Pressed down the tablet inside the strip. What to do if streaks or ripples appear on the tablet display? Tablet display malfunction due to dust and water

When appear stripes on samsung tablet screen, its normal operation is almost 100% blocked. The owner of the gadget cannot view the image, therefore, the comfort of using the device decreases to zero. Since breakdowns of this kind are not eliminated at home, we suggest that you urgently go for advice and for preliminary computer diagnostics (we have a free examination) to our specialized service center. Here they will explain why the incorrect behavior of the tablet computer began, and also tell you how to fix the breakdown. Since you will not be able to repair the device yourself, our highly qualified staff will carry out the necessary rescue operation as soon as possible. At the same time, we will not demand excessive amounts for payment, on the contrary, we will offer minimum prices even for high-quality original components for replacement. Once you know why black bars are appearing on your Samsung tablet screen, troubleshooting will not be difficult. By the way, upon completion of the repair, we will certainly provide a one-year warranty - this is an important note.

Fault description and remedies:

If they light up white and colored stripes on the Samsung tablet screen, then this clearly indicates the presence of the following listed defects:

    The display is mechanically badly damaged (often stripes appear after the device falls, then you have to install a new original screen to replace it);

    The screen controller is out of order (as a rule, it is advised to replace the damaged controller);

    The loop is faulty (this is rare, but this option cannot be ruled out).

How to troubleshoot: stripes on the screen

To resume the full functioning of Samsung, you need to deliver it as soon as possible to the Gsmmoscow service center. To do this, call our courier to the house or go to us yourself. The address of the institution is clearly indicated in the "Contact Information" section.

When the device is already with us, professional, experienced craftsmen get down to business:

Do you urgently need to fix a breakdown?

Surprisingly, even with our minimal turnaround times, clients sometimes demand to speed up even more.

An urgent repair of Samsung occurs when it is necessary to replace screens, glasses, speakers. This operation lasts up to 20-30 minutes.

You will not have to overpay for efficiency - this is guaranteed.

Have appeared stripes on the tablet screen? Naturally, this does not allow the continued operation. We advise you to immediately show the technician to a specialist who will carefully examine and, if necessary, make a diagnosis. This service is completely free with us. Often, you have to completely change the display. Such repairs take very little time. Experienced craftsmen will replace the display within an hour. Our advantage is that we only install original parts. You can buy them at the lowest prices in the city, since we always buy components only from manufacturers. Nobody will fix the device on more favorable terms than we do. After the specialists install the new display, we will issue a long-term warranty, after which we will return the equipment to its owner.

Stripes appear on the screen for the following reasons:

  1. In 99% of cases this happens when the screen is broken. It will need to be completely changed.
  2. It also happens from moisture getting into the device. It will be necessary to do diagnostics in order to assess the condition of the entire tablet.

We can easily eliminate any of the listed malfunctions as soon as possible.

Seize the moment: 2 weeks left until the end of the promotion!
Seasonal discount 40-70%
Name of spare parts. Spare parts price in rub. Installation price in rub.
Replacing the touch glass from 1600 from 1100 900
Display replacement from 1650 from 1200 900
Power connector 900 590 900
Microphone \ Speaker 900\700 650\450 900
Power button 950 550 900
Sim reader \ Flash reader 1200\1300 750\800 900
Antenna module 1200 700 900
Cameras 1400 950 900
Power microcircuit 2500 1900 900
Display controller 1400 950 900
Transmitter power amplifier 1600 1250 900
Sound control IC 2200 1450 900
Wifi module 1600 950 900
Firmware 900
If you have not found the desired item in the price list, in this case, call us - we will help you.

Our service center is often asked to replace the display, since this part is very fragile and most often breaks down. At the slightest mechanical stress, the sensor first of all suffers. Often, stripes appear on the screen, as a result of which you simply cannot continue to operate. This is obvious because the tablet is controlled by a sensor. It is important to fix the equipment as soon as possible, because in case of more serious damage, not only the display, but also the internal components may fail.

