Hot keys: global actions.

Developers /
Development of user interfaces

Selection history as you type

Scope: managed application.

1. For properties Selection history most metadata objects should be set to Auto.

2.1. It is recommended to disable the selection history in the properties of the metadata object if its use does not correspond to the applied configuration logic:

For objects, the use case of which does not imply a repeated selection of the 5 previously selected options. Examples:

1) Reference Nomenclature most often contains a large number of items and the probability that the user will select one of the last 5 items is very small.
2) The specifics of the use of most documents is such that their repeated selection is unlikely, for example, the choice of the object of calculations in Receipt of non-cash funds.

For objects in the manager module of which the processing of receiving selection data is redefined (there is a ProcessingDataGettingChoice), because the conditions specified there are not taken into account by the selection history list mechanism. Therefore, using the selection history in this case, the user may be able to select a value that he could not have selected in other ways.

2.2. After disabling the selection history in the properties of the metadata object, in all the input fields referring to it, set the following values ​​for the following properties:

. DropdownList Button - No
. Select Button - Yes
. DisplaySelection Buttons - In the input field

This must be done so that the user does not see a menu in the input field before starting a selection, in which he must always click "Show all".

For example:


It is possible not to change the values ​​of the properties of the input fields if:

The input field is set to select from a list and filled (either in metadata or programmatically) a selection list
... the input field refers to a metadata object with a set property Quick selection

This article continues the series of articles "First steps in development on 1C". The material assumes that you have already read our previous articles on the interface. In the same article, we will continue our acquaintance with the new features of the Taxi interface and consider what interesting innovations managed forms have received in this interface.


The article discusses the "Taxi" interface of the configuration developed on the 1C platform The additions to the current platform releases (8.3.11) are given in the conclusion. Therefore, all information provided is relevant.

New in managed forms in 1C: Enterprise 8.3

The developers of the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform have once again worked hard to improve the user experience with managed forms.

Input by line

Previously, in input fields, when entering initial characters from the keyboard, the system looked for suitable elements.

However, users often need to search not only by the first characters of the name, but also in an arbitrary place in the name.

In the configurator, for referenced metadata objects for setting up input by line, a separate tab “Input field” has been created:

It provides the following possibilities for forming a selection list when entering by line:

  • using full-text search;
  • search by occurrence of a substring or by the beginning of a string;
  • performing searches directly or in the background.

In the property “How to search for a string when entering a substring”, you can choose whether to search only by the first characters of a string or in any part of it.

In user mode, a search for any part of a string looks like this: the user sequentially enters characters from the keyboard, and the system searches.

And not only from the first letters of the name, but also by the occurrence of the typed line:

Naturally, using search on any part of a string can degrade system performance, especially with a large amount of data.

In file mode, while the user is typing a line, the search is performed in the background only if no other background or scheduled job is running at that moment.

If the corresponding setting is set, then when entering data in the input field, full-text search can be used.

Full-text search will find both whole words and strings in which the typed characters are part of whole words (using the * full-text search operator).

For example, the user enters the following parts of words in the input field, the system displays the options found using the full-text search engine in a pop-up window:

The results of a full-text search corresponding to the entered search string are shown in the figure:

Recall that in the 8.3 platform it became possible to redefine the representation of a reference data type using the ReceiveDepresentationProcessing and ViewFieldGetProcessing procedures in the object manager module.

When using this functionality together with line input, there is the following feature.

The above handlers do not affect the presentation of values ​​in the select list — the list reflects the main view of the object.

However, once selected, the box displays the expected overridden representation of the object.

Click on the image to enlarge.

The developers believe that there are no errors in this behavior of the platform, and that it is more valuable to show why a particular result was found (highlight, for example, the substring by which the object was found) than to display a representation of the corresponding value that is torn off from the search result.

The above line-by-line input properties were set at the level of the entire metadata object.

At a specific location in the configuration, the developer can override these properties.

For example, using the AutoFit and EndTextInput event handlers of a specific input field, or using the SelectDataGetProcessing event handler in the object manager module.

To do this, these procedures use a parameter named Parameters of the Structure type, the properties of which contain a method for searching for a row, a mode for obtaining selection data, and setting the use of selection data.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Dropdown list for input field

In the 8.3 platform, the drop-down list for the input field has received additional functionality to improve the convenience of working with the system.

This list can now display a history of previously selected values. A list with history is shown on the screen when the cursor is positioned in the field, when the Select from list button is pressed, or the Down Arrow key on the keyboard.

You can enable the display of history in the input fields associated with data of the type reference, document, business process, task, chart of characteristic types, chart of calculation types, chart of accounts and exchange plan. For this, the configurator provides a property located on the “Input field” tab:

Click on the image to enlarge.

The use of history can be overridden for a specific attribute of an object or form element.

In addition, if the user did not find an item of interest in the list of the input field, he can press the “Show all” button to open the list form to select an item from the entire directory.

Also in the list of the input field there is a command “Create a new object”. This will open the form for a new element.

In this form, the user fills in the required fields. After recording and closing the form, a link to the newly created element will be inserted into the input field.

A typical pattern for using the “Create New Item” command is as follows. The user enters the name of the desired element in the input field.

