Email client to a USB flash drive. We run programs from a flash drive without installation! Create a new message

Convenient portable email client characterized by its small size, simplicity and ease of use. Allows you to secure your access to e-mail on other people's computers.

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Comparison with paid analogue

nPOPuk allows you to work simultaneously with several mailboxes, send messages with attachments and promptly notify about new incoming mail, but at the same time it "weighs" just a little more than half a megabyte!

Piafi MailKnocker is a paid email program similar in functionality:

If we compare nPOPuk with its paid counterpart, we can say that it has only one drawback - an insufficiently informative notification window about incoming mail. Otherwise, our mini-client is much more functional.

Preparing to work with the program

As mentioned above, nPOPuk is a portable program, which means that it does not require traditional installation. You just need to download the archive from our website and unpack it to a convenient place on your hard drive.

In the archive, in addition to the mail client itself (which is just one executable file), you will also find a partially Russified version of the program and a folder "Settings files".

It contains several examples of files for quickly setting up access to mail on some popular E-Mail services.

Basically, you can delete the original EXE file and use only the file “ nPOPuk (RUS) .exe", On the example of which we will understand the work of the client.

Connecting to your email account

nPOPuk at the first start will ask us to connect at least one valid email account. In this case, by default, the program invites us to use a special settings file for this.

ISP- a company providing a communication service.

In the archive you will find examples of such files for services Mail.Ru, Ukr.NET, Gmail and HotMail, however, if you have a different mail provider, then you better uncheck the "Use settings file" checkbox and set the configuration of mail servers manually:

The mail account setup window will appear. Six tabs, two of which must be filled in without fail.

Setting up incoming mail (POP3)

POP3(English Post Office Protocol Version 3) - post office protocol, version 3.

We need the "POP3" tab in order to set the parameters of the incoming mail server, which works over the POP3 protocol.

Almost all modern mail providers support it.

The most important thing here is to correctly fill in the "POP3 server" field and enter your username and password from the mailbox.

The server address usually matches the address of your ISP with the postscript “ pop." or " pop3."(Check the availability of a troika in the help on the provider's website).

Also, pay attention to the additional connection parameters:

MD5(English Message Digest 5) is a 128-bit hashing algorithm (converting an arbitrary data block into a fixed-length string).
  • "Enable APOP" is a POP protocol command that allows you to enable encrypted transmission of your password on some services (encrypted using the MD5 algorithm);
  • "Enable SSL" - the function of establishing an encrypted connection with the e-mail server. Some providers work only via a secure channel, therefore, they definitely require this option to be enabled and the port changed (most often to 995);
  • Disable ‘RETR’ command - this function allows you to forcibly prohibit the full download of the message to the computer. When this option is activated, only the email header and the first few lines will be automatically loaded.
  • "Get rid of Check All / Update All" - this option allows you to exclude the current account from the list of checked ones using the "Check All" and "Update All" commands.

Configuring Send (SMTP)

After configuring the incoming mail server, go to the "SMTP" tab and specify the parameters of the outgoing mail server:

Here, the server address usually always corresponds to the provider's address with the "smtp."

Most servers require a password to send mail from the specified account, therefore, most likely, you will need to activate the first item "Enable SMTP authorization".

By default, the data you entered for the POP connection will be used for authorization, but some services require password encryption. This feature can be enabled by clicking the "Settings" button and selecting the desired encryption type.

Also, most servers allow sending mail only through a secure channel, which will require you to activate the second item "Enable SSL". In the "Settings" here you can select the required type of encryption (by default, it is determined automatically).

POP before SMTP is an alternative SMTP authentication that is sometimes found on older services.

If, when you try to send a letter, you receive a message that the server cannot resolve your IP, then most likely this type of authorization is used on the server.

The last item "Always Bcc" allows you to always add a field with the so-called "blind carbon copy" to the messages you send.

This can be useful to you if you want to send a letter to several people, but do not want them to see the addresses of other recipients, which are written in this field.

Other settings

At this, you can complete the connection of the account, or you can continue by adjusting some parameters in the remaining sections (by the way, this can be done later by selecting the "Edit" item in the context menu of the mailbox).

In the appropriate tabs, we can set:

  • your unique signature for all outgoing emails;
  • filtering and sorting options for incoming messages;
  • connection methods (by default - LAN);
  • methods of receiving correspondence (global settings are used by default).

