Where to call if the traffic police are chasing. How to call the traffic police to the scene of an accident? What to do in case of an accident? Driver actions after an accident

An unpleasant and sometimes even tragic situation on the road can happen to absolutely every road user. It doesn't matter if you are a pedestrian, a passenger or a driver of a vehicle - in any case, you should know what to do in case of an accident. First of all, you must remember the telephone numbers of emergency services that are required to help the injured participants in the accident. Even if you were not involved in the accident, it is your civic duty to report the accident if necessary.

If you got into a minor accident, no casualties and minor damage was caused to your car, then you should still call the traffic police inspector. Of course, you can fill out an accident notice on your own, together with the other party involved in the accident and not call a police officer, but in this case, no one guarantees you that if you fill out the document incorrectly, you will receive insurance compensation.

Thus, it should be concluded that in any case you need to call the traffic police inspector. The easiest way to do this is through a mobile phone, not relying on the proximity of a stationary device. So, let's remember, and even better, add the following important numbers to your mobile phone contacts.

How to call for help

Now there is a new single emergency number for all mobile operators - 102 to call the police and traffic police. Moreover, the old telephone numbers are also in operation.

The rescue service with the number 112 is working to call the traffic police

For a long time there has also been a general emergency telephone number for calling any operational service. According to the regulations, system-112 is formed through the union of EDDS - unified duty and dispatch services of municipalities, MSC - interdistrict situational centers, RSC - regional situational center and DDS - duty and dispatch services of the following emergency services:

  • Fire protection;
  • Emergency Response Service;
  • Police;
  • Disaster Medicine Service;
  • Emergency;
  • Emergency gas service;
  • Service "Antiterror".

Moreover, this list is not final, if necessary, other emergency services may be included in it, depending on the needs of a particular subject of the Russian Federation by decision of legislators.

Road accidents are a common occurrence in our reality. Before calling the traffic police in case of an accident, the participant in the accident must know the correct procedure. In order to avoid unpleasant situations with the traffic police, the driver should be guided by a clear plan.

The first rule of a motorist when getting into an emergency is not to hide from the scene. Regardless of which of the participants in the movement became the culprit of the accident, the driver must report the incident to the traffic police.

Mobile operators have their own digital combinations for connecting with the traffic police.

It depends on which network the participant in the accident is connected to, by which number to call the representatives of the traffic police:

  • Tele2, MTS, Megafon and U-tel - 020;
  • Beeline - 002;
  • Motive, Skylink - 902.

You can call the traffic police to the place from your mobile phone from the universal number that unites the traffic police, firefighters, rescuers and ambulance services - 112.

Important: in the Beeline network, a single number 112 corresponds to a subscriber 911. These numbers are available even if there is no signal, the service is turned off for non-payment, or if there is no SIM card.

All territorial divisions of the traffic police have their own city phones, by which you should report the incident.

If the driver got into an accident - where to call in Moscow districts:

  • Central District - 246-66-44;
  • Northern district - 452-30-86;
  • Northwestern District - 499-39-44;
  • Southern District - 111-14-74;
  • Eastern District - 166-78-77
  • Southwestern District - 333-03-61;
  • Western District - 439-35-11;
  • South-Eastern District - 178-63-55;
  • Zelenogradsky district - 533-03-44.

Rules for the actions of the driver in an accident

A call to the traffic police is far from the only, and not even the primary duty of a participant in a road accident.

According to the current DD Rules, the driver must act according to the following algorithm:

  • in the event of a collision, the alarm must be activated immediately;
  • put an emergency stop sign - in the city 15 m from the car, on the highway - 30 m;
  • call an emergency medical team if there are victims by calling 030 for the main operators (Tele2, Megafon, MTS) or 003 for Beeline subscribers;
  • call the traffic police;
  • notify the insurance company of the accident.

Remember: to reduce the time for phone calls, it is advisable to use a single number 112 to notify both the Ambulance and the traffic police.

When the traffic police call is not needed

In case of minor accidents, it is allowed to register an accident according to the European protocol, i.e. without the involvement of traffic police officers.

This right of the participants in the incident has been fixed in the traffic rules since 2015 and applies in the following cases:

  • only two vehicles are involved in the collision;
  • participants in the accident and passengers do not have physical injuries;
  • both parties have valid OSAGO policies;
  • the drivers of both cars have no claims against each other regarding guilt in the accident;
  • the amount of material damage caused does not exceed 400 thousand rubles (in Moscow and St. Petersburg) or 250 thousand rubles (in the regions).