If the system does not find such an element in the database, a message about this will be displayed. After clicking the button in the list, a form for a new element with the filled name will open on the screen.

The considered innovations make it possible to increase the speed of entering information into the system.

Saving settings for dynamic lists

In the 8.3 platform, dynamic list settings can be saved automatically. To do this, in the configurator, for the required form attribute, set the "Automatic saving of user settings" property. By default, when creating a list, this setting is enabled.

The root configuration element has a new property - the storage of user settings for dynamic lists.

This property is selected from the list of configuration stores defined in the configuration.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Setting up lists in user mode is called using the corresponding menu item:

The appearance of the form is similar to customizing reports.

Click on the image to enlarge.

The conditions by which the list is selected are automatically displayed at the bottom of the settings. These settings will be included in the list form.

To do this, in the configurator mode, fill in the property of the table of the form User settings group.

In it, you need to specify a separate form group, inside which elements will be added to display the selection.

With this setting, the form will have fields in the form of “quick selections”.

Click on the image to enlarge.

If the user has customized the list for himself, the settings will be automatically saved and upon reopening the list will have the same appearance.

The dynamic list view mode (list, tree, hierarchical list) is saved together with the settings of form elements.

For one list, the user can save several different settings.

If the configuration compatibility mode is set to “Do not use”, then for a dynamic list with a document journal table specified as the main table, the “Create” button is automatically generated as a submenu with a list of documents included in the journal.

Click on the image to enlarge.

This made it easier for the user to create new documents from the journal form. It also became possible to quickly create separate buttons on the command bar of the form to create a new document of a certain type.

For this, the standard CreateByParameter command was created. If this command is assigned to a button on the form, then the Parameter property becomes available, in which you can select the type of document to be created when this button is clicked.

Click on the image to enlarge.

In user mode, this button will look like this:

Click on the image to enlarge.

Because the material in the article is described for platform 8.3.5, then we update it.

  • Prior to version 8.3.7, line-by-line input was not fast enough, so in this release the data structure of the full-text search index was changed, which led to an increase in the speed when the system is working in places where this mechanism is used. Note that the new full-text search format is used when the compatibility mode is set to "Do not use". The behavior has not changed in 8.3.6 compatibility mode. We also note that in the next release of the 1C platform (8.3.8), the input mechanism by line and when using the search line of a dynamic list has also been improved, and now it provides a search for data that has not yet been included in full-text search. Previously, this behavior was not observed.
  • The dropdown list of a managed form input field has also received some improvements. In version 8.3.8, it began to automatically adjust its width to the width of the data displayed in it, plus the keys Home and End began to be processed directly in the input field. These improvements make it easier to use an input field with a dropdown list.
  • The mechanism for saving dynamic list settings has also been improved, and in version 8.3.6, the form table extension properties for the Period and Display dynamic list are stored in the same sections as other dynamic list settings, which greatly simplified the developer's work with them. They are now available in the managed form processor When Loading Custom Settings On Server (), which was not there before.

This completes our acquaintance with the managed forms in the Taxi interface, but in the next article we will get acquainted with the new features introduced by the 1C: Enterprise platform, version 8.3.


Hotkey combinations to improve convenience and speed up work in the programs of the 1C: Enterprise system.

Related articles on the topic:

  • How to connect 1C Online Accounting to work via the Internet in cloud mode using the SaaS model?
  • Instructions for installing basic versions of typical configurations of the 1C: Enterprise system
  • Solving the problem with the number of PIN-code symbols when activating 1C: Enterprise programs
  • How to transfer the basic version of 1C: Enterprise 8 from one computer to another

Using "hot keys" is one of the tools to improve the efficiency of work with the programs of the "1C: Enterprise" system.
Typically, keyboard shortcuts are faster than menu-based actions using a mouse.
Having mastered hotkeys, you can simplify and dramatically speed up the execution of frequently repeated actions.

Description of the hotkey combination can be called directly in the 1C program by pressing "Shift + F1".

Note that the same keyboard shortcuts may work in some configurations (for example, in old configurations on regular forms) and not in others (for example, in new configurations on managed forms), and vice versa.
The same hotkey combinations can cause different actions (or not work at all) depending on where they are applied (for example, in a table, when editing a text document, or in an input field), so the same hotkey combination can several times meet in the table.

Keyboard shortcut
1C hotkeys for global action
Global actions are actions that can be called anywhere in the running 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, regardless of what is currently open in the program (reference book, document, report, etc.), the meaning of global actions from it doesn't change.
F1Open "Help"
Shift + F1Open "Help Contents"
Alt + F1Open "Search Help"
Shift + Alt + F1Open "Help Index"

Ctrl + N

Create a new document

This keyboard shortcut opens a window in which you will be asked to select the type of new document to be created in various formats - for example, in text, tabular or HTML

Ctrl + OOpen document
The keyboard shortcut opens a standard "Open" dialog box, similar to the action performed through the "File"> "Open ..."