We save all the settings with the "Ok" button.

Receive emails and notifications of new messages

So, if we did everything correctly, then the working window of the program with the newly created mailbox will appear in front of us, and we will be able to receive all letters for this mailbox.

To do this, just select the account name on the left panel and click the "Check account" or "Check all accounts" button (if you did not disable this option during setup):

All messages on the server will be downloaded as unread.

They will be stored in a file MailBox0.dat in the same folder as the executable file nPOPuk (RUS) .exe.

If you don't really want to re-read them all over again, then you can do much easier: select them all (for example, by pressing CTRL + A) and click the "Mark as read" button:

This way we will get rid of reminders of old letters and will be ready to accept new ones.

By default, nPOPuk checks mail only in manual mode and, accordingly, does not notify us of new incoming messages.

If you have unlimited Internet, then I suggest correcting this shortcoming. This is done very simply: just activate the "Enable auto-check" item in the "File" menu.

Also, you can configure some parameters of this function.

In the same "File" menu, activate the "Global settings" item and go to the "Check" tab.

Be sure to make sure that the first checkbox "Display new mail notification" is activated, and then you can customize everything to your liking.

For example, you can set your own sound for mail notification (in the format Wav) or change the check interval from the standard 10 minutes to 1.

If you have done everything as described above, then when a message comes to your mailbox, you will see the following notification:

So we got to the function of reading letters. To read a message, just double-click on it with the left mouse button or use the "Open" item from the "Mail" menu:

Here we see that the mail reading window consists of:

  • menu bars;
  • a toolbar that provides access to the most requested functions;
  • header lines, which indicate from whom the message came and its subject;
  • working field, on which the message text is displayed.

nPOPuk by default only works in text mode, that is, all HTML tags used for markup (except for links) will be removed and we can only see plain text with links.

If we want to see the original look of the letter with all the pictures and beauties, we will have to strain a little.

In the reading window, go to the "View" menu and click the "text / html" item.

The "Attached file" window will open, where the HTML document we need will appear as an attachment.

We mark the item "Open", click "Ok" and admire the original letter in the browser:

By the way, the generated page will be stored in a special "attach" folder next to the executable file of the program.

Sending letters

There are two ways to write and send an email from nPOPuk.

1. Create a new message

To do this, click the "New message" button on the main toolbar.

First, the "Properties" window will open, in which you will need to specify from which account and to whom the letter is sent.

Also, here you can:

  • Specify the subject of the message;
  • "Attach" any files to an email;
  • Add recipients.
  • Configure message priority (not supported by all E-Mail services).
  • Enable notifications of receipt and reading of your message by the addressee.

After filling in all the required fields, click "OK" and go to the message editor (its window will be in the next screenshot).

2. Reply to an incoming letter

The second option is often more convenient. To use it, you can:

  • select the required letter in the list and select the "Reply" item in the context menu;
  • or open the same letter and click the button of the same name on the toolbar.

The message editor window will appear with the quotation of the selected letter:

As you can see from the screenshot, we write the answer at the top, above the quotation by default, but this (if necessary) can be easily changed in the general settings in the "Answer" tab.

Also there you can customize the citation template, which is in English by default and the quotation symbol (by default ">").

After your message takes the desired form, you can:

  • send immediately by clicking the "Send now" button;
  • postpone sending until the data is updated ("Save and mark");
  • or even just save in Outbox to send manually sometime later ("Save in Outbox").

In any case, no matter what button you press, your letter will be saved in a special folder called "" and is located in the list of mailboxes at the very top.

Unfortunately, you cannot rename this folder. Moreover, all outgoing correspondence from all connected accounts will be saved in it, which is not very convenient :(. But in the absence of other options, you will have to come to terms with this.

As mentioned above, this folder can store both already sent messages (the envelope icon in the screenshot), and those marked for sending (the icon with a red arrow) and simply saved (without the icon).

The sent letters do not require our intervention, since they have already been successfully sent to the recipient. If a failure occurs during sending, the letters are automatically marked for delayed sending.

Delayed sending of all marked messages is performed during local or global account renewal. To send all pending letters, you need to go to the folder and click the "Update account" button on the toolbar.

