How to check a hard drive by Aida. How to check the hard drive on a laptop

Despite the fact that recently solid-state drives have been more and more confidently conquering the niche of the main memory module in computers and laptops, their market share is not so great. The good old mechanical hard drives are much cheaper and are still popular today. However, they have the ability to fail just like any other technique. This article is devoted to the question of how to check a hard drive for serviceability at home without resorting to the help of service centers. Moreover, here will be given options, thanks to which it will be possible to restore the functionality of a partially damaged hard drive.

A little about the hard drive itself

The classic hard drive of a laptop or computer is a few so-called "pancakes" with a ferrimagnetic coating, on which information is written with the help of heads, and with their help it is read. These discs rotate at high speeds ranging from 5400 to 10,000 rpm. For comparison - the same rotational speed of the industrial cutting tool, in the common people called the "grinder". Impressive?

It is during rotation that reading or writing occurs. But if the hard drive is hit or pushed during operation, the heads can make an almost imperceptible scratch on the surface. Although it is small, the clusters in this area become unreadable, and the computer tries to access them over and over again. As a result, after unsuccessful attempts to read information, it freezes. How can I check my disk for such areas?

Victoria testing program

One of the popular hard drive testing utilities is Victoria. Although it can be run from under the operating system, today we will learn how to check the hard drive for serviceability through the BIOS. The manufacturer's website for this utility has information on how to make a bootable disk or a USB flash drive with it. In the BIOS of a laptop or computer, you must set the boot from removable media, after which, after turning on your device with the connected bootable media, you will see the interface of this program. Select your hard drive by pressing the "P" key on your keyboard and start scanning it using the "F5" key.

Now you can go and go about your business. Depending on the size of the disk, the scan will take from 1 to 3 hours. As a result, on the right side you will see the legend of the disk map, which will indicate the number of sectors of each type. If there are sectors that are read for more than 1.5 s, or bad sectors in the frame at the bottom, it means that the hard disk is defective, it needs to be restored or changed. So, in your arsenal there is already one way to check the health of a hard drive on a laptop or computer.

Testing via HDD Regenerator

You have to prepare the bootable media in the same way by downloading the utility from the developers' site. This utility is easier to use, but takes a little longer. It is believed that this is the best way, since it is easier to check the hard disk for serviceability with it, moreover, it gives more information.

To start checking, select your disk by entering its number from the list. After that you need a menu item called Normal Scan. In the next submenu, select Scan, but do not repair. Then everything follows the standard scheme: you can go about your business. After a while, you will receive a hard disk map on which you can see exactly which areas are damaged. If the disc is in order, the entire card should be white, without the letters "D" or "B". What test can you still check the hard drive for?

One of the tricky options is MHDD

Working with this utility is very similar to the previous version. As in other cases, you must first prepare the bootable media in order to start it without starting the operating system.

After starting, you will have to select the required hard drive, if you have more than one. The choice is made by entering the desired number from the list. After that, initialize the disk using the "F2" key and enter the SCAN command. It starts scanning the surface of the hard drive. If necessary, you can scan not the entire surface, but a specific area of ​​the clusters.

The interface of the program resembles the Victoria already known to us. As in the case with it, as a result, there should not be sectors that could not be considered by the program or have been read for too long.

Now you know all the common ways to check the health of your hard drive. It makes no sense to install these programs on a computer, a bootable flash drive is enough.

Hard drive recovery via Victoria

Of course, knowledge of the malfunction is not enough, you need to fix it. But it is physically impossible to cure problem sectors. Programs simply block the hard disk from accessing problem areas, so that they are completely deleted from the map, and he does not access them.

In the case of the Victoria program, before starting the scan after pressing the "F5" key, you just need to set one of the recovery options in the fourth line of the window. As a result, not only scanning will occur, but also re-partitioning of problem sectors, and you will put your disk in order if it has not completely failed. Now you know not only how to check a hard drive for serviceability, but also how to restore it.

