How to save Yandex bookmarks on a computer. Reinstalling Yandex.Browser while saving bookmarks

Many users, having decided to reinstall the browser, want to do this without losing important information, in particular, saved bookmarks. This article will tell you how you can reinstall, while saving your bookmarks.

Today you can reinstall the browser from Yandex, saving your bookmarks, in two ways: by exporting bookmarks to a file and by using the synchronization function. More detailed about them methods and will be discussed below.

Method 1: export and import bookmarks

This method is remarkable in that you can save the bookmarks to a file, and then use it not only for the reinstalled Yandex, but also for any other web browser available in the system.

Method 2: Set up synchronization

Like many other web browsers, Yandex Browser has a synchronization function that allows you to store all web browser data on Yandex servers. This useful feature will help you save not only bookmarks after reinstallation, but also logins, passwords, browsing history, settings and other important data.

  1. First of all, to set up synchronization, you will need to have a Yandex. If you do not have it yet, you should go through the registration procedure.
  2. Next, click on the Yandex menu button and proceed to the item "Synchronization".
  3. A page will be loaded in a new tab, on which you will be asked to authorize in the Yandex system, that is, specify your email address and password.
  4. After successfully signing in, select the button "Enable Sync".
  5. Then select the button "Change settings" to open the browser sync options window.
  6. Make sure you have a checkbox next to the item "Bookmarks". Set the rest of the parameters to your liking.
  7. Wait for your web browser to sync and transfer all bookmarks and other data to the cloud. Unfortunately, it does not show the progress of the sync, so try to leave the browser for as long as possible so that all the data is transferred (an hour should be enough).
  8. From this point on, you can uninstall the web browser. To do this, open the menu "Control Panel" - "Uninstall Programs", click on the application "Yandex" right-click, then select "Delete".
  9. After completing the removal of the program, proceed to download a fresh distribution kit from the official website of the developer and install it on your computer.
  10. Having installed Yandex, you just have to activate synchronization on it. In this case, the actions will completely coincide with those given in the article, starting from the second paragraph.
  11. After signing in, Yandex needs to give some time to complete the synchronization so that it can restore all the previous data.

Both methods of reinstalling Yandex.Browser allow you to keep your bookmarks guaranteed - you just have to decide which method is preferable for you.

Working on the Internet, everyone regularly visits the same sites that are regularly needed, for example, sites for their work, study, e-mail service, some blogs, forums. All the time finding these sites through search engines or entering their addresses manually through the address bar of the browser is inconvenient. It is much more convenient to add such sites to the so-called browser bookmarks or, in other words, to your browser favorites.

With this approach, the sites you need can be easily found, quickly opened and you will not lose them. This is especially true for those sites that you found somewhere and you really need them (even if only temporarily), but if you don’t save them somewhere, you may not find them again or spend extra time searching. In such cases, it is also convenient to add these sites to the browser bookmarks and from there they will not go anywhere, unless, of course, you yourself delete them from there by accident :)

In this article I will tell and show how to use bookmarks (favorites), how to add sites there, quickly open them, using the example of several of the most popular browsers.

Working with bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser

Adding the necessary sites to browser bookmarks

In order to bookmark the site you want in the Google Chrome browser, you must first open this site. Suppose you decide to bookmark the main page of the Yandex. We go to this site, and then press the button in the form of a star:

A window will open where you will see the message "Bookmark added". As soon as you click the Star button, the bookmark is immediately saved in the browser.

Now you can make a couple of settings so that later you can easily find your bookmark and quickly open the desired site:

  • You can specify a name for the saved site in bookmarks (1). Initially, the browser itself prescribes the name, focusing on the page name. You can change the name to your own, so that later you can navigate in a bunch of bookmarks.
  • You can specify the folder where the bookmark will be saved (2). Bookmarks can be stored in different folders and initially it is saved in the folder that was used last time. Folders will help you better navigate a large number of bookmarks, as you can organize them by topic.

