Download the program for checking oo 1. Phones for inquiries

Rules for the formation and verification of primary reporting for secondary schools and subordinate institutions

Option 1. Using the Template and the FLAC program

You can download templates of primary reporting forms by clicking on the link.

To do this, select the required form of the FSN forms (for example, ОШ-1) on the page that opens and download the template by clicking on the Ms Excel icon (Fig. 1).

In the same way, download the file "Instructions for filling out the FSN forms".

Open the file "Instructions for filling out the FSN forms" and strictly following these instructions, fill out the form template.

The generated report should be checked by the FLAC program. To do this, follow the link and download the control program "FLAK" for the template you need. Open the program (Fig. 2)

Click "Select file" and select the report. The selected file will appear in the field, click on it, thereby marking it with a tick. Click "Check by Flac" (Fig.3)

The window that appears will display the errors made when generating the report, or there are no errors. Errors made should be corrected and re-checked by FLAC (until the entry "No errors" appears).

The completed templates are transferred to the municipal level of education management in due time.

Option 2 ... Using the PC "MORF"

PC "MORF" is installed in educational institutions, and the person in charge fills out the primary form of the FSN.

After filling it out, it is necessary to check the form in accordance with the user's manual. ("File" / "Loading data from the Excel template" / choosing an institution, choosing an FSN form, choosing a file with a report)

If the report is drawn up correctly, the message "No errors" will appear (Print and attach to the report)

The educational institution transfers the PC "MORF" database (the "MORF" PC database means the "Data" folder, which is contained in the working folder of the "MORF" PC, located by default on the "C: \ Program Files \ MORF" drive) to the municipal level of management education.

Instruction for municipalities

At the beginning of the work, you should download the updated version of the PC MORF and the instructions for installing and operating the PC MORF, posted on the GIVTs website.

For the formation of a consolidated report on the primary form of the FSN, two alternative approaches are possible.

Option 1. Upon receipt of completed templates of primary forms.

Municipal education authorities collect primary statistical reports verified by the FLAC program in the Excel format. The reports are uploaded to the PC "MORF". After downloading the primary reports of all subordinate institutions, this report is converted to a PC and a summary report is generated. The generated summary report must be checked in the PC MORF. If the report is formed correctly, the inscription "No errors" will appear.

Option 2. Upon receipt of the PC "MORF" database ("Data" folder).

When using the MORF PC from educational institutions, the municipal education authorities collect primary statistical reports in the form of a database (Data folder), which is then loaded into the MORF PC and used to generate a summary report ("File" / Download primary documents / choice of institution / selection folders / FSN form selection).

After downloading the primary reports of all subordinate institutions, this report is converted to a PC and a summary report is generated. The generated summary report must be checked in the PC MORF. If the report is formed correctly, the inscription "No errors" will appear. (Print and attach to the report)

Summary reports should be coordinated with specialists from the Ministry of Education:

Gukezheva I. Z. - Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Forecasting

Zharikova E.V. - Head of the Department of Education Development and Informatization Programs.

After that, the municipalities submit summary statistical reports in the form of databases to the "Center for Monitoring and Education Statistics".

Rules for the formation and verification of primary reporting for secondary schools and subordinate institutions

Option 1. Using the Template and the FLAC program

You can download templates of primary reporting forms by clicking on the link.

To do this, select the required form of the FSN forms (for example, ОШ-1) on the page that opens and download the template by clicking on the Ms Excel icon (Fig. 1).

In the same way, download the file "Instructions for filling out the FSN forms".

Open the file "Instructions for filling out the FSN forms" and strictly following these instructions, fill out the form template.

The generated report should be checked by the FLAC program. To do this, follow the link and download the control program "FLAK" for the template you need. Open the program (Fig. 2)

Click "Select file" and select the report. The selected file will appear in the field, click on it, thereby marking it with a tick. Click "Check by Flac" (Fig.3)

The window that appears will display the errors made when generating the report, or there are no errors. Errors made should be corrected and re-checked by FLAC (until the entry "No errors" appears).

The completed templates are transferred to the municipal level of education management in due time.

Option 2 ... Using the PC "MORF"

PC "MORF" is installed in educational institutions, and the person in charge fills out the primary form of the FSN.

After filling it out, it is necessary to check the form in accordance with the user's manual. ("File" / "Loading data from the Excel template" / choosing an institution, choosing an FSN form, choosing a file with a report)

If the report is drawn up correctly, the message "No errors" will appear (Print and attach to the report)

The educational institution transfers the PC "MORF" database (the "MORF" PC database means the "Data" folder, which is contained in the working folder of the "MORF" PC, located by default on the "C: \ Program Files \ MORF" drive) to the municipal level of management education.

Instruction for municipalities

At the beginning of the work, you should download the updated version of the PC MORF and the instructions for installing and operating the PC MORF, posted on the GIVTs website.

For the formation of a consolidated report on the primary form of the FSN, two alternative approaches are possible.

Option 1. Upon receipt of completed templates of primary forms.

Municipal education authorities collect primary statistical reports verified by the FLAC program in the Excel format. The reports are uploaded to the PC "MORF". After downloading the primary reports of all subordinate institutions, this report is converted to a PC and a summary report is generated. The generated summary report must be checked in the PC MORF. If the report is formed correctly, the inscription "No errors" will appear.

Option 2. Upon receipt of the PC "MORF" database ("Data" folder).

When using the MORF PC from educational institutions, the municipal education authorities collect primary statistical reports in the form of a database (Data folder), which is then loaded into the MORF PC and used to generate a summary report ("File" / Download primary documents / choice of institution / selection folders / FSN form selection).

