Use of ICT technologies. Information and communication technologies - the basis of the post-industrial economy

The role of information and communication technologies in the general educational process is defined in the documents of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, related to the strategy of modernization of education.

Information and communication competence one of the main priorities for the purposes of general education, and this is connected not only with intra-educational reasons. The whole nature of life is changing, the role of information activity is increasing unusually, and within it - active, independent processing of information by a person, making fundamentally new decisions by him in unforeseen situations using technological means.

A systematic, effective formation of information and communication competence for the bulk of students today is possible only if ICT is used. This means that success the transformations outlined in the school largely depend on their application. In other words, informatization is the most important area of ​​modernization of the education system.

Computer training technologies - a set of methods, techniques, methods, means of creating pedagogical conditions on the basis of computer technology, telecommunication means and an interactive software product that simulate part of the teacher's functions for presenting, transferring and collecting information, organizing control and management of cognitive activity.

The use of computer learning technologies allows you to modify the entire teaching process, implement a model of student-centered learning, intensify classes, and most importantly, improve the self-training of students. Of course, a modern computer and interactive software and methodological support require a change in the form of communication between the teacher and the student, turning training into business cooperation, and this increases the motivation of training, leads to the need to search for new models of classes, conduct final control (reports, reports, public defense of group project works), increases the individuality and intensity of training.

Computer technologies of teaching provide great opportunities in the development of creativity, both for teachers and students.
Multimedia technology - a method of preparing electronic documents, including visual and audio effects, multiprogramming of various situations. The use of multimedia technologies opens up a promising direction for the development of modern computer learning technologies. How to use these tools in the development of complexes of teaching materials? Where and in what ratio is it possible to include various multimedia effects in comparison with ordinary text? Where is the limit of applicability of multimedia inserts into a document? Serious research is needed on this issue, since the violation of harmony, measures of the appropriateness of the use of bright inserts and effects can lead to a decrease in working capacity, an increase in student fatigue, and a decrease in work efficiency. These are serious questions, the answers to which will make it possible to avoid fireworks in teaching, to make the teaching material not only effective, but effective.
Modern information and communication technologies of education - a set of modern computer technology, telecommunication means, software tools that provide interactive software and methodological support for modern teaching technologies.
The main task of modern information technology training are the development of interactive environments for managing the process of cognitive activity, access to modern information and educational resources (multimedia textbooks, various databases, training sites and other sources).
Information technologies most often used in the educational process can be divided into two groups:

1) network technologies using local networks and the global Internet (electronic version of methodological recommendations, manuals, distance learning servers that provide interactive communication with students via the Internet, including in real time),

2) technologies focused on local computers (training programs, computer models of real processes, demonstration programs, electronic problem books, control programs, didactic materials).

In mathematics lessons, a computer can be used with a variety of functions and, therefore, purposes: as a way to diagnose the learning capabilities of students, a teaching tool, a source of information, a training device, or a means of monitoring and assessing the quality of teaching. The capabilities of a modern computer are enormous, which determines its place in the educational process. It can be connected at any stage of the lesson, to the solution of many didactic problems, both collectively and individually.

At present, with the help of a multimedia projector, it is possible to use a computer even for frontal work, for example, when organizing oral counting, or when checking independent work. The use of teaching aids-presentations created in the Power Point program made it possible to abandon almost all TCO of the old generation, to raise visibility to a higher level (use of sound, slide show "in motion")

You can introduce computer components into the lessons of any subject. The whole point lies in expediency, availability of appropriate high-quality programs, conditions of use.

Creation and development of the information society(IO) involves the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education, which is determined by a number of factors.

At first, the introduction of ICT in education significantly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and the accumulated technological and social experience of mankind, not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another.

Secondly, modern ICT, improving the quality of training and education, allow a person to more successfully and quickly adapt to the environment and ongoing social changes. This gives each person the opportunity to receive the necessary knowledge both today and in the future post-industrial society.

Thirdly, active and effective implementation of these technologies in education is an important factor in creating an education system that meets the requirements of IO and the process of reforming the traditional education system in the light of the requirements of a modern industrial society.

The importance and necessity of introducing ICT into the learning process are noted by international experts in the "World Report on Communication and Information 1999 - 2000", prepared by UNESCO and published at the end of the last millennium by the agency "Business Press". In the introduction to the report, UNESCO Director-General Federico Mayor writes that new technologies should contribute to “creating a better world in which everyone will benefit from the achievements of education, science, culture and communication”. ICTs affect all of these areas, but perhaps the most positive impact they have on education, as they "open up the possibility of completely new methods of teaching and learning." More details about the relevance and need for ICT implementation in education are discussed in the second chapter of the same report - "New Directions in Education", written by Craig Blairton, Adjunct Professor at the University of Hong Kong, and in Chapter VII "Information Services, Libraries, Archives", the author of which - Professor of the Royal College of Librarianship in Copenhagen, Ole Garbo.

In addition, the same report summarizes and analyzes the global processes of convergence of the media, electronics industry and telecommunications and their impact on the development of the information society, as well as the planetary problems of using ICT in education.

The use of ICT contributes to a change in the goals, content of training, including control, which entails the emergence of new methods, means and organizational forms of training and control.

The introduction of information technologies in education provides an opportunity to create systems for automated control of students' knowledge in various disciplines, including information technology.

The potential of ICT as a tool for human activity and a fundamentally new means of teaching leads to the emergence of new methods, means, organizational forms of control and their more intensive implementation in the educational process.

The advantages of computer technology are considered in works on the intensification and activation of training (I.V. Alekhina, G.V. Rubina), individualization (V.F.Gorbenko, N.V. Karchevskaya) and humanization of the educational process (T.V. Gabai, M.E. Kalashnikov, L.F. Pleukhova, V.K. Tsoneva), the implementation of a creative, developing nature of education (V.A.Andreev, V.G. Afanasyev, G.M. Kleiman, T.A. etc.).
Stages of ICT implementation on the way to the information society

The global introduction of computer technologies in all spheres of activity, the formation of new communications and a highly automated information environment have become not only the beginning of the transformation of the traditional education system, but also the first step towards the formation of an information society.

The main factor determining the importance and expediency of reforming the existing education system, including the Russian one, is the need to respond to the main challenges that the 21st century has made to humanity:

  • the need for society to transition to a new development strategy based on knowledge and highly effective information and telecommunication technologies;

  • the fundamental dependence of our civilization on those abilities and qualities of the individual that are formed by education;

  • the possibility of successful development of society only on the basis of genuine education and effective use of ICT;

  • the closest connection between the level of the nation's well-being, the national security of the state and the state of education, the use of ICT.
As shown in a number of works, the main directions of the formation of a promising education system, which are of fundamental importance for Russia, which is at the stage of complex economic transformations, are the following:

    • improving the quality of education through its fundamentalization, informing the student about the modern achievements of science in a larger volume and at a faster rate;

    • ensuring the focus of training on new IO technologies and, first of all, on ICT;

    • ensuring greater accessibility of education for all groups of the population;

    • enhancing creativity in education.
The use of computers in education has led to the emergence of a new generation of information educational technologies, which have made it possible to improve the quality of education, create new means of educational influence, and more effectively interact with computers for teachers and students. In the opinion of many experts, new information educational technologies based on computer means can increase the efficiency of classes by 20-30%. The introduction of the computer into the field of education was the beginning of a revolutionary transformation of traditional teaching methods and technologies and the entire education sector. An important role at this stage was played by communication technologies: telephone communications, television, space communications, which were mainly used in the management of the learning process and in systems of additional education.

The emergence of modern telecommunication networks and their convergence with information technologies, that is, the emergence of ICT, has become a new stage in the global technologization of advanced countries. They became the basis for the creation of the infosphere, since the unification of computer systems and global telecommunication networks made it possible to create and develop a planetary infrastructure that connects all of humanity.

