Login to bios on acer laptop. How to enter BIOS on acer laptop

The BIOS of any computer contains modular programs that diagnose and initialize equipment at startup.

In stationary computers, you can get into the BIOS by pressing the "Del" key at the beginning of the PC startup. In laptops, manufacturers set various combinations of BIOS input (depending on laptop models and manufacturers in general). As an example, let's try to enter BIOS on an Acer laptop.

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Watching the loading screen

You can see the key combination with which you can enter the BIOS when you boot the laptop (however, this information does not appear on some laptop models). Therefore, when starting up Acer, pay attention to the bottom of the screen.

The message "Press *** to enter Setup" should appear. Instead of "***" is the designation of the key (or key combination), which are necessary to enter the BIOS.

To enter the BIOS on Acer laptops, the keys "F2" or "F1" or the key combination "Ctrl + Alt + Esc" are most often used.

Reading the manual

You can find out how to enter BIOS from the manual for the motherboard. There must be indicated the hot keys on the laptop, which must be pressed.

If you do not have a manual, you can search the Internet by entering the exact name of your motherboard.

Windows 8 and BIOS

General problems with getting into BIOS arose when switching to Windows 8. The fact is that the system boots very quickly and there is actually not enough time to press a key in order to enter the BIOS.

An alternative method of entering Setup was proposed: in the settings there is a special item "General options" and in it the tab "Advanced Setup". If you experience boot problems on your Acer laptop, this menu will appear automatically. If everything is in order with the download, but you want to go to the start menu, then you need to go through additional options in the settings.


Today, devices with an alternative to BIOS system - UEFI - have appeared on the market. The UEFI interface is currently no different from the usual BIOS.

On devices without UEFI support, keyboard shortcuts are saved on the laptop. And on devices with UEFI, you can enter the settings in an alternative way.

I am glad to greet you, my dear friends. This article is dedicated to everyone who wants to know how to enter BIOS on an Acer laptop. This technique is very popular, it is highly reliable and combines the best functional qualities.

It satisfies the needs of both ordinary users and advanced users who are able to independently understand the most complex issues of software and the layout of computer devices.

Three easy steps

The first method is the simplest and works in most cases. Its essence is in pressing the desired key when turning on or restarting the laptop.

The only thing that is required of you is compliance with several simple conditions:

  • We check for sufficient battery charge or connect the laptop to the power supply;
  • We turn on and completely reboot the PC;
  • We follow the screen. As soon as the image with the Acer logo appears, we immediately begin to press the F2 key every second;

After completing these operations, you must enter the BIOS. If you are doing this for the first time, then you may not understand whether you got there. Here I will help you with my tips.

Typically, the interface is a simple English textual menu with sections containing the following terms: Main, Advansed (optional), System, Power, Boot, Exit. The font is the same everywhere (DOS-ovsky) and may differ in colors. There are several types of BIOS, but AMI options are more common in Acer devices.

Also, for example, on Acer Travelmate , you can get to a beautiful picture of UEFI settings or to their simpler counterpart - the Insyde H20 utility, which outwardly resembles a classic BIOS, but in fact is. We will remember this later.

You will succeed!

And now I want to talk about what to do if you followed all the recommendations, but did not get into BIOS or UEFI, but got a black screen or Windows boot.

The "F2" button does not work in all cases, and this is normal.

Try F1, Esc, Delete, or Fn + F2 or Ctrl + F2 instead. As a last resort, try everything from "F1" to "F12", and then the same, in combination with different function keys "Ctrl", "Shift", "Alt", "Fn".

On the oldest laptops and netbooks, the combination "Ctrl + Alt + Esc" worked.

I have listed all the possible options, but I think it will not come to their full testing. In any case, I will say right away that numbers and letters are not involved in this matter.

You might just not have time to press the main button. But then there is reason to be proud of the car starting too quickly.

Road to BIOS via UEFI

Now, as promised, I'll tell you what to do if you get to UEFI. In principle, this is an analogue of BIOS and it not only duplicates many functions, but provides the user with a more understandable interface (sometimes even in Russian). But still, the capabilities and priority of BIOS are much higher, and in difficult situations you cannot do without it.