Ctrl + F2Open the built-in "Calculator" of the 1C: Enterprise system

Ctrl + DAdd to favourites"
Ctrl + Shift + BOpen Favorites

Ctrl + Shift + HOpen "History"

Ctrl + F11Get the link

Shift + F11Follow the link

Ctrl + Shift + (~)
Ctrl + Shift + Е
Hide / show the "Section Panel" (in new configurations with the "Taxi" interface)
Allows, if necessary, to quickly expand an open form to the full width of the screen by removing the section panel and quickly return it back.
Ctrl + Shift + ZOpen / close "Service messages".
Using the keyboard shortcut allows you to open a previously closed message window. It is useful when a window is accidentally closed and you need a message from it. Please note: until the system has entered anything into the message window again, old messages are retained even in a closed window.

Alt + Enter
Ctrl + E
Show properties
Opens the corresponding properties of an object or element. Useful when working with tables, text, HTML, and more.

General action 1C hotkeys
Common actions are actions that have the same meaning in various configuration objects, but the behavior of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform changes depending on where exactly you use this or that common action. For example, pressing the "Del" key marks the current element of the directory for deletion if you are in the window of the list of directory elements. Or deletes the contents of the current cell of the spreadsheet document if you are editing it.
DelDelete command
Deletes the current element (selected by the cursor) or the selected group of elements
InsAdd command
Adds a new element (new document, catalog element, list, tabular section of the document, etc.)
Ctrl + SSaving the active document
Ctrl + PPrints the active document.
Calls the print dialog for the active document
Ctrl + Shift + PDirect printing of the active document to the printer assigned in the system by default (without opening the print dialog)
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + Ins
Copy to clipboard
Copies the required item or selected group of items to the Windows clipboard
Ctrl + X
Shift + Del
Cut to clipboard
Cuts the required element or the selected group of elements to the Windows clipboard. Differs from copying in that the copied item or group is deleted
Ctrl + V
Shift + Ins
Paste from clipboard
Pastes data from the Windows clipboard to the location marked by the cursor
Shift + Num + (*)Add to clipboard as a number
Used for numeric values
Shift + Num + (+)Add to clipboard
Used for numeric values. Add operation with data in the clipboard
Shift + Num + (-)Subtract from clipboard
Used for numeric values. Subtraction operation on data in the clipboard
Ctrl + ASelect all
Selects all available elements in the active document
Ctrl + Z
Alt + BackSpace
Undo the last action
Undoes the last action taken
Ctrl + Y
Shift + Alt + BackSpace
Redo the undone action
Allows you to undo "Ctrl + Z", in other words - to return what you did before pressing the undo of the last performed action
Ctrl + FFind
Opens a dialog for setting search parameters in the active configuration object and performing this search

F3Find next
Finds the next item that matches the parameters specified in the search settings
Ctrl + F3Find next highlighted
Finds the next item that matches the one you selected (for example, where the cursor is positioned)
Shift + F3Find Previous
Finds the previous item that matches the parameters specified in the search settings
Ctrl + Shift + F3Find Previous Selected
Finds the previous item that matches the one you selected
Ctrl + HReplace
Opens the dialog for finding and replacing values ​​(where permitted)

Ctrl + Num + (-)Collapse (tree node, spreadsheet document group, module grouping)
Ctrl + Num + (+)Expand (tree node, spreadsheet document group, module grouping)
Ctrl + Alt + Num + (-)Collapse (tree node, spreadsheet document group, module grouping) and all subordinates

Ctrl + Alt + Num + (+)

Expand (tree node, spreadsheet document group, module grouping) and all subordinates
Ctrl + Shift + Num + (-)Minimize (all tree nodes, groups of a spreadsheet document, groupings of a module)
Ctrl + Shift + Num + (+)
Expand (all tree nodes, groups of a spreadsheet document, groupings of a module)
Ctrl + Page Down
Ctrl + Alt + F

Next pages.
Fast forward scrolling of the active document

Ctrl + Page Up
Ctrl + Alt + B

Previous page
Fast backward scrolling of the active document

Alt + LeftGo to the previous web page / help chapter
Alt + RightMove to next web page / help chapter
Ctrl + BreakAbort the execution of the data composition system report
Hotkeys 1C window management
Hot keys 1C window management will help you to effectively work with windows without using a mouse.
Alt + F4Close an active free window, modal dialog, or application.
This combination can quickly complete the entire configuration on the 1C: Enterprise platform, so use it carefully
Ctrl + F4Close active regular window
Closes the current regular window
Shift + EscClose active window
Closes the currently active window
Ctrl + Tab
Ctrl + F6

Activate the next regular window of one session or go to the next tab (in the mode of opening windows "In tabs")
Allows to activate the next window among those opened within the configuration. Pressing in a loop while holding down the Ctrl key allows you to scroll forward through the open windows

Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Ctrl + Shift + F6
Activate the previous normal window of one session or go to the previous bookmark (in the mode of opening windows "In bookmarks")
Allows to activate the previous window among those opened within the configuration. Pressing in a loop while holding down the Ctrl key allows you to scroll through the open windows "back"
F6Activate the next section of the window
Activates the next section of the current window
Shift + F6Activate the previous section of the window
Activates the previous section of the current window
Alt + SpaceCalls the system menu of operations (minimize, maximize, move, close, etc.) above the program window or open modal dialog

Alt + F10Call the main menu
Activates the main panel with the buttons of the current window. Thus, you can select actions without the participation of the mouse.
Shift + F10Call the context menu
Displays a context menu above the currently active item. Same as right-clicking on it