Recovery with HDD Regenerator

The very name of this program says that it is adapted to treat problem discs, and in fact it is. In order for the sectors to be re-marked during scanning. At startup, in the last menu, instead of Scan, but do not repair, select Scan and repair. This operation will take a little longer, but all problem areas of the surface will be erased.

It is worth noting that if the recovery takes more than 5-6 hours, then, most likely, the disk is completely out of order and it will not be possible to restore it. This applies to all recovery programs.

Scanning with BIOS without utilities

Some laptops and computers are able to check the hard disk and RAM without additional utilities. Therefore, in the question of how to check a hard drive for serviceability through BIOS, you can not complicate your life by preparing bootable media, but use standard tools.

However, they may not always be designed for recovery. In fairness, it is worth noting that they will still allow you to make an initial diagnosis without unnecessary problems, which means that you should definitely not neglect them.

What about removable hard drives?

Drives of this type are also mostly mechanical devices packed in a special pocket. So how do you check if your external hard drive is working properly? All the same methods work for them, except for the Victoria program, since it will not be able to detect it. The main thing is to connect it to the USB port of a computer or laptop before turning it on, so that it can correctly recognize it. After that, the order of actions does not change, you can just check it. Or run a script for recovering damaged clusters.

Now you know all the ways to check a hard drive for serviceability without the help of professionals. This information will help you save a lot of money on trips to service centers, because hard drive faults are one of the most common in computer technology.

Is the most unreliable component of a modern computer. As a rule, modern models work up to 3 years, after which they have to be replaced. The worst thing about this situation is that it is very difficult to predict exactly when a hard drive will break. Because of this, inexperienced users often lose important data. In this article, we will talk about how to check a hard drive for serviceability and correctly assess its condition.

Health check based on data from "S.M.A.R.T."

If you want to check the hard drive for serviceability, then the first thing to do is to install the program. This free program collects all available information about the drive and, based on it, gives an assessment of its technical condition. If the drive is fully functional, then its "technical condition" will be indicated as "Good". If it has any problems, then you will receive the rating "Alarm", but in those cases when the HDD is on the verge of death, the program gives the rating "Bad".

Also in the program CrystalDiskInfo you can see the initial data of the system "S.M.A.R.T." (their program uses them to assess those conditions). To understand what this or that parameter means, you can use. There is a table with a detailed description of all parameters of the S.M.A.R.T. system. In addition, in the CrystalDiskInfo program, you can see the number of inclusions, the number of hours worked, the exact model name and even the serial number of the drive.

Checking the health of the hard drive under load

If the system "S.M.A.R.T." does not show any problems, then the hard drive can be checked for serviceability by creating a heavy load. To do this, just try to write a large number of small files (a couple of megabytes in size) to the drive. For example, you might try to copy a large folder of photos onto it.

  • If the disk is healthy, then the copying process should go through without any incident. In this case, the copying speed should be more or less stable throughout the entire copying period (except for a slight drop in speed immediately after the copying starts).
  • If the hard drive is defective, the copy speed will fluctuate very much (from normal to very slow). In some cases, the copying process may freeze or be interrupted. Some files may not be copied, the system will report errors. In especially advanced cases, a crackling or rattling sound may be heard, the drive may turn off ().

If the test with writing files went well, then try testing how reading data works. To do this, try copying data from the test drive.

Checking for errors in HD Tune

The next stage is to check the health of the hard disk using specialized programs. Such programs allow you to check the hard drive for errors and identify existing problems, even if they do not appear in normal use. Let's start with the free program (or its paid version HD Tune Pro).

In order to check the hard disk for errors, run the HD Tune program, go to the tab and click on the "Start" button.

Then HD Tune will start checking the hard disk for good condition. During the check, you will be able to observe this process. Normal areas of the hard drive will be marked in green, and damaged areas in red.

On a fully functional hard disk, there should be no damaged (red) blocks at all, the entire surface should be marked in green.

Checking for errors with Victoria 3.5

To get the most accurate check, you need to use the program, you can download it as an iso file, for example, (here is version 3.5, which is best suited for checking outside the operating system). The downloaded iso file must be burned to a CD (or flash drive) and the computer booted from it. After booting the computer from this CD, you will need to select one of the versions of the Victoria program. For desktops, you need to choose the version "Victoria for Desktop", and for laptops, respectively, "Victoria for Notebook". The other options in this menu start the DOS operating system and Volkov Commander.

