How to find where the android phone is. How to find your phone if it is turned off and lost

Due to the increasing incidence of mobile phone thefts, many are more and more interested in how to find a lost Android phone.

In general, if you lost your phone, then there are several ways to find it.

Of course, there are trivial ways like submitting an ad that implies a reward for finding a phone.

This, too, should not be neglected, but you can return to this only in the most extreme cases.

Before that, you should use one of the methods described below.

Via standard control

Important: To find a phone programmatically, it is necessary to perform certain manipulations on it even before it was lost. Otherwise, all that remains is to contact the police.

This means that almost anyone can use the standard Android phone search and control tool.

But, again, to search for a device through Google, the following actions must be done on it even before the loss:

  1. First, you should go to the settings of your phone and select the "Security" item there (in Figure 1.a it is shown with a red frame).
  2. Then go to "Device administrators" (Figure 1.b).
  3. After that, opposite the item "Android Remote Control" put a check mark as shown in Figure 1. c.

This sequence of actions will allow in the future to find out the location of the mobile phone via the Internet.

Actually, to search for a device, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the link for remote control of mobile phones -
  • Log in there, that is, enter your username and password, and then click on the "Login" button. By the way, if you are not a user of Google services, it is better to register.

  • Then everything will happen automatically. The user will see a window with the content similar to that shown in Figure 3.

As you can see, here, right through the computer, you can block your phone by pressing the corresponding button in the field highlighted in blue in Figure 3.

There are also buttons "Call" (the phone will receive a call from the robot) and "Clear" (remove all data from the device's memory).

You can also see that you can find out where the phone is now, that is, the location on the map, and when it was connected to the Internet (the whole field is shown with a red frame).

Finally, the device model itself is written above (highlighted in a green frame).

Important: On the latest versions of Android, you do not need to make any settings, all this is created automatically. Therefore, even if you did not enable remote access on your phone as described above, but were authorized in Google services, it is quite possible that you will be able to find your phone!

Through additional programs

In addition to the standard tool for remote access, there are many other programs with similar functionality. Lost Android is probably the best of them all.

You can install it in the same way as any other program - go to Google Play, enter “Lost Android” there and press the “Install” button.

But the most interesting thing is that after installation, this program is displayed not as Lost Android, but as Personal Notes with a notebook icon.

This is to keep the thieves from getting suspicious - very reasonable!

In general, Lost Android needs to be installed and run. After that, the program must be given administrator rights.

To do this, at the first start, you need to press the corresponding button (it is highlighted in figure 4 with a red frame).

After that, you should go to the official website of this application - There you need to log in again, and again through Google.

To do this, in the upper right corner there is a corresponding button shown in figure 5 in red.

After authorization, which occurs in exactly the same way as described above - entering your login, password and clicking on the "Login" button, you must allow the program to use this account by clicking the corresponding button (it is highlighted in Figure 6 by arrows).

After that, the user will see such a message, which is highlighted with a red frame in Figure 7. It indicates that everything went well.

Now you can go to the "Management" menu (highlighted in green).

After going to the "Control" menu, the user will see the entire list of commands. In particular, to find out the location of the phone, you must press the "Send location" button.

Note: The two above-described methods make it possible to find even a switched off phone due to the fact that the meansGooglethey record the moment when the phone was last connected to the Internet and thus can find out where it was then.

Other features include turning on the siren, sending SMS messages, viewing files and much more. In general, this is a much more functional program than the standard Google tool.

But this method is suitable only if the user has already installed Lost Android for himself.

What if there is no such program?

The last way

If the two methods described above are not relevant in your case, there is only one thing to do - contact the police with a statement of theft.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find the device by the phone number.

But you, as a victim, together with the statement can attach proof that this is really your device. This evidence may include the following:

  • warranty card;
  • a check from the store;
  • phone box;
  • IMEI code.

Everything is clear on the first three points, but questions may arise with the last one.