The reason why UEFI is loaded is the Secure Boot mode. I will show you how to deactivate it using the example of the Insyde H20 in Aspire laptops:

  • Go to the "Boot" tab;
  • The parameter "Boot Mode" is transferred from "UEFI" to "Legacy";
  • Disable the "Secure Boot" mode by replacing "Enabled" with "Disabled";
  • Save changes "F10";

If something cannot be changed, we carry out the following tricky maneuver:

  • In the "Main" tab, turn on ("Enabled") the "F12 Boot Menu" parameter;
  • In the "Security" section, select "Set Supervisor Password". Typical procedure with entering and confirming a password, as well as recording changes ("Changes have been saved"). We confirm everything Enter;
  • We repeat the steps in the "Boot" section;
  • We return to "Set Supervisor Password" and delete the password (enter the existing one in the first field, leave the rest empty).

We overload the laptop. We remember which button we entered into BIOS and use it again. But if you only need to install boot from the device - press F12.

Now, my dear readers, you have received a collection of my basic tips on how to enter BIOS on an Acer laptop. If you have just such a device in front of you, I recommend that you immediately try them out in action (if difficulties arise, immediately write to me in the mail or in the comments).

Even if there is no such need now, then with practice you will simply get a skill that you can use when this article is not at hand.

On this I will say goodbye to you and wish you all the best.

Very rarely, but users have to enter the BIOS, for example, to change the order of boot devices when reinstalling the operating system, to disable unused components and deep self-tests, or when overclocking the computer.

In previous generation Acer computers and notebooks, the power-on self-test is started after power-on. You can enter BIOS only at this stage. While the Splash Screen of the motherboard manufacturer or the self-test results in text form is displayed on the monitor screen, press the Delete key a couple of times.

A hint about which key or their combination to press is present on the start screen. Typically, for Acer computers, this is Delete, and for laptops of this manufacturer, F2. If you cannot enter the BIOS by pressing the indicated keys, we study the instructions for the motherboard or laptop. It is possible that Acer chose a different combination for this model, or the device is equipped with a new software interface. In any case, attempts to enter the BIOS should be made after the indicators on the keyboard blink or light up, but before the operating system starts loading.

Instead of the Basic input / output system, new models of laptops and PCs can use the successor to the BIOS, the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). This interface differs significantly from its predecessor, including loading time, which is no more than a few hundred milliseconds. In such conditions, it is very difficult to "catch" the moment to press the desired key. Fortunately, Windows 8 provides an alternative UEFI login mechanism. Press the key combination "Windows" + "C" and call the side menu.

Then we sequentially press "Settings" and "Change computer settings".

Depending on the installed version of Windows, then click on "Update and Recovery" or "General" and in the section Special boot options the button "Restart now".

The computer reboots in a special mode, causing the Select an option or Select an action screen to appear. Here we press "Diagnostics".

In the menu that appears on the Diagnostics screen, select the "Additional parameters" item.

If the UEFI Firmware Settings item is present in the next menu, it means that the computer is equipped with a new interface and can be rebooted with automatic entry into its graphical shell. To do this, click on the appropriate button.

We agree with the proposal to restart the computer and after a short wait we find ourselves in the UEFI graphical menu.

A special Windows restart mode (for the Select Action screen to appear) can also be invoked through the Run window. To do this, press the key combination "Windows" + "R", enter the command shutdown.exe / r / o / f / t 00 in the window field and click the "OK" button.

As a rule, there are no problems with entering the BIOS. The main thing is to press the hotkey in time or correctly perform a special restart in Windows 8 and higher.


How to enter BIOS on an Acer laptop

"BIOS" is a set of microprograms that ensure the functionality of the API for working with hardware. It is in it that you can unleash the potential of the device, and also a big plus is the ability to eliminate any problem associated with a laptop component as a whole.

