Updater: what is this program in a general sense? How to remove Software Version Updater (adware) Process updater.

Hello everyone So I'm looking at the dispatcher and I don't understand, there's some kind of bunch of processes, well, of course, I'm to blame. This is a test computer, I either install programs there, then delete it and don’t bother about the garbage that is left after deletion. And some garbage, well, that is, left-handed programs, in general, they themselves come from somewhere ... Well, understand where it comes from, if I personally did not install them ... some kind of chaos on my computer

In general, my eyes fell on the service_update.exe process, I think what kind of beast is sitting. I think what if it's a virus? He can steal everything on my computer, and some viruses are generally hard, in short, they block the computer screen and until you send some SMS, they will not unlock it. So I panicked!

In general, I pulled myself together and began to dig what kind of service_update.exe process it was, in the end, this is what I dug up. Look, here is the process in the task manager:

Well, as an advanced user, I immediately glanced at the Description column and then I thought about it - it was written there in English letters Yandex and it dawned on me, this process is most likely from Yandex.

But why does Yandex need my computer? I again spread my brains, in general, what I did, I right-clicked on the process and selected this item:

That is, with such a super-trick, I was able to open the folder in which this process lives, in fact, it starts from it.

Here is that folder:

I look at this folder, I look, and I see that where the path is written, well, there at the top, then there is something like YandexBrowser, well, I immediately figured out what it is. I easily understood what it is, although it is written in English letters, this is Yandex Browser. Apparently, this proprietary Yandex browser introduced some process into my computer, the name of which contains the English word update. Well, then I immediately understood what this word means. This is an update. That is, the service_update.exe process is somehow related to updating the browser. But what?

What I've done? I did not begin to think, there is already a well-established scheme for identifying such assholes. I immediately opened the dispatcher, went there to the Services tab, and there I clicked the Services button. A list of services opened up and I started scanning. But not for long, because I immediately ran into a service that apparently launches this percentage, here it is, look:

I clicked on it twice and only made sure that everything was exactly as I suspected:

So what can be done. The most correct and clean solution is to disable this service in this window - select Disabled in the Startup type and click the Stop button to stop the current operation of the process. Then click OK.

But I will also show you a cooler way, it is used mostly by cool users. So open the dispatcher and find the process there, right-click on it and select open location there. The folder opens. Do nothing at all! Now quickly end the process:

And then immediately rename the file, for example, to this name:


This is so that the original name is preserved and at the same time change it. Actually, you can do it differently, you can first open the folder, click on the service_update.exe file with the F2 button and rename it. Then there will be such a message, saying that you really want to rename it, you don’t answer anything here, but don’t close the message either! And then you end the process in the dispatcher and then answer Yes to this renaming message! So you just do it faster. For the whole cant is that you may not have time to rename, as the process has already started, then you will need to turn it off again, because a running process cannot be renamed. In general, I hope you understand

If you are a real gangster, then you can generally delete the Yandex folder where this file is located. I have this folder path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Yandex

You may have either this or this:

C:\Program Files\Yandex

Those are the pies guys. If you, like me, have a bunch of all sorts of processes, then you know what, I honestly advise you to check the computer with utilities or, or better, both! Believe me, these are the best utilities and they do not litter the system at all and are aimed only at good, at expelling all evil spirits from the computer!

So here are the things. I hope that I wrote everything here clearly and is accessible to you, good luck to you and good mood


The executable file updater.exe is associated with many different programs and applications. If the software that installed the file is legitimate, the file process serves as an auto update application for the software. It runs in the background, searches the Internet for updates when you are connected to the Web, and then downloads the corresponding updates, or asks the user if updates should be downloaded and installed. If the file was discovered when an antivirus program detected it, or when system error occurred; there is a possibility that the file could be malware or some other virus. The file has been detected quite a number of times as a virus, malware, Trojan, spyware, and worm. The worst of which is the backdoor Trojan. The file can be saved in C:\Program Files, C:\Windows, or C:\Windows\System 32 depending on what software installed the file, or what type of file it is; whether it is legitimate or a form of malicious software.

How can I stop updater.exe and should I?

Most non-system processes that are running can be stopped because they are not involved in running your operating system. updater.exe. is used by N/A, if you shut down updater.exe, it will likely start again at a later time either after you restart your computer or after an application start. to stop updater.exe, permanently you need to uninstall the application that runs this process which in this case is N/A, from your system.

After uninstalling applications it is a good idea to scan you Windows registry for any left over traces of applications. Registry Reviver by ReviverSoft is a great tool for doing this.

Is this a virus or other security concern?

ReviverSoft Security Verdict

Please review updater.exe and send me a notification once it has
been reviewed.

What is a process and how do they affect my computer?

A process usually a part of an installed application such as N/A, or your operating system that is responsible for running in functions of that application. Some application require that they have processes running all the time so they can do things such as check for updates or notify you when you get an instant message. Some poorly written applications have many processes that run that may not be required and take up valuable processing power within your computer.

Is updater.exe known to be bad for my computer's performance?

We have not received any complaint about this process having higher than normal impact on PC performance. If you have had bad experiences with it please let us know in a comment below and we will investigate it experiences further.