In general, the IMEI code is actually an identification number of a mobile phone - it is unique for each device.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to find a device by IMEI code just like that.

But when providing such, law enforcement agencies will know exactly who is the owner of the device.

In addition, having an IMEI code, you can try to add your phone to the database of lost devices -

This will enable law enforcement officers of the area where the phone is located to find it and return it to the owner.

In addition, an ordinary person who could simply find a device can also find information about its loss on this site and return it for a reward.

The interface of this site is as follows.

Advice for those who have not lost their phone yet: Be sure to find out yourIMEIcode and write it down somewhere. The easiest way to do this is by typing the key combination *#06# .

Success in your search and take care of your phones before they are stolen or lost!

The interface of another convenient program for finding a phone in case of its loss is shown in the video below.

How to find a lost phone - programs for android

In this video I will show you how to find a phone on the map if you do not know where you left it. How are phones found?

It happens. You have lost your phone and do not know what to do. In this article, we will tell you how you need to behave in this situation in order to find your lost phone.

Apple users have Find My iPhone, but is there a Find My Android feature for Google users? Fortunately, there is: " Find my device»Built into Google Play Protect. With this tool you can track the location of your phone.

If you came across this article after you lost your phone, then instead of telling you what you should have done before losing it, we will tell you what you want to know: what to do right now.

The good news is that you can quickly find your phone using " Find my device»From Google, even if you don't have the app installed on your lost phone. You can do this in one of three ways:

From a computer: grab your computer, connect to the internet, open Chrome and make sure you're signed in to your Google account (seriously, this part is critical). Enter "Where is my phone" in Chrome's address bar. Google will automatically load the Find My Device box inside the search results. Most likely, it will ask you to log in to find your phone, so go to the login window. This will open the Find My Device website and immediately start tracking your device.

From an Android phone: if you don't have a computer at hand, there is another solution: the "Find My Device" application. If you have a second Android phone or tablet, then install the application on it. This will allow you to log in with a single tap if you are using your own device, but it also prompts you to log in to the guest account if you are using someone else's phone. This is great.

From a phone with a different OS: if you don't have an Android phone, you can go to in a browser on any phone and log in.

Once you have accessed Find My Device using any of these methods, you can use the list above to find the device that is lost.

Tracking starts and the device should be found within a few seconds. The time, connected network and location on a map (not shown here) will be displayed. This will give you a complete picture of where your phone is.

There are a number of options for the device: play sound, lock and erase data. The first option makes sense if you just need to find your phone at home - it will play a melody at full volume for five minutes - the latter options are crucial in cases where your phone is truly lost.

To keep your personal data safe, you can use the lock to quickly enable the screen lock password if you did not have an unlock password turned on before. Once the password has been set, you can also send a message to the lock screen - something like “Thank you for finding my phone! Please call the number below. " (Then enter the number in the box below.)

In theory, this should lock the device with the password you entered. The message will be displayed in large letters at the top of the screen with a large Call Owner button just below. If an honest person finds your phone, we hope that he will call you.

If all hope is lost, you can completely erase the data from the device using the "erase" command. This will completely reset your device, erasing all your personal data, pictures, music, and other stored files. There will also be an attempt to clear the SD card if you have one, but chances are (depending on Android version and manufacturer) that this feature won't work, so keep that in mind. After the data from the phone is erased, Android Device Manager will no longer work, so you can say that you said goodbye to the phone.

The only obstacle you may encounter during this process is if you have two-factor authentication in your Google Account, which will require you to enter a six-digit code before you can access your account. The problem is that it usually depends on an app (like Google Authenticator) or text message to get this code, and if your phone is missing ... well, you get the idea where this goes.

This is why it's always a good idea to keep a backup of your two-factor authentication code. Google provides these when you set up two-factor authentication, so print them out and store them somewhere safe - don't wait until it's too late!

When you are logged in, "Find my device" will work the same as described above. Good luck.