Urgent repair of the tablet computer will also be needed in the case when liquid gets into the device. It is capable of damaging any part, but it is also displayed on the display. If appeared bar on tablet screen, you will need to immediately show the tablet to specialists.

Experienced masters of our service center are able to perform repairs of any complexity. We use special professional equipment in our work, which is almost impossible to do without.

As a rule, we have most of the necessary spare parts in stock. Thus, we can very quickly change the screen to a new one, after which the device will work perfectly again. We know our work very well, so we will carry out repairs of any complexity quickly, inexpensively and with high quality.

Even if the work seems very simple to you, you should not repair such complex equipment as a tablet computer yourself. Thus, you will only complicate the situation and cause great damage to the apparatus.

We employ only experienced and highly qualified craftsmen, they can perform repairs of any complexity very quickly. It is always necessary to remember that a tablet is a very complex and delicate technique that often becomes unusable due to the fault of users. It is important to purchase a special case to use when transporting. Now there are special stickers and other devices that protect the screen. Thus, by adhering to the basic rules of operation, you can extend the life of your tablet. If you have any difficulties in your work, then for help, contact only the professionals of the telemam center, who will repair the device very quickly and inexpensively. Our service center will always be happy to help you if stripes appear on the screen.

Phone screen stripes are a common problem. The main trouble is that such a malfunction can appear at any time: on the day of purchase or after several years of use.

However, despite the frequent occurrence of the problem, there are device owners who do not know how to solve it.

What the defect looks like

The main thing to remember is that the display does not lose functionality after a malfunction is detected. But this is not a reason to abandon the device in such a state, because only its owner suffers from the incorrect functioning of the smartphone. If stripes appear on the phone screen, the image quality drops, so reading and watching movies will have to be excluded (few people like to "break their eyes"). That is, the presence of such a device will no longer make sense.

The defect manifests itself in the form of distortion of the content on the display. It ripples and comes in stripes (horizontal or vertical) of different colors: from black to iridescent tints.


Using this section, you can indirectly find out the cause of the breakdown, but it will be rather inaccurate. However, it's worth a try.

  • For example, colored and white stripes on a phone screen are often a sign of mechanical damage to any component of the display or a cable that does not fit tightly into the groove.
  • Black lines signal the need to replace this part of the smartphone.
  • Colored ripples indicate a problem with the controller.

However, without opening the case, such "diagnoses" do not have confirmation, so here either your own hands or service centers can help you.

How does the defect manifest?

This section is also important, since it will make it clear to which part of the device (hardware or software) the malfunction belongs. Everything is pretty simple here:

  • If the stripes on the phone screen appear only when you launch a specific application or make any changes to the settings and files of the device, then the matter is in the operating system failure.
  • When the lines go across the display after mechanical intervention, damage or when touching the touchscreen, we can safely talk about problems in the hardware itself.

After determining the type of malfunction, one should proceed to the methods of its solution.

The bar on the phone screen: what to do?

If the problem is caused by mechanical damage, then there are two ways: take the gadget to a service center or disassemble it yourself. In the latter case, it is worth looking for a master class in video format, which will show you how to open the case and get to the display. Next, you will need to carefully examine this part of the gadget to understand the extent of the damage.

If the problem is only in the loose fit of the cable into the groove, then it is enough to simply fix it, and the stripes on the phone screen will disappear. But in the case when he or the controller (microcircuit) is damaged, nothing remains but a complete replacement of components.

In case of a software failure, the situation is usually corrected by a hard reset (a factory reset, during which all personal data is deleted, it is recommended to save important files before proceeding) or cleaning smartphones from viruses. Although the first method is more reliable, since many programs for protecting the OS do not see the pest.

Multi-colored stripes on the phone screen - not a sentence yet

Even the most reliable equipment fails from time to time. Sometimes mysterious defects may appear on the display of a smartphone or tablet. If you notice that a strip appears on the phone screen, what should you do?