You can leave the settings as they are and immediately click "Finish" (3) and the bookmark will be saved to the default folder.

Selecting a folder and creating a new one for storing bookmarks

For example, you have 50 favorite sites saved in bookmarks. Of these 50 sites, several are sites for watching movies, there are several sites for listening to music, several sites - online banks or electronic wallets, etc. Therefore, you can create your own folders for each category of added bookmarks (sites), for example, " Banks and e-wallets”, “Watch movies”, “Listen to music”…

Example: in the image below, under the number 1, the created folders for those bookmarks are marked, which I divided into appropriate categories for the convenience of further search. Under the number 2 bookmarks are marked that do not belong to any categories (folders).

To change the save folder, click on the default folder (2).

A window will open where already created folders (1) will be displayed at the top. Initially, the “Bookmarks Bar” and “Other Bookmarks” folders are already automatically created in the browser. The rest you can create yourself. Below there is an item “Select another folder” (2), by clicking on which you will be taken to a window where you can create your own folder (or several) for further saving bookmarks there.

In the window that opens, select the source folder from the existing ones (1) where your new folder will be created and click the "New Folder" button (2).

A new folder will be created in the list above, and you can immediately give it a new name (initially, the folder is called “New Folder”).

Now it remains for you to select in the same window the folder in which the added bookmark will be saved as a result (1) and click "Save" (2).

After completing all the above steps, you will save the bookmark in the folder you need. Thus, you can save an unlimited number of sites!

After the site is bookmarked, when you search through the address bar of Google Chrome with the mention of the name of the site (which you indicated in the bookmarks), you will immediately see the desired site.

For example, the site of the Ulmart store has been added to bookmarks. The bookmark is called "Yulmart online store". By typing the word “yulmart” in the address bar of the browser (1) or by starting to type the site address, Google Chrome will immediately give you the appropriate option below (2).

How to open the desired site saved in Google Chrome bookmarks

There are 3 ways to open the sites saved in your Google Chrome bookmarks:

  1. Through the browser menu "Bookmarks".

    To open bookmarks in this way, open the browser menu (1) and hover over Bookmarks (2). An additional window with browser tabs will appear on the left. There you will see the entire list of your bookmarks in a column, as well as those that are not sorted by folders (3), and the folders themselves with the bookmarks you added (4).

    Folders at the end of the name of which there is an arrow already have some saved bookmarks inside them. To expand the list of bookmarks stored in a folder, simply hold the mouse cursor over the desired folder and another column will appear with the bookmarks of the selected folder.

    Well, to open the selected site, click the left mouse button (hereinafter LMB) on the bookmark and the site will immediately open in a new browser tab.

  2. Through the bookmarks bar.

    The bookmarks bar is the bar located under the address bar of the browser, where the bookmarks you added will be displayed in a row. Example:

    Initially, the bookmarks bar in the browser is disabled and will only be displayed on the main page. To enable it, open the browser menu (1), hover over the “Bookmarks” item (2) and in the column that appears, click on the “Show bookmarks bar” item (3).

    Now the bookmarks bar will always be displayed in the browser. The bookmarks bar will display folders with your bookmarks (2), as well as separately bookmarks that you did not include in any folder (1).

    To open a bookmark, simply click on it with LMB, and to open the contents of a folder, hover over it.

  3. Through the bookmark manager.

    The bookmark manager is a separate section of the browser where you can not only view all the bookmarks you have saved in a convenient way, but also manage them, for example, add new bookmarks, delete unnecessary ones, create folders, sort bookmarks into folders right from there.

    To open the bookmark manager, as in the previous two methods, open the browser menu, in it the “Bookmarks” item and click on the “Bookmark Manager” sub-item.

    The bookmark manager opens in a separate browser tab.

    The left part of the window (1) displays the folders in which the bookmarks are stored, and the right part of the window displays the contents of the folder that you have selected on the left.

    To open a site from the bookmark manager, double-click on it. By right-clicking (hereinafter referred to as RMB) on a bookmark, selecting "Edit" or "Delete", you can change the name and address of the bookmark site and, accordingly, delete the bookmark. You can do the same with folders: change the name or delete unnecessary folders.