Like everything else, Find My Device is not without its limitations. For example, if your phone is stolen and you don't have a lock screen password set, and the thief has already performed a factory reset, then you're out of luck. The phone is no longer associated with your Google account, so Google has no way of tracking it.

If the phone runs out of power before you can track it, or a thief turns it off, there is still hope — Find My Device will try to provide the last location. This will at least give you an idea of ​​where you might have lost it. You can also hope that whoever finds it will put it on charge so you can track it again. Or maybe he'll just call you.

If you do not remember where you left your phone or it was simply stolen from you, do not rush to get upset when thinking about buying a new gadget. After all, there is a good chance to find your phone using the global Internet or at least have time to block access to your data. However, provided that your device is "commanded" by the Android system.

Conditions for obtaining the location of the Android phone via a computer

It is possible to find out where the phone is, if you made some settings before it disappeared:

  • The mobile phone must be switched on and located in the free wi-fi zone.
  • Geolocation must be activated in the settings and mobile Internet must be connected.
  • You must be the owner of a Google account and be logged into the account using the Google mobile app.

If you lost your phone in a mountainous area, or thieves turned off the device, the chances of finding it via the Internet are reduced to zero.

How to track Android using a computer

If all the conditions are met, you just have to go to the address: as soon as possible and go to the account to which your Android phone is linked.

  • A window will pop up on the monitor with the name of the model of your gadget, its location and the time of the last access to the Internet.
  • You will be given the opportunity to make an emergency call to your number. This is a godsend for forgetful people who turn the room in search of a phone on silent mode. Such a phone ringing service will make it ring for 5 minutes with full sound.
  • If the phone is stolen or lost far beyond the boundaries of the apartment, then there is another possibility - to block the phone or completely delete personal information on it. Such measures will not return the gadget, but they will easily stop curious thieves eager to rummage in your phone.

As part of the prevention, try to prepare your phone and make the appropriate settings so that in case of loss, you can easily find it using a computer.

Losing your Android phone / tablet is a fixable problem. If you lost sight of the device, forgot it in another city or country, or a gadget was stolen from you, try to find it. All Android versions above 4.4 have a special tool for this. We will tell you how to find a lost phone using the standard functions of the mobile OS.

Built-in anti-theft functions of Android

You can call a mobile device even if there is another SIM card there or the sound is set to minimum. The available remote control options also include:

  • Force screen lock,
  • Sending messages to a lost phone,
  • Forced deletion of all information.

Of course, this is not a guarantee that you will find the loss or protect yourself from leakage of private data, but you should not disdain the minimum chances. The instructions below are for "clean" operating systems, but custom firmwares have most of the features described.

How to set up remote control in Android

Phone tablets are usually displayed on Google Maps by default. If you, for example, lost your phone on the street, you can calculate the coordinates through the settings: item "Android Remote Control". In addition to this, it is possible to block the device remotely. Thus, an attacker or thief will not gain access to confidential data.

Note... It is necessary that the Internet is working on the lost gadget and a Google account is connected. Without a password to your account, access to your mobile device will not open. Including the location is desirable, but even without it, you can determine where the gadget was recently.

The remote control option should be enabled by default. If it is not, activate it in the following way.

Android 5>:

Settings - Security - Administration - Remote control.

Android 4.4:

  1. Find the "Security" section in the settings (sometimes it is called "Protection").
  2. Go to "Device Administrators", check the box next to "Device Manager".
  3. Allow remote services to erase data, change the picture password, lock the screen.
  4. Click Enable.

If you have already lost your phone, it will not work to check whether remote control is enabled: you can do this only by directly starting the search.

How to track a lost phone through Google's Find my Device service

To search or manage a device, you need to open the official service page for link... Log in to your account, select the type of device from the drop-down menu, specify the task to be solved.

Find a device that has been stolen or lost

Location (list of last visited places), see the map on the right side of the screen.

