Major General of the Cossack troops and anti-corruption fighter N. Cheplov, opposition to United Russia party, was arrested. Glonass vs GPS

The Day of the Russian Space Forces, celebrated today, is timed to coincide with the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite in October 1957. Since then, the worries of this kind of troops have noticeably increased. The military is responsible for the operation of about one hundred orbital objects. These include GLONASS satellites, research vehicles, and the ISS.

Military technology has advanced so much. Instead of this spacecraft, we get a spacecraft that can be thought of as a soccer ball.

This is how, clearly, the colonel of the main test center named after German Titov, Andrei Ivashina, shows how military satellites have changed over the past decades. The dimensions are several times smaller - the possibilities are greater. The main center in Krasnoznamensk near Moscow is the heart and at the same time the brain of the Russian Space Forces. It is from here that all domestic spacecraft are controlled.

"These are spacecraft for navigation, communications, cartography, exploration of the earth's surface, the interior of the Earth. During the day, the GIC takes part in about 900 control sessions. The combat crew is carried out at all combat posts and allows you to fulfill the tasks that the GIC is facing," says Oleg Maidanovich, head of the main testing center named after G.S. Titov.

The command post of the center. Here, in complete silence, practically without interruption, information is received and transmitted simultaneously to three dozen satellites - from military satellites to the International Space Station.

"We have the means of collective display. In some cases, in order to increase efficiency, we need several types of information to be before the eyes of the duty shift, in order to reduce the reaction time," explains Sergey Berezhnoy, head of the command post of the Central Information Center of the CS.

The information that is now displayed on the monitors of these officers is strictly classified. Data from military reconnaissance satellites, telemetry and navigation come here in encrypted form. In this hall of the center, perhaps the main component of the space forces, the GLONASS apparatus, is controlled.

"Our task is to control, assess the state of onboard equipment and implement timely control actions in emergency situations," says Maxim Valuiko, head of the 14th test department.

This is the space control center in Shchelkovo near Moscow. And if the main test center named after Titov is the brain of the Space Forces of Russia, then here are their eyes and ears. From these dishes, session after session, there is a more precise tuning of the Russian navigation system.

"Measurements are taking place continuously. What is it for? The more accurately we know the position of the spacecraft, the more accurately we know the location of the consumer on the ground. Actually, what the whole GLONASS grouping is for is a navigation system," explains Andrey Poptsov, head of the department control and measuring systems.

This is the final point of communication with spacecraft. The officers are joking: behind them is only space. They receive all information from satellites and provide government communications. It is from here that the remote control of manned spacecraft comes. From the very start.

“At the time of launching into space orbit, the cosmonauts have no opportunity to control the launch vehicle, so it turns out that from launch to launch into orbit they are taken as in a taxi. A space taxi is like that,” says Oleg Kartavenko, deputy unit commander for logistics ...

Every day, at separate command and measuring complexes from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka, about 1000 servicemen take over on round-the-clock duty. For example, Dmitry Agafonov. He's only been here for 3 months. He served in the Space Forces, he says, he liked it. He entered the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy. Now here in the center for the control of outer space near Moscow.

"Cosmonautics is a promising topic. This is unknown. When I was in school, it was interesting how spacecraft fly, how it all happens," recalls Dmitry Agafonov, an engineer at the radio engineering department.

The time of foundation of the Russian Space Forces can be considered 1957, when, shortly before the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, a command-measuring complex for controlling spacecraft was created. The troops received their current name in 2001. The orbital group of the Space Forces today has about a hundred vehicles, each of which carries out its own program and is in its own orbit.

The Space Forces of Russia also have such a quantum-optical system "Strezhen". With the help of a laser beam, it can determine with maximum accuracy the parameters of movement of any spacecraft at a distance of up to 40 thousand kilometers. And, despite the fact that the beam is powerful enough, it is practically harmless. You can even touch it with your hands.

And yet, the main task of the Space Forces was and remains an early warning of the country's top leadership about a nuclear missile attack.

The readiness for the launch of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK and the implementation of the ISS Expedition Twenty-sixth crew work program was discussed today at a meeting of the Board of the Federal Space Agency.

Opening remarks were made by Anatoly Nikolaevich Perminov, head of the Federal Space Agency.

Nikolai Zelenshchikov, First Deputy General Designer JSC RSC Energia.