To start scanning the entire surface of the hard drive, press the F4 key. After that, a menu with settings should appear. Here you need to select "Ignore Bad Blocks" and "Linear reading"... It should be noted that you need to use the Victoria program very carefully, since the use of some of its functions can delete data on the drive. For example, this can happen when the options "Write (erase)", "Write from file", and "BB = Erase 256 sect" are enabled.

To start scanning, press the F4 key again. After that, you just have to wait until the check is over. At the end, if the hard drive is fully functional, you should see a screen like this.

If the hard disk has any problem areas, then orange and red blocks will appear on the scan screen. The more such blocks, the worse the condition of the HDD surface. If the number of red blocks is large, it means that the hard drive is defective and it is time to replace it. Detailed information about the found problems can be viewed on the right side of the screen, in the "Defects" window.

Checking for errors in Victoria 4.46

If you do not want to write an iso image and boot from a computer from a disk, then you can use the Victoria 4.46 program, which runs from the Windows operating system. You can download this version of the program, for example,.

After downloading, you will receive an archive that you will need to unpack into any folder. To start the Victoria 4.46 program, open the folder with the contents of the archive and run the vcr446f.exe program. After launching, you will see the main Victoria window, it will look something like the picture below.

The study of the program should be started from the "Standart" tab. Here, on the right side of the screen, there is a list of hard drives that Victoria was able to determine, information about the currently selected drive is displayed at the top left (if you wish, you can choose another), and below is a log of events, errors and other information.

To check the hard disk for errors, you need to open the "Tests" tab. Here you must first click on the "Passp" button (to get information about the drive), and then on the "Start" button (to start the test).

After that, you just need to wait for the program to finish checking the hard disk.

During the check, the Victoria program will find faulty and problematic storage blocks, the number of which will be displayed in the column on the right, as well as at the bottom of the screen.

Results of checking the health of the hard disk

A fully functional hard drive should pass all of the above tests without any problems. The CrystalDiskInfo program should be rated Good, manual writing and reading testing should run smoothly, and HD Tune and Victoria should show no problems. If this is the case for you, then most likely your hard drive is fully functional and will work for a long time.

But, naturally, there are no guarantees here and cannot be. Therefore, the only way to reliably protect your data is to back up. The most important data (personal photos, videos, documents) should always be stored on multiple drives.

Good afternoon.

In today's article I want to touch the heart of the computer - the hard disk (by the way, many people call the processor the heart, but personally I don’t think so. If the processor burns out, buy a new one and no problem, if the hard drive burns out, the information cannot be restored in 99% of cases).

When do you need to check the hard disk for health and bad sectors? This is done, firstly, when buying a new hard drive, and secondly, when the computer is unstable: you have strange noises (); when accessing any file - the computer freezes; long copying of information from one hard disk partition to another; missing files and folders, etc.

In this article, I would like to tell you in simple language how to check a hard drive for bad, to assess its performance in the future, to sort out typical user questions along the way.

So, let's begin…

Update as of 12/07/2015. Not so long ago, an article appeared on the blog about the recovery of bad sectors (treatment of bad blocks) with the HDAT2 program - (I think the link will be relevant for this article). Its main difference from MHDD and Victoria is support for almost any disks with interfaces: ATA / ATAPI / SATA, SSD, SCSI and USB.

1. What do we need?

Before proceeding with the testing operation, in cases where the hard disk is not stable, I recommend copying all important files from the disk to other media: flash drives, external HDDs, etc. ().

1) We need a special program to test and restore the performance of the hard drive. There are a lot of similar programs, I recommend using one of the most popular - Victoria. Below are download links

2) Next, a multi-colored program window will appear in front of us: go to the "Standard" tab. The upper right side shows the hard drives and CD-Rom that are installed in the system. Choose your hard drive that you want to test. Then press the "Passport" button. If all goes well, you will see how your hard drive model is determined. See the picture below.

