How to cut out a shape in photoshop. All the ways to select and cut an object in Photoshop

Beginning users often wonder how to cut and paste an object in Photoshop.

Selecting and further copying / cutting an element is the main task that you need to master in order to edit images.

Let us consider in more detail all the possible ways that even a beginner will quickly master.


Before performing any manipulations with parts of the picture, they must be selected. Only then is the insert or cut applied.

Thanks to the function "Select-Paste" you can combine elements of several drawings, choose your background and create unique designs.

Before you start, choose an image whose background you like, and a picture with an object that you want to cut out.

Method 1 - Using the "Magic Wand"

"Magic wand" or "Magic Wand" is one of the simplest tools in Photoshop. With its help, you can quickly select a part and carry out a series of manipulations with it.

The advantage of working with this particular tool is speed. A beginner will not have to deal with channels, backgrounds and layers.

The magic wand selection algorithm automatically determines the hues of pixels that border on other parts of the photo.

Follow instructions:

  • Open and create a new canvas or open an existing drawing with an object using the program;
  • In the left part of the window there is a panel of basic tools. Click on the fourth element and select from the drop-down list "Magic wand" as below:
  • The wand creates selection borders based on the hues of the objects in the picture. You need to click on the desired area of ​​the image to create a selection. We recommend using the Magic Wand for large solid objects such as the sky, grass, mountains, etc.;
  • Let's select the sky in the next image. To do this, in insurgents, click on the magic wand and select any part of the sky with the mouse. The following outline will be created around the part;

Fig.3 - selection of the sky

  • Often the Magic Wand does not select the entire part and users stop working with the tool. You should not do this, because you can simply add the missing area to the general selection.
  • While most of the sky is outlined, move the cursor to another section of the sky. Hold down the Shift key and click on the unselected area at the same time. This will add it to the desired part. We get the following result:

Fig.4 - setting the boundaries of the object

Method 2 - Working with the Quick Selection Tool

Quick Selection is another basic tool that every Photoshop user should learn to use.

It can be found in the same tab as the magic wand ( Toolbar-Isolation- Quick Selection). The function works like a brush.

With it, you can create an accurate selection along contrasting borders. You can choose the size and diameter of the brush yourself:

  • Select the tool as shown in the picture;

Fig.5 - Quick Selection

  • Now make a selection. You need to hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor inside the area you want to select. To indicate the boundaries, draw near the edges. Thus, the contour line will gradually move to the edge you need.
  • To undo a failed action, press Ctrl + D and try again. The figure below shows an example of gradual selection of a flower area using Quick Selection .

Rice. 6 - quick selection sketch

As you can see, the boundaries of the resulting object do not go to another part of the picture. Even with an increase and a detailed view of each line, you will not see flaws and extra pixels.

Method 3 - Quick Mask

Quick Mask - This is with which you can. What is the difference between using a mask and the standard tools described above?

The fact is that the standard methods well highlight parts of the picture that have pixel color contrast, but they cannot determine the clear boundaries of the object, part of which is a gradient or a blurry area.

Also, it will be difficult to set the boundaries of the selection if the color of the part is very similar to the background.

The essence of Quick Mask: the user selects one part of the photo, and the other is automatically blocked and you cannot work with it. The mask is called the outline itself, which separates the element from the main picture.

A quick mask is a selection in which the selected part will have its original color, and the remaining areas will be covered with a translucent film.

Rice. 7 - an example of a mask in Photoshop

The convenience of working with the tool lies in the fact that you draw the selected area yourself and at any time you can correct the flaws.

A quick mask will allow you to accurately select a part of the picture. Follow instructions:

  • Select the Quick Mask tool from the toolbar, or simply press the Q key on your keyboard while the Photoshop window is open;

Fig.8 - key to select the Quick Mask

  • In the window that appears, select the type of brush, its diameter and other parameters, depending on the area that you will paint over;
  • Now just draw the unwanted part of the picture, leaving only the object for cutting and pasting. The masked area will be colored red;
  • You need to apply the mask with the black color selected on the palette. To remove part of the masked area, select white.