There are many useful things in nPOPuk, but one of the most important and necessary, in my opinion, is the "Address Book":

In it we can store an unlimited number of contacts with the ability to add comments to each of them. You can get access to the Address Book from the "File" menu or by clicking the button of the same name on the toolbar of the main window.

In addition to entering the address, alias and comment to the contact, we can also set a group for it, so that at the right time it is faster and more convenient to find the desired addresses.

In the mode of writing a letter, the Address Book can be quickly accessed by clicking the "To" button.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • small but almost complete mobile email client;
  • the ability to send letters with attachments;
  • SSL protocol support;
  • notifications about new incoming letters;
  • various options for loading and managing messages.
  • there is no function of automatic sorting of letters (can be bypassed using the functions of local and global filtering);
  • rather complex system of additional settings;
  • there is no support for the usual windows-1251 encoding (iso-8859-5 is used instead, which does not always display some punctuation marks and letters correctly);
  • no built-in HTML viewer / editor.


Without a doubt, we can say that nPOPuk is one of the most advanced mini-clients for working with email. Despite its modest size, it contains functions that are not always found even in full-fledged email programs (for example, the POP command before SMTP)!

Accordingly, it is a sin to complain that something is missing in the program. As for a mobile client, it has everything!

A little upset me that I could not fully Russify the program interface. I had two options:

  • download the sources and translate them (there would be a complete translation);
  • or try to localize the program using the resource editor.

I decided to go the tricky way and fix the language through Resource Hacker ... But even after translating all the available resources, some lines (especially in the menu) remained in English and I could not do anything about it, so I left Russification in the form in which you see in the screenshots.

Naturally, I tried to translate the source codes, but after a trial compilation, I got a file larger than a megabyte in the output, which is clearly more than half the original version of the program. Alas, I'm not a programmer, so I decided to leave this idea behind :(.

Actually, that's all :). Anyone who is looking for a simple small portable mail client that can be run from a USB flash drive or a floppy disk - be sure to download! Better, you still won't find :).

The rest, as they say, at will. I wish you to receive only pleasant letters and always optimize all your work on your PC as much as possible;).


Email today certainly plays a very important role in the communication of people on the Internet. With its help, you can not only send and receive simple text letters, but also send any files to your addressees, practically without restrictions!

Historically, there have been two approaches to working with email. Those who had the Internet (and, accordingly, E-Mail) back in the 90s - early 2000s, got used to using special mail programs to check their mailbox.

These applications allow you to check for messages in an unlimited number of mailboxes, edit and send emails, with virtually no restrictions.

The disadvantage of such programs is their "attachment" to a working PC and sometimes excessive cumbersomeness (especially if you add functionality using plugins).

The second type of approach to working with E-Mail was formed already in the 2000s, when high-speed unlimited Internet began to appear among users. Its essence is that mail is checked directly on the provider's website using the web interface.

The advantage of this approach is that you can check your mailbox from any device with Internet access, without the need to install third-party programs! However, it also has a drawback - if you have accounts on several services, you will have to constantly rush between sites to check messages.

And entering your passwords on unfamiliar computers is an unsafe occupation.

Therefore, advanced users prefer to use the third way - small portable mail clients.

Their plus is that they provide all the basic functions of full-fledged mail programs, they allow you to monitor several mail accounts at the same time, but at the same time they are small and can be run directly from a USB flash drive or even from a floppy disk!

And in this article we got acquainted with one of such mini-clients - the nPOPuk program.

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and cite this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

It is always a good idea to keep a USB stick close at hand with useful tools for system maintenance work. Firstly, it is not tied to your computer and in the event of a storage device failure, the flash drive will be available. And you can use such a flash drive on any computer. Best of all, portable programs can be used on any PC without installation. Just plug in the device, launch the program and work with it as if it were installed on this computer. At the same time, all the data and settings that she needs to work are saved to the same flash drive and will always be used when starting from any computer.

Below I have prepared for you a set of five useful portable programs from the PortableApps set that you can write to a flash drive and use, if necessary, on any available computer.

To install any application on the PortableApps platform, you need to download the platform, launch it and select the item from the menu Application Management"Load more programs ...""By category"... An example is in the picture below.

1. Spybot - Search & Destroy

Free utility for finding and removing spyware, tracking modules and everything connected with it. It has established itself for a long time and to this day, many users use it with pleasure on their computers.