EscClose the active window
Hotkeys 1С form control
Hotkeys for 1C form control can significantly speed up and simplify work with various forms in 1C programs.
EnterMove to next form element / perform default button action
Ctrl + EnterPerform button action by default
As a rule, various forms have a default button assigned (it differs from others - for example, it is highlighted in bold). Using this key combination allows you to activate the default button from anywhere in the open form.
TabMove to next form element
Move forward between controls on a form
Shift + TabReturn to the previous form element
Navigate backward between controls on a form
Up, Down, Left, RightMoving through items combined into one group
Using the arrow keys, you can quickly navigate between grouped controls
Shift + Alt + RRestore window position
If some parameters of the form window are lost, this combination allows you to return everything back
1C hotkeys for working with lists and a tree
Hotkeys for working with lists will help you work effectively without using a mouse in numerous lists and trees
Opens the element where the cursor is positioned for editing. The key is the same as the "Modify" action on the standard form button bar
Ctrl + Shift + R
Refreshes data in a list or tree. Especially useful for dynamic lists (for example, a list of documents), when auto-update is not enabled for them.
Creates a new list item using the current or selected item as a template. The action is the same as the "Add by copying" button
Ctrl + F9A new group
Creates a new group. The action is the same as the "Add group" button

Shift + DelDelete line
Direct removal of the current item.
Attention! Use this combination with great care in dynamic lists, as you cannot undo the deletion!
Ctrl + Shift + UpMove line up
In lists where row reordering is allowed (for example, in the tabular section of a document), allows to move the current row up. The action is the same as the "Move up" button
Ctrl + Shift + DownMove line down
In lists where row reordering is allowed (for example, in the tabular section of a document), allows to move the current row down. The action is the same as the "Move Down" button
Ctrl + Shift + M
Ctrl + F5
Move item to another group
Allows you to quickly move the current item (for example, a directory) to another group

Ctrl + DownMove one level down while expanding the group
Goes inside the folder where the cursor was positioned
Ctrl + UpMove up one level (to "parent")
Goes to the top of the folder you were in
Shift + F2Finish editing
Ends editing and saving changes to the list item
Ctrl + FFinding data in a list

Ctrl + Q
Ctrl + Break
Cancel list search
Num + (+)
Ctrl + Alt + Num +
Expand a tree node
Num + (-)
Shift + Alt + Num-
Collapse a tree node
Used only where tree nodes marked with "+" or "-" are available
Num + (*)
Ctrl + Alt + Num +
Expand a tree node and all subordinates
Used only where tree nodes marked with "+" or "-" are available
Ctrl + Alt + Num-Collapse a tree node and all subordinates
Used only where tree nodes marked with "+" or "-" are available
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Num +Expand all tree nodes (performed anywhere in the tree)
Used only where tree nodes marked with "+" or "-" are available
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Num-Collapse all nodes of the tree (performed anywhere in the tree)
Used only where tree nodes marked with "+" or "-" are available
SpaceChange checkbox
Inverts the value of the checkbox of the current item (turns it on or off)
Ctrl + ASelect all lines (set to multiple selection)
Shift + HomeSelection of all lines, from the current one to the first line in the list (set to multiple selection)
Shift + EndSelection of all lines from the current to the last line in the list (set to multiple selection)
1C hotkeys for editing spreadsheet documents
Up, Down, Left, RightMove through cells
Moves the cursor over the table cells
Ctrl + (Up, Down, Left, Right)Move through cells to the next filled or empty
Moves the cursor over the filled table cells
Shift + (Up, Down, Left, Right)Selecting cells
Selects a region of cells starting from the current one
Ctrl + GGo to cell
Opens a dialog box for navigating to a cell with a column and row number


Go to editing cell content

Page UpScroll up one page
Scroll down one page
Alt + Page UpScroll left one page
Alt + Page DownScroll right one page
HomeMove to the beginning of a line
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line

Move to end of line
Moves the cursor to the end of the line

Ctrl + HomeMove to the beginning of the text
Ctrl + EndMove to the end of the text
Ctrl + Num + (+)
Expand group
Ctrl + Num + (-)Collapse group
Ctrl + Alt + Num + (+)
Expand the group and all subordinates
Ctrl + Alt + Num + (-)
Collapse the group and all subordinates
Ctrl + Shift + NSetting the name of the current area

1C hotkeys for selecting and editing text
Using hotkeys in text areas and documents can significantly speed up and simplify the editing process.
Switching the mode allows you to either add new characters as you type to the old ones, or overwrite old ones with new ones
HomeMove to the beginning of a line
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line
EndMove to end of line
Moves the cursor to the end of the current line
Ctrl + HomeMove to the beginning of the text
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the text
Move to the end of the text
Moves the cursor to the end of the text
Shift + Home

Select text from cursor to start of line

Select text from cursor to end of line

Ctrl + Shift + HomeSelect text from cursor to start of text

Ctrl + Shift + EndSelect text from cursor to end of text

Ctrl + UpMove one line up
Ctrl + DownMove one line down
Ctrl + LeftMove to the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl + RightMove to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl + WHighlight word