If the hard disk controller operates in AHCI (Native SATA) mode, SMART attributes may not be received, with the message “Get S.M.A.R.T. command… Error reading S.M.A.R.T! ”. The impossibility of receiving SMART data is also indicated by the “Non ATA” highlighted in red during the initialization of the media, the controller of which does not allow the use of ATA-interface commands, including the request for SMART attributes.

In this case, you need to go to BIOS and in the Config tab - >> Serial ATA (SATA) - >> SATA Controller Mode Option - >> change from AHCI to Compatibility... After testing the Victoria program, change the setting as it was before.

You can read more about how to change ACHI to IDE (Compatibility) in my other article:

4) Now go to the "Test" tab and press the "Start" button. In the main window, on the left, rectangles, painted in different colors, will begin to show. It is best if they are all gray.

You need to focus your attention on the red and blue rectangles (the so-called bad sectors, about them at the very bottom). It is especially bad if there are a lot of blue rectangles on the disk, in this case it is recommended to go through the disk check again, only with the "Remap" checkbox enabled. In this case, the Victoria program will hide the bad sectors found. Thus, the recovery of hard drives, which began to behave unstable, are performed.

By the way, after such a recovery, the hard drive does not always work for a long time. If he has already started to "pour in" then hope for the program - personally I would not. If you have a large number of blue and red rectangles, it's time to think about a new hard drive. By the way, blue blocks are not allowed on the new hard drive! experienced users call bad sectors (meaning bad, unreadable). Such unreadable sectors can occur both during the manufacture of a hard disk and during its operation. All the same, a hard drive is a mechanical device.

During operation, the magnetic disks in the hard drive case rotate rapidly, and the reading heads move above them. When jolted, hit by a device, or a software error, it can happen that the heads bump or fall to the surface. Thus, a bad sector will almost certainly appear.

In general, this is not a big deal, and many disks have such sectors. The disk file system is capable of isolating such sectors from file copy / read operations. Over time, the number of bad sectors may increase. But, as a rule, a hard disk becomes unusable for other reasons more often before bad sectors "kill" it. You can also isolate bad sectors using special programs, one of which we used in this article. After such a procedure - usually, the hard drive starts to work more stable and better, however, how long this stability will last - is unknown ...


It would seem, what could be more reliable in terms of storing valuable information than an electronic device in the form of a traditional storage device (HDD)? Perhaps you, dear user, think about a "new receiver" - a solid-state hard drive. However, despite the high manufacturability of the latter, the risk of data loss is still great. However, when a user knows how to check a hard drive for operability, and at the same time periodically monitors its working condition, the degree of reliability and comfortable use of any hard drive increases significantly. If you want to understand how to implement all this in practice, find out what to fear and how to avoid unforeseen operational situations, then we invite you to familiarize yourself with the material of this article. Believe me, a few minutes of reading will ultimately turn into a kind of life experience that will help you avoid many mistakes in the future, including data loss.

What Ensures Hard Drive Health: A Structural Introduction

The mechanical type of drives, and this article will focus on such hard drives, is a storage device that consists of several main parts:

  • Hermoblock - HDD case frame.
  • The PCB is (usually green, located on the bottom of the device).
  • The head block is a mechanical module through which the process of reading and writing data to the hard drive takes place.
  • A magnetically sputtered disk (pancake) - this is the area of ​​the HDD where information is stored.
  • The spindle drive is a device that makes the plates rotate at a given speed.

It should be noted that, depending on the modification of the hard drive, the number of read heads and magnetic disks may be different. Of course, the more storage components in the device, the higher the capacitive values ​​of the hard disk drive.

How good is your hard drive?

Follow the instructions below, and you will receive a practical answer to your question: "How to test a hard drive for operability?" So:

  • Download and install Victoria utility on your computer.
  • Run the specified software with administrator rights.
  • After opening the working window of the program, activate the Smart tab.
  • Next, click on the Get Smart button.
  • If the value GOOD is displayed in a nearby check-box, then you can breathe peacefully - your hard drive is in perfect order!

