Lost the parcel at the post office what to do. What to do if the package is lost

Date of publication of the material: 11.06.2019

Last update: 11.06.2019

What to do and where to complain if the Russian Post has lost the parcel? Let's figure it out!

How do I know where the package is?

If this is not the first time you use the services of the Russian Post, then you are probably aware that the movement of a parcel can be monitored using the tracking service.

To do this, you just need to go to the official website of the Russian Post in the "Tracking" section or to the mobile application for smartphones and enter the tracking number of the parcel. It is printed on the check that the operator should have given you when sending the parcel.

Note! If the parcel was sent to you, the tracking number for tracking must be obtained from the sender (online stores usually indicate it on the order page).

What should I do if I can't track my parcel?

You entered the correct tracking number, but there is no information on the fate of your mail item on the Russian Post website or the tracking status of the parcel has not been updated for a long time?

There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Too little time has passed since the dispatch. If the information about your parcel has not yet managed to get into the database, then in the first 10 days you just need to wait. In order to receive up-to-date information on your parcel, we recommend registering on the Russian Post website and subscribing to notifications by track number.
  2. The package is being imported. As practice shows, the process of importing a parcel is the longest stage, which on average lasts from 14 to 30 days. Unfortunately, you cannot influence the speed of crossing the border in any way, so you just have to be patient.
  3. The parcel is stuck at customs. If the tracking status indicates that your postal item has arrived at the customs, but there is no further movement, then most likely there is a large load at the customs and the employees do not physically have time to process all incoming parcels.
  4. During the holidays, parcels always go slowly: due to loads or a large number of days off. You, too, cannot influence this fact in any way. Therefore, you need to take this into account and calmly wait for the parcel to wait for its turn and move.
  5. The package was lost. If a lot of time has passed since the moment of sending, and the parcel has not arrived, you can apply for a search.

How does the search for missing parcels work at the Russian Post?

In order to start the search for the missing postal item, the sender or recipient of the parcel must contact any branch of the Russian Post and provide the following package of documents:

  • Application for the search for a postal item;
    Fill in the application form for the search for a shipment in Russia >>>
    Fill in the application form for the search for an international shipment >>>
  • A check (or a copy thereof) issued when the parcel was sent;
  • Passport (or other identity document).

Note! The search application is accepted within 6 months from the date of sending.

If, within two months from the date of submission of the application, the Russian Post cannot find the parcel, the sender is paid compensation equal to the amount of the declared value of the parcel and the cost of postage.

What if the Russian Post refuses to cooperate?

If your statements are ignored and you are openly dismissed, you have the right to leave a complaint at the public reception on the official website of the Russian Post. In order for the appeal to be considered, you need to fill out a simple questionnaire, which must contain the following information:

  • Your last name, first name and patronymic;
  • E-mail address;
  • The subject of your question;
  • The text of the appeal.

Note! Your application must be correct and not overly emotional. Remember that messages containing obscene language, jargon or threats may not be accepted.

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"What if the package from Aliexpress has not arrived?" Is a very popular question among regular customers of an online store. Every day, tens of thousands of new orders are made on AliExpress, which are sent to their recipients using different delivery methods.

An insignificant part of parcels, unfortunately, can be lost or delayed, which creates inconvenience for both buyers and sellers. The most common reasons for the delay and loss of postal items can be difficult weather conditions, major events and holidays (Sales, Chinese New Year, etc.), sending an order by an unreliable carrier company, or fraudulent actions of the seller.

With over 7 years of experience working with customers around the world, Aliexpress has learned to anticipate problems. In the interface of the online store, a function has been implemented that has the name Buyer Protection.

The essence of the aforementioned protection is that the seller guarantees the delivery of the goods within a specified time (maximum 60 days), and also promises that the goods will meet the specified description and characteristics.

In addition, the seller undertakes to return the full or partial value of the order in case of violation of one of the clauses.

To solve the problem of missing and delayed mailings, AliExpress has created its own shipping methods: AliExpress Standard Shipping and AliExpress Premium Shipping. Each order sent by these methods undergoes mandatory control, the parcel is assigned an individual international track number, which will be used for tracking and the shipment is delivered to the recipient using verified shipping companies.

The lack of knowledge on what to do if the package did not arrive from Aliexpress provoked many situations when buyers lost their money. Users had all the tools and reasons to solve the problem in their favor, but did not use them, blaming AliExpress for everything.

What to do if the package has not arrived from Aliexpress

1. In order not to deprive yourself of the opportunity to demand a refund from the seller, regularly check the remaining time for Buyer Protection. Oftentimes, buyers ignore this rule and end up at the bottom of the bar.