An example of the successful implementation of ICT was the emergence of the Internet - a global computer network with its almost unlimited possibilities for collecting and storing information, transmitting it individually to each user.
Complexity of implementation modern ICT is also determined by the fact that the traditional practice of their development and implementation is based on the ideology of creating and using information and telecommunication systems in completely different areas: communications, the military-industrial complex, aviation and astronautics. The adaptation of ICT to a specific field of application is carried out here by specialists from design bureaus and research institutes who have extensive experience in the development of such technology and, therefore, have a good understanding of the purpose of systems and their operating conditions. In modern education, there are no such specialized research structures, they are just beginning to be created. For this reason, there is a "gap" between the possibilities of educational technologies and their real application. An example is the still existing practice of using a computer only as a typewriter. This gap is often exacerbated by the fact that the bulk of school teachers and teachers of humanitarian universities do not have the modern knowledge necessary for the effective use of ICT. The situation is complicated by the fact that information technologies are rapidly updating: new, more efficient and complex technologies based on artificial intelligence, virtual reality, multilingual interface, geographic information systems, etc. appear. The way out of the created contradiction can be the integration of technologies, that is, such a combination of them, which will allow the teacher to use in lessons and lectures, certified and adapted to the learning process, technical means that he understands. The integration of ICT and educational technologies should become a new stage in their more effective implementation into the Russian education system.

In ICT adoption in education in can be distinguished three stages:

    • elementary associated with the individual use of computers, mainly for the organization of the education system, its administrative management and storage of information about the management process;

    • modern, associated with the creation of computer systems, the Internet and the convergence of information and telecommunication technologies;

    • future, based on the integration of new ICTs with educational technologies (OT).
The process of developing new education technologies based on the integration of ICT and OT is already underway in a number of firms that are active in the educational services market.

The relevance and importance of developing a set of appropriate educational tools based on the integration of ICT and OT for creating an information society education system makes it necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of this process and consider it from a systemic standpoint.

3. Systemic fundamentalsintegration ICT and OT
A systematic approach to the integration of ICT and TO is based on the identification of all the essential factors that establish a connection between the elements and form the integral properties of a system that performs an agreed set of actions united by a common concept and a single goal.

The choice of rational and optimal solutions in the integration of information and educational technologies from a systemic standpoint is primarily based on the analysis of the effectiveness of training or education based on a new integrated technology, i.e. based on an assessment of the effectiveness of interaction between a teacher and students. A feature of such interaction is the creative activity of the teacher and students both in the learning process and in the process of upbringing, which largely depends not only on the professionalism of the teacher and the knowledge of the students, but also on the emotional mood created in the learning process, as well as on the availability of appropriate incentives. , on the conditions of employment and many other factors. All this complicates the formalized description of the learning process and makes it difficult to quantify the effectiveness.

In fact, integrated learning technologies based on ICT are intelligent man-machine systems and therefore one of the directions for the formation of indicators of their effectiveness can be the methodology used in simulator training of pilots, cosmonauts, operators in nuclear power. It consists in using complex indicators, the components of which are specific assessments of technical efficiency, cost, training time, as well as data from biomedical research, subjective opinions of teachers and students.

Therefore, the first and fundamentally important task of integrating ICT and OT (in the future, for brevity, the abbreviation ITO adopted by a number of authors will be used) is to clearly identify the goals of their creation and develop a system of indicators of their effectiveness. Formalization of the goals of educational technologies is a rather complex problem that remains unresolved until now and is actively discussed both in monographs, articles, and at seminars and conferences. At the same time, experience in assessing goals in the form of specific indicators has already been accumulated in solving learning problems, controlling knowledge and managing the educational process. As an example, consider the scoring system. This, of course, does not exclude the use of other indicators for assessing the effectiveness of AID.

Based on a systematic approach, it is necessary to build a model or scheme of an operation, which includes the following main elements: OT, ICT, teachers, trainees, specialists and administration.

Educational technologies or, in other words, educational technologies (TO) are one of the main elements of the education system, since they are directly aimed at achieving its main goals: teaching and upbringing. TO is understood as the implementation of curricula and curricula, as well as the transfer of the knowledge system to the trainee, as well as methods and means for creating, collecting, transferring, storing and processing information in a specific area. Science has accumulated vast experience in the transfer of knowledge from teacher to student, the creation of education and training technologies, as well as in the construction of their models.

ICTs have an active influence on the process of training and education of the student, as they change the scheme of knowledge transfer and teaching methods. At the same time, the introduction of ICT into the education system not only affects educational technologies, but also introduces new ones into the education process. They are associated with the use of computers and telecommunications, special equipment, software and hardware, information processing systems. They are also associated with the creation of new means of teaching and storing knowledge, which include electronic textbooks and multimedia; electronic libraries and archives, global and local educational networks; information retrieval and information systems, etc. ICT models are currently being developed, and some of them are successfully applied in the study of education systems.

Considering the elements of a complex ITO system, it should be noted that in education an important condition successful technology integration is the professional training of teachers and specialists operating the systems and tools of the new integrated learning technology. Each participant in ITO-based training, including the administration of educational institutions, must have the necessary information literacy and understanding of the technologies used. In some countries, it is even necessary to have a corresponding certificate for this. For example, such a requirement exists in the UK. The introduction of certificates for participants in the learning process makes it possible to simplify the implementation of IT and improve the adequacy of assessments of the effectiveness of technologies.

When introducing IT, it is necessary to understand that this is a complex and costly process.

As the experience of ITE implementation in the world and in Russia shows, a specific type of educational institution (school or university, educational center or virtual college, etc.) and the form and type of education (full-time or part-time, distance learning, etc.) or stationary, basic or additional), etc.

A program that ensures the active introduction of ICT in the educational industry, is complex and involves the solution of a number of important problems in the development of education:

    • development of the regulatory framework;

    • creation of new organizational, methodological and scientific and methodological support in the field of educational systems and technologies;

    • creation of a material base of ICT;

    • creation of a system of training and retraining of educational personnel.

A new direction for increasing the efficiency of ICT implementation is integration of information and communication technologies and learning technologies. As the first and necessary steps to facilitate the accelerated introduction of this process into the education system, we can recommend:

    • organization of seminars and training courses for administration and staff of universities, teachers of schools and training centers on the use of new ITO in teaching;

    • creation of conditions for stimulating the development of Internet services related to the use of new ITO;

    • intensification of work on the creation of a thematic system "ITO" within the framework of the international information network on IT;

    • preparation of an appropriate set of measures for their inclusion in the "Program of Moscow's Movement in the Information Society";

    • development of methodological and methodological foundations of system analysis and synthesis of ITE, methods for assessing training and education based on them;

    • development of proposals for financing the introduction of integrated information and communication technologies in education at the expense of the international community.

Improving the quality of professional training of specialists, including future teachers, in the system of higher pedagogical education, a significant role belongs to control, which is considered extremely important by modern pedagogical theory and practice.

Currently, the use of the capabilities of modern information technologies to ensure the conduct of the didactic process is one of the urgent problems. The role of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching practice is determined by E.S. Polat as "a necessary condition for the intellectual, creative and moral development of students" [3].

In the conditions of an information society, the volume and content of knowledge, skills and abilities that a modern specialist must possess is sharply and constantly increasing. The integration of computer technologies and the educational process contributes to its intensification, modernization of the training system for a future specialist, improving the quality of training, developing the ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and implementing the idea of ​​developing and continuous education. Computer technologies contribute to the disclosure, preservation and development of the personal qualities of trainees, the use of which in the educational process will be effective only if future specialists have a correct idea of ​​the place and role of these technologies in the educational process.

For future specialists it is necessary to have adequate training in the knowledge and application of information and communication technologies in the rapidly changing conditions of the information society; possess the basics of the necessary knowledge and accumulate personal experience in the practical use of computer technologies in their professional activities. In addition, in the conditions of the formation of distance education, it is necessary to own modern computer teaching aids, including control.

As noted in the materials of the international conference held in November in Moscow on the problems of introducing information technologies in education, a lesson with the use of a computer will be more effective for the teacher who

  • · Retains human learning priorities.

  • Has a kind, trusting attitude towards the machine and its pedagogical capabilities

  • Knows how to carefully and at the same time boldly handle a personal computer

  • Intellectually developed, erudite, able to assess the pedagogical capabilities of computer programs

  • Methodically flexible

  • · Disciplined, accurate, owns an ordered, logical thinking.
Thus, one cannot do without professional growth in the development of information and communication technologies.