2. Autoruns

A very useful thing in the arsenal of any Windows computer user. Thanks to this simple, fast and convenient tool, you can quickly disable additional startup modules, which greatly simplifies the process of starting and working for the system.

3. System Explorer

A powerful and fairly convenient task manager with advanced features. For Windows 8, it may duplicate the functionality of a standard tool, but for all previous versions of Windows, this tool is more than useful and relevant for diagnosing various kinds of malfunctions and problems.

4. CrystalDiskInfo and CrystalDiskMark

Two utilities from one developer that will tell you all the information about the installed disks in detail. Very useful in identifying disk problems on your computer.

5. FreeCommander

And finally, the file manager. It is often necessary to quickly go through the folders and see their contents, delete something, and transfer something. Such two-pane file managers are very convenient in this regard (see also). Although, of course, in the latest versions of Windows, Explorer can handle this perfectly. But if there are problems with it, then the portable version of FreeCommander will come in handy.

In addition to the above programs in the PortableApps package, you can install many other applications, not only from the category of utilities. There you can find applications for working with charts, multimedia, the Internet and much more. The catalog of portable applications on the PortableApps platform includes a fairly impressive set of more than 300 free portable applications.

If you use any other applications in your arsenal that are not listed in this set, then tell us about them in the comments below.

How to choose a USB flash drive and not regret it later? Hi admin! From the very creation (4 years) I have been watching your site and noticed that if you write an article where a flash drive appears to some extent, then you have only two flash drives on the screenshots, that is, these flash drives are more than four years old. It's amazing, because you don't put them anywhere, but you have them alive! My job has nothing to do with a computer, but over the past year I have already changed two flash drives.

1. Please, tell me how to choose the right flash drive and what criteria to consider when buying?

2. Which manufacturer should you prefer? What size of a flash drive is better to choose?

3. Is it true that flash drives are divided into classes and the fastest flash drive is of the 10th class and its write speed is 10 MB?

4. Is a USB 3.0 flash drive much faster than a USB 2.0 flash drive?

5. What happens if you insert a USB 3.0 flash drive into a USB 2.0 port on the motherboard and vice versa insert a USB 2.0 flash drive into a USB 3.0 port, will they burn out?

6. In which program can you test a USB flash drive for performance and why is it important to know not only the average sequential read and write speed to a USB flash drive, but also what all flash drive manufacturers are silent about -random write speed in blocks of 512 kb and 4 kb(details below)!

How to choose a USB flash drive

Hello friends, just a flash drive for me is a working tool and if it does not work, what kind of professional I am then! In fact, I have five flash drives, three of them are more than five years old, not to say that they are the fastest, but reliable, real workhorses.

Two USB flash drives are bootable with operating systems and I only use them to install these systems, of course, you can store various files on flash drives, flash drives will remain bootable at this time, but I don't like clutter, so I use the other three to store files.

A USB flash drive is perhaps the most versatile removable storage device today that can be connected to a variety of devices - a computer, tablet, smartphone, digital TV, media player and other equipment that is equipped with a USB port and can play certain other file formats. It would seem, what is so special about choosing a flash drive? You go to the point of sale of computer equipment and choose the one that suits the price and the amount of memory, but not everything is so simple friends, even the choice of a flash drive needs to be approached consciously - so as not to end up buying a "USB brick", destroying your nervous ones with its slow work cells.

I remember very well the time (10 years ago) when the first flash drives appeared in our computer stores and of course they were expensive. I then worked as a system administrator and eventually acquired a 512 MB flash drive, but to my shame I don't remember the name of the manufacturer. This flash drive worked for several years. By the way, this flash drive is still somewhere at my work, I kept thinking I’ll start a website and write an article about flash drives, if I find it, I will definitely attach a photo to the article.

In general, the first flash drive appeared in the USA and was a great rarity, it had no more than 10 MB of memory, and it cost half a hundred dollars! Since then, prices have dropped a bit, haven't they?

How do I choose and buy a USB flash drive. I reveal all the secrets!

Friends, if you need a flash drive seriously and for a long time, then it is wrong to buy a flash drive right away. If you buy a USB flash drive in an online store, then you need to choose a flash drive model and find out all the existing information about it on the manufacturer's official website, but even there they may not tell you all the information, for example, they will be silent about the speed of reading and writing a flash drive, they will simply write Speed - Standard,

it means 25 MB / s (read), 5 MB / s (write). But you can search for information on the Internet, surely someone has already bought your USB flash drive, tested it and posted a visual result and a positive review that you will surely like!