However, in order to perform a full test of your media, you must use the TEST tab. After using the Start button you run this utility, you will need to wait for the end of the test process. It is worth noting that the presence of red and blue sectors is not a good sign at all, such graphical indicators indicate that the storage area has damaged or bad sectors. However, the program we are considering for testing the health of a hard disk also has some recovery tools.

How is digital hard drive repair?

Upon completion of the test analysis process (using the Victoria utility), select the Remap item and restart the test with the same Start key. The program will "try" to fix all detected errors and restore bad sectors.

By the way, the duration of the running process varies depending on the physical capacity of your drive. It may well be that it will take a lot of time. Therefore, be patient and wait - miracles happen, and you will have time to make sure of this more than once!

Simple and effective in use "Windows-restorer": the standard method of "curing" HDD

There is no access to the Internet, and you are unable to install the aforementioned software, and the difficult question "how to check the hard drive for operability" is waiting for its permission? Not a problem! Follow these simple guidelines:

  • Enter the Start Menu.
  • Then left-click on "This PC".
  • Place the marker on the required partition of the hard disk and press the right button of the manipulator.
  • Select "Properties" from the drop-down list.
  • Go to the "Service" tab.
  • Activate the "Check" button.
  • Before starting the process "Restoring the hard drive", put a check in front of the two items in the next window.

In some cases, for example, when you want to analyze the state of the system partition (C :), you will need to reboot the OS. The subsequent recovery steps will be displayed on the monitor screen in the form of command lines and changing numeric values ​​- be sure to wait until the verification process is completed!

Summing up

Well, now you know how to check the hard drive for operability. However, do not forget that timely preventive maintenance of the hard drive has a favorable effect on the long-term operational life of this product. Defragment the HDD every two weeks, clean the hard drive from digital garbage and do not forget about the general process of optimizing your OS. That's all. Correct operation of your drive and many years of service!

How to check the hard disk drive (HDD) for errors?

We need the Victoria program. Download the image of the program to write it to a disk here or an image for a floppy disk here and write it to a disk (floppy disk).

Now we need to boot from this disk (floppy disk), restart the computer. And when you boot your computer or laptop, press F12 or Tab, you need to launch the BOOT MENU. If all else fails, try looking at the names of the keys at the bottom of the screen when booting, look through the instructions for the motherboard. You can also go to BIOS and specify the first boot device. To enter BIOS, press Delet when booting the computer, on laptops and old computers F2. In general, on the first page immediately after turning on the computer, this information is written at the bottom of the screen. BIOS menus differ slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer. Your task is to change the boot from Hard Drive to CDROM. Look for the Boot device Priority, "Boot" or "First boot device" tab

In the BIOS, you need to set the CDROM (or Floppy Drive if booting from a floppy disk) to the topmost line (using the + - or F5 F6 buttons). We save the changes and restart the computer.

If the message Press any key to continue appears, press any key, after which the Victoria program will start.

Press the P (eng) key, and select the desired channel, the choice is made with the arrows (if you do not know which disk you have, choose in turn).

Press Enter and F2. A list of hard drives should appear (if there are several or one if you have only one hard drive). If it does not appear, press P again and select another channel.

And press the number that is written opposite the desired disk. And Enter. After we have selected the disk we need, we will start checking it for errors. To do this, press F4. Another small window will open, in it we do not change anything and press Enter (you can read about the functions in this window in the instructions that I will attach below). The hard drive will be checked for errors.

In the upper right corner you see the numbers 5 ms, 20ms, 50 ms, etc. this shows the access times to each sector on the hard drive. The more sectors with less load, the better. And in the Defects tab, bad sectors will appear (these are the sectors where the hard disk is damaged and this place is not read and written). If you find defects, then you will have to purchase a new hard drive. In principle, defects on the hard disk can be cut off by reducing the hard disk (read how to do this in the instructions), but I would not recommend doing this because the hard disk will still crumble further and in the end you will lose all your data.

