Delete email in Yandex. How to delete a mailbox on Yandex forever? How to delete mail on Yandex

Do you remember those times when people who barely got access to the Internet immediately ran to start a mailbox? No wonder, because some 15 years ago it was so cool to casually declare that you have your own e-mail ... Then times changed: the Internet began to develop by leaps and bounds and mail began to be used not only for correspondence with friends, but also as a means of work.

Many users have accumulated a huge number of mailboxes on a variety of services. Many of them turned out to be completely unnecessary, besides, tons of spam is pouring into many e-mails - for this it is enough to “light up” the mail address on some forum ... That's exactly why people are starting to abandon mailboxes, although resources providing virtual mail services , it is extremely disadvantageous that users would be deleted from the system. But from this, alas, there is no escape.

Delete Yandex mail

is the most popular search engine in the country. They provide a huge number of services, among which the most popular are "Weather", "Traffic" and, of course, "Mail".

Today we will delete e-mail on this service. It's actually very easy to do this. For even more convenience, we will show the whole process in pictures.

  • The first thing you need to do is to log into your Yandex account. To do this, open the Yandex home page and enter your username and password in the upper right window. Then click on the login button and find yourself in your account, provided that all the data was entered correctly.

  • Once inside, look in the upper right corner - there should be a button in the form of a gear. It is on it that you need to click in order for the menu to appear.

  • We press "other". Before you opened a page with numerous settings. On the left side of the page there is a button "Enter your details". Click on it.

  • A new page with personal information will open. On the right side of the screen, there will be a "Delete Account" link that you will have to click on.

  • Done, we are at the last stage! Here the system warns you that the services you use will be deleted along with the account. For example, it can be Yandex.Money, files uploaded to the service of the largest search engine in Russia, etc. That is why it is not recommended to delete the entire account. However, this is up to you. On this page, you need to enter a password, captcha, and the answer to a security question. And here the fun begins, because according to statistics, more than 80% of users do not remember this answer at all! And without it, deleting the box is impossible ... As far as we know, it is impossible to restore the answer to the secret question, since it is necessary even when replacing the answer itself. It turns out a double-edged sword. However, if you know the answer, then you are in luck. Enter the data on the page and click the "Delete account" button.

  • Finally, you will see a note stating that you will be able to register your previous login no earlier than one month later. This is done so that in the next 30 days you can restore your mail if you wish. True, all letters and correspondence from it will be deleted.

How to recover your password?

If you cannot get into the e-mail, that is, you forgot the password or it does not fit, then you can use its recovery. To do this, on the main page, click on the "Remember password" link and enter your username or mailbox address. Here you need to enter a captcha.

After that, the system will offer you one of several solutions. First, you can answer a secret question if you know the answer to it. Secondly, the password can be recovered using a mobile phone if you linked the number to the mail. Finally, instructions can be received on the backup e-mail, if you have ever registered it through the settings.

In order not to lose mail, always tie it to the phone. Yandex will never send you spam, but it will always help in case of problems. It is a pity that the dual authorization system using a mobile phone has not yet been introduced, as it is done on, however, we are sure that this service will appear here in the near future.

Finally, use complex passwords. Just do not forget them yourself, but write them down on paper. Do not save in browser.

E-mail is a service that allows users of the World Wide Web to exchange data, so-called e-mails. It would seem, why is this kind of technology needed in the 21st century? After all, every third already has a page on social networks where you can exchange documents, audio, video, etc. However, it is impossible to register on such resources without a mailbox.

Creating a mailbox is a simple procedure. Yandex is no exception. It is enough just to carefully read the text and follow the prompts of the system.

However, what if you need to delete your account? The instructions for deleting a mailbox will also be simple.

First of all, the user must identify the reason for the need to delete the account. Often, problems that arise on one of the Yandex services can be easily and simply solved. For example, if the user "Yandex. Money" forgot your payment password, you can restore such a code in the "Help" tab. It is also possible to contact the service support service if the user cannot solve the problems on his own.

Important! You need to know that as soon as the mailbox is deleted, all information associated with the mail will be erased along with it. And the network service login will be unavailable for re-registration for some time.

If the above arguments did not convince the user, instructions for deleting an e-mail on Yandex will be given below.

Deleting a mailbox on Yandex

  1. Open a browser.

  2. Sign in to your account.

  3. Open "Yandex.Mail" by clicking on the word "Mail".

  4. In the upper right corner of the screen, find the button with the gear. Click on it.

  5. In the window that opens, select the "All settings" line. Click on this phrase.

  6. On the left side of the screen, find the line "Specify your data", located at the very bottom of the list. Click on this interface element with the left button of the coordinate device.

  7. You will see "Account Management". Scroll down the page until "Addresses" and a map appear.

  8. Click on the "Delete account" line.

  9. To permanently delete a mailbox, enter all the required information in the fields of the window that opens. In this case, you will need to enter a captcha and answer the security question entered during the registration of the "soap".

  10. Click on the "Delete account" button.

Note! If the user for some reason changed his mind about deleting his account, it will be enough to click on the "Return to passport" button.