The same applies to those users who want to buy a USB stick from a simple computer store.

Come to the store, take your time and do not listen to the consultants, tell me what you want choose a flash drive yourself, remember or take a photo of the assortment on your phone along with prices, you can even write down the names and models of all the flash drives you are interested in in your notebook! If you want a flash drive for a long time, choose branded manufacturers: Kingston DataTraveler, Corsair, Transcend, Silicon Power, Apacer. Then we don't buy the USB flash drive, we come home and go to the USB flash drive manufacturer's website, look at the necessary information.

Classification of flash drives

Flash drives are classified such concepts as:

1. Interface

USB 1.0 (1.1) is an outdated and rarely seen USB flash drive interface.

USB 2.0 is the most common type of flash drive now

USB 3.0 is a new interface that will very soon replace USB 2.0.

2. The amount of memory of the USB flash drive

A few years ago, when flash drives first appeared on the market, they could be found with 512 MB of memory. Flash drives with such a small volume were in demand due to the fact that they were much cheaper than alternatives with large volumes. They were bought, as a rule, by those who work with documents. 512 MB was enough to put important documents on them and work with them anywhere - at work, at home, from any computer device.

Later, when flash drives became more affordable, many could afford to purchase this small device with a much larger volume. 4, 8, 16 GB - it was already possible to put high-quality multimedia files on flash drives with such volumes, burn weighty images of boot disks for installing the Windows operating system, store data backups, etc. Today you can already buy a flash drive with a memory capacity of 164 GB - a kind of portable mini-hard drive.

As for the memory size of the flash drive, the rule works here - the more, the better. However, it should be borne in mind that the memory size of the flash drive affects its price. And if you don't really want to overpay for the extra gigabytes that you may need so far only in the future, you can choose a 16 GB flash drive... This volume is enough for creating bootable media and storing large files, for example, video in good quality. But if the flash drive will be used to play 3D movies from it in the future, you need to take care of more space.

Small flash drives - 8 or 16 GB, the best price.

Medium sticks - 32 or 64 GB, expensive sticks.

Large sticks - 128 GB, very expensive.

3. Speed ​​of reading and writing information

By the way, this is the very parameter that, with its weak indicators, can fray your nerves. Imagine how long you will wait for the end of the process of copying a movie in HD resolution to a USB flash drive, if its read and write performance is poor. A USB flash drive with a 2.0 connection interface is considered a good one; its data write speed is 10 Mb / s. But today on the market you can find more productive flash drives of a new format - with a 3.0 connection interface. Their data recording speed reaches 50-100 Mb / s.

But it is important to know not only with average speed of sequential reading and writing to a USB flash drive, but also the speed of random writing in blocks of 512 kb and 4 kb! All this is shown in tests later in the article.

Most of the flash drives interface USB 2.0 has an average sequential read and write speed to a USB flash drive of 20 MB / s (read), 5 MB / s (write). Try to have a USB flash drive that exceeds these parameters, at least 30 MB / s (read), 7-8 MB / s (write), if your flash drive is capable of recording at a speed of 10 MB / s or even higher, then you bought what you need!

4. USB flash drive warranty

The warranty for branded flash drives is about 5 years, but just do not throw away the box from the flash drive.

5. Body and Design as well as p flash drive size

Friends, in today's article I will test flash drives of various manufacturers and of very different designs, you can choose the flash drive that you like.

The body of the flash drive is of no small importance. If a pretty case design is to be welcomed, a practical case is a must. Flash drives with a casing made of rubberized material have proven themselves well. The body assembly must be solid. Such a flash drive will not break even if you step on it (and this happens), dust and dirt will not penetrate through the rubber inside the case. Metal and plastic cases can also be made with high quality, but they still lose to rubberized material in practicality.

An excessively large case can interfere with the use of a flash drive, because the USB ports of a computer are very close, and in some laptop models only two of them can be implemented, and those next to each other. If a USB mouse, controller or other device is connected to one of the ports, a flash drive in a large case simply will not fit next to it.

Please note that a USB flash drive and a USB modem for the Internet cannot be inserted simultaneously into two nearby USB ports on a laptop, so it is right to choose not only a USB flash drive, but also a laptop, it is advisable for a laptop to have another USB connector on the other side of the case, read our article - ...

