Internet sales: methods, technologies and tools of marketing on the Web. How to increase sales in an online store: some useful recommendations Calls to action

What business owner doesn't dream of increasing sales? Whether you have a manufacturing plant, a service, or an online store, you want to sell more. Thus, you will earn more, there will be opportunities for expanding your business. You will be able to increase staff, open new sales outlets, new workshops.

In practice, however, not everything is always so rosy. The company may encounter unforeseen difficulties. After all, when sales increase, you need to produce more products. As a result, the company simply does not have time to produce enough. Yes, you need to expand, but it takes some time. As a result, they either work in two shifts, or they have to refuse orders, or the quality of the goods decreases, since they have to be produced a lot and quickly.

An online store may run out of stock and need to increase purchases as a result.

As a result, it turns out that the growth in sales leads to an increase in expenses: salaries, logistics, purchase of raw materials and new equipment. So if you're aiming to increase sales, you need to be prepared for the potential chaos and change that any growth entails.

Key Factors Affecting Sales

Three groups of factors influence the growth or decline in sales:

  1. External: seasonality, competition, laws, general market dynamics, purchasing power of customers.
  2. Internal: advertising, price, product, discounts, promotions, loyalty programs, etc.
  3. Personal contribution- this is all that each sales manager brings: his ability to handle calls, present a product or service.

You cannot influence external factors in any way. It is not up to you which law is passed or whether your customers can buy more. But two other groups of factors depend entirely on you.

It is you who can make a good product that will be in demand.It is in your power to make a well-thought-out advertising campaign to draw the attention of even more people to your product. Vyou can hire and train sales managers, develop sales scripts that will enable them to sell even more of your products or services.

To increase sales, you must focus your actions in several directions:

  1. increase the volume and quality of advertising;
  2. increase the conversion from interested to buyer (for the site, these are applications and leads);
  3. increase the frequency of purchases by regular customers and the life of the client;

What exactly can be done, what tactics to use, we will tell you further.

Important: tactics by themselves will not bear any fruit if they do not become part of a well-thought-out strategy for your promotion in the market, and the development of the company as a whole.

50 ways to increase sales of goods and services

For convenience, we have divided them into several categories.


1. Develop a promotion strategy. Very often you can meet entrepreneurs who rush between different tools, not knowing which one to use. Develop a clear strategy - what you want to achieve and how it can be done. Then the tools will pick themselves up.

2. Choose the right advertising channels. Think about where your target audience can live, and how you can “hook” it. For example, outdoor advertising and a well-designed signboard are suitable for a small candy store. An online store of equipment can use contextual advertising and SEO.

3. Use content marketing. In 2017, 39% of companies in the world increased their investment in this area of ​​Internet marketing, which proves its effectiveness. Content marketing is a job for the future. It does not increase sales immediately, but over time you will notice the effect.

4. Be smart about SMM. It's not just jokes and cats. Social networks have long turned into a good advertising channel, with their help you can create demand for new products, find buyers for already known ones, promote the brand and maintain relationships with existing customers.

5. "Catch the wave": stay up to date with the latest trends, events, viral memes and jokes. Especially if you have a young target audience that actively uses social networks. Successfully beating the next event, you can get new fans who can then become your customers.

6. Use Retargeting and Remarketing: return to the site those who were interested in a product or service, but for some reason did not complete the purchase or order.

9. Analyze all advertising activities. See which channel brings in the most sales, turn off unprofitable ones. This way, you will not only be able to focus on what works the most, but also properly allocate your advertising budget and avoid unnecessary spending.

10. Use Landing Pages and promo pages for new products and special offers. These pages have higher conversion rates. They are easier to promote, and then you can turn them off as unnecessary. This is easier than adding new pages to the site.


11. Describe in the header of the site, under the logo, what you do. Usually they put a slogan here that does not tell new customers anything about you. Write whether you are a sausage factory or legal advice.

12. Specify on the site all possible means of communication with you: telephone, address, location on the map, e-mail address. Phone and address can be specified in the header of the site. Be sure to make a separate page "Contacts».

36. Delegate. At the initial stages, you will do a lot yourself. But growing a business will not work if you constantly pull everything on yourself. Learn to delegate routine tasks to someone else. In this case, when the question arises of changing the structure of your enterprise, expanding, opening branches, it will be much easier for you.

37. Organize a partner network. Connect to the sale of your goods, to attract traffic to the site of dealers. They will find new distribution channels for your products.