The first step that a teacher takes, turning to computer technology of teaching, is to study pedagogical software in his subject and assess their advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, we have not yet come across a single multimedia textbook in mathematics that would fully correspond to the school curriculum: atypical terminology is used, others. Different from the school, axiom systems, or a cumbersome system for entering information (a very "twisted" formula editor, which does not speed up, but, on the contrary, slows down the solution process). Therefore, it remains to agree with N. Rozov, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University, who in one of his speeches noted: “We all perfectly understand how far from ideal e-learning products are. than the computer component of the educational process will become an equal partner for the textbook. "

It is advisable to begin acquaintance with software products by studying the means that create the so-called. computer environment. These programs include program instructions, tips, recommendations on a wide range of issues. With them, the teacher can conduct both classroom and extracurricular activities, freeing himself from repeated repetition to students of the same common truths, from a touch of subjectivity in assessing students' educational success, helping them master the technology of self-study.

The computer environment is also created by reference and information materials. Their purpose is to provide greater clarity and evidence in the lesson, to use these programs for making various kinds of inquiries and for self-testing, to provide a sample of performing any task on a specific subject material.

Reference and information materials are designed to make it easier for many children to master the school curriculum, they are supportive and accompanying, often and motivating.

That. the computer, as it were, combines a number of traditional TCOs, which have always been used mainly to enhance clarity. This activates the cognitive process in students, develops thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative), increases the effectiveness of the educational process. The use of ICT makes it possible to realize such developmental learning goals as the development of thinking (spatial, algorithmic, intuitive, creative, theoretical), the formation of the ability to make the optimal decision from possible options, the development of skills to carry out experimental research activities (for example, through the implementation of the capabilities of computer modeling) , the formation of information culture, the ability to carry out information processing. This leads to an acceleration of the pace of learning, frees up time, and therefore intensifies the learning process.

One of the requirements dictated by the social order of society to modern education and presented today to university students - future specialists - is the ability to use modern ICT tools in the teacher's professional activity, exactly, the rapidly developing means of distance educational technologies both in the educational process and and in its integral component, the control system.
ICT in the control system
The use of computer technologies in the educational process is a completely natural phenomenon in the era of informatization of society. However, the effectiveness of their use in teaching depends on a clear understanding of the place that they should occupy in the most complex complex of relationships that arise in the teacher-student interaction system.

The role of control in the learning process is of primary importance, therefore, all of the above about the implementation of information and communication technologies in the learning process also contributes to the penetration of ICT into the control process, as an important and integral element of the learning process.

Control tasks implemented with the help of ICT can be aimed at identifying the following knowledge:

Knowledge of definitions, fundamental concepts of the course, section, topic (module), ideas about the volume and content of concepts;

Knowledge about the applied (practical) application of definitions;

Knowledge of rules, algorithms, laws, formulas;

Knowledge related to solving problems on the topic;

Knowledge of facts, fundamentals, principles, practical applications.

Controlling tasks implemented with the help of ICT can be of various levels of complexity:

Simple recognition tasks;

Reproduction tasks;

Tasks performed according to a formula, algorithm, rule, sample;

Tasks of a problematic nature (the algorithm for solving the problem is unknown in advance).
Let's highlight the advantages of using ICT in the process of knowledge control:

A high degree of visibility during control, which contributes to an increase in interest in the very subject of study, control, assessment;

Automation of conducting, evaluating the results, summing up the results of control procedures;

The ability to perform multiple control tasks for the purpose of interiorization (assimilation) of knowledge;

The ability to conduct self-control of students at any time convenient for the student without the participation of a teacher.

  1. World UNESCO Report on Communication and Information 1999-2000 - M. - 2000.

  2. Kurdyukov, G.I. . On the question of the role of information and communication technologies in the knowledge control system of students of pedagogical universities in information disciplines / G.I. Kurdyukov / access address: http:// www. rusedu. info/ Article915. html

  3. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Textbook. manual for stud. ped. universities and systems of raising. qualif. ped. frames / E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkin and others; Ed. E.S. Polat. - 2nd ed., Erased. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 272 p .; P. 3

Svetlana Durakova

The dissemination of work experience is presented to your attention.

« Use of information and communication technologies in educational activities»

Informatization society has significantly changed the practice of everyday life. In kindergarten, the same changes are reflected in a mirror.

Therefore, the purpose of our work at use of information and communication technologies in educational activities is, quality improvement education through active implementation in educational educational process of information technology.

At using ICTs solve such problems how:

Enhancing cognitive, creative activities;

Achieving the goals of education and upbringing with the help of modern electronic teaching materials;

Skills development self-education and self-control;

Improving the comfort level of preschoolers;

Reducing didactic difficulties in children;

Increasing the activity and initiative of children both during GCD and in free activities

Acquiring computer skills.

How relevant is the topic use of information and communication technologies in education.

Our children now come to kindergarten, one might say, with the initial skills of mastering new technologies... Many of them know how to use gadgets better than you and I, teachers.

But, if the computerization of the school education in our country already has almost twenty years of history, in kindergarten the computer has not yet turned into a well-mastered tool for teachers. However, every year modern information Technology more and more densely enter our life. Accordingly, we must keep up with the times, become guides for the child into this world of new technologies.

What is ICT?

The combination of ICT is associated with two types technologies: information and communication.

Information technology - a set of methods, ways and means of providing storage, processing, transmission and information display and focused on improving efficiency and productivity. At the present stage, methods, methods and means are directly interconnected with a computer. (computer technologies) .

Communication technologies define methods, ways and means of human interaction with the external environment (communication, communication).

In these communications, the computer also takes its place. It provides, comfortable, individual, diversified, interaction of objects of communication.

By connecting information and communication technologies projecting them onto educational practice, it should be noted that the main task facing their implementation is the adaptation of a person to life in information society.

Information Technology, it is not only and not so much computers and their software.

ICT means using a computer, Internet, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication.

Where can ICTs help a modern teacher in his work?

This is work with children, work with parents and work with teachers.

When creating a unified database of methodological and demonstration materials, the teacher has more free time.

Today many kindergartens are equipped with computer rooms. But so far absent:

Methodology use of ICT in the educational process,

Systematization of computer development programs,

Uniform software and methodological requirements for computer studies.

To date, this is the only species activities not regulated by special educational program... Educators have to independently study the approach and implement it in their activity.

but usage ICT does not provide for teaching children the basics informatics and computer technology.

For us, this is before Total:

transformation subject development environment

Creation of new means of diversified development of children

using new visibility

So way, use of information technology in the educational process, not only expedient, but will also allow you to achieve one of the goals that it sets for teachers "The concept of modernization education» - preparation of a versatile developed personality.

So how am I in my work I use information and communication technologies:

In its activities I have highlighted the following directions use of ICT that are available to work with preschoolers:

Creation of presentations;

Working with Internet resources;

usage ready-made training programs;

For this I I use a variety of equipment:

TVs with DVD set-top boxes,

A computer

Multimedia projector

a printer

Record player

Video and camera

Working with parents use presentations for leisure, theatrical performances, children's parties and parenting assemblies.

Working with children: organizing direct educational activities, joint activities of a teacher with children viewing multimedia.

Selection of illustrative material for classes, design of parenting corners, transformation subject-developing environment of the group, information material for the decoration of stands, folders-moving.

Selection of additional cognitive material for classes, acquaintance with scenarios of holidays and other events.

Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers.

In preparation for classes, when searching for material regularly I use Internet resources where a variety of pedagogical technologies, experiences of educators, the most varied visual, music and video material.

Formation of group documentation (lists of children, information about parents, diagnostics of child development, monitoring the implementation of the program, etc., reports. I use the digital version of writing thematic schedules. Planning is carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.

Create Power Point presentations to improve efficiency educational lessons with children and pedagogical competence of parents in the process of parenting assemblies.

Design of booklets, business cards of the group, materials in various directions activities.

Creation of e-mail, maintaining your heading on the website of the preschool educational institution.

Let's not forget that when organizing a child's work on a computer, many factors must be taken into account. The computer develops many intellectual skills, but we must not forget about the norm.

Sanitary standards:

Continuous duration of work with a computer in developing game activities

For children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes

For children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes

For children with chronic pathology, who are often ill (more than 4 times a year, after suffering illnesses for 2 weeks, the duration of training with a computer should be reduced:

For children 5 years old to 7 minutes,

For children 6 years old - up to 10 minutes.

To reduce the fatigue of computer studies, it is necessary to ensure a hygienically rational organization of the worker places: the furniture corresponds to the child's height, a sufficient level of illumination.

