Oleg Ivanovich Skripochka: biography. © State Corporation for Space Activities "Roscosmos" Space flight experience

Oleg Ivanovich Skripochka(born December 24, 1969, Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory, USSR) - Russian cosmonaut, member of the cosmonaut team of RSC Energia. Flight engineer of the Soyuz TMA-M spacecraft, Expeditions 25 and 26 to the International Space Station (2010-2011). Flight engineer of the Soyuz TMA-20M spacecraft, Expeditions 47 and 48 to the International Space Station (2016).


Born in the family of a military man, he studied at schools in Nevinnomyssk and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, in 1987 he graduated from Physics and Mathematics School No. 28 in Zaporozhye. Oleg was a member of the Zaporozhye experimental detachment of young cosmonauts.

In 1993 he graduated from Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman with a degree in aircraft (Faculty of Power Engineering in Korolev, Moscow Region).


Oleg Skripochka began working at NPO Energia while still a student, first as a test fitter (1987-1990), then as a technician (1990-1993). After graduating from high school, he began working as an engineer in the design department. Three years later, he moved to the department involved in the development and operation of ground equipment for the preparation of transport, transport and cargo ships and DM upper stages.

space training

After passing the examination at the IBMP, he was recognized as fit for special training and on July 28, 1997 he was recommended for enrollment in the cosmonaut corps of RSC Energia.

On October 14, 1997, he was appointed to the post of candidate for test cosmonauts of the cosmonaut detachment of RSC Energia.

In January 1998 - November 1999 he passed general space training at the TsPK im. Yu. A. Gagarin. Having successfully passed the final exams, on December 1, 1999 he received the qualification of a test cosmonaut. On February 9, 2000, he was appointed to the post of test cosmonaut of the cosmonaut detachment of RSC Energia, after which he began training under the ISS program.

In 2008, he was a member of the backup Russian-Korean crew of the Soyuz TMA-12 spacecraft and the long-term expedition ISS-17.

In July 2008, he was assigned to the prime crew of the ISS-25.

The first flight

On October 8, 2010, he began his first flight as a Soyuz TMA-M flight engineer together with Alexander Kaleri and Scott Kelly. On October 10, 2010 docking with the International Space Station was carried out. During the flight, he conducted many experiments and made three spacewalks (November 15, 2010, January 21, 2011, February 16, 2011) with a total duration of 16 hours and 39 minutes. On March 16, 2011, the Soyuz TMA-01M spacecraft undocked from the International Space Station and landed. The flight duration was 159 days 08 hours 43 minutes 05 seconds.

Second flight

He launched on March 18, 2016 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz TMA-20M spacecraft together with the spacecraft commander Alexei Ovchinin and flight engineer Jeffrey Williams. On March 19, at 06:09:58 Moscow time (03:09:58 UTC), the spacecraft docked with the Poisk small research module of the Russian segment of the International Space Station.

Honorary awards and titles

  • Hero of the Russian Federation and Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation (April 12, 2011) - for courage and heroism shown during a long-term space flight on the International Space Station
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Zaporozhye - for raising the status of the city of Zaporozhye in the world, a significant personal contribution to strengthening international cooperation in the space sector, given his merits in the development of astronautics


Oleg Skripochka is married. Daughter Daria (2005) and son Denis (2008).

SKRIPOCHKA Oleg Ivanovich

Hero of the Russian Federation, pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation


PILOT: 159 days 08 hours 43 minutes 05 seconds.


TOTAL DURATION: 16 hours. 39 min



in 1987 - graduated from secondary school No. 28 with a physical and mathematical bias in the city of Zaporozhye. During his studies, he worked in the Zaporozhye experimental detachment of young cosmonauts named after. V.M. Komarov.

in 1993 - graduated from the State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman) with a degree in "Aircraft" with the qualification of "mechanical engineer".


in the period from 1987 to 1991 - passed a permanent production practice at NPO Energia (now RSC Energia named after S.P. Korolev) as a tester, test fitter;

from 1991 to 1993 - in the design department as a technician.

from 1993 to 1997 - after graduating from Bauman Moscow State Technical University, he worked as an engineer at RSC Energia named after S.P. Korolev in the design department for the development and operation of transport and cargo ships.


in July 1997, by decision of the State Interdepartmental Commission, he was selected for the cosmonaut corps of RSC Energia;

in the period from December 1997 to November 1999 - took a course of general space training at Yu.A. Gagarin;

in December 1999 he was qualified as a test cosmonaut.


has the 1st category in parachuting, performed 300 parachute jumps.


from January 2000 - trained as a member of a group of test cosmonauts for flights to the ISS;

in December 2002, he was appointed as a flight engineer for the backup crew of the 6th Russian ISS visiting crew (ISS-EP6 crew). However, after the Columbia shuttle disaster, the crew was disbanded due to the cancellation of the Russian visiting expedition;

from April 2007 to April 2008 - was trained as a member of the ISS-17 backup crew as a Soyuz TMA flight engineer and an ISS flight engineer;

since August 2008 - trained as a member of the prime crew of ISS-25/26 as a Soyuz TMA-M flight engineer and an ISS flight engineer.