Restoring a mailbox on Yandex

Is it possible to restore email on Yandex? Within 30 days, the user can cancel the deletion, however, all information will be subject to recovery, except for electronic messages in the "Mail".

If the email was deleted by another user, the mailbox can be restored again within 30 days.

Advice! If the email on Yandex has been hacked, do not rush to delete it. Restoring access to the "soap" is possible.

The first step is to install an antivirus program. Such software will help to avoid repeated hacking of your mailbox in the future.

The next steps aimed at restoring access to the mailbox will be the following actions:

Binding a phone number to mail on Yandex

To further exclude the possibility of repeated loss of "soap", it is possible to bind the phone to the mailbox. For this:

Restoring a mailbox on Yandex without a login

What if the user could not remember either the login or the e-mail to enter the mailbox? The procedure will be slightly different:

  1. Click on the "Can't login" button.

  2. Click the mouse on the line "I do not remember my login."

  3. Choose from the suggested logins the one with which you can access your mail.

  4. If you did not find the nickname you need, click on the button "The required login is not in the list".

  5. In the fields that appear, enter your phone number and captcha.

  6. Click the left button of the coordinate device on "Continue".

  7. Type the code received in the SMS message to confirm the ownership of the phone number.

    Important! Be careful, the password must be entered within 30 seconds!

  8. In the First Name and Last Name fields, enter the requested information.

  9. Click on the "Continue" button.

  10. From the suggested logins, select the one to which you want to restore access. Click on the "Login" button.

  11. Enter your password in the window that appears.

  12. Click on the "Login" button.

Welcome to the mailbox!

Creating a mailbox on Yandex is not so difficult: you open the search engine page, click the "Create a mailbox" button and follow the instructions - that's all. What can not be said about the directly opposite procedure - its removal. Many users, and not even from the category of beginners, begin to frantically rush through the service options in search of the treasured delete function. And they don't find...

The developers of Yandex not only “hid” the account deletion mechanism, but at the same time did not include it in the external interface. Apparently, this was done in order to protect the user from the possibility of deleting the mailbox by accident. Or maybe not ... Who knows?

But don't let that upset you, dear user! Read the instructions below, and a series of long studies in resolving the question “is it possible to delete mail on Yandex?” will pass by.

Think seven times - delete once!

Why is that? This is primarily due to the reasons and circumstances due to which the user decides to delete an account in the mail service. Sometimes mailbox owners are in a hurry to get rid of them, mistakenly assuming that this will help them solve a certain number of problems:

  • lost the password of the Yandex.Money payment system;
  • an SMS message has arrived that someone is trying to change the account data;
  • the mailbox is flooded with spam mailings.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of annoying situations from which you can find a way out (and quite quickly!), Without resorting to deleting mail. Radical measures are useless here - simply contact Yandex support, use the function to restore control over your account, or change the settings. Act according to the situation!

Instructions for deleting a mailbox on Yandex

Attention! By deleting a Yandex mailbox, you destroy not only mail, but the entire account and services associated with it, including data and content:

  • details of an electronic wallet created in Yandex;
  • geographic maps with laid routes (Yandex.Maps);
  • files uploaded to Yandex.Disk;
  • hosted videos.

So, if you have weighed all the pros and cons and still want to permanently delete the electronic service, do the following:
1. Log in to your account and open the mail settings: left-click the gear icon (it is located in the upper right corner).

2. In the menu that opens, follow the very first link "All settings".

3. In the list of sections (under the "Yandex. Mail" picture on the left side of the screen), click the lowest button "Specify your data" (it is in this option that the "delete" function is located).

4. Click the very last submenu item "Delete Account" on the "Personal Data" tab.

5. Before removing Yandex mail from the server, the system requests personal data (password and answer to a security question) to confirm the action. Enter in the fields all the necessary information, captcha (characters from the picture) and click "Delete ...".

Attention! If for some reason you change your mind about destroying the box at this stage, press the second button instead of the first one - “Return to Passport”. The browser will re-open the "Personal Data" group of settings.

6. A window will appear with the last warning, in which you must select "Continue".

That's all! After this procedure, your account will be completely deleted from the Yandex server.

Can a mailbox be restored after deletion?

All account data, after pressing the "Delete ..." button and the procedure for confirming the user's intentions (entering a password and answering a security question), irreversibly disappear from the server's disk space. Accordingly, it is technically impossible to restore them. Even if the procedure for deleting the box was carried out without your participation. That is, another user or a hacker who took possession of the account login data.

The only thing that can be done in this case is to restore the login. True, not immediately - after one month from the date of removal.

Advice! If you lose your mail due to hacking and decide to create a new mailbox, first read the "Data Security" chapter on the "Yandex Help" page. Useful recommendations for creating a password, security question and answer, as well as a description of fraudulent schemes will greatly help you protect yourself in the process of using the mail service.

Now, dear reader, you can end the mortal existence of your e-mail at any time. But remember: the phrase “They didn’t order to remove, they ordered to pardon!” always takes place to be at the beginning of an irrevocable procedure.

If you decide to delete email in Yandex, please note that data stored not only in your email, but also in other services activated in your account (Market, Maps, Video, Photo, etc.) will disappear from the site server .). You will no longer be able to, for example, log into the Yandex.Money electronic system and make payments using a remote login.