The video monitor screen should be at eye level or slightly below, at a distance of at least 50 cm.

A child wearing glasses should study at the computer in them. Unacceptable usage one computer for the simultaneous study of two or more children.

Classes of children with a computer are carried out in the presence of a teacher or parent.

So way, I come to the conclusion that they contribute to a better assimilation of the material, help to study the necessary material in a playful, fabulous way. Besides information and communication technologies help to increase cognitive interest, activate mental activities of children. Use of information technology helps the teacher increase the motivation of children to learn.

I think that use of modern information and communication technologies in teaching preschoolers expedient... This allows for a short time allotted for directly educational activities, to cover the material more broadly, to present it more interesting and relevant. In addition, cartoon and video materials are perceived by children with pleasure, the assimilation of knowledge takes place in a relaxed manner.

Thank you for the attention!

A.N. Polezhaeva, teacher of informatics, KBOU "School of Distance Education"



In modern society, information processes are one of the most important components of the life of a person and society. The development of the global process of informatization of society leads to the formation of not only a new information environment for people, but also a new, informational way of life and professional activity.

Informatization is the most important mechanism for reforming the educational system aimed at improving the quality, accessibility and efficiency of education.

The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is an urgent problem of modern school education. Today, almost every teacher in any school discipline can prepare and deliver a lesson using ICT. A lesson using ICT is visual, colorful, informative, interactive, saves time for the teacher and the student, allows the student to work at his own pace, allows the teacher to work with the student in a differentiated and individual way, makes it possible to quickly monitor and evaluate the learning outcomes.

Information technology is usually considered in three aspects:

    as a subject of study;

    as a learning tool;

    as a tool for automating educational activities.

A number of possibilities open up for a teacher when using ICT in the classroom: a computer takes over the function of controlling knowledge, helps to save time in a lesson, richly illustrate material, show difficult moments in dynamics, repeat what caused difficulties, differentiate a lesson in accordance with individual characteristics of each student.

ICT can be applied in the following ways: to prepare handouts; as a multimedia lesson accompaniment; computer testing, etc. Psychologists note that modern children perceive information on the screens of monitors, laptops, projectors, televisions much better than printed book information. Therefore, in the learning process, as a rule, students' interest in lessons using ICTs increases.

When organizing a lesson using ICT, the following factors should be taken into account: the level of preparation of the class, the methodological purpose of the lesson, the type of lesson, the readiness of students for the type of educational activity, sanitary and hygienic requirements that govern the possibility of using computers in the educational process, taking into account the age characteristics of students.

The process of introducing new information technologies into education as a whole gave its positive results: the volume of educational resources on the Internet increased, the activity of teachers and schoolchildren in using the resources and opportunities of the Internet increased.

When using Internet technologies, it becomes possible to:

    develop skills in working with information;

    to acquaint students with a variety of ways of presenting material and visualizing thoughts;

    teach to find information in various sources;

    use automated search systems;

    highlight the main and the secondary in the information; streamline, systematize;

    develop students' critical thinking;

    develop self-education skills;

    create your own informational prototypes and products.

A fairly wide projected range of application of Internet technologies in the educational process is formed:

    work with browsers, search engines;

    using a mail program;

    virtual communication;

    participation in teleconferences, projects, competitions;

    creation Web - sites, Web - portals;

    creation of your own projects and their placement on the Internet.

The computer telecommunications system is a living information environment in which all people have equal opportunities to access vast information resources. The modern school successfully uses the means of the Internet in distance learning for teachers and students.

The following advantages of distance learning via the Internet can be highlighted:

    the opportunity to study at a convenient time for yourself;

    simultaneous appeal of a large number of students to many educational sources, communication through networks with each other and with teachers;

    the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process that contribute to the advancement of a person into the world information space ”;

    social equality (equal opportunities for education for everyone);

    stimulation of independence in learning.

Like any distance learning tool, the Internet has its drawbacks:

    limited technical capabilities and slow modems lead to delays in receiving and transmitting information; learning;

    the success of the training partially depends on the skills in computer management, work in the Internet.

But the use of ICT in teaching various subjects of the school course is impossible without a sufficient technical base, appropriate software and Internet connection and sufficient computer skills of the teacher himself.

The role of telecommunications is unusually great in distance learning, with participation in distance competitions, olympiads, in the process of participation in which the productive cognitive activity of children takes place.

The educational process at the present stage should ensure the formation of a creative personality, ready for activity with widespread dissemination and implementation in all areas of ICT activity. Elements of distance learning (distance olympiads, contests, courses, etc.) are being introduced into the learning process and are increasingly being applied. ICT tools are a tool that not only provides students with various knowledge in computer science, but also means that enhance the student's creative capabilities, the ability to conduct research, and complete assignments - projects. Moreover, the possibility of telecommunication access to the world's information resources quite effectively affects the personal perception of students learning the environment.

The independence of students when working on the Internet (searching for information, completing projects, participating in distance competitions, olympiads) allows us to consider the global computer network for working with the Internet as a tool for cognition and self-development, which, in turn, contributes to the manifestation of the student's social activity.

The general information culture of a society is inextricably linked with the effectiveness of the implementation of ICT in the processes of school education. The use of the Internet by a teacher raises a number of problems, the solution of which depends on the effective interaction of a number of subjects of science and practice: the creators of educational portals and training programs, methodologists and teachers for organizing educational activities in the information society.

The use of ICT is a powerful tool for creating optimal working conditions in the classroom, but it must be expedient and methodologically justified. ICT should be used only when this use has an undeniable pedagogical effect and in no case should the use of a computer be considered a tribute to the times or turned into a fashionable hobby.


1. Experience in using ICT in the educational process. -

Definition and methods of informatization of the learning process.

The task of accumulating, processing and exchanging information faced humanity at all stages of its development and in all spheres of activity, in particular, in the learning process. Naturally, in this regard, information support for the learning process is created - a system of forms and methods for displaying it on some kind of information carrier.

For a long time, the main carrier of this support and the main tool for solving the problems of accumulation, processing and dissemination of the information received were the human brain, language and hearing.

The situation changed radically with the advent of computers. True, at first they were used mainly as large automatic adding machines.

A fundamentally new step was taken when from the use of computers for solving individual problems they switched to using them for the system automation of certain complete areas of human activity in the processing of information.

Of decisive importance for the effectiveness of systems of this kind is the fact that they rely on automated information bases. This means that the information necessary for solving the tasks for which the system is designed is constantly stored in the computer's memory.

We will distinguish between the processes of computerization and informatization of the learning process.

Computerization training is the process of equipping the relevant institutions with modern computer technology.

Informatization learning is a process aimed at making optimal use of the information support of computer-assisted learning. It is pedagogical in the sense that it solves pedagogical problems. The list of these tasks, the criterion of optimality, input data and required results are all determined by the learning process.

Computerization is a necessary condition for informatization, but not sufficient. The computer is a tool, the use of which should lead to fundamental changes in the learning process.

Since teaching is the transfer of information to a student, then, following the definition of Academician B.N. Glushkov (information technologies are processes associated with information processing), information technologies have always been used, that is, any pedagogical technology is information technology. When computers began to be widely used in education, the term "new information technology of education" appeared.

In education, "pedagogical technology" and "information technology" are synonyms in a sense.

It is possible to talk about a new information technology of education only if it:

  • satisfies the basic principles of pedagogical technology (preliminary design, reproducibility, goal-setting, integrity);
  • solves problems that have not been theoretically or practically solved earlier in didactics.

In this case, the computer is the means of preparing and transmitting information to the student.

Information support of the learning process should holistically, systematically describe all its components, provide an opportunity in each of its links to optimally solve the necessary didactic tasks on the basis of new information technologies.

The vast majority of methodological guidelines on the use of computers and new information technologies in the learning process one to one correspond to well-known guidelines for the use of TCO in the classroom. The teacher himself determines what, where and when to apply, based on these instructions and personal experience.

The informatization of the learning process is designed so that the teacher, when planning his activities, relying on patterns, principles of teaching and computer recommendations, will choose the best option.

Therefore, we should not talk about individual methods of informatization, but about a system of methods that, in their totality, cover all the characteristics of the learning process.