38. Open branches in other regions. Gradually enter new territories for you. So you can cover more regions, new markets, and sales will go up accordingly.

48. Offer free services or products that spark interest and encourage the purchase of a paid product. For example, in the information business, a free webinar is held in order to lure as many people as possible to a paid one.

49. Apply an individual approach to each client. Everyone is different, and you can learn your customer's preferences by simply making the right notes in your CRM.

50. Use "burning discounts", which decrease in size over time. This technique "drives" buyers to buy more and quickly.

You can use one of the techniques on this list, or weave several of them into your marketing strategy and business processes.

Let your sales grow!

The main goal that the owner of any online store faces (it is also a key success metric) is to increase sales. If you don't know where to start and how to stand out from hundreds of other sellers, you might find that the easiest way to drive sales is to cut prices.

But this is a dead end path that will limit your growth, and in the end, the ending will still be deplorable. Luckily for small business owners, there are plenty of ways to increase your online store sales without dumping or losing profits. These methods really work, although no one says that it will be easy to implement them.

The time for easy profits in e-commerce is over. In order to compete in a rapidly growing market, it is important to pay attention to a number of things that may seem insignificant at first glance. But it is they who ultimately affect the whole.

What to do? What ways and methods to increase sales can be used? What measures can be taken to increase the sales of an online store? What ideas to focus on? To help you solve this problem, in this article we decided to collect 35 proven ways to increase sales in an online store, as well as increase traffic and overall business efficiency.

Our goal is to increase sales in the online store in the face of ever-increasing competition and market instability. First of all, we must understand what problems customers may have when ordering any product. The most obvious (and the easiest to detect and fix) problems holding back online sales growth are:

  • The item the customer is interested in is out of stock.
  • The product price is incorrect.
  • The product package is incomplete.
  • Low level of service.
  • No response when ordering a product. (In modern conditions, this problem has acquired an additional nuance. Current Internet users consider the absence of a response to the lack of a quick, almost lightning-fast response to a request.)
  • Difficulties with the return or exchange of the ordered goods.
  • Problems with delivery.

If you want to improve your online sales, go through this list of the most common problems first. If none of them are familiar to you, then on the way to your goal - increasing sales - you will not encounter insurmountable obstacles and you can proceed to a detailed consideration of the question: “How to increase sales of an online store?”.

Andrey Chorny prepared a short video " How to increase conversion?". We recommend that you watch it and find out the TOP 5 reasons why there will be no sales in the online store. Happy viewing!

1. Fix technical issues

If visually everything works well on the website of the online store, but there are no sales, this does not mean that the problem is not at all in the technical part. Go through the transactional chain of user actions yourself to verify this. Among the problems that are not obvious at first glance, the solution of which will help increase sales, there may be such as:

  • error during registration or authorization;
  • broken cart button
  • I didn't receive an e-mail to confirm the order;
  • some orders are not visible in the admin panel for some reason;
  • some pages give a 404 error, etc.

Of course, it will be difficult for a person who is not a technical specialist to determine the presence of such problems on the site. Therefore, if you have a suspicion that the site is not working correctly, the best option for solving the problem is to apply for an audit to professionals.

Elena Guk prepared a video “What's new in the website UX analysis approach in 2020 | Usability trends | examples." We recommend that you watch it and learn more about what needs to be analyzed and what should be changed on the site right now. Happy viewing!

2. Give your prospects more specifics

Critically review content that talks about your products or services and ruthlessly remove any vague phrases and expressions. If, for example, you sell children's bicycles, then the description of the product should contain answers to all questions that a real person may have.

  • manufacturer;
  • product weight;
  • wheel diameter;
  • the material from which the frame is made;
  • type of brakes;
  • equipment;
  • other characteristics of quality, convenience and safety.

If you are interested in increasing online sales, indicate the real benefits of the product. This is much more interesting for the buyer than arguments about how much joy and benefit the new “iron horse” will bring to the child.

3. Immediately show the buyer that you have what he is looking for

The real way to increase sales in an online store is to show the buyer on the main page that there is what he needs and what may interest him. Let's not forget that shopping is often an impulsive act, and the fact that people tend to trust recommendations. To improve sales, you can do the following:

  • Showcase your hottest products on your homepage.
  • Set up internal search so that popular targeted queries lead customers to product pages without error.
  • Test the directory structure, check navigation, page titles.
  • Add a series of featured (and related) products to your product page.
  • Make sure your navigational tools and search help match the product category.
  • Connect elements of interactivity.
  • Place large photos on product pages.