You can also run the program under Widows, and it will work, but for this you need to fulfill one of the conditions written below (download, unpack into a folder and run):

  • Disable (Control Panel> System> Hardware> Hard Disk Controllers) the IDE controller channel to which the tested hard drive is connected. This is necessary so that the program can directly access the HDD ports.
  • You do not have to disconnect the channel in the system, but then, when Windows boots, nothing should be connected to this channel (otherwise, the OS, having found an ATA device, will block the ports). If you have chosen this option, then you need to connect the hard drive after booting the system. Or, as an option, turn on power to the tested hard drive only after the OS is fully loaded (not all cheap power supplies "tolerate" this)
  • It is absolutely pointless to disable the hard drive in the BIOS, because modern multitasking operating systems do not use the BIOS to check for the presence of an HDD on the channel. The driver does it for it. so that DOS itself does not see this disk (and so that it does not use ports in this way, which theoretically can lead to conflicts between the OS and the program).

You can download the instruction here.

How do I check my hard drive through BIOS?

A hard disk is not the most reliable part of a personal computer and at the most inopportune moment this device can fail. To prevent this, the HDD requires constant analysis of its performance and verification of the data recorded on it for integrity. As a rule, specialists are engaged in this, which means several things: they will definitely take money from you for this, and why the tough ones will have to say goodbye for a while. However, we have a little secret for you, using which you can easily check the status of your hard drive on your PC. This secret lies in the BIOS of the system.

Before you start

Before you start explaining to you how to test a hard drive with a BIOS for performance, you should understand a few things:

  • this method will not work with SSDs;
  • depending on the BIOS version, the names of its menu items and their locations may differ significantly (or not significantly).

Actually, that's all. Now let's enter the BIOS and figure out how to diagnose the HDD with it.

We enter BIOS

We have already talked about the BIOS environment, its varieties and settings, and for this we have highlighted an entire article. In the same place, in one of the points, we told how to enter BIOS. Please follow this link and read the Entering BIOS section so we can continue with you.

Turn on hard disk check

So you are inside. Further, be extremely careful, as the items that will now be named in this article may look and be placed in a completely different way. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the Diagnostics section and then select Primary Hard Disk Self Test. Provided that your computer uses more than one "hard", the system will prompt you to select a disk to check from the available ones.

The system will take some time to check the hard drive for bad sectors. However, after completing this process, you can easily understand if there is damage to your hard drive:

  • if the test fails, your hard drive is damaged and requires repair or replacement;
  • if the test was completed 100% - everything is fine with the HDD, and all minor errors of the hard drive will be corrected by the system.


Using BIOS as a tool for checking bad sectors on the hard drive, you can quickly diagnose the health of the hard drive on the computer. Of course, there is a problem here, namely, the visual difference between different versions of BIOS, as a result of which it is sometimes quite difficult to find this or that item, following some example. Despite this, this method is very good, and everyone should know about it.

Learning to understand the computer

When a new hard drive is installed on a computer, the drive is not always detected by the system. You connect it, check it in the list of devices - but the disk is not there. In such a situation, you should think about how to turn on the hard drive in the BIOS.

The fact is that for a new drive in BIOS, individual adjustments may not be configured. Correct system configuration is required for the drive to appear. For this:

  • Power on the computer;
  • Before the OS starts to load, a screen will appear on the monitor where you can start the BIOS. Usually, to perform this operation, you must press the "DEL", "F2" or "F11" key;
  • Having entered the BIOS, press the line "MAIN", then the "Enter" button;
  • In the menu that opens, you will see all drives and disks connected to the PC. Select the desired line and click on it;
  • If you didn’t find it, point to the “SATA” number to which you connected, and then select “AVTO”. The disc search will start;
  • When the system detects it, select "save end exit". The computer will restart;
  • And now you should be able to find your hard drive by clicking Start, then My Computer.

Checking the SATA connector

However, the disc may not be found. The probable cause is the SATA interface controller is disabled. To fix this:

  • Go to BIOS and find the item "SATA configuration";
  • On the "controller" tab, click "enable";
  • Then use the same procedure as described above.

