The communication range of the radio maus and here. What does a walkie-talkie give in World of Tanks and why is it needed

In World of Tanks, any vehicle has five types of modules, and the radio station is one of them, but not everyone knows what it gives, so they often don’t even upgrade it, considering it a waste of experience and credits. Such a serious mistake should not be made, since the walkie-talkie is vital in WoT. It is needed in order to see enemies and allies on the minimap, as well as to transmit data about the location of the enemy.

Using a radio station in World of Tanks

Operating principle

Any technique has a "Communication range" parameter, which depends on the radio. It is a circle with a radius specified in the characteristics of the radio. If the communication range circles of two friendly vehicles intersect, they can see each other on the minimap.

For clarity, below is a diagram that allows you to better understand how the radio works:

The principle of operation of the radio station in World of Tanks

This is the overall picture that an observer from the side could see, but for each individual player, everything looks a little different. As can be seen from the figure, the communication circles of tanks (1) and (2) intersect, and the communication range of the number (3) is not enough, therefore:

  • The player numbered (1) sees the allied vehicle (2), and transmits the location of the enemy (4) to it;
  • The tank (2) sees an ally (1), as well as an enemy (4), whose coordinates are transmitted to it by an ally (1);
  • (3) sees only the enemy (6), and none of the allies see him;
  • (4) visible for machines (1) and (2);
  • (5) not visible to anyone, as it is outside someone's circle of light;
  • (6) only visible for the tank (3).

Thus number (3) is in a precarious position, as his allies don't even know where he is and can't come to the rescue. This situation is widespread in low-level battles, where the vast majority of vehicles have a communication range of no more than 400 meters.

The importance of a radio station for different classes of equipment

In WoT, the walkie-talkie is most needed by fireflies, and should be bought as quickly as possible, third in order after the engine and chassis. Since the main role of fireflies in battle is to illuminate enemy vehicles, they often drive far away from their team, so an LT with a small communication radius will simply be useless.

As for the other classes, the communication range is not so important for them. However, you should not ignore its pumping either - if only because without a pumped out walkie-talkie your equipment will not be able to become elite.


A nice feature of the radio in World of Tanks is that it is a high unification module, that is, the same model can be found on a large number of vehicles.

An illustrative example is the Soviet 12RT radio transmitter:

As you can see from the image, once you open this module, you can put it on 16 different tanks, and on many of them it will be the top one. For example, once researched on the SU-122A, it will automatically open on other vehicles from the Soviet artillery branch. This property is an additional incentive to spend combat experience on it.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the radio station in World of Tanks is an extremely necessary module, and, despite its role in battle, which is not obvious at first glance, ignoring it can lead to disastrous consequences.

what is the communication range in world of tanks for and got the best answer

Answer from Lyolik[guru]
So that light scouts can transmit data about highlighted enemies to their own as far as possible. With a weak radio, their efforts will be in vain.

Answer from Yoasha Kravtsov[newbie]

Answer from Aiden Williams[guru]

Answer from Denis Petrov[active]

Answer from Alexander Guetta[newbie]
to pick out the warag not only on the radar

Answer from Dmitry Deryabin[newbie]
Kravtsov, do not confuse people, the review is an inner circle in which you find the enemy, but a large
this is the communication range, that's who got into a large circle of those you can see in the scope.

Answer from Denis Petrov[active]
in order for an ally tank to see the enemy at the other end of the map and pass this information on to you and the enemy appears in red on your mini-map. If the range is short, then those who are closer will see them on the mini map ... and you don't

Answer from Aiden Williams[guru]
to see more enemies on the radar ... for example, you have 200 and the enemy has 500, he sees you and you don’t even when he shoots at you

Answer from Yoasha Kravtsov[newbie]
I've been playing for two years and never asked this question. And then I found out for myself ... that basically it is needed on lt. From now on, on other tanks I will study it only at the last or last levels in order to speed up the pumping process. It only affects the minimap, that is, with its help you see opponents illuminated by an ally, but it is written in black and white that with the help of other allies who have dispersed all over the map, you can see the light of the entire map with a walkie-talkie ... it does not affect the viewing radius. And you see in the scope only those who fall within your radius of view.

what is the communication range in world of tanks for and got the best answer

Answer from Lyolik[guru]
So that light scouts can transmit data about highlighted enemies to their own as far as possible. With a weak radio, their efforts will be in vain.

Answer from Yoasha Kravtsov[newbie]

Answer from Aiden Williams[guru]

Answer from Denis Petrov[active]

Answer from Alexander Guetta[newbie]
to pick out the warag not only on the radar

Answer from Dmitry Deryabin[newbie]
Kravtsov, do not confuse people, the review is an inner circle in which you find the enemy, but a large
this is the communication range, that's who got into a large circle of those you can see in the scope.

Answer from Denis Petrov[active]
in order for an ally tank to see the enemy at the other end of the map and pass this information on to you and the enemy appears in red on your mini-map. If the range is short, then those who are closer will see them on the mini map ... and you don't

Answer from Aiden Williams[guru]
to see more enemies on the radar ... for example, you have 200 and the enemy has 500, he sees you and you don’t even when he shoots at you

Answer from Yoasha Kravtsov[newbie]
I've been playing for two years and never asked this question. And then I found out for myself ... that basically it is needed on lt. From now on, on other tanks I will study it only at the last or last levels in order to speed up the pumping process. It only affects the minimap, that is, with its help you see opponents illuminated by an ally, but it is written in black and white that with the help of other allies who have dispersed all over the map, you can see the light of the entire map with a walkie-talkie ... it does not affect the viewing radius. And you see in the scope only those who fall within your radius of view.