You can also give the buyer the opportunity to really evaluate the product, for example, with the help of a video. This will be a major advantage for you.

4. Demonstrate to customers that shopping at your online store is safe.

Due to the growing number of fraudulent schemes on the Web and one-day sites that collect "cream" and disappear after receiving the money, the security of his transactions becomes critically important for the client. Do you have a good assortment and fairly attractive prices, but you do not understand how to increase sales on the Internet? Try to implement the following points:

  • Post customer testimonials on your site. At the same time, be careful with their moderation - you should not indiscriminately delete everything except rave reviews. Buyer opinions must be real and reliable.
  • Post information about your business partners.
  • Show information about security certificates.
  • Show the faces of your employees — let customers see that there are real people behind the brand name.

Particular emphasis should be placed on the conditions for the return and exchange of goods.

Prices can be both one of the tools to increase sales, and a factor that leads to their fall. Unlike offline, an Internet user needs relatively little time to compare prices on different store sites. And you can rest assured that in most cases they will take advantage of this chance. It is necessary to correctly approach pricing, starting not only from the desired markup level, but also by preliminary analyzing the prices for similar products from the closest competitors and the market average.

The price monitoring service will help you increase sales on the Internet. With its help, you will recognize all your competitors in person, you will be able to receive daily information about the commodity positions of competitors (coinciding with your offers), detect abnormal (too high or unreasonably low) prices for goods, etc. All these relevant slices of information will allow you to respond quickly to market changes and objectively set your own prices based on price data from competitors and suppliers. Do not hesitate, the increase in turnover in the online store will not keep you waiting. It is quite possible that the loss of potential profit due to a 10% price reduction will be many times covered by income due to the chance to increase sales.

6. Let the customer understand that price is relative...

Behind the price tag, which indicates the cost of a particular product, there can be many bonuses that are pleasant for the buyer. None of them should be left unattended! Even if the price seems high to the customer, he may change his mind when he sees, for example, that the delivery of the goods will be free or that the purchase implies a gift in the form of a complementary (accompanying) product. The word "free" still leaves no one indifferent.

Focus your audience's attention on discounts and seasonal promotions. Offer the buyer a comparison of your prices and the prices of competitors, demonstrate cheaper or more expensive analogues of the product.

7. Take action to increase your average purchase price

Some ways to increase sales in an online store are directly related to the previous item on our list. We have squeezed out of promotions and discounts far from everything that is possible. Consider such an option as bonuses when buying from 500 UAH or 1000. These can be discounts, a loyalty card, and much more. Another popular way works very effectively - “1 + 1 = 3”. That is, when buying two products from certain categories, the buyer receives a third product for free.

No less effective for increasing sales in general and increasing the amount of the average check will be another marketing ploy - promotions with a time limit. For example, when making a purchase before the 25th day of the current month for a certain amount (or purchasing specific goods), the client receives the corresponding accessory as a gift.

8. Encourage visitors to make additional purchases

Expansion of the purchase for the client is an unconscious need. If he does not see potential acquisition opportunities, he does not think about them. But, if you display on the product page - “The following products are most often bought with this product” or “Choice of the day”, the situation may change. Take the IKEA product display as a great example to follow. Their marketers seem to have achieved enlightenment in terms of increasing the average sales ticket.

9. Create testimonial pages

According to statistics, more than 70% of customers tend to take into account the opinions of previous buyers. If the product page has reviews about it, be sure that the potential buyer will read them and listen to the advice. Positive reviews (especially numerous ones) are a powerful motivation to make a purchase.

Reviews are one of the best ways to influence sales. By the way, with their help you will be able to kill several birds with one stone - after all, you will also receive additional unique content. How exactly do you motivate customers to leave reviews? You can come up with a lot of ideas for this, the most obvious of which is to provide a discount of a few percent on the next order.

10. The “Buy” button is a worthy place

A worthy place in this context means - the right one. Proper placement of a button with a call to buy is often crucial, so placing it somewhere on the outskirts, at the bottom of the page, is definitely not worth it. Most visitors simply will not bother to scroll through the page to the end. If you are really interested in how to increase the profits of an online store, you should not miss the moment when the customer makes a purchase decision, otherwise you risk giving the impression of an online catalog instead of an online store. The “buy” button is a key element of Internet marketing, so it must be visible from any page and be above the scroll bar. Play with contrast by using eye-catching colors for the button. Your designer may resist such a decision, but increasing sales in the store is a priority for us.

