How to set a page in a Word. How to number pages in Word

MS Word is the most convenient and widespread text editor. Millions of users create documents in it, ranging from business letters to basic scientific research.

For the convenience of the user, the program provides a number of additional formatting options, including page numbering. This function is available in all versions of Microsoft Word and it is very useful when writing large-volume works.

You can quickly find the information you need using the page number, and in the printed document you can easily arrange all the pages in order without fear of confusion. As an example, let's try to put pagination in Word 2007.

Fast navigation through the article

Turn on pagination

To activate pagination in Word 2007, you need to do the following:

  • Open the required document;
  • On the toolbar, select the "Insert" tab. Page numbering refers to the section "Headers and footers" (that is, page design elements that are placed behind the fields and are filled mainly automatically);
  • In the "Headers and footers" section, click on the "Page number" button;
  • In the drop-down menu, the program will offer different ways of positioning the number: at the top of the page, at the bottom or in the margins. In addition, it can take place in the right or left corner, or be in the center;
  • After the choice of the location of the numbers is made, headers and footers with page numbers will appear in the document.

Correcting numbering

When writing abstracts, as well as scientific and research papers, the first 1-2 pages are called title pages - they are taken into account in the volume of work, but are not numbered. In this case, it is necessary to enter the numbers not from the beginning, but from a certain digit. This is done as follows:

  • In the drop-down menu "Page number" you need to click "Format page numbers";
  • In the dialog box that opens, in the "start with:" item, enter the appropriate value (for example, 2, if you want to start from the second page) and click "OK".

In order to remove a number from the title page, you will need to do the following:

  • Go to the "Page Layout" menu;
  • In the "Page settings" section, open the dialog box by clicking on the arrow at the bottom of the panel;
  • Go to the "Paper source" tab;
  • Check the box next to "Distinguish first page headers and footers" and click "OK".

Numbering types

Most often, in documents and student papers, a standard Arabic numeral is used to indicate the ordinal number of the page. In the text editor Word 2007 it is possible to choose an unusual format (for example, Roman numerals, Latin small or Latin capital letters, as well as Arabic numbering with dashes).

Correct page numbering will help you avoid confusion in the sequence of sheets of your document when printing. Word tools allow you to do various types of pagination, for example, you can reflect not just a sequence of pages, but also add the author's name, document title, and even the chapter number.

Putting numbers on pages manually is a thankless job. At the slightest change, you will have to redo the entire numbering again. Therefore, the easiest way to set up sequential pagination is to use automatic pagination.

To do this, in the ribbon menu you need:

Step 1. Select "Insert".

Step 2. Click on "Page number" in the "Headers and footers" section.

Step 3... In the drop-down menu, select the desired type of number placement and just click on it. As a result, you will receive numbering according to the specified pattern in any range on the header:

On a note! Each type of arrangement has a list of subtypes that open when you hover the mouse cursor over the type.

By default, you can display page numbers in the center of the footer, in the corners, or customize a special display, for example, in a square or in a bookmark image. The selection of templates is large enough that these functions are enough for most users.

Setting individual parameters

Special designation of the first page

But in some cases, a special design is required. For example, when submitting scientific papers, the number should not be displayed on the first page. To set a custom header and footer for the title page, you must:

Continued numbering

In some situations it is required to continue pages from a certain value. For example, when the first part of an article, book or scientific work is in another document.

This action is also performed through the "Constructor" menu. Necessary:

In this way, you can create complex pagination by setting, for example, numbering from page 10 in one place, and from page 50 in another. This is useful when jointly preparing one document that needs to be printed on different devices.

Different headers and footers for odd and even pages

In some situations, you need to set a different appearance of numbering for adjacent pages. By default, the functionality of mirroring the numbering is built in, when the numbers are on opposite corners of the page or, conversely, next to each other.

But if you need some kind of refinement, for example, so that on even pages the numbering is at the bottom, and on odd ones - at the top, you can apply the corresponding item in the "Constructor" menu.

