How to put a table break in a Word. Word file failure

It works and will always work.
This has been tested on Word 2003, Word 2007, Word 2010, and Word 2013.
This will work in any versions of Word up to the year 2100,
because the principle of breaking and joining tables in Word,
as stable and flawless as Word itself

Break and join tables in Word 2003 - 2013 (before year 2100)

Tables in Word are divided and connected quite easily and simply - by simply placing the cursor in the desired place on the page and by pressing the "ENTER" and "DELETE" keys. Provided, of course, that the tables being joined by the number and width of columns, and the Word file itself is.

Non-printable characters

Breaking and joining tables in Word is the work of the user (user) from the office program. Without unprintable signs, alas - nothing (or almost nothing) will come of it. When working with non-printable characters in Word, it is highly desirable to enable their display on the screen. Because, in its usual state, non-printable characters are not displayed. They are invisible to the operator of a personal computer (PC).

What are "unprintable characters"
In office Word, all characters are divided into printable and non-printable.
Printed marks are marks that we actually see on the page.
Non-printable characters are program service characters that are not displayed (printed) on the page in normal mode. Non-printable marks include, first of all, paragraph marks and page break marks.

To see non-printable characters - they need to be displayed on the page. To do this, you need to press, or the key combination Ctrl + Shift + 8, or - on the icon for displaying unprintable characters in the main (upper) menu. When using the Ctrl + Shift + 8 key combination, you need to squeeze the number 8 on the main keyboard, and not on the auxiliary one. The number eight pressed on the keypad (num) in this key combination does not work.

How to break a table in Word

(we tear the table into Word, like Tuzik - a heating pad)
Breaking a table into a Word is the easiest thing to do with it.
Breaking a table in Word is very easy - we have everything that breaks is very easy.

To break a table in Word, you need to position the cursor in the required cell of the table row and insert a "page break". After that, that part of the table that will be below the set cursor will be torn off and placed at the beginning of a new page.

How to insert a "page break"
In all versions of the Word, the "page break" is inserted in the same way:
- you need to open the "Insert" tab in the Main Menu and look for "Page Break"

Here are some options for the search path:
- Main (top) menu => Insert => Pages => "Page Break"
- Main (top) menu => Insert => "Page Break"
After inserting a "Page Break" into a table row, any Word table will be split into two parts, the second of which will be displayed and start on a new page. Here, right off the bat, a question is foreseen - the torn off part of the table is located from the beginning of a new sheet, but it is necessary that there is only one line between the torn tables.

How to make only one row between broken tables
To do this, remove the "Page Break" sign and insert (or leave) the "Paragraph" mark instead. In any case, you need to include and watch what is between the tables. Superfluous - to delete, necessary - to leave. It might look something like this:

  • turn on the display
  • we find between the tables the sign "Page Break"
  • if there is no "Paragraph" mark - insert it
  • remove the page break sign

Now two tables are separated only by a paragraph mark
and there is only one row between the tables.

Manually, (by hand) this is done very easily and quickly, "on autopilot" - immediately under the first part of the torn table, you need to set the cursor and press, alternately the keys "ENTER" and "DELETE" - the second part of the torn table will immediately "jump" up and between the tables will set a gap equal to the height of one line.

How to join tables in Word

The actions to join tables in Word are very logical and understandable -
all you need to do is remove all characters between the tables being joined.
The tables will join automatically.

To do this, we include and delete between our tables everything that we find only there. During this procedure, the user may be in for two unpleasant surprises, or, as it is fashionable to say nowadays, "breaks".

Bummer first
The tables will join with a noticeable visual difference along the join line, i.e. the tables will not merge, and they seem to squeeze together, but still, the delimitation line will be visible between them. There may be a double line or other visual defects at the point of contact.