For most users, BIOS is a kind of dark forest in which programmers and system administrators "live". On the one hand, they are right, it is better not to once again climb into this incomprehensible blue program, besides, if you press something wrong, then you can cause irreparable harm to your device. To prevent this, we recommend that you follow the rules of caution and do not click everything.

Entering BIOS on Acer laptop

An unusual moment happens in the life of a laptop user when you need to change the BIOS settings yourself, without using the services of a wizard. This is quite simple and elementary to do.

Method 1: The easiest

Method 2: command line functionality

This method is very easy to use, moreover, it is possible on all devices with Windows installed.

Method 3: Use different keyboard shortcuts.

Fear not, this does not mean that you do not have a BIOS, it just is not provided in your version. If you have such a problem, then during startup, as described earlier, press the "F2" key, if the laptop does not respond, you need to start it again. Instead of "F2" try to hold down "Delete" or these keys "Ctrl + Alt + Esc" together.

If you have tried all the methods and the laptop does not enter the BIOS, it means that your “CMOS” battery has run out in your laptop.

There are 3 types of CMOS batteries and they look like this.

Currently, replacing the battery is quite simple, but if you do not understand the details of your laptop, then send it in for repair. Experts will replace the battery with a newer one and, if possible, fix other problems related to the functionality of your device.

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Login to BIOS, restore and reinstall Windows on an Acer laptop

If the laptop begins to slow down noticeably or the operating system boots much slower than usual when the device is turned on (or even does not load at all), then the best cure for the disease, as a rule, is to restore the system or reinstall it completely. There may be several reasons for such incorrect behavior of the OS: incorrect operation of one of their applications, errors in Windows 7 or 8 versions, excessive clogging of the registry and system areas of the hard drive with unnecessary ballast.

How, without resorting to the help of a specialist, to "repair" Windows on an Acer laptop yourself, will be discussed below.

Bios - the heart of the computer

With the complete collapse of windows, the user is left with only one thing - to restore the system from a DVD-disk or a USB-drive. In order for an acer laptop to understand what you want from it, you must explicitly tell it about it.

The fact is that any computer equipment, including acer computers, is equipped with a special factory microcircuit, the read-only memory of which contains a set of micro-instructions, referred to in one word - BIOS.

The power button just launches the necessary BIOS procedures, under the control of which all existing units of the device are included in the work, and a direct search for the installed OS occurs.

What is a BIOS for? He is responsible for providing system access to the hardware elements of the computer and external peripherals.

The factory settings of the Acer laptop provide that when it is turned on, the BIOS first scans the hard drive for the operating system, then the CD drive, and then the rest of the potential devices. Trying to find a faulty Windows 7 or 8 on the hard drive in your case, the BIOS freezes - the user throws up his hands in bewilderment, looking at a blank screen.

You will have to explicitly tell the laptop that, first of all, it will not be necessary to scan the HDD, but your CD-drive with the installer or reanimator of windows 7 or 8 version.

Welcome to settings

When starting the laptop, as soon as the Acer logo appears on the screen, press F2 (on some models, F1 or Ctrl + Alt + Esc). The BIOS setup window with a set of options will appear on the display. First of all, using the navigation keys, you need to go to the "Main" option and set the "F12 Boot Menu" value to the "enabled" state, which will allow you to change, restore and save the settings in the future.

Next, go to the "Boot" item. Look at the list of laptop media, which should contain several names: hard drive, cd drive, and usb devices. To reinstall the system from a dvd-disk, select this position from the list and use the "F6" key to move it to the very top.

That's all. You have just explicitly indicated that the system will boot from the optical disc.

Press "F10" to save the BIOS settings. After rebooting, the laptop will first of all turn to your optical disk with the windows installer on it.

When everything is installed and works in a new way, go to BIOS again and change the "Boot" menu by setting the initial boot from the HDD.

Unexpected malfunction

If the OS is terribly slow, but still starts, try returning the operating environment to factory settings using the built-in Acer eRecovery Managemement software (in newer versions of windows 8 it is called Acer Recovery Management). In order not to waste time looking for it, press the "win" key and enter the name of the application.