Setting up different types of headers and footers is done manually. In addition to displaying numbering, you can customize the display of various additional elements, for example, the author's name on the even page and the title of the work on the odd one.

Inclusion of additional elements

After the numbering is set up, you can add various additional elements to the header and footer. For example, you can manually write before the number: "Page No.". Now this phrase will be duplicated on every page, and the number will change depending on the pagination settings.

In addition, you can include additional elements in the footer that will serve as a source of additional information. For example: date and time. You can customize their display in any form, including enabling auto-update.

You can also connect the display of information about the document by adding:

  • the name of the author or supervisor;
  • Title of the document;
  • the path to the document on your hard drive;
  • organization name, address, telephone, fax;
  • keywords, etc.

This information is taken from the properties of the file, of course, if you set them in advance.

You can even use pre-designed express boxes to display basic information next to the page number.

You can also add to the header:

  • hyperlinks;
  • drawings and illustrations;
  • automatic text.

The use of additional elements allows you to diversify the appearance of the page and avoid manual input of the same data.

Visual customization of numbering

The numbering appearance settings are presented by default: Calibri font and size 11. Naturally, such settings may not correspond to the corporate style or requirements for the design of scientific work. You cannot customize the pagination design from the "Constructor" menu. To do this, you need to switch to the "Home" tab and make the necessary changes in appearance from there.

You will be able to change:

  • position of the number (right, left, center, indented);
  • font size (point size);
  • the font itself;
  • color of letters;
  • bold / oblique / underline, etc.

In a word, you can make standard manipulations that can be done with text. You can also apply quick styles for automatic formatting.

Attention! You cannot close the "Constructor" menu (click on the big red button with a cross) - in this case, you will be transferred to the body of the document, and you will not be able to edit the header and footer. If this happens, double-click on the page number - you will return to the desired menu.


Thus, it is not difficult to set up pagination in Word. You can use both ready-made templates built into the standard package, and extended ones downloaded from the Microsoft website. At the same time, through the "Constructor" and "Main" menus, you can change the content of the header: set up precise pagination, change the navigation design, add the necessary elements.

Video - How to Number Pages in Word 2007, 2013

When creating a series of text documents, it will be beneficial for everyone working in a text editor Microsoft Word to know how to set pagination. This knowledge is extremely necessary when working with voluminous texts.

You will need

  • text editor Microsoft Word


1. The Microsoft Word text editor provides its users with maximum probabilities. In this editor, it is allowed to type texts, select especially suitable fonts and sizes for its design. Separate options allow you to create frames for text, select text, add images to a document, change genres, select synonyms and much more. For huge documents, there is a possibility of page numbering. This process is quite primitive and will be available even to a beginner who only knows the basics of Microsoft Word.

2. The Microsoft Word text editor provides its users with maximum probabilities. In this editor, it is allowed to type texts, select especially suitable fonts and sizes for its design. Separate options allow you to create frames for text, select text, add images to a document, change genres, select synonyms and much more. For large documents, there is a possibility of page numbering. This process is quite primitive and will be available even to a beginner who only learns the basics of Microsoft Word.

3. Download the text editor Microsoft Word to your computer. This program is allowed (and less dangerous than anyone) to download from the official site of Microsoft, located at Download one of the versions of the program offered on the website and install it on your computer following the prompts of the installation wizard.

4. Any version of the program, starting from 2003 release, is suitable for work. On the top menu bar on the work pane, find the Insert tab. A list with numerous functions for inserting different objects will appear before your eyes. Find and click "Page numbers". A small window will appear, which is called "Page numbers".

5. Decide in which part of the page the upcoming issue will be located. To do this, select the required item with the arrow in the "Location" and "Alignment" columns. Also put a check mark next to the "Number on the first page", if you like, so that he was present there. If the document size does not require first page numbering, leave the corresponding field blank.