An important condition for a complete merge of tables in Word is the absolute identity (full match) of the formatting of its columns. In this case, the decisive role can be played not only by the number and exact width of the columns in the tables being joined, but also by factors such as font matching, layout and alignment in cells, line width, etc. Otherwise, joining and merging of two tables into one will not happen. If the tables are even slightly different, then the lower table is simply pressed against the upper table. Like the picture above

At the same time, you need to understand that it is extremely difficult to determine "by eye" the identity of the tables and, in practice, it is impossible. Because, the Word program, like all other visual text-graphic editors, makes measurements of objects in pixels and percentages, small fluctuations of which "by eye" are completely imperceptible.

Bummer second(from the unknown)
Sometimes, and quite often - the signs between the tables being joined stubbornly do not want to be deleted, they become, as it were, "non-removable". The only intelligible advice of an attempt on how to remove in this case the "Paragraph" or "Page Break" marks I was given on one of the forums.

The first tip - when deleting characters between tables, select not only the characters themselves between them, but also one line from each table, respectively - the last and the first. The simultaneous capture of rows of two tables being joined creates a selection area that is guaranteed to overlap absolutely all deleted elements between the tables. In order not to spoil the contents of the tables, the captured rows in each table must be created first, and then, after joining, deleted. It is clear that this is troublesome, but this is an “emergency landing”. So to speak, for difficult cases.

The second tip is that the characters to be removed should not be deleted, but rather try to replace them with a space or "empty space". The replacement algorithm is something like this:

  • highlight the required character
  • further - in the menu Edit-Replace (or press Ctrl + H)
  • click the "More" button
  • put the cursor in the "Find" field
  • press the button "Special"
  • select the required item "Paragraph mark" or "Page break"
  • click on "Replace"

Both the first and the second breakdowns are successfully "treated" by simply copying the contents of one table to be joined to another. Of course, with large volumes of text, this is not our method, but, as they say, there is at least some way out.

Joining Word tables by copying

If the tables do not merge into one, despite all the tricks, then in Word there is only one reliable way to join them - it is just to copy the contents of one table into the second and then delete one of them. At the same time, you need to remember the simple rules for copying the contents of Word tables. Namely - as the content was copied, so it should be and pasted. If the content was copied as lines, then you need to paste as lines. If the content was copied like cells, then you need to paste it like cells. Otherwise, it will be nonsense.

Word file failure

(Confession of a sysadmin)
Naturally, we are not talking about a complete loss of information. Even the most "killed" Word will always open its file - that's how it works. But, here - the appearance of "non-removable" characters, a partial refusal when formatting the text, moved out of their seats or "non-movable" pictures - it's easy. This is in the order of things for Word.

This failure of the Word file can be caused by partial damage to the file itself. It is the partial damage to the Word file that causes the stubborn unwillingness of this program to perform elementary and seemingly simple and understandable actions. Moreover, one and the same damaged file can work perfectly on one computer and not work at all on another.

Situation: you made two tables in one Word document. For various reasons, you need to link them together.

The photo below shows just such an example. There is a gap between the tables.

If you take and pull the lower table onto the upper table, then we warn you that this is a bad solution to the problem. As a result, the table may tear even more, something will change places, words in the tables may disappear, and many more problems may arise.

But if you have already done so, then just turn everything back with the help of the small blue arrow in the upper left corner.

Using the tool "display all signs"

You can correct the splitting of tables using the "display all characters" tool. It is indicated by the symbol (¶).

This tool can be found in the toolbar in Word, as shown in the picture below. Or press the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + *).

Click on the icon (¶) and see the transformation of the text. New icons appeared in the text and table. We are interested in the mark of the finished paragraph. It is covertly imprinted when we press the Enter key.

Between the tables, we see that there is one such icon.

If you press the (Enter) key under this icon, we will see that another similar sign has appeared below the previous one.

So, in order to remove the gap between the tables, you need to connect paragraphs, that is, remove their endings.

Press the Delete or Backspase button and simply delete these icons.

You should end up with the image below. The tables are connected.

To return to normal operation, click on the tool (¶) in the toolbar again.

And now your tablets are connected.

Note! It often happens that the tables do not match in size and are not connected evenly.To fix this problem, you need to stretch a small table or shrink a large one. Be guided according to your situation.