Rice. 9 - creating a mask

With the resulting selection, you can do whatever you want. Photoshop won't recognize the background, so it's very easy to isolate an object.

Use the tools already described above "Quick Selection" or "Magic wand" or click on the keyboard shortcut Ctrl -A , selecting the entire space (without the masked area).

Fig.10 - area selection

If you need to select a part of the image, but you want the borders of the element to turn out to be not clear, but gradient (smoothly merging into the background of the new image), you need to use a mask gradient.

The principle of creating a selection is similar to the previous instruction:

  • Enter the quick mask mode;
  • In the tab Options (Options) select Mode Radial Gradient (Radial Gradient). On the color palette, make the foreground color black and the background color white;
  • Make sure the gradient direction is set to "Foreground to Background", i.e. from the primary colors to the background color;
  • Now create a selection. Set the center of the object and carefully move the cursor from the center to the edges.

Fig.11 - selection of the center of the object

After finishing creating the borders, copy the element to the background of another picture. The object will have a translucent appearance and blurry borders.

You can adjust these parameters in the layers window of the new drawing.

Fig.12 - Paste with Gradient Preservation

Method 4 - Magnetic Lasso

The magnetic lasso belongs to the group of more complex tools of the program. It should be used if you cut out complex parts of the picture.

For example, the human body, parts of the hands, hair and other elements that require pixel accuracy.

Fig.13 - displaying the Magnetic Lasso in Photoshop

The peculiarity of this element lies in its algorithm of work. It does not analyze the chromaticity of the pixels, but looks for the edges of the object. It then creates a point to which the lasso is drawn.

In this way, a precise selection of a specific area of ​​the project is gradually created.

Take an image that has a difficult object to highlight. It is desirable that it contrasts well with the background, so that it is more convenient for you to draw borders:

Fig.14 - an example of a drawing

Select a tool and zoom in on the picture. Move the circular pointer to the edge of the object and click, setting the starting point for creating the border.

Now release the mouse button and simply move the cursor along the edge of the element so that its lines do not go beyond the circle of the cursor. Gradually, a selection will be created:

Fig.15 - an example of selecting borders using the Magnetic Lasso

To quickly zoom in or out on the image, press Ctrl and + or Ctrl and - respectively.

The path will automatically close when the last point of the lasso connects to the first. Then click on the first point to make a general outline appear.

If you need to remove a part of the background that may be inside the object, press the Alt button and select it with the help of the magnetic lasso - the subtraction mode will turn on without canceling the previous selection.

Fig.16 - removing a part of the background that enters the object

You will now be able to move, cut or paste the item to another project.

All edge lines will look very realistic, without the need to clean up the flaws in the zoom mode.

Fig.17 - the result of moving the selected area

Cut, paste and move

After you have learned how to perform one of the selection methods you like, you can move on to moving, cutting or pasting an object.

To move the selected element to another part of the picture, just press the space bar. The hand icon will appear instead of the cursor.

By clicking on the selected area, you can move it to any part of the project.

Fig.18 - moving an object within one picture

If you want to move the element to another picture, you should open it in a new tab of the program. Click on "File" - "New canvas". Then move the image into the Photoshop window.

Return to the first project and copy the selected item using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl -C. Paste part of the previous drawing onto the new one by pressing Ctrl -V.

Fig.19 - moving and inserting

If you need to cut an object, after selecting it, right-click on it. Select Cut or Delete from the context menu.

Also, you can use the tab "Editing". It contains all the necessary functions to work with the selected part of the image.

Saving the final project

After editing the final image, click on the tab "File-Save As...". In the new window, select the desired file format, enter a name and decide on the final folder where the project will be moved.

How to cut an object in Photoshop and paste it on a different background

How to Cut and Paste an Object in Photoshop - 4 Best Ways

How often have you needed to cut out an object from a photo in Photoshop in order to overlay it on another or simply remove the current background? In this article, I will discuss 4 selection methods, each of which will be better suited for a different type of image.