6. At the bottom of the window, click the "Format" button. A new "Page Number Format" window will open, where you will be able to take advantage of additional functions on how to put pagination in Word. It is allowed to prefer the most diverse number format, from standard Arabic numerals to Latin letters and Roman numerals. If you want to additionally include the chapter number, then mark the necessary item and use the arrows to set the genre of the title. The last one goes to the "Page numbering" column, where you need to indicate from which page the pages of the document will be numbered.

7. Also, in versions of Microsoft Office Word 2003 and 2007, page numbering is also allowed to be included through the headers and footers. Headers and footers are the areas of the page located in its margins. Headers and footers are located on the sides, as well as at the bottom and top of the page. They are often used for logos or other images, names, stamps, “headings” of documents, footnotes, document titles, date placement. It is also allowed to set page numbering in headers and footers. In this case, the pages of the documents will be determined mechanically, increasing by one with each page.

8. In order to set page numbering through headers and footers, on the top toolbar of an open Microsoft Office Word document, find the "View" menu. Click this button and in the drop-down menu click "Headers and Footers". Later, a header and footer panel will open on the working area of ​​the program, and an area for entering text at the top of the page. From the "Headers and Footers" menu, go to the bottom of the page by clicking the "Header / Footer" button if you want to arrange the page numbering at the bottom. On the same panel there is a button "Page number". Click this button, and its serial number will appear on the page.

9. Opening the "Headers and Footers" menu is also allowed by another, more simple, method. To do this, double-click on the bottom of the page - on its bottom margin. Then put the line number on the field. You may also prefer other values ​​for the header and footer and line numbering here. When opening the header and footer on the working pane of the document, an additional window will open. In the left part of the panel, find the "Page number" section, click the button and in the drop-down window specify the value you need to place the page number (at the top of the page, at the bottom, in the page margins) and the page numbering format. It can be a numeric value, alphabetic, alphanumeric, numeric - symbolic. In addition, from the menu that appears when opening headers and footers, it is allowed to specify other values ​​for the header, preferring and ticking one of the settings items: a special header for the first page or different headers and footers for even and odd pages.

10. You can also open the panel with headers and footers by opening the "Constructor" menu. Subsequent actions are carried out in accordance with the above steps.

11. In Microsoft Office Word 2010, the page numbering in the document is added in a further way. In the top panel, select "Insert" and in the "Headers and Footers" subsection, find the "Page Number" icon. Click on it and select the location of the numbering (top, bottom, in the margins, the current location), after which the program will offer you a whole list of examples of numbering design. Select the one that you like and left-click on it. All pages of the document will be numbered in the header and footer.

12. In order to number pages in Microsoft Office Word 2013, open the document, the one that needs to be numbered, on the working toolbar, find the "Insert" tab. Click this button and open the extended full menu "Inserts". Find the item "Page number", move the mouse to this inscription, click the button and in the drop-down window select the numbering format. That is, you need to indicate how the numbers will be located on the pages of the document: at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, in the page margins, the current location. Select the number format and numbering format (numeric, alphabetic, etc.).

13. The numbering in Microsoft Office Word is much richer than in other versions of the program. So, if you open the full "Insert" menu and click the "Page number" button, you will see typical variations in the placement of signatures on sheets. Click again on the lines with the arrows and select a pattern, one that will help to affix the page numbers mechanically. When you click on a number, a tiny panel opens, in which you can change the font and color of the number.

Page numbering is essential for the correct organization of the document. Exclusively numbering is significant when you need to print a bulky document with content. Numbering will make it easy to find the necessary pages and navigate topics that are not broken by the text. In the text editor Microsoft Word, it is possible to set pagination by several methods.


1. For Microsoft Office Word 2003 and 2007 editions, the method of including numbering through headers and footers is suitable. In the top row of Word, select "View" and in the drop-down menu click "Headers and Footers." A header and footer panel will appear on the working area of ​​the program, and an area for entering text will appear at the top of the entire page. On the “Headers and footers” panel, you can go to the bottom of the pages by clicking the “Header / Footer” button if you need to arrange page numbers at the bottom. On the same panel, you will find the Page Number button. By clicking on it, its serial number will appear on the page.