The board reported:

On the state of the structure, service systems of FGB "Zarya" and the service module of the International Space Station- Yuri Olegovich Bakhvalov, First Deputy General Designer of FSUE “GKNPTs named after M.V. Khrunichev” - Head of Design Bureau “Salyut”;
On the preparation of the Soyuz-FG launch vehicle for the launch of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK- Alexander Nikolaevich Kirilin, General Director of FSUE GNPRKTs TsSKB-Progress;
On the readiness of the launch complex to support the launch of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK- Igor Vladimirovich Barmin, General Designer for NKI - Deputy General Director of FSUE TsENKI;
On the readiness of GCC funds for work under the ISS program- Yuri Matevich Urlichich, General Director - General Designer of JSC Russian Space Systems;
Readiness of the measuring complex of the Baikonur cosmodrome for work under the ISS-26 program- Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Yablonsky, First Deputy General Director - Chief Designer of NPO IT JSC;
On the readiness of the Main Operational Control Group to work on the implementation of the ISS-26 program- Vladimir Alekseevich Solovyov, First Deputy General Designer, Deputy Head of the State Design Bureau of RSC Energia;
On the readiness of the MCC funds and personnel to work on the implementation of the ISS-26 program- Viktor Mikhailovich Ivanov, Deputy General Director of FSUE TsNIIMash - Head of MCC;
On the readiness of the main and backup crews of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK to work on the implementation of the ISS-26/27 program- Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev, Head of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “NII CTC named after Yu.A. Gagarin”;
On the health status of the ISS crews, the sanitary-hygienic and radiation situation on board the ISS, ensuring safe conditions for the work and rest of the crew members on board the ISS- Igor Borisovich Ushakov, Director of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - IBMP RAS;
On the readiness of medical forces and means for the launch of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK and the sanitary and epidemiological situation at the Baikonur cosmodrome- Vyacheslav A. Rogozhnikov, Deputy Head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency;
On the readiness of the search and rescue complex to carry out work to ensure the launch of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK- Sergei Arkadievich Prusov, Head of the Aerospace Search and Rescue Department of the Federal Air Transport Agency;
Conclusion of FSUE TsNIIMash on readiness for the implementation of the ISS-26 program and for the launch of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK Nikolai Georgievich Panichkin, First Deputy Director General of FSUE TsNIIMash, reported to the Roscosmos Collegium;
On the readiness of the forces and means of the Space Forces to carry out work on the launch of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK and on the implementation of the ISS-26 program- Andrey Vladimirovich Ivashina, deputy commander of military unit 32103 for scientific and testing work;
On the readiness of the Russian segment of the ISS and the rocket and space complex as a whole to carry out work under the ISS flight program- Vitaly Alexandrovich Lopota, President, General Designer of RSC Energia.

A decision was made by the State Commission on flight tests of manned space complexes, he was reported by Alexander Petrovich Lopatin, First Deputy Chairman of the State Commission.

The main tasks of the expedition under the ISS-26 flight program:
- insertion of the Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft with three members of the ISS-26/27 Expedition crew into the specified orbits;
- docking of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK with the ISS;
- launching the Progress M-09M cargo vehicle into the assigned orbits and docking to С01;
- unloading and placement of equipment delivered to the ISS;
- retrofitting, repair and material and technical maintenance of the ISS PC onboard systems;
- implementation of the program of scientific and applied research ISS-26;
- execution of two "exits" into open space;
- carrying out medical measures to maintain the health and performance of the crew.

During the ISS-26 expeditions, it is planned to carry out 41 space experiments. In accordance with the approved NPI Long-Term Program, the experiments are distributed in the following areas of research:

Physicochemical processes and materials in space conditions - 2;

Geophysics and near-earth space - 5;
- biomedical research - 7;
- Earth remote sensing - 4;
- research of the solar system -1;
- space biotechnology - 6;
- technical research and experiments - 10;
- study of physical conditions in outer space on the ISS-1 orbit;
- education and popularization of space research - 4;
- contract work - 1.

At present, TPK Soyuz TMA-20 is undergoing the final test cycle at the Baikonur cosmodrome before refueling.

The further schedule of preparation for the flight test of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK provides for the following works:
- crew training 04.12.2010
- work at the filling station 05.12.2010
- final operations 06.12.-11.12.2010
- training of crews 11.12.2010
- general assembly, docking with the launch vehicle 12.12.2010
- work on the UK 13.12.-15.12.2010

In general, there are no questions that hinder the decision to launch the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK.
On November 25, 2010, the Council of Chief Designers reviewed and confirmed the readiness of the ISS PC and the Soyuz-FG / Soyuz TMA-20 rocket and space complex to carry out work under the ISS-26 program.
RSC Energia received all the necessary private opinions of related enterprises and issued a general opinion on the readiness of TPK Soyuz TMA-20 for launch.
In accordance with the technological plan, regular work continues on preparing the launch complex for launch.
The launch complex will be prepared on time.