And a flash drive with a too small case is very easy to lose, and even with careless use, such ones often break. The average size of the flash drive case is the best option.

It is better to choose a flash drive with a retractable connector, because the body caps, as a rule, are quickly lost.

If you want some kind of creativity, you can hurry up and look for a USB flash drive in the original case - in the form of a keychain, souvenir or jewelry. This will emphasize your individuality and exquisite taste. But such flash drives should be bought carefully, you should not give preference to the cool design of the case to the detriment of reliability and performance.

1) Simple shape USB stick with cap.

2) Flash drive with a retractable USB connector without a cap

3) Stylish durable metal body with capless ring

4) Non-standard flash drives an incomprehensible manufacturer, I would not buy. Once I was presented with a flash drive in the form of a cartridge, and with careful treatment, it honestly worked for one month and broke.

I would not choose such a USB flash drive either.

5. The type of memory used in the flash drive

All good flash drives use memory NAND- three-dimensional array of multi-level memory cells MLC.

Which flash drive to choose, USB 2.0 or USB 3.0?

If you do not have USB 3.0 ports on your computer or laptop (always blue) and in the near future you do not plan to buy a computer, then buy a USB 2.0 flash drive (prices for them are now penny), since despite the statements of all manufacturers that the USB 3.0 interface is backward compatible with the USB 2.0 interface in practice, this is a bit different and USB 3.0 flash drives and even USB 3.0 external hard drives sometimes shamelessly bug in USB 2.0 ports and vice versa.

If you have a new computer or laptop, it will definitely have the latest USB 3.0 ports and old USB 2.0 ports, which flash drive to buy then?

Personally, I have a USB 2.0 flash drive and one USB 3.0 interface.

Let's first select a USB 3.0 flash drive, and then USB 2.0, as there are nuances.

How to choose a USB flash drive USB 3.0

The official website of the flash drive manufacturer will tell you all the information you need. We came to the store and, for example, we liked this flash drive. Kingston DataTraveler Mini 3.0 32GB.

The flash drive itself says DTM30 32GB... which means the name of the manufacturer Kingston, DataTraveler Mini line, USB 3.0 interface, 32 GB flash drive.

Stylish, durable metal body with capless ring.

Go to the official website and select USB drives and Personal users.

We see all devices from this manufacturer, select our DataTraveler Mini 3.0 and click on Specifications and see everything that interests us:

Capacity 1: 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, 128GB

Speed ​​2: 16GB - 70MB / s read, 10MB / s write

32GB, 64GB, 128GB - 70MB / s read, 15MB / s write

Size: 42.33mm x 12.66mm x 5.98mm

Working temperature: 0 ° C to 60 ℃

Our drive with a volume of 32 GB means its speed characteristics are as follows - 70 MB / s (read), 15 MB / s (write).

I want to say that 15 MB / s write is a good result. But does this flash drive really have such high-speed characteristics? We will find out this further in the tests.

You can also click on the Compare DataTraveler button

and view all the flash drives available from Kingston, then compare the speed characteristics and select the desired flash drive.

Click to enlarge screenshot

That's it, now we just need to order a USB flash drive via the Internet or just go to a computer store and buy it.

Flash drive test in CrystalDiskMark program

You will definitely want to test the new flash drive for speed.

Note: If you are testing a USB 3.0 interface flash drive, then respectively connect the USB flash drive to the USB 3.0 port (blue)

If you are testing a USB flash drive NOT on a laptop, but on a simple system unit, I advise you to connect the flash drive to the USB 3.0 port (blue) located "behind" the system unit, that is, directly on the motherboard, before testing. If you test a flash drive connected to the USB connector on the front panel, the speed in tests will be slightly lower.

With this test you can find out the real speed characteristics of your flash drive.

Download the CrystalDiskMark program on the official website

and run. Select the drive letter of our flash drive G: and press All, the whole test has begun.

CrystalDiskMark gives an average speed of sequential read and write to a USB flash drive and speed of random read and write in blocks of 512 and 4Kb.

Result: a Kingston DataTraveler Mini 3.0 32GB flash drive has such speed characteristics - an average speed of 110 MB / s (read), 41 MB / s (write), we also look at the speed of random read and write in blocks of 512 and 4 kb.

