There is no space on the c disk how to clean it. No space on drive "C": why and what to do? Why is there not enough disk space

If you do not have enough disk space (C :) and, as a result, the Windows operating system began to slow down and fail, this article is for you. In it, I collected all the methods for freeing up free space on the system disk that have ever been described on this site.

And I’ll also give you some preventive tips to avoid refilling it to the brim in the future.

So, in the first part of the article, I will raise from the depths of the site all the tips for increasing free space on the system disk, if trouble has already come and it barely moves (almost full to the brim).

Of course, I will not copy here all the texts from the previous articles of the site - I will simply remind the methods and give links to their detailed description.

Methods for increasing free disk space

1. Recommend clean the disk using the built-in system tools. Remove previous versions of Windows after it global update if they haven't left your computer yet. Get rid of a large number of unnecessary installers of small updates and programs, from millions of reporting archives and various error logs, temporary files and unnecessary system restore points.

2. Decide on the computer programs you really need and remove all other unnecessary or pre-installed by the manufacturer laptop, for example.

You can get rid of programs that are idle and take up disk space in vain with a regular software removal tool or third-party powerful uninstallers.

3. Turn off hibernation, if you do not use it, as well as 90% of all computer users. This step will actually free you up a FEW GIGABYTES on your system drive.

4. Transfer heavy folders of already installed programs to a non-system drive. Only you need to do this not with a simple copy-paste, but with a special program FreeMove, which will redirect all system calls to them to their new location.

In the same way, you can transfer folders with browser profiles that you have installed - they usually have an impressive size.

Please note: if you have a system SSD drive, and the second one is a regular hard drive, then these folder transfers (browser profiles) can noticeably slow down the work of these programs.

5. If you have enough random access memory- you can disable the paging file in the system properties ...

6. Especially brave (reckless) I advise you to disable the system restore service along with its points. This is if reinstalling Windows is easy and fast for you (just a thrill) or you know how to revive it with third-party tools ...

7. Find the largest files on the disk and delete unnecessary or simply forgotten ones (do not believe it - there will certainly be such).

Remember the proverb: “We are looking for a straw in someone else’s eye, but we do not notice a log in our own”? It's just such a case. 😉

This procedure can be easily and quickly done using special free programs. For example, or.

I’ll give more information about one more and even a download link ...

Low on space on your Windows 10 system drive?

A couple of tips for users current version operating system...

  1. Windows 10 introduced support for a very powerful, high-quality and safe method of compressing individual files and entire program folders - LZX compression. Very I recommend using it if you don't have enough space on your system drive.
  2. In the Windows 10 settings, find the "Storage" section and activate the "Storage Sense" item ...

Actually, this is a very interesting and useful section - you can configure a lot in it to increase free disk space (C :) ...

Let's smoothly move on to preventive actions that will help you keep your system disk clean and always with sufficient free space.

Prevention of free disk space (C:)

1. Transfer the user folders "My Documents", "Downloads" and "Desktop" built into the system to another, non-system drive. This can be done using the method described in this article or using the free FreeMove program.

2. Don't forget to always remap your downloads folder in your favorite browsers settings...

If you have not done this before, take all the contents from the default system folder and paste it into a new boot folder on another drive.

This article will cover three methods disk cleanup.

1 Disk cleanup software tools Windows.

2 Deleting Windows temporary files.

3 Delete temporary files in the browser.

4 Delete personal files and folders.

Cleaning the C drive with Windows software tools.

In order to run the cleaner, you must:

v Windows XP(choose one of the ways):

On the menu " Start" select item Run. In the Open field, enter the command cleanmgr and press the button OK.

On the menu " Start" Sequentially select items All Programs, Accessories, Utilities, and then - Disk Cleanup.

In Windows Explorer or in the tool window " My computer" right-click the drive you want to free up space on, select " Properties", open the tab Are common and press the button Disk Cleanup.

v Windows 7(choose one of the ways):

On the menu " Start" select the search box for folders and files, enter the command cleanmgr and press the button OK

Go to " Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup".

Click " Start"in the search field enter " Disk Cleanup", and then select Disk Cleanup from the list of results.

v Windows 8(choose one of the ways):

Click keyboard shortcut + enter the command cleanmgr and press the button OK

Move the cursor to the right edge of the screen to open the sidebar and select search. Switch to " Parameters", enter in the search form the query " cleaning” and click on the label " Free up disk space by deleting unnecessary files" in search results.

After analyzing the status of the disk, the utility will display a list of files that can be deleted to free up space. You can tick off what to delete (I recommend leaving everything by default). Click the button Clean up system files».

The program will ask you to confirm the deletion. Click " Delete files".

Deleting temporary Windows files.

Temporary files - a file created by a certain program or operating system to save intermediate results during operation or transfer data to another program. Typically, such files are deleted automatically, but quite often they remain in temporary folders from where it is desirable to delete them periodically, since this is not only unnecessary garbage, but also the first refuge for most viruses.

To delete temporary files, go to the appropriate folders:

V Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<Ваша учетная запись>\Local Settings\Temp Local Settings is a hidden folder, in order to make it visible, use the article How to see hidden folders .