In its decision, the board noted the importance of the upcoming work to ensure the launch of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK for the implementation of the ISS flight program.
The Collegium agreed with the proposal of RSC Energia, approved by the Board of Chief Designers on November 25, 2010, to launch on December 15, 2010 to the International Space Station TPK Soyuz TMA-20 with the crew of the ISS-26 expedition. It was decided to make the final decision on launching the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK at a meeting of the State Commission for flight tests of manned space complexes.

The report of S.K. Krikalev, head of the FSBI "Research Institute of the CTC named after Y.A.

Prime crew
Commander of TPK Soyuz TMA-20, - Dmitry Kondratyev (Roscosmos) ISS-26 flight engineer, ISS-27 commander
flight engineer TPK "Soyuz TMA-20", - Paolo Nespoli (ESA) flight engineer ISS-26/27
flight engineer of TPK Soyuz TMA-20, - Catherine Coleman (NASA) flight engineer of ISS-26/27

Back-up crew
Soyuz TMA-20 TPK Commander, - Anatoly Ivanishin (Roscosmos) ISS-26 Flight Engineer, ISS 27 Commander
flight engineer of TPK "Soyuz TMA-20", - Satoshi Furukawa (Jaxa) flight engineer of ISS-26/27
flight engineer of TPK "Soyuz TMA-20", - Michael Fossum (NASA) flight engineer of ISS-26/27

The final approval of the crews of the Soyuz TMA-20 TPK was decided to be held at a meeting of the State Commission for flight tests of manned space complexes at the Baikonur cosmodrome.

The closing speech at the board was made by the head of Roscosmos A.N. Perminov. In particular, he suggested that the general and chief designers, heads of organizations take personal control of the quality of work during the final operations to prepare for the launch of the components of the rocket and space complex, paying special attention to the issues of ensuring the reliability and safety of the works, to take personal part in these works with a trip to the Baikonur cosmodrome. Ensure that the preparation for the launch of the Soyuz-FG / Soyuz TMA-20 space rocket is carried out on time.

Press service of Roscosmos

A. IVASHINA: If we talk about the GLONASS system as a whole, I would like to dwell on the fact that there is an opinion that the GLONASS system is worse than the American GPS system. I would like to remind you that the GLONASS system and the GPS system were created in slightly different conditions. That is, if the main task set by the Russian Federation at that time was to provide for our northern regions, then the Americans set themselves the task of providing them closer to the equatorial territory. Therefore, we have a different system for constructing an orbital segment, various systems of ground control complexes. And every day there is an assessment. Moreover, I would say that now we have switched to technologies when we are already evaluating the accuracy of the navigation field online. In the regions occupied by the Russian Federation, the accuracy created by the GLONASS system is no worse, and in some times even better than that created by the American GPS system. In the GLONASS system, of course, speaking of the orbital constellation, one more important aspect should be noted - this is the so-called ground control loop of the GLONASS system, in which the navigation information is actually formed, which is then relayed from the spacecraft. In order to obtain these very accurate navigational measurements, an extensive network has been created throughout the entire Russian Federation; some means are located outside the Russian Federation in those states with which there are agreements on their deployment there. And this system constantly collects information, processes it, calculates the necessary information, which is then laid on the GLONASS spacecraft, and already from the GLONASS spacecraft that navigation frame comes, that information that is needed by ground navigation receivers in order for them to be on Earth located each person.

Read the full version of the General Staff program below and listen to the audio file.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Hello, friends. This is the General Staff program. Igor Korotchenko in the studio. Today we are talking about Russian military space and everything that is connected with this concept from the point of view of the defense capability of the Russian Federation. I am pleased to introduce our guest: in the studio next to me is the Deputy Commander of the Space Forces of the Aerospace Forces of Russia for testing, Colonel Ivashina Andrey Vladimirovich. Hello Andrey Vladimirovich.

A. IVASHINA: Hello, Igor Yurievich.

I.K .: Let's start with what is the significance of space for the defense capability of our country?

A.I .: I would like to say that in the 21st century, space assets are important in the life of every person, even if he does not know about it. Modern television uses space vehicles, communication systems provide the Internet and various types of communication. We use the services of cartography to determine in nature management, in agriculture. Almost everyone has an iPhone with a built-in navigator, and this is also what we use in space. And, of course, such opportunities provided by space assets could not remain unused in the military field. Moreover, I would even say that these technologies are developing in the military field first. And then what has been developed by the military is transferred to civilian consumers. Today, of course, it is impossible to talk about the high efficiency of the use of troops without space assets. All world trends show that space assets play a huge role in providing troops.

Currently, about 115 countries in the world are engaged in space activities, of which 20 have their own space systems and complexes, which they actively use in the interests of the armed forces.

