Gai accident. What to do in case of an accident (procedure, where to call)? How to file a traffic accident without traffic police officers

A rare driver today can boast that he has never got into unpleasant traffic situations. Even when the motorist himself is extremely careful and diligently adheres to all traffic rules, he is not immune from an inattentive or even drunk driver who can create an emergency. What to do, how to behave, where to call in case of an accident and how to solve suddenly surging problems - read about these and other nuances in the article.

The first reaction is shock!

Of course, the first impressions of what happened can hardly be called unambiguous. A whirlwind of a variety of thoughts immediately sweeps through the shocked mind, starting with the notorious “oh, what will happen now?” and ending with a completely crazy “maybe run away?”

So, the first and basic rule: road accident participants do not have the right to leave the scene of the accident before the arrival of the inspector! This becomes possible only in extremely rare cases. In most cases, such actions will lead you to a fine and deprivation of rights, and in some cases to criminal liability. It will also be unpleasant that the insurance company will simply refuse to pay you any compensation.

If there are victims

Now you need to make sure that there are no casualties in the incident. Check the passengers in your vehicle for injuries. After that, you need to overcome your anger and take an interest in the state of the culprit of the incident (if you are not one in this case). Already at this stage, it becomes clear where to call in case of an accident at the beginning: the presence of victims implies an immediate call for emergency medical care. Therefore, the most important call should be made to the number "03".

Pay attention to the features of calling an ambulance from a mobile phone:

  • "Beeline" - 003 or 030.
  • MTS - 030.
  • "Megaphone" - 030303.
  • The emergency rescue service, which will direct your call from any operator to the medical service, is 112.
  • Also, from any operator, you can call an ambulance with the following combination: country code, city code, 03-111

If there were no injuries

Where to call in case of an accident, if all participants escaped with a slight fright? Most victims usually call their closest friends or relatives first to tell them they've been in an accident. Where to call to get help, relatives can tell. In general, such tactics are not without sense. Firstly, this is some kind of first psychological help. Secondly, a close friend in this situation is able to assess the situation more adequately than a shocked driver, namely, logically, to draw the following simple conclusions:

  • Of course, it is not every day that you have to deal with traffic accidents, so it is not surprising that you do not know how to call the traffic police. So, you need to call the insurance company in which your OSAGO policy was issued. In addition, in any case, you will have to call an expert to assess the damage. Their contacts are written in the policy, which should always be with you. In this organization, everyone certainly knows where to call in case of an accident, traffic accident and other unforeseen troubles. And in most cases, insurance agents themselves will transfer information to the traffic police and call an inspector.
  • Also, in any unclear situation, you can always contact the rescue service, which was mentioned earlier. Their number is 112, it remains the same for all telecom operators. This magic number is generally better to remember and write down, it can come in handy in any non-standard life situation - from a randomly slammed door to suspicious objects found.
  • Do not forget about the valiant police, whose number is known to everyone from early childhood - "02". These guys also will not remain indifferent to the situation.

Any driver, regardless of driving experience, can get into an accident. Even if he tries to drive very carefully, the road is full of reckless drivers who can provoke an accident. Therefore, every driver must know how to call the traffic police to the scene of an accident.

But often motorists simply forget the phone number of the traffic police. The difficulty lies in the fact that many operators have their own number to call the traffic police in case of an accident. And if you changed your SIM card not so long ago, then do not forget to transfer this number to your contact list.

All operators allow their customers to call traffic police inspectors for free. Moreover, the call can be made even with a zero balance.

Here are the numbers of the main operators:

  • MTS, Tele2, Megafon - 020;
  • Beeline - 002;
  • Motive, Skylink - 902.

In each emergency call service, this also applies to the traffic police, you can make a call to the number 112. It is the same for everyone. Calling the traffic police on it is also carried out free of charge.

You can make a call to number 112 not only in the situation if there are no funds on your phone, but also in the situation if your phone is locked or there is no SIM card on it.

You can make a call to the traffic police not only from a mobile phone, but also from a landline. In this case, you need to press the number 02.