Which method of the 3 above methods to use is up to you to choose. The easiest and fastest way is to use the bookmarks bar, because it is visible on every page and you don't need to open the browser menu to get to your bookmarks.

On the other hand, when there are too many bookmarks, it may turn out that this panel becomes inconvenient to use, and then you can use method No. 1 or 3.

Method number 3 is very convenient if the bookmark manager is pinned to the browser so that you can access it quickly. To do this, right-click on the tab where you have the bookmark manager open (1) and select "Pin tab" (2).

As a result, the bookmark example is thumbnailed and will always be placed on the left, allowing you to easily access the bookmark manager.

As you can see, everything is easy and simple to do in the Google Chrome browser. But it's also simple in other browsers. Below I will show briefly how all this is done on Mozilla FireFox, Opera and Internet Explorer browsers.

Working with bookmarks in the Mozilla Firefox browser

To add a site to bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox, you also need to go to the site and press the button with the star icon (1), after which a window will open for editing the name of the bookmark and choosing a folder to save (2). Having set up saving a bookmark, it remains only to click the "Finish" button.

To view bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox, you need to click on the button to the right of the star (1) and your tabs and folders will appear in the pop-up window below (2). By clicking "Show all bookmarks", you can open the list of your bookmarks in a more convenient way (similar to the bookmark manager in Google Chrome).


In Opera, expand the Bookmarks section in the menu and click Manage Bookmarks. This action has been assigned hotkeys CTRL + SHIFT + B, you can use them. The bookmark management window has its own menu - expand the "File" section in it and select the "Save As" item. In the file save dialog, specify the storage location and name for the file, and then click the "Save" button.

In Mozilla FireFox, you can use the same hotkeys CTRL+SHIFT+B or go to the Bookmarks section of the menu and click Manage Bookmarks. The bookmark management window also has its own menu here - open the "Import and Backup" section in it and click on the "Backup" line. In the save dialog, specify the desired location and file name, then click "Save".

In Internet Explorer using the Import and Export Wizard. To launch it, open the "File" section in the menu and select "Import and Export". In the first window, simply click the "Next" button, in the second - click on the line " Export" in the list under the inscription "Select an action" and click "Next". The wizard then prompts you to select a full save or save individual folders and specifies the default storage address. You need to click the "Browse" button and specify a safe place. Then click "Next" and in the next window click the "Finish" button to start the saving process.

Select "Bookmark Manager" from the menu. The browser will open, at the top of which there is a drop-down list "Organize" - open it. Select the lowest item (“Export bookmarks”) and in the file save dialog, specify the storage location and file name.

Many users add their favorite sites to their browser bookmarks, someone adds them to the express panel. One way or another, we customize the browser to suit our needs. However, at any time something irreparable can happen to the operating system or the program itself, and in order to fix the error, you will need to reinstall the software or even Windows. What to do in this case and how to save browser bookmarks when reinstalling Windows?

How to save bookmarks in Google Chrome browser?

Why is Google Chrome so popular? First of all, due to the fact that such a function as data synchronization is inherent in it. If you have installed this browser for yourself, then the first time you start the program, you will be prompted to create an account. Entered your contact details, you will get many benefits, namely: mail to gmail, free cloud storage for files and the ability to work in the Play Market. In this case, the software will ask you for permission to synchronize data. If you put the appropriate mark, then even when you reinstall the system or browser, entering a login and password will return all previously saved bookmarks and passwords. To learn how to set up synchronization, click on the link.

However, if you don't have data sync turned on and need to save your browser bookmarks and passwords, you should use the following tip.

Press "Ctrl + Shift + O". The Bookmark Manager tab opens. Click "Organize" and select "Export bookmarks to HTML file" from the list of actions.

After reinstalling the system or the browser itself, press “Ctrl + Shift + O” again, select “Organize” and click “Import bookmarks from HTML file”.