Andrey Ivashina

Of course, in these conditions, it is extremely important to create space vehicles for the RF Armed Forces.

I.K .: In 2015, the videoconferencing was created. What are the main tasks of the space forces that make up their composition, you could name first of all?

A.I .: Let me remind you that in 2015, in order to improve the protection of the Russian Federation from threats in the air and outer space, the country's leadership decided to form a fundamentally new type of armed forces - this is the Aerospace Forces. On August 1, 2015, the combat crews of the Aerospace Forces took over on duty to protect the air and outer space of the Russian Federation. As part of the aerospace forces, officers of the space forces took up combat duty and are successfully carrying it, who around the clock, at any time of the year, weather, in any conditions, ensure the solution of the most important tasks of uncovering the facts of a missile attack, controlling outer space, ensuring launches and controlling orbital groupings RF. It is for these purposes that the space forces are intended and are performing these tasks as part of the Aerospace Forces.

I.K .: What kind of subdivisions are these?

A.I .: The space forces have two main subdivisions: the Plesetsk cosmodrome and a separate special purpose army, which houses a test space center and two centers - one for missile attack warnings, and the other for space control. In these centers, of course, the most basic and unique are those officers, civilian personnel who are unique specialists in their field and perform tasks for their intended purpose with the appropriate quality. But the fulfillment of these tasks would have been impossible if the space forces did not have new, modern equipment and systems that meet all modern requirements.

I.K .: Specifically, you mentioned these systems, what are we talking about?

A.I .: Speaking about systems of space forces, it is necessary to dwell on orbital groupings of spacecraft for various purposes: these are groups of remote sensing of the Earth for various purposes, communications groups that are also in different orbits and perform various information tasks, topographic and geodetic systems, of course, navigation systems. In order to ensure the control of these orbital groupings throughout the territory of the entire Russian Federation, a unique, geographically dispersed, ground-based automated control complex has been created. There is a missile attack warning system, which is also located practically throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, and even beyond its borders. In the interests of reconnaissance of the space situation, a unique system for monitoring outer space has been created. Separately, I would like to dwell on the unique infrastructure of the Plesetsk test cosmodrome, which consists of various launch complexes, technical complexes, infrastructure, filling stations and other auxiliary equipment.

I.K .: Space Forces are a kind in the structure of the Aerospace Forces, do I understand correctly?

A.I .: Absolutely right. As part of the Aerospace Forces, there are three types of troops, one of which is the Space Forces.

I.K .: Now let's talk about the state of the Russian orbital group. How many satellites are there? You briefly said what tasks they solve. It's clear. Remote sensing of the Earth is, in fact, reconnaissance, navigation, communications, repeaters. Each of these components, obviously, solves a very important task in the complex of ensuring the country's security, because today's war and today's Armed Forces are without space - as without eyes and ears. So the question is. As far as possible, tell us specifically about the current state of the Russian orbital group.

A.I .: The orbital constellation of spacecraft in the Russian Federation has recently experienced a process of rapid growth and renewal. Over the past literally five years, it has increased by almost one and a half times. At the same time, the old, technologically backward spacecraft are being replaced by vehicles developed on a new element base using new technology, which make it possible to perform the tasks set for these vehicles, with qualitatively new conditions and in any conditions of the situation.

To date, the orbital constellation of spacecraft in the Russian Federation includes about 150 spacecraft

Alexey Ivashina

These spacecraft are absolutely heterogeneous in their purpose. Each of them is designed to solve its own problem. There are purely civilian spacecraft. But the bulk, of course, are military and dual-use vehicles. And the control of this orbital group of the Russian Federation is 80% carried out by the forces and means of the space forces. The expansion of the military and dual-use orbital group is carried out in accordance with the plan adopted by the Ministry of Defense, which provides for its deployment in all directions and the creation of a full-fledged group by 2020. New spacecraft are launched into outer space every month. In this case, the main load, of course, for the launch of military and civilian vehicles falls on the Plesetsk cosmodrome. The Baikonur cosmodrome, which was used during the Soviet Union, is now also used on occasion to launch military spacecraft. But it is mainly used by the state corporation "Roskosmos" in order to launch spacecraft for civil and commercial purposes. Today, almost every spacecraft is being developed using completely new technologies. The tasks that have been set are, first of all, an increase in the period of their active existence. If earlier, in Soviet times, the normal period of active existence was one year, after which the device no longer guaranteed its tasks, then the goals set now make it possible to introduce technologies that ensure the use of these spacecraft for five, seven, ten and even fifteen years.