It is determined by cellular, wireless networks, GPS. This method works even if the attacker (or the person who found your phone) changed the SIM card. Usually the search works exactly, but sometimes the system says that it was not possible to find the phone. Important requirements are network connectivity and a valid account. If the account has been deleted, again, it is possible to find the device, but it will be more difficult to do it (as - will be discussed later).

Remote phone call

Click "Call" and listen - this is convenient if the device is lost at home, but there is no card, or there is simply no one to ask to dial you. This option assumes a ringer at full volume, even if the silent mode is on.

Remote lock

If your smartphone is connected to the Internet, you can lock it remotely and / or display a message. The text of the message - standard or individual, usually contains a request to return the loss to the owner.

Removing private information

Losing your phone is half the trouble. In some cases, the content of the device is of particular value. These are passwords, bank account data, photos, etc. An attacker can gain direct access to all of this.

Select the "Delete information" option in the phone's user account - the settings will be reset to the factory settings, and all photos, videos, downloads, browser history will be erased. The internal memory is cleared completely, but the sd card (if any) is not always, it depends on the device model.

How to Track a Lost Phone Zeroed via Hard Reset

There is no need to panic - in this case, the case can also be helped, but it will be necessary to act according to a different scheme. To start:

  1. Go to your Google account.
  2. Check in Google Maps.

If the Internet was connected before you reset the settings or delete your account, you will understand where the stolen / lost gadget traveled. The question is how much it helps.

Next steps:

Other programs to find your missing phone

In addition to standard tools and Google Maps, you can search for a lost device using special antivirus software applications. The Anti Theft module is built into Kaspersky and Avast. In basic editions, this module is disabled, but it is activated literally in one minute, including after the loss of the gadget.

How to use anti-theft:

2. In the "Devices" section, select the phone to track.

Locking and control functions are remotely available. If the attacker has not removed the antivirus, a photo can be taken from the camera of the stolen phone.

3. To find out the current location of the device, log in to the website.

4. Select the device and click the "Find" button: the antivirus will build a route for the device's movements.

5. On a stolen device, you can erase data, display a message on the locked screen, and turn on the alarm.

Note... You can download separate applications to control the location of the gadget - there are quite a few of them. But be careful - it is not always possible to give the program full access to the data on your device. Focus on Google Play ratings and user reviews.

Family Locator - Mobile Device Tracking for the Whole Family

Family Locator by Life360 is a GPS tracker for phone tracking. As its name suggests, the app will be especially useful for a family with multiple gadgets. The family members become "Circle" and agree to track phones in real time. Participants of the “circle” will be displayed on the map, in the application, in the form of small icons. Thus, in real time, you can see where everyone is at the moment.

Prey Anti Theft - three in one

The impressive Prey Anti Theft app is that you can protect three different devices with a single app. You will have the opportunity to:

  • send an alarm from a missing phone,
  • take screenshots if the device is being used by others,
  • block your android device at any time.

Once you download the app, it will instruct you on how to use your Prey account to track your phone. The application itself is free and does not require additional purchases to access the functions.

Lost Android - Remote Phone Connection

Lost Android will allow you to remotely connect to your missing phone via the app's website. From here you can:

  • erase confidential information if you are afraid that your phone will not return to the owner's hands,
  • send messages to your phone in the hope that someone will find and return it,
  • forward any missed calls to another number and keep a log of calls made, messages or photos taken by your phone.

Questions on the topic

A few days ago, they stole the phone, blocked it. on the new one I logged into my account and found that the photos of the last two weeks had been erased. Startup has always stood. a week ago I went to Google photos and there were all these photos. Why they disappeared, I don’t understand. Your shopping cart is empty. Help me please. Maybe there is a way to get them somehow.

My sony xperia z5 compact phone was stolen. It looks like he was formalized and Google removed his account. Is there any chance for me to find my lost phone?

Mobile devices are often lost when left in crowded places. Often, cell phones fall out of bags, pockets, or are simply stolen by intruders. How to find android? Using the functions of the system, you can locate the smartphone, lock the device, delete personal information.

