Sound does not work on the MacBook. Defective speakers or sound chip

The problem with the loss of sound on a Mac is quite rare and does not appear in the general list of problems very often. Nevertheless, there is a place to be. And therefore it is worth knowing what to do if there is no sound on Mac.

We use software

Let's start with simple solutions, this will be the most rational:

  • If you have external devices connected to your iMac, disconnect them;
  • Open the section “ System settings”;
  • Go to item “ Sound”;
  • In chapter " Output”Open“ Built-in speakers"And look at the field" Switch off sound”. There should not be a tick, and the volume slider should not be dragged to the left border;
  • If the submenu “ Built-in speakers"Inactive, select" Digital output”.

I remind you once again: in this case, absolutely all external sound devices must be disconnected from your Mac. If the headphone jack is illuminated red from the inside at this time, it makes sense to contact the service center.

Reboot trick

There is a small loophole that can be a solution to the problem. To do this, follow the instructions below:

  • Turn on the device;
  • As soon as you hear the startup signal, hold down the key combination Command + Option + P + R... This will reset the memory (and therefore possible errors) of the control board (PRAM).
  • If it doesn't work the first time, repeat the above action 2-3 times.

If this works, then you just need to re-configure some parameters: specify the boot volume, screen resolution, time zone and, finally, speaker volume.

A short in the headphone jack

Yes, such a problem, unfortunately, does exist. Most often this happens due to the careless use of the gadget. And the longer your Mac is in use, the higher the likelihood of developing this "ailment". To solve your closure problem, follow these guidelines:

  • Plug in and unplug your headphones. If it doesn't help the first time, repeat the procedure. The method is simple, but, oddly enough, it helps most often when closing;
  • Clean the port carefully. Dust is a common problem for any port or connector;
  • Try to trick your device. To do this, connect headphones to it, but in the settings indicate that this is a microphone. When you unplug the headset, the sound will go through the speakers without problems, and when you plug in the headset, it will go through it.

If none of the methods worked
The escape routes must always be kept in mind. Statistics show that sound problems on Mac are often solved by the above methods. But if the methods did not help, then most likely the problem is in the hardware. In this case, the only way out is to contact the service center specialists to replace the part.

When the sound does not work on your MacBook, you must first find out what the problem was, and then start solving it. Some applications are able to change sound settings, problems may arise due to the fact that the wrong version of the operating system is installed or the necessary drivers are missing.

Also, the sound card itself may be faulty, in which case it will have to be changed, but you can try to figure out most of the others yourself.

Checking the settings

First, you should make sure that the operating system suitable for the laptop model is installed. If it matches, it's time to check your sound settings:

  1. Disable absolutely all external audio devices.
  2. Go to system settings.
  3. Open the "sound" tab.
  4. Open "built-in speakers", check their status.
  5. If the tab is not displayed at all (or is not provided on the model), see if there is an inscription "digital output" and what is its status.
  6. Change the status of the speakers or digital output if it appears inactive.
  7. Check the sound.

It is also worth seeing if all programs for watching videos and listening to music are updated to the latest versions: the problem may arise because of this.

In the settings panel, you can adjust the volume. If your laptop doesn't have sound, just see if it's turned off in the sound tab in system preferences.

Troubleshooting a sound problem

The problem can occur due to a software glitch or clogged blocked pins on the audio jack. To fix this, a simple setup is done:

  • Plug the headphones into the jack and immediately pull them out.
  • Open "system monitoring", find "memory" there.
  • Force the "coreaudioid" process to terminate.
  • Restart your MacBook.

When the audio jack is red, you can simply insert and remove the headphones, or gently clean the contacts with a toothpick. But the red indicator may indicate other problems related to sound, therefore, if simple methods did not help, it is better to go to the workshop and hand over the laptop for diagnostics.

Defective speakers or sound chip

Are the settings set, the operating system is correct, and the audio output is not clogged? The problem is hidden deeper, and literally - it is hidden either in the speakers or on the sound card. The chip or speakers can fail as a result of mechanical damage, wear or water ingress. It is worth remembering if something was spilled, or if the laptop fell. And go for hardware diagnostics to specialists. In many cases, it is enough to simply replace the failed part.

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Any digital technology is subject to malfunctions. This nuisance did not pass by the Apple device. There is a common complaint that the sound does not work on the MacBook.

The problem may be in the hardware of the MacBook or in the software. An ordinary user is quite able to cope with the software configuration himself, using the appropriate manuals. But if the reason is the filling of the computer, then this cannot be done without the help of a qualified technician.

If you find that your device is missing a beep, find out to what extent the problem is spreading. Check speakers and headphones separately. It so happens that sometimes the sound disappears in some programs. This problem can be solved by the usual software configuration. But if there is no sound at all, then there are several factors that could affect this.

There is no sound - reasons.

The most common reasons are:

  • Incorrect system settings. They could have simply gone astray, or a mistake had been made in the initial settings;
  • Outdated version of the system. MacBook is released with a preinstalled operating system, information about which is recorded on the computer. If you install an OS version older than it was originally, then the device will not function correctly;
  • Lack of updates for the sound card driver;
  • If the sound from the headphones is normal, the speaker is faulty. There are several reasons for this: water ingress, blockage, mechanical damage;
  • It happens that the speaker is working, but the headphones are silent. Possible damage to the external device itself. Or the headphone jack is damaged;
  • The sound card is out of order. The main reason is water ingress. Then you need to quickly seek qualified help.

We fix the problems.

Customization. Disconnect any connected external audio devices before doing this. System settings are required. To use them, you need to click on the Apple icon. We select the section "Sound". There you will need the "Exit" item. We go to the "Built-in speakers". Here you can see the following picture - built-in speakers are available for selection, but not activated. We turn them on. If there is a check mark next to the “Mute sound” label, remove it.