The window that appears on the display offers 3 different options:

  1. as it will be seen by definition, system restore will return your equipment to its original state, during which all user data will be destroyed and the laptop will return to the factory settings that it had when it was first started.
  2. the option offers to restore the system with the preservation of certain documents and applications. The process is, in principle, similar to the first option, but the necessary information on the disk will be saved after recovery.
  3. this mode is needed to reinstall applications and drivers on your Acer laptop.

What you need to solve the problem is contained in the first two paragraphs. The first option has the most effective effect, the result of which, after deleting all the information, will return the laptop to the factory settings. In order not to lose important information, before the recovery process, save it on an optical disk, flash drive or on a cloud server. Such user data means personal photos, videos, text and other documents. Programs and applications installed during the entire period of using the device will be deleted.

What do the items mean

When you select the first menu item, follow the instructions of the application and humbly await the result. This procedure is used when the OS has almost completely "crashed".

To recover the system while preserving the user data of your account, use the second "restore-save" mode.

If window 7 or 8 cannot load at all or does not respond to user actions at boot, invoke the recovery program using a combination of hot keys. To do this, when you turn on the laptop and the "Acer" logo appears on the screen, press "alt" + "F10" at the same time. Such magical manipulations will trigger the Acer Recovery (eRecovery) Management application before the main OS boots.

Be careful not to miss this important point when turning on your computer!

Recovery points

Another way to make the device come to its senses is to use system restore points. The developers of Windows 7 and 8 versions have provided an excellent opportunity to "remember" the state of the computer at a particular point in time and restore the OS, returning it to this state. As a rule, such "islands of safety" are installed automatically once a week, as well as when the laptop configuration is explicitly modified, for example, when a new application or driver is installed.

To use this option, you need to go to the "Control Panel", select "System Restore" and the checkpoint, the creation date of which suits you. When you select the appropriate item, following the instructions of the electronic assistant, you will reverse engineer your OS without losing user data. In the same program, you can create a different restore point on your laptop at any time.

If no restore points are found in the laptop, you will have to use other methods and capabilities to restore the crashed Windows of your electronic friend.


How to enter BIOS on a laptop

Over time, many users are wondering how to enter BIOS on a laptop. Most often, this situation occurs when you need to perform a system restore or reinstall Windows. Below we will take a closer look at how the BIOS is entered for different laptop models.

First of all, a few words about what BIOS is. BIOS (from English basic input-output system) is a special program that performs several important functions:

1. Ensures the normal start of the computer for the subsequent loading of the operating system;

2. Conducts testing of computer elements;

3. Allows you to configure the parameters of the system and individual devices;

4. Stores the hardware configuration of the PC.

How to enter BIOS

The principle is quite simple: you turn on the laptop or send it to reboot and almost at the very beginning of the PC boot press a certain key to enter the BIOS, after which the entry will be successfully carried out. It is best to press the key not once, but several times in a row.

Moreover, if the operating system starts to load, i.e. the Windows logo appears on the screen, then all actions must be carried out on a new one.

What keys are responsible for entering the BIOS?

When we figured out the principle of entering the BIOS, you need to understand which button on your laptop is responsible for entering this program.

  • The F2 key. Most often used on Asus, Acer, Sony, Samsung, Lenovo, Dell and Fujitsu-Siemens laptops;
  • Esc key. Often used in Toshiba laptops. Also, for these laptop models, the F2 key can work.
  • The F10 key. Typically used in Hewlett Packard notebooks. This key can also be used with select Dell laptop models.
  • F1 key. Sometimes it is used to enter BIOS on Lenovo and IBM laptops.
  • In rare cases, key combinations can be responsible for entering the BIOS: Ctrl + Alt + S, Fn + F1, Ctrl + Alt + Esc, Ctrl + Alt + Enter, Ctrl + Alt + Del, Ctrl + Ins and Ctrl + Alt + Ins.

    If you still could not figure out which key is responsible for entering the BIOS, send the computer to reboot and in the first seconds after starting it, pay attention to the bottom of the screen. There may be a message that tells you which key to press. For example: "Press Del to run Setup". In this case, it means that you need to press the Del key to go to the BIOS.

