung Note is exploding is understandable, but what to do now? The surest remedy is not to use smartphones and not to leave the house at all. It's safer that way. And those who do not want to resort to such radical methods should get a wireless headset for displaying messages. But in general, living in constant fear that your electronic pet may explode at any moment is somehow not reasonable.

Those who fly frequently should think about a special thermal container in which a potential "saboteur" will hide for the duration of the flight. Also, Russian companies do not recommend turning it on during the flight, let alone trying to charge it. And in general, now, probably, you will have to walk in head body armor ...

The danger came from an unexpected place. And not Alkaida or EGIL will blow you up, but your own smartphone! But I am glad that the warning applies only to Samsung Note 7 models purchased before the second of September, and then outside of Russia. After all, there were no official sales of this batch in the Russian Federation. That is great!

And so, the Federal Air Transport Agency simply does not catch up with fear - it takes into account the experience of American colleagues. There, a frivolous Yankee's Samsung smoked right on board the liner at the Louisville airport. Why frivolous - yes, because this citizen was aware of the marriage and simply exchanged the old model for a new one. Which did not protect him from disembarking from the plane along with the rest of the passengers right before departure. And why didn't he like it? Craving Korean exotics?

P.S. Samsung surprised not only with Note 7 smartphones. And the question of why Samsung washing machines explode also became relevant. True, reports of explosions of Asian washers come mainly from the States - now they will probably see shoals of Korean “bombers” everywhere. So this year, the company's products have become the most "explosive". Although, for example, it has established itself as an excellent device!

Although, hunting to believe that the brand will restore its reputation. After all, his products have always been distinguished by quality and reliability.

Video from youtube - "Note 7 on fire: Samsung recalls the Galaxy flagship":

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@just_tf , No.. You just don't remember how to do it right. When, for example, laptops of all leading companies had exploding batteries.
And Samsung was noted for the fact that even after two dozen incidents, it continued to try to hide everything under the carpet (their compensations to the direct owners of the devices on fire included a ban on disclosure, which no one has done in America for a long time), without understanding, rolled out the first replacement, for a long time rested with the fact to recognize the problem in it. And in the end he ended up with strange payments both in form and content. I still remember that story about a woman with two laptops, to whom the money was returned almost a month after she brought the laptops and refused to change them to S7.
In short, the Koreans are not strong here.

@vugi , that's not right.
There are greyhound apple trees. Batteries are cut down by 30%, and they don't care.
I'm not talking about the fact that more than 100 iPhones exploded or caught fire :)

@vugi ,
Did Apple recognize all the fires? And did you try to hide anything?
Closed this issue more than adequately.
except for note 7 and there is nothing to remember?)

And then Apple immediately recognized or did not recognize at all:
Defective screens in iPhones 4, 5, 6
Defective batteries 5, 6
Defective power buttons 5
Peeling body for 5 and 7
Peeling displays on expensive Macs
About accessories that are torn after a couple of months, I won’t say anything at all
This is really high quality production!
What I immediately remembered, and what else was

@just_tf ,
>> And did not try to hide anything?

Apple has an American mentality. They perfectly understood from the very beginning that attempts to hide the problem (especially with fire) are stupid and lead, rather, to the opposite result. I won’t say that Samsung performed very badly in the history of the battery .. But it could have behaved much better.
>> except for note 7 and there is nothing to remember?)
When a house is on fire, it becomes not very important how your furniture matches the color of the walls. Samsung has poor service and poor support in my opinion. Anyone who has ever compared the process of replacing or repairing devices with them and Apple knows this. The same "cultural" problem as in the story with the battery.

About periodic quality problems, I see no reason to argue. There are only two firms producing phones in such volumes. And only one of them actually sells millions of pieces on the first day. Naturally, the focus is on her. Who cares about the problems in the Chinese or cheap Samsung / LG?))) And there are a lot more of them.

@vugi , no need to change the readings))

What's wrong? Support is excellent, more than. Sounds too general.)

Periodic?? Ahah
God, there’s nothing to even ask about, a typical eplodrocher, he’s ready to eat any shit if only there was an apple sign)

“Cheap” facepalm
Well, yes, that's why apple refused to publish sales at the start of 7k?)

@just_tf ,
>> no need to change the readings))

I didn't change anything..)

>> Support is excellent, more than.