One of the main tasks that has been set today is the extension of the terms of use and application of spacecraft that are in outer space. I would like to remind you that outer space, by its structure, is a rather aggressive environment. There is an absolutely airless space, a vacuum, in which sharp temperature drops are observed. The temperature difference literally within a few hours can be up to 100 degrees. This imposes certain requirements on the spacecraft being created. And even earlier, in the mid-eighties, a lot of attention was paid to the creation of the so-called temperature regime for those onboard systems that are installed on spacecraft. It was necessary to maintain this temperature regime in any conditions. If the spacecraft, let's say, freezes, then it was necessary to warm up the devices. If the spacecraft, while on the Sun, begins to heat up, then these devices had to be cooled.

Today, the main task is to create spacecraft in a non-pressurized design, when the instrument compartments are located in the spacecraft itself without the external environment and shell.

Alexey Ivashina

Such great requirements were imposed on the element base, which is used on the spacecraft, and, on the other hand, allows us to reduce the mass of spacecraft, to extend their service life, therefore, today the element base of new and new technologies has doubled, the period of active existence spacecraft has increased - if we talk on average, then three times. You said that spacecraft are in operation. I would like to note that space technology is created under conditions that are not entirely familiar and the order of its creation differs from what we do on Earth. The spacecraft, having flown into outer space, already, unfortunately, cannot be returned to Earth at the present time. Let me emphasize that later, perhaps, we will get to these technologies, where it will be possible to make some repairs to it, somewhere it will be possible to fix some element bases. Therefore, these spacecraft in their bulk, being used for their intended purpose, undergo a long stage of flight tests, which consist in working out, checking all systems and blocks. Of course, here I want to note that these flight tests impose an additional burden on the combat crews of the space forces, which conduct all these types of tests around the clock, confirm the characteristics that are included in the system, and, of course, all this happens against the background of their intended use. ...

I.K .: Regarding the constellation of GLONASS satellites, what is the current situation with us? Since its own global navigation system is one of the elements of the country's status as a great power, since today all high-precision weapons, all navigation and the successful implementation of military operations by the Armed Forces largely depend on the accuracy of the issuance of coordinates, topographic location, etc.

A.I .: Of course, only the world's leading powers can afford to have their own navigation system in the world. These powers are few. In fact, only two orbital constellations are now fully deployed: the American constellation and the Russian GLONASS orbital constellation. We have a lot to be proud of in this area. The composition of the orbital constellation has been created completely. Today, there are even a little more spacecraft than is necessary for the full composition of the domestic group.

I.K .: The full line-up is 24 devices, right?

A.I .: Absolutely correct. The total composition is 24 spacecraft, which are distributed in three planes by eight spacecraft. So, today we have three planes with eight spacecraft each and additionally three more spacecraft in reserve. At the same time, I would like to note that of these 27 spacecraft that are part of the orbital constellation, 25 are GLONASS-M spacecraft, spacecraft of the previous or current generation, and two spacecraft are already GLONASS-K, a new navigation spacecraft. , which is being created to replace the GLONASS-M spacecraft. Today, I would like to say that this orbital constellation allows us to determine the location on the territory of virtually the entire globe, and the accuracy of these locations is equal to units of meters. What would you like to say about the new GLONASS-K spacecraft? This spacecraft, in fact, by its name, continues the series of GLONASS spacecraft, but it is fundamentally new. This is what I stopped at: on this spacecraft, we have already abandoned the hermetic platform, and its implementation is completely carried out on the non-hermetic platform. This led to a decrease in the mass of the spacecraft by one and a half times. For spacecraft, a decrease in mass is always a positive trend, because the possibilities for launching into outer space, launch vehicles also have certain limitations. Therefore, a decrease in mass leads to the fact that we can simultaneously launch two or three spacecraft with one rocket - depending on the launch site and launch vehicles. In addition, if GLONASS-M had a lifespan of seven years, then GLONASS-K should already be used for 10 years.

The next task, which was set during the transition to a new type of spacecraft, is the introduction of a new additional frequency, at which a new navigation signal with the so-called code division will be emitted. What is important, in these spacecraft the task has been set to actually completely switch to the domestic element base. If we talk about the GLONASS system as a whole, I would like to dwell on the fact that there is an opinion that the GLONASS system is worse than the American GPS system. I would like to remind you that the GLONASS system and the GPS system were created in slightly different conditions. If the main task set by the Russian Federation at that time was to provide for our northern regions, then the Americans set themselves the task of securing closer to the equatorial territory. Therefore, we have a different system for constructing an orbital segment, various systems of ground control complexes. And so every day there is an assessment. Moreover, I would say that now we have switched to technologies when we are already evaluating the accuracy of the navigation field online.