This is a fairly common breakdown, so you should know what the causes of the defect are and how to fix it. Let's list the causes of problems in terms of the frequency of their occurrence:

  1. Loop contact failure.
  2. Crack in the display matrix.
  3. Software glitch.
  4. Excessive load in the system.
  5. Getting wet.

And having eliminated possible damage yourself or with the help of a service center, you can continue to use your smartphone to communicate with friends and work colleagues and use health applications on your gadget.

Display flex cable moved away from the socket

The most likely reason that stripes appeared on the phone screen is a violation of contact with the cable due to a shock or fall, while there may not be any visible damage on the display or case - cracks, spots or areas that have changed color. Also, the train can move away with sudden jolts and shaking.

If the contact leaves, you should contact the SC to fix the problem. But if you consider yourself an advanced user and think that you can restore the functionality on your own, then you just need to press on the cable so that it fits snugly into the socket connector. However, care must be taken when disassembling a smartphone - you should not touch neighboring connections or “disturb” other miniature and sensitive elements.

Please note that opening the smartphone yourself will void the warranty!

In very rare cases, damage occurs within the loop itself. Then it is necessary to carry out a complete replacement of the part. Its cost is low, as are the prices for the work of a specialist in installing it.

Crack in the screen matrix

This defect often occurs during falls. Visible white, black or red stripes on the phone screen appear when the matrix and glass are damaged. In this case, cracks appear that can be detected by touch.

There is only one repair method in this case - replacing the screen. Its price, unfortunately, is quite high, it consists of the cost of the spare part and the work of a specialist and is determined by the service center.

Software glitch

In some cases, ripples or stripes on the phone screen are caused by software malfunctions. Sometimes unnatural colored spots appear and images overlap. Such defects can be caused by a virus, a bug of recently installed software, or an incorrect firmware update.

The fix is ​​to reinstall the software or reset to factory settings. A more radical way is to restore the settings at the service center. Firmware for some can be found on the pages of our site.

Periodic freezes with image distortion

If defects appear inconsistently and are accompanied by a freeze of the program, they are associated with overheating of the processor or video chip. The game is paused, simultaneously appear on the phone screen.

Today, on various forums, you can find several ways to self-fix these defects. But if you are the owner of a smartphone with a guarantee, we recommend that you contact an authorized service, where devices from the best manufacturers are serviced.

Defects associated with hitting a smartphone in water

If the reason for the appearance of streaks or streaks is obvious and is associated with the device getting into rain, shower or a puddle, the repair should be started by turning it off. Then remove the battery, disassemble the case and dry all parts.

If, after drying and turning on, the stripes or ripples have not disappeared, you will have to contact the service center.

If an android appears on the screen, it means that an unsuccessful experiment was carried out with the software of the device. Perhaps this happened due to the installation of an unlicensed program or after switching from the original firmware to a custom one.

Hard reset

This action is carried out in the engineering menu of the device and allows you to return the smartphone or tablet to the original settings, which is very useful when the android is lying with an exclamation mark. A special engineering menu is called by pressing certain buttons, but there are some difficulties here. The key combinations are different for models from different manufacturers. There is a certain sequence in calling the engineering menu.

The device must be turned off. It is best if the battery is fully charged. For most gadgets, the following button combinations are suitable for calling the menu:

  1. The volume down key (or the volume up key) is pinched and held in conjunction with the power button.
  2. Both sound control keys are clamped and held, and then the power key is pressed.
  3. 3 buttons are simultaneously held: the main screen, volume up and power.
  4. The Home key is clamped along with the Volume Down key, then the Power key is pressed. You must wait until the manufacturer's splash screen appears and release the power button. After the image of the robot appears on the screen, you can release everything and wait for the engineering menu to appear.
  5. Press the power button and hold for 2 seconds, then hold down the sound control keys and the power button, hold until a special menu appears.

After that, the gadget will either restart and return to the factory settings on its own, or an engineering menu will appear. For your information, in this mode the touch screen does not work, all navigation through the menu is carried out by the sound control keys, and the selection button is the power key or the Home button. You must select the item "Wipe data / Factory reset".