The seller will not receive money for the order until the Buyer Protection is in effect and the buyer confirms the receipt of the goods and the absence of claims.

Note that all customer payments are in AliExpress accounts until the aforementioned time.

2. If there are no more than 5 days left until the end of Buyer Protection, but the order is still in transit - open a dispute... It is not uncommon for sellers to ask to cancel and close a dispute on an order, promising to return the money or resend the goods. Such proposals must be ignored and disagreed.

3. If the seller rejects your offer for a refund - do not close the dispute and do not despair! Please be patient and wait 7 days for the dispute to escalate and the Aliexpress administration will connect to resolve the problem. If the buyer does not receive the order on time, the arbitration will decide in his favor.

The refund process to the buyer takes 7 to 14 business days.

The information described in the article on what to do if the package from Aliexpress has not arrived should help newbies and experienced buyers pay more attention to the functions of the site and mobile application, as well as to the shopping process in the online store.

The loss of a parcel or part of its contents is not a pleasant situation. No one wants to waste time looking for shipments and experience mental anguish.

But many people have to face such a problem and not everyone knows what to do.

It is imperative to seek justice, especially since every client has the right to do so. About what to do if you lost the parcel at the post office and how to return it as soon as possible - further in the article.

First of all, check the location of the parcel using the track number on the postal service website.

Track number - an identifier assigned to each product in the department at the time of its dispatch to the assigned address. Consists of 14 digits (for Russia) and 13 characters for international shipments (example - CA568478589RU).

It is listed:

International shipments are not tracked all, only those whose track number begins with the letters L, C, E, V, R... It is also impossible to check the status of a shipped item that is not registered in the system (simple shipment).

Some international identifiers are not accepted by the Russian Post, check the status on the website of the postal item of the country from which the parcel is sent.

What to do if the Russian Post lost the parcel? You need to start the search if there is no information about the status of the parcel, the ordered product has not arrived yet, the status has not been updated for a long time, the time allotted for shipment has expired.

There are 2 options:

  1. Online application;
  2. Personal visit to the post office at the place of registration.

To apply from the site:

For a personal appeal to the post office:

  1. Fill out the application form on the company's website, download it to your computer and print or ask for it at the branch;
  2. Wait for your turn and give it to the employee;
  3. Additionally, provide the check issued with the parcel, or a copy of it and your passport.

From the moment the parcel was sent, claims for their search are accepted within six months, with the exception of EMS shipments. A period of 4 months is allotted for them.

You can address the filing of an application to another person by issuing a power of attorney for him.

Complaint to the Russian Post about the loss of a shipment

How to write a complaint to the Russian Post about the loss of a parcel? In addition to the method described above, you can use the mobile application and send a claim from there. It is available for download on smartphones and computers.

Consider an example of filing a complaint for domestic shipments from the official website:

  1. Go to the section of electronic appeals, select the link "Claim to be wanted in Russia";
  2. Fill out the form, download it in PDF format, print it and take it to the post office.

Click "Download the form" and take it to the post office at the registration address. The result of the proceedings will be sent by registered mail or by e-mail.

  • Postal items within 1 settlement - 5 days;
  • Shipment within Russia - 30 days;
  • International shipments - from 30 to 90 days.

After it was not possible to find the parcel lost at the Russian Post, the applicant is paid compensation, which, in turn, may refuse it in favor of the recipient. Payment is made within 10 days.

Compensation is paid only for valuable shipments... These include the registered ones - with the issuance of a receipt and a receipt for receipt. The amount of compensation for domestic shipments depends on the type of parcel and does not exceed its value and tariff rate.

As compensation for international transfers, the organization covers the client's losses by non-cash means of payment - SDR (Special Drawing Rights).

The responsibility of the post office for violation of the delivery time, damage or loss of the parcel is removed if:

  • The event occurred due to reasons beyond the control of the company, for example, due to a natural disaster;
  • The package was withdrawn from circulation by authorized bodies in order to ensure safety and prevent violations of a various nature;
  • The parcel was lost or damaged due to the fault of the sender: the packaging was incorrectly carried out or a discrepancy in the properties of the goods was revealed.

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for violation of the shipping time receive a penalty from the Russian Post in the amount of 0.1% of the amount paid for the service for each day of delay.

After the loss of a shipment, especially a valuable one, most people begin to think about how to punish the Russian Post for the loss of a parcel.

If, after filing a claim, the organization did not react in any way, or the time allotted for a response has passed, you can sue.