Activating a previously disconnected drive

You may have disabled your hard drive in BIOS. To activate it, you need to perform a factory reset. To do this, go to BIOS and click on the line "Load Default". After that, the PC will reboot and the disk should be identified. Go to "My Computer" and see if it is there.

Device Manager update

When the system "sees" the disk, it will need to update the information about the connected devices. For this:

  • Turn on your PC;
  • Click on the "My Computer" icon with the right mouse button;
  • Click on "Properties" and open "Device Manager";
  • Right-click on the line with the system name (at the top of the window);
  • Then click Update Configuration. A scan will be performed, after which the disk should appear in the "Device Manager".

If the disk does not want to be detected in any way, the problem may not be in the software components. To find out, do the following:

  • Try to connect the drive to a different connector on the "motherboard";
  • Replace the interface cable, replacing the power supply cable may also help;
  • By the way, perhaps the problem is in the power of the power supply. It is simply not enough to identify the hard drive. In this case, failures may occur in the operation of the first disk (on which the OS is installed);
  • If you use IDE-SATA splitters to connect the disk from the motherboard, replace them with others. Maybe this is the problem;
  • The hard drive may not be detected in the BIOS if there are any failures in the system. Often in such a situation, only a specialist can correct the situation;
  • If you have an IDE drive (today mostly SATA is used), then you might think that the problem is in the compatibility of old designs with a new motherboard. This is not true. If the "motherboard" has at least one IDE connector, it means that a disk of this type will work in the system. Another thing is that the corresponding function can be disabled in the BIOS. The "Award BIOS" parameter must be activated.

Checking the health of the hard drive

Another possible reason is that the hard drive simply does not rotate. This is due to the fact that the device does not receive enough power or it is completely absent. To find out for sure, do the following:

  1. Turn off your PC;
  2. Open the computer system unit by unscrewing the bolts on the side cover;
  3. Then remove the data cable from the drive. After that, the system will no longer receive information about the need to save energy;
  4. Turn on your computer. Listen to if the disc has started spinning. To understand better, you can touch the hard drive - you should feel the vibration. If there is no vibration, then the disc is not turned on;
  5. If you can't figure out exactly whether the hard drive is spinning, do the following:
    • Turn on your PC, listen to the disc;
    • Disconnect your computer;
    • Remove the PC power cable;
    • Then remove the power cable of the hard drive;
    • Insert the PC power cable;
    • Turn on the machine and listen again. Then restore power to the drive and listen again.
  6. Check the power cable of the hard drive by connecting it to another device, such as a floppy drive.
  7. If all else fails, plug the drive into a different PC.

Has the disc still started spinning? It's probably out of order and just doesn't work. Then it will need to be replaced. Usually hard drives cannot be repaired. Magnetic hard disk drives (HDDs) can fail after one fall, so they must be handled with great care to avoid damaging moving parts. In the case of SDD discs, even with a serious impact, the disc will remain in working order, since there are no magnetic elements in its design.

The inclusion of a hard disk in the BIOS and all related operations can be performed independently. Usually a new hard drive is detected by the computer immediately. Maximum after BIOS setup. If the cables are faulty, it is easy to replace them. If the disc is broken, then you will need to buy a new one.

How to quickly check and repair a hard drive |

The computer starts to slow down? Do files and programs take a long time to open? Are there any failures all the time? All this may indicate a breakdown of the hard drive. How do you know the status of your hard drive? You will find out in this post.

Hello. Today I will tell you how to test and repair your hard drive.

Indeed, the hard drive can be the cause of slowdown and malfunction of the computer. The fact is that the hard drive is constantly in use. We constantly write information on it, and then erase it. There is a constant overwriting of data on our hard drive. All this can lead to malfunctions in its work. But how do we determine the health of a hard drive?

For this, quite a few various programs have been created, we will consider one of them today. This program is called "HDD Regenerator". Why did I choose this particular program. Yes, simply because this program is quite easy to use, for example, if you compare it with the Victoria program. Although, of course, the Victoria program has more features, but it is more difficult to work with it. In general, today we are working with the "HDD Regenerator".