In a situation where people were injured during an accident, you must dial 112. In this case, an ambulance will also come on call.

Each Russian region has its own traffic police departments, each of which has its own telephone number. You can find these phone numbers in the phone book.

When is a traffic police call mandatory?

In 2015, significant changes were made to the procedure for registering an accident.

Now the services of traffic police officers are not needed in the following situations:

  1. Only 2 vehicles were damaged in the collision;
  2. Each of the drivers has OSAGO insurance;
  3. All participants in the accident agree with its circumstances;
  4. The vehicle received minor damage;
  5. Drivers are able to independently draw up documents that will record the circumstances of the accident and arrive at the traffic police post.

But in some cases, calling the traffic police is still mandatory. Such cases include the following:

  1. Damage was caused to 3 or more cars;
  2. The amount of damage caused exceeded 50 thousand rubles;
  3. During the accident, people were injured;
  4. Municipal property was damaged;
  5. One of the motorists is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, behaves inappropriately.

All participants in the accident must wait for the arrival of the traffic police. At the same time, he should not change the location of his vehicles. It will be possible to remove the car from the roadway only when the accident is registered.

What to tell the operator when calling the traffic police?

With how to call the traffic police, we have already figured out. Now it is worth figuring out what information should be reported to the operator.

Having made a call to the traffic police, it is important to concisely and accurately convey all the coordinates of the incident:

  1. The name of the highway, kilometer, if the accident occurred outside the city;
  2. Address and street of the building located nearby;
  3. Any buildings that will enable the traffic police to navigate;
  4. The number of participants in the accident.

The sequence of actions of the driver after the accident

Any motorist needs to know not only how to call the traffic police, but also how to act in a situation if an accident occurs.

The traffic rules of 2017 specifically describe the actions of the driver. These actions are:

  1. As soon as you notice a push, an emergency flasher will immediately turn on in the car.
  2. The driver must put the appropriate sign. This will help warn other drivers that an accident has occurred on the road and avoid another collision. In cities, such a sign should be installed at a distance no closer than 15 meters to the point of the accident. Outside the city, it can be placed at a distance of 30 meters.
  3. If people are injured in an accident, you should immediately call an ambulance.
  4. After all the above actions, you can dial the traffic police phone in case of an accident.

It is no secret that today anyone can become a participant in a traffic accident. Even if you drive extremely carefully, another car can hit yours at any moment. Therefore, it is extremely useful to know how to call the traffic police from a mobile phone in Moscow or another city in Russia.

In case of any accident call the traffic police, and a cell phone is the only way to contact them today, since it is at least naive to expect that there will be a landline nearby.

As a rule, an emergency or an accident happens unexpectedly, and then there is simply no time to remember or find out the number of the desired service.

How to call the traffic police from a mobile?

It is best to write down the numbers of all emergency services in the phone book in order to make the necessary call to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, an ambulance, or the police if necessary. Do not be lazy and do this important thing right now.

In addition, it is very desirable to have the number of the insurance company in your telephone directory, which, if necessary, can also call a police squad to the scene of a traffic accident.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to write down only cell phone numbers, ordinary city phones will do, you just need to know how to enter the city code correctly.

But we should not forget about the unified emergency dialing phones offered by cellular operators.

The fact is that if you (pah-pah-pah) get into a traffic accident in some other city or region, the numbers of the city services of your locality will be completely useless. Therefore, you will have to call exactly the same numbers.

For subscribers of cellular networks "Tele 2", "Megaphone" and "MTS" free call of the traffic police (traffic police, traffic police) to the accident site by phone number 020.

Phone: 020

Clients "Beeline" In Moscow and other cities, they call the traffic police and call them to the scene of an accident using a single telephone number 002.

Phone: 002

Mobile operator clients "Motive" and skylink must call the traffic police to the scene of an accident by calling 902 - the call is free.

Phone: 902

Calls to unified numbers are completely free of charge for all telecom operators ( MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2 and etc.).

Another way to call the traffic police (traffic police, traffic police) or emergency services from a mobile phone is number 112 for calls from mobile phones. This is the number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and for all operators a call to it is also completely free.