2. Another method, one that allows you to insert page numbers into a document in MS Word 2003 and 2007 editions, is the inclusion of numbering through insertion. From the top menu, select Insert - Page Numbers. A dialog box will appear on the screen. In it, you will be able to prefer the position of the page number on the sheet (top / bottom) and set the alignment of the page number. If you do not want its number on the main page, uncheck the corresponding checkbox in the dialog box.

3. In Microsoft Office Word 2010, the page numbering in the document is added in a further way. In the top panel, select "Insert" and in the "Headers and Footers" subsection, find the "Page Number" icon. Click on it and select the location of the numbering (top / bottom / in the margins / current location), after which the program will offer you a whole list of examples of numbering design. Select the one that you like and left-click on it. All pages of the document will be numbered in the header and footer.

Microsoft Office Word is a paid office suite. If you do not have a chance to use it, install a free analogue of Open Office.

Numbering of pages is an indispensable condition for the positive design of a report, term paper or thesis. Even in ordinary work that does not have strict design requirements, pagination can be hefty - with its help, you can quickly find all the information you need. The pagination function is provided in every version of MS Word.


1. MS Word 2003 First you need to open the "Insert" menu, and then choose the "Page numbers" item.

3. In this window, you can prefer the format of numbers or letters, the one that will be used in the numbering on your page. You can also use the "Start with:" function, which allows you to change the number with which the numbering begins.

4. MS Word 2007 In this version of MS Word, it is even easier to number pages. First, you need to prefer the "Insert" category, and then click on the "Page numbers" list. In it, you will be able to prefer the location of the numbers on the page, their format.

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Helpful advice
Finally, the situation is not very nice, but occasionally it is possible to "screw up" the document themselves, whether it be a resume or letters from a loved one, or something else that is most important that you do not want to show to anyone, for this there is a need to put a password on the Word document. It turns out let's start, in an open Word 2007 document you need to click the button in the upper left corner, then from the drop-down list, choose the item "Prepare", and then "Encrypt document"

A text document on a computer looks clear and orderly, tea pages are arranged in a distinct sequence. However, when printing a document on paper, it is allowed to get confused in the text if the pages are not pre-numbered.


1. When printing meaningful text documents and preparing them for verification, one must be careful and responsible. Often, a positive assessment of an activity depends on its correct design on paper, in compliance with all the established rules for printed documents. Since now the computer is a necessary assistant in the work and in the set of texts, and for this, typical programs are used, a certain set of requirements is established for all documents. Standard collations of printed text include font size and type, line spacing, text alignment, and page numbering, providing a comfortable work with a printed text document.

2. It is allowed to number the pages of a Word document, finally, manually - by primitively typing the necessary number in the desired place, but if you need to organize a lot of pages of text, then use the settings of the Microsoft Word program.

3. If you are using Microsoft Office 2003, open a Word document and find the Insert menu on the top toolbar. Click on this work area and select the "Page Numbers" service. The numbering settings window will open in front of you. Move the cursor over the "Location" column and select where the numbering will be located on the sheet: at the top or bottom of the page.

4. The "Alignment" column will adjust the position of the numbering in relation to the text. Choose whether the number will be in the middle of the line, to the right or left of the text, inside or outside. Depending on your preference, check or uncheck the "Number on the first page" option. Please note that the page number is never put on the title page, but the next page is signed with the number "2".

5. Click on the "Format" button inside the numbering settings window and select how the page layout will look like. Scroll through the examples and left-click on the view you like. In the Format window, note the likelihood of chapters and headings formatting.

6. After you have configured your pagination options, click OK.

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Page numbering is performed mechanically in documents of the Microsoft Word office application and does not require additional actions on the part of the user. This option may be obscene in a certain category of generated documents. In this case, the reverse operation is required - canceling the page numbering.

You will need

  • - Microsoft Word 2003, 2007.