Ctrl + Shift + LeftHighlight previous word
Ctrl + Shift + RightHighlight next word
Quickly select a word (groups of characters separated by spaces)
Page UpScroll up one page
Page DownScroll down one page
Shift + Page UpSelect the previous page of text
Shift + Page DownSelect next page of text
EscCancel selection
Ctrl + GMove to line with specified number
Ctrl + Del
Ctrl + BackSpace
Alt + F2Set / remove bookmark
Marks the line you need for quick navigation
F2Next bookmark
Moves the cursor to the next bookmarked line
Shift + F2Previous bookmark
Moves the cursor to the previous bookmarked line
Ctrl + LDelete current line
TabNudge selected block of text to the right
Shift + TabNudge selected block of text to the left
Shift + EnterInsert line break
Alt + Backspace
Ctrl + Z
Undo the last action
Alt + Shift + Backspace,
Ctrl + Y
Redo last action
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + Ins
Copy selected text to clipboard
Shift + Delete,
Ctrl + X

Cut selected text to clipboard

Shift + Ins
Ctrl + V
Paste text from clipboard after cursor
Text formatting
Ctrl + B
Turn bold on / off

Ctrl + I
Turn italic on / off

Ctrl + U
Turn underline on / off

Ctrl + Num +,
Ctrl + Shift + Num +
Increase font size
Ctrl + Num-,
Ctrl + Shift + Num-
Decrease font size
Ctrl + SpaceClear formatting
Ctrl + F3
Change case of characters
Ctrl + L
Left-align paragraphs
Ctrl + R
Right-align paragraphs
Ctrl + E
Align paragraphs to the center
Ctrl + J
Justify paragraphs in width
1C hotkeys for managing input fields
An input field is an actively used control in many places on configuration forms. Hotkeys for an input field allow you to quickly perform frequently used actions on it. It is especially useful to use these keys where the configuration developer did not display the input field control buttons you need.
InsToggle insert / replace mode
The action is similar to the behavior when editing regular text, allows you to either add new characters as you type to the old ones, or overwrite old ones with new ones.
Selecting the appropriate object associated with the input field (for example, selecting the desired document from the list). The action is the same as the button of the "Select" input field
Shift + F4Clear an input field from its current value
Ctrl + Shift + F4Open
Opens the form of the selected object in the current input field. The action is the same as clicking the "Open" input field button
Ctrl + WHighlight current word
DelDelete character to the right of the cursor
Ctrl + DelDelete word to the right of cursor
BackSpaceDelete character to the left of the cursor
Ctrl + BackSpaceDelete word to the left of cursor
HomeMove to the beginning of a line

Move to end of line

1C hotkeys for working with pictures
They will help you to work comfortably with elements of displaying graphic images.
Num + (+)
Zoom in
Num + (-)
Zoom out
Up, Down, Left, Right
Page Up
Scroll up by window size
Page Down
Scroll down by window size
Alt + Page Up

Scroll left by window size

Alt + Page Down
Scroll right by window size
1C hotkeys for working with fields of a graphic scheme
Tab, (Right, Down)
Move to the next element of the diagram (if an element is selected)
Shift + Tab, (Left, Up)
Move to the previous element of the diagram (if the element is selected)
Left, Up, PgUp
Scroll up (if no item is selected)
Right, Down, PgDn
Scroll down (if no item is selected)

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Hot keys in 1C: Accounting, Using a combination of hot keys in programs of the 1C: Enterprise system, How to use a keyboard shortcut to speed up work with 1C: Enterprise programs, Speed ​​up work in 1C: Trade management when using a keyboard shortcut, How to use keyboard shortcuts to speed up work 1C: Enterprise, Combinations of hot keys in programs 1C: Enterprise for quick input of information

Tags: Hotkeys in 1C: Accounting, Using hotkeys in 1C: Enterprise programs, How to use a keyboard shortcut to speed up work with 1C: Enterprise programs, Hotkeys for working in 1C: Trade Management

The form is controlled by means of various form elements, which are arranged hierarchically on the tab The elements form constructor. The most important element is the form itself, which is located at the top of the hierarchy of elements, and the rest of the elements are subordinate to it.

All form elements can be divided into five groups: fields, grouping elements, buttons, decorations, and tables. In my articles, I will analyze each of the groups. In this article, we will start to explore one of the types of field element - entry field, but before that, let's learn how to add an element to the form.

Adding elements to the form

This is done quite simply: you need to select the element The form in the Elements of the form designer and click on the "Add" button. After that, a window will open in which you need to select the desired type of element

After selection, the item you want will appear in the window The elements.

Managed form element Field

Parse a managed form element Field... This element is needed to enter information on the form. And also to display any information. After you add this element to the form, a palette of form element properties will open on the right. For now, you should be interested in two properties - Data Path and View.

In theDataPath property, the developer can associate a form element with the required form attribute. Please note that after the item has been added Entry field on the form, it did not appear on the form itself. This happened because our new item is not associated with. As an example, I created on the processing form several attributes with different primitive types and one attribute with a reference type.

Now we will link our newly added form element with one of the attributes, for this we will select the required attribute with the property of the Data Path element.

After that, the Data Path and View properties will be filled, and the element itself will be displayed in the form view.

Notice the property of the element View... This property defines the functionality of the input field. You can choose different values ​​for this property.