Photoshop puts a lot of emphasis on the selection tools, some of them work quite simply, others have more complex settings and it is more difficult for a novice user to understand how they work.

For example, an object that is on a white background can be cut with just a few clicks of the mouse. But how exactly to cut complex elements on a dark background or curly human hair? The standard lasso tool won't work here...

Of course, there are many more ways to cut out an object from a photo than the 4 I have described. In my opinion, these are the most convenient, each of the methods differs in the principle of selection, and therefore, before processing the photo, you can understand which one would be best suited for this type of photo.

If the object is on a white background, you can try selecting " magic wand". This tool automatically recognizes spots of the same color and highlights them.

If the selection did not capture part of the background, then holding down the SHIFT key, you can add a piece to the selected area. The greater the sensitivity of the magic wand, the more it "grabs".

If the background is not uniform and there are many other details on it, but a clear boundary between the subject and the background is visible, then you can use the " magnetic lasso". The line of this lasso sticks or magnetizes to the edge of the object, you just need to move the cursor along the path.

For this method, take a black brush and go to quick mask mode. Drawing with a black brush, the object is painted over in red. What is not filled will become selected when you click again on the quick mask mode.

The main advantage of this method is the ability to not only paint over, but also erase the red area (with a white brush). And by changing the brush parameters, you can get a selection with hard and soft borders.

It is convenient to use if the object has clear edges in places, blurred contours in places.

3. Erase the background with an eraser

After converting the background into a layer, the " eraser"erase everything that you don't need. This method is useful when editing on a different background, when it is not clear what should remain and what should not.

The eraser tool also has additional benefits. For example, to have different transparency and different softness of the brush. But unlike the previous method, it does not allow you to return the erased.

So if you need insurance, use the quick mask tool, or even better .

Cutting out hair from the background by hand is very difficult, especially such curly curls as in the photo. First create a duplicate of the layer to be converted. By increasing the contrast between the background and the subject with levels(CTRL+L), it becomes easier to select them automatically.

The hair is darker and the background lighter. But the face remained light, it is better to paint over it with a black brush too, in order to highlight only the background.

Click - Highlight/Color Range... Now adjust the sensitivity as shown in the picture below. Click OK. Selection loaded.

The duplicate layer is no longer needed, delete it.

This is the last and most interesting selection method. To cut out an object in Photoshop with high quality, you can use all the selection methods described, and sometimes you need to skillfully combine them for a good result.

VIDEO LESSON. Learn more about the four ways to cut an object in Photoshop:

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Remove Mirror Reflection from a Glass Object in Photoshop

Making collages has become a very popular way of creating. For this, graphic editors are used, with which you can cut out the background, use various plugins to create effects. One such program is Photoshop. Let's analyze the detailed ways to remove the background in this editor.

Photoshop is a graphics editor developed by Adobe Corporation. It has raster and vector support charts. It integrates with many media processing software. Users can use this tool for non-linear video editing, animation and special effects.

The format that Photoshop works with has the extension "PSD", supported by a large number of software. Thus, users can import files into many programs for subsequent post-processing.

All tools are the same for all versions of Photoshop, including the latest ones, starting from CS6.

How to cut an object in Photoshop

Using the Lasso Tool

Lasso is a tool for selecting any element in a photo by creating a path. Lasso will allow you to cut any object along the path.

First you need to figure out what this tool is and describe in detail its types:

  • « Lasso". The usual "Lasso" is one of the easiest ways to select the desired object in the picture. Working with it is quite simple, you need to hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor along the contour from the start to the end point;
  • « Rectilinear lasso". A tool that allows you to quickly create paths consisting of straight lines. Best suited for highlighting geometric shapes. Using it is simple, press "LMB" and set the starting point, release the mouse button and move the course further along the contour adding a new mark. Thus, we select the element until the cursor again reaches the starting point;
  • « magnetic lasso". This function allows you to quickly and accurately create a contour. The most accurate definition of the magnetic lasso is the automatic edge detection tool. The algorithm of his work is that he tries to recognize the edges of the object, finding differences in brightness, saturation, contrast.