Upon completion of the deactivation procedure, the account will be completely blocked and it will no longer be possible to register the previously used email address again (only after 6 months from the date of deletion).

So, to delete mail on Yandex, follow these steps:

1. Sign in to your account (enter your username and password).

2. Click on your email address in the upper right corner.

3. In the menu, click "Passport".

4. On the Yandex.Mail settings page, in the "Other settings" section, click the "Delete account" link.

5. Enter the answer to the security question that was specified when registering the login.

6. Type the password for Yandex mail.

7. Retype the code from the picture (captcha).

8. Click the "Delete account" button.

9. Confirm the deletion: in the additional panel, click Continue.

Successful completion of your task!

In today's article, we'll look at how to delete Yandex mail(if you haven't read the post about that, check it out). The thing is that many even experienced users may have difficulty removing it.

Today, the Internet is developing very rapidly. It is used not only to communicate with your friends and acquaintances, but also for work. Today, many have several mailboxes available, which are located on various services. A large number of mailboxes eventually become simply unnecessary. Also, a lot of spam and unnecessary advertising is sent to these boxes. This often happens after registering on various forums. It is precisely because of this that many mailbox users begin to refuse to use some of them, although this is completely unprofitable for the Internet resources that offer mail services to users.

Yandex is one of the most popular search engines in the country. It provides users with a large number of various services and services.

It should be noted that creating mail on Yandex autumn is simple. To do this, open the search page and click on the "Create a mailbox" button. Further backwardness is only to follow detailed simple instructions. Deleting a mailbox is the exact opposite of registration.

It's all about the developers Yandex service not that they specifically hid the method of deleting the mail account, but simply did not include it in the external interface. This was probably done so that the user could not accidentally delete his mailbox.

There is a constant struggle on the Internet to increase the number of subscribers, so that they spend as much time as possible on the service, since this is what the business of such services is built on.

If it were very easy to delete Yandex mail, then any attacker could easily delete someone else's mailbox, knowing only the user's email address.

It should be noted that some services generally deprive users of such an opportunity to delete.

But despite this, I will tell you how to do it. To do this, use the instructions below.

Deleting a mailbox

In fact, deleting mail is a simple procedure. Consider step by step what needs to be done.

  1. First you need to log into your personal account on Yandex. To do this, just go to the Yandex website and enter your username and password in the upper right corner. After that, click on the “login” button and go to your account. If you entered your username and password correctly, you will be redirected to your mailbox.
  2. Now in the upper right corner you need to find such a small button, which is made in the form of a gear, and click on it. After that, a menu will appear.
  3. In the menu that appears, select the item called "other". After clicking on it, a page with a large number of settings will appear. On the left side of the page, you need to find a button called "specify your data", and click on it.
  4. A page with personal information will appear. If you look closely, you can see on the right side of the page a link called "delete account". You need to click on it.
  5. Next, we move on to the last step of the removal. Yandex warns that after deleting the mail account, all used services will also be completely deleted. For example, files stored on the service for your personal use will be completely deleted, the Yandex.Money service will be deleted. That is why it is not advisable to completely delete the account. But that's up to you. Here you need to enter the captcha, password and the answer to the secret question.
  6. Now comes a very interesting point. The thing is that, according to statistics, more than eighty percent of all registered users simply do not remember this question. But if you don’t remember the answer to the secret question, then there is still a way out. You need to enter the data on the page and click on the button to delete the account.
  7. A new window will open. It will contain a final warning. Here you need to click on the "continue" button. After that, the account will be completely deleted.


If, after going through the sixth paragraph, you suddenly change your mind about deleting your mailbox, then you need to press the button called “return to passport”. Next, the "personal data" group will open in the browser.

Is it possible to restore the mailbox

After deleting the account, a note will appear stating that you can register the old login no earlier than one month later. This is done by Yandex so that any user can restore their mailbox if they wish.

After one month has passed, the user's data will irreversibly disappear from the disk space on the service, and it will simply be impossible to restore it. Even if your mailbox was deleted by a hacker, it will be impossible to restore it. The only thing that can be done in this case is to restore the login. This can only be done after one month has passed after the removal.

How to recover a forgotten password

To do this, on the main page you need to follow the link called "remember your password". Then you need to enter your login from the mail and captcha. After that, the system will offer several solutions to choose from:

  • You can answer the secret question you created during registration.
  • The password can be recovered using your mobile phone, provided that the phone was linked to the mail during registration. It is very convenient.
  • Step-by-step recovery instructions can be received at an additional e-mail address, which can be registered during registration.

Secret question recovery

If the user does not remember the answer to the secret question, then it can be restored, provided that the first name, last name and patronymic were specified correctly during registration.

If a Yandex mailbox has been deleted by hackers and you want to create a new one, it makes sense to read the chapter called “data security” before starting to create it. This chapter is on a page called "Yandex help". In this chapter, you can read useful recommendations from Yandex itself on such issues as: compiling a complex password, creating an answer to a security question. There are also fraudulent schemes, having learned about which you can protect yourself in the process of using the service.

A must for familiarization.