How to find a lost Android phone through a computer

Modern communications simplify the search for an Android phone, make it possible to control a mobile phone from a distance. If the device disappears in the mountains, where there is no cellular connection, is discharged and turned off, the ability to access the gadget is reduced to zero. How to find an Android phone? The likelihood of finding a device quickly increases if it:

  • is in the on state;
  • has access to the Internet;
  • equipped with a geolocation function.

How to find a switched off Android phone through a computer

The ability to find a lost device is significantly limited if the cellular does not work. How to find a switched off Android phone through a computer? This will help the service offered by Google - Android Device Manager. A prerequisite for using the service is constant access to the Internet or GPS navigation. It also requires a Google account.

Google search for Android phone

Gadget owners usually create a Google account. Using the account, you can download games, updates, register on sites, install useful applications. One of the functions of a Google account is to locate a stolen or lost smartphone, even if it is turned off. The system is equipped with a device manager. Enabling this feature makes it easier to locate your device if it is stolen or lost in the future. Versions 5.0 and higher do not require this activation. This setting is enabled by default.

To find an Android phone using a Google account in the future, Device Manager must be activated. Your actions:

  • Go to settings.
  • Select the "Security" menu (in some versions this is the "Security" section).
  • Click on "Device Administrators".
  • Check the box next to Device Manager.
  • Agree with the message that appears by clicking "activate". The notification talks about the capabilities of Device Manager.
  • How to find a phone on android? To do this, you need to follow the link, activate your account, if you have not done so before. Then the system itself will find the smartphone registered to this account. A control panel will appear in front of the user with suggestions for further actions in relation to the cellular - a test call, blocking, deleting personal data. In addition, the owner of the smartphone will see a map indicating the location of the gadget.

    Android phone tracking software

    There are special programs that make remote search possible for android. They work in the same way as the device manager from Google, while they have features in terms of performing functions, interface, and other nuances. Tracking an Android phone in this way is possible using:

    • Lost Android - the program is notable for the fact that after installation it appears in the list as Personal Notes and has a shortcut to an ordinary notepad. If cybercriminals steal your cell phone, they will most likely not guess that this application is on it.
    • Lookout Security & Antivirus - in addition to tracking the location of the device, it provides full protection of the gadget from unwanted access, viruses, spyware. It is possible to recover lost data.
    • Where's My Droid - controls the smartphone, makes it so that it calls itself, sends its coordinates to the specified number. The Pro version allows you to take hidden pictures. The person who holds the stolen gadget in his hands will not know that he is being photographed. The resulting pictures are then sent to the specified address.

    Video: Android Remote Control

    Losing your Android phone is frustrating, and even more frustrating if your phone is stolen. In this article, we will tell you about applications that will help you block an Android device in case of loss, delete information from it remotely, or even issue a short message with information to "attackers".

    Here it should be noted that most applications for finding a lost tablet or phone work only if the device has an Internet connection. In addition, to find a lost Android phone, the device must be enabled for geolocation search, location determination, as well as the function of remote control of the system.

    So, let's begin. The easiest method to find a lost Android phone is through Google. If the phone or tablet is associated with your Google account, simply go to and enter your Google account login information.

    Next, you will be asked to choose from three actions: determine the location of the device on the map, make the phone ring (this is useful for those who lose their phone within the apartment), or if you are absolutely sure that the phone was stolen (and the Google map confirms this) , you can use the function to delete data from the phone memory.

    But, there is a possibility that the data from the flash card will not be deleted (Google will warn you about this). It all depends on the phone model, it may work out.

    This function can also be used with success by parents to get information on where to find the child with your (or his) phone.

    One of the most interesting additional applications for finding a lost Android phone is Android Lost. It is easy to download the program, it is free, without any registration. In addition, the icon on the desktop will not give itself away, as it is called Personal Notes.

    Can you find an android phone? Of course, in a situation of loss or loss, we act in the same way as in the first case: go to the site and enter the Google record. On the Control tab, you can control your phone - make it ring or vibrate.