October 07, 2010 - March 16, 2011 as Soyuz TMA-M TPK flight engineer, ISS-25/26 flight engineer together with cosmonaut Kaleri A.Yu. and astronaut Kelly Scott Joseph. During the flight, he performed three spacewalks with a total duration of 16 hours 39 minutes.

Flight duration: 159 days 08 hours 43 minutes 05 seconds. Callsign: "Ingul-2".

"Gagarin Sign" of the Federal Space Agency.


since 2011 - test cosmonaut of the Roscosmos cosmonaut corps.

ISS astronauts


Hero of the Russian Federation,

ROSCOSMOS test cosmonaut

SERIAL NUMBER: 107th cosmonaut of Russia / 516th world


FLIGHT: 331 days


TOTAL DURATION: 16 hours. 39 min


    in 1987 - graduated from secondary school No. 28 with a physical and mathematical bias in the city of Zaporozhye.

    in 1993 - graduated from the State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman) with a degree in Rocket Engineering with the qualification of Mechanical Engineer.


    in the period from 1987 to 1991 - worked as a cable and special equipment tester, product tester at NPO Energia (now RSC Energia named after S.P. Korolev);

    from 1991 to 1993 - in the design department as a technician;

    from 1993 to 1996 - an engineer in the design department for the development of cargo and transport ships;

    from 1996 to 1997 - in the department for the development and operation of ground equipment in NPO Energia.


    in July 1997, by decision of the State Interdepartmental Commission, he was selected for the cosmonaut corps of RSC Energia;

    in the period from December 1997 to November 1999 - took a course of general space training at Yu.A. Gagarin;

    in December 1999 he was qualified as a test cosmonaut.

CLASSICITY: has the 1st category in parachuting, performed more than 300 parachute jumps.


    from January 2000 - trained as a member of a group of test cosmonauts for flights to the ISS;

    in December 2002, he was appointed as a flight engineer for the backup crew of the 6th Russian ISS visiting crew (ISS-EP6 crew). However, after the Columbia shuttle disaster, the crew was disbanded due to the cancellation of the Russian visiting expedition;

    from April 2007 to April 2008 - trained as a member of the ISS-17 backup crew as a Soyuz TMA flight engineer and an ISS flight engineer;

    from August 2008 to October 2010 - trained as a member of the ISS-25/26 prime crew as a Soyuz TMA-M flight engineer and an ISS flight engineer;

    since September 2013 - undergoing training as part of the ISS-45/46/EP-18 backup crew as Soyuz TMA-M TPK commander and ISS flight engineer, and as part of the ISS-47/48 prime crew as Soyuz MS TPK flight engineer »/Soyuz TMA-M and the ISS flight engineer.


1 space flight made from October 8, 2010 to March 16, 2011 as a Soyuz TMA-01M TPK flight engineer and an ISS-25/26 flight engineer together with cosmonaut A.Yu. Kaleri and astronaut S. Kelly. During the flight, he performed three spacewalks with a total duration of 16 hours 39 minutes. Flight duration: 159 days 08 hours 43 minutes 05 seconds. Callsign: "Ingul-2".

2 space flight performed from March 19 to September 7, 2016 as a Soyuz TMA-20M TPK flight engineer and an ISS-47/48 flight engineer. The flight duration was 172 days.


    in 2011 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the Gold Star medal and the honorary title Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation;

    departmental awards of Roscosmos: Gagarin badge,

    badge "For the promotion of space activities."

STATUS CURRENTLY: since 2011 - test cosmonaut of the ROSCOSMOS cosmonaut detachment.

Oleg Skripochka was born on December 24, 1969 in the city of Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory. The boy grew up in a military family. He studied at the schools of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Zaporozhye. In 1987 he graduated from secondary school No. 28 with a physical and mathematical bias. While studying at school, he was engaged in the Zaporozhye experimental detachment of young cosmonauts named after Vladimir Komarov. He has the first category in parachuting.

In 1993, he graduated from the Moscow State Technical University named after Nikolai Bauman with a degree in Aircraft, Faculty of Power Engineering in the city of Korolev, and received the qualification of a mechanical engineer.