Several lines will appear on the display and the question ("Delete all data from your device?"). It is necessary to answer with consent, after which the memory of the device will be cleared.

Reset on different devices

On smartphones and tablets made by Samsung, the engineering menu is entered by pressing 3 buttons at the same time: the key to call the main screen of the gadget, the volume up key and the power button. Resetting to the original settings is done using the Wipe data / Factory reset item and further reboot.

HTC devices, when an android with a red exclamation mark appears on the display, can be brought back to life by pressing and holding the power and sound buttons. When Warning appears on the display, you can release everything and press the volume up key. On some models, hold down the volume button, press the power key and hold it until the android robot appears on the screen. After its appearance, the buttons can be released and again hold down the volume key. A menu will appear in which you need to select the "Restore original settings" item.

On Acer smartphones, reset the settings by pressing and holding the volume up key and the power button. A menu will appear on the screen, where you need to select the Recovery Mode item and press the volume key down. An android will appear with an exclamation mark. Now you need to press the power button. A menu will appear where you need to select Wipe data / Factory reset.

And on the tablets of this company, you need to move the screen lock lever to the left position, hold down and hold the power button and sound control keys. When the tablet starts to vibrate, you need to change the position of the screen lock lever several times until the display shows Erasing Userdata and Erasing Cache. From this moment, the deletion of the settings will begin.

To return to factory settings, the Asus device must be transferred to the engineering menu by pressing the volume down key and holding the power button for 3 seconds.

After the time has elapsed, the power button can be released, and the volume down key can be held until a special menu appears. There you need to select Enter recovery mode, then Wipe data / Factory reset.

Device firmware

If a hard reset does not help, a complete software replacement is required. But there is a formality here: the firmware will only help if the "Debugging via USB" function has been enabled in the device's settings. This method is quite risky and, at the slightest violation of the instructions, can lead to damage to the device.

It is worth considering here: should you try to restore the device yourself or trust the professionals? But if you decide to flash the gadget yourself, you should carefully study all the available information on this issue. Models from different manufacturers have significant differences and features regarding the change of software.

In general, the process of replacing the software looks like this: the file with the firmware is downloaded, the installation information is studied, the reviews about this firmware version are read. Next, the file should be unpacked to the root directory of the C drive and, if necessary, the drivers for the gadget should be installed. After that, the device must be turned off and using a key combination (usually a combination of the power button and volume up), put it into firmware mode. After that, you should connect the device via a cable to the computer and follow the further instructions of the program. At the end of the process, it is imperative to perform a hard reset using the engineering menu.

With seemingly careful handling. Let's consider the options why stripes appeared on the tablet screen.

The most common problem is the wear of the cable or its falling out of the socket. This can happen from any blow. Even if, in your opinion, the fall was trifling, and there is no visible damage, the train can jump out from the shake, so you need to drive it into the socket by pushing, otherwise you will not restore the functionality.

Just be extremely careful, if you touch any other element, you risk being left without a working device, because with its miniature size, it contains dozens of the same small spare parts that will not be easy to repair yourself.

If the train stubbornly refuses to transmit the data, as expected, it means that the part is worn out. In such circumstances, you can no longer do without a visit to the service center. But don't worry, replacing a train has never been an expensive procedure. This causes the tablet screen to show stripes.

The second most frequent occurrence is damage to the matrix or display. Again, if you drop your device, the protective glass could be physically damaged. This kind of damage will be visible immediately after the fall, as cracks, chips will appear, streaks or ripples and stripes will immediately appear on the screen. If a misfortune has happened, you yourself will not be able to change or fix anything on your own, except that next time you will be more careful. In the meantime, a trip to the service center to replace the matrix or display awaits you. The price of the repair will directly depend on the model of your tablet and the size of its screen, but in any case, inexpensive repairs will not be enough. If the tablet screen is in white stripes, you should give the device for diagnosis to a specialist. Apple tablets and phones suffer the least from this. And buying a tablet from this manufacturer is as easy as purchasing an iPhone cable. Then it can be used with some advantages.