How to cut an image:

The tool allows you to quickly and accurately cut out an element from an image or part of an image. It is worth noting that the user himself controls all the features of object selection by setting the necessary mask parameters.

Quick Selection

This tool allows you to quickly select an object in a photo. It should be noted that the method cannot guarantee a 100% result, because the best way only works on contrast elements.

How to cut:

Erase background with eraser

The method involves removing the background without creating a selection outline. The disadvantage of the eraser is the fact that the user practically cannot set any parameters. Edge refinement (smoothing or sharpening) cannot be performed.

The process is quite simple:

The effect of using the magic wand is observed only in those photographs that have a neutral background in relation to the object being cut out. It is best if the background is white or gray.

Cutting complex objects

To cut complex elements, the best option would be to use the " Levels". With it, you can select the edges and cut out those objects that have a non-uniform structure, for example, animal hair, hair, tree crowns, a person, a face, etc.


Pen Tool

Using the pen, you can select fairly complex objects with a large number of details. Professional graphic designers prefer this particular tool. With it, you can achieve fast results in a short amount of time.


Select Subject tool

The tool is a new development by Adobe. It uses artificial intelligence to quickly select an object. Let's take a closer look at how to use it. It is important to know that Select Subject is used exclusively by versions photoshopCC 2016 and later builds.


  • open the photo and create a duplicate layer;
  • Select the Quick Selection Tool and click Select Subject»;
  • the object will be automatically selected, then click " Selectand Mask»;
  • The settings panel will open on the right side. Adjust each slider to your liking and click OK.

Color Range

This method implies the selection of elements by colors and patterns.

How to copy an object

To copy a selected object, there are several ways to consider them below.

First way:

  • select the object in one of the ways presented above;
  • then press the key combination CTRL+C»;
  • after that, create a new layer and press the keyboard shortcut " CTRL+V". The element will be placed on a new layer.

The second way.

This option is the simplest, a layer with a selected area will be created automatically. Just select the object and press the key combination " CTRL+J” and it will be placed on a new layer.

Third method.

After the desired element in the photo is selected, you need to successively press key combination "CTRL + C", "CTRL + N" "CTRL + V". The first command is responsible for copying the area to the clipboard. With the second keyboard shortcut, a new document will be created. The third one inserts the element into the new document.

How to insert a background

  • open the desired photo and use one of the background removal methods above;
  • invert: "Select" and "Invert", click "OK";
  • delete old background using the "Delete" key;
  • open the picture with the background, click on the keyboard "CTRL + C" and paste the image over the cut element "CTRL + V";
  • thereafter drag the background under the cut object layer by holding down the left mouse button.

How to enlarge or reduce a cut object

In order to increase or decrease the cut element, you need to use the tool " Transformation»:

Cut out geometric shapes

To cut geometric shapes, we will use the " Color Range»:

  • open an image with geometric shapes and make a duplicate;
  • then select the tab " Selection"And in it we open the item" Color range ";
  • we configure the parameters: in the "Select" item, use the command " By samples»;
  • after that click on the icon Pipette+» and add shade swatches. If you are satisfied with the preliminary result, click OK.

Beginning users often wonder how to cut and paste an object in Photoshop.

Selecting and further copying / cutting an element is the main task that you need to master in order to edit images.

Let us consider in more detail all the possible ways that even a beginner will quickly master.

Before performing any manipulations with parts of the picture, they must be selected. Only then is the insert or cut applied.

Thanks to the "Select-Paste" function, you can combine elements of several drawings, choose your background and create unique projects. Before you start, choose an image whose background you like, and a picture with an object that you want to cut out.

Method 1 - Using the "Magic Wand"

The Magic Wand or Magic Wand is one of the simplest tools in Photoshop. With its help, you can quickly select a part and carry out a series of manipulations with it.