    An ordinary user will have to use the BIOS in case it is necessary to make special computer settings, reinstall the OS. Despite the fact that BIOS is on all computers, the process of entering it on Acer laptops may differ depending on the model, manufacturer, configuration and individual PC settings.

    BIOS entry options on Acer

    For devices from Acer, the most common keys are F1 and F2... And the most used and inconvenient combination is Ctrl + Alt + Esc... On the popular model line of notebooks - Acer Aspire, the key is used F2 or keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F2(the key combination is found on old laptops of this line). On newer lines (TravelMate and Extensa), the BIOS is also entered by pressing the key F2 or Delete.

    If you have a laptop of a less common line, then in order to enter the BIOS, you will have to use special keys or their combinations. The list of hotkeys looks like this: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, Delete, Esc... There are also laptop models where their combinations are found using Shift, Ctrl or Fn.

    Rarely, but still come across laptops from this manufacturer, where you need to use such complex combinations as Ctrl + Alt + Del, Ctrl + Alt + B, Ctrl + Alt + S, Ctrl + Alt + Esc(the latter is more often used), but this can only be found on models that were produced in a limited batch. Only one key or combination is suitable for entering, which causes certain inconveniences when selecting.

    In the technical documentation for the laptop, it should be written which key or their combination is responsible for entering the BIOS. If you cannot find the papers that came with the device, then search by manufacturer.

    After entering the full name of the laptop into a special line, it will be possible to view the necessary technical documentation in electronic format.

    On some Acer laptops, when you just turn it on, the following inscription may appear along with the company logo: Press (desired key) to enter setup, and if you use the key / combination that is indicated there, then you can enter the BIOS.

    Sometimes you need to enter the BIOS settings menu of your Acer Aspire. This may be necessary for several reasons, from setting the computer clock to setting it up so that the program runs more smoothly. Regardless of the reason, you may need to access your Acer's BIOS, but getting into it can be tricky as it requires pressing the right keys at the right time. CMOS and BIOS settings are listed in the system BIOS. Some computer manufacturers refer to this setup menu as BIOS setup while others refer to it as CMOS setup.

    The difference between BIOS and CMOS lies in the function of each component on the motherboard. CMOS is a component that remembers your system settings when you turn off your computer, and the BIOS contains settings for the boot process. You configure both groups of settings through the same settings menu.

    What is BIOS?

    The term BIOS stands for Basic Input / Output System. The BIOS monitors your laptop's startup process and starts Windows as soon as all necessary system checks have been completed. For example, the BIOS ensures that all the drivers and hardware on your computer work properly. If there is a problem, the BIOS throws an error and either pauses the startup process or completes startup and then issues a desktop warning. Driver errors are one of the reasons a user might need to access the BIOS on an Acer.

    Finding the BIOS key on your Acer laptop

    To enter the BIOS of any laptop / computer, you must know which key to press to get to the settings menu. BIOS key for Acer Aspire - F2; however, depending on the Aspire model you are using, you may need to take an extra step.

    Shut down and restart

    Shut down your laptop completely by pressing the Windows key, pressing the power button and choosing Shut Down from the menu. After the computer has turned off, wait a few seconds and then turn the computer back on by pressing the power button.

    When the laptop starts to reboot, start pressing the F2 key. This will pause the startup sequence and bring up the setup menu. When the menu appears on the screen, use the up, down, left, and right arrow keys to navigate to the area you want to access.

    Pressing F2 may not work to access the configuration menu, but pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del will pause the startup process and allow you to then press F2 to access the configuration menu. You should try using only F2 first, but if that doesn't work, restart your computer and try the three-key process first. Once you have access to the launch menu, navigate using the left, right, up, and down arrow keys on your keyboard.

    If all else fails, contact Acer Support

    If none of these processes start the setup screen, contact Acer support for assistance. Also, starting up your laptop and changing BIOS settings can adversely affect the performance of your laptop, so this task should only be done when necessary, and if you are unsure of what and how to do, let a technician handle it.