11. Unobtrusively accompany the client throughout his stay on the site

Relentlessly follow the customer during his "journey" through the store, but do not overstep the bounds of reason. Your presence and attention should not be repulsive.

  • Moderate use of help pop-ups.
  • Free shipping reminders.
  • Informing about current promotions.
  • Thank you for placing an order and offering a discount on your next purchase.

Surely, you will find other methods on how to show sensitive attention to the client and thus increase sales in the store.

12. A satisfied customer is a regular customer

Regular customers are the best friends of an online store. They need to be protected, groomed and cherished. Not only because they keep coming back for new purchases, but also because they are a natural generator of positive referrals for your business. But how do you make a random customer a regular and achieve an increase in the number of orders? Sometimes it is enough to demonstrate how important he is to you and how much you appreciate his loyalty:

  • Congratulate customers on their birthdays and other holidays with SMS and email.
  • Give nice souvenirs with a company logo (those that you can’t just buy in your store).
  • Provide customized discounts.
  • Offer loyalty cards.
  • Submit free catalogs.

Customers only come back when they like it from you. Do not neglect the opportunity to complement your main competitive advantages (high quality and affordable prices) with additional reasons to return for new purchases - loyalty programs and special offers.

13. Synchronize with the warehouse

In the process of developing an online store, you will need either your own warehouse for storing goods, or renting at least a small room for such purposes. It is possible that you are lucky in this regard, and the warehouse is located in your own city. But in any case, you need to take care of solving two problems:

  • in the first case, it is the availability of goods from the catalog in the warehouse (and the number of available units);
  • in the second case, you need to monitor not only the availability of goods, but also the relevance of prices.

When a manager tells a customer that the product he added to the cart is out of stock or its price has changed upwards, the risk of losing the order is quite high. And even more so, you can not hope for a second purchase by the same person.

14. Delivery and payment should be convenient

Here is a simple example - you are going to sell goods throughout the country, but at the same time you offer delivery only by courier, and even if you pay in advance. And in the regions, on the contrary, the most popular type of delivery is the post office or a transport company, with postpaid. Not surprisingly, this can scare away many potential buyers, which will definitely affect sales.

It is recommended to offer several delivery and payment methods in the online store at once, so that the buyer chooses those that are most convenient for him. Even if you're targeting an audience in a few big cities, some people may order a product as a gift, which means they may need other options that you simply don't have.

15. Constantly work on improving the service

It is very important to constantly analyze the reasons why transactions do not reach their logical conclusion. Why did the order fail? Why is the cart abandoned? Determine at what stage customers are experiencing problems, and do your best to correct the situation.

  • Perhaps the support service did not work quickly enough, and the client was tired of waiting for an online consultant to answer his question.
  • Maybe the buyer was strained by the order form half a kilometer long?
  • The client did not find a convenient payment method for him?
  • Among the delivery methods there is no cash on delivery?
  • Return policy not specified?

Analyze all options so as not to lose a customer and increase sales.

16. Simplify the order form

“Brevity is the sister of talent”, “All ingenious is simple” - apply these catchphrases to the order form to achieve a real increase in the number of transactions. Reduce the number of required fields to the minimum required by your sales force. Full name, phone number or email address for communication - this is quite enough at the initial stage of interaction with the client. The rest of the data can already be obtained over the phone during the clarification of the order.

17. Buy in one click

Minimizing the actions taken by the user before buying a product is of great importance when it comes to increasing sales in an online store. There is a lot of evidence that one-click shopping significantly reduces the percentage of bounces and aborted transactions. In addition, you can expand your consumer audience by catering to inactive and impatient visitors. Search, analysis of parameters, comparison of characteristics, study of reviews - all this is already quite tiring for the client.

18. Update your assortment

According to the empirical Pareto law, only 20% of efforts bring 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% form only 20% of success. How does this principle apply to an online store, and how can you increase sales with it?

In search of an answer to the question: “Why are there no sales in the online store?”, Refer to your assortment. Replace a product that is stuck in stock with other items that are more popular and in demand. Consider which items in the 80% underperforming inventory can be painlessly “put on sale” to make room for new offerings. Remember that demand is an unstable value, you cannot control its rise and fall. This means that the business owner will have to be as flexible as possible in order to satisfy the wishes of customers by adjusting the assortment.