The advantage of working with this particular tool is speed. A beginner will not have to deal with channels, backgrounds and layers. The tool is available in all versions of the editor.

The magic wand selection algorithm automatically determines the hues of pixels that border on other parts of the photo. We advise you to use a wand if the photo with the object has a wide palette of colors. In a photo with a large number of monochromatic similar colors, a part may be highlighted incorrectly.

Follow instructions:

  • Open Photoshop and create a new canvas or open an existing drawing with an object using the program;
  • In the left part of the window there is a panel of basic tools. Click on the fourth item and select "Magic Wand" from the dropdown list as shown below:

Rice. 2 - "Magic Wand"

  • The wand creates selection borders based on the hues of the objects in the picture. You need to click on the desired area of ​​the image to create a selection. We recommend using the Magic Wand for large solid objects such as the sky, grass, mountains, etc.;
  • Let's select the sky in the next image. To do this, in insurgents, click on the magic wand and select any part of the sky with the mouse. The following outline will be created around the part;

Fig.3 - selection of the sky

  • Often the Magic Wand does not select the entire part and users stop working with the tool. You should not do this, because you can simply add the missing area to the general selection.
  • While most of the sky is outlined, move the cursor to another section of the sky. Hold down the Shift key and click on the unselected area at the same time. This will add it to the desired part. We get the following result:

Fig.4 - setting the boundaries of the object

Method 2 - Working with the Quick Selection Tool

Quick Selection is another basic tool that every Photoshop user should learn to use.

It can be found in the same tab as the magic wand (Toolbar - Selection - Quick Selection). The function works like a brush. With it, you can create an accurate selection along contrasting borders. You can choose the size and diameter of the brush yourself:

  • Select the tool as shown in the picture;

Fig.5 - Quick Selection

  • Now make a selection. You need to hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor inside the area you want to select. To indicate the boundaries, draw near the edges. Thus, the contour line will gradually move to the edge you need.
  • To undo a failed action, press Ctrl+D and try again. The figure below shows an example of gradual selection of a flower area using Quick Selection.

Rice. 6 - quick selection sketch

As you can see, the boundaries of the resulting object do not go to another part of the picture. Even with an increase and a detailed view of each line, you will not see flaws and extra pixels.

Method 3 - Quick Mask

Quick Mask (Quick Mask) is a mode in Photoshop with which you can select an object in a photo. What is the difference between using a mask and the standard tools described above?

The fact is that the standard methods well highlight parts of the picture that have pixel color contrast, but they cannot determine the clear boundaries of the object, part of which is a gradient or a blurry area. Also, it will be difficult to set the boundaries of the selection if the color of the part is very similar to the background.

The essence of Quick Mask: the user selects one part of the photo, and the other is automatically blocked and you cannot work with it. The mask is called the outline itself, which separates the element from the main picture. A quick mask is a selection in which the selected part will have its original color, and the remaining areas will be covered with a translucent film.

Rice. 7 - an example of a mask in Photoshop

The convenience of working with the tool lies in the fact that you draw the selected area yourself and at any time you can correct the flaws.

A quick mask will allow you to accurately select a part of the picture. Follow instructions:

  • Select the Quick Mask tool from the toolbar, or simply press the Q key on your keyboard while the Photoshop window is open;

Fig.8 - key to select the Quick Mask

  • In the window that appears, select the type of brush, its diameter and other parameters, depending on the area that you will paint over;
  • Now just draw the unwanted part of the picture, leaving only the object for cutting and pasting. The masked area will be colored red;
  • You need to apply the mask with the black color selected on the palette. To remove part of the masked area, select white.

Rice. 9 - creating a mask

With the resulting selection, you can do whatever you want. Photoshop won't recognize the background, so it's very easy to isolate an object. Use the "Quick Selection" or "Magic Wand" tools already described above, or click on the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-A, selecting the entire space (without the masked area).