In the regions occupied by the Russian Federation, the accuracy created by the GLONASS system is no worse, and in some times even better than that created by the American GPS system.

Andrey Ivashina

In the GLONASS system, of course, speaking about the orbital constellation, it is necessary to note another important aspect - the so-called ground control loop of the GLONASS system, in which the formation of that navigation information takes place, which is then relayed from the spacecraft. In order to obtain these very accurate navigational measurements, an extensive network has been created throughout the entire Russian Federation; some means are located outside the Russian Federation in those states with which there are agreements on their deployment there. And this system constantly collects information, processes it, calculates the necessary information, which is then laid on the GLONASS spacecraft, and already from the GLONASS spacecraft that navigation frame comes, that information that is needed by ground navigation receivers in order for them to be on Earth located each person.

I.K .: Andrei Vladimirovich, let's discuss such an issue as the state of the Russian missile attack warning system. What state is it in today and what are the prospects for its development?

A.I .: You are absolutely right: speaking of Russian space, one cannot ignore the most important system of national security - the missile attack warning system. I would like to remind you that the missile attack warning system has been coping with the task of promptly and reliably obtaining information about ballistic missile launches for more than 40 years. I would like to remind a little of the history of this system. We all remember how after the collapse of the Soviet Union, certain elements of this system remained in other independent states. For example, I remember how pompously our station in the Baltic state exploded with broadcasting to all international agencies.

I.K .: Skrunda, Latvia?

A.I .: You are absolutely right. And if you remember, it was presented as the destruction of the foundations of the Soviet Union. At the same time, this station covered one of the most missile-hazardous directions - the direction from which the minimum flight time for ballistic missiles to our territory is. In addition, there are stations on the territory of Ukraine. These stations worked in a common system for some time. Then, due to various circumstances, they were excluded from the general missile attack warning system.

I.K .: We also had "Gabala", which is closed, in Azerbaijan.

A.I .: Igor Yurievich, you are right. Well, "Gabala" lasted the longest. This is the last station that was closed and decommissioned literally two years ago. But the situation there is a little different, because we were withdrawing Gabala from the contour after this direction was closed by the Armavir station, that is, when Gabala was leaving, there was no such threat of untimely warning of a missile attack from that direction. But it was the launching of those stations that organized whole holes in the radar field that were not controlled by us. And in these conditions, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was tasked with creating a continuous radar field for the Russian Federation, using, of course, new technical means, new technologies, new principles and approaches. This task has begun to be carried out. The first was put on duty a radar station in the Leningrad region.

I.K .: This is the first Voronezh radar station in Lekhtusi, right?

A.I .: You are absolutely right.

I.K .: I was on this radar.

A.I .: This is a radar station in the settlement of Lekhtusi, which opened a new generation of radar - a radar of the so-called high factory readiness called "Voronezh".

I.K .: If possible, explain here the fundamental difference between the Voronezh-type high factory readiness radar from the previous types, for example, the missile attack warning system radar.

A.I .: Before the Voronezh radar was put into service, we had three types of radar: Dnepr, Daryal and Volga. These stations were created in 1970-1980 and were made on a completely different element base. In fact, the entire production of these stations, before they were prepared for taking over duty, before being put into operation, was carried out in the places of their deployment. Voronezh stations of high factory readiness are fundamentally new stations, the main difference of which is that all components are made at industrial enterprises. Actually ready-made blocks are brought in, and the station is assembled on site, after which it is debugged, all blocks are interconnected, functional software is installed, and the station is ready for use. Such technologies allow saving time of creation, operating costs, saving on electricity, because they consume much less electricity than stations of the previous generation. Well, the main thing - as I have already stopped - is the time spent on their creation.

I will come back to the fact that after the station was created in the settlement of Lekhtusi, the next stage was the closure of the southern direction, the station of high factory readiness in the city of Armavir. This task has also been accomplished. And in fact, the southern or southwestern direction of the Russian Federation was covered. This year, two new stations were put into service: one in the Kaliningrad region and the second in the Irkutsk region, which continued to create a continuous radar field. In addition to the fact that these two stations were accepted, in the fall of this year, state tests of two more stations were successfully completed: one in the city of Yeniseisk and the second in the city of Orsk. The stations have passed government tests with positive results. Currently, the elimination of those minor shortcomings that were identified during state tests are being carried out. And by the end of the year, these stations will begin to be included in a single circuit. I would like to say right away that what I said about the elimination of shortcomings does not in any way affect the characteristics of the stations, all types of tests have confirmed that they fulfill the specified characteristics, the stations meet all the requirements. And the fact that some shortcomings have been identified is, let's say, a good work of the state commission, which revealed minor shortcomings: somewhere it is necessary to make changes to the operational documentation, somewhere from the point of view of the convenience of being on duty, to correct some software ... These shortcomings are clear to everyone, and they will be eliminated as soon as possible.