Depending on the selected value, the functionality will be determined. In the pictures above, the value is selected - entry field, i.e. we can enter any values ​​in this input field, and if we select a value lettering field, then we will not be able to enter anything.

This property value View input fields are convenient to choose when you just need to show help information to the user.

Now let's add a new form element with the type Entry field and link it to the props RequisiteDate by means of the already familiar property PathKData

As you can see, the view of the input field has changed, as well as the possible choice of values ​​for the View property.

Thus, we conclude that the functionality of the input field depends on the type of props.

For props with type Boolean the following values ​​of the View property will be available.

And for an attribute with a reference type, other values ​​of the View property will be available.

For more details on how to work with form elements using practical examples, see the book “Development Basics in 1C: Taxi. Developing a Managed Application in 12 Steps ”.

Sometimes it seems that learning a programming language in 1C is difficult and difficult. In fact, programming in 1C is easy. My books will help you quickly and easily master programming in 1C: and "Fundamentals of development in 1C: Taxi"

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  1. No complicated technical terms.
  2. Over 700 pages of practical material.
  3. Each task is accompanied by a picture (screenshot).
  4. Collection of tasks for homework.
  5. The book is written in clear and simple language - for a beginner.

This book is suitable for those who have already started programming and are experiencing certain difficulties with this topic and for those who have been programming for a long time, but have never worked with 1C managed forms.

  1. No complicated technical terms;
  2. Over 600 pages of practical material;
  3. Each example is accompanied by a picture (screenshot);
  4. The book is sent by e-mail in PDF format. Can be opened on any device!

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Each solution of the company "1C" on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8" has a wide range of possibilities. However, there are universal techniques that can be used in any configuration. With this article, we open a series of publications in which the methodologists of the 1C company will talk about the universal capabilities of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform. Let's start with one of the most important methods of increasing work efficiency - with the description of "hot" keys (actions from the keyboard, as a rule, are performed faster than similar ones through the menu using the mouse). Once you've mastered hotkeys, you can make it easier to perform frequently repeated actions.

Table 1


Keyboard shortcuts

How the program works

Create a new document

Open an existing document

Open calculator

Opens the calculator

Show properties

Alt + Enter
Ctrl + E

Open message box

Close message window

Ctrl + Shift + Z

Open the scoreboard

Opens the scoreboard

Open Help

Opens help

Call up help index

Shift + Alt + F1

Calls the help index

Hotkeys: Global Actions

Global actions are actions that you can perform in any state of the program. It doesn't matter what is currently open in 1C: Enterprise. The main thing is that the application is not busy performing any task.

Global actions are actions that can be called anywhere in the running 1C: Enterprise 8 platform. Regardless of what exactly happens in the running configuration, the meaning of global actions does not change (for example, pressing Ctrl + N will always call the dialog for creating a new document).

Table 1

Hotkeys for global actions


Keyboard shortcuts

How the program works

Create a new document

Opens a window in which you will be asked to select the type of new document to be created in various formats - for example, in text, tabular or HTML

Open an existing document

Opens the standard "Open" dialog box, available through the "File / Open ..." menu.

Activating the search box in the command bar

Sets the cursor to this field

Open calculator

Opens the calculator

Show properties

Alt + Enter
Ctrl + E

Depending on where the cursor is positioned, it opens the corresponding palette of properties for this object or element. Useful when working with tables, text, HTML, and more.

Open message box

Opens a previously closed message window. It is often useful when a window is accidentally closed and you need a message from it. Please note: while the system has not entered anything into the message window again, old messages are saved even in a closed window

Close message window

Ctrl + Shift + Z

Closes the message box when they are no longer needed. Please note: the combination is selected so that it is easy to press it with one hand

Open the scoreboard

Opens the scoreboard

Open Help

Opens help

Call up help index

Shift + Alt + F1

Calls the help index

Hotkeys: General Actions

General actions- actions that have the same meaning in various configuration objects, but the behavior of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform changes depending on where exactly you use this or that general action. For example, pressing the "Del" key marks the current element of the directory for deletion if you are in the window of the list of directory elements. Or deletes the contents of the current cell of the spreadsheet document if you are editing it.

table 2

Hotkeys for general actions


Keyboard shortcuts

How the program works

Deletes the item under the cursor (the current item) or a selected group of items


Lets you add a new item

Saves the active document

Print active document

Calls the print dialog for the active document

Printing to current printer

Ctrl + Shift + P

Initiates direct printing of the active document to the printer assigned in the system by default (without opening the print dialog)

Copy to clipboard

Ctrl + C
Ctrl + Ins

Copies the required item or selected group of items to the Windows clipboard

Cut to clipboard

Ctrl + X
Shift + Del

Cuts the required element or the selected group of elements to the Windows clipboard. Differs from copying in that the copied element or group is deleted after entering the buffer

Paste from clipboard

Ctrl + V
Shift + Ins

Pastes data from the Windows clipboard to the location marked by the cursor

Add to clipboard as a number

Shift + Num + (*)

Used for numeric values

Add to clipboard

Shift + Num + (+)

Used for numeric values. Add operation with data in the clipboard

Subtract from clipboard

Shift + Num + (-)