Fig.10 - area selection

If you need to select a part of the image, but you want the borders of the element to turn out to be not clear, but gradient (smoothly merging into the background of the new image), you need to use a mask gradient. The principle of creating a selection is similar to the previous instruction:

  • Enter the quick mask mode;
  • In the tab Options (Options) select Mode Radial Gradient (Radial Gradient). On the color palette, make the foreground color black and the background color white;
  • Make sure the gradient direction is set to "Foreground to Background", i.e. from the primary colors to the background color;
  • Now create a selection. Set the center of the object and carefully move the cursor from the center to the edges.

Fig.11 - selection of the center of the object

After finishing creating the borders, copy the element to the background of another picture. The object will have a translucent appearance and blurry borders. You can adjust these parameters in the layers window of the new drawing.

Fig.12 - Paste with Gradient Preservation

Method 4 - Magnetic Lasso

The magnetic lasso belongs to the group of more complex tools of the program. It should be used if you cut out complex parts of the picture. For example, the human body, parts of the hands, hair and other elements that require pixel accuracy.

Fig.13 - displaying the Magnetic Lasso in Photoshop

The peculiarity of this element lies in its algorithm of work. It does not analyze the chromaticity of the pixels, but looks for the edges of the object. It then creates a point to which the lasso is drawn. In this way, a precise selection of a specific area of ​​the project is gradually created.

Take an image that has a difficult object to highlight. It is desirable that it contrasts well with the background, so that it is more convenient for you to draw borders:

Fig.14 - an example of a drawing

Select a tool and zoom in on the picture. Move the circular pointer to the edge of the object and click, setting the starting point for creating the border.

Now release the mouse button and simply move the cursor along the edge of the element so that its lines do not go beyond the circle of the cursor. Gradually, a selection will be created:

Fig.15 - an example of selecting borders using the Magnetic Lasso

To quickly zoom in or out on the image, press Ctrl and + or Ctrl and - respectively. The path will automatically close when the last point of the lasso connects to the first. Then click on the first point to make a general outline appear.

If you need to remove a part of the background that may be inside the object, press the Alt button and select it with the help of the magnetic lasso - the subtraction mode will turn on without canceling the previous selection.

Fig.16 - removing a part of the background that enters the object

You will now be able to move, cut or paste the item to another project. All edge lines will look very realistic, without the need to clean up the flaws in the zoom mode.

Fig.17 - the result of moving the selected area

Cut, paste and move

After you have learned how to perform one of the selection methods you like, you can move on to moving, cutting or pasting an object.

To move the selected element to another part of the picture, just press the space bar. Instead of the cursor, the "Hand" icon will appear. By clicking on the selected area, you can move it to any part of the project.

Fig.19 - moving and inserting

If you need to cut an object, after selecting it, right-click on it. Select "Cut" or "Delete" from the context menu. Also, you can use the "Editing" tab. It contains all the necessary functions to work with the selected part of the image.

Saving the final project

After editing the final image, click on the "File-Save As ..." tab. In the new window, select the desired file format, enter a name and decide on the final folder where the project will be moved.

Fig. 20 - Saving work in Photoshop


Now you know how to select objects in a picture in Photoshop and cut or move them. Before choosing a selection method, be guided by the recommendations described in the article. A qualitative result depends on how correctly you have decided on the type of drawing and the tool that is suitable for work.

Thematic videos:

Photoshop cut object and paste into another picture

How to cut an object in Photoshop and paste it on a different background

How to Cut and Paste an Object in Photoshop - 4 Best Ways

In this tutorial for beginners, I'll show you how to cut out a person in Photoshop.

Many of us have photographs in which we turned out especially well, and everything would be fine if it were not for the extra people in the photo.

You can easily get rid of foreign objects and people in the photo in Photoshop if necessary.

Today we will see how to cut out a person in Photoshop on photographs of varying complexity.

Uniform background

The easiest of the cases when cutting out a person and then retouching the background requires a minimum of effort is the case when the person is on a uniform background.