    You can also determine the geographic location of your Android phone using GPS data (even if the search on your phone is turned off) or the mobile network of your SIM card. If the SIM card has been changed, and geolocation is completely disabled (for example, the device is disabled), you can try to establish the place in which the phone was last active.

    From the computer, you can view all the messages on the android phone, send a new message from an already lost phone, or display some kind of inscription on the monitor.

    But the most useful thing, especially for those whose phone is really stolen, is the ability to get a photo of the intruder through the front camera.

    It is enough to send a message to the phone, the answer to which will be OK, something that does not arouse suspicion of the robber. For example, a pop-up message stating that an update of the application of such and such is installed on the lost phone. The offender clicks OK, and the camera gets his photo.

    Modern mobile devices are quite high-tech and their work is unthinkable without the use of the Internet. The most popular Android mobile platform from Google is no exception. Given the fact that a very large number of people use smartphones on Android, it is not surprising that the question often arises as to how find a lost or stolen phone or remotely erase information on it.

    How to activate phone search on android

    The function of finding a lost phone appeared in Android in 2014 and it works for all users without exception by default. The necessary condition is only creating a google account and entering information about it in the device itself. Google account can be created both on the phone and on the PC. I wrote how to do this on a computer. The Gmail mailbox is your Google account.

    To check how phone search works go to link and enter the password for your account. If positioning is enabled on your phone (I usually turn it off to conserve battery power), then you can see the location of your phone on the map.

    Google map

    With the help of a Google account, you can not only see the location of the phone, but also see when it was connected to the Internet for the last time, as well as activate a sound signal on the phone ( Call) and remotely clear the memory of the smartphone (start the process of a full reset of the settings on the android).

    remote dialing or blocking

    The dialing function is relevant if you really lost your device and cannot find it, for example, in an apartment or somewhere else. A beep will help you locate its location by ear.

    How can I remotely lock my phone and delete all data from it?

    You can lock your phone and delete data as a last resort if you know for sure that it has fallen into the wrong hands and you do not want your private information - SMS, photos, whatsapp correspondence, and others to be read by a third party.

    In order to be able to remotely clear the memory of a smartphone, you must in advance give the rights to this in the phone settings. This is usually done in the section "Security" - "Device" - "Administrators"

    On my phone it looks like this:

    After I have allowed remote control of the android in the phone settings, then in the section DeviceManager there is one more item "Block"

    Now I can remotely lock my smartphone if it is lost or stolen. In the blocking settings, you can set a password, the text that will be displayed, for example, “return the phone to the address. Moscow, Chistoprudny blvd, 2-16 ”and indicate the telephone number to contact you.

    lock settings

    This is what my phone screen looks like when I locked it remotely:

    The screen will not be unlocked until you enter the correct password.

    If you log in remotely clear smartphone content note that data on the card may not be deleted (but this is not certain). The likelihood of deleting or not deleting depends on the specific version of the android and the phone model.


    This method of finding a lost or stolen phone is not a panacea. It is enough to do HardReset on the smartphone and completely clear the memory, including from Google accounts and other things, - the phone will return to working condition again. This search method is designed for completely trivial cases - the phone is really lost, for example, in the grass, room, garden, etc.

    There are cases when people found other people's phones and continued to use them without changing anything. for example, as described.

    In this regard, the protection of apple devices has been made much more serious, if you lost your iphone, and the function “find my phone” was active on it, then through icloud you can completely “ brick up" device. That is why stealing an iphone is completely pointless, because you simply cannot sell it or use it for its intended purpose.

    Many owners of mobile gadgets ask the question of how to find a lost Android phone. Sometimes you just lost it at home, other times it could have been stolen. Do not despair, as there are ways how you can find your lost android phone from your computer. Users can use the functionality, as well as use other third-party programs.