Friends, the program showed a good write speed for a flash drive - 41 MB / s, is it really so?

Let's carry out the simplest test that exists, just copy a 1.5 gigabyte movie onto our flash drive and see how fast it will be copied to the flash drive.

The write speed is 20 MB / s, almost as stated by the seller, so the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Why is the speed of random reading and writing in blocks of 512 and 4 kb important?

Friends, we will test one more USB 3.0 interface flash drive, I will not speak about the manufacturer. Note the average sequential read and write speeds of 211 MB / s (read), 93 MB / s (write). In theory, it should be twice as fast as my flash drive, but in practice, copying information to this flash drive is a little faster than to mine, the flash drive is nevertheless expensive, and the box bears an inscription of 200 MB / s.

So called portable version programs are programs that are unpacked to any place, say on a USB flash drive, and can work on any computer IMMEDIATELY without installation... It can be very convenient - you insert your USB flash drive with the unpacked program into any computer - and immediately launch the program from your USB flash drive! When I reinstall windows myself, then I immediately copy dozens of portable programs listed below to the hard drive from the flash drive, stupidly drop the shortcuts of the executable.exe files to the desktop - and that's it ... IMMEDIATELY after starting to work with the system - I ALREADY are available without installation two dozen of the most needed programs !!! Of course, so that all documents are automatically recognized when they are clicked by applications, then I still install part of the programs (for example, an office) ... But this can already be done later ... when the mood and time is right :-)

So ... we begin to list the most popular and necessary portable versions of the program: in all cases in the article - in the brief description of any program there is a link to its working version which can be run even from a flash drive

Your antivirus protection from a USB stick!
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Viewing video and audio with a universal player GOM media player portable or VLC media player portable

Text recognising the most advanced program ABBYY FineReader portable

Utilities, keeping your system clean - Uninstall Tool portable and CCleaner portable .

Text messaging program and sharing files over the network

The popularity of devices such as a portable speaker with a USB flash drive is due to their enormous functionality.

Using a compact and relatively inexpensive gadget is possible several times.

Or just play your favorite tunes, having such a portable speaker and (or a flash card) with you.

In fact, all speakers with flash drives are mp3 players with an external audio playback device.

And some of them have such stylish designs that they can even decorate a small party.


NewPal GS009

A small Chinese device looks more like a bright toy. However, despite such a frivolous look and quite affordable cost, it has good functionality.

First of all, this is the ability to work not only from a USB flash drive or memory card, but also from almost any smartphone - including versions on and iOS.

And it can also be used as a radio receiver, provides quite a decent sound volume (not less than 70 dB) and is available in several colors - from white to bright blue.


  • Bluetooth communication range: up to 15 m;
  • frequencies: 100–20,000 Hz;
  • carriers: USB stick, TF / microSD memory card;
  • battery: 400 mAh, up to 4 hours of use;
  • sound power: 3 W;
  • weight: 165 g;
  • cost: 570 rub.

Bluetwo TD-V26

The TD-V26 is a portable mini-speaker capable of playing music on its own or via headphones connected to the standard 3.5mm input.

Information about the operating mode and the track being played is displayed on a small one. And audio recordings can be stored on a microSD card or a USB flash drive connected to the side.

The sound quality and volume of the device are not very suitable for playing audio recordings at a considerable distance.

But it is perfectly audible for a small company or in an ordinary room.

At the same time, the device has a durable aluminum case and weighs just over 100 grams.

It works in autonomous mode for at least 2 hours, while 40 minutes are enough to charge the built-in battery.


  • sound: 3 W;
  • sound frequency: 150-18000 kHz;
  • battery: 400 mAh, 2-3 hours of work;
  • drives: U-disk, USB-flash drive, microSD up to 32 GB;
  • weight: 118 g;
  • price: from 360 rubles.


The portable YCYY X3S immediately stands out for its affordable price tag.

For only $ 7 on the Internet, you can order a compact and functional device that can play audio files from flash drives and microSD cards, record sound using and even work in tandem with a mobile phone.

The built-in Bluetooth-module allows the mini-player to receive data from any phone supporting this type of communication, including older models without operating systems.

Product parameters:

  • power: 3 W;
  • support of carriers: USB-flash drives, microSD-cards;
  • features: wireless connection up to 10 m;
  • weight: 273 g;
  • battery: 500 mAh, autonomy up to 3 hours;
  • cost: from 420 rubles.