The method of informatization of the learning process will be called such an interconnected activity of the entire school staff (administration, teachers, psychologists, medical workers, etc.), which is pre-focused on the optimal use of information support for the learning process using a computer.

Consider a group of ways to informatize the learning process.

  1. Building an optimal school curriculum.
  2. Construction of electronic models of school textbooks.
  3. Construction of a complete intraschool pedagogical monitoring.
  4. Construction and implementation of complete intraschool psychological monitoring.
  5. Construction and implementation of full intra-school monitoring of the health and physical development of students.
  6. Predicting learning outcomes for students and the class as a whole.
  7. Optimization of the distribution of study time within the subject and in the class as a whole.
  8. Differentiated and individual approach to students.
  9. Optimal selection of forms and methods of work in the lesson.
  10. Building an optimal system of lessons and each lesson on the topic.
  11. The optimal combination of management and self-management of educational and cognitive activities in the classroom.
  12. Current analysis, introspection and operational regulation of the learning process.
  13. Thematic analysis, introspection and strategic regulation of the learning process.

Today in pedagogy there is a situation where it is impossible in the old way, but it does not work out in the new way. Despite attempts to change the content and the educational system itself, a lot of unclear and contradictory remains in pedagogical theory and practice. Scientists characterize the modern period in different ways. IA Kolesnikova calls it the era of the change of pedagogy (from classical to non-classical). EA Yamburg speaks about the "conflict of paradigms". A.G. Asmolov, M.A.Gusakovsky, V.V.Kraevsky, V.V.Serikov, V.I.Slobodchikov and others write about the crisis of humanitarianism, which is interpreted as a crisis of rationality and integrity.

Thus, in the conditions of informatization of education, information technologies play an important role, allowing the modern teacher to modernize the teaching and educational process.

Psychophysiological characteristics of primary schoolchildren

Younger school age is the beginning of school life. Entering it, the child acquires the inner position of the student, educational motivation. Educational activity becomes the leading one for him. Throughout the entire period, the child develops theoretical thinking; he receives knowledge, skills, skills - creates the necessary basis for all subsequent training. But the significance of educational activity is not limited to this: the development of the personality of a younger student directly depends on its effectiveness.

School performance is a criterion for assessing a child as an individual by adults and peers. The status of an excellent student or unsuccessful is reflected in the child's self-esteem, self-esteem and self-acceptance. Successful studies, awareness of their abilities, skills to perform various tasks qualitatively lead to the formation of a sense of competence - a new aspect of self-knowledge, which is called theoretical reflexive thinking, can be considered the central neoplasm of primary school age. If a sense of competence in learning activities is not formed, the child's self-esteem decreases, a feeling of inferiority arises, and compensatory self-esteem and motivation may develop.

At primary school age, the following psychological neoplasms are formed:

  1. Memory takes on a pronounced voluntary character. Changes in the field of memory are associated with the fact that the child, first, begins to realize a special mnemonic task. Secondly, there is an intensive formation of memorization techniques. From the most primitive techniques (repetition, attentive long-term consideration of the material) at an older age, the child proceeds to grouping, comprehending the connections of different parts of the material.
  2. In the field of perception, there is a transition from the involuntary perception of a preschooler to a purposeful voluntary observation of an object that obeys a specific task.
  3. Also at this age, children develop the ability to focus on little interesting things. This promotes the development of will. Teaching always requires a certain inner discipline.
  4. The schoolchild's thinking begins to acquire an abstract and generalized character. In the learning process, not only the assimilation of individual knowledge and skills occurs, but also their generalization and, at the same time, the formation of intellectual operations (analysis, synthesis, reasoning, comparison, etc.)
  5. The prerequisites for the development of a sense of competence and skill are formed.

Knowledge of the psychophysiology of children of primary school age is important for a teacher, since the purposeful pedagogical influence of teachers is during this period a determining factor in the development of students.

Orientation to personality traits, its formation, its development in accordance with natural abilities - the modern paradigm of education. In the context of economic and technical growth in the country, the vision of the result of education is also changing, which can only be achieved using modern approaches, technologies, methods. Younger schoolchildren already at the initial stages of education must master the information culture in order to achieve positive results at the II and III stages in the conditions of modern requirements.

The concept and general characteristics of information technology

To understand the role of information technology in education, it is necessary to understand the essence of this concept.

"Information technology is a body of knowledge about the methods and means of working with information resources, and a method of collecting, processing and transmitting information to obtain new information about the object under study" (IG Zakharova).

Information technology is a pedagogical technology that uses special methods, software and hardware (cinema, audio and video tools, computers) to work with information.

Computer technologies are auxiliary means in the learning process, since the transfer of information is not the transfer of knowledge.

In foreign practice, the following classification of computer training technologies has been adopted:

  • Computer software training - provides the implementation of the mechanism with the help of appropriate computer programs;
  • Computer-assisted study - independent work on the study of new material using various means, including a computer;
  • Computer-based learning - the use of software tools that ensure effective independent work of students;
  • Computer-based training - all possible forms of transferring knowledge to trainees.
  • Assessment with the help of a computer is the transfer of knowledge, in the presence of a special system for assessing the quality of knowledge assimilation;
  • Computer communications - software tools for information technology training and educational technologies are built as subsystems.

The main potential of modern computers is, firstly, the enormous capabilities of the global Internet network, and secondly, the application software included in the Microsoft Office package.

Internet Properties:

  1. A source of various kinds of information (knowledge), contributing to the expansion of the information field. It provides an opportunity for self-education and the acquisition of new information.
  2. The ability to quickly and efficiently exchange information between colleagues using e-mail.

Functions of Microsoft Office applications:

  1. Microsoft Word is a program for typing and editing any text. What does Word give? First, the production of handouts (control, independent work, tests, etc.); those. personal assignment increases students' perception and understanding of the assignment; secondly, it is an opportunity to qualitatively deal with the design of creative works (reports, projects, abstracts, etc.).
  2. Microsoft Excel - this program is the best assistant for teachers of the educational field "Mathematics", as well as those who present information in the form of tables.
  3. Microsoft Access is a program designed to create databases.
  4. Microsoft Publisher is a program designed for making certificates of honor, business cards, invitations, calendars, etc.
  5. Paint is a drawing program.
  6. Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program.

Thus, the use of new information technologies in education has two main aspects: a computer as a subject of study and a computer as a teaching tool. These aspects are closely interrelated in the learning process, because any communication with a computer assumes both.

The use of computer technologies is justified when they are effective, i.e. allow: at the same costs of the subjects of the educational process to obtain a higher educational result, or to obtain the same result at lower costs of the subjects of the educational process.

Information culture of primary school students is an integral part of the educational outcome

Information is knowledge. A person can do the following with information: store, process and transmit. These are the main information processes.

Under information culture is understood the ability to purposefully work with information (search, selection, creation and replication) and use it for receiving, processing and transmission by means of informatization and information technology.

This is also required by the Federal component of the state standard of primary education and the national - regional component of primary general education in the Sverdlovsk region.

From FC GS "As a result of mastering the subject content of primary general education, students have the opportunity to acquire general educational skills, skills, to master ways of activity, including working with information."

“The priority of primary general education is the formation general educationalskills and abilities, the level of development of which largely predetermines the success of all subsequent training. "

Allocation of interdisciplinary connections in the standard contributes to the integration of subjects, prevention of subject dissociation and overload of students.

The development of personal qualities and abilities of junior schoolchildren is based on their acquisition of experience in a variety of activities: educational, cognitive, practical, social. Therefore, in the standard a special place is given to the activity-oriented, practical content of education, specific methods of activity, the application of acquired knowledge and skills in real life situations.

The regional component of primary education in the Sverdlovsk region states that graduates of the primary level must possess the following competencies:

  • Willingness to constantly work on oneself to master the culture of educational and work activities.
  • Demonstration of interest in the knowledge of the surrounding world, natural, socio-cultural features of the region.
  • Ability to concentrate will and patience when overcoming difficulties arising in educational activities and in relationships with different people.
  • Conscious and safe use of basic technical equipment in everyday life.

Thus, the information culture of primary school students is an integral part of the result of their education, but a number of students have special capabilities, they will be discussed in more detail below.

Influence of information technologies on the development and training of primary schoolchildren

Currently, forms of human-computer interaction have become an integral part of education.

The computer can be used at all stages of the learning process: when explaining (introducing) new material, consolidating, repeating, monitoring ZUN.