Another task that faces this year is the completion of state tests of one more station of the Voronezh type in the city of Barnaul. These tests have now begun. By the end of the year, I hope they will be completed, at least that's how things are going. And we see in the course of the state tests that they will be completed on time. This station will actually make it possible to create a continuous RF radar field. But we still have, as I said, several stations of the old type: "Dnepr", "Daryal" and "Volga". In order to bring them to the appropriate characteristics that meet modern requirements, they were modernized. This year the "Volga", which is located in the Republic of Belarus, has been completed - tests after modernization. And now we are planning to start testing two stations: "Dnepr" and "Daryal". After that, you can already report that a continuous radar field has been created. But work on the ground echelon will continue.

We plan - and work is already underway - two stations: one near the city of Vorkuta and one near the city of Murmansk. We plan to complete their construction by the end of 2019.

Andrey Ivashina

Here, in a nutshell, talk about the current state of the warning system and its ground echelon. But I would also like to note that in addition to the ground echelon, the space echelon plays an important role in the PRN system. And here, too, we have something to be proud of. In 2015, the spacecraft of the unified space system was launched, a fundamentally new spacecraft, an apparatus already created by Russian scientists using Russian technologies and an element base. And next year we plan to continue launching these spacecraft in order to complete their flight tests as soon as possible and put them on alert.

If we talk about the space forces, then it is necessary, of course, to talk about another very important technical system that is in service with the space forces, this is the outer space control system. This system is an important component of the country's aerospace defense. And the main tasks that it solves are continuous analysis of the space situation, maintaining the main catalog of space objects, identifying factors of possible dangerous convergence of domestic spacecraft with various space objects. The system is developing dynamically. Currently, measures are being taken to create groupings of modern radar, radio-optical, radio-technical, optoelectronic complexes. And we, of course, are modernizing those existing specialized space control facilities that we have in our arsenal. In 2014, the modernization of the Krona radio-optical complex in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Okno optoelectronic complex in the Republic of Tajikistan was completed. This year, we have successfully completed state tests of the optoelectronic complex in the Altai Territory, and in the summer of this year it took over on experimental combat duty.

I.K .: Do these means of optical-electronic control really allow you to control real space objects at a distance of up to 40 thousand kilometers in space?

A.I .: Yes. Here I must say about the Okno optoelectronic complex, which, as I have already mentioned, completed its modernization in 2014, and now, in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics, it is capable of detecting space objects at a distance of even 50 thousand kilometers. But the optoelectronic complex, of course, has its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of optical means are their meteorological dependence. Therefore, in addition to optoelectronic devices, we create various radio engineering devices that allow us to work in any weather conditions. Here, of course, I would like to dwell on the radio engineering control complexes and also the new generation optoelectronic complexes. As I already said, we now have such a complex on experimental alert duty in the Altai Territory, besides the Altai Territory, we plan to mark it in other regions of Russia as well: in the Far East, in the Republic of Buryatia, as well as in Crimea. These complexes are built on modern technologies. They allow receiving both coordinate information about space objects and non-coordinate information. To clarify: coordinate is, let's say, the parameters of motion of a space object, that is, where it is, at what time, what is its orbit; Non-coordinate information is information that allows us to judge whether this space object is stable or some kind of rotation takes place, and in some cases we can even get an image of this space object.

I.K .: Another question: how is the work going on to ensure the guaranteed launch of domestic spacecraft into outer space?

The Russian Federation is one of the few countries in the world that has the ability from its territory to launch domestic space objects, vehicles into any orbits of outer space

Andrey Ivashina

And speaking of launch vehicles, of course, it is necessary to say about the Plesetsk cosmodrome, which today is the only military cosmodrome in the Russian Federation and performs the tasks of launching all military and dual-purpose vehicles into outer space. The launch vehicles also go through a certain cycle of modernization and replacement of old ones with new ones. Today, from the Plesetsk cosmodrome, we can provide launches with three types of launch vehicles. This is the Rokot launch vehicle - an old generation rocket, which, in fact, is ending its existence. It remains to make a few launches, and after that we will abandon it. The main distinguishing feature of this launch vehicle was the highly toxic propellant used in it.