Open the photo - Ctrl + O.

Let's say we need to remove a plump girl in the background (second from right) from the photo.

The action plan is as follows: carefully outline the girl, make a selection, fill the selection on the new layer with the background color.

Open the layers palette F7, now there is only one layer in the palette.

Create a duplicate layer - Ctrl + J (or click on the new layer icon at the bottom of the layers palette), and we will work with the copy without affecting the original by editing.

Take the Pen Tool (P) and trace around the girl.

Zoom in on the image "Ctrl +" / zoom out "Ctrl -".

To move around the zoomed image, hold down the space bar and move the canvas with your “hand”.

If you put an extra point, cancel the action with the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Z.

Place points and, without releasing the mouse button, drag out guides to easily edit the path in the future, achieving smooth lines.

Do not put points too often, it is enough to add them only when the direction of the path changes.

The exact match of the stroke and the contour is necessary only in the places where the girl touches other objects (people), where there is only a background around the girl, you can safely go beyond the boundaries of the contour.

After you have closed the path, you can still add or remove points using the tools found in one submenu of the Pen Tool. To open a submenu, right-click on a tool.

To change the direction and nature of the contour using tangents, select points one by one with the Direct Selection Tool (Arrow) (A) and move the tangents.

When editing the path is complete, right-click on the selection and select MakeSelection from the context menu.

Without removing the selection, create a new layer - Ctrl + Shift + N.

Select the tool Paint bucket tool (Fill) (G), hold down Alt and take a color sample from the background.

Click inside the selection to fill it with the background color.

Here's what we got at this stage

Now it remains only to smooth out the transitions a little, since the background, although uniform in color, is lit differently in different places.

Merge the top layer with the previous one - while on the filled layer, press Ctrl + E.

Take Healing Brush Tool (Healing brush). This tool allows you to overlay image fragments on top of each other, taking into account the bottom layer, that is, it does not just paste a fragment copied from another place to a new place, but also mixes the pixels of the lower and upper layers.

Hold Alt , take a sample of the background, next to the area that needs to be masked. Mask the seam by clicking on it with the mouse.

The field of how the background is ready, let's bring the picture to mind a little more.

On the hand of the remaining girl, pink reflexes from the dress of the carved friend remained.

Create a new layer Ctrl+Shift+N.

Take the BrushTool brush, paint green reflections along the edge of the head and hand (I highlighted with a shadow what I drew for clarity). We don't try too hard, we can fix it later.

Now let's blur the edges a bit. Go to Filter - Blur - Gaussian blur.

We set such a blur radius to smooth out the effect of reflections.

I set 4px.

Erase the excess with a soft-edged rubber band Eraser Tool (E).

A uniform background is rarely seen in photographs; different types of a non-uniform background are much more common.

Let's see how to cut out a person in Photoshop in this case.

Heterogeneous background

This is the case when the background is not uniform in texture, it is impossible to simply fill it with one color, but often there are repeating elements in the photo that can be inserted in place of the cut out person.

Open another photo - Ctrl + O.

We will try to cut out the girl on the far right.

In order to fill her place, we will copy entire fragments of the background around the girl, and then modify them a little in order to get rid of repeating elements.

In the layers palette - F7, make a duplicate of the layer Ctrl + J.

Select the area to the right of the girl, for this we take the Rectangular Marquee Tool (Rectangular area) (M).

Right-click on the selection, in the context menu that appears, select "Layer via copy" (Copy to a new layer).

On the toolbar, select the black arrow - the Move Tool (V).

Move the copied fragment of the image to the place of the girl.

We combine the edges of the fragment so that the pattern matches the bottom layer.

Hold Alt, the cursor will turn into a double arrow.

We begin to move the image fragment to a place next to the already installed fragment in order to completely cover the person, when you release the mouse button you will receive a copy of the fragment.

Press Ctrl + T (Free Transform) to fit the edges of the image to the picture, square markers will appear around the image.