Used for numeric values. Subtraction operation on data in the clipboard

Select all

Undo the last action

Ctrl + Z
Alt + BackSpace

Redo the undone action

Ctrl + Y
Shift + Alt + BackSpace

Find next

Find next highlighted

Find Previous

Find Previous Selected

Ctrl + Shift + F3


Ctrl + Num + (-)

Select all

Selects all available elements in the active document

Undo the last action

Ctrl + Z
Alt + BackSpace

Undoes the last action taken

Redo the undone action

Ctrl + Y
Shift + Alt + BackSpace

Allows you to undo "Ctrl + Z", in other words - to return what you did before pressing the undo of the last performed action

Opens a dialog for setting search parameters in the active configuration object and performing this search

Find next

Finds the next item that matches the parameters specified in the search settings

Find next highlighted

Finds the next item that matches the one you selected (for example, where the cursor is positioned)

Find Previous

Finds the previous item that matches the parameters specified in the search settings

Find Previous Selected

Ctrl + Shift + F3

Finds the previous item that matches the one you selected


Opens the dialog for finding and replacing values ​​(where permitted)

Collapse (tree node, spreadsheet document group, module grouping)

Ctrl + Num + (-)

Used where tree nodes are available, marked with "+" or "-"

Collapse (tree node, spreadsheet document group, module grouping) and all subordinates

Ctrl + Alt + Num + (-)

Minimize (all tree nodes, groups of a spreadsheet document, groupings of a module)

Ctrl + Shift + Num + (-)

Expand (tree node, spreadsheet document group, module grouping)

Ctrl + Num + (+)

Expand (tree node, spreadsheet document group, module grouping) and all subordinates

Ctrl + Alt + Num + (+)

Expand (all tree nodes, groups of a spreadsheet document, groupings of a module)

Ctrl + Shift + Num + (+)

Next page

Ctrl + Page Down
Ctrl + Alt + F

Fast flipping of the active document

Previous page

Ctrl + Page Up
Ctrl + Alt + B

Turn on / off fat content

Used where text formatting is supported and possible

Turn italic on / off

Turn underline on / off

Go to the previous web page / help chapter

Used in HTML documents

Move to next web page / help chapter

Abort the execution of the data composition system report

Hotkeys: window management

This section combines hot keys common to all windows and forms of the 1C: Enterprise platform.

Table 3

"Hot" keys for managing windows


Keyboard shortcuts

How the program works

Close active free window, modal dialog or application

This combination can quickly complete the entire configuration on the 1C: Enterprise platform, so use it carefully

Close active regular window

Closes the current regular window

Close active window

Closes the currently active window

Activate the next regular window

Ctrl + Tab
Ctrl + F6

Allows to activate the next window among those opened within the configuration. Pressing in a loop while holding down the Ctrl key allows you to scroll forward through the open windows

Activate the previous normal window

Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Ctrl + Shift + F6

Allows to activate the previous window among those opened within the configuration. Pressing in a loop while holding down the Ctrl key allows you to scroll through the open windows "back"

Activate the next section of the window

Activates the next section of the current window

Activate the previous section of the window

Activates the previous section of the current window

Call the system menu of the application or modal dialog

Allows you to see the system menu of operations (minimize, move, close, etc.) above the program window or open modal dialog

Call the window system menu (except for modal dialogs)

Alt + Hyphen + (-)
Alt + Num + (-)

Allows you to see the system menu of operations (minimize, move, close, etc.) above the active window

Call the main menu

Activates the main panel with the buttons of the current window. Thus, you can select actions without the participation of the mouse.

Call the context menu

Displays a context menu above the currently active item. Same as right-clicking on it

Return activity to a regular window

Returns activity to the regular window after working with the context menu. Attention! In any other case, Esc initiates the closing of the active window.

Hot Keys: Form Control

Here you can find hot keys that simplify and speed up work with various forms that are created in configurations written on the 1C: Enterprise platform.

Table 4

"Hot" keys for managing forms


Keyboard shortcuts

How the program works

Move to next control / call default button

Transition between controls on the "forward" form (see Tab)

Calling the default button

As a rule, various forms have a default button assigned (it differs from others - for example, it is highlighted in bold). Using this key combination allows you to activate the default button from anywhere in the open form.

Move to next control

Move between controls on the "forward" form

Move to previous control

Move between controls on a "back" form

Activates the command bar associated with the active control / form

Activates the main panel with buttons of the current form. Thus, you can select actions without the participation of the mouse.

Navigating through controls that are grouped together


Using the arrow keys, you can quickly navigate between grouped controls

Close the form

Closes the window of the current form

Restore window position

If some parameters of the form window are lost, this combination allows you to return everything back

"Hot" keys: work with the list and the tree

The "hot" keys of this section will help you to work effectively without using a mouse in numerous lists and trees that are actively used in various configuration objects on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform.

Table 5

"Hot" keys for working with the list and tree


Keyboard shortcuts

How the program works

Opens the element where the cursor is positioned for editing. The key is the same as the "Modify" action on the standard form button bar


Ctrl + Shift + R

Refreshes data in a list or tree. Especially useful for dynamic lists (for example, a list of documents), when auto-update is not enabled for them.


Creates a new list item using the current item as a template. Similar to the "Add by copying" button

A new group

Creates a new group. Similar to the "Add Group" button

Deleting a line

Direct removal of the current item. Attention! Use this combination with great care in dynamic lists, as you cannot undo the deletion.