    Finding a phone using Google

    The developer of this operating system has provided the ability to find your android mobile devices if they have been lost. However, to do this, remote control must be activated on the phone, and you must also log into your Google account. If you have not already done this on your smartphone, then be sure to activate this function, since only it will later help you find the phone via the Internet on a PC. To enable remote discovery, follow these steps:

    1. Go to the general settings of your gadget.
    2. Find the Security submenu and then enter it.
    3. Scroll down to the Device Administrators line. Go to this item.
    4. Check the box next to "remote control".

    This completes the settings on the smartphone. Now that your phone has been stolen, you can find it. It should be borne in mind that the stolen Android phone must be turned on. A switched off phone cannot be monitored with this system. To determine where your mobile phone may be located, you need to do the following:

    Users also have access to the "Call" function. You can not only find a stolen phone, but also lock the device or completely erase data from it. If you delete the data, attackers will not be able to use accounts and other information contained in the phone's memory. If someone found your phone, you can send him a message through the "Block" function.

    What if I lost my phone? First of all, use the service from Google, as this is the easiest and most convenient way to search for a mobile phone. To find the smartphone must be turned on and connected to the global Internet. Otherwise, the service will show the time and place of the last detection.

    We use additional software

    One of the ways to find a stolen gadget is to install special programs that in their essence provide an analogue of the above-described service. The official Play Market and the Internet offer dozens of applications that will quickly find a lost smartphone. Let's consider the most popular ones.


    The company of the same name has developed a special application that allows not only to determine the location of the phone, but also to track calls and SMS messages. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the developers and then create an account. On the "add device" tab you will be given a unique download link for the application.

    1. Install and run the program on your smartphone. Be sure to allow your location to be determined.
    2. Reboot your smartphone.
    3. Go to your personal account on the official Talklog website and then find the Location tab.
    4. The system will provide the coordinates of your phone. The program determines the location of the smartphone using GPS and GSM data.

    The only significant drawback of this application is that it is paid, however, during the first 12 hours, the user has access to absolutely all the functionality of the program.

    This program is almost identical to the one described above, with the exception that it is completely free. Not sure how to find your phone? Then download the application to the device, while allowing it to be administered. So you can go to the official website of the program, where you need to log in with your Google account.

    Let's figure out how to track the device now? Select "Get Location" from the list of commands. After that, a map with the location of the smartphone will appear on the screen.

    The application has a huge functionality, which includes:

    • smartphone lock;
    • creating a sound or vibration signal;
    • reading the last conversations;
    • the ability to take a picture using the front or rear camera;
    • read Wi-fi connection data and much more.

    For the program to work, the phone must be within the network coverage area and be switched on.

    Where's My Droid

    An alternative application with fairly broad functionality. The user will also have to put it on his smartphone, after which it will be possible to perform various manipulations with the lost device from a remote phone or computer. The developer's website has a user-friendly interface that allows you to take a picture of the camera, send a signal to your phone, or determine the location.

    An additional advantage is that the developers are constantly improving the application, as well as adding new features to it.

    Avast Anti-Theft

    One of the most popular programs for protecting your phone is Avast Anti-Theft. The key feature is that once installed and configured, it is nearly impossible to track down. It is not displayed anywhere except in the list of installed programs. The attacker will not even guess that he is being monitored.

    The developers have also created a convenient and intuitive web interface, where you can perform such a variety of actions as call, send a message, erase all data and much more.

    The search is carried out through Google maps. It is possible to turn on the satellite map, as well as track the route of the phone while moving.

    The described applications are an excellent answer to the question of how to find a stolen phone.

    If all else fails

    How to find a lost Android phone if all methods of searching through a computer are ineffective is an equally popular question. Here it is already necessary to contact either the telecom operator or the law enforcement agencies. They have all the necessary equipment to track the device almost anywhere. You must have a really good reason for going to law enforcement.

    Prepare documents for the purchase of a gadget in advance, in which the IMEI must also be present - the unique identification number of your smartphone. Be sure to take the box and the store receipt with you. All this will serve as proof that you are the owner of the lost device.