Move the image by the handles to resize it. To maintain the proportions of the image, hold down Shift while transforming.

You can rotate the image, with the free transform tool active, by moving the cursor to the corner of the image and waiting until the cursor turns into a semicircular arrow. To do this, simply hold down the left mouse button and rotate the image in the desired direction.

Select the top layer, press Ctrl + E to merge the layer with the bottom one, now both layers with a copy of the fragment are merged into one.

There is still a piece of the foot left, for it you also need to copy the fragment.

We return to the second layer - a copy of the source.

Select a small fragment of the log and water next to the foot using Rectangular Marquee Tool (Rectangular area) (M).

Hold Alt, move it to the place where we have a piece of the leg left to continue the drawing.

I needed to copy the fragment twice to close the leg.

Remove selection - Ctrl + D.

Select the top layer, press Ctrl+E to merge all layers with our manipulations. As a result, two layers remain in the palette: the source and the merged layer with the copied fragments.

We are working on the second layer.

Now you need to remove the traces of interference: mask and smooth the seams, diversify the duplicated elements, modify the background in some places.

Here's what we have at this stage: we cut out the girl from the photo, but there are traces of processing and sloppy fragments everywhere. I circled the places that are most conspicuous and that need to be eliminated first. I forgot to circle the reflection of the carved girl on the water, it also needs to be removed.

Let's start by removing the reflection. To do this, we will use one tricky function.

Using the tool Polygonal lasso tool (Polygonal lasso) (L) select the area with reflection, the smaller it is, the better, so do not capture a lot of extra background in the selection.

As soon as the path is closed, press the key combination Shift + F5.

In the drop-down menu, select the fill options "Content-Aware" (Content-Aware). This smart tool has appeared in Adobe Photoshop since version CS5. It allows you to mask areas by analyzing the image around. If necessary, you can fill several times, highlighting different areas.

Let's see what happened:

In the same way I process the top part of the image. Only in this case, I will use another selection tool - Elliptical Marquee Tool (Oval area) (M). You can choose different selection tools depending on the situation, or use one.

I make the fill taking into account the content - Shift + F5. It turns out this:

Reduce Opacity (Opacity) top layer at the top of the layers palette to 50% to see the bottom layer.

Grab the Eraser Tool(E), select a large diameter brush with soft edges, erase the hard edges of the background, leaving a fragment of the image above the bottom layer, and not letting the bottom image show through.

Restore the layer's opacity to 100%.

Make a duplicate of the source layer - Ctrl + J.

Select the topmost layer, merge with the duplicate that we created in the previous step - Ctrl + E.

First, create a selection using the Polygonal Lasso Tool (Polygonal Lasso) so as not to blur the edges of objects. We work inside the selection.

We take a sample of the background with Alt, and fill in the fragments that need to be adjusted. If necessary, blur some of the fragments a little to achieve a uniform background using the Blur Tool (Blur).

Slightly darken the areas that are highlighted after applying the healing brush.

Take the tool Burn tool (Dimmer), a standard round brush with blurry edges, set the “Exposure” to about 48%. Strengthen the edge contrast between the background and the log.

The final touches I made with the Path Tool (J), it works almost like a band-aid, but it can be used to fill large areas with other fragments, while immediately "trying on" them. Just select the area that you want to fill with a different texture and move the mouse over the image until you find a suitable fragment, release the mouse and the selection will be filled with a new texture, taking into account the background.

With a patch, I restored the bottom edge of the log and the missing wood texture, and also slightly retouched the background.

You can combine restorative tools in any sequence and any combination, in Photoshop you can come to the solution of the problem in different ways, the main thing is to understand the principle of operation of various tools and their capabilities.

At the very end of processing, I applied a filter to sharpen the image: Filter - Filter Gallery - Paint Daubs (Filter - Filter Gallery - Oil Painting). We put in both settings (brush size and sharpness) 1.

Here's what I ended up with:

In this tutorial, we learned how to cut out a person in Photoshop. Hope you enjoyed the lesson!