1. Launch the Microsoft Word office application to perform the operation of de-numbering of pages in the selected document and select the "Headers and Footers" item in the "View" menu of the top toolbar of the program window. The result will be the opening of the "Headers and Footers" toolbar with the area for entering the required text, limited by a dotted line, at the top of the document and control buttons (for Microsoft Word 2003).

2. Select the header or footer containing page numbers and specify the page number (for Microsoft Word 2003).

3. Click the Delete button and finish the Header and Footer panel (for Microsoft Word 2003).

4. Repeat the above procedure in any of the existing sections of the document if there are several sections in the selected document and it is not feasible to mechanically remove pagination in all sections (for Microsoft Word 2003).

5. Click the left mouse button on the page number when using the "Page Numbers" command in the "Insert" menu to select the specified number in the frame and repeat the click on the border line of the frame itself. In this case, the cursor should take the form of a cross-shaped arrow (for Microsoft Word 2003).

6. Press the Del softkey to delete the page number of the selected Microsoft Word document (for Microsoft Word 2003).

7. Select the "Headers and Footers" item in the "View" menu of the top toolbar of the program window and go to the "Insert" tab of the dialog box that opens to perform the operation of deleting pagination in the selected Microsoft Word document (for Microsoft Word 2007).

8. Click the Page Number button and select the Remove Page Numbers command from the drop-down list of commands to complete the cleaning process (for Microsoft Word 2007).

Helpful advice
To delete part of the numbers, you should perform an advance division of the document into sections.

The numbering of pages in a Word for a regular document is very simple, but when it becomes necessary to put page numbers in your own headers and footers or to make double page numbering, then some people start to feel sad.

In fact, there is nothing complicated. I suggest doing a little practical work, after which it will become more fun and easier for you to work.

Simple pagination

First, a few words about how to number pages in a Word for those who come across this for the first time:

In the top menu ribbon, go Insert -> Page Number -> Top of Page -> Simple Number 1

Of course, you can choose absolutely any arrangement and style of page numbering, my choice is due to the compactness of the picture. That's all, let's go further to get acquainted with more interesting things.

Page numbers in headers and footers

The fact is that page numbers in word are inserted into headers and footers, and if you have your own, the previous method will not work, because in the document will be all sikos-nakos.

Healthy. If you float in terms of headers and footers and sections in word, then I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the articles: "Headers and footers in a Word" (see) and "Sections in a Word" (see).

How to number pages in a Word

So, let's start and do everything in order:

1. Download the prepared file for practical work.

2. Go to the editing mode of the header of the first page of the content (find it difficult, see).

3. Place the cursor in the rectangle in the upper right corner and press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F9, after which there will be { } .

4. In these brackets write or copy the code PAGE .

5. Press the keyboard shortcut Alt + F9, this will display the value of the code.

6. Exit the header / footer editing mode (find it difficult, see).

7. Since, in our example, there is a special header for the first page, it is necessary to do this for the subsequent pages of the content. Go to the second page and do it.

8. The numbering was set, but as a rule it does not start from the first page. Switch to edit mode of the first page header and select the page number by going to the ribbon of the top menu Insert -> Page Number -> Format Page Numbers ... and indicate that pagination starts at 4.

Thus, end-to-end numbering is affixed for the subsequent sections of the explanatory note and annexes. For simplicity, you can copy the page number of the table of contents, in the header-footer edit mode, and paste into subsequent sections.

Double pagination in a Word

So, we figured out the sequential numbering of pages in the Word, but after all, it is necessary to put the sheet numbers of each section separately for the content, notes and appendices.

Let's proceed step by step, from simple to complex:

9. Switch to the edit mode of the footer of the second page of contents and position the cursor in the lower right corner in the appropriate place.

10. Paste the code into this cell (= (page) -3) similarly, creating curly braces with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F9... Page number 2 was obtained by decreasing the value of the current page by 3, which can be seen from the code.

You can check the result by adding a content page.