19. Offer the customer a choice

In some niches, this is one of the main conditions for successful trading and a good way to increase sales. For example, clothes, accessories or books. For many online store owners, this can be a completely non-obvious moment. When a customer goes to the site and sees a rather meager assortment in the product catalog, he may close the tab simply due to lack of interest and return to the search.

What to do if you understand the need for this step, but there is no budget that would be sufficient to purchase the required batch of goods? Then try to at least create the illusion of choice for the buyer. For example, you can concentrate on 1-2 categories of goods, and only after you have worked them out well, expand the range and add new ones. Or you can combine several related categories into one, which should also increase sales in the online store.

20. Use the social element

21. Content on the site is for people, not for search engine robots

Of course, how search engines see and evaluate your content is of great importance, but the PSs themselves will never buy anything from you. Keep in mind that they are constantly improving their linguistic text analysis services, so your "SEO-texts" full of keywords even pose a certain threat. Today, it is much more relevant with the help of content not only to advertise and sell a product, but to offer customers a solution to their problems. The format of the text that works to increase sales should be something like this:

  • Bright title.
  • Description of the problem faced by the buyer.
  • Information about how to solve this problem.
  • Description of the advantages and benefits of cooperation with your store.
  • Reviews and recommendations of clients.
  • Photo and video of the product (or service).
  • Additional benefits (benefits, bonuses, promotions, special offers).

The final moment in the structure of the text is the order form.

22. Create a blog

Keeping an interesting blog will help you increase sales through your online store. Regularly publish on your blog not only articles whose topics are directly related to your products, but also simply useful and valuable informational or entertaining texts for your audience - reviews of new products on the market, ratings, etc. The more attractive and popular your blog is, the the greater your authority, and therefore, the larger the audience and the closer the increase in sales.

23. Use flashing banners

This method does not mean filling the site with all sorts of bright pictures and flashing elements. No need to go to extremes. Just keep in mind that according to statistics, the addition of a flashing banner increases sales by an average of 5% -10%.

24. Consultant managers and service

In some types of business, the human factor plays a very important role. Trade is one of such areas, which led to the emergence of such a service as "". Even if a consumer needs a product and is ready to place an order right now, human factors and service issues can lead to a refusal to purchase. For example, the manager does not answer calls, there is no one in the online chat, and it’s just that the seller is poorly versed in this niche and cannot answer the buyer’s questions.

Eliminating these problems will help increase sales in the store. But in order to fix the problem, you need to understand its causes. Sometimes it's enough to simply train the sales assistant and increase control over his work, and in some cases, in order to increase sales, it is likely that you will have to look for more qualified and experienced employees.

25. Niche and product play an important role

No wonder we wrote detailed material on the topic, what to look for when choosing. This is a very important question, especially if you do not yet have sufficient experience in the field of e-commerce. Low sales here are possible in two cases: the emphasis is on promoting the wrong product, or simply too narrow a niche is chosen for the online store as a whole.

Niche online stores are more likely to succeed than just another online supermarket without a clear theme. But in the niche itself, there should be sufficient demand potential, taking into account the region you have chosen. Not all products that sell well in offline retail are in sufficient demand online.

26. At the stage of placing an order, offer the buyer as much information as possible

When you're selling a wireless mouse to a customer, you don't want them to go to another store to get a mousepad and batteries. Do you sell business suits? Make sure the buyer doesn't have to look elsewhere for the belt, tie, shirt and cufflinks. It should provide for all the little things and accessories that he may need, and offer them on time. A good solution that can influence the increase in sales will also be detailed information about the unspoken rules of business etiquette in clothing, dress code secrets, acceptable color combinations, and so on. For a wireless mouse, offer batteries and a mousepad, tell us about the warranty, service life

Do not forget, your task is not just to sell a thing, but to solve the problem of the buyer. Serve him well, and next time he will not fail to turn to you again.

27. Use Old Product Cards Wisely

Often there are situations when the stocks of a product are running out or its popularity (relevance) is critically reduced. Do not rush and “burn bridges” by removing the product card from the site. While there is a possibility that some buyers want to buy this particular product, it is better to leave it to them to find it. Even the “out of stock” mark can serve you well if you place information about new analogues next to it. It is possible that the new proposals will seem quite attractive to the client, especially if their characteristics are superior to the outdated model.