Our video on how to join a table after breaking into a WORD

Method number 2

Using the clipboard in Word

  1. On the second table, you need to move the cursor over the cross for moving the table.
  2. Click on it with the right mouse button.
  3. Select the menu item "copy" or "cut".
  4. Place the cursor under the first table.
  5. Press the right mouse button.
  6. Select the "insert" menu item.

Note! For the same method, you can use keyboard shortcuts instead of mouse buttons:

  • (Ctrl + C) - copy;
  • (Ctrl + X) - cut;
  • (Ctrl + V) - paste.

Important! If the number of columns in the second table is equal to the number of columns in the first table, then the table will be adjusted to the size of the first table.

How to detach a table again

In order to again be in two parts or more, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Place the mouse cursor at the beginning of the table row where your second table should start.
  2. Press the key combination (Ctrl + Shift + Enter).

The table is pulled apart again.

Video - How to combine tables in Word?

Earlier we already wrote that the Word program, which is part of the office suite from Microsoft, allows you to work not only with text, but also with tables. The set of tools presented for these purposes is striking in the breadth of choice. Therefore, it is not surprising that tables in Word can not only be created, but also modified, edited, both the contents of columns and cells, and their appearance.

Speaking directly about tables, it is worth noting that in many cases they simplify work not only with numerical data, making their presentation more visual, but also directly with the text. Moreover, numerical and textual content can quite freely coexist in one table, on one sheet of such a multifunctional editor, which is the Word program from Microsoft.

However, sometimes it is necessary not only to create or merge tables, but also to perform the completely opposite action - to split one table in Word into two or more parts. How to do this will be discussed below.

Note: The ability to split the table into parts is present in all versions of MS Word. Using this instruction, you can split the table in Word 2010 and earlier versions of the program, but we show this using the example of Microsoft Office 2016. Some points may differ visually, their name may be slightly different, but this does not change the meaning of the actions performed.

1. Select the row that should be the first in the second (separable table).

2. Go to the tab "Layout" ("Working with tables") and in the group "Combine" find and select the item "Split table".

3. Now the table is divided into two parts

How to break a table in Word 2003?

The instructions for this version of the program are slightly different. Having selected the line that will be the beginning of the new table, you need to go to the tab "Table" and in the expanded menu select the item "Split table".

Generic method for splitting tables

You can also break a table in Word 2007 - 2016, as well as in previous versions of this product, using hot key combinations.

1. Select the line that should be the beginning of the new table.

2. Press the key combination "Ctrl + Enter".

3. The table will be split in the required place.

At the same time, it should be noted that the use of this method in all versions of Word makes the continuation of the table on the next page. If this is exactly what you needed initially, do not change anything (after all, it's much easier than pressing Enter many times until the table moves to a new page). If you need the second part of the table to be located on the same page as the first, place the cursor after the first table and click "BackSpace"- the second table will move one line away from the first.

Note: If you need to merge tables again, position the cursor on the line between the tables and press "Delete".

Generic Complicated Method for Breaking Tables

If you are not looking for easy ways, or if you initially need to move the created second table to a new page, you can simply create a page break in the required place.

1. Position the cursor on the line that should be the first on the new page.

2. Go to the tab "Insert" and click on the button there "Page break" located in the group "Pages".

3. The table will be divided into two parts.

The division of the table will happen exactly as you needed it - the first part of it will remain on the previous page, the second will move to the next.

That's all, now you know about all the possible ways to split tables in Word. We sincerely wish you high productivity in work and training and only positive results.

Novice users are afraid of some cases that prevent them from working in the office suite of programs. One of such situations is a problem of how to join two tables in the "Word". After all, the algorithm of actions differs, depending on the version of Microsoft Word.

Introducing Microsoft Word

Probably every user already knows a program like Word from the Microsoft Office suite. This text editor is the most popular all over the world. I am glad that Word provides many options for typing and formatting text. And if you have questions about "or how to insert a picture, you can find an accessible and understandable answer to everyone.