Word pagination for the pros

The previous method can be used to number the subsequent inner pages of sections, but the problem is that you constantly have to monitor the last page number of the previous section. Damn, I probably would have rested here, my head starts to warm up.

Let's do this, if in this example you have the second page of the explanatory note section 7, then you will have to get the internal numbering of the second page like this (= (page) -5), if the number of pages of content increases by one, then the number of the second page of the note will be 8, and the internal one will have to be written as (= (page) -6) .

You can also automate this, we do it sequentially, and everything will become clear along the way:

11. Turn on the visibility of hidden symbols by pressing the corresponding button on the main tab of the top menu, and select the entire line

:::::::: Section break (from next page) :::::::::

This inscription must necessarily be on a separate line, otherwise transfer it by placing the cursor at the beginning and press Enter. To select the cursor, move from the beginning to the end of the points, or click in front of the line behind the sheet space.

12. With the selected line in the top menu Insert -> Bookmark in the "Bookmark" window write r1(analogy section 1, in Latin without spaces), put "Hidden bookmarks" and click "Add".

13. We go to editing the header of the second page of the explanatory note and insert the code into the page number cell (= (page) - (pageRef r1) .

It should be interpreted like this: code (page) indicates the page number, in our case 7, and (pageRef r1) page number with cross-reference created on the section break that is on page 5, so the internal page number is calculated as the page number minus the last page number of the previous section, i.e. 7-5 = 2; 8-5 = 3; 9-5 = 4, etc.

14. Do the same for the applications section yourself by adding a bookmark r2 at the section break at the end of the explanatory note.

The final touch to pagination

Go sequentially to the first page of each section, and in the cell under the "Sheets" in the lower right corner put the code (SectionPages)... This code will display the total number of pages in the section. If you need to display the total number of pages in the document, paste the code (NUMPAGES) .

It happens that word slows down and does not always update the fields with codes, to force the update, press the keyboard shortcut twice Alt + F9.

Let me remind you that the parentheses for inserting the code are called by the combination Crtl + F9, and calling values Alt + F9.

Bonus. Well, at the end, if there were difficulties, you can download the document with the finished result by clicking.

Interesting. How to make an automatic table of contents for a word read.

Page numbering in word. Video tutorial

It will be necessary as soon as the time appears ...

The Word program is deservedly considered the most popular program for working with text files. It provides a number of advantages that cannot be overlooked, in particular, we are talking about a simple and understandable interface for each, as well as an abundance of features and functions. This editor allows you to create high-quality text, diversify it, add pictures, format and much more.

In most cases, Word works with documentation that has serious design requirements. For example, a prerequisite is page numbering. As a matter of fact, we will talk about how to put pagination in a Word.

How to number pages in Word 2003

Since all users are different and preferences are also often different, it is quite normal that everyone uses the version of Word that is closest to him. Therefore, for the sake of completeness, I will share information about pagination in each of the versions.

  1. Word 2003 differs slightly from the new versions in its interface, so I will talk about it separately. So, on the toolbar there is a tab "Insert", click on it, then select the line "Page numbers" in the context menu.
  2. Next, a new window will appear in which you can select the position (bottom or top) and alignment (right, left, center, inside and outside). In addition, at the very bottom, you can click the "Format" button, and there you can select an alphabetic or numeric numbering format, and also set the page from which it will be produced.

How to number pages in Word 2007 and up

In versions of Word 2007, 2010 and 2013, the interface is identical, by the way, very convenient and thoughtful down to the details. To set the numbering, do this: open the "Insert" section, there you will find a subcategory "Headers and Footers". The item on the far right is “Page number”, after clicking on it a context menu will drop out. It has the ability to adjust the location of the numbering on the page, select the format of page numbers, and delete page numbers. It is noteworthy that the item "Format of page numbers" allows you to specify the page number from which the numbering will start.

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing difficult about numbering pages in Word. The developers have designed everything in such a way that even not the most experienced user can easily figure out this function and the whole process will take him only a few minutes.

Video to help