28. Choose the Right Promotion Channels

To understand which channel to attract visitors to choose, you need to clearly understand where your audience is located. An Internet marketing specialist can determine this both on the basis of their own experience and by analyzing data using the web analytics service installed on the pages of your site.

A simple example: if you are selling industrial equipment and almost all of your customers come from organic search or contextual advertising, and at the same time you are trying to use VK promotion, it is quite understandable why there are no sales. Social networks may and will give you a certain amount of traffic, but the conversion of such visitors into customers will be minimal. That is why the revision of promotion methods and detailed analytics for each of them can become one of the ways to increase sales in an online store.

29. Don't Stop Halfway

If you opened two weeks ago or an online store has just started to move, what conclusions can be drawn with an attendance of 10 people a day? You just need to work on the site further, increasing this indicator and improving it, and the “big numbers effect” will definitely make itself felt.

Even without changing your conversion rate, doubling your traffic will translate into almost the same increase in sales. But what if you still work on the conversion? The results will get better and better. And increasing traffic is the main task facing an SEO specialist.

30. Work on usability

32. Traffic must be targeted

It is unlikely that the owner of a car dealership with BMW cars will do much good if his site is regularly visited by elementary school students from the nearest school. Not quite an exact analogy, but one thing is clear - the priority in dealing with traffic in e-commerce should be quality over quantity, and not vice versa.

This is achieved by choosing the right keywords, choosing the most effective advertising channels and other methods that help increase sales. At the heart of all this, of course, should be a clear understanding of your target audience and ways to attract their attention.

33. Seasonality of demand

In one form or another, almost all types of business are subject to the influence of seasonality. At first glance, this seems to be a minus, but, on the other hand, with a competent approach, it can be turned into a plus. To do this, you just need to be well prepared for the seasonal increase in demand, both in terms of site promotion and advertising, and regarding the organization of the online store.

If during the onset of the season you can take the top lines of the search for targeted queries, while processing all incoming orders without any problems, a good profit is guaranteed.

As an example, we can take such a holiday as the New Year. You need to prepare for it from the beginning of September-October, using both SEO and other tools, such as content marketing, for this.

34. Product page - main element

When searching for a specific product, the search engine usually gives the user the product page in the search results for the query. Even if he came to the site of your online store first on the main or another page when searching for a product in the catalog, and, having found the right one, he will again click on the order button on the product page. That is why it is so important for the owner of an online store to make this page as high quality as possible. It should fully answer potential buyer questions.

Take a look at the example in the picture below:

This page of the product contains all the information the user needs: price and availability status, a large purchase button, the ability to select from several product variations and specify the number of copies, several photos of the product in large size, information about the manufacturer, manager's phone number, delivery and payment methods, detailed description and features, reviews, the benefits of the online store itself, social media buttons, the ability to compare and many other elements.

Much here depends on the individual example, and the need for this or that information often has a direct connection with the subject of the product. In any case, you should not limit yourself to the description text received from the manufacturer, but you should add high-quality product photos and provide visitors with the opportunity to leave their feedback or opinion.

35. Be trusted

Even if you have excellent prices, informative product cards and good usability, there may not be sales if the online store as a whole does not inspire confidence in the buyer. Especially when it comes to trade in things of medium and high price categories.

You need to consider several factors that in most cases affect the level of trust in the seller in e-commerce:

  • detailed information about the guarantees for the exchange and return, as well as the terms of payment and delivery;
  • several channels for feedback: phone, email, online consultant, etc.;
  • informative product pages with customer reviews;
  • there are no empty pages and categories in the product catalog;
  • design, if not unique, then at least high-quality;
  • there is an “About us” / “About the company” page with a detailed description of the brand, and even better - with photos of the office and employees;
  • there are no spelling errors in the text, etc.

At first glance, it may seem that all this is trifles, but it is the combination of such moments that forms your image as a company in the eyes of a potential client.

To increase sales in an online store, it is not necessary to invest huge budgets and completely redesign the entire site. Even small, it would seem, improvements in business processes and in the technical part in the complex can provide a good increase in revenue.

(14 ratings, average: 4,64 out of 5)

So, you are the owner of a large or small business, and over time have realized that in today's society, not only offline advertising should be used to attract new customers? They brought their business to the Internet with the hope for the best - they opened their own online store, made their own website or selling landing page. But the results haven't lived up to your expectations yet? Why did it happen? How to set up advertising so that, we tell!

The main thing to remember in the first place is that success can be achieved only by using different advertising channels!