On October 14, 1997, by order of the Director General of the Russian Space Agency, he was appointed to the post of candidate cosmonaut - test cosmonaut squad of the Energia Rocket and Space Complex.

In the period from January 16, 1998 to November 26, 1999, he passed general space training at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center and successfully passed all exams.

On September 17, 2010, the Interdepartmental Commission approved him as a flight engineer for the prime crew of the Soyuz TMA-M spacecraft. Four days later, on September 21, 2010, the appointment was confirmed at a board meeting of the Federal Space Agency.

Oleg Skripochka made his first space flight as a flight engineer of the Soyuz TMAM spacecraft and a member of the 25th and 26th main expeditions to the International Space Station from October 7, 2010 to March 16, 2011. Started with Alexander Kaleri and Scott Kelly. The flight duration was 159 days 8 hours 43 minutes 5 seconds. During the flight he made three spacewalks lasting 16 hours 39 minutes.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 432 dated April 12, 2011, Oleg Ivanovich Skripochka was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for the courage and heroism shown during a long-term space flight on the International Space Station. with the award of a sign of special distinction - the Gold Star medal.

At a meeting of the Main Medical Commission at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center on February 9, 2016, Oleg Ivanovich was declared fit for space flight as a flight engineer for the main crew of the Soyuz TMA-20M spacecraft.

Then, on February 24, 2016, Skripochka began complex training as a flight engineer for the main crew of the ship, along with the ship's commander Alexei Ovchinin and flight engineer Jeffrey Williams. On that day, an examination training session took place on the Russian Segment of the ISS.

Then the crew passed the test training on the Soyuz TMA-M simulator. Three weeks later, on March 17, 2016, following the results of the meeting of the State Commission, held at the 17th site of the Cosmonaut Training Center at Baikonur, Oleg Ivanovich was approved as a flight engineer for the prime crew of the Soyuz TMA-20M TPK.

The second flight started on March 18, 2016 as a Soyuz TMA-20M spacecraft flight engineer, together with spacecraft commander Alexei Ovchinin and flight engineer Jeffrey Williams. Six months later, on September 6, the Soyuz TMA-20M spacecraft undocked from the Poisk small research module of the ISS. The next day, September 7, 2016, the Soyuz TMA-20M descent vehicle landed 147 km southeast of the city of Dzhezkazgan in Kazakhstan. The flight duration was 172 days 03 hours 46 minutes 57 seconds.

In mid-December 2018, the appointment of Oleg Skripochka to the crew of the Soyuz MS-15 spacecraft launched in the fall of 2019 was confirmed. According to an agency source in the rocket and space industry, in February 2020, Oleg Ivanovich will have to take command of the ISS from European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano.

Oleg Skripochka awards

Hero of the Russian Federation and Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation (April 12, 2011) - for courage and heroism shown during a long-term space flight on the International Space Station

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (September 16, 2017) - for courage and high professionalism shown during a long-term space flight at the International Space Station

Honorary citizen of the city of Zaporozhye - for raising the status of the city of Zaporozhye in the world, a significant personal contribution to strengthening international cooperation in the space sector, given his merits in the development of astronautics

WITH Kripochka Oleg Ivanovich - pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation, 107th cosmonaut of Russia and 519th cosmonaut of the world, test cosmonaut of S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia.

Born on December 24, 1969 in the city of Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory, in the family of a military man. Russian. He studied at the schools of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Zaporozhye. In 1987 he graduated from secondary school No. 28 with a physics and mathematics specialization in Zaporozhye. While studying at school, he was engaged in the Zaporizhzhya experimental detachment of young cosmonauts named after V.M. Komarov. He has the 1st category in parachuting (by the time he was enrolled as a test cosmonaut, he had completed more than 200 jumps).

In 1993, he graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University (MGTU) with a degree in Aircraft (Faculty of Power Engineering in Korolev), qualified as a mechanical engineer. In 1987-1993, simultaneously with his studies at Moscow State Technical University, he underwent a permanent work practice at NPO Energia (now JSC Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S.P. Korolev). In 1987-1990 he worked as a test fitter. Since December 1990, a technician, since August 1993, an engineer of the 103rd (project) department of NPO Energia. From June 1996 until joining the cosmonaut corps, he worked as an engineer of the 125th department, who was engaged in the development and operation of ground equipment for the preparation of transport, transport and cargo ships and DM upper stages.