Move line up

Ctrl + Shift + Up

In lists where line reordering is allowed, allows to move the current line up. Same as Move Up button

Move line down

Ctrl + Shift + Down

In lists where line reordering is allowed, allows to move the current line down. Same as Move Down button

Move item to another group

Ctrl + Shift + M
Ctrl + F5

Allows you to quickly move the current item (for example, a directory) to another group

Move one level down while expanding the group

Goes inside the folder where the cursor was positioned

Move up one level (to "parent")

Goes to the top of the folder you were in

Finish editing

Finishes editing the list item with saving changes

Abort search

Aborts search

Expand a tree node

Used where tree nodes are available, marked with "+" or "-"

Close tree node

Expand all tree nodes

Change checkbox

Inverts the value of the checkbox of the current item (turns it on or off)

"Hot" keys: input field

Entry field- actively used control in many places of configuration forms. "Hot" keys for an input field allow you to quickly perform frequently used actions on it. It is especially useful to use these keys where the configuration developer did not display the input field control buttons you need.

Table 6

"Hot" keys for the input field


Keyboard shortcuts

How the program works

Similar to the behavior when editing regular text, it allows you to either add new characters as you type to the old ones, or overwrite old ones with new ones.

Selection button

Selecting the appropriate object associated with the input field (for example, selecting the desired document from the list). Similar to the "Select" input field button

Open button

Ctrl + Shift + F4

Opens the form of the selected object in the current input field. Similar to clicking the "Open" input field button

Clear field

Clear an input field from its current value

Working with typed text in the input field

Ctrl + BackSpace

Move to the beginning of a line

Move to end of line

Mouse Up Button for Adjustment Button

Use adjustment if allowed in the input field. For example, changing dates, counters, etc. It is similar to pressing the "up" button of the input field controller

Mouse Down Button for Adjustment Button

Use adjustment if allowed in the input field. For example, changing dates, counters, etc. It is similar to pressing the "down" button of the input field controller

Hot keys: picture field

Field clip art is a standard element of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform for displaying graphic images. "Hot" keys will help, for example, to comfortably view the image located in the picture field.

Table 7

"Hot" keys for the picture field


Keyboard shortcuts

How the program works

Zoom in

Scales the picture

Zoom out



Moving around the picture

Scroll up by window size

Scroll down by window size

Scroll left by window size

Scroll right by window size

Hotkeys: spreadsheet document editor

This section contains hot keys for various spreadsheet documents. They can be very useful if you frequently edit data in such documents.

Table 8

"Hot" keys for the editor of spreadsheet documents


Keyboard shortcuts

How the program works

Go to cell

Opens a dialog box for navigating to a cell with column / row coordinates

Move through cells


Moves the cursor over the table cells

Move through cells to the next filled or empty

Ctrl + (Up, Down, Left, Right)

Moves the cursor over the filled table cells

Selecting cells

Shift + (Up, Down, Left, Right)

Selects a region of cells starting with the current one

Scroll up one page

Scrolls through a spreadsheet document

Scroll down one page

Scroll left one page

Scroll right one page

Go to editing cell content

Turns on cell content editing mode

Switching edit / input mode in a cell

Move to the beginning of a line

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line

Move to end of line

Moves the cursor to the end of the line

Move to the beginning of the text

Move to the end of the text

Setting the name of the current area

Ctrl + Shift + N

Sets the name of the current region of cells

Hotkeys: Text Document Editor

"Hot" keys when editing text in text areas and documents can significantly speed up and simplify the process.

Table 9

"Hot" keys for the editor of text documents


Keyboard shortcuts

How the program works

Toggle insert / replace mode

Allows you to either add new characters as you type to the old ones, or overwrite old ones with new ones

Move to the beginning of a line

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line

Move to end of line

Moves the cursor to the end of the current line

Select to start of line

Selects text to the beginning of the line

Select to end of line

Selects text to the end of the line

Move to the beginning of the text

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the text

Move to the end of the text

Moves the cursor to the end of the text

Select to start of text

Ctrl + Shift + Home

Selects from cursor to start of text

Select to end of text

Ctrl + Shift + End

Selects from cursor to end of text

Scroll up one line

Scrolls through a text document

Scroll down one line

Move to the beginning of the previous word

Move to the beginning of the next word

Highlight previous word

Ctrl + Shift + Left

Fast word selection (characters separated by spaces)

Highlight next word

Ctrl + Shift + Right

Scroll up one page

Scrolls through a text document

Scroll down one page

Select the previous page of text

Selects text by page

Select next page of text

Shift + Page Down

Remove selection

Removes selection

Go to line

Moves cursor to line numbered

Delete character to the left of the cursor

Deletes the character to the left of the cursor

Delete character to the right of the cursor

Deletes the character to the right of the cursor

Delete word to the left of cursor

Ctrl + BackSpace

Deletes the word to the left of the cursor

Delete word to the right of cursor

Deletes the word to the right of the cursor

Set / remove bookmark

Marks the line you want

Next bookmark

Moves the cursor between the bookmarked lines

Previous bookmark

Delete current line

Deletes the current line

Move block to the right

Shifts the selected block of text to the right

Move Block Left

Shifts the selected block of text to the left