Yandex.Market and Merchant Center

Let's say you have an online store that sells in-demand products at attractive prices. How to tell about it to the mass consumer? Start your journey with service Yandex. Market, it is here that you can place your offers for users interested in your product, from the desired region, on days and hours specified by you. Yandex. The market is a platform where the seller meets the buyer, and each of them can use this service to the maximum benefit for themselves.

To be closer to your customers will help you and a wonderful service from Google - Merchant Center. Here you can also place your product offers, telling the target audience about the benefits, promotions and discounts of your store.

However, be sure to check out the possibilities. Yandex. Direct by launching an advertising campaign for your website or online store. Using contextual advertising to promote your business (developed by professionals or on your own), you can significantly increase the number of calls and requests, and most importantly, increase the profitability of your business.

This service will help you increase the volume of Internet sales, the number of calls to your office, attract new visitors to the site and form a permanent audience.

Site optimization

Do not forget about the regular work with the site. Not only advertising channels can be effective in increasing your sales, but your own web resource, which is constantly and carefully worked on, improving it day by day, can bring you great results!

We are glad to acquaint you with a real example of updating a website by our FireSeo masters


This is how the site looked before the audit and our subsequent improvements:

We have carried out work to optimize this site, as a result of which the company began to receive 2-3 times more applications with the same advertising costs. What exactly did we do:

  • Improved the main offer landing page due to the fact that we collected all the important information and took it out to the first screen landing page ( key benefits- in the heading, additional - in the subheading and in the bulleted list)
  • We have corrected the main page of the site, adding important information for visitors : city, address, opening hours companies
  • In addition, we made the button convenient and visible to customers. "Order a call back". The picture clearly shows that the button has become voluminous and clickable, which allows you to quickly contact the company's specialists
  • We have also amended logo, specifying under the name the main type of activity of the company - "accounting outsourcing", added a descriptor. Thus, for any visitor to the site it immediately becomes clear what exactly the company does.
  • We have replaced the photo of a random photo model representing the alleged employee of the company photo of a real employee of the company. Agree, this approach is more credible? 🙂
  • We have added the site to Yandex.Directory and Google.Business, as well as in webmaster Yandex and Google
  • Complemented the site blocks about the services, benefits and guarantees that the company gives its customers (this inspires more confidence and encourages them to place an order!)
  • Created for the page unique SEO text, which takes into account the occurrence keywords and then posted it. You can verify this by looking at the picture:
  • Optimized download speed landing (due to this, it has become easier to keep the client, because now he does not waste time waiting for the site to load)
  • As a result our improvements landing page began to look like this:

The whole complex of measures to optimize the site, aimed at increasing positions in search engine results, can give you the desired result in sales via the Internet! A few days later, global-consulting.rf has already begun to notice the results of our work, receiving more incoming calls and applications. The number of the company's clients increased significantly after the completion of the work, which was confirmed by the director of the company himself.

Check if you missed any points in the promotion of your site, or maybe there are some mistakes in working with its visitors? In any case, relying on a few of our recommendations and examples from our experience in website optimization, you can achieve success! Have a great sale! 🙂

How to increase sales using the Internet is a question that worries any entrepreneur, which involves a long process of website promotion with constant changes, improvements and analysis. There are many tricks (from technical to psychological) that will help to attract, retain and motivate a customer to buy. After all, even if everything is fine, increasing sales will not hurt. And if not, then something needs to change. We will share the secrets of how to increase online sales and consider the key points.

1. Design: ui/ux

When Google first started with SEO copywriting scoring rules, they had this one authority metric tied to page links. But even pages with high authority could not be lucky enough to get into the TOP positions of search results. PR is a small part of the overall algorithm, where link anchors have a huge impact on ranking. The text on the pages themselves is also taken into account.

Add to cart" - works worse than "Buy". "Buy now!" works better than "Buy".

1. Button "buy"

According to the heat-visual click map, everything below the “scroll area” is viewed by about 40% of those who landed on the site. This zone, as practice shows, does not help increase sales using the Internet. Therefore, do not make perhaps the most important button at the bottom of the page (only the most persistent reach the end). Remember, it should attract attention and call to action. Play on contrasts, but the main thing is not to merge with the background.

2. Navigation and cross-references

Do not distract a potential client from the true path by posting links that lead him away from the goal.