At the same time, for a child, he performs various functions: a teacher, a working tool, an object of study, a collaborating team, a leisure (play) environment.

As a teacher computer presents:

  • a source of educational information (partially or completely replacing the teacher and the book);
  • visual aid (a qualitatively new level with multimedia and telecommunication capabilities);
  • individual information space;
  • training apparatus;
  • diagnostic and monitoring tool.

As a working tool the computer acts as:

  • means of preparation of texts, their storage;
  • text editor;
  • plotter, graphic editor;
  • a computer of great potential (with the presentation of results in various forms);
  • modeling tool.

The function of the learning object the computer executes when:

  • programming, teaching the computer to the given processes;
  • creation of software products;
  • application of various information environments.

Collaborating team is recreated by a computer as a result of communication with a wide audience (computer networks), telecommunications in the INTERNET.

LeisureWednesday organized by:

  • game programs;
  • computer games over the network;
  • computer video.

The work of a teacher in computer technology includes the following functions:

  • Organization of the educational process at the level of the class as a whole, the subject as a whole (schedule of the educational process, external diagnostics, final control).
  • Organization of intra-class activation and coordination (placement of workplaces, instruction, management of the intra-class network, etc.).
  • Individual supervision of students, provision of individual assistance, individual contact with the child. With the help of a computer, ideal individual learning options are achieved using visual and auditory imagery.
  • Preparation of the components of the information environment (various types of training, demonstration equipment, software and systems, educational visual aids, etc.), their connection with the subject content of a certain training course.

Annex 1 project "The use of information technology in the educational process of primary school"

Appendix 2 multimedia presentation for the project "The use of information technologies in the educational process of primary school"

“What matters most is not that the student is using new technologies,

but how this use contributes to the enhancement of its education. "

S. Ehrmann

Information technology training - these are all technologies that use special technical means (computer, audio, cinema, video), i.e. computer and information technology.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) - it is “a wide range of digital technologies used to create, transmit and disseminate information and provide services (computer hardware, software, telephone lines, cellular communications, e-mail, cellular and satellite technologies, wireless and cable networks, multimedia, and Internet)"

In the modern education system, the process of introducing information and communication technologies (ICT), providing educational institutions with computer technology, the development of telecommunications, global and local educational networks is rapidly gaining speed. This is due to the fact that information literacy and culture have become the key to successful professional activities of a person. Information technologies are becoming an integral part of the life of a modern person. Their possession is put on a par with such qualities as the ability to read and write. A person who skillfully, effectively owns technologies and information, has a new style of thinking, a fundamentally different approach to assessing the problem that has arisen, to organizing his activities.

Teaching a child to work with information, teaching to learn is an important task of a modern school. ICT empowers teachers to introduce students to an exciting world where they have to independently extract, analyze and communicate information to others. The sooner students learn about the possibilities of ICT, the sooner they will be able to take advantage of the latest methods of obtaining information and transforming it into knowledge. Informatization of elementary school plays an important role in achieving the modern quality of education and the formation of the information culture of a child in the 21st century.

The purpose of using ICT: improving the quality of education

Tasks of using ICT:

    increase the motivation for learning;

    improve the efficiency of the learning process;

    to promote the activation of the cognitive sphere of students;

    improve the methods of teaching lessons;

    timely track the results of training and education;

    plan and organize your work;

    use as a means of self-education;

    prepare a lesson (event) efficiently and quickly.

At preparing and holding lessons on various steps shoes cheniya use various shape ICT :

Ready-made electronic products that allow you to intensify the activities of teachers and students, improve the quality of teaching subjects, implementing the principle of clarity.

Multimedia presentations allow you to present educational material as a system of vivid supporting images. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to lay information not only in factual, but also in an associative form in the long-term memory of students.

Resources The Internet has a huge potential for educational services (e-mail, search engines, electronic conferences, distance learning, competitions) and is becoming an integral part of modern education. Receiving educationally significant information from the network, students learn to purposefully find information and systematize it according to given criteria; see information as a whole, and not fragmentarily, highlight the main thing in an information message.

Using your interactive whiteboard and SMART Board software allows teachers and students to fully communicate and understand what they are learning.

XXI century - century high computer technologies

XXI century is the century of high computer technologies. Therefore, at present, there is a need to organize the learning process on the basis of modern information and communication technologies.

For elementary school, this means a change in priorities in setting the goals of education: one of the results of teaching and upbringing in a first-stage school should be the readiness of children to master modern computer technologies and the ability to update the information obtained with their help for further self-education. To achieve these goals, it becomes necessary to apply in the practice of primary school teachers different teaching strategies for younger students and, first of all, the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process.

The use of ICT in the classroom in primary school allows developing the ability of students to navigate the information flows of the surrounding world, master practical ways of working with information, and develop skills that allow them to exchange information using modern technical means. This contributes to the conscious assimilation of knowledge by students.

The use of ICT in primary school allows an individual approach to the student, using multi-level tasks; involve each student in an active cognitive process; to teach the student to find, select and use information to solve the problems facing him; to form primary computer skills; teach students to present their point of view and defend it based on the material received.

Lessons using information technology have several advantages over traditional lessons

A lesson with the use of information technology becomes more interesting for students, as a result of which, as a rule, a more effective assimilation of knowledge becomes; the level of clarity in the lesson improves.

The use of some computer programs makes it possible to facilitate the teacher's work: the selection of tasks, tests, verification and assessment of the quality of knowledge, thereby freeing up time in the lesson for additional tasks (due to the fact that the materials are prepared in advance in electronic form).

Improving the effectiveness of the lesson through clarity. Of course, this can be achieved by other methods (posters, maps, tables, notes on the board), but computer technology, undoubtedly, creates a much higher level of visibility.

The ability to demonstrate phenomena that cannot be seen in reality. Modern personal computers and programs allow using animation, sound, photographic accuracy to simulate various educational situations, have the ability to present unique information materials (paintings, manuscripts, video fragments) in multimedia form; visualization of the studied phenomena, processes and relationships between objects.

Information technologies provide ample opportunities for individualization and differentiation of learning, and not only through multi-level tasks, but also through the student's self-education.

Means of achieving the effectiveness of the educational process using ICT

Information technology in the modern school should be considered as one of the teaching methods. Any inclusion of ICT in the educational environment must be reasoned.

It should be borne in mind that a lesson using information technology is somewhat different from a traditional lesson. It is difficult to single out a single structure of such a lesson, since each lesson is individual, which is determined by a number of reasons: the specifics of the subject area, the content of a particular lesson, linkage to the hardware of information technology, the didactic capabilities of software, the type and quality of electronic resources, ICT - the competence of the teacher.

Development of a lesson using information technology is possible only if there is an electronic resource.

Educational electronic resources can be divided into three groups, depending on the function being performed.

    Illustration of educational material (tables, diagrams, experiments,

    video clips);

    2. Support of educational material (assignments, tests, etc.)

    3. Source of educational material (electronic textbook, task development

    By the way of development, they can belong to one of the following types:

Internet resources (can be used not only directly on

lesson, but also for preparation).

Special (this includes all electronic resources produced by

various publishers).

Universal (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc. - designed for

creation by teachers of their own educational resources).

In my opinion, the most interesting and effective lessons are lessons using educational resources, developed by a teacher, taking into account the characteristics of a particular student body and for specific students. In the process of creating such a lesson, a unique educational resource arises, in which not only the knowledge, skills and experience of the teacher-developer are invested, but also a part of his soul.

Usually the preparation of such a lesson is a laborious process for the teacher, which takes a lot of time and requires certain knowledge and skills.

It is necessary to consider the following factors affecting the construction of the lesson:

The methodological goal of the lesson and the type of lesson determined by it (explanation of new material, consolidation, generalization of the topic covered, intermediate control, etc.) should be interrelated.

Students' readiness for a new type of learning activity.

The use of ICTs in the classroom made it possible to fully implement the basic principles of enhancing cognitive activity:
1. The principle of equality of positions
2. The principle of confidentiality
3. Feedback principle
4. The principle of taking a research position.
The implementation of these principles can be seen in all lessons where ICT is used.