Moreover, even if the claim is satisfied and compensation has been paid, it is recommended to apply to the courts for compensation for material damage. This right is reserved for a citizen in Article 15 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and in Article 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In court, you will have to prove that as a result of the negligent actions of employees, you suffered moral harm, which led to mental suffering. Set the amount of compensation reasonable so as not to get a refusal to consider the case.

Compensation for material damage in 2019 from the Russian Post: procedure:

  1. Drafting a claim;
  2. Preparation of documents;
  3. Going to court.

Similarly, an application for compensation for material damage is submitted.

What to do if the package from Aliexpress is lost at the Russian Post? Where to go to solve the problem?

The sequence of actions in this case is the same. Please be aware that not all international shipments are tracked on the site.

Additionally, you can:

Now you know where to call and what to do... From now on, carefully monitor the movement of the parcels and take action at the slightest delay. Usually, the time the parcel is in one point does not exceed 4-5 days.

A very common occurrence

When considering the appeal, it was established that FSUE Russian Post carries out a licensed type of activity - the provision of postal services in violation of clause 5 of the conditions provided for by a special permit (license) No. 108074 dated 11.04.2013, issued by Roskomnadzor, according to which the licensee is obliged to provide services communications in accordance with the rules for the provision of postal services, approved by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications dated July 31, 2014 No. 234 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), p. "b" clause 46 of the Rules regarding the fact that it did not ensure the safety of the mail item No. RR169270141MY.
According to the information and documents provided by the FSUE Russian Post, it was established that the postal item No. RR169270141MY was recognized as lost due to the fault of the FSUE Russian Post employees.

FSUE Russian Post by decision Case No. A40-15196 / 17-149-138 of March 20, 2017 of the Moscow Arbitration Court composed of Judge M.M. Kuzin. brought to administrative responsibility under Part 3 of Art. 14.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. To impose a fine on FSUE Russian Post in the amount of 30,000 (thirty thousand) rubles.
http://kad.arbitr.ru/ (search by case number).

FSUE Russian Post in violation of clause 5 of the license conditions, clause 1 of Art. 46, art. 62 of the Federal Law of 07.07.2003 No. 126-FZ "On Communications", Art. 20 of the Federal Law of 17.07.1999 No. 176-FZ "On Postal Communication", subparagraph "b" of paragraph 46 of the Rules for the provision of postal services, approved by order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation No. 234 dated July 31, 2014 (POUPS), is not ensured the safety of postal item No. RB087212482SG. FSUE Russian Post reported that the loss of postal item No. RB087212482SG was due to the fault of FSUE Russian Post.

FSUE Russian Post by decision Case No. A40-13172 / 2017-149-123 of March 17, 2017 of the Moscow Arbitration Court was brought to administrative responsibility under Part 3 of Art. 14.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. To impose a fine on FSUE Russian Post in the amount of 30,000 (thirty thousand) rubles.
The decision can be found on the court's website http://kad.arbitr.ru/ (search by case number).

FSUE Russian Post in violation of clause 5 of the license conditions, clause 1 of Art. 46, art. 62 of the Federal Law of 07.07.2003 No. 126-FZ "On Communications", Art. 20 of the Federal Law of 17.07.1999 No. 176-FZ "On Postal Communication", subparagraph "b" of paragraph 46 of the Rules for the provision of postal services, approved by order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation No. 234 dated July 31, 2014 (POUPS), did not provide safety of postal item No. RQ043690387MY. According to the All-Russian Automated System of Accounting and Control over the passage of registered postal items (OASU RPO), it was established that the registered small package No. RQ043690387MY arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation (RF) on November 8, 2016 at the Domodedovo Airport Mail Transportation Department (AOPP). According to the information provided by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) Russian Post, the customized small package No. RQ043690387MY was lost, which was a violation of Article 20 of the Federal Law No. 176-FZ of 17.07.1999 "On Postal Communication", subparagraphs "b" and " c "clause 46 of the Rules for the provision of postal services, approved by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation No. 234 dated July 31, 2014 (POUPS), in terms of non-compliance with the safety of this postal item. It was established that the loss of postal item No. RQ043690387MY was due to the fault of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post".