Zinsoko KR8800

Portable Zinsoko KR8800 is easily combined with various devices - from laptops to tablets and smartphones. The main thing is that the connected device supports the technology.

Although the speaker-player can also play mp3 files from a medium - a microSD card, a USB flash drive or a U-disk. A powerful charge is enough for 4–5 hours of operation at maximum volume.

And if you wish, you can easily find an option in the color you need, choosing it for the style of clothing or for another technique.


  • speakers: 2 x 3 W;
  • frequency range: 20–20,000 Hz;
  • volume: up to 85 dB;
  • features: wireless connection, display;
  • capacity: 1200 mAh (up to 5 hours of work);
  • weight: 712 g;
  • cost: from 1400 rubles.


The main advantages of the NBY-18 include its relatively affordable cost with very impressive capabilities.

So, with its help it is easy to play graters with. The operating time reaches 10 hours, and the maximum volume is 80 decibels.

Moreover, it weighs only 230 g and has a length of 19 centimeters. Additional advantages include bright colors.

The disadvantage is the plastic case, which is not very durable to mechanical stress.


  • power: 2 x 3 W;
  • features: wireless connection (up to 10 m);
  • card support: USB carriers, microSD / TF cards;
  • battery: 1500 mAh, up to 10 hours;
  • weight: 230 g;
  • price: 1044 rub.

Ginzzu GM-986B

The Ginzzu GM-986B model weighs more than many portable speakers, but also has the most powerful 10W speaker.

Another plus is the ability to connect a smartphone, tablet or laptop using Bluetooth technology.

Although the speaker has enough of its own memory to play music - more precisely, an installed one or a USB flash drive.

If you want to listen to music alone, you can connect headphones.

Main parameters:

  • power: 10 W;
  • sound: 100–20,000 Hz;
  • volume: more than 72 dB;
  • media support: USB and microSD;
  • features: built-in radio;
  • battery parameters: 1500 mAh or 5-6 hours at full volume;
  • weight: 0.932 kg;
  • price: 1200 rub.

Xiaomi Mini Square Box 2 Blue

Xiaomi has long been known for relatively inexpensive and convenient gadgets such as smartphones or.

The portable of the same brand, which received support for wireless communication, two small speakers at once, and a stylish design was no exception.

Other advantages include work for 8-10 hours without recharging and control buttons conveniently located on one side of the device.

Technical features

  • sound: 2 x 3 W, 85–20,000 Hz;
  • communication range with Bluetooth devices - up to 10 m;
  • battery: 1500 mAh, up to 8 h;
  • weight: 266 g;
  • cost: 2600 rubles.


SUPRA BTS-555 looks a bit like a spaceship, while its weight is more like a small tablet. The 400 gram gadget is easy to carry in your bag or in your hands.

And its additional advantages include a bright screen located on the body, on which the time or the number of the track being played can be displayed.


  • power: 2 speakers of 3 W each;
  • battery: lithium, up to 8 hours of operation;
  • features: built-in microphone, radio;
  • media support: memory cards, flash drives;
  • weight: 410 g;
  • cost: 1450 rub.

Tesler PSS-777

Due to its 40 cm length, not everyone will call the TESLER PSS-777 stereo sound system truly portable. Although its weight is a little over 1 kilogram.

And the depth and height are compact enough not to take up much space.

On the side of the device there are connectors for various types of media, an inlet for and a battery cover, which ensures the operation of the device for 6-7 hours.


  • power: 2 x 2.5 W;
  • features: built-in radio, LCD display;
  • memory cards: microSD, USB-stick;
  • working time: up to 7 hours;
  • cost: 2390 rub.


The last device in the review, the BTA6000, weighs a whopping 5 kilograms.

However, thanks to the powerful battery that provides its operation for 8-10 hours, the model can be classified as a portable speaker.

Moreover, it is designed to play music from mobile devices with which it connects via Bluetooth.

The output power of the device is as much as 60 watts, which allows you to provide volume at the level of full-fledged audio systems.

And in order to listen to your favorite music it was more fun, it is equipped with a backlight.

Device parameters:

  • power: 60 W;
  • media support: flash drives and memory cards;
  • weight: 5100 g;
  • battery: 4000 mAh, up to 10 hours of work;
  • price: from 5200 rub.

Comparative characteristics