3. Simple checkout form

For the first time, email and full name are enough for contact information. To increase sales via the Internet, specify more detailed information (phone number, address, etc.). Don't ask more than necessary. But remember that some will call themselves, others will place an order through the basket, and others will ask you to call back. Take care of all categories of potential customers

4. Add "lures" to your shopping cart

For example, hints in the form of "by adding products for another 150 rubles, you will receive free shipping" or "with this product they often view this." Put change as a gift in the default shopping cart. If you don't like it - delete it (but most likely not. :)

5. Specify contacts and methods of communication

Post phone numbers and means of communication in the upper right corner and in large print in the footer. The more communications on the site, the better.

6. Set the call to the site

Call tracking and callback functionality will expand the contact base, and, accordingly, increase the number of online sales.

Remember, if it is difficult for the buyer, he will “turn around” and go to another store, where he will do similar actions, only faster and without loading his brains. It is impossible to increase sales via the Internet if you complicate the life of the user and do not go forward.

2. Keep statistics

For example, the site has pages through which visitors leave the site most often - this is a signal to refine the page. The visitor did not find the necessary information = the loss of a potential client. Constant, even short-term monitoring, in the long run will save money and keep the client. For example, you launched a ready-made version of the site. Write down all the indicators and change the content or appearance (the so-called A / B test). Compare, change the “call to action” or the offer itself. Or, if there is a call to action in the second mailing list, add it to the third and see what results it gives.

The more potential buyers visit the site, the more likely it is to increase the sales of the online store. Explore the demand for an offer, look at competitors. In general, study the niche. Register on various platforms (be where the target audience is), be active on forums, create groups on popular social networks. This way you will increase your engagement rate.

Another important point is remarketing and delayed conversion. If a potential client, after visiting the site, for several days sees an advertisement for a company with an abandoned basket of an order and a discount on its purchase, wherever he goes, he subconsciously takes your company more than any others, including competitors.

And if the task (for which he got to the site) is not solved, then the target client will return to the resource for the purpose of buying.

4. Content

1. Catchy headline

Each page and section of the site should reflect the information presented on this page and solve specific problems. If, when clicking on the heading, there will be something else, then you should not count on any interaction and involvement. When selecting headlines, analyze the key queries for which you are searched. Use titles with calls to action.

2. Talk about the benefits of the product

Explain clearly (in the user's language) why you should be chosen. Emphasize all sorts of advantages and benefits to increase online sales. Be sure to illustrate the statements with pictures, reviews and videos - a potential client must be retained on the site. Write product descriptions according to the scheme of sales texts, but do not forget that such texts should be unobtrusive and realistic.

3. Blog

The company has competence in the area of ​​the product or service being sold. Potential customers need the same knowledge. Help them with this, write articles, share knowledge that will be indexed by search engines and drive traffic to the site.

5. Communication with the consumer

Channels of connection

  • search engines (Google, Yandex);
  • social networks;
  • messengers.
  • friends of the sharer will see your product;
  • the link to the product will remain forever on the user's page, which will be indexed by the search engine.
  • offer customers free shipping;
  • make discounts for regular customers;
  • arrange sales;
  • choose an inexpensive and pleasant trifle and bring it "in sacrifice" to customers. For example, a gift to a customer who placed an order for n-sum. Don't forget to trumpet it on every corner, otherwise how will customers find out about them :)
  • joint actions with partners and cooperation;
  • create an attractive and very time-limited offer for the client. For example, "Hurry up to get: the last 10 copies", "Three sets left." And do not forget to remind about it (often, but unobtrusively);
  • hold contests

7. Working with target audiences

Create separate types of offers. People are different, and if someone buys a product without hesitation, then someone needs to see the trial version, etc. Pay special attention to those who have already made purchases from you. These customers have already dealt with you and have confidence in you. They will gladly come back if you remind them of yourself. For example, send a reminder with a promotion by mail.

  • short text;
  • write to the point;
  • break the text into paragraphs or steps;
  • do not forget about headings and sections of the text;
  • limit the number of pictures.

An email will seem more personalized if you write it to a specific reader.

9. Increase the average purchase price and margin

An increase in the average check leads to an increase in sales in general. For example, the “buy two products, get the third free” technique works well. Triggers are friends of marketers. The principle of limiting the duration of the promotion works perfectly: buy a product before such and such a day and get a bonus. To increase the margin, you will need to look for new suppliers with lower prices. If that doesn't work, try raising the price slightly and see how buyers react. Despite the increase in price tag, it often helps to increase online sales.

10. Dealing with reviews