The use of ICT allows lessons to be taught:
... at a high aesthetic and emotional level (animation, music)
... provides clarity;
... attracts a large amount of didactic material;
... increases the volume of work performed in the classroom by 1.5-2 times;
... provides a high degree of differentiation of learning (individual approach to the student, using multilevel tasks).
ICT application:
... expands the possibility of independent activity;
... forms the skill of research activities;
... provides access to various reference systems, electronic libraries, and other information resources;

The following stages of lesson preparation using ICT are distinguished:

I. Conceptual

The necessity of using ICT means is argued: lack of sources of educational material; the ability to present unique information materials (paintings, manuscripts, video clips) in multimedia form; visualization of the studied phenomena, processes and relationships between objects; the need for an objective assessment in a shorter time frame, etc.

Formulation of educational goals with a focus on achieving results (formation, consolidation, generalization of knowledge, control of assimilation, etc.);

The choice of the type of educational electronic resources.

II. Technological

The choice of teaching methods and the design of the main activities of the teacher and students;

Choosing a way of interaction between teacher and student.

III. Operational

A step-by-step lesson planning, preparation of teaching materials is carried out.

For each stage, the following are determined: the formulation of a goal with a focus on a specific result; stage duration; the form of organizing the activities of students with ICT tools; the functions of the teacher and the main types of his activities at this stage; form of intermediate control.

IV. Pedagogical implementation

The role of the teacher in the lesson with the use of ICT is changing, the teacher is now not only a source of knowledge, but also a manager of the learning process, the main tasks of the teacher are: the management of the cognitive activity of the student.

Search engines and means of searching for electronic resources on the Internet

The purpose of Internet search engines is to collect data on information resources of the network and provide users with the ability to quickly find the information they need. Using search engines on the web, you can search and find electronic resources, software, information about organizations, various events, about people and much more. For teachers, search engines can help in finding such information resources that could improve the efficiency of the learning process and the training system for schoolchildren.

There are a large number of catalogs and portals on the Internet that collect electronic educational resources, the use of which would be advisable in the education system. Information educational resources are used:

    to promptly provide teachers, students and parents with up-to-date, timely and reliable information corresponding to the goals and content of education;

    to optimize the organization of trainees' activities related to independent mastery of knowledge;

    for the introduction of modern information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process;

    to objectively measure, evaluate and predict the effectiveness of training, to compare the results of educational activities of schoolchildren with the requirements of the state educational standard;

    to individualize the management of the student's educational activity, adequate to his level of knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as the peculiarities of his motivation for learning;

    to create favorable, pedagogically and psychologically comfortable conditions for teaching schoolchildren;

    to organize the effective operation of general education institutions in accordance with the country's regulations and meaningful concepts.

    With the help of modern search engines, it is possible to search for a variety of electronic resources on the Internet, the use of which would improve the effectiveness of training. Among such resources, one can single out educational Internet portals, which themselves are catalogs of resources, service and instrumental computer software, electronic submissions of paper publications, electronic educational tools and means of measuring learning outcomes, resources containing news, announcements and means for communication of participants. educational process.

    Working with search engines is easy. In the query string of the search engine, you must type in the required language keywords or a phrase corresponding to the electronic resource or Internet resources that you want to find and click "Search". The search results will appear in the working browser window.

    Search engines of the Russian segment of the Internet

    Search engine "Yandex"

    Search engine Google (Russia)

    Search system "Rambler"

    Search engine "[email protected]"

    Intellectual search system Nigma

    Russian directories of general purpose Internet resources

    Catalog of Internet resources "Yandex.Catalogue"

    Catalog of Internet resources "[email protected]"

    Catalog of Internet resources "Aport"

    Education resource catalogs

    Catalog of the information system "Single window of access to educational resources"

    Catalog of the Russian educational portal

    Catalog "Educational resources of the Internet for general education"

    Catalog of children's resources "Internet for children"

Collections of electronic educational resources and search for resources in them

The search for information resources originally developed to improve the effectiveness of education can be carried out using collections of digital educational resources. There are several such collections.

Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources - central repository of electronic educational resources of the education system. The portal's repository contains resources of various types: electronic educational modules of open multimedia systems and virtual collective environments, electronic educational resources on local media, text-graphic network electronic educational resources, resources created using modern Flash and Java technologies.

Information system "Single window of access to educational resources" - contains information about electronic educational and scientific resources of Russian universities, libraries, museums, publishing houses, schools, electronic collections of all levels of education for a wide range of users.

One Collection of Digital Educational Resources - it is the largest online repository of Russian-language electronic resources intended for free distribution and use in the educational process as teaching aids or their components. The collection is in the stage of active filling and testing, at the present time it contains more than 50 thousand storage units, including electronic educational resources for all high school subjects, electronic teaching materials, thematic collections, software tools to support educational activities and organization. educational process.

Internet - resources for teachers initial classes :

Http:// Welcome to the Russian language class. The tests are designed for students in grades 1-5 of secondary school.

Http:// Some issues of using the Internet in primary school, report at the conference "Information Technologies in Education".

Http:// Questions of using a computer in primary school: from psychological and pedagogical aspects to a selection of various eye exercises when working with a machine.

Http:// Computer science in games and tasks. (Computerless course)

Http:// At this address you will find an interactive game made in flash technology. In this game you can independently compose the sounds of the forest, the sea, the jungle from the voices of animals, the noise of trees, and the surf.

Http:// For those who already know the language well, there is a site called "Fun for the mind". On it you will find educational, logical, math games, tests for children, plans and teaching materials for teachers, tips and tricks.

Http:// This resource is useful not only for children, but also for class teachers, teachers of biology, ecology, and leaders of circles.

Http:// A letter from the Ministry of Education can be found on the website of the Uchitelskaya Gazeta, which contains recommendations for using computers in primary schools. The author's program of the course of information culture for grades 1-4. This program specifies the requirements for the minimum content of education, requirements for the level of training, the basic concepts that must be formed. The website of the conference "Information Technologies in Education" contains a large number of abstracts, among which there are reports devoted to the study of computer science in elementary grades.

Http:// Monthly scientific and methodological journal "Primary School". The archive of this magazine begins in 1998. To view the journal, Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed on your computer. (By the way, you can download this free program at On the same site you can write a letter to the editor and take part in the forum.

Http:// Weekly of the publishing house "First September" "Primary school". Its archive includes numbers from 1997. Considering that the newspaper is published every week, this is a huge amount of material for elementary school teachers. If you cannot find this newspaper at your school or library, the Internet will always help you.

Http:// Riddles and crosswords for children. Selected riddles and entertaining tasks from the book by I.G. Sukhin "New 500 riddles - 70 crosswords". Sections of the book: riddles-jokes in crosswords, entertaining tasks in crosswords, literary crosswords, riddles in crosswords, Russian folk riddles in crosswords, answers. The book is intended for children 5-12 years old, kindergarten teachers, teachers, counselors, librarians, parents.

Http:// Entertaining and methodological materials from the books of Igor Sukhin: from literary undertakings to chess. Speech material for working with children with pronunciation impairments: explanation of the methodology, a collection of exercises and assignments. Entertaining mathematics and chess for preschool and primary school children. Psychological aspects of managing the process of assimilating knowledge and ways of students' activities in the classroom.

Http:// Tips for parents of first graders.

Http:// Junior schoolchildren's club activities. Social and methodological aspects of working with children 7-10 years old in leisure activities.

Http:// Preparation of first graders: problems, advice, tests, etc. Instruction to parents of first graders.

Http:// Children's stories. Author's collection of children's fairy tales in verse, poems, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.

Http:// Site of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Http:// Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation

Http:// Site of the Institute of New Technologies.

Http:// Russian State Library.

Http:// State Scientific Pedagogical Library named after K. D. Ushinsky.

Http:// Pedagogical library.

Http:// Dictionaries and encyclopedias on-line.

Http:// Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary.

Http:// Portal of the company "Cyril and Methodius"

Http:// Cyril and Methodius Virtual School.

Http:// Internet for children. Catalog of children's resources.

Http:// Site of the "Teacher's Newspaper".

Http:// Children's fairy-tale magazine "Read it".

Http:// Electronic version of the magazine "Koster".

Http:// The site "Children's World". Children's songs, cartoons, fairy tales, riddles, etc.

Http:// Children's portal "Sun".

Http:// Site for children and parents "Virtual Kids".

Http:// A site containing math puzzles.