Much less often, a software failure occurs, and then you can observe strange color distortion, ripples, thin gray or black stripes on the tablet when the device is turned on, the superposition of several images on top of each other and other inappropriate device behavior. Try in this situation to reset all settings in order to return the tablet to factory settings or do a full one, which is a much more radical method.

Remember that tablets tend to overheat and show colored or green stripes if they are not cooled sufficiently. In this case, the video chip may not cope with its duties and ripples and stripes will also appear on the screen, the tablet itself will begin to work with freezes, and during this the image will look frightening. This usually happens during the passage of games that require certain conditions from the system of your device. During such a game, if the screen overheats, these image defects may appear. If your tablet is from, you can find options for cooling it at home in the vastness of the network. If your device is manufactured by a well-known company, take it to a service center, there they will help you without harm to technology. The problem will not be solved by itself.

Be careful with your technology, never forget that the proximity of all kinds of liquids is dangerous for any electronics. If, for some reason, your tablet is in the water, be sure to carefully and thoroughly dry the device. You may even need to take it apart for better drying. If suddenly this did not help you to restore the operation of the device, and the image on the screen is still covered with ripples and resembles a chessboard, the road is yours again to the service center, where qualified specialists will determine what exactly has expired during the water procedures. The streaks on the tablet screen are most often the result of rough handling.

Remember that respect for technology will save you nerves, money, and possibly even life in especially neglected cases. And if you do not understand the insides of yours, it is better to use the services of professionals, so as not to harm the device even more.

a. What to do and how to treat?

Many users face the problem when phone or Android tablet starts to play up. It seems that nothing happened that could cause a malfunction, but it does not work as it should.

For example, the device has problems with defects of one kind or another in the image, color rendering, etc.... This may be due to:

1st: Software glitch- i.e. the problem is a software failure

2nd: Hardware failure- i.e. the problem lies in the "hardware" (that is, it requires replacement or restoration of spare parts for the gadget)

However, do not rush to get upset - in 90% of cases with problems the operation of the adjustment system for color correction, detail and other functions of the display smartphone a or Android tablet is to blame software glitch, which you can easily fix on your own.

We fix the software glitch:

Method 1. Quite simple - go to "settings" find there "Backup and reset" where you choose full reset settings with deletion of all data. Be careful, the use of this method is often effective, but it entails the deletion of all photos, contacts, passwords, music, games, videos and, in general, all information stored on your smartphone e or tablet e. Therefore, first save everything you need by connecting the gadget to your computer. If this method does not suit you, or if the problem persists after it, see Method 2.

Method 2.

Based on solving network communication and reception problems phone s and tablets based on Android by introducing additional software. Utilities that control all processes inside gadgets. Today, there are quite a few of them, however, the fewer functions an application contains, the more, as a rule, it is effective. Best of all controls the functions of the system, corrects, and fixes all possible errors of settings and synchronization and easy-to-use, free utility for devices based on Android. You can download the application from Google Play and see its additional options in the description. After installing the application, all that remains is to launch it. Further, from you, in principle, nothing else is required. The application will completely take over the control of the device's functions. (By the way, among other things, the gadget will start charging 20% ​​faster, and its performance will also significantly increase, which will affect the download speed and operation of all applications, games, and the system as a whole. On average, after scanning, the system works on 50% faster.)
Method 3.

Change of device software, or, as it is also called "Per firmware ". This method, as a rule, requires certain skills and is solved by contacting the Service Center. To independently carry out this task, you need to contact the manufacturer's website for your device, download the utilities and the firmware itself necessary for the firmware, and then reinstall it on your gadget.

If none of the methods brought results, unfortunately, you will have to contact the Service Center for repair of your tablet a or smartphone a.

Stripes or dots appear on the screen of an Android smartphone or tablet. Ripples, flickers, blurs the image of the display of a smartphone or tablet. What to do and how to treat?