V Windows 7:

C:\Users\<Ваша учетная запись> How to see hidden folders .


V Windows 8 / Windows 8.1:

C:\Users\<Ваша учетная запись>\App Data\Local\Temp App Data, a hidden folder, in order to make it visible, use the article How to see hidden folders .


After you got into these directories (folders), select all the files by pressing the keyboard shortcut + , right click, select " Delete". To permanently get rid of these files, right-click on the shortcut " Basket" and select " Empty trash".

Deleting temporary files in the browser.

A lot of unnecessary information is saved by any browser in a folder for temporary files. In order to remove the excess, you need to follow a few simple steps, so to remove the excess:

V Chrome
- Press the wrench button - "Options" - "Advanced" - The "clear history" button at the top.
- Press key combination + + .
A window will appear in which you can mark what to delete, you can leave everything by default, except for the specified time, I recommend choosing - Delete the items below - For all time. Click " Clear the history".

V Mozilla Firefox:

Open the Firefox menu - Preferences - Advanced - open the Network tab - In the "Cached Web Content" section, click the " Clear Now".

V Internet Explorer(choose one of the options):

Click the nut-shaped button - "Internet Options" - the "General" tab - in the Browsing History field, the "Delete" button.

Press key combination + + .

- "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Internet Options".

A window will open in which we indicate what data can be deleted, I recommend leaving everything by default and clicking the " Delete".

V Opera(choose one of the options):

Opera menu - "Settings" - "Privacy and security" - "Clear browsing history".

Press key combination + + .

As a result, a window will open with a choice of elements to be deleted, in the line - Destroy the following elements, select "from the very beginning", I recommend leaving the checkboxes by default, press the button " Clear browsing history".

V Yandex browser(choose the most appropriate option):

Press the button in the form of a nut - select the tab "History" - "Clear history".

Press key combination + + .

A window will open in which you need to in the line Delete the following items, select "for all time" and click the " Delete history".

Delete personal files and folders.

There are a thousand directories and files on the C drive, it’s very difficult to understand where a large large file or folder is located that takes up a lot of disk space, but it’s easy to deal with if you use a free program Scanner. It allows you to scan a disk and show a diagram of the space usage of folders.

After downloading, unzip the archive and run the Scanner.exe file. The program window will open, on the left you can select a scanned disk, on the right you will see information on folders and the space they occupy. When hovering over any area, the path to the folder and its size will be shown from above.

I do not recommend deleting folders and files in which you are not sure. I would advise using this program to find personal information (movies, music, pictures) and delete them or move them to another drive.

If the freed space is still not enough, I recommend increasing the space using another disk, for example D, if available, described in more detail in the article

He has a habit of carefully reminding users of the need to optimize the system by sending messages: “There is not enough space on such and such a disk.” As soon as one of them reaches the threshold of 200 MB, you will be persistently asked to delete unnecessary information.

Fix Windows error "Not enough disk space".

Why is there not enough disk space

As a rule, the system drive C is most often clogged (you may have it under a different name), because garbage, cache, temporary files accumulate on it, programs are installed here and draw resources for work. Periodically you need to clean up - below you will learn how to do this. In addition, there is a separate Recovery partition on the hard drive, where the necessary data is stored to regenerate the system in case of damage. It is intentionally hidden from the user's eyes so that important information does not disappear, but in the latest OS service packs there was a bug, and the folder is displayed, provoking the appearance of low memory notifications. It is not possible to clear this folder by simple means - long manipulations are required, which can negatively affect Windows 10. In this case, when the system writes a message: “There is not enough disk space”, alerts are simply turned off so that they do not interfere. If you have additional disks connected for storing files, you may also receive a similar notification - this means that the memory reserves are running out. Here, do it at your own discretion: you can remove the excess, or turn off notifications.

If there is not enough space on the system drive C (you may have it written under a different letter), as well as in its partitions f and e, you must clean them up to avoid freezing the OS and difficulties with launching programs. The lack of space on the D (non-system) drive does not have serious consequences for the PC, but periodically you need to view it and delete unnecessary things - otherwise there will be nowhere to store the files that you usually leave there: movies, photos, work projects, etc. Now let's talk about system disk cleanup:

If there is a catastrophic lack of space on drive C, you can free it up using drive D. To do this, do the following:

Turn off low disk space notifications in Windows 10

To turn off low memory messages, follow the instructions:

  1. Open "Windows Search" and enter the query "Run". Run the found application and give it the "regedit" command. Click OK.
  2. A window will appear in which you need to select the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer key. The last folder "Explorer" may be missing, then open the previous one, and above, in the folder management tools, find the "Create" button. Don't forget to rename it.
  3. Now we will create a parameter: right click - "Create" - "32-bit DWORD Parameter" (even if you have a PC of a different bit depth). Name it NoLowDiskSpaceChecks.
  4. Now you see in the "Value" column, opposite the new parameter, zeros. Double click on it and change it to one.
  5. After that, close all windows and restart the PC, which will make the changes take effect.