Advanced Update is not an actual program. This is an Update task file that belongs to the Hoolapp application. What's more, sometimes Extended Update can also be found in a number of potentially unwanted browser extensions such as FunMoods Tools, Movies Tools, Delta Tools and the like. Users are strongly advised to kill the Extended Update task to avoid installing more unwanted applications. Naturally, to complete the Extended Update, you must uninstall Hoolapp or any other application that may be responsible for this task. To determine which programs should be removed, scan your computer with SpyHunter Free Scanner.

The frustrating thing about Extended Update and similar Update tasks is that users often download programs that use these tasks without even realizing it. Take Hoolapp for example. This program can be easily downloaded from hoolapp.com. Its home page promotes Hoolapp as a useful app that can help you manage Android app downloads. He says you can "explorer, discover and install over 50,000 Android apps from computer to device with Hoolapp." As you can see, this statement sounds like a useful tool, but it cannot be 100% trusted.

The problem is that, like many other potentially unwanted applications, Hoolapp can exhibit some unwanted features. For example, with the Advanced Update task running, this program can connect to the Internet behind your back and then download more unreliable applications onto your computer. Consequently, this could lead to a potential security risk, and in the long run, you could end up getting infected with malware.

To be honest, there might be quite a few unwanted applications already running on your system. After all, despite the fact that you can download Hoolapp directly from the main page, it's much more likely that this app comes from fake Adobe Flash and Java App Updates. There are many adware related sites that create annoying pop-ups asking you to install specific updates. You must understand that these Update notifications are not reliable and you cannot trust them. If you recently clicked on a pop-up notification that suggested installing some Update, chances are that you also installed Hoolapp with it as well.

Extended Update nor Hoolapp is an extreme computer security threat, but you must consider all possible risks. Terminate Hoolapp right now if you want to remove Extended Update permanently. What's more, run a full system scan to make sure that no unwanted programs remain on your computer. Feel free to invest in an even more powerful anti-spyware tool if needed.

Removal Guide Guide Update

Step 1: Remove Update and Programs

Windows XP

  1. Open the Start menu and select Control Panel
  2. Select Add or Remove Programs
  3. Select unwanted apps
  4. Click the Delete button

Windows 7 and Vista

  1. Click the Start button and select Control Panel
  2. Go to Uninstall Program
  3. Right click on suspicious software
  4. Select Delete

Windows 8

  1. Move cursor to lower left corner
  2. Right click and open control panel
  3. Select Uninstall a program
  4. Removing unwanted applications

IB (IncrediBar) Updates is designed to keep up to date with the ongoing IncrediBar web browser bar (and other related products). IB Updater Service Runs in the background and periodically connects to IncrediBar servers. If an update is found, it will automatically download and install updates for all running programs. IB Updater Service, also called IncrediBar Updater, is a potentially unwanted application that can easily infiltrate your computer in conjunction with other applications. In most cases, it comes inside as part of Incredibar, Sweetpacks,

SmileBox and other programs that have already launched various discussions on the Internet. Once the IB Updater Service reaches its target computer system, it starts working on a simple task - it keeps looking for updates for the previously mentioned programs. Once it detects such an update, it automatically downloads it on the system. Please note that the IB Updater Service may also cause unwanted redirects to third party sites, slow down your browser and may even attempt to collect personal information. If you notice any of these things, you should immediately check your machine with reputable anti-spyware.

How can I get IB Updater Service inside my computer?

The IB Updater Service is distributed using a covert distribution method known as "tablets". This method is closely related to freeware and shareware, which provides relief for Incredibar and other unwanted programs. According to experts, users get caught when they have no control over the installation process of freeware and agree to install optional downloads. If you want to avoid this problem, you must select Custom installation and uncheck these boxes. Once IB Updater Service enters the computer, this program occupies Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and other browsers that can be found on the system. A clear sign that this program is inside your machine is a browser redirect to Incredibar.com. If you notice them, follow this guide and remove this PUP from your computer.

How to uninstall IB Updater Service?

If you think that IB Updater Service is inside your computer, follow the steps and remove this program from your system:

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + A, tab open "add-ons manager" and go to "Extensions". Remove IB Updater and other unwanted add-ons.
  2. Press Alt+T, open Preferences and go to the General tab. Here reset the start page.
  3. Finally click on the icon in the search box, select ‘Manage Search Engines’ and a new search engine. Don't forget to remove incredibar or other unwanted search engine.

Internet Explorer:

  1. Press Alt + X keys and select Manage Add-ons. Here, open "Toolbars and Extensions" and get rid of IB Updater and other unwanted extensions.
  2. Open "Search for providers", remove Incredibar and other unwanted search engines. Don't forget to choose a new search engine.
  3. Finally press Alt + X and go to the "Tab" Internet Options. Here reset the start page.

Google Chrome:

  1. Press Alt + F keys and open "Extensions". Here remove IB Updater and other unwanted extensions.
  2. Go to "Settings", open "At Start" and open "Page Set". Here, remove the incredibar or other unwanted start page and install a new site instead.
  3. Finally select "Manage search engines" and reset the search provider. Don't forget to remove Incredibar or other unwanted search engine