Figovaya. But in order to understand this, you need to compare. You, as I see, did not have such an opportunity. Too lazy to go into details, but as an example, it's simple - Apple has a list of indications for warranty repair / replacement of the device much more than Samsung's. That is, there are many situations when Samsung will send you (as it sent with overheating batteries), and Apple will change without a word.

>> Periodic?? Ahah

Yes, periodic. Because no other phone is tested in millions of units on the first weekend. Note7 was close, but the test failed miserably.
And you don’t really hear about the problems of Chinese shit - because no one is interested in it. You just hear about the problem of top-end Samsungs - that's why I mentioned cheap ones.

>>Well, yes, that's why apple refused to publish sales at the start of 7k?)

Some bullshit. Open the quarterly report and see sales for the quarter. I don’t know why you are so worried about sales on the first weekend, but if the quarter was a record one, then the first weekend is likely too.

Undoubtedly, today Samsung is one of the best smartphone manufacturers in the world. And although the devices of the South Korean giant are very popular, a number of the company's products have their pros and cons. Unfortunately, the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge flagships announced at MWC 2016 have some drawbacks. Now, after the start of sales, I think many have already thought about purchasing one (or two at once?) Of the top devices. So that the purchase does not play a cruel joke with a potential buyer, you need to immediately warn him about the various problems that new products have. In fact, let's start with this now.

Firstly, the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge have a "legacy" Micro USB connector instead of USB Type-C. In addition, it is made according to the USB 2.0 standard. Of course, at the beginning of 2016, more accessories and cables (emphasis on the first syllable) are still intended for the old port. However, many manufacturers have already begun to equip their devices with a symmetrical connector, and the day is not far off when it will become more difficult to meet charging for Micro USB. First of all, the use of USB Type-C makes it easier to connect wires and flash drives to a smartphone: no matter which way you turn it, you still can’t go wrong. And the rejection of the USB 3.0 interface is generally a mystery, because the speed on this bus is several times higher than that of USB 2.0. This, in turn, means that transferring many files from a PC to a smartphone and vice versa will take a long time.

Secondly, a non-removable battery can push away from buying the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge. Many frequent travelers prefer to take an extra battery with them in order to extend the overall operating time of the device. When traveling, it is not always possible to connect the gadget to a power outlet or carry a portable charger (Power Bank). In addition, instead of the "native" battery, you can easily install a more capacious battery in your smartphone.

Next, the third, the drawback somewhat overlaps with the previous one and is a refusal to support Quick Charge 3.0. Instead of a new development from Qualcomm, the outdated QC 2.0 is used. Testing has shown that the technology of the third version is 38 percent more efficient than the previous one and allows you to charge the device twice as fast. By the way, the charging process from 0% to 80% takes about 35 minutes.

4th a possible reason for failure is an old fingerprint scanner, exactly the same as that installed in the previous Galaxy S6. This means that the sensor in the new smartphone has not become faster and smarter: the reading speed and the number of failures have remained at the same level.

The inability to use an external memory card as a continuation of the internal one - fifth In a row, the disadvantage of the Galaxy S7. This feature first appeared in Android 6.0 Marshmallow, which runs this smartphone. It allows, as already mentioned, to install a microSD card as an additional space of internal memory, and not a separate one. Thus, the user would not have to think about placing his favorite movies, photos and music on the device.

Glass case - sixth reason to think about some other smartphone. At one time, Samsung decided to abandon plastic and this step was positively received by the public. But time has shown that glass is not a practical choice: it scratches easily and also breaks easily. It is much better to look at devices enclosed in metal or, if everything suits you, plastic cases, they will serve faithfully for much longer.

Overpriced at the start of sales - final, seventh, a reason not to take the Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 Edge. Of course, you have to pay for a premium smartphone with top-end features and an excellent camera, but not the same amount. For example, the Chinese company Xiaomi, which has already established itself well in the market, asks for the flagship Mi5 from $300 to $400, depending on the modification. Samsung, meanwhile, is selling its new products from $700. At the same time, the only thing that South Korean devices are head and shoulders above is the camera. Also unique to the Galaxy S7 Edge is the curved display. For this, of course, you also have to pay extra, but not as much.

In conclusion, I would like to say that despite the listed shortcomings, which can easily be overlooked, the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge are excellent smartphones that are close to ideal. No one here, of course, will dissuade you from buying new products, but I think that the purpose of this article has been fulfilled - to report on the problems that we managed to find in these devices. So, if there is enough money in the stash and these "minuses" do not play a role - go ahead to the store for a purchase. Good luck!