Specify the path to the file and click "Open".

Now all bookmarks and passwords will return to their original places.

Also, if you have the opportunity to boot from the installation disk, you should go to the address in the "C" drive, the "Users", "Username", "AppData", "Local", "Google" folders, and copy the "Chrome" folder .

This folder must be inserted into an identical folder, only on an already reinstalled operating system or after reinstalling the browser.

How to save bookmarks when reinstalling the Yandex browser?

First of all, we note that the process of saving bookmarks and password in this program is similar to the previous method. You can either set up synchronization by saving the information, or create a bookmarks.

To synchronize data, launch the Yandex browser and click "Menu" and then "Synchronization".

Enter your username and password, click "Enable Sync".

After choosing what exactly you want to be saved in the browser during synchronization.

You can also transfer your saved bookmarks and passwords to your PC using the bookmarks. To do this, press "Menu" and select "Bookmarks", then "Bookmark Manager".

In the new window, select "Organize" and click "Export bookmarks to HTML file".

Just like in Google Chrome, the browser folder can be transferred to a reinstalled OS. The Yandex folder is located at the address in the "C" drive, the "Users" folder, then "Username", "AppData", "Local", "Yandex".

How to save Opera browser bookmarks?

Saving bookmarks and passwords in the Opera browser is a simple but imperfect process. As in previous browsers, this is done using the synchronization settings or the bookmarks file.

Synchronization in Opera is located in the "Menu".

Only after creating an account will all passwords and bookmarks be synchronized on any device.

As for the bookmarks file, in versions of the program from 28 to 33 it can be created by clicking "Menu", "Other tools", "Import bookmarks and settings".

In the new window, select what you want to import. We save the file.

After, we also add bookmarks to the reinstalled browser. However, if you have an older version of the program, you need to copy the bookmarks file from the software folder and paste it into a similar one. Insert address: drive "C", folder "Users", then "Username", "AppData", "Roaming", "Opera Software", "Opera Stable".

How to save bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox?

Synchronization in Mozilla Firefox as a method of saving bookmarks and passwords is carried out somewhat differently than in the above browsers. Here the data is bound to the mailbox.

If you are going to reinstall Windows, and your browser has a lot of bookmarks that you don’t want to lose, then you can save them and install the browser on the new system and restore them.


Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera and Mazila browsers allow you to create an account with which you can save all the data previously recorded in the browser.

For Internet Explorer, this feature only appears on Windows 8 and later, where a Microsoft account appears.

To get started, you need to create an account. To do this, go to the settings and look for the item "Synchronization". You will be prompted to register if you have not created an account before. Enter your email address and password into the form. In Yandex browser and Google Chrome, the mailbox must be registered in these search engines.

Now, when installing a new browser after reinstalling the system, you simply go into synchronization, enter your username and password, your information appears again in the right place. The advantage of this method is that data can be accessed from any device, be it a phone, tablet or computer in an Internet cafe.

Using the Bookmarks File

If you don't feel like or can't create sync accounts for some reason, you can save your data using Bookmarks. First, go to Bookmark Manager. They open:

  • Google Chrome and Yandex - Ctrl + Shift + O;
  • Mazila - Ctrl + Shift + b.

In the top menu, select Import and backup - create a backup, or "Export bookmarks to Html file" depending on the browser.

Next, you will be asked to choose a save location. When reinstalling the system, you should save the file to removable media or to the cloud.

After installing a new browser, you need to enter the Bookmark Manager again and select the "Import bookmarks to Html file" item.

For the Opera, things are a little more complicated. To save the HTML file, navigate to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable. Next, make hidden folders visible - Tools - Folder Options - View - Show hidden folders.

Now you need to copy either the entire folder or the Bookmarks. To restore the bookmarks, we go along that path and copy the contents, if the system says that such files already exist, then we agree to a replacement.

In general, the synchronization method is much simpler, more convenient and does not require special knowledge. But if there are no options, then only copying with Bookmarks can help.