Now you know how to remove the disk usage notification. However, after you get rid of the alerts, you will have to monitor the status of the C drive yourself and clean it in time.

Hello everyone! Because the most popular operating system is now windows, I decided to show on it how you can return your legitimate, Free space on system disk.

5. We look suddenly you have unnecessary files on your disk. At the very beginning of the disk it should look like this (be careful, suddenly you have a folder with the program):

6. If you have one user, it will be easier, if not, you will have to view all users. I'm almost lucky, I have my user and my mother. And since mom does nothing but look at her classmates, then you shouldn’t go into her folder)

Here, of course, the most important folder is downloads (you can move it in the properties). Everything swings there according to the standard. You can also find many files in other folders. Don't forget to also look at what's on your desktop! I have a lot of files, because I also have hidden files shown!

7. Now you can remove the paging file or move it to another drive. To do this, go to:

start - control panel - system - advanced system settings - advanced - performance - settings - advanced - virtual memory - change

Choose without a paging file. And to transfer to another drive, just click on drive D for example and select the size of the paging file or at the choice of the system.

8. Delete identical files. Perhaps you have on. Duplicates are rarely needed, so we are looking for a suitable program to search for identical files and delete them.

9. You can see saves from games, sometimes they weigh a lot.

10. Remove infected files from the anti-virus quarantine. If the antivirus sent a significant file to quarantine, you can delete it)

11. By the way, look what's in your basket)

12. Delete help and manuals if you don't use them in the folder:

13. Delete the entire program cache in the folder: C:\Windows\Prefetch (what you need, windows will recreate) 14. Clear the folder: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download 15. So be careful with this friend! The folder can take a lot, these are folders and installed software packages installed on your computer. After removing them, you will not be able to add components and uninstall programs. But this is not for all programs. Here you do at your own peril and risk, for example, everything was fine with me after the removal.

16. Drivers are stored here, deleting at your own peril and risk, I did not try to delete, but they say you can only have to constantly shove disks with drivers. Here is that folder:


17. There is a lot of rubbish here, for example - old folders from remote programs remain:

C:\Users\your username\AppData

If you still do not have enough disk space, then you need to use More methods I did not remember, if you know - write in the comments. And that's all I hope you got your free disk space back🙂 Now you can relax)

Many users are faced with a situation where the computer starts to slow down unimaginably. At the same time, a pop-up message appears about the lack of free space on drive C. At the same time, the options offered by the OS itself (all sorts of compression-cleanups) do not give anything.


  • Viruses. In this case, it can be advised to carefully scan the system with a good antivirus. Or a scanner. For example, AVZ, drWeb ​​Cureit.
  • Clogged system disk so-called. junk files. The solution is to install a cleaning program. Popular programs are Auslogics Boost Speed, CCleaner.

But much more often the reason for the lack of free space on the system partition is the wrong actions of the user himself. What exactly?

Desktop (desktop)

Desktop - ONLY FOR SHORTCUTS! This slogan is worth sculpting in marble. Usually users clog up the desktop with a bunch of "heavy files". Movies, music, hundreds of pictures and photos. It is not right! After all, the "desktop" is just a special folder on the system drive!

User data should be in folders on other partitions (local drives). Throwing shortcuts from your favorite folders to your desktop is not difficult at all. The label usually weighs no more than 4 kb.

Download folders

All programs that can download something from the Internet place this "something" in the "My Documents" folder. In both win XP and win 7, this folder is also located on the system drive (usually drive C). Therefore, you should get into the settings of the browser and the torrent client and specify a folder for downloads on another drive (on drive D, for example).


Lazy and inattentive users do not bother to read the information while installing games. And put them by default in "C\program files\game_name" (or Program Data). And this is fundamentally wrong! Modern games can "weigh" more than 10 GB.! That's right - put games in any other partition, but not on drive C! During the installation, you can always see the buttons "Browse", "Change", "View", etc. With their help, you can specify any partition or folder as the installation path.

Page file (pagefile.sys)

Contrary to popular belief, moving the swap file does not affect performance in any way. If it is transferred to another logical partition of the SAME hard drive on which the OS is "standing". The main thing is not to confuse a "hard disk" as an HDD device, and "local disks" C and D, which are logical partitions of this HDD! In general, paging file optimization is a topic for a separate article.

But such a transfer can save from 1 to 4 GB, depending on the size of the installed RAM. True, we must take into account that some programs will be "indignant."

Basket size (recycler)

If you look into the properties of the basket (by right-clicking on the "Trash" icon on the desktop), you can see an interesting thing. It turns out that by default, Windows reserves 10% of the free space of either the entire hard drive or each partition. And honestly considers these gigabytes busy. By selecting the "Independent disk configuration" option and setting 2-4%, you can still unload the unfortunate partition C (files weighing several gigabytes do not make sense to store in the trash).

System checkpoints (system restore points). They are backups.

Everything that is written about the recycle bin is also true for the system backup storage. Where are the restore points. As a rule, it is not possible to restore the system using a point "older" than six months. And the huge size of the "default" system storage is simply not needed. It should also be reduced to 2-4%.

The article is applicable for OS win XP, Vista, Win 7.