When registering an accident according to European rules, both parties fill out a notice of an accident and transfer it to the insurance company.

Know: if an accident does not meet the criteria for registration under a simplified scheme, a traffic police call is required. None of the participants in the accident has the right to leave the scene - this is fraught with punishment under Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory presence of representatives of the traffic police in the event of an accident

The patrol car of the traffic police is called without fail in the following circumstances of an accident:

  • more than two cars are involved in the accident - while a car with a trailer is regarded as two vehicles;
  • there are victims among the participants in the accident, passengers and pedestrians;
  • the amount of material damage is more than 250 thousand rubles (400 thousand - for both capitals);
  • damaged property belonging to the city - lampposts, fences, buildings;
  • there are suspicions that any of the participants in the accident is in an inadequate state (aggression, alcohol or drug intoxication).

What to say when calling the traffic police in an accident

For representatives of the traffic police, the accuracy of the coordinates of the place where the traffic accident was committed is extremely important.

Therefore, when calling the police, you should clearly indicate the place of the accident:

  • in case of an accident on the highway - the number of the kilometer and the name of the highway (road number), the name of the nearby settlement;
  • in the city - the name of the street (if possible - the exact address), numbers of nearby houses, well-known objects in this settlement - a station, a railway crossing, a large shopping center;
  • the number of vehicles involved in the accident;
  • the presence of victims, the approximate nature of traumatic injuries.

Tip: in order to expedite the arrival of the traffic police crew, when calling, it is recommended to describe the accident with all the details and insist that urgent intervention is required to resolve the traffic situation (large traffic jams, the impossibility of bypassing the accident scene).

What to do before the traffic police arrive

Drivers until the arrival of the traffic police have no right to leave the scene of the accident. If there are casualties, first aid should be provided (if possible).

After calling the police, you should record the picture of the accident as much as possible, take a picture of the existing damage to the car. In this case, you should be especially attentive to the presence of a brake track on the road, scattered debris and car parts. It is advisable to film the general location of the affected vehicles after the accident.

While waiting for traffic police officers, it is necessary to record data on witnesses and other participants in the accident, find out if there are accident records on the DVRs of cars passing by.

Despite the possible shock and emotional state, in no case should the participants in the accident use any sedatives containing alcohol - this can be interpreted as being in a state of intoxication.

Each of the citizens can unwittingly become a participant in a traffic accident. If it did happen, then you need to try not to lose control over yourself and do everything in accordance with the law.

What should you do after getting into an accident?

Don't forget to sign, because its absence will entail additional costs. Be sure to inspect passengers for injuries of varying severity and, if necessary, call an ambulance, and after the traffic police.

In the event of a collision with another vehicle, do the following:

  1. Come to a complete stop, turn off the engine and behave in a non-aggressive manner. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to do this, but a conflict with another participant in the accident will not help you in this situation. On the contrary, this situation will subsequently be turned against you.
  2. We turn on the alarm and be sure to set the sign as indicated in the rules of the road. It states that in populated areas the sign should be no closer than 15 meters from the car, outside them at least 30 meters.
  3. It is imperative to examine the victims of the accident (if any) and immediately call an ambulance. To do this, you need to dial 911 from your mobile phone. If at such a moment you do not have funds on your account, then you need to call 122 and you will be connected to the necessary service.
  4. Call the traffic police in order to record the fact of the accident. They need to tell how exactly this incident happened and what damage the cars received. You should not try to negotiate with another participant in the accident on your own, as this is always a risk.
  5. Let your insurer know what happened.
  6. While waiting for the police (their arrival depends on many factors and sometimes they can travel from 2 to 5 hours), you need take photos and videos of the location of cars, write down on paper the damage that your vehicle received as a result of the accident and it is worth looking for witnesses to the accident.
  7. Upon the arrival of employees, you need to help them draw up a correct picture of the incident, which will be described in the certificate of the accident, the protocol and in the diagram.
  8. If the employee, after compiling something, did not add something or wrote it down incorrectly, then before signing it is necessary to inform him about this.
  9. We clarify whether all the information is entered about another participant in the road accident.
  10. Be sure to take a certificate of accident. It is with her that you will need to contact the insurance company.

Call traffic police