Passed a medical examination at the Institute of Biomedical Problems (IMBP) and was found fit for special training. On July 28, 1997, at a meeting of the State Interdepartmental Commission (GMVK), he was recommended for enrollment in the cosmonaut corps of RSC Energia. On October 14, 1997, by order of the Director General of the Russian Space Agency, he was appointed to the post of candidate test cosmonaut of the cosmonaut corps of RSC Energia. From January 16, 1998 to November 26, 1999, he passed general space training (OPK) at the Yu.A. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center and successfully passed all exams. On December 1, 1999, by decision of the Interdepartmental Qualification Commission (MVKK), he was awarded the qualification "test cosmonaut", and on February 9, 2000, he was appointed to the position of test cosmonaut of the RSC Energia cosmonaut detachment in the 291st department.

From February 7, 2000, he was trained at the RGNII CTC as part of a group of cosmonauts under the ISS program. In early December 2002, by a joint decision of the RGNII CTC, RSC Energia and IBMP, he was appointed as a flight engineer in the second (backup) crew of the 6th Russian ISS visiting crew (ISS-EP6 crew). However, after the Columbia shuttle disaster, the crew was disbanded due to the cancellation of the Russian visiting expedition.

In May 2006, by decision of Roscosmos, CPC and RSC Energia, he was provisionally appointed as a TC flight engineer in the ISS-19 backup crew, together with S.Sh.Sharipov. However, then he was transferred as a flight engineer to the backup crew of Expedition 17 to the ISS. On November 6, 2007, at a meeting of the Roscosmos Interdepartmental Commission for the selection of cosmonauts and their appointment to the crews of manned spacecraft and stations, he was approved as a backup flight engineer for the ISS-17 and Soyuz-TMA-12, scheduled for launch on April 8, 2008. On March 21, 2008, at a meeting of the board of the Federal Space Agency, he was approved as a flight engineer for the backup crew of the ISS and Soyuz-TMA-12. During the launch of the Soyuz-TMA-12 TPK on August 8, 2008, he was the spacecraft's understudy flight engineer.

In the period from June 2 to 10, 2006, he took part in Sevastopol (Ukraine) training on how to work in the event of an emergency landing of the descent vehicle on the water as part of a conditional crew together with Yu.V. Lonchakov and O.G. Artemyev. In August 2007, he was provisionally assigned to the backup crew of Expedition 21 to the ISS (ISS-21, until July 2008 it was designated as ISS-20A). According to these plans, the main crew was supposed to start on the Soyuz TMA-16 spacecraft in September 2009. However, in July 2008 this appointment was not confirmed. In July 2008, there were reports of his appointment to the prime crew of Expedition 25 to the ISS (ISS-25, until July 2008 it was designated as ISS-22A). According to the plans, the crew of the main expedition should start on the Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft in September 2010. On September 21, 2008, this appointment was confirmed in the flight plan for the ISS published by the press service of Roscosmos. On November 21, 2008, his appointment was officially confirmed by NASA when the crew lists for ISS-20 - ISS-26 were announced.

In the period from January 20 to February 2, 2010, as part of a conditional crew, together with A.Yu. Training took place in a forest near Moscow. At a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission for the selection of cosmonauts and their appointment to manned spacecraft and stations on April 26, 2010, he was certified as a cosmonaut of the RSC Energia detachment. On September 14, 2010 at the Cosmonaut Training Center, together with A. Yu. Kaleri and Scott Kelly (USA), he passed the pre-flight examination training on the Russian segment of the ISS. On September 15, 2010, the crew passed the examination training on the TDK-7ST No. 4 simulator (Soyuz TMA spacecraft simulator). On September 17, 2010, the Interdepartmental Commission approved him as a flight engineer for the prime crew of the Soyuz TMA-M spacecraft. On September 21, 2010, the appointment was confirmed at a board meeting of the Federal Space Agency.

He made his first space flight as a flight engineer of the Soyuz TMA-M spacecraft and a member of the 25th and 26th main expeditions to the ISS from October 8, 2010 to March 16, 2010. Started together with A.Yu.Kaleri and Scott Kelly. On October 10, 2010 Soyuz TMA-M successfully docked to the ISS, and on March 16, 2011 it undocked from the ISS and on the same day the spacecraft's descent module made a soft landing in Kazakhstan, 86 km from the city of Arkalyk. The flight duration was 159 days 8 hours 43 minutes 5 seconds. During the flight he made three spacewalks with a total duration of 16 hours 39 minutes.

At by order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 432 dated April 12, 2011 for courage and heroism shown during a long-term space flight on the International Space Station, Skripochka Oleg Ivanovich He was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the award of a special distinction - the Gold Star medal.

Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class (09/16/2017), medals.

Honorary citizen of the city of Zaporozhye (October 5, 2011, Ukraine).

Pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation (04/12/2011). He went in for parachuting. By the time he was enrolled as a test cosmonaut, he had performed more than 200 jumps, by the spring of 2008 - more than 300.