Http:// Site "Entertaining and methodological materials from the books of Igor Sukhin: from literary undertakings to chess".

Http:// Origami site for kids and parents.

Http:// free lesson development, scripting, planning.

Http:// Unified collection of digital educational resources

Http:// Site about special children

The results of practical work on the use of ICT technologies to improve the efficiency of the educational process in primary school

ICT technologies can be used:

    To announce the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, pose a problematic question

(The topic of the lesson is presented on the slides, which summarize the key points of the issue under discussion.)

    As an accompaniment to the teacher's explanation

(In my practice, I use multimedia presentation notes created specifically for specific lessons containing short text, basic formulas, diagrams, drawings, video clips. When using multimedia presentations in the process of explaining a new topic, a linear sequence of frames is sufficient, winning moments of the topic. Definitions, schemes may also appear on the screen, which the children copy into a notebook, while the teacher, without wasting time on repetition, has time to tell more.)

    As an informational and educational tool

In teaching, a special emphasis is placed today on the child's own activity in the search, comprehension and processing of new knowledge. In this case, the teacher acts as the organizer of the learning process, the leader of the students' independent activities, providing them with the necessary help and support.

    Like an interactive laboratory

The presence of multimedia software makes it possible to compensate for the lack of laboratory facilities, thanks to the ability to simulate processes and natural phenomena, which is especially important for conducting lessons on the world around us, etc.

    To control knowledge

The use of computer testing increases the efficiency of the educational process, activates the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Tests can be variants of cards with questions, the answers to which the student writes in a notebook or on a special form of answers, at the request of the teacher, the change of slides can be configured to automatically switch after a certain time interval.

When creating a test with a choice of answer on a computer, you can organize the conclusion of the reaction about the correctness (not correctness) of the choice made or without indicating the correctness of the choice made. You can provide for the possibility of re-selecting the answer. Such tests should provide for the conclusion of results about the number of correct and incorrect answers. Based on the results of such tests, one can judge the degree of readiness and desire of students to study this section.

    For stress relief, relaxation

To relieve tension, switch attention, especially when the lesson takes place at the end of the school day, we use presentations that can entertain, relieve tension. For example, physical education.

    Students can also prepare presentations to accompany their own report.

    To summarize the lesson: conclusions, answer to the question posed, reflection.

    For training (vocabulary work, oral counting)

    To accompany interactive games

    For individual and distance learning

I use educational electronic resources as:

    Illustrations of educational material (tables, diagrams, experiments, video clips,

    musical works);

    2. Support of educational material (assignments, tests, presentation texts, etc.)

    3. The source of educational material (electronic textbook, task development

    for independent work of a student).

    Usage ICT v initial classes on various ur okah


    In mathematics lessons, using slides created in PowerPoint, examples, problems, chains for oral counting can be demonstrated, mathematical warm-ups and self-tests, etc. can be organized. I use the presentations for math warm-up assignments from the collection of games and exercises for verbal counting. Animated presentation when learning new things. When fixing the multiplication table, I use simulators in a playful way.

    The world

    In general, for these lessons, the presentation is just a godsend. Pictures of the nature around us, animals, seas, oceans, natural zones, the water cycle, food chains - everything can be reflected on the slides. And it is easier to check knowledge: tests, crosswords, puzzles, charades - everything makes the lesson fascinating, and therefore memorable. In an entertaining way, they get acquainted with the external and internal structure of the human body, learn about preventive measures and proper balanced nutrition. Invaluable help is provided by presentations, video materials, electronic textbooks in acquaintance with various cities and countries.

    Literacy training

    A child's first days in school are the most difficult. Play is essential to maintain continuity between kindergarten and school, and to reduce mental and physical overload. With the help of presentations, great opportunities open up for engaging elements of play and entertainment in literacy classes.

    They are hidden in the picturesque nature of text and illustrated material and give impetus to children's imagination, the work of creative imagination. It should be noted that a huge role in the presentation is played not only by the demonstration of the image, but by animation, i.e. movement of pictures, letters, words.

    I am greatly assisted in the preparation of such lessons by the Integrated teaching and learning method beginning. shk. 1-4 cl. Cyril and Methodius. Russian language.

    Russian language

    Probably, many will agree that children find Russian language lessons boring and uninteresting. Psychologists have proven that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one's own positive attitude, emotions, does not become useful - it is a dead weight. How to make pupils listen in the lesson, with the help of what means and methods to light in their eyes an inquisitive light of thirst for knowledge? You can always find something interesting, exciting and entertaining in the Russian language (word formation, spelling of sibilants, vocabulary, etc.). It is very convenient to use presentations when working on presentation and composition: plan, questions, difficult words, the picture itself - all this is in front of the eyes of the children. And not always in school there is a picture that is needed according to the program, so multimedia is very convenient.

    Literary reading

    Reading lessons can be especially interesting with the help of a presentation. Portraits of writers, places where they lived and worked, staging individual episodes from works, drawing up a plan, vocabulary work, catchphrases, tongue twisters, literary quizzes - everything becomes interesting if you use these modern methods.

    Along with the presentation at literary reading lessons, you can watch videos on the topic, accompany the lesson with music. For example, when reading the story of K. Paustovsky "Basket with fir cones", I invite the children to listen to the works of E. Grieg. This always evokes a lively emotional response, increases interest in the text read.

    Fine arts, technology.

    The presentation can also be used in fine art lessons: portraits of artists, reproductions, diagrams, drawing sequence, etc. Samples of products and stages of work on project activities in technology lessons, etc.

    The computer is also a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children, including the most infantile or disinhibited ones. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with a class frontally. The impact of educational material on students largely depends on the degree and level of illustrativeness of the material. The visual richness of the educational material makes it vivid, convincing, contributes to its better assimilation and memorization.

    In elementary school, I use presentations at all stages of the lesson: when explaining new material, consolidating, repeating, controlling, etc. The child becomes a seeker, thirsty for knowledge, tireless, creative, persistent and hardworking.

    Analysis of lessons with the use of presentations showed that cognitive motivation increases, mastery of complex material is facilitated.

    In addition, fragments of lessons that use presentations reflect one of the main principles of creating a modern lesson - the principle of attractiveness. Thanks to the presentations, the children, who were usually not very active in the classroom, began to actively express their opinion and reason.

    Thus, the work spent on the management of cognitive activity using ICT means justifies itself in all respects:

    Improves the quality of knowledge

    Promotes the child's overall development

    Helps to overcome difficulties

    Brings joy to a child's life

    Allows you to conduct training in the zone of proximal development

    Creates favorable conditions for better understanding between teachers and students and their cooperation in the educational process.

    Computers and information technology in general are a convenient tool that, if used wisely, can bring an element of novelty to a school lesson, increase students' interest in acquiring knowledge, and make it easier for a teacher to prepare for classes.

    The use of a computer at different stages of learning allows to bring the time of active work of students in the lesson to 75-80% of the lesson time, instead of the usual 15-20%. Modern schoolchildren learn information from the computer screen faster and with great interest than from the teacher's words.

    Result use ICT

    The results of using computer technology are as follows:

    Increasing the effectiveness of teaching (development of the intellect of schoolchildren and the skills of independent work to search for information; a variety of forms of educational activity of children in the classroom);

    Implementation of an individual approach to training (work independently at an optimal speed for yourself);

    Expansion of the volume of educational information presented;

    Providing flexibility in managing the educational process (tracking the process and the result of your work);

    Improving the organization of the lesson (didactic material is always available in sufficient quantity);

    Improving the quality of control of students' knowledge and the diversity of its form;

    Inclusion of children in collective activities in pairs, in groups;

    Increasing the child's interest in studying the subject and learning in general, improving the quality of education, enhancing the creative potential of the student and teacher;

    The inclusion of schoolchildren and teachers in the modern space of the information society, self-realization and self-development of the student's personality.

    The results of the use of ICT are the comprehensive development of students and teachers, the organization of the learning process at a higher methodological level, and an increase in the efficiency and quality of education. The use of modern technical teaching aids allows you to achieve the desired result. The use of modern information technologies in the classroom makes learning bright, memorable, interesting for a student of any age, forms an emotionally positive attitude towards the subject. Extensive use of the computer makes learning more visual, understandable and memorable. Not only the teacher can check the student's knowledge using the testing system, but the child himself can control the degree of assimilation of the material.