After downloading the primary reports of all subordinate institutions, this report is converted to a PC and a summary report is generated. The generated summary report must be checked in the PC MORF. If the report is formed correctly, the inscription "No errors" will appear. (Print and attach to the report)

Summary reports should be coordinated with specialists from the Ministry of Education:

Gukezheva I. Z. - Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Forecasting

Zharikova E.V. - Head of the Department of Education Development and Informatization Programs.

After that, the municipalities submit summary statistical reports in the form of databases to the "Center for Monitoring and Education Statistics".

OO-1 Report
Federal static observation form OO-1 "Information about the organization providing training in educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education" (hereinafter OO-1 report)
OO-1 report is formed as of September 20 of the current year. For its formation, all data in the system is used. If the data is changed (corrected) as of the date before September 20, the report must be recalculated.

General information. Interface
OO level

Interface of this section is a working field, it is empty until the OO-1 report is created. After generating the report ( create OO-1 Report - red plus sign in the upper right corner) a line with a report appears in it. The report line indicates the status of the report.

To the left of the working field there are filters with status for sorting records with reports.
Everything - all statuses of reports
Created by - report created
queue - the report is queued on the server
settlement in progress - the report is calculated
ready - the report is calculated
on check - the report has been sent for verification to the MUO
on completion - MUO returned the report for revision
error - there is an error in the data on the basis of which the report is generated
adopted - the report is accepted by the MUO

OO-1 Report Card
Card access - Mouse click on a report in the list of reports
The top menu of the report card looks like this - sections "Summary", "Lists", "Preview".
Button "Download in EXCEL" - the function of downloading the OO-1 report in EXCEL format
The button "For verification in the MUO" - the function allows you to send the OO-1 Report to the MUO, after checking it at the OO level.

The upper part of the section contains basic data about the report - the academic year, the name of the organization, the state (status), the date of the last action with the report that led to the change in status.
The lower part of the section is a summary table containing information about errors and comments contained in the system data and affecting the formation of the OO-1 Report.
To view errors and remarks, you need to go to the list containing errors (each list is a hyperlink). Errors are highlighted in red, comments are highlighted in yellow. Errors and remarks need to be corrected and the report re-formed.

The section contains lists (primary data), on the basis of the data from which the OO-1 Report is built. Having looked through the lists, one can understand why the OO-1 Report is being built exactly the way, and not the way it might need to. Advice - lists are easier to download (CSV) and then work with them in EXCEL using filters, checking all the data

Composition of students as of the reporting date September 20 - full name with the opportunity to get into the LC), gender, age, class, class-set, parallel, training program, educational features, program adaptability, standard training period, mark about graduation classes, form of training, change, type of training, disability , place of education for disabled people, orphanhood, UCP, cochlear implant, language of instruction, foreign language, native language, data on the profile group and in-depth study of subjects, errors, remarks
Results of the year(a list of students who must be taken into account when generating the report, i.e. those registered on September 20, dropped out during the year, graduated from the OO) - full name, age, academic year, type of last order, date of last order, date of arrival, parallel, training program, adaptability of the program, form of study, type of training, graduation, retirement, standard period of study, year of study, disability, document on basic general education, activities after LLC, document on secondary general education, activities after SOO, admission of LLC, admission of SOO , minimum GIA, Russian Unified State Exam, mathematics Unified State Exam, mistakes, remarks.
Employees at the reporting date(a list of employees who should be taken into account when generating the report, i.e. those registered as of September 20 and dismissed during the last academic year) - full name, date of birth, age, gender, position, job group, type of work, category, rate , education, defectologist, graduate ???, length of service, teaching experience, subject, class, hours of distance learning, hours in correctional classes, hours in total, class of class leadership, date of certification, date of advanced training, retraining, date of employment, date of dismissal, errors, remarks
Employees - internal alignment(a list of employees as of the reporting date who have added internal alignment in their LC (this report indicates the rate for internal alignment) - full name, position, group of positions, type of work, rate, subject, class, hours of distance learning, hours in correction classes , total hours, classroom guidance, errors, remarks
Organization parameters (data on OO used in the OO-1 report) - name, type / type, presence of peculiarities, presence of evening classes, availability of correctional classes, type of settlement, presence of a boarding school, GPA - units, GPA - person, GPA 1- 4 classes - units, GPA 1-4 classes - people, mistakes, remarks.

A service that allows you to view the data of the OO-1 Report without downloading it. It is necessary to select the required subsection (by clicking the mouse), and the information is available for viewing.

Municipal level
The municipal level interface is almost completely the same as the TOE level.
Differences from the OO level
At the municipal level, it is not possible to create a new report if the municipal curator is not assigned the role of the PA administrator.
The municipal coordinators validate the reports and accept or reject them.
In the OO-1 Report card there are buttons "For revision" and "Accept report". The first should be used when there are errors in the report and the TOE must correct them. The second - when all errors are eliminated and the report is built correctly.

Actions taken with the OO-1 report
After creating a report and correcting errors in it, the report from the TOE should be sent for verification to the MUO, the button "for verification to the MUO" in the top menu of the OO-1 Report card.
The report acquires the status "Under review". After checking the report, the municipal curator either sends the report "For revision" (status "under revision"), or accepts it (status "Accepted"). In the first case, it is necessary to correct errors in the report and re-send to the MUO (these operations for sending to the MUO can be done several times until all errors are corrected). In the second case, the report is accepted, and you no longer need to perform any actions with it, after assigning this status, the report data is recorded in the system, and it is no longer possible to make any changes to them. I would advise the municipal curator to put this status after the report is submitted to the Ministry of Education.
Formation of a report at the OO level is available to the roles: administrator, head teacher, ????
This report is the main report on the basis of which funding is allocated to an educational organization. Take it very seriously. Check the accuracy and correctness of all data contained in the system.