Today we are switching - in fact, we have already switched - to the Soyuz family of launch vehicles, which operate on environmentally friendly fuel. The Soyuz rocket has three modifications, two of them are middle class and one is light. So, all the spacecraft that were launched by medium-class launch vehicles were successfully launched into outer space. This rocket has passed government tests. And now work is underway on acceptance, already into service. Work on the creation of a light-class rocket is actually completed. We are currently testing. There have already been two successful launches. I hope that next year we will make more launches that will allow us to complete their tests. An absolutely new direction for the Plesetsk cosmodrome is the creation of the Angara missile family: light-class rockets and heavy-class rockets. In 2014, successful launches of both light and heavy class were carried out, and now the work continues. We are preparing and planning to carry out another launch next year, rather than continuing flight tests and creating a fundamentally new rocket that will allow spacecraft to be launched into outer space into any orbits.

I.K .: Perhaps the final question of our today's broadcast is the development of ground control facilities for our spacecraft. What prospects do we have here?

A.I .: Of course, the increase in the orbital constellation of spacecraft leaves an imprint on the ground-based automated complex for their control, on the people who perform these tasks, on the specialists of the test space center. The process of forming and changing the structure of the ground-based automated complex is ongoing. A control center, means of its control, means of receiving telemetric information, means of uniform time are created for each space system and complex. And the main tasks that were set in this area of ​​the space forces, of course, are the abandonment of imported components, the transition to domestic ones, the transition to modern control technologies, the unification of the created means, and the reduction of operating costs. If in the mid-nineties we had about 15 types of various command and measurement systems, today we have actually come to five types of space systems and are creating, continuing to create new unified means that will allow us to control the entire domestic orbital group. The information technologies that are being introduced into the spacecraft control process are the most advanced; they are then used by various specialists in other fields. Of course, the current state of the NACU makes it possible to provide a solution to the full range of tasks for guaranteed control of the entire domestic orbital constellation.

I.K .: Thank you for this direct, honest, frank conversation. Today we talked about the state of Russian military space with our guest - Deputy Commander of the Aerospace Forces Space Forces for Testing, Colonel Andrey Vladimirovich Ivashina. Thanks.

"If not to United Russia, then to places that are not so distant."
Egor Stroyev, Governor of the Oryol Region

On January 29, at night, at a public transport stop near the Oryol store, an improvised bomb exploded, which became known through television throughout Russia. The authorities and the Organized Crime Control Department are trying to blame the opposition to Governor Yegor Stroyev, businessman Nikolai Cheplov. However, the police have no evidence of his involvement in the explosion, and Cheplov was arrested, allegedly for finding 11 grams of drugs with him. By a court decision, a preventive measure was chosen against Cheplov - detention.

The majority of Oryol residents were puzzled by this arrest. Let's characterize the personality of Nikolai Cheplov. A well-known businessman in Oryol, he is the owner of the regional holding network Pallada-Torg, a large shopping center Atoll, wholesale depots and a large chain of stores Sberegaika, which is spread not only in the Oryol region. Cheplov is known for his active charity work, as well as for his participation in the activities of the all-Russian public organization "Commission for Combating Corruption", in which he holds the post of deputy head of the Special Investigations Directorate for the Oryol Region. And, in addition, he is a Major General of the Union of Cossack Troops of Russia, which is supervised by the hero of the war in Chechnya, General Gennady Troshev.

It is known that Cheplov had an ideological conflict with the local authorities. He realized that she was thoroughly corrupt and was a brake on the path of civilized business development. Everyone in Oryol says that as a result, he began to finance the opposition to the governor newspaper "Orlovskiye Novosti", which destroyed the authority of Stroyev and his entourage with an abundant stream of incriminating evidence. And in the elections to the State Duma, Cheplov did not want to give money to United Russia and began to help finance Fair Russia.

Through his lawyer Elena Shchekotikhina, the arrested Cheplov brought his version of what had happened to the "freedom". According to her, the drugs to the entrepreneur were “planted by competitors,” and his arrest was initiated by someone else's order. Allegedly, in this way, competitors wanted to discredit him in front of business partners. Nikolai Cheplov denies his involvement in the explosion.

Would anyone believe that a rich man like Cheplov would carry drugs with him? Why does he need these 11 grams of drugs. Did he want to sell them? Well, why should the owner of one of the powerful retail chains, which has spread its branches not only in the Oryol Region, sell 11 grams of heroin? If someone assumes that Cheplov himself uses drugs, then he clearly does not look like a drug addict. Everyone who has seen Cheplov personally will say that he is a man of athletic build, I would even say a jock. These obviously do not inject.

I can testify that the Organized Crime Control Department in Oryol is inclined to use forgeries and toss up evidence. When I was beaten in the building of the Organized Crime Control Department for organizing the "Lukashenko 2008" movement in Oryol, then. It seems that just such a trick was done in relation to the opposition United Russia party and the governor, a businessman.