This program tests the hard drive, and also performs recovery of bad sectors (bad sectors). These are the main features of this program.

You can use the program both from under Windows, that is, with the operating system turned on, and from under dos, without using the operating system. The control of the program is the same in both cases. The only difference is how to start the program. Below there is a video in which I showed how to use the program with the operating system turned on, therefore, here I will describe the second option, namely how to use the program from under dos. Let's start.

How to use HDD Regenerator

First you need to install this program. The installation process is normal, so I will not describe it. After installation, you launched the program. The program window will open in front of you.

In this window, you need to do the following:

  • Select "Bootable USB Flash", click on it.
  • Next, you will need to select your USB device, the flash drive should already be inserted into the computer. Select it and click "OK".
  • Then an informational message will appear, in which you just need to click "OK". The USB stick will be written very quickly, and you will be prompted to restart your computer (in English). Click "Yes", the computer will restart.

Now we do the following:

  • While turning on the computer, press and hold the "F12" key. This is necessary in order to launch the "BOOT MENU". On some computers, it starts differently, if it does not start for you, look on the Internet to see how it starts on your computer.
  • In the "BOOT MENU" select boot from "USB-HD" (this item may look different, for example, "USB-HDD").
  • After that, the program will be loaded, with which we will work.

The program opens and you are prompted to select the drive you want to scan. Select the desired one by pressing the corresponding key (number).

  1. Prescan - This option will show you bad zones, if any.
  2. Normal Scan - this option will scan and restore bad sectors.
  3. Version Info is information about the hard drive.
  1. Scan and repair is a scan and repair.
  2. Scan, but do not repair is to scan, but not repair. It will just show the bad sectors.
  3. Regenerate - this option overwrites the entire disk, even if there are no bad sectors.

I choose the first option, press "Enter".

Now you need to choose which sector to start with. I choose the first option to start scanning from sector zero. I recommend that you do the same. Press one and press "Enter".

So the scan has begun, and if the program finds bad sectors, it will restore them.

After verification, a similar window will appear.

In order to exit the program, press the "Esc" key. One more thing, often after pressing "Esc" a black screen with an input line appears. Just click on the restart button on your system unit. After rebooting, do not press anything, Windows will boot automatically.

That's all. You have learned how to test and repair your hard drive. If not everything is clear, watch the video, on it I showed the process of scanning the hard drive. It should be noted that this method only helps in case of hard disk failures, it is unlikely that it will help if, for example, you dropped the hard disk on the floor, that is, with physical damage.

You can download this program on the Internet, and this program is also on the bootable USB flash drive that we created earlier. Here is a link to a note that talks about this flash drive ...

Well, on this I will end this article. I hope you found it helpful. Subscribe to the news of the blog or channel "Instructor PC"

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How to check the status of a hard drive

Hello dear readers of my blog! In this article, I will explain and show you how to check the status of your hard drive; and it does not matter hdd is either ssd, 2.5 "(for laptop) or 3.5" (for PC). Someone checks the status because they notice that the speed of reading or copying is lower than it was before, someone is reinsured for fear of losing important data, and someone just out of curiosity. It doesn't matter for what reasons you are faced with this question, it is important which program is best to use and how.

Why does a hard drive break down

  • Overheat. HDD operating temperature should not exceed 45 degrees.
  • Hit. Happens less frequently on the computer. More often on a laptop with a strong sharp closing, transportation in working order or during work, when windows freezes, many have the habit of hitting the case.
  • Forced shutdown, that is, from a button or socket instead of the usual: Start - Shutdown.
  • And last but not least, the service life. Sooner or later, everything breaks down, even though there was good care.

Hard drive diagnostics

I will not conceal, I will say right away, the best program for checking the status of a hard drive is Victoria. And so, let's get started. First, download the Victoria program, install it on your computer. A shortcut to the installed utility will appear on the desktop. You should run it under administrator rights, for this you should do the following steps: point to the Victoria shortcut, right-click, select "Run as administrator", on windows vista, 7 and 8, you may ask the question "Do you want to allow the next program of an unknown publisher to enter changes on this computer? " - we press yes.