So what are the main features of Word:

  • Create bulleted and numbered lists.
  • Display non-printable characters.
  • Alignment of the text fragment in different positions.
  • Insert a page break, paragraphs.
  • Assigning headers and footers.
  • Insert pictures, page numbers, various objects from other programs, symbols that are not on the keyboard.
  • Creation of tables (matrices) and art objects.

And these are not all the possibilities of a text editor.

Concatenating tables in Word 2003

To combine two matrices in Word, one main condition must be met: the number of columns must be the same. To get out of this situation and answer the question of how to join two tables in Word 2003, you must:

  • position the cursor on the line of the gap between two objects;
  • press the “Delete” button several times until the merge occurs.

If the width of the columns of one matrix differs from the data of the indicators in another object, then you need to use the command "Equalize Column Width". To call it, select the table, press RMB and select the required item. Do not be afraid that, according to tabular data, one column should be wider, the other narrower. After combining the objects, you can manually adjust this figure.

Joining tables in Word 2007 and other versions

In a situation where it is not clear how to join two tables in Word 2007, there is a very simple solution. Even a novice user is capable of performing this operation. To do this, you just need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Select the object that will be combined with its "second" half.
  2. Copy a fragment in one of the known ways:
    • press CTRL + C;
    • right-click (right mouse button) on the specified fragment and select "Copy";
    • click the "Copy" button on the toolbar.
  3. Place the cursor above or below the original matrix to merge with.
  4. There is an arrow on the "Insert" button on the toolbar. You need to press it and select the item "Insert table by adding". Alternatively, when you insert a table, a small button with a context menu appears, from which you can select one of the necessary commands.

This algorithm is suitable not only for the 2007 version, but also for the rest, since subsequent releases of Word did not introduce global changes in the program interface. Therefore, when thinking about how to join two tables in Word 2010, follow the specified algorithm. The main thing is to remember to remove extra characters and spaces between two objects.

Now no one should be bothered by the question of how to join two tables in the "Word".

This article describes how to join a broken table in Word. This information is useful for both beginners and users who are familiar with the computer. Following the instructions below, you can do everything right and make sure that your actions are correct.

How to make a table break in Word

Hello, friends! The table in Word is created by many users of the Word program. Basically, it is needed to maintain any records, or records. For example, if a person earns through the Internet, then he will soon begin to keep records of his income. This tool is essential because not all people are able to memorize a large amount of information.

But, sometimes there is such a problem when you have to create gaps between two tables. Unfortunately, not all newbies know how to do this. Therefore, I will give below an effective option that will show you how to make a table break in Word.

To begin with, you select a separate area in the table by clicking the left mouse button. Then go to the section of working with tables called layout and click on the function to split the table. (Picture 1).

After that, your table will be divided into two parts. I am sure that you have succeeded. Next, you will learn how to join a broken table in Word.

So, how to join a broken table in Word? As you know, people don't always need break tables and therefore have to join them. For this case, follow these steps. Select the torn object again and right-click on it to select copy. Then you should press cut in the specified menu. (Figure 2).

After that, move the mouse cursor exactly to the area where you want to add the broken table. To remove a table break in word, help the CTRL + V keys to paste. After this action, you can permanently get rid of the gaps between tables. A separate part of the table is inserted at the point where the break was made.

But, sometimes it happens that after inserting the tables are displayed unevenly. The problem is fixed fairly easily. You need to stretch or reduce the size of the tables by dragging and dropping from one side to the other. And then you will not have problems with unevenness.


In this article, you learned how to join a broken table in Word. After studying this instruction, a world of new possibilities will open up for you, especially if you work in the Word program. Use this program, and then you will be able to create such tables.

But, for more efficient use of tables, I still recommend using the Excel program. On my blog you will find a detailed article -. In it, I tell and show all the important conditions that a beginner must fulfill. Only after everything is done, according to the instructions, you will definitely be able to create a table. Thank you for reading the article to the end.

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