FSUE Russian Post by decision Case No. A40-15197 / 17 33-136 On March 28, 2017, the Moscow Arbitration Court was brought to administrative responsibility under Part 3 of Art. 14.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. To appoint FSUE Russian Post a penalty in the amount of 31,000 (thirty one thousand) rubles.
The decision can be found on the court's website

Your parcel did not reach the addressee or is damaged. Where to go and how to get your money back?
Unfortunately, such questions are not rare, because everyone can face an unscrupulous postal worker. If the delivery of the postal item was not carried out successfully, or if the parcel turned out to be different from the expected one, then it is necessary to be guided by the following:
1. Claims related to non-delivery, late delivery, damage or loss of the postal item can be submitted both to the postal operator who accepted the item and to the postal service operator at the place of destination of the item within 6 months from the date of dispatch of the item (Article 37 Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On postal services", clause 52 of the Rules for the provision of postal services, approved by the Government Decree of April 15, 2005 No. 221 (hereinafter the Rules for the provision of postal services). The claim must be submitted in writing, to which a copy of the agreement is attached on the provision of postal services or another document (receipt, list of attachments) and certificates of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations by the Operator.
The claim indicates:
a) data of the identity document of the applicant;
b) type of postal item;
c) the number of the postal item or postal order;
d) date and place of admission;
e) destination;
f) the amount of the declared value or a detailed list and value of the sent attachment;
g) address and full name of the sender and addressee;
h) type of packaging.
2. Upon receipt of a claim, postal workers will have to investigate and find out at what stage the postal item disappeared - its movement is tracked and entered into a unified accounting and control system. In addition, modern forwarding technologies allow you to independently track the path of your parcel through the Internet using a unique postal identifier assigned to each postal item on the Russian Post website at http://russianpost.ru/rp/servise/ru/home/postuslug/ trackingpo. The postal identifier is in the check issued upon receipt of the postal item (14-character domestic Russian or international).
3. The deadlines for considering a claim are provided for in clause 55 of the Rules for the provision of postal services:
- in respect of postal items sent within one locality - within 5 days; - for all other domestic postal items - within 2 months.
4. If the claim is recognized as justified, the Operator will indemnify for losses that directly and entirely depend on the processing of the shipment from the point of departure. On the basis of this, it is not recommended, in case of a special value of the parcel, to disregard the recommendations of the postal workers to evaluate your parcel in the full amount of its value, and to draw up an inventory of the attachment. Article 19 of the Federal Law "On Postal Service". It is clear that the higher the value, the more interest will have to be paid. But if your parcel is lost, you will be fully returned the "declared value" and the money paid for the shipment, except, however, the payment for the declared value (article 34 of the Federal Law "On postal services", clause 57 of the Rules for the provision of postal services) ...
5. If a postal item is found after the payment of compensation for its loss, the parcel is handed over to the addressee or returned to the sender. In this case, the money received as compensation minus the penalty for the delay in sending must be returned, otherwise the parcel will not be delivered (clause 56 of the Rules for the provision of postal services).
6. The right of the sender to receive from the Postal Service Operator a penalty in the amount of 3 percent of the payment for the postal service for sending for each day of delay, but not more than the amount paid for such a service is provided for in case of violation of the deadlines for sending mail, and in case of violation of the terms of delivery by air by transport, the difference between the payment for shipment by air and land transport is subject to reimbursement (clause 57 of the Rules for the provision of postal services).
The terms for sending postal items, with the exception of written correspondence, are set by the Postal Operator independently (Article 16 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Postal Communication"). However, the Operator is obliged to provide users of postal services with full information about the established terms for the provision of this service.
7. If there was a situation that some thing did not reach or arrived damaged, this fact must be documented in the post office where the parcel was received. One of the grounds for exempting the postal operator from liability is damage to the enclosure of a postal item received in a closed form and issued against receipt to the addressee in compliance with the established requirements, in the absence of external damage to its packaging and the correspondence of the weight of the postal item to the mass determined upon receipt (clause 58 Of the Rules for the provision of postal services). In this connection, it is pointless to make a claim if it is disclosed by you at home, or sent by the sender in a closed form.
In this case, if the parcel was issued with a list of attachments, the operator will compensate for losses in the amount of the declared value, the missing part of the attachment indicated by the sender in the inventory; Otherwise, if the inventory of the attachment has not been drawn up, only losses are subject to compensation in the amount of the part of the declared value of the postal item, determined in proportion to the ratio of the mass of the missing or damaged (damaged) part of the attachment to the mass of the sent attachment (without the weight of the mailing envelope) (Article 34 Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On postal services", clause 57 of the Rules for the provision of postal services).
8. If the postal operator refuses to satisfy the claim, or if he agrees to partially satisfy the claim, or does not receive a response from the postal operator within the time limits established for the consideration of the claim, the service user has the right to sue in court.